HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-08-11, Page 4PAGE 4' THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Week.erad Specials SUITABLE FOR DRESSES All New Patterns Per yd 2Sc LADIES PRINT use Dr „uses Nice Variety of Patterns and styles SIZES 14 to 52 c TABLE OF CLEARING LINES:'- OF L. (Hes Shoes IN BLACK, WHITE AND TWO -TONED SPORT SHOES ort Sires NICE and COOL Zipper or Laced Fronts PI'S 8 0 and 79c Boys 1 35::: and 49C A. T. COOPEE„ Phone: 36w Main Store, 36j iSecond Floor r .p oommommomema HOT WEATHER COIFORTS Keep Your System Cool with CERTIFIED ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS 39 cents with glass PARKE DAVIS COMFORT POWDER - Cools' and Soothes the .Skin—For Baby and You Large Can...... 25 cents • MARATHON LINIMENT—Is_stif the leading liniment for aches and pains and how it cools the feet 50c. 5 '�11 L ii ill. .ile. HO E P Me Be CLINTON, ONT Wks , 0+ sari PRONE 61 On all Straw Hats and Sport Shirts DAVIS & HERMAN CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Alarm of Rural Areas QIliekened by przad- of Rumors of Fenian Invasion By W. II., Johnston in the Free Press Some time in the early winter 'another scare came and in some Today we can afford to '..mile at neighborhoods two or more families the real scare that came to the lural gathered in one home for protection residents in Huron County in 1865 In the Finlay Settlement in Ash .and 1866 because of the threat of an field ,where the people were king invasion by an army of Fenians, The folk, three or four families spen. Fenians' were said to be principally, their nights in William Finlay's log former members of the American house for some time, • army during the Civil War. When PORTHOLES IN WALLS the army disbanded, many of these' tenon were out of work and were' Wooden shutters were made fon i aril induced y in ed tc join in a daring the windows, portholes were opened enterprise. ! in the walls and all were on the Few daily papers Were taken at qui vive to resist an enemy if they rho tmie; in fact, many of the people carne, but it was all over in aweek idid not take even a weekly paper or so and those who gathered -bo- und thus were in the dark as to the getlrel' were rather ashamed of it real state of affairs. Many stories Neighbors who . were afraid them- were started and werecredited by selves poked fun at then for a while, the backwoods people. I but all were glad that it was an 'One summer day in 1864 a large empty scare. man, mounted on a bigrangy horse' SAFETY IN FENCE CORNERS came galloping along the concessions l One plan near Sebastopol slept and announced that the Fenians had fora week ina fence corner, but landed at Bayfield A great fear whether he took his family outh filled the minds of the tleople at once as they realized their helpless - him on not tradition lees not tell. In absence of authoritative news, xress. The truth of the matter was that people of different religious denom- •a party of Lake Huron fishermen inations developed fear and suspicion Siad landed about six miles south of of previous good neighbors, so great SGoderich from,a small' vessel.was the feeling of uncertainty. Later 'The farther the story travelled thelthese neighbors laughed over the more dreadful was the news. and b .situation, but at the tune the mood the time it reached 20 miles northy no.°ty was anything but merry. I :of Goderich, the few fishermen were'At Goderich the fear of invasion was so seat that the militia, who - 'described as a real army, g' were called Volunteers, were drilled 4GODERICH PRECAUTIONS 'regularly and kept in readiness for rlt 'Goderich 'a heavy chain was any call that might come: strung across the mouth of the Mait-' On one occasion this anxiety might land River and huge boulders were have beenthe cause of tragedy if piled on the brow of the high banks wiser counsel had not prevailed. A nieady to roll down on an invading 'vessel flying the American flag was «array and the Lake Shore road pas sighted far out on the' lake. To the. barricaded. Men and women made eyes of the onlookers the vanguard 'deaden balls for the old-fashioned of an invading army was aboard and. muzzle -loading muskets still to be a hurried call was dispatched to the —.found. 