HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-07-14, Page 5T IURS., 'JULY 11 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE 5 it's risky' travels are sold, at all our branches. Get yours before you go away, and keep your travel money safe. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCT3 - - E. E.•PATERSON, Manager Clinton Gill. is Wed in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Boswell are shown in the above picture as they . left Emmanuel College Chapel, Toronto, following their wedding on July 2nd. The bride was formerly Mary Louise Chidley, daughter of Mrs. T. -Jackson end the late Joseph Chidley, former residents of Clinton. The groom is Manager of the Dominion Bank at Seaforth, AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor and daughter Marian,, left on Sunday by c motor for a trip to Sask. where they -will visit Mr. Taylor's brother. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Miller and Ed. Miller: of Windsor, spent the ' weekend with Lloyd Miller. Mrs. Miller is remaining for a. few weeks. • Donald Ross is visiting friends at Ainberly and Lochalsh. Mr. and Mrs. W. -H. Sheppard, Reicl, Joan and Tom left last'. Friday • for a two weeks vacation at Sund- ' ridge. During Mr. Sheppard's absence ;from the Bank of Comnieene, Mr. Alex Smith of Goderich is'taking hip. place as manager. Me. Jas Brundrit spent the week end with Mitchell friends. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bogie, Billy "Marion and Cora spent Sunday with, 'friends at Ripley.- Mr. ipley.-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Feemlin. of 'Clinton spent Sunday with the lady's :mother, Mrs. John Ferguson.. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Robinson spent 'Saturday 'in Stratford, the guests of Mr. -and Mrs. Bert Natt. They were :accompanied by .,their niece, Ruth !Adele Frost who intends spending sortie time in the Nott home. ''Mr. -Everett Yungbhif is visiting ':Iris grandmother, Mit. E. Yungblut. 1Visitors at the home of Mt'. and Mrs, A. J. Ferguson on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. A. Mothers, Mr, William Mathers, and Miss Pat Mathers . of Parkhill, and Mrs.' Clark of London. I Master Billy Bogie, who has been visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Kemp- ton, of Ripley has returned home; Mr. and Mrs. Murray and two children 'of near Port Arthur have moved into the house formerly occup- ied by. Miss Margaret' Smell. Mr, Murray is engaged to teach at 5.5• No. 3 Colborne. Messrs Samuel and James Breckin and Miss Norma Rogers, of Toronto, spent the weekend with . Mrs. Jas. Hewitt. " Recent visitors' with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Bogie were Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Mills and farnily of Detroit, Mrs, E. Wilson of Orlando, Florida, is visiting Mrs. Jas, Howitt. Mr. and ' IYIrs, Chester Taylor, Doris and Harold of St. Helens, visited Mrs. John Ferguson on Sun- day. Arnold Phillips who had been, visiting them returned home. • Mr. Len Yungblutt is relieving on the C.P.R. near Windsor, Born—On Saturday, July 9th to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Greig of Col- borne, a son. The pupils of Miss Mae Redmond A,T.C.M., who recently ,,tried their • music examinations were all success- ful 'in obtaining their certificates, they are as follows; Ettabelle Web- ster (Grade VISI piano,), Joan Shep- pard (Grade III piano), Ruth Wil- son (Grade III, piano), Arnold* ,Phil- lips '(Grade II piano), Royce Phillips (Glade I piano), Ettabelle Webster (Grade II Theory). Mr: and Mrs. Walter Barrett of St, Lois, Montana, Mrs. Barry 'Luke of Davidson, Mich, and Mr. and Mrs. David ' Barrett of Flint, : Mich., were recent visitors at the hone Of, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Hamilton, Marion Mills of Detroit is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey. Bogie. The ladies Aid of the Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. Stanley Johnston• of East Wawanosh on Thur- sday •with the president, Mrs. Chas. Howson in charge. The scriptur'e.was read by Mrs. John Raithby and Mrs,- Stanley Johnston led in prayer, Mrs. Elmer Robertson and Mrs. R.. J. Phillips acted as secretary and treas- urer in the absence of Mrs. 