HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-07-28, Page 2PAGE 2 THE 'CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TI}IURS., JI,TLY 23, 1)38. r lis Of Destiny1' By Agnes 'Louie Provost Synopsis ` XIIT miner's cabin; beyond Turkey Gulch, malting, it weather -tight and, suffic- Lee Hollister, returning unexpect- At, fifteen Josefa Ramirez was 0 iently shipshape for simple needs; edly from a trip abroad to the Circle beauty, wrth glowing black eyes, a and came and went at will. V ranch his home from childhood, is dusky flush under an olive skin, and There were no bolts nor bars, and g1 t Joe slim gay,'dancing body. Young in by signs of neglect. . y, a in his absence the curious could M- an old prospector friend of Matt Mexican arrayed themselves in halt spect as they pleased. "Shanty Gano I31air, Lee's foster father and owner day best and rode miles out of their did it. So. did Lawlor, nursing a griev .nf the ranch, tells Lee that Blatt has way, to 'spendan hour or so at once and *only tdo anxious to find killed himself, probably discouraged Francisco's ranchito, knives had son4ething to satisfy it: So, quite by hard trines. The ranch is going flashed more than once for her lav- privately, had Stanley Bs•adisli, crit - to ruin and 'Virginia, Matt's daught- or and Francisco and Maria were iicse surveying the ground for reas- er, is visiting the Archers, her aunt busy considering rivet claims, but ons of his own. None of them found and uncle in New York. (Josefa merely slu'ugged disdainfully, evidences of dark motives or hidden Her uncle wants her to sell the laughed, flirted, and let her inkyactivities, uriless,'perhape, lie large place to Milton Bradish, old associate lashes droop over whatever she wish-lrou 'ht chunk of quartz lyinginfull of :Matt's. ed to hide. g 4i 'whew on ashelf might be so class - Lee persuades Virginia to return to Only when Lee Hollister stopped,ified. It was a pretty,glittering g g the ranch. Mrs. Archer follows her, at the sheep ranch was there some -thing, just such a. sample as a sight - accompanied by Stanley, son of Mille thing noticeably different :'about. her, seeing tourist might pick up, but Int Bradish. Stanley thinks he .may like .the sultry stillness before a trifling enough from the prospector's • be able to discredit Lee in Virginia';, storm; ' 1 point of view. On it was pasted e eyes. •' Lee was very nice to- Josefa in a bit of paper with this simple legend: big brotherly way, barely aware of! Matt Blair her moods and amused at her coq- ' A Man The Clinton News -Record uetting. He had known Francisco 'for Died October 15, 1933 ti household 'exploded years; the entire P Shanty Gano knew what that with which is Incorporated I into hospitality at his approach .and sample was. He had watched Lee THE NEW ERA poured its joys and troubles into his Hollister swinging a pick to get it, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ears. Josefa was merely Francisco's It had come from the spot where $1.50 Per year in advance, to Gan pretty kid to him, who laughed and Matt Blair's will -o" -the -wisp samples adian addresses; $2.00 to the U,S. or played and flared into temper now had been dug, Matt's rainbow, which other foreign countries. No paper and then.; 1 this time .had ended, not in the pot discontinued until all arrears are Josefa pouted and -sulked, and con- of gold; but in a little deceitful paid unless at the option of the pub- soled herself with the others. There- "color" which the Assay Office had Usher. The date to which every sub- fore she was flattered, but not par- ! aged would not pay for the price of se iption is paid is denoted on the ticularly sueprised when an agree -!mining. label. able young• man caught her hands) Shanty stood glowering at it for ADVERTISING RATES —Transient and said teasingly pretty things to some minutes before he slid out, her when she was fleeing discovery cautiously, with no wish to meet a advertising 12c per count line for on the night of the dance, nor even titan he both feared and hated. His first insertion. Sc. for each subse- when a swift grey car, a long, far tilted eyes narrowed and glittered uent insertion. Heading counts 2 monster , that was a haughty his lips drew back over discolored richt relation of all the cars Josefa teeth in a wolfish grin. had ever seen, appeared out of shim -1. "Think yo're dein' soinethin', don't mering distance a few days later. It ye2 Well, go as far as ye like, but stopped before the straggling abode when ye get there I'll be waitin' for buildings where a pretty girl leaned ye!" against the plastered wall. The young; He slipped away as cautiously as than apparently had no other errand he had come, than to ask his way, but lie lingered,' If Slanty Gano was curious enough talking to the voluble Maria, and left to pry into Lee