'artillery officer. He and his, men Among the fanners the bullet were soon there and the cannon .on -moulds, as they' were called, were the high banks was soon trained on --used to make balls for the shop- the approaching ship. Wise counsel guns, too. The lead was so soft that prevailed and no:. shot was fired. As 'it was melted on the stoves and the boat came nearer no 'warlike where the bullets were imperfectlypreparations were. discovered aboard ,formed they Were rounded with a and soon an American consul with _"jackknife. If used on. the Fenians a party of pleasure -seeking friends kthe latter,, would doubtless find they were welcomed quite royally in swere.a..sort of dun -dun bullet, iHarbor Park. When they left they THURS., AUGUST 11, 193Ei 1'icliic 'at Goderich Ontirro Street Sunday School held their annual yienie at Harbor Park, Goderich on Wednesday`af'ternoon A goodly nuinber attended and' re- port a good time. In spite Of the bad storm iir the evening all reached, home safely. The following races were run off: 550 yard dash, girls, Edna Huisser, Billy Cooper;. boys,. Roy Ilatibkirk, Ross Habkirk; 9 legged race Jean 1-Ianly And Ruth Pearson, Helen Pearson and Margaret Shoebottom, Betty Falconer and Gladys Ilabkirk; clothes 11ne race, Ilelen Pickett, Iielen Hodgson; coat race, Valena Elliott, and Iiarold Squire,; Donna ,Welsh and Harold T'yridal; wheel barrow race, Charlie Hanlyand Francis .Huisser, Ross 'Trewartha and Clifton Cooper; balloon race; , Florence Aiken , and nearl Squir:e,. Donna Welsh and Har old Tyndal; clothes peg throwing, Mrs. 1-Ianly, Rev. G. G. Burton; ham- mering nail, Mrs. Burton, Mrs. <Dal- rymple; hat,trinnning, Mr. Potter, Mr. Geo. Elliott; bean and straw race; Mrs. Stanley, Harold Squire; plate race, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley; Mr. and Mrs. Henly. Lawson -Clark -Reunion • Civic Holiday was the date set for the Lawson -Clark reunion and it gave around 100 .members of this family an opportunity to' gather from such widely scattered points as Pick- ering, Toronto, Auburn, Goderich, Tillsonburg, Lot esboro, Chatham, Kitchener, Lueknow, Mitchell, Bel - grave, Brueefield and London. The happy event iwas held i,i Queen's Park, ,Stratford in the afternoon whoa a fine program of sports was run off and a splendid time was spent in visiting together. Those in charge were Pres., Robert • Lawson, Strata ford; secretary;treasurer, Frank Big- gin, Stratford; convenor of sports committee, W. L. Johnsen, Clinton. It was decided to hold the picnic at Harbor Park, Goderich, next year, on the third Saturday in June. Lorne E. Lawson was elected president for and coming year a d Mis s Elma Leitch, secretary -treasurer. The sports committee for 1939 is: Sydney Lawson, Clinton; James Lawson, Stratford and Charles Johnson, Clin- ton. Mrs. Jane Leitch; Clinton, won the prize for being the oldest per- son present and Marlen P-hillion was the youngest person present. Gilmour-McDermid Reunion CONSTANCL Mr. and Mrs Frank Tice, of Ham- ilton, spent the weekend al, the home. ci Mo'. and Mrs, Rose McGregor. Mr.1 and Niles. Will Leeming' of Walton, spent Sunday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, Rose McGregor. Miss Mary Moore, of Toronto is holidaying at the home of her bro- thers, W.m. and Milton Moore. Mr. and Mrs, Jim McFarlane and daughters, Christena and Gladys Ann, of Noranda, are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Geo. Riley. Mr". and Mrs., Adam 'Glazier, of Clinton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -D.' Millson. Miss Jennie Wakefield is visiting in Brussels, for a few days. Mr. John Thomas' Rogerson is vis- iting at the hothe of Mr. -and Mrs. Mat Armstrong. Mr. Ross McGregor is wearing a smile these days, its a girl. Congrat- ulations. , • About seventy-five members of the Gilmour-McDermid families gathered at Bayfield recently for their annual reunion. After dinner a softball game was enjoyed and the following were the winners in the races: Tiny tots, Donny Rbss and Wilma Haugh. Children under 6, Lois Gilkinson, Vivian Hastings. Boys, Ross Hast- ings, Billie Hastings. Girls, Blanche Zapfe. Ladies, Agnes Cameron and Jean Cameron. Balloon race, Audrey Cochrane, Margaret Henry, Best looking men, Alvin McBride, Hugh Mundell. Best looking ladies, Hazel Mundell, Mrs. Hugh Aikenhead, Prize foe the oldest member was awarded to Mr. Dian Mundell, and -Nancy