HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-08-18, Page 8AGE'8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD DOMESTIC SHORTENING 2 lbs for 25C Bulk Lard, per Ib. Veal Stews, per lb. Lamb. Stews, per ib. 5 lb. Pail Clover Honey, 15c 15c 15c 55c CONNELL & TYNDALL CLI NTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street • STOP -- LOOK -- BUY Outstanding Mid -summers . Values • Do you need any preserving utensils. ? We have everything you need in preserving kettles, strainers etc. Any time is tea time so make your afternoon cup of tea with one of our ENGLISH TEA POTS. Range in price from 75e to $2.00 When you are looking for a gift to present at a bridal shower do not neglect to see our supply of gifts. Just a few things suitable are: c 75c to $1.65 REFRIGERATOR SETS 95c to $1.25 NEST OF BOWLS KITCHEN SETS ' $1.00 for 5 pieces CUPS AND SAUCERS, REAL ENGLISH CHINA , . , 15e and 49c The mid -summer hostess needs a refreshment set. Have you yours? If not come in and"get one from our large supply. Range in Price from 75e to $2.25 SUTTER•& PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, ELECTRICAL Phone 147w. WIRING. P.O. Box 48 011=1.•••••••J ewwlHli.le1 601.-1.:D' .14 T", +a -6.6 4e1e1e1.4 +N'I•'tetel telelel lek6.? .'"�' 11 HAVE YOUR FURNACE OVERHAULED NOW DO NOT LEAVE IT UNTIL COLD WEATHER COMES Hecla Furnaces Lead See Us Before Buying. 1, t,t wkin Hardware and 9 Plumbing -Phone 244 t r"I»frFi:»I�'!!+I»MFa�S',�!S.wI«�,;3.«�.I»;�+'.»:«.« fi »: I : ;«,t»: •'�«; ; w�,www««I:.I++r DO IT NOW The time is right to buy the MOTORCYCLE you have been thinking about. Prices are very low. The kids will need a BICYCLE for school. Have you seen our stock and compared our prices? While here you will be amazed at the beauty of the new 1939 SPARTON RADIO. We also have a couple of used models for sale. We are ready to talk business, how about you? Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Superior Stores a" PHONE 111..=-CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR AUGUST 18, 19 & 20. 1t1NSO,, small pkg.,. 9e large pkg. , 22c Quaker Puffed Wheat, 2 pkgs17c Keen's Mustard, t/as, tin 24e Choice Blue Rose Rice, 2 lbs. ,..1 Peanut Butter, 24 05. Apricots, •16 oz. 'tin . • , JAM, Rasp. or Straw., CORN STARCH, pltg. Crunchie Sweet Pickles, Maple Leaf Salmon, r/zs Woodbury's SOAP, 2 cakes .. .,15e Cowan's COCOA, 1 Po. tin ., , . , 25e n/z lb. tin 15c Clinton Creamery : Butter, per Ib. 25c NEW HONEY, 2 Ib. tin , .25c Aylmer Pork & Beans, 21 oz. 2 tin 19e Derby CHEESE, %ts, pkg. 15c ZINC JAR RINGS, doz. 23e RUBBER RINGS, 12 cut doz. 6c 7c o, u a At the time of night when Richard Melville Allan Culbert died after an illness of sev- eral years. Born in Ashfield town- ship in 1900, he was the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Cul- bert, and moved with his parents to their home adjoining Dungannon 27 years ago. He was married eight years ago to Miss Olive Finnigan, who with his parents and one broth- er, William Arthur Culbert, sur- vives. He was a member of Dun- gannon United Church, of which he had been a member of the board and also duperintendent of the Sunday school: An active member of the Orange Lodge, he was a past county master of North Huron, besides hav- ing held various, offices in L.O L. N 324 D ng nnon • •r • .I 23q his death he was secretary -treasurer , , • , , lee of the Dungannon Agricultural So- ciety. For many years he had oper- 32 pz, 27c ated a sawmill and lumber industry. • 10c The funeral was held Friday at 2 p.m. from Dungannon United Church with 27 oz. 25c the pastor, Rev. W. E. Gill in charge 19c, is 350 assisted by Rev. J. R. Peters, a former pastor, now of Varna. Twins are Linked by Strange Bonds The miracles of twin affinities have recently been augmented by en amazing case recorded in Belfast. • The twins were men, aged 41, one of whom was admitted to hospital apparently suffering from a severe internal ulcer. On the next day his brother, his opposite do physique, entered the very same hospital with a ,shniliar, complaint,! Coincidence, you say. But this is by no means an isolated incident. Twins! named Kerger were last year operated on, in Illinois, for ap- pendicitis at the same time. Recently twins, unknown to each other, fixed the same date for their weddings, and were married sim- ultaneously in Liverpool and Black- burn, England. . . It is not unusual for identical twins even to have the same dreams or nightmares, though the dreamers may be miles apart at the time, ' We offer you Watermaans , Fountain Pen in full confidence that no better Pen was ever: made for home, office school' or travel It is time tested. Everyday is somebody's birthday, somebody is going away,somebody