HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-08-04, Page 2PAGE 2
THURS., AUGUST 4, 1938
"Hills Oi Destiny.'
By Agnes Louise Provost
Synopsis XIV and we're going to .stick together.
I've found out something. The comp
Lee Hollister, returning unexpect- For near) a week Lees cabin had
Yany that bought in the Rancho Ceb-
I abroad to the Circle ant ano`k ew it g
madly from a tripbeen empty. Slanty G n alloy is merely a holding company.
V ranch, his home from childhood, is because Slanty made a point of know -
:e tibled signs of neglect. Joey, ' Hollister's af-Milt Bradish: He bought it and
xa by g mg as much of Lee Hol iste s
s ectoir friend of Matt.er cover of another name and he's
:an old propfairs as that. elusive youn8 .man
holding it that way, probably until
Lee's foster father and owner would permit Lawlor knew it, with,
r.rf the ranch, tells Lee that Matt has surly relief, and hoped profanely hegets the Circle .V. Now you see
;� led himself,probably'discouragedwhy Matts grazing privileges on the'
that he had. broken his neck; Josofa Rancho Ceballos were withdrawn, so
'try hard times. The ranch is going Ramirez discovered it and nursed' ,a that he had to sell some of his'cat
to o ruin and Virginia, Matt's daught- •deepening resentment against the 1 tle for lack of enough range to feed
er, is visiting the Archers, her aunt girl with the shining hair who had g g
and uncle in New. Yorlt. undoubtedly driven hint away. Vir- them that dry year, while the Ceb-
Her uncle wants her to sell the albs place, with a hundred thousand
place to Milton 'Bradish, old associate ginia also began to wonder why she aures, had only a few runty little
had no daily glimpses of a tall fig -t inbred cattle wandering around."
f Matt's. Lee persuades Virginia tire riding her range as if he owned) „ r Rancho
oto return to the ranch. Mrs. Archer it, or going calmly past her door ta' Milt Bradish ownn' the Ra c
follows her, accompanied byStanley, l Ceballos! Joel commented wonder -
Y visit old friends in the bunk house. iniwly, "It's enough to make old Don
ton of Milton. Bradish. Stanley thinks She rode over to see Joey and drop- Luis set up in his grave."
he inay be able to discredit Lee in ped a diplomatic suggestion or two,
Virginia's eyes, and encourages Jos -but Joey had not seen Lee, for days.
The descent of the Rancho Ceb-
safe Ramirez in her Iiking for Lee,Odd that he had not said anything albs from; its past grandeur was an
to Joey about hist plans. Perhaps old story to them.- As far back as
he had met with an accident. Per-
time when Matt Blair and Milt
lie Clinton News-RecordBradish had . staked their claims a
haps he was ill up there hi his cabin
with which is Incorporated land alone. Someone ought to go. „mile or sa away, the Rancho Cab -
•She turned Black Lightning's head a11os had been sliding gradually but
THE NEW RRA surely to ultimate bankruptcy,_People
and touched cab into quicker action, might scorn or leprose the
TERMS OF SU>#SCRIPTION The little cabin )eked lonely and g happy -
41.50 per year in advance, to Can- deserted as she neared it. Inside go -lucky methods, the hords of laz,,
radian addresses; $2,00 to the U.S. or were orderliness ad simplicity. The dependents, the stunted, inbred cat-
-other foreign countries. No paper bunk on the other side of the room tle and the increasing load of debt,
;discontinued until all arrears 'are but they had always been sorry for
was neatly made and a Navajo blank -
paid unless at the option of the pub- et lay across it, catching the eye Don Luis, even when he had been
dither. The ,date to which every sub- the bitter victim of his own short-
seription is »aid is denoted on tate instantly. A home-made chair and comings. Tragedy had marked his
table of hand-hewn, ax -maned lumb-
ifabel, life. His only son had been thrown
er, a sturdy cross section of a huge, .
ADVERTISING RATES — Transient log, neatly smoothed, for a second :from a horseise and killed do early
,advertising .12c per count line for chair, two boxes fastened against the manhood, his wife had slipped into
first insertion. 8c. for each subse- log walls for a cupboa-d, with cooka deepening melancholy and had died
.quent insertion, Heading counts 2 ing utensils and larder compactly from the shock loe it, his daughter
)rites. Small advertisements not to arranged they all showed tthe re- had met a horrible death in a hotel
exceed ono inch, such as "Wanted", sottrceful instinct of a pioneer.