Mun- dell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mundell received the award for the youngest member. In the election of officers which followed, Mrs. W. Haugh and Mrs. William Henry were elected to rep- resent the north and south groups. Mrs. W. Mundell and George Mun- dell were declared the sports corm- 'mittee. The date for next year's picnic is to be set by those in charge, Members were present from Wing- ham, Bluevale, Edmore, Clinton, T3 ucefield and Lippett, Student Minisi;er Drowned` A large congregation attended the funeral service in James street 'Un- ited churcl1, Monday afternoon for Earl Edward Christie, student min- ister, who was drowned at a church picnic at Lake Bernard, Parry Sound district, last Thursday..• The •United Church Mission Board was represented by Rev. Spruce Gray, while Queen's 'University was represented by the Rev. Dr. Walls, dean of the faculty of theology. The special preacher was . Rev. Duncan McTavish of London. Born in Stephen township in June 1913, the deceased received his high school education in Exeter, later at- tending Western Ontario, wherehe was graduated in. 1937. This sum- mer he completed his first year in theology at Queen's and won a schol- arship. He has held charges as stud- ent pastor at Lloydminister, Sask,, Noranda and Shetwynd Field, Mus- koka. Mr. Christie Was active in student activities and was chairman of sev- eral committees, incuding that of the Queen's representatives to the All Canada Conference in Winnipeg last ,year. Be is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie, of Exeter; his brothers, Aylmer, of Ottawa; Eli of London; Laverne, of Eiteter, and by one sister, Celia, of :Exeter. extolled the friendliness of the God- erich citizens. Thus melted away one , Fenian scare after another until finally even the >so-called .'Fenian monies disap- peared also and the menace 'froru that source, which was not much more than a phantom, troubled our Canadian people no more. Ages Total 916 Years In honor of the .birthday sof Hector McKay of East Wawanosh who on Friday celebrated his 92nd birthday, his daughter, Mrs. Robt. Mowbray, entertained fourteen of the, elderly folk ;of. East Wawanosh at her home. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Hector McKay, Mr., and Mrs. John Gillespie, Mrs. Alex Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques, M:r, William Bar- bour, Mrs. James McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry, Miss Catherine Ross, Mr. James Ross and Mrs. Gil' christ. .Of these folk, eleven were eighty or over and the combined ages of the eleven equalled 916 years. q They carried on their conversation eceasionaily in Gaelic, singing Gaelic songs and chatting of the good old days. Supper was served in the pret- tily decorated dining room with the table centred with the birthday cake. Mr. McKay was married to Kath- arine McDonald in Seaforth 61 years ago. He was born in Inverness;. Scotland, in 1845 and at the age of seven years came to NovaScotia' to settle with his parents. Sev e ral years later he moved to Woodstock, settling at Zorra, and finally moved to near Whitechurch. Fifty-two years ago he began his job of col- lecting cream for a creamery, The cream was drawn by a team of horses, a covered tank wagon being used for the cream. Until a few years ago this worthy Scot followed this trade, retiring at the age of 80. Mr. McKay was in very poor health last fall, spending six weeks in the hospital, but he is now in good -"health and does plenty of work on his farm in East Wawanosh and many friends join hi wishing hint many more years of health and hap- piness.' Severe Electrical Storm Clinton experienced one of the worst electrical storms that have hit here for a long time, many of the older residents reporting it to be Cho worst' they can remember. for many years. Severe lightning was accompanied by a strong wind and a torrential downpour of rain. Water was "running down, the streets in riverlets and over the sidewalks. In ;spite of the severity of the storm comparatively little damage has been reported. Several trees were blown down between here . and Goderich, while between Clinton and Bs'ucefield three trees had to be re- moved from the road before traffic could get through. In town hydro Was 'shut .of for, some time and this morning Worlanen are busy