is convalescing,' somebody's wedding day, new babies arrive. Is it some- body's anniversary? Someone might remember a friend. Somebody wants to say thank -you, somebody expres- ses sympathy, a shower is due to somebody, and somebody remembers. a shut-in. If you so think of "some- body" we have the Greeeting Card. Heigh -o for a novel and a magazine or book, will be the wish of many who chose August as the month in which to take vacation. We judge we have variety to suit most read- ers on our magazine stand or book. shelf. Dues your stationery represent you off' misrepresent you? Its not so much what you thing abont the quality of the writing paper you use as what impression will be left in the minds of your friends receiv- ing at. There are things not good taste to say about one's self—for in- stance, your character, your integ- rity, your consideration for others, your personality, but they can be and are suggested through the use of good paper. Our prices range from 5c to 35e for pads and 15c to 75e per quire. There's no better selling plan on earth than giving a dollars worth for a dollar. 43 years experience as a retailer says so. Crepe paper is now used generally as the standard decorative. material for all occasions. For the trimming of hails, booths, homes, stores it has no rival. 24 seemly shades. TNN W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapeet—•,Always the Beet Miss A. Bartliff has returned tome from a visit in Toronto. Mrs. J. Durnford, of Toronto, visited friends in Clinton last weekend. Miss Margaret Durst, spent the week end at her home in Wroxeter, Miss Mary Mitchell left yesterday for a brief visit with her parents in Hespeler. Mr. James McEwan, of Winnipeg, visited on Sunday with his cousin, Miss Bessie Watt. Dr. and lYIrs. Thompson are vaca- tioning at Port Hope and are ex- pected home this weekend. Miss Jo Anne Cuninghame is holi- daying with friends in St. Cath- arines. Mrs, Flora Wenner has returned from London where she has spent the past six weeks, Mr. Lloyd Adams, who visited his uncle, Dr. Stackhouse, of Buffalo, has returned home. ,Mr. Gordon Cuninghame spent a couple of days in Toronto last week, having motored down. Miss • Evelyn Cooper spent a week with her auet, Mrs. Charles Young, Porter's Hill, Mrs. T. J. Johnson, Mrs. J. L. John- son and daughter, Betty, of Chip- pewa, are visiting Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Johnson, Miss Agnes Johnson, who has been visiting her grandmother and uncle at Chippewa, returned home last week. Mr. Wright, publisher of The Con- federate, Mount Forest, paid the News Record a social call last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Paisley left this Week for a trip to the Thousand Islands and other points of inter- est en route. Mr, and Mrs, Carl East with Miss Nathlie and Drew ABM, of Tor- onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame last Thursday en route to points north. Mr. and Mrs, A. 11. Jones, London, and ,Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones of Aroostook N. B., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones, Miss Verna Shipley, of Tiverton, has been spending the past two weeks visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Shipley and otherfriends and rela- tives in town. Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm of Mitchell, Mrd, S. .11. iStinsbn, of Regina, and Mr. Gordon Rush - brook of Toronto, whre guests of Mv. and Mrs. Frank Layton on Sunday, Mrs. Frank Brant and daughter• left . on Tuesday ' for Mount Forest where they will make their home, Frank having been working there for the past few weeks with Mr. Rosseau. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil VanHorne have returned to their home in Toronto after spending the past two weeks with their parents here. Miss Jean Nediger accompanied them to their home where she will, spent the next two weeks. Dr. A. F. Cooper and son Grant, and Mr. Anderson of Toronto, spent the weekend with the form - er's mother, Mrs'. Sara Cooper, Princess street, Mrs. Cooper and granddaughter, Miss Gertrude Bond, have gone with then for a vacation at their summer home on Lake Sinn*, T. II.F,T111,11111PSONivery 1 •ACTIVE ORANGE LODGE, CHURCH WORKER, PASSES Death called one of Dungannon's est'khown citizens last Wednesday THURS., AUGUST' 18, 193a4 ONE FRIEND TELISI ANOTHERRA MEW RED. AND WHITE Alwaysin the •Lead . ontest Now In FuJI Swing NNW" N011011116111N81011011MIIIIINININNIM , All Contestants are in the Closely Contested.. Race, And have Only a fewweeks to go Special Votes on Articles Priced in the Store and Marked for Voting. All Purchases of 25c entitle you to Vote. 25 Extra Votes on all Pounds of Candy Sold Many Lines Clearing Out Double Votes On NEW NUT SPREAD, 2Oc Have you tried Aylmer POTATO SALAD, at 17c_ New Fruit Juice, Orange & Grape Fruit, 2 for 25c Fancy Assorted Cookies, per lb. The New Quench Drink, per bottle, Sweet Oranges, 2 doz. Bananas, 2 lbs. Lemons, 6 for Peaches and Blueberries Tomatoes, Cabbage and Corn at Market Prices. 