'E'arl Raithby and Mrs. Glen Raithby. The roll call was answered by a verse beginning with the letter V. The program was as follows: A number by ,the orchestra, Mrs. John Me Knight, Mrs. Chas. Howson, Mrs. Jasper McBrlen and Mrs. G. Sher- man; readings by Mrs. Frank Raithby and Mrs. Thos McNeill; solo, Mrs, Earl McKnight; duet, Shirley and Emma Robertson. Mrs, G. W. Sheman gave the topic on "prayer". Mrs. W. C. Roberton closed the meeting. with prayer after which a dainty lunch was served by the hostess and Mrs. John McKnight. . MR. F. COWELL Mrs. John Arthur has received the sad news of the death of Mr. Fuller Dowell of Pickford, Mich. Mr. Cowell was born On the Base Line, on the corner where Ball's Bridge isnow situated. He was married in 1898 to Margaret Arthur; by the Rev. Robert hendersou. Following their marriage they went to live in Pickford where they have since resided. Besides his wife. he ]eaves to mourn his loss two children, one daughter, Mrs. Oakman Kennedy (Elizabeth) of Pickford, Mich.; one son, Charles Cowell of Alpena, also four grandchildren. ` The monthly meeting of the Wom- en's Institute will be held in -the Foresters Hall on Tuesday July 19th at two -thirty. Mrs. D. F. Mellwaine and son, Eric of Bowanville are visiting' her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Asquith. The congregation of Oakland United Church presented' their pastor, Rev. and Mrs. Mortimer with a purse of $65.00, Rev. Mortimer who is retiring front the ministry was a former pastor of the United church here. Congratulations to these pupils of No. 16, East Wawanosh, Mary Nes- bit, Robert McClinchey who- were successful in passing their entrance by recons}iendation. Marjorie John- ston ohnston by examination with honors. Also Hazel Bentley who passed her second year High school work on her year's work. HOLMESVILLE Miss. Alma Trewartha was holiday- ing over the weekend with Miss Grace MacMath of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, McIlwain and fancily were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Trewartha, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts of Toronto and Miss F, Roberts of Goderich, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Yea. Rev. H. Wilding, acconmpanied by a number of our . young people, are en- joying' the Summer school sessions, at Goderich. Miss E. M. MacMath of Toronto, was a recent visitor with her sister, Mrs. H. J. Trewartha. Don't forget the lawn social in con- nection with Hohnesville United Church,` this Friday evening. Me. and Mrs. Wni, Glen and Alex spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Milne, Bayfield. Miss Eileen Glidden, who under- went a tonsil' operation on Saturday last is convalesc)ng nicely. BRT CEFIELL Dr. Carmen Haugh and Miss Hazel Baugh oi; Toronto spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh. Mrs. Carmen Haugh and children returned home with them, Don't forget the Sunday School Picnic to he held at Bayfield on Fri- day, July 22nc1,. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott and family spent the weekend in Burlington; We extend our sincere sympathy to Mese (Rev.) Wright in the loss of her mother last week. Mrs. R. McKenzie and family of Detroit are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe. Mr. and Mrs. B. Sholdiee visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Patterson on. Friday. The many friends of Mrs. Bert Mc- Itaywill be pleased to`,know that she is slowly improving. Miss Anna Cornish is visiting friends in Mitchell. Miss Greta Mustard of Hearst, and neiee of Winnipeg, spent the weekend with Mrs. A. Mustard. Mrs. McDonald of Dundas is visit- ing her sister Mrs. C'. Haugh, • Mr. L. Reid and friend of Toronto spent the weekend in .the village. gyiego Cut Flowers, yam Flowering Plants Floral Designs For All Occasions. SPRING FLOWE tiS. Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j Poultry Culling Time Poultry, flocks usually have :some boarders and persistent cluckers. These should be culled out as prices are higher than usual for fat poul- try. Culling done at night by exper- ienced poultryman. Open Thursday evenings for eggs. N. W. TREWARTHA Phone 214j—Residence 214w.' MARRIAGES ' HOARE-HIGBY—qn Thursday even- ing, July 7th, at Central Baptist Church, London, Elizabeth Jean Higby, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Bigby,, of London, was united in' marriage to Cornelius Hoare, of Clinton, by Rev. J. N. Mil- lar. BOSWDLL—CHitDLPY—On Saturday, July 2nd., at Dmmanuel College, To- ronto, Mary Louise Chidley, daugh- ter 'onMrs., Thomas aughter'of.Mrs.,Thomas Jackson and the late Joseph Chidley, former resi- dents of Clinton, was united in mar- riage to Mr. Edward Campbell Bos- well of Seaforth, Rev. Murray Chidley of Coolcsville officiated. DEATHS JONES -At the family residence; Glyn Road, Saanieh, on Thursday, June 30111, Edward Jones, formerly of Clinton. aged seventy-five years. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr, and Mrs. Phil. Reynard of London, and Mrs. D. Wheeler and son of Parkhill were visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Le L. Stephenson, Miss Helen Welsh of Clinton, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Welsh, Bayfield Line. SPECIAL SALE JULY 14th 15th, 16th, LADIES HATS Reg. 1.95 to 2.95 on Sale 1.49 to 2,25 Reg. 9.95 KNITTED SUITS On Sale .....8.95 Reg. 95e SILK HOSE, On Sale 690 Reg. 69c SILK HOSE On Sale 65c Reg. 59c SILK HOSE On Sale 55e Reg. 49c WASHABLE DRESS CREPE On Sale ...... 430 Reg. 89e WASHABLI/ SHANTUSSA On Stile . 790 Reg 79c WASHABLE SIIANTUSSA On. Sale .. , . 70c Reg. 3.50 BATHING SUITS On Sale .. 3.00 Reg. 2.95 BATHING SUITS ' On Sale 2.50 lteg. 1.95 BATHING SUITS On Sale 1.65 Reg. 1.25 SHORTS 89c Reg. 95c, 1.35 and 1.75 'SLACKS for ...... 79, 98 and 1.19 On account of remodeling, this store will be closed at front the first of next week, but. will be here to serve those who wish to come hi back ent- rance. A. McDonald Citizens wishing to obtain CALCIUM CHLORIDE for the laying of dust on thestreets may prceure same, at cost, by applying to CONSTABLE GROVES TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to July 30th, for the painting of the 'exterior of; Holmes• ville United Church.No tender nee- essarily accepted. Mrs, Ii, J. Tre- wartha, R.R;-2 Clinton, 92.1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES RUDDELL, late of the Township of Huliett, in the County of Huron, yoeiran, deceased . All persons having : claims, ,against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the tnideesigned Solicitor for the Exeb- utors, Dennis' Roberton and. Jessie Ross, on or before the 30th day of July, A.D. 19'38, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto,, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this llth day of July, A.D.1938. F. Fingland, Clinton„ Ontario, Solicitor for Executors, Dennis Rob- erton and Jessie Ross. 92.3. RDXY THEATRE Clinton. Now Playing: "Snow white and the Seven Dwarfs",. The miracle of the tnovies,eredited