• "Lost, "Strayed", etc., inserted once She went around slowly,. looking,fire: Don Luis had gone down to his last defeat with a certain magnifie-
for 35c., each subsequent insertion at this: thing and ,than, lingering enee; carrying his high pride, his
15c. Rates for display advertising belie and there, with an occasional loyalties and his hatreds to the
made known on application. light touch of finger tins. Once she grave. With him the last Ceballos
Communications intended for pub- hagone.
sight, half impatiently. Before the d
ilication must, as a guarantee of good shelf where the lump of quartz ]ay "Do you suppose Bradish really
faith, he accompanied by the name she paused with a startled exclatnt_ did cheat him, Joey?" Lee asked.
.of the writer, tion and stoodregarding it with al "Well, not aecordin' to law,' Lee.
. E. HALL - Proprietor All Bradish did was to sell him art
puzzled frown. She knew how Lee • p
cherished her father's memory, but, of the Bonanza—they was two sep-
I3. T. RANCE still that was an odd thing to do, I arate claims, ye know—and " Don
•a gruesome thing, to nut Iter fath- Luis didn't have no better judgement
Notary Public, Conveyancer
Fire el.'s name and the date of his death than to buy it offhand. Matt fell
Financial, Real Estate and Fire In- in with Bradish when Bradish was
«urance Agent. Representing 14 Fire on that piece of quartz, like an epi-
F:iassnrance Companies. taph-or a grim reminder.down on his lurk; an' Matt took him
Division Court Office. Clinton She would leave a note saying that in are divided his grubstake with
she wanted to see him about -oh, z They drifted down here and
about the time for driving the cattle staked claims out there in the gulch,
lil+Yallli Fingland, B. A,, LL.B. into the valley range. In a pocket They were separate claims, side by
-Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public of her riding tithes there was a let- side, but they agreed to help each
Successor to W. Brydone, K,C. ter from Peggy Watrous, handed to other work 'em, an' the first man to
loan Block — Clinton, Ont,strike ?ray rock was to share evcs•i
her by Lawlor that morning and
with the other."
read on the way. She took the en -
A. E. COOK velope, wrote swiftly and looked "They shore worked. They gopher -
Piano and Voice about for a place to put it. The ed' inta that hill for about two
Studio—E. C. Nickle, Phone' 28w. table, perhaps, with that 'Wicked queues, with nary sign of calm. an'
$0-H, looking hunting knife to pin it down, both' of 'out plumb digusted an'
like a Black Hand warning. She ready to ,quit. An' then Matt druv
reached for the knife and stopped. his pick into somethin' soft and' yel-
l). H. McINNES • Her eye bad been caught by a led for Bradish to conte,
CHIROPRACTOR bright bit of color hying on the floor "Well, ye know what happened. It
Electro Therapist, Massage behind the half ensiled door. She looked like a vein of pretty near vir-
Ilffice: Huron "Street. (Few Deers went over and Melted it nn, and her gilt gold, but it was only a 'socket,.
west of Royal Bank) nose wrinkled fastidiously as the od- although they worked like crazy men
slIodts—Wed, and Sat, and by P
appointment, or of chea perfume came to her. It for weeks. liuntin' for the other end
FOOT CORRECTION was a woman's scarf, defiantly gay of a faulted lode. $ut the pocket
say manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment and frankly soiled. It had evidently assayed high, ah' they divided fifty
Phone 207 been hung on the back of the door, thousand. between 'em. By that time
in full and flaunting view when the the -news had leaked out an' the
door was closed,y hid but discreetly gulch was full of Wren die'ain' an'
GEORGE ELLIOTT den when it stood open. blastin' an' sweatin' for gold, but no-
tLacensed Auctioneer for the County
• of Huron So that was All his kisses meant. body ever found anything else that
ekerespondence promptly answered From her—to this) was wuth mini.n',
mediate arrangements can be made The impulsive note lay on the table "I reckon Bradish' was the fust
far Sales Date at The News -Record,
where she had left it. Virginia tore man to wake up. He was :smart. He
'Cf ,ton, or by calling phone 203.
