HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-10-13, Page 5V IURS;, OCGT. 13, 1J�$: THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD How This Bank Can Help YOU Yourbankismorethan the trustedcustodian of your funds. It is an in- stitutionwhere you may discuss in confi- dance all problems re- lating to your business and personal finances. Our local managers welcome your visits and the opportunity of serving you. is written in the stubs of yourold cheque book Look through the stubs of your old chequebooks .. . Here,is the entry that tells what you paid for your first dress suit; another recalls that big day you bought the engagement ring; a third records the first down -pay- ment on the house that is YOURS ' today. And, if you have reached your middle years, you may find a stub that tells of your daughter's wed- ding, and of the christening mug you gave your first grandchild ... Those cheques you issued in days long past were no mere slips of paper. They were symbols ... of food, cloth- ing, and shelter . . . education and growth. Into ,them were written homely, intimate events of your own personal history. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA diet ate :RANCH - - E. E. PATERSON, Manager • AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sheppard and 'ivamily spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell of Tor- onto,. Miss Marjorie Arthur,, of Stratford :spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. M. Arthur. Miss Margaret Jackson, of Toro onto, spent the weekend with Mr. -and Mrs. James Jackson. Mr. E. 0. Duff, of Leamington, it Visiting his sister, Mrs. F. Ross. Miss Alma Mutat, of Toronto, is 'visiting her mother, Mrs. Jas. Mutch. Miss Caroline MacKenzie, of Bay- field, visited on Saturday with her brother, Mr.. Alex,. MacKenzie. Bliss Margaret Ferguson, of Park- hill spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs, John McKnight vi- s ited over the weekend with Mr. and 'Mrs, Dan Steele, a Korinoka. ' Mrs, Jahn McPhee, Miss Mattie Mcllwain, Miss Beth McPhee and Mr. Clifford McPhee of Nile visit- ed Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mellwain. Mr. James Brundritt' spent the 'weekend at his home in Wiarton. Visitors with Dr. 13. C. Weir on Sunday were Mr. Chas. Robertson, .'M.P.P.. Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Reid and. Ruth; Mr. Alex, Young and Mrs. Annie Hendiieson, all of Colborne; and Miss Christine Robertson, of Whitby. There will be .no service .in the .Balatist Church next Sunday owing to Anniversary Services in Clinton Baptist Church. Mr, E. C. Beacom of Goderich, In- spector for North Huron, visited the -Auburn Schools last Wednesday. Messrs. Gordon Taylor, Tom John- ston, Kellner Dawson, John As- quith and Gordon Dobie spent the Weekend at Tabermory, Mrs. Guy Durham, of St. George, Spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. John Ferguson., Mr .and Mrs. Alvin Yungblutt, of 'Windsor, are visiting the former's "sister, Mrs. Peter Walper. Miss Amelia Mellwain of Seaforth 'spent the weekend with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Wail. McIlwain, . Mr. Alfred Rollinson has moved into his new home in connection with 'the post office. Mr. Gordon Murray has moved into the house vacated by Ir. RolIinson, and Mr. Win. Heggitt has moved into the house formerly occupied by Miss M. Small. • Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Mutch and ]Dorothy of Clinton visited on Sunday with Mrs. M. Arthur, I A number from here attended Dungannon Fall Fair last Friday. I Miss Mary Asquith, of . Fergus,' spent the weekend, with her parents,; Mr, and Mrs. Chas Asquith. The Tennis •Club held a moving picture show in the Forester's Hall • on Friday night. The pictures were shown by Rev. R: M. Weekes. There was a fair crowd in attendance. Mr. Norman Hamilton was in Montreal last week. Mr. and Mrs.' Geo. Baxter, Donald i and Lloyd, of Goderich, were recent visitors with .