Hollister's affairs, presently with a. quick, oblique glance Lee was equally observant of at the girl, 1Slantyvs. He did not like Slanty and A day or two later the car passed he did not trust him. Ile did not that way again, and yet egain. Once I care for Lawlor, either, although he someone was with the agreeable driv had long since decided that the Circle er—that girl, favored among tuortals,',V's mournful foreman, too lacking with the shining hair and rose-leaf,in brains to be very dangerous and skin, the girl with riches in her, too deficient in principles to be vez'y hands and Lee Hollister at her feet., safe, was. merely playing a clumsy Josefa .let the car Dass with a.game to discourage the Circle V's sulky stare, but the next day it came present owner and ingratiate himself again, and this time Stanley .was iwith a new one. Therefore, when he alone. They were conveniently out caught a glimpse of Slanty and Lew- d sight of the ranch house, -and he for slipping behind the shelter of a stopped and invited her for a ride.' cedar thicket one day, he picketed She went, thrilled with luxuriousness his horse a safe distance away and and arrogant speed. followed. Moving lightly, with an After that "there were other meet-! eye for betraying stones underfoot, ings, boxes of sweets, small gifts Lee swung down to a shelf just above which Josefa prudently hid, Ho was the point where they had disappear - amusing and gay, an ardent young eel, dropped flat on it and wormed man, with, a facile tongue for eotn-' cautiously out to the edge. pliment and a taste for kisses. He Voices came to him. He could just teased Josefa, not very delicately. , see the two men about thirty feet "I'm jealous of that fellow Hollist- below. Both men were half drunk, er; you like him better than you do Lawlor. morose, Slanty argumenta- me. He was coming to the Circle Viten and boastful, Lee heard Slanty's this morning when I left. IIe's thereJauntingvoice. a good deal, isn't he? You're nod "Talcsn' orders from Lee Hollister Spanish girl, Josefa, or you'd never yet? Ye've been keepin' yourself so let another girl walk off with yowl scarce I thought he must have fired ratan like that." ' ye >, "How you know I worry my head eI ain't takin' anybody's orders. weeth Lee Hollister? I got plenty I'm boss around here. I take notice fella—ten, twenty, hundred! Eef I that you keen tolerate scarce yore love, I fight for my man -fight any self when that hombre' is around."_ woman!" 1 "Don't you worry about rise!" it came out with a vehemence Shanty wattled him belligenently: which made Stanley raise his brows "I'm goin' to be rich scene day, you in some alarm. She would, the little see if I ain't, And I ain't aimin' wildcat! And that was the last thing to work ]Ike a clog for it, neither. that Stanley wanted• ,to goin' to use my brains. I know "That's because you're Spanish," a pian that's goin' to hand me any - he said persttasively. "But eastern thing I say: I got him just where girls are different. They're cold, Jos- I want him. I got----" efa, They'd throw aver the best ]rind, /He checiced himself abruptly, as of t chap if they.caixgltt him making if realizing that he was talking too a little harmless love to another girl. touch. The watcher on Ube rock shelf Why 3 know a case . , " above' saw him peer slyly at itis He leaned still closer, bis voice companion, but Lawlor merely nohcl- confiding, his eyes watching a dark ed stupidly. mobile face, his fingers idly/cares- ee got a big idea,". Slanty added sing her• arm, , craftily. "That's what brings the Amusing for ,Stanley, and not with- money In. Colne on, le's be movie'," out the flavo'i` of adventure; danger- He yawned and stretched, the sob ous enough for Josefa, :storm -swept ever man of the two. The watchful by jealousy of a girl from another face above (10010 back just in time, world. as Slanty looked up and around. 1 When the two men went down they slope the rock shelf' 'was empty,. If MTS. 'Archer was firmly convinc- , ed, and, Stanley Bradish cynically,' (Continued ne;Ct - -„ k) sure, that Lee Hollister was working There are. now 342 women farmers' to establish 'himself comfortably at clubs in 67 counties of the Province the Circle V, either by marrying of Quebec. These clubs, states' the Virginia 00 otherwise making hjin- Quebec Minister of Agriculture, aug- soif indispensible to her, certainly menu the effect of the lectures and his ,actions did not go far to dis-demonstrations given by the official prove their suspicions. He seemed to instructresses of the Domestic Emil - be merely hanging around, with no only and Handicraft Sections of the apparent affairs of his own that Department. demanded attention nos any disbosi- tion to acquire theta: He spent ::his Exports:o:E' Canadian cheeseto the clays riding about on an excellent British island of Malta in the Med- horse, usually on the Circle V lands'itet'anean during 11937 (1,400 cots.) or near them, dropping in occasion- almost doubled in volume compared ally to see old Joey and appearedwith 1936. The imports into Malta now and then at ranch or bunk house,I of Canadian wheat Delis 'also 'ad- apparen,tly unaware of his unnopnl- vanced • in volume and price, the in- arity with Virginia's, guests. He had crease • in wheat with diminished sup - established himself in an abandoned' plies being an price only, rrrr w.w.n tiv rrr a,r rr.