HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-10-13, Page 8PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TI-IURS., OC' ;;..13; 93, • Shoulder Roast of Choice Lamb, per lb. Rib Roast of Lamb, per ib. Loin Roast of .Lamb, • per lb. Leg of Lamb, 'per lb. Lamb Chops, per ib. 20c 22c 23c 25c 25c CONNELL '& TYNDALL " CLLNTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " • Phone 162. Albert Street Sensational Paint Otter 1s, NN .,orf 11'V +iii rii i* I-�^F�il: MONARCH PAINTS Varnishes and Enamels By special arrangement with the Manufacturers we are allowed to offer for two weeks only, this amazing sale. the Product is good the Price Sensational QUARTS 49c Do not miss this offer --You will save money SUT ER 8' tERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, ELECTRICAL Phone 147w. WIRING. P.O. Be:,x 43 �,j ��!Q�)•'.'ir*A: a'A rwsw'depky A � E YO, .A1 2F"� j Y E:b� FOR C LD ':r, EAT., IG ER HAVE OUR MEN OVERHAUL YOUR FURNACE. AND BE SURE 'IT IS SAFE We have Glass in all sizes. See our Ranges and Heaters before buying, fl ,, .r�l•ka a ��Il..7 FREE It will cost you nothing to see the SPARTON display in our show window. If considering a, 'trade in radios you owe it to yourself. Make this your headquarters for. Guns and Ammunition: Our stock is clean and fresh. Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Hardware and un ing Phone 244 J Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR OCTOBER, 13 14-15 Quick Quaker Oats, large pkg. 19e CHIPSO, large pkg. ......... 6 19e Beaver Blueberries, per tin .... 10c Del Maiz Niblets Corn, 2 tins for 25c Sultana Raisins, new, 2 'Ib. for 23c Aylmer Peas & Carrots, tin . , . 10c SHORTENING, 2 lbs. for . 25c Salmons Mapl'e'Leaf,•�/,s 19e, 1s 35c Contfort Soap, 5 cakes for ..., 23s Pineapple; Sliced or Crushed, tin 10c CORNED BEEF, 2 tins ..... ; 27e Halloween Jelly Beans, 2 lbs. 25c Hailow'een Kisses, 2 lbs 25c Fancy Free Dessert, 3 pkgs ^ 25c Lushus Jelly Powder, 3 pkgs 25c Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. 25c Libby's Pork & Beans,, 21 oz. 2 tin, 19c Wheat Flakes, 5 lb. bag 23e Peerless Bread FIour, 24s, 70o Wheatlets, 5 lbs. 25e CORN MEAL, 5 lbs. .'.......'25e T. R. TKI1MPSQN BULBS! BULBS! Last Spring you determined to have Tulips in your garden anoth- er year. Now is the time toput in the bulbs, and min planted you have them for many years. Our Superfine Mixture of Darwin Tulips are special at 35e a doz. Improve your rock garden with bulbs. Crocus, Hyacinths, Jon- quils, Double Tulips, etc. are all suitable: We can supply you. For. Winter- in -door bloom plant how and have a succession of bloom. Paper White Narcissus will give you bloom for Christmas. See our attractive bulb bowls, jreasonably priced. FREE TO OUR CUSTOMERS— Sand anct stones for planting, Paper White Narcissus Crocus Bulbs 25e a' doz. Choice Named Hyacinths 10e each we have all colors. Choice Varieties of Daffodils 6c each Prepared Soil 15c a pail., Clump of Daffodil Bulbs sold direct from our garden 25e a nice clump. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. Phones 176 and 31. estation Committee of the County Council, of which Reeve William A. McGregor, of Sydenham Township, is 'chairman, the other members being Reforestation Project The official inauguration of the Grey ,County forest, a tract of nearly 1,QOO acres acquired during the past two years by the Grey County Coun- cil, took place on Friday. The cere- lnonies were in charge Of the`refor- Reeves John McGirr, Glenelg,, and William Marshall, Derby, with the county warden. Reeve McGregor presided, and addresses laudatory of the project were delivered by warden I•I. A. McCauley, reeve of Flesherton; Farguhar R. Oliver, M.L.A, for South Grey, and members of the'comniittee^ VENETIAN BLINDS Kirsch, well known for years as makers of fine quality, curtain rods, now announce a new Venetian Blind.: An innovation, which will create wide interest, the Sun -Aire Blind of ,flex- ible, featherweight, steel slats, will withstand roughtreatment and will not warp or saga Finished with a fine baked enamel, which insures lasting beauty and service, they are quite easy to clean and to keep clean. The scientific °S" shaped slats are more graceful, modern, and beautiful and give maximum light, heat de- flection, ventilation without draft and perfect closure. The necessary brackets, pulleys and