HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-06-30, Page 7"THURS., JUNE 30, 1938.
Mr. W. T. Riddell and Mr. Walter
McGill left Monday morning for a
'trip to Manitoba.
• Mr. ,arid Mrs. Robert ..Howson of,
Penticton, B.C., who have been visit_'
i ing friends and relatives in this
community for the past month, have
returned to their hone.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Asquith, Betty
and Mary visited at Churchill, near
Barrie on Sunday.'
Mr. Jack Stirling and Mr. Jinn Stir-
ling and Miss Gace Morrison of Pic -
ton, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Alfred
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scott of To-
ronto are visiting relatives in this
district. '
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Taylor were
in Toronto one day last week,
Miss Bertha King of Toronto is vis-
iting' Mrs. W. C. Robertson, and Miss
-E. Elkin.
Mx'. and Mrs. A, J, Ferguson and
;Stewart visited with Parkhill friends
o.on Sunday.
Mist Amelia McIlwain, who has
been working for Mrs. - Wm. Mains of
Clinton, has returned home' here.
Mr. J. R. Ross of Guelph visited
' with Mr. and Mrs, T. S. Johnston last
The town hall and Canadian Bank
of Commerce are being trimmed with
White paint. t-
The following pupils are: writing
theif Entrance examj: at`Biyth. Zeta
Munro; Isobel Rollinson, Lenore
Plaetzer, Dorothy Riordan and Alvin
" Plunkett.
--Mr., :Ind Mrs. Albert ,Ranking and
- family of Dearborn, Mich., are visit-
ing relatives in this community.
Mr. James Dawson of Detroit is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George
• Dawson_.
Miss Fern 'Watson of Londesboro
",.has been chosen as teacher of S. S,
No. 9, Hullett, Base Line School.
The School Picnic of S. S. Ne. 3,
Colborne, (Young's School) was held
at Harbor Park last Thursday.
The manse committee of Knox Uni-
ted Church held a successful Straw-
berry Supper in the church basement
last Friday.
, • Mr. Harry Sturdy had the mist)"
tune to cut his hand. While stretch-
ing some barb wire his hand slipped
- and was cut.
On Friday evening the congrega-
tion of Knox Presbyterian Church met
<at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Wagner and presented Mrs. Fred
Yungblut, (Doris Wagner), with an
end table and wicker fernery. An
address was read by Miss Josephine
Weir, and the gifts were presented
by Carl Govier and Donald Ross
Lunch and wedding cake was served
•at the conclusion of the presentation
...,and games on the spacious lawn were
' Miss• Dorothy Craig was successful
in obtaining her R.N. Degree. She
is a graduate of Stratford Hospital
Mr.. and Mrs. George Pilgrim of
Forest are visiting with Mr. and Mrs
Chas. East.
Mr. and Mrs, Milton Plunkett, of
" Toronto, are visiting with friends in
this district.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams are
visiting' with Mr. Chas. Beadle.
Mrs. E. A, Howson and Mr. and
Mrs. R. 3. Phillips attended a picnic
on Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Melville Jewell of Colborne,
At a special meeting of the L.O.I.
327, Auburn, on Thursday night, the
Arch Degree was given Win. Haggitt
Robert 'Turner, Jack Snelling and.
Harold Carter, Visiting Orangemen
-• were present from Dungannon, Blyth
Clinton, Belgrave and Londesboro.
Mr. Robert Chamney had a barn
raising on Saturday afternoon.
Held at Harbor Park Goderich, Ont,
'A, most outstanding event in the
history of the Howson family occur-
red on June 261h, 1938. It was the
"first '• gathering ever held in this
•"coinmunity by this branch of the
'Howson family. After enjoying a
sumptuous dinner, an interesting pro
,grain arranged by Mrs. Robet Phil-
lips and Mrs, Melville Jewell follow
ed. .
Mr. Robert Phillips of Auburn act-
ed as Master of Ceremonies. An
outstanding address concerning the
family history' as to its origin and
' then its growth in this community
'was given by Mr. Robert Howson, of
)3, C. Also short talks were given
by Everand Howson, Stuart Howson,
• J. 0. Scott and Joe Miller.