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction it no 'slowly, bit by bit, and went sold out his claim. to Don Luis, who
Guaranteed. out into the clear fresh air again was all excited over* the rush an'
clutching the fragments in her hand. thought this was his big chance to
THE McKILLOP MUTUAL When she had gone Josef,, who wipe out the old mortgages .and
Fire . Insurance Company watch for the vanished Leo, crept what it a itancho Ceballos back to
had come here da after, da to bring the
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont used to be. So" he clapped
Officers: out from her hiding place behind a on another mortgage an' hada grand
President, Thomas Moylan, Sea- rock and shook a passionate fist time with the money. He dug an'
:forth; Vice- President, William Knox, after the vanishing' figure. blasted Vin' tunneled an' cross-:tun-
'Londesboro; Secretary -Treasurer, M. . "Ah, you touch it like it was pots- neled, bustin' clean through inta
A. Reid, Seaforth. _ Directors, Alex: on, you drop it like the snake, be- Matt's claire a couple d' times, until
.IIroadfoot, Seaforth; James Shblclice, cause it belong to rite! 1 am not fit one day a blast that went off too
Walton; `Janes Connolly, Goderich; for you to touch, hey! I ant 'notb- soon caught him there, when they
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; - Chris. eeng. atall, just, dirt in the path. pulled him out they found he'd never
Eisenhardt, Dublin; Alex. McEwing, Hali! , I show you sometheeng! I walk again. 'By, that time he knowed
f8iyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton.' feex you! . I theenk you come thews that. there wasn't any gold oz that
List of Agents: E. A. Yeo, R.R.' 1, way want° more, you proud one,, and claim. They say'he never mentioned
"Goderich, Phone 6031'31, Clinton never again, no more." Bradish's name again, but for the
Tames Watt, Blyth; Johri E. Pepper,
13rticefield, R, R. No. 1; R. F. Meller- Joey was still- up and - smoking a rest of his life he set there in the
•cher, Dublin, R. R. No. 1; Chas. F. lonely nine in the doorway of his rollin' chair Matt give him, yin the
'gIewitt, Kincardine; R. G. Jarmuth, cabin, when a familiar whistled call I patio of that erumblin' old house an'
iDornholin,.:R. R. No. 1. cane to him. A few minutes later sometimes at the busted
Any money to be paid may be paid Lee u gate. with
to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Bank of wung gff his 'horse in front of the gun 'across his knees. Waitin',
Commerce, Seaforth, or, at Calvin hint. folks said,,for Bradish to come back.
Oath's grocery, Goderich. ,"Hello, Joey, 1 have some news "But Bradish never come. He'd
Parties desiring to effect insur
once or transact other businessfor you., will gone with his money bads to the big
be promptly attended to on applica• "Well, it's time t'o're back, ye nn- towns where he liked to live, and no-
iop to any of the above officers ad- responsible young nuisance! Had body ever heard, of 'him again until
dressed £e their respective post offi- supper?" years after, when news come driftin'
ccs, Losses inspected the director
;who )lees nearest the scene. "No, I didn't stop. Don't bother back about a Milton Bradish who
about anything. I have crackers and was a big gun an' a millionaire."
cheese." "That roust have been hard on the
"That ain't no kind of a • sul'iper for olcl man."
TIME TABLE a long-legged cayuie• like you! I've "Yeah pretty hard. Things was
7^1'rahna will arrive at and depart from got some coffee Jhere. Been keepin' awful bad with 'em by 'that time,
Clinton as follows some fer ye every night." • ' an' I reckon he was about eatin' the
Buffalo and Goderiek INV. All Joey's anxious loneliness show- bread of charity. Matt was prosper
is Going East, depar ........6,58 a.m.
Going East, depa 3.00 p.nt ed in those scolding words. A. strong ous then, an' he got Don Luis to
Going West, depart 11.45 p.m. brown hand came down on his sell back Bradjsh's, claim to him: He
sGoing West, depart 10.00 p.m. shoulder in an affectionate grip. said it bottled up his land, or some'
London, Huron & Bruce "You're a good scout, Joey, Don't such foolishness; I remember it was
'1.loing North, ar. 11.25 lve. 11.47p.m. you get any notion that I'd sneak a pretty thin excuse, but it worked,
tta"oingrSnuth ar. 2.50, leave 3.08 pm, off without you. We're partners, an' I reckon',the money kept Don
'CANAD NNAT o AtfrAl , Ads
'ri6i4P1%YJ A P',r'.PiL'! ilVeSPiold W. tided& i Phi alit•A OiP•PV'M. i aPP~i -,
: { , , : (Copyright) i •e'
• ° A NARROW ESCAPEr. P1•iPiPff�Y.l;PaPa rPaPrm•o■PPPP' P•dai'a■P••irw°••PPy:
A hundred years and more ago menti. Today all countries of the" On Sunday last while Shirley Red -
the : servants of the Hudson's Bay world are known to one another, and .den, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd At a meeting in County Cleric's
Company in Northwest Canada got have communication one with the Redden, Hensall was in swimming at
Turbull's Grove, She hadoffice' on Thursday afternoon ' last
mail from Britain only once in a other, and trade with one' another: gone out
twelvemonth, Letters .and a whole So it is hopeless to make prophesies past the second- sand bar and got the property . committee of Huron
year's issues of some newspapers based on pact history, os • to draw into a deep place and was unable to County Council, decided do a pro
were received from the Coinpany's significant parallels between past swim' out, Fortunately a camper g'r'am of wont of Which the most
important feature was the installs, -
which took supplies to the fur- time and precept and future times:immediately
saw her danger and
traders and which carried bade to a went to her assistance; reaching her ion of a new heating plant.in the
Yet one thing ramous : unchanged ail "Placingthe old !made irate,
Britain the furs which had' been _ ntait himself. Man remains pretty just i she had gone down the sec- jail"
furace and heating qs syst-
gathered from' the trappers. This
much an animal= a creature d'esir- and time. She was given first aid wax t n g y
ship travelled into Hudson's Bay,
ing and later brought home. • She is re-
e- em. The' committee also ordered that
u g food,' clothing; shelter; a creat- covering nicely.