by Walt Disney — In Technicolor Mon, Tues.. Wed. . "Gold Diggers in Pains" starring Rudy Vallee and Priscilla Lane Thurs., Fri., Sat. —A Double Bill Joe E. Brown arid Jane Wyman in "Wide Open Faces Charles Starrett, Barbara Weeks. and Bruce Lane star in a western' picture "Two Fisted Sheriff" Mat. :Sat. and holidays at 3 p.m. Inmealleenrelemenerentintutemenuaratenneeentearmanametee CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE Goderich Seaforth Now: "Back rat Circulation" Pat O'Brien and Joan, Biondell Mon., Tues., Wed. Gold is where you Find It Starring George Brent, Olivia deliaviland, Claude Rains and Margaret Lindsay Thurs.,;Fri., Sat. GENE. AUTRY and SMILEY BRUNETTE "Public Cowboy No. `1 with Ann Rutherford Corning—Dick. Powell in "Hollywood Hotel" This theatre is Westinghouse' Air- conditioned Mat.: Sat and Holidays at 3 p.m. Now: Rudy Vallee with " The Gold Diggers in Paris " Mon., Tues. Wed. DEANNA DURBIN Herbert' Marshall, Gail Petrick and Arthur Treacher "MAD, ABOUT MUSIC" Thurs., Fri., Sat. Gene Autry and Smiley. Burnette put some tuneful variety into 'a Western adventure "Springtime in the toclde'� with Polly Rowles Coming: Alice Faye in "You're a- Sweetheart" Mat.: Wed., Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m. Si!veroods Instance Frozen ICE CREAM IN BRICK — BULK SUNDAE ROLL ICE CREAM BARS CONES G'R19AMSICISLES. or '.L WJNSWiS Bartliff & Crich Phone 1. , Clinton. CAN YOU WRITE? Plot tests now are available at the News -Record office. Call for yours. Complete it and return for criticism to. THE STORY TELLERS' CLUB 57 Queen Street West, Toronto RED AND BLACK CURRANTS MILK -FED BROILERS Edward L. Mittel) Phone 213—Clinton. Teacher Wanted Applications are invited for the position of teacher for S.S. No. 13, Stanley. Duties to commence in September. Apply to Russell Errata„ Sec-Treas, Varna, Ont. 92-1 New and Old Time DANCE Under auspices of the Clinton Old Time Dance Chib BAYFIELD PAVILION TUESDAY, JULY 19th. Music By the RUSTIC RHYTHMAIRES DANCING 9 p.m. to 2 aim, Come and Join with tis in an Evening's 'Fun. ADMISSION 25c EVL'RYBODY WELCOME Elbctric Motors Electric Motors for sale of various sizes, from lei horsepower up. Re- pairs and rewinding on Electric Motors, car, generators,, etc. Lorne; Johnston, Exeter, Ont. 91-2 ORDER ONE OF OUR DELICIOUS CAKES Oar Variety is Complete and the Quality is Best May We Menton to Try a SILVER CAKE Candies Gum Drops ;Special 15c per lb. Bissets 'Ice -Cream — BRIC'KS — BAMS — ETC. — Wendorf's Bakery and Restaurant Phone 68 Summer Cottage For Sale AT BAYFIELD Ideal location near lake, spring water on propert- W. N. COUNTER CLINTON. 86t. BUS SERVICE CIANGE OF TIME TABLE June 25, 1938—Leave Clinton, South Bound Daily except Sunday and Holi- days -8.00 and 4.15 p.m. Sunday and Holidays -5.30 p.m. North to Kincardine, Port Elgin, and Southampton—Daily except Sun- day and Holidays -2,30 p.m. and 8.05 p.m. Sunday and Holidays -2.30 and 9.40 p.m. 89-4. Wanted Old horses or cattle for nminlc feed; if dead phone at once, Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 607r5, or Lloyd Baticins, 619r14. 84 t.f-.e-o-w REFRIGERATOR --Norge, with a ten-year warranty, brand new, only $169.95. For further partieulars see your local dealer, A. W. Groves, On display at Beatties. One 21/2inch Tire Adams WAGON Nearly New — A . Bargain RLY SPRAY A quantity of Purina Spray to Clear at a Bargain Price Al. UHARLESWORTII Sewing Machine Practically new, drop -head style Singer Sowing• Machine for sale at reasonable price. Apply to this office. 991-2-p Poultry Wanted Give us the opportunity to cull your fowl, Highest prices and reli- able culling. All poultry weighed iiglred and paid for at your farts. Gordon Pear- son, Clinton., Phone 226. 