The re -union was in honour of Mr.
and. Mrs. Robert Howson of 'Pentie•
' ton, B.C., They are spending several
weeks visiting and renewingold ac-
quaintances' in this community. Mr.
4 Howson is the last surviving son of
the late Joseph and Janet Howson Of
the 13th concession of Htillett Town-
' ship. He , left here fifty-five years
ago to make his home in the Cana-
.dian Northwest.
An Honored member ni'esent was
Mrs. John Honking, sister of Robt.
Howson, who is now in her 84th
year. • Others ;yresent were Mr. and
Mrs. Everand Howson and four dau-
ghters, Jean, Margaret,. Marian, and
Phyllis of Conneaut, Ohio; ,Stuart and
Donald Howson of Rudyard,. Mich.,
who with Everard Howson are sons
of the lateverard Howson are sons
a th'er of Robert Howson; Mrs. Charles
Howson of Auburn; wife of, the late
C. A. Howson; also brother. of Robert
Howson; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Phillips,
(Minnie Howson) of Auburn;; Mr. and
Mrs. Melville Jewell (Dora Scott) and
fartiil, ',Of • Colborne; Mry., and Mrs.
Joseph 0. Seott of •Toronto; Mrs,
Richard hart (Belle Scott) and fam-
ily of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Hunking, Mrs. Alice Wilson ,(Alice
Tiunking), Mrs. •Jennie Mugford
(Jennie Bunking•) all of Clinton; Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Carter and Family of
Westfield; Mr. Wm, Longman of
London; Mr. and Mrs; Robert Yung-
bltit, ,Mr, and Mrs. Willis Mountain
and, family all of Londesboro; Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Miller of Belgrave,
Roy Mugford of Auburn and Mr. and
Mrs. Reginald Jewell of Goderieh..
Part of the afternoon Was ; spent
in taking motion pictures and snap-.
shots of the family group. After
games were enjoyed lunch was ser-
Mr. Chas, Ferguson and Miss 'Flor-
ence Lovett of London spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Stephenson.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. E.
R:eed£ Loddonat hei • t summer
ox sum e
cottage at Port Stanley.
Mrs. Margaret Gordon of Shaw-
ville, Mich., has been visiting old
friends in this vicinity. the . past two
Mr. Lloyd Picot, who has been,
working in Toronto th past two
months, returned home on. Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R..Stirling and
Douglas were at Tara on Saturday
and went on through the Beaver Val
ley. Mr. Stirling reports a fair crop
of fruit in that district.
The trustees of S.S. No. 8 treated
the children to a theatre party on
Wednesday night. Needless to say,
all the children enjoyed the outing.
Mrs. Bert Cox returned- home on
Tuesday from a week's stay in Sea -
forth hospital where, she was under-
going medical treatment.
The six pupils from S. S. No. 5,
are to be congratulated on their suc-
cess ise having passed their entrance
examinations on their year's work.
namely: Madelon Young, Dorothy
Young, Earl Cox, Ivison Torrance,
Elgin .Cox and Billie Harris. The
teacher, Miss Elva Elliott is also to
be congratulated.
Miss Helena Kerr of Toronto, was
a recent visitor in this neighborhood.
Seth and Eric Cox are this week
writing their examinations in Hay-
field. We wish them success.
Haying is the order of the day in
this community.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert•Martin and Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Wylie, of Wroxe-
ter, spent the week -end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Will McEwen.
Mrs. G. Q. Kerr and Mrs. Harold
F. Noonan of Windsor, spent a few
days last week with the latter's parr
ants, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stewart.
Miss Nora Stewart is spending a
week with her sisters in Windsor and
Mrs. John Moffatt of Moose Jaw,
Sask„ is visiting her relatives and
friends on the 2nd concession.
Mr. . and Mrs. Wm. Baird and
daughter, Thelma, of Toronto, visit-
ed at the home of Mr. George Baird.
Mr. Hugh McGregor of Detroit,
visited his father in Brucefidld and
friends in the vicinity last week -end.
Penhale--Snowden.— Westlake Re-
union—The thirteenth annual reun-
ion of the three pioneer families was
held at Grand Bend on June 25th.