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ''Carter. Mr. ' Kenneth Strausser and Miss, Jean Sutter, both of Stratford, visit -ed ,on Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Munro. M. and Mrs. James Nickelson, of •Wingham, visited on Monday with! Mr. and: '1VIrs. A. J. Ferguson.' Matter George Raithby, 'of Guelph is visiting his grandfather, Mr. Geo. -Raithby. a . Rev. H.. , Ca -Wilson conducted An- niversary services gat• Woodham on °;Sunday. > , , Mr. Ben Hamilton hat returned here after spending the summer months in Western, Cnada. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Phillips and Miss Lila Hayes, of Applegate, Mich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKnight. Mrs. Robs. Fitzgerald, of Dungan- non, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell Miss Ida Hayes has returned to her home in Manitoba after a visit of two months with her unele and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.' J. C. Stoltz, Miss 13e171 Wilson, of Seaforth, and Miss Dorothy Wilson, of Shep- pardton, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. Death of Mrs. Conrad Sholtz The death occurred on Thursday evening at 9 o'clock of Mrs. Conrad Sholtz. Mrs. Sholtz had been in ail- ing health for some time with a heart condition, but had been "able to be around even the day of her death which occurred just after she MAR -WAGES McBRIDE-ARMSTRONG — At the Ontario Street United Church Par- sonage, on Saturday, October 8th, -Miss Myrtle Armstrong, of Clinton, was united in . marriage to Mr. Lorne Robert McBride, of Windsor, by Rev. G. G. Burton. BIRTHS LAVELLE—Int 'Clinton Hospital, on Thursday, October 6th to Mr. and Mrs. George Lavelle, a daughter-, Catherine Ann. DEATHS GRAHAM --In Clinton, on Saturday, October 8th John Thonnas Graham, • aged 74 years. GODERICH TOWNSHIP' Mr. and Mrs. E. -F. Reed, of Lon- don, spent the weekend and holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Welsh: 1 Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Livermore of London, visited with their brother,' Mr, D. L. Stepherason, over the week end. Misses Shirley and Rata Beaeom of Toronto, were with their parents over the weekend and holiday. Mi. Hugh Middleton of Toronto spent the weekend at his home, Bay- field line. Mr. R. B. Cole is having his build- ings wired,for Hydro.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Colclough, and Mr. and Mrs. OI. Welsh attended the Tees- water Fair. Miss Helen Thompson, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. R Ell- wood of Clinton, has returned home. had retired for the night. She was formerly Annie Sodawater; daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Sodawater, of Bonnholm, where Mrs. Sholtz was born 77 years ago. Her girlhood days were spent in this district, and she was employed in Colborne town- ship at the home of the late IVIr. and Mrs. W. Snyder for some yeays Fifty -Dight years aga she was mar- ried to Conrad Sholtz..Following the nnarriatge the couple resided for a , time on the faun in Hullett where Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mogiidge now live. Later they moved to Auburn. Mrs. Sholtz was a member of the Lutheran Church, but since the church was closed, she had been , identified with Knox United Church, Her husband predeceased he nine , years ago. Two daughters survive, Mrs. John Yungblut;and Miss Clara Shultz of Auburn. The funeral was held on Saturday from her date resi- dence with Rev. H. C. Wilson offic- iating. Miss Josephine Weir sang a solo. The pallbearers' were Messrs. J. W. Medd, E. Phillips, Geo. Beadle, Edgar Lawson, Chas, Asquith and 0. E. Erratt, Interment was in Ball's Cemetery, Church Notes Anniversary services were held in Knox United Church on Sunday with Rev. A. -A. Laing, a former pastor of the church, but now of Woodham, preaching. At themorning service his subject was "Drawing From the Deep Things of Life" using as Itis. text John 4-11. The .choir favoured with an anthem and Mr. Kenneth Strausser of Stratford rendered two solos "Open the gates pf the temple" and "My Task". At the evening ser- vice Mr. Laing used as his subject, "The Plage of a Gift" taking his text Exodus 43:5. At this service the choir sang two anthems .and Mr. Strausser rendered two solos, "Jesus Lover of My Soul" and "He Wipes the Tears from Every Eye". The Church was filled to capacity at both services. At Knox Presbyterian Church Rev. J. H. Barnett, Phd.,;D.b4 !Preached on "The Good God". 