85-8. Barn To Rent SALES Equipped with stock scale, on Vie toria street. Apply to C. D. Connell, 00-tf, 1937 Dodge Sedan, only gone Auction Sale of Household Effects At residence across from Randall's Service Station, an Huron Road, east of Goderich, on Saturday afternoon, July 16th, commencing at 2 o'clock, the following: Cook stove, nearly new; about 20 stove pipes; kitchen cabinet; kitchen couch; number of chairs; two rocking chairs; one large extension table; one small extension table, one cabi- net, glass doors; sewing machine; arge buffett; electric radio, 6 -tube Spartan, cabinet models square tab - e; five -piece bedroom suite; consist - ng of lied; dresser, stand and two chairs; large trunk; electric iron; curtains, cushions, dishes and other articles too numerous to mention. Reg Mc�McGeeG. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. GEO. VANDERBURGH, Prop. ' 91.2. 1936 Dodge Coach, heater and defroster 1936 Dodge Coach, low mileage 1931 WILLYS Sedan 1930 Essex Sedan 11930 Pontiac Coach 1930, Chev. Truck, 2 torr 1937 Dodge Truck, 2 ton 1928 Chev. Sedan 1928 Chev. Coach 1926 Chev. Coupe, good shape 1928 Essex Sedan 1928.Buick Sedan, like new 2 -year old, general purpose colt 4 -year old Percheross horse,. weight 1600 lbs. Our Business h REPAIRING MENS GARMENTS ALSO LADIES Relining our Speciality Prices Moderate. ALBERT PALMER Isaac St., Clinton. BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) RADIO EPAIRS Highest Quality Parts COMPLETELY EQUIPPED SERVICE SHOP. Quick Service -Guaranteed Work. PHONE 213 E. itt °11 RADIO-TRICIAN IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDGEMENTS COLLECTED Our collecting department is a re - suit of years of successful experi- ence in collecting Iocal or out-of-town accounts. No collection, do charge — Mail your list of accounts to -day to Burke's Collecting Agency, (License 176) HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. 41-tf For Sale or Rent A number of places for Sale or Rent of the S. S. Cooper Estate, compeds- ing several stores, private dwellings and the Fair orchard situated on Whitehead street, consisting of seven acres. Also five -room apartment in the. Sloan Block, newly decorated. Apply to A. J. Cooper, Goderich, or the Canada Trust Company, London. Mr. Cooper will be in Clinton every Thursday until further ,notice. 87-t.f. For Sale or Rent Good Brick II ouse, Apply to E. Ward, Huron street. 85 tf. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by Electrolysis. MISS E. MERNER VARNA, ONT. Phone Hensafl 97r12 or write to Varna, Ontario 94-13 House For Sale .A. very desirable residence on Prin- cess street. Good garden and fruit trees, electric lights and town water. House in good condition, Apply at the News -Record office. ' 75-c. Wanted Highest cash prices paid for Old Horses and Cattle fit for mink feed. Everything removed. If dead phone at once. Fred Gilbert, 608r22, Clin ton. 79-tf- Roofing ' We have a special liquid Fibre Coating or Alumenix for steel roofs. Also repair flat roofs. We sell Ce- ment Tops for chimneys. Apply to Joe Becker, Clinton. Phone 42. 86-tf. "WANTED, RELIABLE „ENERGET- IC MAN with car to handle Quality' Teas Coffees Cocoa, Spices, Ektraets, Fly Sprays, Medicinal Preparations 'direct to users. Excellent opening in Huron County, No experience necessary. We want responsible rel- iable men only. Write today, The T. H. Ward Company, John South, Hamilton." For Sale A' house and barn on Wellington Street. Water and hydro. Apply to J. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton - 70 -ti'. Cleaning and Pressing. Suits, Coags and Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REP4IRINIt W. J. JAGO, TAILOR DODGE and DESOTO SALES It not open work may be left'rlp Phone 695 , GODERICE Hewes Barber Salop.