Dinner was served to seventy-five
friends in the large dining hall.
The lucky ticket was won by Har-
old Penhale, Bayfield.
Eldest lady present, Mrs. R. A.
Penhale, St. Thomas. Eldest man
present, Mr, R. A„ Penhale,: St. The-
mes. . Youngest girl present was
Alice Watson, Seaforth. Youngest
boy present was Walter Turner, Bay-
field. The races were as follows:—
Kiss Scramble for children; Girls 5
years and under, Alice Watson, Sea -
forth; girls, 6 , years to 10 years,
Doris Penhale,,E.xeter; boys, 6 years.
to. 10 veers—Ghrfield Westlake, Hay-
field; girls, 11 to 14 .years, Minnie
Penhale, Bayfield; young ladies race,
Mary Snowden, Zurich; young men's
race, Robert Turner, Bayfield; slip-
per race, Mrs. Logan Cleave, Ro-
bot Turnery Bayfield; men stepping
off four rods, John Sowerby, Ed.
Sowerby, Goderieh. This was follow-
ed by a baseball game. The captains
were Russell Grainger and E0. Sow-
erby, The election of officer's for
the next year resulted as follows;
President, Mr. Edwin Hobson, St.
Thomas; viee_gresident, Mr. James
TParnes, London; • Secretary-treas•rer-
Mary S nut/glen, Zin'ich. It was decid-
ed that the picnic be held. next year
at Springbank the last Saturday in
June. At 4.30 they gathered for, a
light lunch before leaving for their
various homes, Goderieh, Bayfield,
Seaforth, Varna, Exeter, London, St,
Thomas, Detroit, Brampton.
Mi'. Harold Jones of Galt spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Diehl. Mrs. Jones 'who was their
guest for the past week, returned to
her home with hien.
Canada virtually monopolizes the
import trade of fresh blueberries in-
to the United States,. while New-
foundland controls the.frozen ship-
ments. At the same time Canada
supplies the United States with a
fairly substantial amount of .tie
frozen berries." The bulk .of. the froz-
en , blueberries goes ,antro• piptakingt:'
Riehl Re -Union
Owing to the fact that the Richt
family in this district to attend, it
New Ilamburg and which is too great
a distance for the members of the
family in this district t oattend, it
was decided to hold one in this -dis-
trict, independent of the New Ham-
burg Re -union, which was held on
Saturday, June 25th. The re -union
for this district was held at the
farm of Alf. Machan, Lot 34, Con,
10, Hullett Township. Although
there was a drizzling rain in the fore
part of the afternoon and fairing up
afterwards, there Was a real good at-
tendance. The afternoon was spent
in playing' ball, horseshoe pitching,
and races for the ladies and gents.
Owing to the grass being wet chil-
dren's races were/not held. Ice Cream
was served in the afternoon. Sup-
per was
up-per:was served at about 6.30 p.m.
which was followed by dancing,
which was enjoyed by all, both old
and young,‘ having the old square
dances, waltzs, two-steps and what-
not. The orchestra was furnished by
relatives attending. It was decided
to elect a President and Secretar'y-
Treasurer for this district for the
forthcoming year: President, Chas.
Riehl of Blyth; Sec. -Treasurer, Har-
ry Gibbons, Goderieh. There were
approximately one hundred present,
relatives coming from Virginia, U.S.
A. Brodgagen, Moncton, Montcrief,
Goderieh, Biytlt, Londesboro, Clinton,
Auburn and Wiitgham.
Mrs. Peter O'Malley Dies In
East Wawanosh
Esteemed Resident Passes In Her
77th Year.
An esteemed resident of East
Wawanosh, Mrs. Peter O'Malley, died
Sunday at her home in her 77th year
She had been a life-long resident of
this locality. Before her marriage,:
she was Many- ,Gibbons. Surviving
are John of Detroit, Thomas of East
Wawanosh, Peter of Toronto. One
brother John Gibbons is a resident
of Wingham.
Funeral service was 'held Tues-
day at 10.30 a.m. from the R. C.
Church, at St. Augustine. Rev. Father
Martin officiated. Interment • was
made in the St. Augustine R. C.
