HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-09-22, Page 5` TTHURS., SEPT. 22, 1938. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD "A BANK,WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" NO account is too small, and none too large, for the. Bank of Montreal to handle with efficiency and courteous attention to its customers' individual requirements. You are invited to open an account with this bank. BANKOF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1812 -r Clinton Branch: H. Mi MONTEITH, Manager Londesborough (Sub.Agency): Open Monday and Thursday, 'YOUR BANK AND HOW YOU MAY USB IT" -Ask for bookkkr ms AUBURN Auburn people who attended the London Fair last week -were Mr. and -Mrs, R. J. Phillips, Mr. arid Mrs. Elmer Robertson and family, Mr. and •'Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. • Earl Raithby, Mr and Mrs. Thomas • Johnston, Mr, and Mrs. Russel King, . Mr, and Mrs. Harry Sturdy, Mr. and .Mrs. Amos Andrews, Mr. and Mrs, 'Frank Raithby, Mr. - and Mrs. R. D. ::Munro and family and Ruth Arthur, Miss Clara Shultz, Mr. and Mrs. Geo- rge Million, Mrs. John Raithby, Miss Laura Phillips, Miss Amelia Mcll- wain and Messrs. W. T. Riddell, Jas. .Medd, Ephraim Ball, Edgar Lawson • and Peter Patterson. Miss Alma Yungblutt returned on 'Wednesday following a visit with her brother, Mr. Harry Yungblutt and Mr. Yungblutt, of Zurich. j Mr. and Mrs. Kruse' and Bill of • Gait spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, • Ezekiel Philips were Mrs. Dunstan' Beecroft, Mrs, Henry McGee, Mrs.' Andrew Fox and Miss Letitia Fox, 1 all of 'Whitechurch; Mrs. W. J. Hum -I piney of St. Helens and Mrs. St, I-John of Iiansas City, U. S. A. Mr: and Mrs. Russel Armstrong and family of London. spent Sunday with the forrner's mother, Mrs. M. Armstrong. • Mrs. John Phillips, Royce .and Ar- nold, Mrs. John Ferguson and Miss Mae Ferguson visited . on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor • of St. Helens. Miss Eleanor Wilson attended a Glove making course at Londesbore • from September 13-15. She was sent by the Women's Institute. Mrs. Mark Armstrong- of East Wawanosh visited a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson. A. number from here attended the Blyth Fair ori Saturday. The regular B.Y.P.U. services will solo; and the choir sang an anthem. Mr. and Mrs. Gormley Thompson and son havereturned to their home at Timmins after visiting friends in this district. • , Next Sunday Rally Day will be ob- served at the Presbyterian and Unit- ed Churches. Messrs. Norman Riorden, Chas., Thomas and James Houston were in London one day last week. Mrs. Lorne Ivers of Dungannon Visited for a few days last week with Mrs. F. Ross. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Robertson was the scene of a happy gathering of many friends on Monday evening in honor of their son and his bride, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robertson. A. very fitting address was read by Miss Eleanor Wilson and a walnut chesterfield table was presented by Misses Ruth Arthur and Kathleen Paterson and a wall mirror and three framed pictures were pre- sented by Mrs. William Haggitt. This was followed by the reading of the German Wedding to the happy couple by Percy Yungblut. This reading caused great laughter to all present with its conic advice to the newly- weds. Mr. Robertson on behalf of himself and his bride thanked his many friends for• tihe lovely gifts (and his father, Mr. William Robert- son, in a few well chosen words also expressed his thanks to all. The friends all joined in 'singing "For they are Jolly Good Fellows" Mr. Frank Robertson favored . with a inouthorgan selection accompanied by Mrs. R. J. Philips. Mrs. William Haggitt gave a reading "When Hilda expects her' beau," Home-made candy was served by Mrs. William Haggitt, Mrs, Earl Knight and Mrs. William Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rob- ertson are residing at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. John Vodden of Mullett township. be held in the Baptist church next LONDLSBORO• ' Sunday evening at 7.30 p.m. The Miss Ethel Hoggart, nurse -in- service will be .in 'charge of Lloyd training at. Stratford General Hos- Johnston, Marjory Johnston, Jean Intal, is spending a week's holiday Yungblut, Gordon Yungblut and Ed- at the hoarse of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hoggart. Mrs. Ada Howes of Detroit visited Mr. and Mrs John Kennedy of for a few days with Mr. and Mrs: Toronto, spent the weekend at the George Beadle, returning on Sunday. home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Chas. Mr. James Brundrit . visited over Stewart. the weekend with friends in Mitchell The Londesboro . United Church Miss Dorothy Corless and Miss Sunday School will hold their special Lavinia Brigham both of.