hardware for these shades, are constructed of mat- erials, designed for' smooth opera- tion. Slat and Tape samples are now to hand for your inspection. Sunray Venetian Blinds manufac- tared from selected quality woods are also handled by us. Slats are in two. widths, well sanded and especially treated to prevent warping. Tapes are .of the • very best British make with a large selection to choose from, Hardware is of the most modern type and either plated or coloured to match the blind finish. SunAire or Sunray Blinds will fit themselves into every type of room or building, casually, naturally, cor- rectly. They give comfort, modern smartnessand a flexibility of light control and toning that combines utility value " with great possibilities for added. beauty. Used successfully on some of the finest buildings and residences in the country, they offer perfect control of light and ventila- tion, a wide range of colours to select from and quality that will insure long life with little attention. Why not In us show you the ad- vantages of Venetian Blinds. There is not the slightest cost or obliga- tion. Come in and see the way they work on our sample window case- ment. We will be glad to give you an estimate of the cost. Ta liv„ D. Fair CO Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Miss Frances Wade, of Fort William is the guest of Miss H, Ceurtice. Mrs. C. G. Middleton has returned from a visit in Toronto and Port Credit. Miss Jennie Grant, of Bayfield, vis- ited for a few days last week with the Misses Wiltse. Mr. and Mrs. L`.' C. McNeill spent the weekend in Sarnia and attended the Bridge opening. Mr. Bruce McLean, of St. Thomas, was a weekend guest with Mr. Ed- gar Maguire Patterson. Miss. Agnes Agnew, Toronto; spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Agnew. Mrs. C. Sutter of Stratford is the guest at the home of her son, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sutter. Miss Dorothy Holland, Toronto) spent Thanksgiving with her patients, Mr. and. Mrs. Noble Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kingston of Toronto were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Swing and son, of Atwood, visited with Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Aiken over Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. John McClary of Lon- don, wereholiday visitors weth the Misses Beattie of "The Vogue" Mrs. G. A. Walker spent a few days at the first of the week with her sister, Mrs, Ed. Watson of. Hamil- ton. Miss Madeline VanHorne spent Thanksgiving Day in London and was a guest at the Hindmarsh= Shoebottom wedding. Mr. J. L. Johnson and daughter, Betty, and Mrs. T. D. Johnson of Chippewa were Thanksigving vis- itors with Mr, W. L. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs.. Clarence Livermore and son Earl, of Harriston, spent the past Week with the former's par- ents# Mr. and Mrs. T;1red Liver- more. Mrs. Louise Dippell,and daughters, Peggy and Marion of BowmanvilIe were weekend guests of the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Potter.' Colonel H. B. and Mrs. Combe, Miss Agnes Combe, Mr. Owen Combe were guests on Thanksgiving Day of Mr, and Mrs. Fletcher Troop of Hamilton. lair. Roy Cook, of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. William, Cook, of town, has returned to McMaster University where he will take a post -graduate course. Mr. and Mrs. E, S. Livermore, . "of Aylmer, were in town .for `a few hours on Sunday. Mr. Livermore is in Welland this week as Grown Prosecutor for the., Assizes. Mrs. Fred Benham, Misses Margaret Elliott and Violet Morrison, Tor.. onto; Mr. Frank Healy and Miss Alberta Kells of St. Catharines were weekend 'visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E". W. Moir}son, Mrs. Eliza Johnson .and Mrs, Chas. McKinnon, were in Wingham on Thanksgiving Day, guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, who were eelebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Mr. Johnson is the son of Mrs. Johnson of Clinton. ONE FRIEND, TELL ANOTHER EST SALE 14— ctober 13 REDI AND WHITE Always in the,Lead and -- i The Harvest Of Values Do Not Miss one Item in our Large Attractive Harvest Sale Bills. Some Lines will be Sold out quickly Special Fruit ass ��° Vegetable Sal. e CALIFORNIA GRAPES, 2 lbs, 25c NEW SWEET POTATOES, 4 lb. for 1 : BEAUTIFUL RIPE BANANAS; per doz. 25c