Cemetery. •
Clinic To Be Established
In Seaforth
Dr. B. A. McMaster and Dr, J. D.
Colqultoun has purchased the rest -
deice of Dr. F. J. Burrows and in-
tend operating a Medieal Clinic,
which will be known as the ."Sea -
forth Clinic". Combining the know-
ledge of two or more physicians
providee consultations as a matter
of course for each patient, and allows
the installation of the most modern
equipment and the latest send best
treatment to be given.
In the operation of the clinic each
physicians retain his own patients
and makes his regular calls and vis-
its, but has the advantages .of the
facilities which the -clinic provides
for special treatment where such be-
comes necessary..
In' the clinic each physician is re-
quired to spend considerable time
each year improving hismethodsby
a course of study and training in the
more advanced hospitals of Canada
and the United States. McMaster has
intimated that this course will be
followed in the Seaforth Clinic.
Municipal Councils and
• Weed Inspectors are
Still Responsible
Now is the time for all good men
to come to the aid of their city,
town, village or township by notify-
ing. their municipal council or weed
inspector as to the whereabouts of
noxious weeds in the locality. The
Weed Control Act passed in 1927 by
the Ontario Government, and since
amended, places the responsibility of
weed control directly on the shoulders
of the municipalityand weed in-
Every person in Ontario is entit-
led to protection under this Act and
should notify the council or weed in-
spector of any neglected area infest-
ed with weeds. It is the duty, of the
municipal authorities to see- :that
these weeds are destroyed as soon: as
they have been notified by interest-
ed citizens (yourself for example)
Clause four of the Weed Control
act reads -");very occupant of land,
or: if the land is unoccupied, the
owner shall destroy . all weeds des-
ignated as noxious by the x•egula
tions, as 'often in every year as is
sufficient to prevent the ripening of
their seeds".
It is the duty of each municipal
council to appoint at least one Weed
inspector and to set the renumera-
tion he is to receive. These inspect-
ors are responsible for seeing that
he provisions of the Act are enforc-
ed in their municipality,
The Weed Control Act itself will,
not control a single weed. It depends
entirely on definite human action,
and the scope of this definite human
action will depend on the :force and
extent of coinntunity opinion on the
municipal -council. You and your
neighbors can bring about quick ac-
tion in the eradication of weeds by
making "everybody's business" your
_ . Cut Flowers,
Flowering Plants
Floral Designs- For
�,•r�c - All Occasions.
Chas. V. Cooke
Phones: 66w and 66j
Poultry Culling
Poultry flocks usually have, some
boarders and persistent cluckers,
These should be culled' out as prices
are higher than usual for fat poul-
try. Culling done at night by exper-
ienced poultryman. Open Thursday
evenings for eggs.
Phone 214x—Residence 214w.
WILSON—BROWN—At the home of
Rev. W. A. Bremner, Seaforth, on
Saturday, June 25th, Mary Isabella,
daughter of Mrs. Walker and tM
late James Walker, Clinton, was
united in marriage to Thomas
Frank Wilson, of Goderieh..
COOK ,HULLER -4.t the Holmes-
ville Manse, on Saturday, June
25th, Florence Jean Huller, Clin-
ton, became the . bride of John
Whitely Cook, of Goderieh. Rev.
J. W. Herbert officiated,
ceremony in St, . Paul's Anglican
Church, Clinton, o n Saturday,
June 25th,' Susan Doris Livermore,
daughter of Mrs. S. G. Castle and
the late Daniel Livermore, was
united in marriage to William
Clayton Nivins, of Goderieh, by
Rev. K. McGoun.
HART-CRESS—In St. Thomas -Ang-
lican church, Seaforth, on Tuesday,
June 28th, Jessie Beattie Cress of
Clinton, was united in marriage to
Joseph N. Hart, of Levack, Ontario
by Rev, Dr. Hurford,
RUDDELL—In Clinton, on Thursday,
June 23rd. James H. Ruddell, of
Londesboro, in his 76th year.
BRUCE1'L1 L .Til
Mr, and Mrs, Ross Scott and Bill
spent a couple of days in Toronto.