� r vsr.vr rrrr v zti rrrrrrrrr ti •: r; BOTANICAL NOTES FOR AUGUST YOUR WORLD AND MINE f ,• (Experimental Farm News) (Copyright) •: r August has boon truly called the ; month of gold; the aureate month by JOHN C, •KIRKWOOD • jw . . . • . • .' or the blazing' month! ' 4.......•rr.•. rrr.•d A rr .W. r, ...• r r•.Y.'.•;ti A ," rr■ `"''' :: .A. lavender hate hang's in the air I do not get a very largenumber picion that I am not getting a Croat on these 'velvety nights Under a of Ietters in the course of a week» deal out of life. How many men yet sometimes I get letters which 11 are? Yet I ant confident that for are usually interesting.'' So, in this my last years I have chosen advis- week's contribution to the News-Ree-ledly the kind of life most suited to ord I mean to give extracts from a 1 my temperament and my situation. few recent letters. (Even if my means permitted it I One of these letters is from a cor- could not endure a• boarding house or respondent in 'Japan—a roan connect- hotel, The one thing I long for' most ed with the,•Canadian Legation in is a bit of land. I love to dabble Tokyo. Thus he writes: in the soil, and to rout one stone on "Various friends,are leaving Jap- another in building .'a' well for rock an and _there has been a round of plants to creep over. I want and farewell oarties for then,' sometimesneed that kind of physical labour,. It as many as three in one day-;lunch-iwould adcl immensely to my content- eon, tea and dinner: In addition I'neent. It would give me that par have been so busy at the office that tieular•_satisfaction :that comes from I have little c1 ance to count the !doing work that is perpetually vis- hours or to take stock of how time ible, tangible, useful. My loneliest passes. I merely work on, sleep, and hour's are at night and they are my then plunge in again for another happiest hours. My books cheer. and day, [comfort me. Just now I am readings "One fine party we had for the babbling Montaigne, and with fresh M......'s,whe are leaving for Nor- I delight. Surely he, must have been way—Was a large staff party on a one of the most lovable men that, floating "flower boat", with two ever lived on this earth. He was geisha to play and sing, a maid to tolerant, truth -loving 'just, some - attend to our supper, and three boat -timet eloquent, always thouglhtful. men( to' navdgatet the boat on the and witty,and often coarse. river and do the cooking Japanese "Probably you could not bear the style, over charcoal braziers. The life I am living. I am utterly alone boat was almost a barge, lit with, as regards acquaintance with cult - paper lanterns, and roofed over with ured people. I do not take any kind bamboo and thatch. It was really of newspaper •or periodical, and read quite romantic, with four men and no new books, and seldom see -any four women in our party, ,Ibesides printed matter that I have . bought the Japanese' attendants. Some of 'within these therty years past, I' the fresh fish we ate were caught hear no radio, and two or three in nets from a fisherman's boat right months ago my watch stopped run - along side us—"fishing while you ping, so that my only reminders of wait"! the fight of time are when hunger "The next day I had to go to a or sleepiness wisuers to me and jogs farewell dance in Yokohama: then me if whispering is not enough. Yet catch an 11 o'clock train, and sit up 1 love my mode of living. L.live with all night in order to spend Sunday nature and spend much of my time morning visiting the Grand Shrines in just lounging about, watching the at Ise (the Mecca of Japan) with sky's creations in cloud and mist, and l'ed 14I and the Miksmoto pearl the earth's ever-changing garment fishing grounds at Fobo in the after:, of verdure. So if, I do not see much noon, and catch a return night train of men and women, I do see much back to Tokyo, arriving at 6.30 a.m. ' of the elements of which they, are "Last week I was invited, as presi-1 compounded. Possibly for that I am dent of the British region, to Gen- nearer,to the secret heart of things". eras Piggott'e tea '.