repairing damaged. Wires. - A barn on Frank Andrews farm suffered from the wind, one side was partly blown down. Other barns in Goderich townships 'suffered a like manner, but considering the ferocity of the storm the clamage is not as heavy as was expected. Possibly the greatest damage is to cornfields, the crops being leirelled. Lightning Kills 12 Cattle Twelve head of cattle weighing in the neighborhood of 1200 lbs. per head and an estirnated value of $1500, were struck by lightning last weekend and killed. The cattle beasts were lined up near a barb wire and a bolt struck the wire ldlling them instantly. The owner, Thomas Fells of Wingham, treat dealer had the cattle pastured in Morris. township. The entire here] of twenty from which twelve were killed were in- sured, it is understood. SISTER 01? FORMER HURON COUNTY CLERK PASSES George W. Holman, of Goderich, former Huron County Clerk, received word of the death of his sister, Mrs. John Owens, at her home, .3749 N. Cicero street, Chicago, Ili., on Thurs- day. She was 111 her 85th year, Mrs. Owens was the youngest daught- er of the' late Lewis Holman and Mrs. Sane Nailey Holtnan, members of the ,Devon settlement on the Lon- don road, near Exeter, Her husband; John Owens, was a native of Bally - mote district in Loiulon township. For some years they lived in Chic- ago and, following' Mr. Owens death 20 years ago she lived with grand- children in that city. She. had been in ill health for many months. The funeralwasheld in Chicago on Sat- urday. Child Killed in Car Accident When a car driven by R. F. Still- well, Huntingdon, West Virginia, got out of control near Kipper on 'rue - day afterrieells Mabel Retter, a, pas- senger as-selger in the front' Hat Was instant- ly ]cillod. The little girl was thrown forward against the glove compart- ment and her head terribly crushed. Mra. Stillwell, wife .of the driver, was rushed to Seaforth hospital with severe arm, head and leg injuries. The driver and his 9 -year-old dau- ghter were not seriously hurt. No reason was given for the ac- cident. The car which -was travel- ling south was seen to suddenly leave the road. It jumped two culverts, crossed a flower bed and scraped two trees before crashing into a third. It was completely demolished. Dr, A. R. " Campbell, Hensall who was coming from Butt's store was one of the first on the scene and other help was quickly available. The injured' were attended by Dr. R. Steer and Dr. Ivan Smillie of .Hen- sel], Fix 80c as Minimum for Wheat Ottawa—Western farmers are as- sured of a price for their 1938 wheat on the basis of 80c a bushel for No. 1 northern wheat, delivered at Ft. William, This is the fixed minimum price' the Canadian Wheat Board is authorized to pay for deliveries from the crop now ripening. Prime Min- ister Mackenzie Ring announced the price after a Cabinet meeting, said it had been_ recommended by the wheat board and approved by the Government. At the same tune he indicated, there would be no change in the marketing policy pursued by the Government and the wheat board.. Canadian wheat would be offered for sale continuously at world prices and there would be no attempt to hoard. or seek a monopoly. LONDLSBORO Mrs. (Dr.) Medd and daughter Josie, who ,for the past week have been visiting the former's sisters Mrs. Elsley and Mrs. J. Tamblyn left for Chatham on Monday morn- ing. Mrs. Margaret Manning visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Bradford and family at Goderich on Sunday. Mrs, Bert Brunson, who under- went an operation in the Clinton Hospital a couple of weeks ago, re- turned from the hospital on Sunday evening and is convalesing at the home of W. T. Brundson. Miss Alice Finglan, who last week had fan operation on her foot in Clinton Hospital, is expected: home on Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong and children, Mr. and Mr's, J. P, Man- ning and Phyllis, 'picnicked at Ball's Grove by the river Maitland on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tambyln, Jack and Margaret, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stonehouse, Goderich, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Roberton of Auburn, are visiting for a few days at the home of W. E. Manning. Mrs,. Fred Prest and Mary Ellen have returned from spending last week