—Seaforth News. new flooring be Rid in the magist-
and only one voyage in a year was ure subject to his inclinations and g y rate's office and. that worn-out
made. Incidentally it is interesting passions. He remains a combing- blinds :no
n the Court House Its' re»
to Mote that a London newspaper tion of earthly or animal qualities ASHFIELD PAYS RAILWAY Saeed.
dated July 20th 193$ was received and instincts and of spiritual goal- BONDS
in -Toronto on the following day! It ities and • instincts, Man' remains a '
was flown over. sort of battleground, the contenders Ashfield Township has met its ob-
These dwellers in the wilderness being God and Satan, and the issue, ligations in redeeming Ontario West FROG T00 LARGE TO SWALLOW
were quite unperturbed by the Nap- in respect" of individuals,
is an in- Shore Railway bonds, to the amount
olconic wars: they knew nothing dividual issue. Man, regarded as an of $125,000, with which the Western
about what was going on in Britain individual, has the unfettered. power portion of the township was saddled Mi', G.A. Schatte and son, Erie,
and in Europe until months and of choice; he can elect to be godly,iwhen this transportation bubble witnessed a the water. They heard
paeuliar incident Thurs-
months had >lassed, and so they had or to be devilish, burst thirty years ago. day afternoon when taking -their
peace of mind. i With the municipalities sinking beat out of
By way of contrast was that man fund, short of meeting the bonded an odd j'sou and jloola'ng! around
holidaying last year at a Muskoka indebtedness, a t�ebentjure issue of saw an immense sized bull -frog en -
hotel. When a new arrival saw him, When I was a lad our preachers $60,000 has been floated fora ten deavouring to swallow another frog
toward evening, this man was al- did their best to terrify us, by tell- year period bearing interest at the but owing to Rs size could not get
most ill from his fears; his morn- ing us of the last -from -heaven's rate of 3%%, as -against the orig- it down. They captured' them . and
ing newspaper had so upset him' that mercy people: of Africa and India inal bond rate of 5%, which the removed the frog from the other's
he fully expected that the next those who had lived for millenniums municipality has been paying for 30 mouth, and both hopped' away.
morning's newspapeh• would inform without knowing anything about God years. This issue has been totally Frogs live' on insects, slugs, snails,
him that war had broken out. He'—the Christian's God. Grown older, subscriber and pending completion�ete., and this is the first time we
was tremendously agitated -did not I am entirely placid in contemplating of the transaction a bank loan has ever heard of one trying to eat an -
want to go to bed, for he knew that the lot of the heathen—of those now been extended the municipality fol other. -Wingham Advance.
he would not sleep. living and of those dead. I admit permit cancellation of the bonds
The new arrival, who told me of that I have hardly any missionary which fell due July lst.
this . man's distress of mind, asked fervour. Yet I hold ; this view,Lvcknow Sentinel. 1.WHA,1' A,L r'r;C'r•$ ' GitAIN 'MAIM
the captain of the boatwhich took namely: those who have much light
him to the hotel where the distress- should shed it widely. We owe those
or -
ed man was. "What do you think whose lives we touch or should touch and fit' themselves for great hist -of the news?" Said the captain, the blessings which we tanities. If you look back over World production of wheat, exalts -
p , g, possess and or of the world, questing for the sive of Russia and. China,duringthe
"Nothing at aII.. I haven't read a which' have mightily enriched us. I , y g
newt»a er in the g• r�' obligatory names of saviours, you will find 1937-38 season showed an increase
p past tfortnti ht. believe that it is obli ator on all single !