- Clinton, and Rally Day Service next. Sunday, Sep - Miss Winifred Shaw of Stratford, tetnber 25th. Service at 10 aan. A • called, on Miss Amelia Mcllwain on good program is being prepared and •Sunday. Rev. Menzies will be the guest speak Mr. Leonard Yungblut , has return- I er. Special music by a Children's ed home here after being station choir. All are welcome. ...agent at, Guelph and Streetsville. 1 A class on Glove Making .was held y Miss DIeanor Wilsonis judging the by Miss Howell of Brantford in the Domestic Science part of ,the Bel -I Community Hall on Tuesday, Wed- -grave School Fair to -morrow (Tues -1 nesday and Thursday of last week, clay). )under the auspices of the Women's Silo filling is now inprogress in Institute. Representatives from each this community. I branch of the district. were present. Mr. and Mrs., Russel Thompson of Two from Dungannon, one from each • Delhi, spentthe weekend with the' of the following: Lucknow, Auburn, former•'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ws, Wingham, Goderieh, Minton, Blyth .J. Thompson. and Londesboro. The local branch Mr. Harry Arthur spent the weep -,served dinner at the, Hall to those -end withhis uncle and aunt, Mr. and who attended' the throe days course Mrs. Harry Yungblut of Zurich. ,which was most interesting. . Miss Mr. Maurice Bean who has been Mamie Shaddiek, who is' the leader •a patient in a London Hospital is from Londesbot'o, is demonstrating visiting for a week with his parents. on the making of gloves at the home "Iris many friends will be glad to of Mrs. Bert Brunsdon on Tuesday, know he is improving. [Wednesday and Thursday of this A very successful auction sale of week, to any who are interested. `farm stock and implements and grain . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Chesney and • was held on Thursday afternoon' at family of Seaforth visited at the ''the farm of the late Richard Bruce. home of the lady's sister, Mrs. J. P. The annual Harvest Home Services Manning on Sunday. were held on Sunday in St. Marks Mrs. E. Gaunt of Ltteknow is vis - Anglican Church here. Ekcellent' icing, •with her mother, Mrs. H. Lyon crowds were in attendance at both and other friends this week,• -services. The morning service was ` Corn Cutting operations commene- - was taken by the rector, Rev. R, M. ed at Mr. F. Tamblyn's last week. Weekes who preached an inspiring The corn crap is reported to be very •srmon on "Are We Truly Thankful heavy. for God's Gifts of Rain etc," speak- Mr's. G. M. Richardson of St. ing front St. Luke 12, 20-21. Miss Thomas is •visiting with Miss B. Josephine Weir favoured with a solo. Kerk this week. At the evening service Rev. K. M Rev. A. A. Menzies exchanged pul- Goun, of Clinton preached from Psalm pits with Rev. Craw of Winthrop 65-1. At this service the Blyth Ang.. last Sunday. Mr. Menzies taking "'lican Choir led the service •of praise, the anniversary services at Winthrop. _Mr. Aubrey 'P'oli favoukeld with al A very . serious accident happened win Lee. to Mr. Ernest Lee on Friday last while helping Mr. T. Pickett paint the roof of Mr. Henry Sandersenas 'b'arn, He slipped from the ridge board of the barn and fell 28 • feet from the edge to the ground. A doctor• was hastily summoned and bre was removed to Clinton hospital. It. was found he sustained eight fract- ures and also internal . injury, It 'is' reported he is standing the shock well, but is in a very serious con- dition, Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Elsley of Ford- wich visited with the forrner's Tpar- ents recently, Mr. and Mrs, J. El- sley. Funeral of Mrs.,Beattie The funeral of Elisabeth Hamilton, wife of the late JohnBeattie„ took place on Monday afternoon, inter- ment took place in Bervie cemetery.. Rev. Mr, Menzies officiated