The Clinton News Record, 1938-09-08, Page 8P2iGE 8 ' THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TIITJRS., SEPT, 8, 1938. 'CHOICE RIB ROAST of BEEF, per ib. 18c VEAL CHOPS, per lb. 22c LAMB STEWS, per Ib. 15c SMOKED; PICNIC HAMS, shank off, per lb25c SPRING CHICKENS for ROASTING For Weekend CONNELL & TYNDALL, " CLLNrhonTT'S LEADING MEAT 1111.ARIsiET " mt,••••••••-•-,' BARGAINS 1. New Beatty Electric Washer, was $85.50 SALE PRICE $69.50 1-4 tube Northern Electric Radio, was $42.50 SALE PRICE $35,59 (Complete) 1-3 Burner Perfection Oil Stove, was $25.50 , SALE PRICE $20.50 1-3 Burner Reliance Oil Stove, new $9.75 SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, ELECTRICAL Phone 147w. WIRING. P.O. Box 45 11101•0111.11.1.1..111•=010•••••11.1•111•111,••••- VM110.610111111•110111% i.'•***.1...3E0A0-.0.0.*U***14:It0.ii.:*.to,:t4t00:0,0***:+0•02•00+0,0.0,000•00440trat1111 HAVE YOUR FURNACE OVERHAULED NOW DO NOT LEAVE IT UNTIL COLD WEATHER COMES Hecla Furnaces • Lead. r: n_ 0 Hardware and 'f • id* S9 Plumbing.Phone 244 See Us Before Buying. BICYCLES School days are here. Your boy or girl would be proud to go to school on a new bike. We have a fine new stock for you to select from and prices are right, ELECTRIC RAZORS $5.00. This is the time to throw away ' the old razor and enjoy a good shave. No man can afford to be without one. Don't forget we handle the Spartan Radio. Compare our prices When considering a change. Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Superior Stores PHONE 111--CLINTON. • SPECIALS FOR SEPTEMBER 8, 9, & 10 ....••••••*.• RASPBERRY JAM, 32 oz. jar, 23c PEARL SOAP, 10 BArts for 31c SALMON, finest Red Cohoe, is 27c GOLDEN WAX BEANS, 2 tin 19e Crown Brand CORN SYRUP 55, per tin 390 BLUE BERRIES, 2 squat tin for 11c HANDY AMMONIA, pkg. 5c SHOE P,OLISH, 2 in 1 PASTE, 10c CROWN GLASS JARS, med. 1.09 99e 25c 67e per doz. Small, doz MONARCH FLOUR 7s 24s MOTHER PARKER'S TEA, • i/2 lb. for 28c ROYAL YORK TEA, 1/2 lb. for 33c ROYAL YORK COFFEE, lb. ..37e BREAKFAST CUP COFFEE, lb. 29c CORN STARCH, Ih. pkg. for , 10e STOVE POLISH, NONSUCH per bottle 18c rix COILS, AEROXON, 4 for lec ZINC RINGS, Heavy, per doz. 23c PEERLESS BREAD FLOUR 24s 70o Free Delivery .••••••••••••...... ILLUSTRATED LECTURE TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday Even'g, Sept: 16 at 8.30 Venice, Budapest, Rome, Naples Isle of Capri, Vatican, City, Palestine, Damascus, Athens, etc. described in over 1000 illustrations. All graphically pictured and Presented by Rev. M. N. Sullivan ADMISSION 25c 00-2 • STANLEY Mr., and Mrs; Adam Stewart and ainily spent Sunday in London. • Mr. and Mft H. Noonan returned Books Supplies TEXT BOOKS ARE STANDARD PRICES FIXED BYOUR GOVERNMENT IN GENERAL SUPPLIES WE HAVE ADDED THRIFT-METIC TO THOSE AUTHORIZED Tile Wk, B. Fair CO Often the Meanest -Always the Best Miss O'Neil spent the holiday week- end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Nickle spent the weekend in Sarnia. Mr. 0, L. Paisley attended the Strathroy races on Labor Day. Mr, and Mrs, W. Balfour of Mitchell spent Labor Day with Mrs. Axon. Mr, and Mrs. R. Brigham, Hanover visited Clinton friends on Sunday. Mr. W. L. Forrest and Miss Beth spent the holiday with Brucefield friends. Mrs. Oakes, Harris and David spent last week in Toronto and attended the exhibition, Mr, Howard Adams, of Detroit, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs, Ernest Adams. Miss Marion Gibbings left last week- end 'for Haliburton where she has secured a school. ' Miss Sadie Elliott, of London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Elliott. Miss Helen and Fanny Lavis have returned home after spending the summer in Detroit, Mich. Mrs. McKenzie and daughter, Ruth, of Stratford, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Parker last week. M. and Mrs. Oscar Blanchard of Detroit, spent )the weekend with the latter's sister, Miss Rena Pic- kett. Miss Carol Evans, Hamilton, is