Mr. Hugh McGregor of Detroit, is
visiting. his father•, Mr. Hugh Mc-
Gregor. •
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swan spent a
few days last week in Toronto,
The garden party held last week
on the church lawn was a decided
success. All report a good time.
Mr. Jas. Swan visited his son, D.
W. Swan of Hamilton last week.
Miss Kay Calvert of Il,derton
visited her aunt, Mrs. S. Grainger
Mrs. G. Vothe, of Detroit, visited
her father, Mr. C. D. Simpson, on
Mr. and Mrs. 13, Kaiser of De-
troit are spending their holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe and Mr.
and Mrs. kaiser of Hensall.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred 'Davidson of
Bayfield visited Mn, and Mrs. H.
Zapfe on. Sunday.
Only 1,658,300 bushels of the 1937
wheat harvest are estimated as of
unmerchantable quality (unfit for
feed or sale) as compared with the
record low amount of 1,515,500 bus-
hels of 'unmerchantable wheat of the
1936 crop.
Housekeeper Wanted
Middle-aged housekeeper for fanc-
ily of two adults, also care of invalid.
Apply to Miss Stewart, 261 Albert
street, Stratford, ;0-1,
Mystery Gas is Popular.
Daring "Mystery Gas" tests, which
took place in six Canadian cities clue-
ing May have now been explained by
an announcement that the mystery
fuel was Canada's new gasoline, the
improved Blue Sunoco from whieh the
colour had been removed during the
tests to prevent identification.
Purpose of these tests,' state offi-
cials of the. Sun Oil Co. Limited, was
to obtain from motorists unprejudic-
es opinions as to the improvements
which have ..been effected in Blue
Sunoco. Conducted by an independent
fact-finding organization, the test
were made by 1069 motorists chosen
at random, driving praeticallyi all
nralces of cars.
Each car was drained of the gaso-
line it had been using and refilled
with the "mystery motor fuel" Af-
ter each motorist had given the gaso-
line a thorough test, the reports were
collected and tabulated. The result
was that 86'14 of motorists report-
ed that this "Mystery Gasoline" gave
a better performance than the n•aso-
Iines they, had been using, which to-
talled 30, including 13 premium-nric-
This new improved' Blue Sunoco;
now available to all motorists, ie be-
lieved to be the first gasoline 15 Can-
ada to be thoroughly tested and prov-
rov-en, by motorists themselves before be
ing placed ail the''market.
Now Playing:
An academy award winner, star-
ring Dorothy Lamour and Jon Hall
Now: Gary Cooper in
"The Adventures oP Marco Polo"
Now: A grand picture, "The Gold -
wyn Follies", in color
Men., Tues.,` Wed.
BETTE DAVIS—henry Fonda &
George Brent in a powerful
JE Z.:E B ' 7f
� � L
Mon. 'Pawl. Wed.
GARY COOPER—Sigrid Gurie &
Basil Rathboney
present;a richt
historical Cin ase l a rel-
licking rascal
with a superb cast of thousands.
Mon,. Tues.. Wed.
GL/Ilie GoldwynFollies"
one of the toprsnots in screen en-
tertainment in . Tecknicolorstarring"
The Ritz, Brothers, Adolphe Mery
jou, Bergen and McCarthy and
the georgeous Goldwyn Girls :
Thurs., Fri., Sat—Double Feature.
LEWIS STONE—Tom Brown and
Barbara' Read offer a gripping'
mystery drama
`The Mnawho Cried Wolf'
Weitdae' Barrie—Walter 'The
and. Kent Taylor present a modern
newspaper yarn
"A' Girl With Ideas"and
Thurs., Fri., Sat,
• the juvenile singing star with that
funny man of the screen,
Ned Sparks in
Thur s., Fri., Sat.—In Color
-Years Sensational success `-
the Seven Dwarfs,'
Coming: In Technicolor=
Nothing Sacred
Mat.:Sat. and holidays -at 3 p,m.
Coming: `°Gold. Diggers in Paris"Blondell
Coming: Leslie Howard and Joan
Mat.: Sat and Holidays at 3
y p.m.
Mat,: Wed., Sat., holidays, 3 p.m.