at the services at the home and graveside. Mrs, Beattie . was a life-long resi- dent of Hullett, and.. was greatly le - loved and will be much missed in this community and in Burn's Churolt, of which she was a regular attendant as long as health permitted. She is survived by one son, .Thomas.;. Herr husband predeceased her twelve years ago. She also leaves three sisters Mrs. J. Leiper, and Misses Jean and ,Aggie Hamilton, one brother, Rober all of Hullett, and James of Blyth: The funeral was largely - attended the floral tributes were many and beautiful. The flower, -bearers , were Bert Beacom, Thomas, Robert, Wil liam Leiper. The palbearers were nephews of the deceased, Keith and William Hamilton, John and Guy Leiper, Robert arid T. Beacom. Keith 'Hamilton, St. Thomas, Rob ert and Miss Agnes Leiper, Toronto attended the funeral of their aunt, Sarnia Bridge Opens October. 8th Announcement was made by the Michigan Bridge. Commission Wed- nesday afternoon that -the official opening of the Blue Water Bridge will take place on Saturday, October 8, with Premier Hepburn of Ontaro and Governor Frank Murphy of Michigan officiating. At Port Huron the celebration is expected to take in Saturday and Sunday, while at Sarnia it may take in also the Monday, which is Thanksgiving Day, Earliest intention with regard to the opening was that it would take place on August 19, with President Roosevelt and Premier King offic- iating. Circumstances -upset that ar- rangement and later it was annottne- ed President Rosevelt would be un- able to' take part in the opening. It has now been realized there is 'rib chance of Mr. Roosevelt coming. A meeting of the joint committee of Point Edward; Port Huron and Sarnia officials to arrange for the opening was held at Port Huron on Tuesday night to consider arrange- ments. r The bridge will be -in complete readiness for the opening date, pos- sibly with the exception of the main customs building on the Canadian plaza. It was understood • that Governor Murphy has accepted the invitation to officiate but efforts to. get in touch with Premier Hepburn by tele- phone had not been successful. ' BRUCEFIELI Mrs. Grace, of London, formerly Miss Bessie Ross of Brucefield, was renewing' acquaintances in the village and community this week. Mr's. James Moodie visited friends in Goderieh last week. Mr. Joe Taylor and sister, Ida, called at the home of Mrs. • L. For- rest this week. Don't forget that St. Paul's Dram- atic Society, Clinton, will , be the guests of Group; 2 of the Women's. ssociation tonight. The Tuckersmith Ladies Club held their September meeting at the home of Mrs. Leslie. Lawson. Owing to the prevalent flu epidemic the at- tendance was not so large as usual, Six visitors were present,' ' and 13 members answered the roll call with a "tongue twister," some of which wore brain 'twisters as well. After the opening exercises and business discussion a short program was giv- en: Mrs. C. O'Brien read a humorous accountf . ladywho `i. wl o was frantic- ally' trying to find a parking place for her car in order: to attend: an advertised "Dress Sale", with the tragic result'of finding the sale over when she finally arrived. Mrs. son read. an article showing what Can happen to a busy farm Woman's well planned Saturday, Mrs. Fear' read "The Inquisitive Small Boy on a Street Car," Miss Sadie Ball sang a very fine solo and the meeting dos- ed with the homemaker's prayer. The cutting committee had material ready dor hewing which filled in the time until the tea hour, The October meet - 'ng Wil be held at the home of Mrs. Win. Pepper, This will be the Grand- mother's - meeting, and. all former members of the club who are grand- mothers are cordiallss invited. The meeting will be in charge of the vice president, Mrs. Ebner Townsend, while Mrs- McGregor's group will be responsible for program and refresh- ments. A special speaker is expect- ed. Roll call to be answered by showing an arti ,alga grandmother ,.own- edl n�l1t Flowers k;,, Flojyering Plants Floral Designs For ,;.4-rmK All Occasions. Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 669 A Good Poultry Market Now that . the harvestrush is over you will be able to give more atten tion to your poultry; When you, have any chickens ready or your flock needs culling kindly give us a call. Our experienced egg-candlers will handle your eggs quickly. N. W. TREWARTHA Phone 214j; Night 214w. MARRIAGES SWAN -CASTLE -In Ontario Street Church, on .Wednesday, September 21st, Susan Isabel Castle and Har- old Frederick Swan were united in marriage- by -Rev. G. G. Burton. BRINTNELL-WATTS: At the Ont- ario Stgeet,.Church Manse, en_ Sat- urday, September 17th, ,..Aogothy Elizabeth ,W;atts, Clinton, and Thomas Gerald Brintgell of ,Ribbert Township, were united in marriage by Rev. G, G. Burton. BIRTHS FARQUHAdli—In Clinton hospital, on Sunday, September 18th, to Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Farquhar, a son, McGAGUE-In -Hanover, on Wednes- day, September 21st,' to .1VIr. and Mrs. George McCague, a son. DEATHS WATKINS—In Clutton, on Wednes- day, September 21st, John W. Wet- kins, in his list year.' HESSELWOOD—In Londesboro, on. Tuesday, September 20th, George W. Hesselwood ,in his 81st year. In Memoriam STEWART—Irl loving memory of Gordon Stewart, who died two years ago, September 19th. "You are not forgotten Gordon dear, Nor ever shall you be As long as life and memory last, We shall remember thee." Ever remembered by Mother and Father, Sister and Brothers. EBENEZER Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Welsh visited with friends in Algonac, Mich., ;over the weekend. Miss Helen Welsh who has spent the past two weeks in Al- gonac returned with them. Mr, Guy Hicks of town has return- ed house after a short visit with his daughter Mrs. 0. Welsh. Miss Kathleen Beacom spent a few days last week with her sisters in Toronto. Anniversary services will be held at Ebenezer church on Sunday, Sep- tember 25th at 10.30 a,m. and 7.80 p.m. Rev. H. Wilding will preach•at both services. Sydney Brown of Ben - stiller will sing at the morning ser- vice. In the evening Mrs. IC, Dawson of Auburn will sing. There will also be other special music. INDIAN SUMMER Is there really any such thing as ljndian Summer? It is noti listed among the seasons, yet to many it is as real as the other four. Never mind too touch scientific exactitude or re- liance on calendars. Indian' Summer is here when it feels like Indian Sums riser! There are signs, to be sura, like the harvesting of pumpkins, the McIntosh Reds, Grimes Golden) and Northern Spies; haze on, the hills, pungent fragrance of wood stnolte, reddening of the sumac, silence of birds in the meadow and woodland, warm sun in the quiet midday, but early coolness when it drops behind the hill. And before long, honking squadrons of wild waterfowl 'will scud southward, and the harvest moon will reign the sky.—Christian Science Monitor. VARNA • Mr. Lloyd iteys, spent Sunday at Theclford. The September meeting of the Wo- men's Association was held in the hall, September 8,in the form ofa quilting. After quilting , foal some time the meeting Was called to order by president Mrs. Ings, Hymn 502 "What a friends we have in Jest's" was sung. Mrs. Ings then ,read in place of scripture the .letter from Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnston (mission- aries) on their life. 'i'he Lord's pray- er was then .repeated in unision. Min- utes were read by the secretary, Mr's. Roy Dowson and adopted as read. .Eleven ladies answered to roll call. Secretary Mr's. E. Foster then gave her report. Net proceeds from weiner roast, 822.58. President reported there was another quilt to be quilted at the October meeting. • Collection .45c. PAGE 5 ROXY THEATRE Clinton. Now playing Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette in "Git Along Little Dagies Mon., 'Tues„ Wed. Katharine Hepburn, Cary, Grant and •Lew Ayres in "HOLIDAY" The story of a pool'„ boy who falls in love with a rich girl.. Thurs., Fri., Sat. "Forbidden Valley" A father, charged With murder, ,forced to • live as a fugitive from society, is avenged by his son in a thrilling pistol fight. Noah Beery Jr., Frances Robinson: and Sam Hinds. Coming: "IN OLD CHICAGO" Mat. :Sat. •and .,holidays at 3 p.m. CAPITAL' THEATRE' REGENT THEATRE Goderieh Seaforth bow: LorettaYoua ,in THIU8hI:. BLIND''Mr,`41 i" Mon..: Tues., Wed, SHIRLEY TEMPLE"' in her dancing -est nulsieal bit "Little Miss Broadway" with George Murphy and Jimmy Thur., Fri., Sat. ANNE SHIRLEY Ruby Heeler and James Ellison present Kate Douglas Wiggin's famous story. 