`arty to meet General Sir Arthur Wauehopo, latelyi governor of Palestine; and this week! T have but little space left m'e %r I was invited to another small ford-, quotations from 'a letter from a cor- en party at General Piggott's`r'espondent writing about a YWCA (British hnilitary attache) to meet eonfexence sir Seal tie—a conference General Sit and Lady Twiss of the. attended by between 3500 and' 400D Indian and Burmese army. Tonight; delegates. My correspondent says, I have been to a clance-recital of "Mere were 300 meetings! The gen.: Japanese and European pup)ls of a' oral vasittess :and seething crowds brilliant American dancer, Forrest were somewhat over whelming. The Garnett, ieesult• was a tendency to throw us "For the Hast three days we have even more closely toward the people had tremendously heavy rains, esus -;we knew --sort of self-nrotectiou, So ing floods and inundations, collapses I met no new friends," of buildings and railway lines,. and: Contrast this experience with the a number of deaths. It' is the edge Placidity of Mcb'a)I's lot and life! of a veryunseasonable typhoon (auttann is their, usual time). A Eery The geographical distribution of minutes ago, to add to the weather' those four correspondents is some - troubles, we had a fairly distinct' thing to remark on. eartbgpake, but I have eatso ural i The End to earthnuakes-as in Turkey—that they 'don't disturb me much. The 1 more frequent the small ones, the. less danger of a large and serious. Sortie Lite -Saying I.boII'ts one, and we have quite a number of DON'T swill alone. You may be- minra• rotes in the past two months.' noma fatigued and no one will be With its raining buckets, a wind available to come to blowing, and .dun earthquake, it is your assistance really a "dirty night". in case of difficulty. DON'T swim for at least an hour after eating. If you do you may be Front 'London carne a letter from stricken with stomach cramps, which a friendwho is an official of the' in almost every ease render the Tower of London Improvement swimmer helpless, Muscle cramps scheme -a . project to have Tower' are not so dangerous, and in most Iii! alongside theTower of Lon-! cases of these, providing you do not don cleated of some unsightly and get excited, you can get them out by relaxing. Make for the shore at once, supernumerary buildings and beaus ified to make a "nleasaunee" for the where the cramped member can be dwof East London, My friend massaged. If you are subject` to cramps stay close to shore on all vtn'itesellers: "I am in the throes of having to occasions, get out Neither souvenir programme,' DONT go on long srvints 'unless to be sold at .an exorbitant pries (3 accompanied by a boat. hope) by a bevy of society lovelies,` DON'T 'forget that it takes as and my brain has gone completely much ability to be able to swim in dry. I trust that in. the not too dist- inwater five feet he depth as it sloes ant future the Ministry of Transport ti Inch deeper water aucl'iltat it is will put an Al road across . Tower safer to swim in shallow water. Hill and so put across the major because you can rest when tired. ' portion of our still uncompleted per DON'T dive Tinto water unless you tion 0Tower Hill redemption." are euro it is free 'from obstacles Accompanying this letter were' and of sufficient depth for diving, clippings relative to the garden DON'T use inner tubes.to learn to party which !vas honoured by the swim or play on. They, may slip attendance of Queen- Elizabeth. The savoy and Int ,you sink in deepwater. newspapers which r'eportecl this garcl-i DON,'T use rafts. They may entry en party—held July lath -told of her you out beyond your depth. going to it via the Royal' barge,: DONT try to swim after a ball which carried, in, 1017, George V and or anything else bong -blown :out Queen Mary, .as they wentto some from shore by the wind or current. function at Chelsea. This barge, It can trove) faster than you can rarely used."' is always )cepit $hip- swim, and you may become te.•ed shape. Until (niece Elizabeth's use and unable to swim back to shove. of the Royal 'barge to visit the Tow-': DON'T climb out on rock piers. n had ever used the barge They are often very slippery. You leen er, no .t.might fall and break your neck, or for a like piemose since the. time . when Queen Elizabeth visited the seriously injure yourself. tower iii 1561. DON'T, cry for help. if it is not By the way, the ticicets for the required. You may need help scene 'at - garden party sold at 12s 6d! time and then' nobody may pay at - g. ltention to your difficulties. ! DON'T get into a canoe unless you Now I quote from the letter of a are an experienced swirmnet or boat- friend resident in North Carolina-- man. Never stand` np, in canoes, or a, bachelor, living alone, aged 76 small boats, nor change seats, ' nor years. Of this friend and his life move about in unnecessary. manner,, I have written several times in these This is .the most dangerous thing contributions. Here is what McFall you can clo and more accidents hap - writes: pen through this form of careless- ' 1 am slipping perceptibly, partic- ness than from any other cause. ularly as regards strength and en- DON'T -tamper - with' life-saving ergy. You are right in your sus- appliances along public waterfronts. lines. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as "Wanted", "Lost, "Strayed", etc., inserted once for 35c., each subsequent insertion 15c. Rates for display advertising made known on application. Communications intended for pub- lication must; as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name ' of the miter. G. E. HALL - - Proprietor H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer Financial. Real Estate and Fire In- eurance Agent, Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies. Division Court Office. Clinton Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B. 'Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to W. Brydone, K.C. Sloan. Block Clinton. Ont. A. E. COOK Piano and Voice 'Studio=E. C. Nickle, Phone 23w. 80-11. D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist, Massage mffice: Huron 'Street. (Few Doors west of Royal Banlc) Hours—Wed. and Sat. and by appointment. FOOT CORRECTION ley' manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment Phone 207 GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Correspondence promptly answered binmediate arrangements can be made Tor Sales' Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling phone 203. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. Officers: President, Thomas Moylan, Sea - forth; Vico ?resident, William Knox, Londesboro; Secretary -Treasurer, M; A. Reid, Set.forth. Directors, Alen. Broadfoot, Seaforth; James Sholdice. Walton; James Connolly, Goderich; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; ;Chris, Leonhardt, Dublin; Alex. MeEwing. Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton, List of Agents: E. A. Yeo, R.R. 1, Goderich, Phone 603r31, Clinton; Gaines Watt, Blyth; John E.Pepper, Brucefield, R. R. No. 1; R. F. Meller- eller, Dublin, R. R. No. 1; -Chas. F. Hewitt, Kincardine; R. G. Jarmuth, Bornholm, R. R. No. 1. Any money to be paid may be paid to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Bank of Commerce, Seaforth, or at Calvin Cbtt's grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to effeet insur- ance or transact other business will. be promptly attended to on ;applica- ion to any their the above officers ad- dressed to their respective post offi- ces. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene. I ANA'► IAN`A MAIL ' A1LYYAl( a handsome plant, but a noxious weed owing' to its large running roots, 'Here indeed is a ease of futile glitter! But it has a first cousin- the Annual Sow thietle (Sonehus oleraceus), much less harmful, whose leaves are, according to Britton and Brown, used as greens and salad. • Some people may laughs and say: "Surely such common weeds cannot gi'al}c coloured sky crammed with be good to eat." —But wait until darn skers, the trans ,'racial still as you read this: Elias Yanousky `re- away e of a ultrrixlnc. 'forest. But (erring to the Skunk Cabbage in his these stars arc coon to hc cbascd "Foocl Plants of the North' American away by the :savage rayrs of: the, sun „ Indians says:Rootstocks used as "s he rises shoats 1;o his /rnith. snot emergency ,food, dried or baked to hangs merciless -••-a boaso piaquo with, improve the taste, youngleaves and a hairy outline in ,a vivid sliy, Later o e the hot and vuiver'in air seem.: f)1.'shcrots used for coons There Iroquois g and Seneca Indians", certainly led with scintillating vitt crust as is no accounting for taste. It is pos- the parched earth gives back i1;s r#role that .the Red Man might not shimmering heat to a collosal old- ttpp� eve o£ certain types of cheese. gold moon. in an advanced stage of deeomposf- On the farms are boundless oceans tion -highly relished by the White of waving golden grains, redolent of Man'' the Crown of the Year. There took AY 1 nd so these drowsy, dinning dog - are great fields of corn tossing their rias sent! dins Ivo into another plumed helms, like mighty squadrons y o season oved for cooler nights and of old-time knights; proud in the sweet rberepose; when the mellow in- hsign of their golden ladiesty" cense of the decline teof summer re - the cobs, It seems these haughty minds us that there wilt soon be cavaliers are ti ampling conquered much ado again 'with all the hustle hosts as the enormous golden orbs and bustle of Dame Nature's bane - of the pumpkins crawl and squirm Iieent season the harvest, at. their feet. And there is more gold; for the I - world is ablaze with golden blossom.' _ ADVERTISING — Highland, plain, woodland, swamp The Great Lesson Taught by the Hen and lake alike are bursting with