CALIFORNIA' ORANGES, 2 doz for 45 471 IltSaa.112' I 1 3319 ill be In 0dYli yl a e' .1ijy hall, sji el n wit t®e"' week Ci E et be 4l 2 ;a> in o r stir re rs. Aitkesas Cooking Sc , of in town Sth9 er a y. + leis l :i r m iltal Ai Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails CLINTON'S BIG CORNER G'ROCE`T'ERIA Phone 48 PORTER'S HILL Beautiful weather Is being enjoy- ed. Farmers are getting up their potatoes and mangolds, both are bumper crops. We notice quite a lot of raspberry bloom and fruits. If this weather continues we will have a second crop of berries. Mrs. Albert Cox who underwent a serious operation in Clinton hospit- al a week ago, is making- a paendid s g, recovery.. Miss Evelyn Cox, London, was hom for the holiday. Keep October 30th open for Grace Church Anniversary. Miss Dora Harrison, Kincardine, Was honte for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Love, son add dau- ghter, also Miss Taylor, Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- mer ,Harrison. Miss N. McDonald, who spent the 1ast,few weeks with Mrs. V. Elliott, has returned home. Mrs. Reg. Fuller, who has been in Goderich hospital for the last seven weeks, is feeling some stronger. Mr. and Mrs. Erland Betties, Tor- onto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Betties. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, London; also Miss Irene Woods and friend, :r.. :t.:teut»F: w »;»;.i^ , ;«www ,q ;.g ;« ; ;t ti ,,1,6,, , :,tw ,.,tf«j«yh ;wNw+,.,r Jas. Durnion, also of London, spent the holiday at Mr. and Mrs, Milton Wooss', WEILAND TO ASSIST ART ROSS SEAPORTH, Oct. 6th -- Ralph (Cooney) Weiland, who along with Mrs. Weiland spent his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiland, at his home in Eg- mondville, since returning to Boston has won a promotion in the Boston Bruins' hockey club. An outstanding centre with the Bruins for eight of the past 11 years, Weiland now carries the title of as- sistant manager according to a joint announcement by President Weston Adams and General Manager Art Ross. MAKEI A DATE For The Big Annual 'HOT FOWL SUPPER at BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH THURSDAY, OCT. 27th See our ad, next week. 05-1 C Si ER YOU COMF We have been studying 'your needs for years, and are gradually improving our stock to give you the latest and Best in style and comfort. We have a grand range of lounging and occasional chairs with foot stools to match, Also a large stock of steel Beds in the latest styles to match modern Bedroom furniture, and all the best makes of Spring Mattresses, by Marshall, Simmons, Arrow and other reliable Manufacturers, Prices range from $11.50 to $28.00, Quite a stock of Second Hancl Side Boards, Tables and Chairs, Desks, Rockers and other artices at rock bottom prices. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT You may need a new RANGE or HEATER this fall, if you do it will pay you to tee our stock, as you will have a grand selection. We handle the Beach, Harriston and Wingham stoves, so that no matter what price you are prepared to pay, we can satisfy you. The STORE Where QUALITY, SERVICE and PRICE COUNTS, Tho Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. Phones: Store 195; N. Ball, 110; J. J. Zapfe, 103 'aelF re ei^.i.•r" 42 .:A. 4 Tetel wte HIM444:4W MN141HG IFe4.1alu as .^.^i e:*1t w Bee San Bol 0_11,4„wwwwwww„A„ _c isf Rolls, Fresh, Bonelessand Rolled per1b. 13cWeek-End sage, pure pork in Ib. or % lb. plus; per lb. 25c .i Bologna in piece, 2 lbs. for �► 400//01 27c Side Bacon hi piece, per lb. 30c Cottage Rolls, pickled, per lb. 24c Corn Beef, 6 ib: tins 95c Shortening, Snowwhite, 2 lbs. 25c Prepared Mustard, 24 oz. jar 15c Ideal Catsup, 2 bottles for 23c Heinz Baked Beans, "2 large tins for 23c Aylmer Golden Wax Beans, 2 tins for 23c Dew Kissed Bantam Corn, 2 tins for 19c Peas, No. 4 size, 3 largo tins for CLIFFO 25c Coffee, freshly ground, per lb. .;...,..^. 29c. Cowan's Cocoa, 1 lb. tin Ovaltine, 1 lb. tin for 23E 95c Tea, Blue Ribbon, per lb. 53c Minute Tapioca, 2 pkgs. with sherbert dish 27c r Bulk Tapioca, 2 lbs • 1;9c Sago, 2 lbs. for 25c Hornes Double Cream Custard Powder, ib, 44.23c Chocolate Mallow Biscuits, per lb. 18c Maple Nut Cakes, per lb, 4` 19c Mixed Biscuits, good quality, per 1b..... ^^.,, 21c Christie's Graham Wafers, per pkg. isouftginignistotgAmpuittonagtotemensote LOBB'S 21c