The captain was in high good hum- human beings to cultivate the spir- 6Persons—persons whose faith over the previous year and was little
cur. Knowingnothing, he was itual side --;to sac se the virtues, I and valour and godliness and patriot- less than. in 1933-34. Variations in
g quite p ism . and visionfulness rose high total production, however, states the
happy. 1 and the true virtues are godly . in above common levels.
world. !their character. The sorrows of the !Imperial Economic Committee, af-
worldld are directly attributable to the! All about us we see corruption feet the grain trade less than
tine of the Christian virtues— and sir and abandonment to gross- changes in certain countries. Thus,
I speak of the peace of the fur- to the practise of hate, envy, greed, nese and evil. We may sometimes the upward tread) in Russian pro -
traders of a hundred and more *ears lust, cupidity, 011 hate,
believe that it is not worth while duction has had only an occasional,
3' pride, in- i trying to be righteous -that wicked- influence. More important in .their
ago and' of the Muskoka boat capt-'tolerance, and the pursuit of riches, ness is rewarded and that godliness effects in the years preceding' 1937-
ain, and of the 'man who allowed To the extent that individuals, and uprighteousness and clean -living 38 were (1) the lower level of out -
himself to become sick in mind, if singly and in mass, practise hate, and honour and integrity are futile, put in Canada, the United States,
not in body, through his fears, be- envy, lust, and so on, to that extent ,
cause I want to assure readers of is individual and community and na-, Yet, when the ft, thel total : richest a man s and a ceptio ally sma to lrge, ine
the News -Record that, despite the tional and international life a con t ae o looked h ived lifeeisy crop exceptionally small he fallinin
sins of man, Heaven and not the tributor to the overthrow of civilize- that one which has been lived cleanly in 193n France, aneIta3) the -
and lieneficiently. production in Italy, and Ger-
Devil rules the affairs of the planet tion' for civilization is of the in -
on which we live. p clividtial as well as of
communities: ntents or bestow its reward hour by:
We are reading much in these and countries. i hour orear
y by year. Heaven is
present times about the "collapse of Always the world has been saved infinitely patient. A man or a
Civilization". Speaking for myself I from its perils and crises, and .has country may seem to us human wat-
am not much alarmed by this idea. been delivered from its catastrophes chars to profit by its trespasses, but
It is quite possible that civilization by individuals, and so it is of the Time's judgement should be awaited
may collapse, meaning that wars utmost importance that individualsi and Time is always on the side of
may destroy cities ancl, towns, and shall practise the Christian virtues Heaven. ' i °','1"j+ i
ships and men; and may so impov i
Irish nations that centuries may
have to 'elapse before much' wealth
had been accumulated by individuals,
corporations, enterprises and indivicl-1
uals—this in respect of most count-
ries, if not of all countries. If civil-'
ization should be destroyed,then
those yet . to be born will have had
no experience of the amenities of
the civilization of today, Assuming
that books will have been preserved
they will read about the current.
civilization, meaning the civilization
of these present times, even as we
who live today read aobut the an-
cien .ivlizatom--of, the (glories of
ancient Egypt, Rollie and Greece.
We who live today are not made
unhappy when we 'read of the old
civilizations, and, in like manner,
those yet unborn, should they be,
boim into a shined world, will not
be unhappy from their reading. They
will just have to accept world eon
ditions,. and by industry and high -
thinking try to build up a better
civilization --one which will equal or
sk rpass our present-day civilization.
It is suite possible that today's civ-
ilisation may be -followed by a long
period to which may be given the
name "The Dark Ages."
But I do not expect to see a col-
lapse of our present-day 'civilization.
The knowledge and wisdom of the
past ages, right up to present tunes,
have been and are being recorded in
books and pictures, and. those who
come after ;:up will be' able to use
tall the knowledge of past days, and
so can accelerate the recovery from
national 'or world impoverishment
following on vast wars.
The 'situation today is not eons -
parable with that of hundreds of
years ago. Then the world was larg-
ely an unknown world. Many count-
ries remained quite 'uulcnown to one
another, and there was a minimum
of communication 'between .countries.
Countries were largely self -depend-
ent. It, was not until ovaries be-
gan to know one another and until
itopulations became widely diffused
as a consequence of migration that
civilization, as we enderstanti the
word, began its astounding develop -
Luis out of the sheriff's hands for
quite a spell. An' that's how the
whole. of the Bonanza come to be
part of the Circle ,V."
(Contlinued) - i :I r171
The Advertisements will get
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Phone 4