at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Craw- ford, 13 concession. Mr. Allen Elsley and his son-in- law, NIr. Frank Brady; of Detroit, called on the former's brother, Mi. James Elsley this week. Canadian live 'cattle exported to the British market in 1938 up to July 21 numbered 23,495, compared with 4,017 during the corresponding period of 1937. Mrs. Edmund Lear There passou away, in Myth, on Sat urday, August 61h, Hannah 51. Ball n' Eldo01 the late Edmund Lear, .h her nth year. Airs,' Lear had been 11 for some months, stiTt:pi'ieg' ft'otn-a. heart condition, and on Saturday her strength gave oat and she passed on. Hannah N. Ball, was born on the Baseline Mallett 'Township, in the Year 1$6'1..- She Was the daughter of the late WM. Ball and Ann Gorbeit. In the year 1582, she was milted in marriage to Edmund Leat, moving to the farm now owned' by. Duncan Mc Callum. Here their fancily. of five were born, four' of which stili survive. Mrs. Minae B. Lyon, Brandon, Mrs. A. Taylor, -.Blyth, Mrs.. J. S; Cltellew, Blyth Mr. Nelson P. Lear, Hullett; Annie E. having died in childhood. Eleven years ago she was bereaved of her:husband; and since that time has made her, home with her sister, Mrs. Raith'hy, Auburn. 'Since last November, she has lived with her daughter, Mrs, Chellsw, from which place the funeral was held. --, Besides her own family she is sur- vived by three sisters,. Mrs. Mary .L :Lovett, Clinton; Mrs, J. Haithby Aub - nen, Mrs. Edith Sturdy, Auburn, and two. brothers, lir. Iciph. Ball Auburn, Mr. Nelson Ball,. Clinton,,', Also sur. viving are ten grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. The funeral was held on Monday, August Sth, Rev, A. Sinclair of the United. Church, conducting the service. The pallbearers were the nephews, Messers, Tied Shobrooln, Stanley Lyon, ,Norman Shepherd, Nelson 1 -Till, Olen taitltby, and: Harry Sturdy. The flower bearers were, Robert Snrith, Geo, Carr, Ken Mitchell and Ed -Tay- lor: In religion Mrs. Leah was Brethern. Ai large circle of friends, were ilres ent to pay their last'respects to Mrs. th Lear. , Interment was made ia'e Union Cemetery. TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES arc NO MONEY DOWN TERMS AS LOW AS 57c A WEEK Drive in and find out about our Budget Plan.- Buy new tires the easy way. A full, fresh stock of Goodyears to choose from. Drive in today. Brownie's Service Station Clinton, Ontario. Science Helping to Combat Disease Among Farm Horses The problem: of Equine Enceph- alomyelitis, alomyelitis, a disease of horses now prevalent; in the Prairie Provinces, is nmdei- intensive research by the Health of Animals Division, Science Service, Dominion Department of Agriculture. Experiments are in progress at the Animal Diseases Re- search Institute relating ito means of producing immunity to the dis- ease. The results so far are very encouraging and at present show con- clusively that vaccine prepared from the virus propagated upon the chick embryo is capable of conferring a solid hnmmnity in experimental ani- mals, after receiving 'chick' vaccine have withstood severe experimental infections with the living virus and remained quite healthy, whereas the' unvaccinated control animals invar- iably died from the infection and dis- ease. These experiments were made sine-' ultaneously -with others in which' horse -brain vaccine was used and compared. The horse -brain vaccine proved ineffective in immunizing lab- oratory animals. The vaccination ex -I per'iments ate now being repeated on horses. . • . Wiled Having regard to the outbreak of encephalomyelitis in Western Canada' and to the results of labratory ex-' periments are now being repeated ons believed that the encephalomyelitis chick vaccine will probably confer a high degree of immunity to the dis- ease in horses, and can be recom- mended for extended use. Comparison of the chick vaccine and the horse -brain vaccine shows the superiority of the former, and there is good reason to believe that if widely used in areas where the disease is occurring it will prove ani effective means of prevention and of modifying or controlling outbreaks. (I Discovery of Prairies Willi Be Commemorated I i St. Boniface, Man., Western Can- ada will observe the second center-' ary of thediscovery of the great plains by de la Verendrye by means of an extensive programme of