'Mother Careyt's (:dickens' Coming:,Ginger Rogers and Doug. Fairbanks Jr, in "Having a Wonderful Time" Mat.: Wed,, Sat., Holidays, 3 p m This Theatre is, Air -Conditioned Mat.: "Sat aid Holidays' at 3 p.m. New: - Edward G. Robinson in "A Slight Case of Murder" Mon., Tues. Wed. Joan BlandSill—Melvyn Douglas and Mary Astor in a riotous and modern fun show "There's. Always ,a " Woman" Thur., Fri.,..Sats, JANE WITHERS will tug at your heart in an an, pealing and impish comedy "45 FATHERS" Added Attraction: "HAWAIIAN BUCKAROOS" Comings "Holiday", with Katharine Hepburn and .Cary Grant BUY. CLINTON-MADE Bread "at 9c We Make: CRISPY CRUST, BUTTERMILK,--- BRICK) UTTERMILK;BRICK) BREAD, WHOLE WHEAT; _CRACKED WHEAT '- AND SUNSOY. BREAD IS ,YOUR. BEST AND,, CHEAPEST FOOD EAT MORE OF IT Bartliff &-Crich Makers of Crispy- Crush Bread Phone 1. Clinton. For Winter Storage Beets, Carrots Parsnips, Potatoes. Onions Edward L. Mittell Phone 213—Clinton. Time Table Changes Effective ' SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1938 Full Information from Agents. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS T.268 FOR SALE 1937 Dodge Custom Sedan lilce new 1936 Plymouth Sedan, excellent con- - dition 1935 Dodge Custom Sedan, see this ear. 1934 Ford Bus. Coupe; a real buy. 1930 Olds. Coach, priced right. 1930 Pontiac Sedan. 1930 Ford Sedan, new tires, A-1. condition. 1927 Olds. Sedan, gone less than 20,000 miles, cheap transportation. 1936 Maple, Leaf Truck, stake body, factory re -built motor just in- stalled. 1931 Chev. Truck, stake body. Your• ,present car taken 3u as part payment, balance arranged on easy terms, New 1939 MODELS Noiv In Stock Ferdson Tractor ready for work, priced low. One ntatchetl team,, four, year old horses, weight 3000 lbs. Reg. McGee DODGE and DESOTO DEALER Phone 695 — GODERIOH, ,ONT. ,Card.of, Thanks I wish to ,express nay sincere thanks to friends, neighbours and relatives for their loyal support in the recent radio contest held at Miss O'Neil's Grocery . Store. Vera Steep. QUALITY AND: SERVICE •. AT ALL TIMES, BE IT BREAD at 9c OR OUR OWN Sliced Loaf at 10t May We Suggest.— APPLE, SPICE CAKE and DO NUTS for the weekend 15e, 20c, 30c. OUR OWN FRESH SALTED PEANUTS @ 15c pert Ib.. Wendorf's Bakery and Restaurant — "A GOOD PLACE TO EAT" — Phone 68 z, If you really want to see some- thing smart, . inspect the DeF'orest Greeley push, button, automatic, on display at Hawkins Hardware. k or sale by A. W. Groves. 94-tf. .N.OltM'S FILM SERVICE Special' Offer Have that favorite print enlarged now! size 6"x9" for only 23 cents. Each order must be • accompanied with a roll' of film. This offer is for a limited time only. Leave films at Lobb's Grocery or • Ken's Milk Bar. - House for Rent Comfortable six -roomed .house on Mary Street. Town lights and water; good woodshed; small garden. Ten- ant may have possession October lst. Apply Miss E. J. Becker,,Erie street. 01-2p. For Eale Two beautiful hand -painted pictures. Inquire at News -Record. 01-2, AUCTION SALE CARLOAD OF CHOICE WESTERN RORSES (No Brands) at COLE'S LIVERY BARNS in STRATFORD, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2 pmt. These horses are consigned to us to be sold to the highest bidder.. Positively .no reserve.— Terms Cash. McNEIL & NAIRN, Auctioneers Heater for Sale ,Burns coal or wood. Reasonably priced. Apply Mrs. J. B. Rumball. Rattenbury street west. 02-1. Pullets Wanted Barred Rock,White Rocks„ White Leghovns and New I-Iatnpshire Reds. State age and price wanted. Box B, Clinton News -Record. 02.6. Wanted A capable woman to help with 607x5, or Lloyd Batkins, 6193:14. housework. Apply to Miss Waldron, London Road, Phone 629r11. 02-1. Agent Wanted Wanted: .Agent in your township to sell _a manufactured product to BURGESI,S' STUDIO CLINTON , Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing'' "• (Open, Every Day) Let'Us, Reline Your Overcoat Now WE WILL GIVE YOU A SPECIAL: PRICE FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS 'ALBERT PALMER Isaac St., Clinton. MITTELL'S Radio & Electric Service Put new life in your radio by re. placing worn out tubes now. Tubes, tested in your home 50e or bring them to the shop and have them tested free of charge. Complete shop overhaul 82.00 All other repair at reasonable prices. LV1PORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, • JUDGEMENTS COLLECTED Our collecting department is a re- sult ,of years of successful expert ence in collecting local or out-of-town accounts. , „ No collection, no charge - Mail your list of accounts' today to Burke's Collecting Agency, (License 176) HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. 