spending the holidays at the home of her parents, Dr, and Mrs. J. S. Evans. Mr, and Mrs. E. S. Livermore re- turned to Aylmer on Monday after spending the, month of August at Bayfield. IVIr. and Mrs. Fred Slornan have re- turned to Capreol where Mr. Slo- man will resume his duties in the teaching car. Mrs, I. M4 Nay and; Mrs. Joseph Jervis were in Toronto last week- end attending 'the Canadian, 'Na- tional Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McNeil and daughter Shirley spent the week- end holiday with relatives at Sar- nia and Wyoming. Miss Helen • Howlett, of Ypsilanti, Mich., has returned to her home after spending the Weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Ben Cole. 1VIr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless, Dorothy and Alvin visited relatives and friends in Toronto, for a Week and spent two days at the Exhibition. Dr, J. W. Shaw accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Rance, Mrs. W. M. Fair and Miss Shaw .left on Saturday for Winnipeg. They expect to re- turn on the 12th. Holiday ancl weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless were Miss Isobel Carr of Thornton, and Mr. 'Robert Marshall and Benson Corless of St. Marys, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Kennedy and son, of Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Simian and other friends in town over the weekend. Mrs. Slo- man accompanied them home for a visit. M2'. and Mrs. Wilbur Nott and Mr. and Mrs. Reg'. Shipley, also Miss Verna Shipley of Tiverton, spent the • holiday weekend touring through northern towns, going as far north as Thnisicisming, Que- bec, and also visited the home of the famous quintuplets at Callan& to Windsor on Sunday after spend- ing their vacation in Goderich and Toronto. M128. H. G. Barette of Vancouver, B. C., Miss L. McPherson of Toronto, and Miss Blanche were weekend vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. William Me - Ewen. Mrs. T. C. Murray returned to Sarnia on Saturday after spending the past week with Mrs. William MeEwen. Mrs. Thos. Baird, Sr., left last Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Angus Gordon at Shepperton. Mr. Hugh McGregor of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. John McGowan, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Baird, spent a few days visiting at Niagara Palls, Hamilton, Toronto and Stouf- fville. Mrs. Peter Fisher and Eleanor, who have been visiting at the home of 1VIr. and Mrs. Walter Moffat for the past few weeks, returned to Hensall last Friday. Miss Kate McGregor, Mrs. Frank McGregor and Donald, also Mrs. J. 35. Pepper ancl 1VIrS. Greg. McGregor visited in London last Saturday. Miss Lois Moffat' is attending- the Collegiate Institute at Seaforth, and Mr. Jack Graham, the Collegiate at Clinton. ••. - Miss H. Isabel Graham, who has been the guest of Mrs. Arthur Mc- Queen and Miss Pena. Baird, return- ed this week to Seaforth. ti••••••••••,.••••••••••••14::q... = • a ••••••.•1•••••Mm I r. m ............=... ...MO a IN.R.6=1:7;1 ONE FRIEND, RED AND WHITE TELLS ANOTHER ___, - - ;11:: ''''''' la ' Always in the Lead Red Hot ''' - ' e ' s FOR LAST WEEK OF RADIO CONTEST • , • A 1 , • , Last Voting Day is September 15th All amounts of Cash Doubled for Last Week .., FREE FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN- One Ruler -Special ' With 1/2 lb. Red and White Tea for 34c Libby's Pork and Beans, 2 for 15c ' Large Tomato Juice, per tin 23c Coffee, per lb. 25c Habitant Pea Soup, 10C Curtis Grape Fruit Juice, each 10c . ,Salmon, Rich Silver Crest, per:tin •27c -Fancy Assorted Biscuits, per Ib. - 19c RADIO CONTEST PRIZES - ist Prize - GENERAL ELECTRIC RAM 2nd Prize After EXTRA SPECIALS FOR WEEKEND- CutMacaroni, .2 Ib. for 1 le •• Five String Brooms, each 39c Special Black Tea, per lb. 39c - -Glow Electric Lamp, 3rd Prize -- 'After -Glow Elecric Lamp. STANDING OF CONTESTANTS- Geraldine Denomme Miss L. Sloman .' Vera Steep Mrs. H. Gould Edna Ford Miss Adams II 1 100 Extra Votes on Each Pound of Candy for 25c Extra Special Price on Sugar by the Bag Big Peach and Sugar Week -All 11 est Peaches for canning are Now on . 