'Miss EIeanor Wilson favoured with a solo. Rev. R. M. Weekes preached at St. Marks Anglican Church speaking on "National Thanksgiving", his text being Psalm 92:1. Next Sunday the service will be at 7.30 p.m. At the Baptist Church on Sunday Rev. G. W. Sherman" occupied the pulpit and preached an inspiring ser- mon Women's Institute The Women's Institute will , hold their regular monthly meeting , on Tuesday, • October 18 at 2:30- p.m.: in PAGE 5 Bulbs Thousands of Thern. For Garden or 'Forcing We have the largest selection for many- miles around. FULL IPS -Dur will &a Early, Flowering, 20 different varieties. IBYACINTHS-5 colors for bedding o r specially prepared for early for- cing. D'AFiFODIILS' - 3 Giant blooming varieties. JONQUILS -3 New Large Flowering Kinds. NARCISSUS - Pape r - white & 4 other Poly- anthus flowering kinds CROCUS — White, Blue, Yellow, Purple . a n d mixed striped. GRAPE HYACINTHS Heavenly BIue. IRIS BULBS—Spanish & Dutch,4 colors. EASTER LILY BULBS- Erabu Formousum. The most easily grown kind Plant ,early & avoid failure. Cultural Hints — OH YES! We will show you how we _ grow- ours. Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and' 661 STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Baird visited Mrs, Angus Gordon, of S•heppardton on Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Baird Sr.,. who has been visiting her sister for the past six weeks, returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. W. Baird, Toronto, spent the Thanksgiving holiday with his brother, Mr. George Baird. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baird spent the Weekend with the lady's mother, Maas. ICatherine' Taylor, Forest. Mr. Randal Pepper, of London, is spending a few days with his par- ents, Mr. and .Mrs. J. E. Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howe, Glen and Maynard; Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Elliott, Margaret and Jack spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Edward C. Glen. • Mr. and Mrs. Ken Taylor and fain- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane Sr. Mr. and Mrs, W. • Shaddick and daughters spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shaddick of Hyde Park. Mr. and Mrs. Francis .Dayniond and family of Chatham, and Miss Lillian Daymond of Fergus, spent the weekend with Mi. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Miss Nora Stewart and Dr. Morris Hill of London, spent Sunday at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Adana Stew- art. Miss Catherine McGregor, of Wingham, Miss Margaret McGregor of Toronto, spent the weekend with their another, Mrs. Janet McGregor. A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. C. Glen on Saturday evening when a fowl dinner was served to the fam- ily circle in honour of the former's birthday. The entire family being present; including Mr. and 14Irs. Gabe Elliott, Jack and Margaret; Mr. and Mrs. Frank How, Glen and Maynard of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Frank Saunders and Gail of Goderich, and Mrs, Wm. ' Glen of Goderich. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing and a sing song. Mi. and Mrs. Ed, C. Glen and 'fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Satinders, of Goderich: Card of !'hanks Mrs. John Graham and Mr. James Dale desire to express on behalf of the family their appreciation for the kindness and sympathy of friends and neighbours. extended to them during the illness and death of Mr. Graham. They gratefully acknowl- edge the floral tributes, loan of carsi and kindly ministrations, of Dr. Shaw, Rev. G. G. Burton and -Rev. W. A. Bremner. Horse for, Sale Clyde gelding, rising two years old. Good clean breedy :tiara and priced right. Apply Cluis O'Brien, Clinton. Phone 615x25. 