19c 15c, 45c, 15c. 15c._ FREE VOTING ON THURSDAY EVENING Standing of Contestants: Vera Steep Geraldine Denomme Edna Ford Miss L. Sloman Mrs. H. Gould Miss 'Adams IN HOT WEATHER SERVE ICED FRMS COCOA RECIPE ON TIN 23c IBETTER FLAVOUR r Libby's Pork & Beans, 2 for_,._ 17c Lipton's Tea Bags, 2 for. 20c 2 Corn .Starch for . , 19c Custard, powder and cup 25c Large Tomato Juice, 46 oz.. 23 c Watermelons, 65c Where "Sells for Less'•" Price Prevails W. T.L 0 NEI CLINTON'S BIG CORNER G1tOCE l'ERIA Phone 48 1 r1 _ BRUCEF ELI Mrs. A. T. Scott is spending a few days in ,London. Mrs. G. Swan spent the weekend n Zurich. Mr, and 'Mrs, R, McKenzie and children, of Detroit, Mrs. •11. Zapfe and Mrs. Mary McKenzie, spent o. couple of days last week at Niag- ara Falls. . Mr. and Mrs. J. McIntosh and Jean, of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh. tl Mr, and Mrs. T. H, Wheeler spent the weekend in Stratford. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Swan, of Harn- lton, Dr. and Mrs. Morrison of Lon- don, spent Sunday with Mr. Jas. Swan. Mi. and Mrs. W. McBeath and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. ,Berry, spent Sunday in Port Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reid, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs, Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cornish spent Sunday in Mitchell. Mr. M. Snyder, who has been tak- ng the Summer Course in Lodon, has returned home. Mr. John Smith, of Bluevale, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. H, F. Berry. CELERY OUR GOLDEN PLUME CELERY Planted out very early is now ready. We are offering it for sale right from the trench. Cash and Carry — Sc a Bunch Bouquets of Assorted Garden Flowers suitable for any purpose are now available. A good sized bouquets at 50c, but can be made in any size to suit your need. Funeral Design work a specialty and careful attention given to any order large or small. Keep your plants healthy with VITASPRA — 35c a bottle CEMETERY FLOWER HOLDERS 25c each F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. Phones 176 and 31. 'k4?O+i$.I7I»tii»:tM l',«;»;:,,j«�w:«ii»I- .- - 'ail:; I7.«.'• • «.`»ti+«; _F1' !.1'.«_i'Ik_d +%tC !I!'i1' We are Ready for the Hot Weather ty d; s F : With a large stock of Hammocks, Folding Stretchers, Camp and Lawn Chairs, in fact, anything an up-to-date furniture store should have to help you keep cool. Discard that old saggy spring and mattress and replace them with a good Cable Spring and an Inner Mattress. We carry the old reliable Marshall Mattresses, Simmons Way Sagless, and Arrow products. So that you may have a grand stock to select from at the right Prices. We have a Brand New Stock of Studio Couches, Lamps, Dining Room, Bedroom and Kitchen Suites in Stock for your inspection. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT The preserving season is on, we have a large assortment of Kettles Ivory and Red, Ivory and Green, Pearl Grey, and in Alum- inum, And there's the new Nesco Cold Pack Canner, which retains all the flavour of the fruit, it's a time saver, and very handy to use—Ask to see them. It's Dry and Dusty We have the stock of Garden Hose, Sprinklers, Cliln,s and repairs for hose. This is a good time to buy a combination Screen and storm door. Tho Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service, Phones: Store 195; N. Ball, 110; J. J. Zapfe, 103 9r+:»:;'MM:•2 «+#«I«'I»I'?�iHlr $M».' 4j;I.:,» ««W«'S.�I:I:I:,«w :+. , .»9:5+'.».I:a,»y;2 :+:'!t8. 1 CASH G Specials Red Rose Tea, 1/2 ib. pkgs, 30c Cocoa in bulk, per lb. 13c Broadway Coffee with Free Tumbler, per Ib39c With each. order 10 lbs. of Red • Path Sugar will be given for Oxydol, large size, Soap Flakes, 5 Ib. box P & G Soap, 7 bars ,Shortening, 2 lbs. Lard, 2 lbs. Clarks Soups, 2 tins lonessow 52'c 21c' 33c 25c 25c 25c 13c Catsup, Ideal, per bottle Quick Quaker Oats, per pkg. Grape Nut Flakes, 2 for Corn Flakes, Sugar Krisp, 3 pkgs. Soda Biscuits, 2 lb. bags .Sweet Biscuits, 2 lbs. Fresh Beef Rolls, boneless, per ib. Bologna in Piece, 2 lbs. for Corn Beef in Piece, per lb. Breakfast Bacon in Piece, per lb Macaroni Cheese Loaf, per lb. Roast Pork, with dressing, per lb: 1Oc 21c 19c. 19c 25c 29c 14c �... 33c 19c 33c 25c 49c Oranges, Grape Fruit, Bananas, Lennons, Melons, Tomatoes Celery, Red and Green Peppers, and Onions at Special Prices CLIFF L p f fr f f