1 - -- -, t , CLINTON'S BIG Where ''•-.. . : , +P; ' '4. '' 111,:i , ,,, .,,,, , CORNER GROCE'rERIA "Sells for Less" ':^ f'`.. ;,":: '1; ,# F1, 1,1 ., Price Prevails Phone 48 iownowtaiiii-miisimiixtumen..wwwism*c.. DEPUTY CQURT OLERKI Al' GODERICH RESIGNS It is announced that Mrs. J. B. Reynolds, for many years court stenographer and deputy court clerk, is resigning but the resignation will not take effect until December 31 M order to allow time for the train- ing of her suce-asor, who it is under- stood has been chosen, but no an- nouncement of this is being made at present. Provincial Inspector of Legal Of- fices W. W. Denison in a memoran- dum issued from Toronto, in his of- ficial announcement of the resigna- tion made wrote: "Mrs. Reynolds, the court repor- ter and deputy in Mr. Robert John- ston's office at the Court House in Goderich, has tendered her resigna- tion to take effect 31st of Decem- ber a this year. The resignation is being accepted. IVIrs. Reynolds has had a long and praiseworthy record in the offices she held. "It is belt that some instruction and training will be necessary Inc Mrs. Reynolds' successor, and ac- cordingly Mrs. Reynolds will remain in the office until the expiration of the current year." Just arrived Paper White Narcissus FINE LARGE BULBS 3 for 10c Special price on quality bulbs. Get yours early. Easily grown in either soil or in water. Will bloom in six weeks from time of planting. Full assortment of Dutch bulbs expected very shortly. COLUMBINE Sturdy plants Inc your perennial beds grown rota choice seed. 15e EACH Hot and Sweet Peppers 25c a doz. Prepared Soil, 15e a pail F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. Phones 176 and 31. MINIMIEINISIMIONIZZAINIVOR :§t,.'t0Stgt,Ctt:tqt0:4'tgtig0Kt0+tee;•+0.0.0k,t,-“0t':;a'tr.0-4'Kt0E00:t'tt;tPe0Agtititt0..tk.4ttit0..tttlttltf • 1.4 0 ooler eather 4=110.10 Means spending more of your time indoors. So you may" as well enjoy some comfort with a nice new STUDIO COUCH, CHESTERFIELD SUITES, or A GOOD COMFORTABLE LOUNG- ING CHAIR. Then get one of our TRI -LIGHT LAMPS to brighten up your room, and make reading easy on your eyes. We have a nice assortment of Smokers, End Tables, and Magazine Racks. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT You may need a new RANGE or HEATER this fall, if you do it will pay you to see our stock, as you will have a' grand selection. We Mindle the Beach, Harriston and Wingham stoves, so that no matter what price you are prepared to pay, we can satisfy you. The STORE Where QUALITY, SERVICE and PRICE COUNTS. The Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. Phones: Store 195; N. Ball, 110; J. J. Zapfe, 103 t4' 44, -0000 -44 -07.044:40#4400-00+4+000000.000'04434.1;44W044:;.0:0:0344414. INEW FALL SHOES GABERDINE DRE t SHOES Mize, Brown and Blaik Shades Misses' Heavy Oxfords, Child's Strap Slipers, Child's Strap Slippers, $2.98 SMART SUEDE SHOES in Dress & Oxford style Black and Brown Shades $2.25, $2.69, $3.19 Dr. Fish's Shoe with built in Steel Arch Support. Comfortable and dressy they fit neatly- at Heel and well up under arch, Per Pair, . . Black Leather Sandals, Black Leather Pumps, School Oxfords in Black and Brown Leather, Per Pair, . $1.98 $3.98 $2.98 $3.50 Girl's Brown Oxfords, sizes 3 to 6, Misses' Strap iSlippers, NNW $2,25 $1.69 Infants pandals and Slippers, Boys Oxfords, sizes 11 to 13, Boys Oxfords, sizes 1 to 51/2, 49c to 79c $1.69 $1.79 to $2.29 Boys Heavy Boots, sizes 101/2 to 5 Per Pair $1.98 to $2.2$ MEN'S BLACK OXFORDS $1.95, $2.25, $2.95, $3.95 and MEN'S WORK BOOTS, $1.98, $2.75, $3.00, $3.25, and $435 RUBBERS TO FIT YOUR SHOES. 161141611011MMINMEMIIIIMUMUMBEIVIENI11121611111811Th, C IFF 404040.30410404040460toismozoto D. L