05-1. Farm For Sale 120 acres, Mile East of Walton; Lots 4 and 8, 18th concession, town- ship of Grey. Large bank' barn, frame house, excellent grayel pit. Frank ,Finglancl, Clinton, Ontario. 05-3 tate Forester's Hall. The topic "His- torical Research" will be taken by Mrs. •J. .1. Wilson and the current events will be given bYMr Mrs. F. Ross. The roll call will be answered by the history of a relic. -The hostesses will be Mrs. H. Mogriclge, Mrs, Wm. Straughan and Mrs,'•Wan. Thompson. The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church will hold their monthly meet- ing in the 'Church basement on Thursday, October 13 at 2.30 p.m. The special ,speaker will be Mrs. (Rev.) D. J. Lane of Goderich. A Good Poultry Market Now that the harvest rush is over you will,be able to give more atten- tion to your poultry. When you have any chickens ready or your flock needs culling kindly give us a call.. Our experienced egg-candlers will handle your eggs quickly.' N. W. TREARTHA Phone 214j; Night 214w, ROXY THEATRE Clinton. Now Playing: "Bring Up Baby" starring Katharine Hepburn and Cary Giant Mon., Tues., Wed. A "modern musical comedy starring the sweetheart of the screen— SHIRLEY TEMPLE in "Little Miss Broadway" with JIMMY DURRANTE _ Thurs., Fri., Sat. A Special Programme is ,being Arranged. ; Coming: Don Ameche and "Simone Sinton in "JOSETTE" Special Matinee, Wed., October 19th, at 4.15 p.m. Each child will receive- an auto- 3'rapbed picture of Shirley Temple. Mat. :Sat. and holidays at 3 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich Now: "WHITE BANNERS" by Lloyd C. Douglas Mon., Tues., Wed. ['red 'AS7.AIRE-Ginger ROGERS Two light-footed romancers in their most tunecul dancing comedy. "CAREFREE" with Ralph Bethany and Luella Gear Thur., Frit, Sat. PAT O'BRIEN-DICK POWELL and PRISCILLA LANE A yodelling' cowboy perpetrates .the greatest hoax of a century.. "Cowboy from. Brooklyn" Coming: "The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse" starring Edw. G. Robinson. Mat.: Wed., Sat„ Holidays, 3 p.m. eimaninwnwmennevanaweemianiewiwair REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Now: "Mother Care.y'a Chickens" by Kate D. Wiggins Mon., TuesI. Wed. PAUL MUNI heads a capable cast in his great ..Academy Award performance.:. "SCARFACE" Thus., Fri., Sat. Gene Autry & Smiley Burnette Rustlers, ranchers and outlaws! A melodious Western Adventure! `Rootin', Tootin' Rhythm' featuring Aristide Coming: `Having Wonderful Time' with Ginger Rogers and Doug. Fairbanks Jr. This Theatre` is Air -Conditioned Mat.; Sat and Holidays at. 3 p.m. summosammamemmok -• AUCTION SALE Next Community sale at Seaforth, will be Friday, Oct. 28th, From then on community sales will be held every Friday. Anybody having pigs for sale please phone Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, and we 'will arrange to buy them. We have some choice pigs for sale privately, any day .before next sale. J. J. Coyne, Manager, Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioner. 'AUCTION SALE Of Farms, Farm Stock and Imple- ments on Lot 35, 'eon. 5, McKillop, on Thursday, October -20th, commenc- ing at 1 o'clock sharp. FARMS -100 acres, lot 10, con, 5,. Hu/lett and 100 acres, north half of lot 35, con. 5, .and west half of lot 34, con. 5, McKillop. HORSES-One mare, 7 years old, supposed to be with foal; one gelding G years; one team of aged good work horses. CATTLE -13 good cows with calf; full particulars will be made known on day of sale as all dates were destroyed by fine; 9 yearling steers and heifers; 10 steers rising 2 years; 6 calves, PIGS—One Yorkshire hog; one sow bred 3 weeks; 6 pigs 8 weeks old; one sow with litter of twelve, 6 weeks old; one sow with litter of nine, 5 weeks old; one sow with lit ter of eight, 4 . weeks old. POULTRY --If not sold before will be offered: 400 White Leghorn pul- lets, 6 months old, just coming into prodnetion, Dr. Roe Stock; 300 yeas' old hens, Roe stock. " These hens