a plethora of floral glory. It is quite and Lost on the Duck—Intelligent true that all is not gold that glitters; Yublialty. as we shall see, : A great many gourmands who are On the lakes and ponds is the fond of duck eggs have often wond- Large Yellow Water -Lily (Nymph- ered why the demand for them is so aea advena); perhaps the one which small in comparison with hen's eggs. Indeed the word "egg" has come to Longfellow had in mind when Hia- f watha's canoe have but one meaning. "Floated on the river The egg of the hen owes its pop - Like a yellow leaf in autumn clarity to countless centuries of per - Like a yellow water -lily." sistent advertising. That wise barna The £lowers . look like . enormous' yard fowl never fails to cackle ex - floating buttercups. Not being . ultantly whenever she Pays- The sweet scented, they are usually left duck, on the contrary, merely' wad - in place; but there are some people dies quietly away and says nothing who (11 is said) eat the seeds and of her achievenment. Moreover, the roots; and who claim that the seeds rooster is in the habit of sounding taste like those of broom corn, and the triumph note of his race at sun - the roots, after long boiling, like rssir, thus calling attention to the sheep -liver. excellence of the family wares while the con Those sun-shaiied golden dishes ic is preparing breakfast. with flashing eyes, called Sunfloty- The lesson taught by these humble ere are, as well as being ornamental, birds is one that no viped, either useful to man. One authority says feathered or smooth, can afford to that the seeds of some species (as neglect. That some have learned ate Helianthus annus and H. Petiolaris) lesson and profited by it is shown were parched and ground into meal by the fact that the most sought to make bread, considered equal to after brands of merchandise are corn bread. The thickened tuber- those whose merits are .the most like roots of the' Giant Sunflower persistently and attractively set (Helianthus giganteus) and the forth in the advertising columns of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus high-class newspapers. The hen tuberoses) are boiled and eaten like aided by her mate, has always been potatoes, her own advertiser, but should, the Another useful plant 'with yellow rivalry of the cluck threaten the flowers is the Common Evening great industry that she las built up Primrose (Oenothera biennia; which, by her own efforts, we may expect according to Sturtevant, was form- to see her advertisements 'in the erly cultivated in English gardens paper we need not mention its for its edible roots, which 'when boil- risme—which will do her the most ed are wholesome and nutritious; good. TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Goderieb Div. Going East, depart .....6,58 a:m. Going East, depart 3.60 p.m .Going West, depart 11.45 p.m. Going West, depart 10.00 p.m. London, Huron & Bruce Going North, ar. 11.25 lve. 11.47 p.m. Going. South ar. 2.50,,leave 3.08 p.m. sweet to the taste, somewhat re -1 senibling parsnips, The Japanese °bah is the largest The much maligned Sow -thistles coin in the world. It measures five add their gold to August. The per- inches across and weighs about four ennial species (Sonchus arvensis) is ounces. SNAPSOT CU!L CAMERA AT THE CIRCUS A ferrls-wheel angle shot of your crowd is just one picture opportunity among scares you will find at the circus or street carnival Take the camera alongi i4)FI11N yoti go to the circus or dY carnival, by all means go early and take your camera along. There is endless variety of new, interest- ing snapshot, material :and you'll' actually see snore, and enjoy your- self more, if there's a camera in your hand. On the midway, hon can picture side-show barkers, flamboyant tent signs, gaping people who are visit- ing a circus for the first time, wide- eyed youngsters munching popcorn or .quaffing pink lemonade; gaudy displays • of prizes at amusement. booths, and scores of other amusing details. Wandering, about the lot, you will be able to picture interesting details of clrbus equipment, and perhaps novel sidelights of circus. life—family wash strung out be- tween wagons, mending of costumes and entailment, feeding and groom- ing of work stock, Be friendly, don't annoy the circus folk, and they will treat you courteously - Pictures of performers and ani - nulls should be obtained daring the circus parade; as you may not be allowed to take your camera inside the big tent. The light inside is usually too poor for good snapshots except with ultra speed lenses and: film. But there is ample opportunity outside to keep the camera busy, and you can come away with enough good shots to fill several pages in an album. Try it lust once, and you'll never be without your camera when, the dreii% comes to town. 196 John van Guilder