41-t1! Furniture for Sale Oak dining room suite.. Buffett, table and six chairs. Modern style and in good condition , For sale at a bargain price. Apply to Mrs. A, Haddy, Rattenbury street or News - Record, 00-tf.. Farm For Sale South half of lot 25, con.. 12, in Hullett Township. 47 acres of choiee day loam, well drained. Bank barn 75 by 36; three good wells and cis- tern; water in stable and house the year around. Half utile from Lon- desboro, half mile from school, on No, 4 highway, 27 acres in grass. Can have, privilege of ploughing right away. Terms easy. Apply to John Garrett, Londesboro. 01.5. House for Rent Modern conveniences. Good loca- tion. For rent at moderate price. Apply to News -Record. 014f. Wanted Old horses or cattle, for mink feed; if dead phone at once. •, Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone • 84 t.f-,e-o-w Wanted Highest cash prices paid for Old Horses and Cattle fit for mink feed. Everything removed. If dead phone your township :council on a commis- at once. Fred Gilbert, 608122, Clin- sion basis. Apply Bcx B,: Gunton Clin- ton. News•Record. 02-1. FOR SALE Good Farm. for Sale -Approximately eighty acres'. By virtue of an Order of the Sup,. Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs, reme Court of Ontario there will be A. Ings. offered for sale at the premises, Sat - We are glad to report little Marj- furdolloway,ing Octobefarrm 15, 1238, at 2 pmt. the property: ory Dowson, daughter of Mr. and' Lot Thirty-nine (39.), Concession Mrs. .Cecil Dow -son, who underwent I Six (6), Township of Goderieh, said an operation in. Seaforth hospital islto contain, Eighty (80)., acres of land improving very nicely. • 'more or less. The United Church is prepaying for The soil is good rich. clay loam, their' annual fowl supper, the date is 1 level, and approximately Seventy six (76) of it can can be placed,under set for October 13th. I cultivation;. There are two wells on Mi. Brown,lay leader, of Goderieh the premises with house and barn occupied the pulpit in the, Anglican 45'x50', cement foundation with stab - Chards ,:here on Sunday its the ab— ling. I These; is a two acre spy orchard, sence of the rector, Rev. W. G. Bug- and the Hydro -Electric wires are Cr. - (located on the road. Location is only Mr,. Charles Rathwell, of London, one quarter mule off the Clinton -Bay - has returned to his home after cal- field road, seven 'miles from Clinton. ing on a number of his old neigh- This place will be sold subject to boars here. the terms ;and conditions' to be read Mrs. 1Vlary Rathwellof Southwold at the time of the sale, or which may has returned home following a weeks be inspected at the, offices of the undersigned solicitors. visit with friends in this district. • I Dated at Goderieh this '1911 day A number of the people from the, f September, A.D. 1938. village attended the anniversary ser -i Thomas Gundry,. A aetioneer, vices at Hillagreeu on Sunday; Messrs. Dancey„&• P,alsby Mr. Elliott (Muter has gone to Lon- Solicitors for the Public Trustee D. . s, don' where he will reside for the SolicitorfoBi' Henry' Galpin. present. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by Electrolysis. MISS E. MERNER VARNA, ONT. Phone Hensaii 97r12 or write to Varna, Ontario 94-13 House For Sale A. very desirable residence on Prin. cess street. Good garden and fruit trees, electric lights and town water. House in good condition. Apply• at the. News -Record office. 75-c. Roofing We have a special liquid Fibre . Coating' or Alumenix for steel roofs. Also repair flat roofs. We sell Ce- ment Tops for chimneys. Apply to ,Toe Becker, Clinton. Phone 42. 86-tf. For Sale A house and barn on Wellington Street. Water 'and hydro. Apply,' to, J. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton. mow.. , 70-tf. Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Cows and Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRING W. J. AGO, TAILOR If not open work niiaybee left itt H r I' •