have all been culled. • A number of cockerels. '75 cross -bred wild ducks; one colony house 9x11. IMPLEMENTS—One M. H. binder, 7 foot cut; ,one 31. H. mower, 6 ft. eut; one M. H. fertilizer drill; one M. H. hay rake; one M. 11. cultivator, 13 tooth; one land roller, steel; one Coleman crust}er; one wanting plow, No. 21 Fleury; one C'ockshutt gang plow; one 2 -furrow tractor Oliver plow; one Clinton fanning mill; one scuffles; 2 collie pups; 5 section diamond harrows; One circular saw; one John. Deere manure spreader one. Bain . % wagon; one hay rack one wagon box; ' one trailer with stock rack; set scales 2000 cape; one Melotte cream separator No. 12; one steel drum 40 gal. and a number of barrels; one Beatty hay car with York, rope, slings; one set team har- ness; one set plow ,harness; onetut- ting box; one cutter; one root pulp- , 2 pig troughs, 12 feet long; one water trough; one new wheelbarrow; and nuxnet•ous other articles found on a farm. One power washing machine; one acre t an ld n go s, one acre of turnips; 300 bus. feed wheat and barley mix- ed; 800 bus. mixed grain; 30 tons hay; 4 load second cut alfalfa, Terms—Cash Everything will be sold as proprietor is giving up; farming on account of i' 1 health and his house being de- stroyed by fire, MILLER ADAMS, Proprietor, G10. H, iEL' LIOT'r;': Auctioneer. 011 Goody Goody! Bartliff & Crich Are now Making. the Good 014 Health Cookies again Join THE CROWD OF HEALTH Seekers TRY- SOME TODAY — SATURDAY SPECIAL Pumpkin Pies Bartliff & Crich Makers of Crispy Crush Bread Phone 1. Clinton. For Winter Storage Beets, Carrots Parsnips, Potatoes Onions Edward L. Mittell Phone 213—Clinton. JR. FARMERS DANCE LEGION HALL, CLINTON Wednesday October 19th NEW and OLD TIME DANCING FROM 9 to 2,30 MARSHALL'S Orchestra Gentlemen 25c, Ladies Provide Lunch - Evervbodv Welcome - 04-2. FOR; A REAL DELICIOUS CAKE ORDER ONE OF OUR Apples Spice or Vi -Tone ALSO MADE AS CUP CAKES Pumpkin Pies Large and Small Sizes Fresh Salted Peanuts, per lb. 15c HUNTS & NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES BEST QUALITY BREAD "We Slice" Delivered 9c Wendorf's Bakery and Restaurant - "A GOOD PLACE TO EAT" — Phone 68 Housekeeper Wanted In Clinton. Family grown up. House has modernconveniences. Homelike surroundings. Middle-aged person preferred. Apply in writing only to "Housekggpg't; The News - Record, Clintons, 03-tf. For Sale A quantity of sprayed Spy Apples. Robert G. Snaith, Londesboro, Ont., Phone 34 on 640, Clinton central. 05.2. BUY AN r ` APPLE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15th The Cubs and Scouts of the ist Clinton Group wi11 sell First Grade McIntosh Reds grown is our own district. In the morning a Cub or Scout will call at you home. .• Your tasty big McIntosh Red will be well worth the 5c or more you paid for it in more ways than one. A cheerful re- ception to the boy 'will be appreciat- ed even if you cio, not wish to buy. Boy Scout Apple Day is. Observed across Canada. Apples can not be sold in bulk. DANCE AT KIPPEN ON Friday, Oct. 14 TO The peppy old time dance tunes of ADDIE IRWIN and Her . MELODY BOYS General Admission 25e. Apples FINELY GROWN & SPRAYED SPIES AND OTHERS Bring your baskets and get a supply C..HOARE If you really want to see some- thing smart, inspect the DeForest Crosley push button, automatie, on display at Hawkins Hardware. For sale by A. W, Groves.. 94-tf, Business for Sale Coal Business for Sale. Good sheds, scales and .'office. Reason for sell- ing, owner in ill health, Apply at house,: Ontario street, W. 3'. Miller. • , n 041f. Cider Mill Our Cider Mill, is now running every day. Bring your apples early. Lot 21, con. 3, Stanley township. John E. Pepper, proprietor. Phone 627 r 13. 04-tf. Water for Burns coal es' wood. Reasonably priced. Apply Mrs. J. B. RLnnball, Rattenbury street west. 04-tf. VOTERS' LISTS 1938 Hullett Township, Huron County. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Vot- ers' Lists Act, and that I have posted up at nay office at Londesboro on the 20th day of September 1938, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the last day of appeal being the 22nd 'day of Oct- ober 1938. JAS. W. McC,00L, Clerk, Hullett Township 04-2 .NOTICE: • Voters' List, 1938, Municipality of the Township of Goderich County of Huron. NOTICE is .hereby given that I have complied with Section '7 of the Voters List Act and that I have post- ed lip at my office in Goderich town- ship on the 1st day of October, 1938, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal elections and that such list remains therefor inspections.' And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to late. Dated at any office this first day of October, 1938. R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk. 04-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Campbell, late of the Town of Clinton, lis the County of Huron, widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor' or the Execut- or, Gordon Peddie, on or before the 22nc1 day of October, 1938, after which date the assets will be distrib- uted amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regardonly to the. claims of which nnotice shall have been given. . DATED at Clinton, this 5th day of October, A.D. 1938. F. PIN Le\ND Clinton Orta Fruit Farr Solicitor for the Executor,ria, CLINTON 5.2 Gordon Peddie. • • 04-3. BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by, IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) OURS IS A RIPPING BUSINESS WHY NOT GIVE US YOUR GARMENTS TO REPAIR WE ARE EXPERTS ALBERT PALMER Isaac St., Clanton. MITTELL'S Radio & Electric Service Put new life in your radio by re- placing worn out tubes now. Tubes tested in your home 50c or bring them to the shop and have them tested free of charge. Complete shop overhaul $2.00 All other repair at reasonable prices, IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDGEMENTS COLLECTEIIR Our collecting department is a re- sult of years of successful experi- ence in collecting local or out-of-town accounts. Ne collection, no charge -- Mail Mail your list of accounts to -clay to Burke's Collecting Agency,,. 1 (License 176) ' tar!j HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. 1* IS 1. ftl jlix q2q 41-4 -.0-- Farm For Sale South half of lot 25, con. 12, in Hullett Township. 47 acres of choice clay loans, well drained. Bank barn 75 by 36; three good wells and cis- tern; water in stable and house the year around. Half mile front Lon- desboro, half mile from school, on No. 4 highway, 27 acres in, grass. Can have privilege of ploughing right away. Terms easy. Apply to John Garrett, Londesboro. 01-6, Pullets Wanted Barred Rock, White Rocks„ 'White Leghorns and New Hampshire Reds. State age and. price wanted. Box 13, Clinton News -Record. 02-6. House for Rent Modern conveniences, Good loca- tion. For rent at moderate price. Apply to News -Record. 01-tf. Wanted Old horses or cattle for mink feed; if dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording scording to value. Elmet Trick, phone 607r5, or Lloyd Batkins, 61914. 84 t.f-.e-o-w Wanted Highest cash prices paid for OId Horses and Cattle fit for nninlc feed. Everything removed. If dead phone at once. Fred Gilbert, 603r22, Clin- ton. 79-tf- SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by Electrolysis. MISS E. MERNER VARNA, ONT. Phone Hensahl 97r12. or write to Varna, Ontario 94-18 House For Sale A very desirable residence. on Prin. cess street. Good garden and fruit trees, electric lights and town water. House in good condition. Apply at the News -Record office. 75-c. Roofing We have a special 'liquid Fibre Coating or Alunnenix for steel roofs. Also repair flat roofs. We sell Ce- ment Tops for chimneys. Apply to Joe Becker, Clinton. Phone 42. 86-tf. For Sale A house and barn on Wallington Street. Water and hydro: Apply to J, E, Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton. 70-1t.' Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coatis and Dresses' DRY CLEANING AND REP/ORIN . W. J. JAGO, TAILOR u not open work may be tett al,. Heand'a Barber j