events which will include the unveiling of a monument to that gallant explor- er... The celebrations will take place early in September and will include' special pageants, processions, anex- hibitioti of appropriate material and religious eereononies. It is anticipat- ed that the gathering will be greatly augmented by groups from other parts of Canada. Pierre Gauthier de la Verendrye, discoverer of the West, is one of the glorious figures of Canadian history. A native of Trois-Rivieres,., he :first established for himself a reputation as a capable soldier. Later he be- came a fru' trader and then was fired with the spirit of exploration. This led him to the great adventure which carried. him beyond the great lakes to the plains. ,He died in 1749 at the age of 64 to. terminate a crowded life which left many entries on the pages of Canadian . history. Reflector Lights for Highways . Taking a leaf from the records of the Ontario Department of High- ways, the government of the State of Michigan hasadopted; reflector buttons for the 70,4mile Istreteh of concrete highway between Detroit and Lansing, the State 'capital: Siiniliar to those installed along part of the . new Middle Road- be - tween Toronto and Hamilton, the re - Electors consist of white crystal "eyes" set in the top of 'metal posts about three feet high. The posts are placed at regular intervals along the shoulder • of the road at curves or other danger points. As a car aproaches the reflectors, its head lights are' "picked up" by the reflectors at a distance of more than half a mile, and the brightly gleaming eyes outline the course of the highway ahead without in any way blinding the driver or interfer- ing with his vision. Cars moving in either direction get the benefit of this latest driving aid on their own side of the road and, as a re- sult of the drivers being better able to gauge the proper distance from the shoulder of the road, the dang- er of side swiping and collisions on curves is drastically reduced, While the Ontario Department of High- ways has installed these reflectors over only a, short distance of the Middle Road, the Michigan author- ities have expended $23,000 on the 6,900 reflector posts necessary for complete installation between Detroit and Lansing. Ladder Used as Net In Original Tennis Match A sporting event of unusual in- terest took place recently at Lulling - stone in Kent, England. It was the re -staging of the first game of tennis ever played. It was at a weekend party in Lullingatone Castle in 1873 that Sir William Hart Drake, Disraeli's Chief 'Whip, set a ladder on two barrels and played a new game with two guests, Miss Jul - an Marshall and Mr. J. H. Heath. cote, Miss Marshall's trouble with her crinoline and 11,1r, Heatheote's anx- xiety over his silk font were lived again when nienubers of the North Kent Lawn Tennis Association dressed the parts to play matches an the old. site, .The, court marked out for the oc rasion was shaped more or less like an hour -glass, as was the first court. Rackets were almost pear- shaped. Two barrels were brought up from the cellar and an old prun- ing ladder placed across them, The ball -boys on this occasion were over 80 years of age. They were the brothers T. and A. Book- er, who were the ball boys in the original match. Queer Habits of Wild .i Creatures 'Racoons souse their food its water before they eat it, and after' eating, wash, their front paws clean. The penguin during moulting look. i So much weight that he cannot div for fish. What does he do? lie" swallows stones till he has the'pl•op= er ballast and then goes atfer his fish. The mother mocse sees a slim rich sappling• with tender loaves and twigs at.the top which she- can- not reach. She pushes against it with her. great chest and, as it bends straddles it, holding it down with ]ler body and walking ti1l she reaches the green, when both she and her calf dine from the'-sappling's top. When. attacked, the porcupine often known as the "Quill Pig," performs a miens stunt, peculiar to that an- imal. He "rolls into a round ball, tucking his head in deeply, : Thus,. enemies. can `find no'vulnerable point of attack because there is none. Every inch of the exposed parts of his body is covered by quills. Even the bear fears to attack the "porky" after the ratter rolls himself into a bali.