Made By -
Bartliff 8 Crich
Phone 1, Clinton.
Rev. A. Lane of Wesley -Willis
Church, Clinton will have charge of
services at Turner's church on Sun-
day, July 3 at 9.30 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Coleman and fam-
ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. F.
Towsend on Sunday. •
Mr, and Mrs. A. E', Matheson and
Miss. ' Marion of Stratford were with
Mr, and Mrs. Austin Matheson on
Mr. and Mrs. L, Tebbutt and Mr.
and Mrs. E. Bali called • on Exeter.
friends over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend visited
Goderieh friends on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pepper visited
Durham friends on Sunday.
Mr. Maurice Comfort of London
spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs.
Fred Mulholland.
Miss Mae Glen and Miss Stella
McBride of Toronto, were recent vis-
itors with Mr, and. Mrs. Wm. Glen.
On Friday evening next Induction
Services will be held in Holmesville
United Church. Rev. H. Wilding ar-
rived on Tuesday to take up; his
work here.
Arrangements are being made for
the annual lawn social under the
auspices of the Sunday school and
Y.P.U. of HoImesville church. "Watch
for further announcement.
Rev. 3. H. and Mrs. Herbert and
Billie left for their new charge at
Dresden on Tuesday morning. They
will be sorely missed by their
many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sturdy and fam-
ily left for their home in Sask. on
Holmesville cheese .factory appears
to be in a most prosperous condition'
receipts of milk per day being around
22,000 lbs.
Mrs. M. Ross and family wish to
express their sincere appreciation to
the friends and neighbor's for the
many acts of kindness duing their
recent bereavement and dining the
illness of the late Mr, Ruddell. Also
to those who loaned cars and ;sent
beautiful floral tributes and for- the.
ministration of Rev. Mr, Gardiner.
Harvester - and Thresher
Bean cultivator and harvester in
good condition; also a "Little Giant"
thresher. Prices very reasonable as
owner has no further use for same.
i, Keffer, R. R. 1, Ethel Phone 347
Brussels... 90.2-p.
Darn. To Rent
Equipped with stockscale, on Vic-
toria street. Apply to C. D. Connell,
Clinton, 90-tf.
Will the person who was seen
picking up box containing two black
coats (ladies), return, sante to acl-
dress• on box or to Fred 0. Ford, Clin-
ton. 90-1.
Poultry Wanted -
Give us the opportunity to' cull
yoeu' fowl. Highest ,prices and reli-
able culling. All poultry weighed and
paid for at'your farm. Gordon Pear-
son, Clinton. Phone 226. 85-8.
Old horses or cattle for mink feed;
f dead phone at once. Will pay ac-
cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone
6071•5, or Lloyd Batkins, 619r14.
84 t.f-.e-o-w
Sliced. Any Desired Thickness.
Delivered at. a• Special Price.
Wendorf's Bakery
and Restaurant
Phone 68
Summer Cottage
For Sale
Ideal location near lake, spring water
on propert-
86 3,2,
We have a special liquid Fibre
Coating or Alumenix for steel roofs,
Also repair flat roofs. We sell Ce-
ment Tops for chimneys. Apply -to
Joe Becker, Clinton. Phone 42.
• ..• , ' 8642.
Sally Splash, the local swimming
star, uses Cress Corn and Bunion
Salves. Remove ugly Warts, .Cal-
luses too.
Sold by Hovey's Drug Store in Clin-
ton and Hernphill's in Hensall and
A1I Drug Counters.
Furnished Cottages for rent on
Bluewater Highway,: Lake Huron,
south of Goderieh. Apply to C. 33.
Hale, Clinton. 80-3.
Summer Cottages
June 25, 1938—Leave Clinton, South
Bound Daily except Sunday and Holi-
days --S,00 and 415 p.m. Sunday and
Holidays --5.30 p.m.
North to Kincardine, Port Elgin,
and Southampton—Daily except Sun-
day and Holidays -2.30 p.m. and 8.06
p.m. Sunday and Holidays -2.30 and
9.40 p.m. - 89-4.
REFRIGEEATOH-Norge, with a
ten-year warranty, brand new, only
5169,95. For further particulars see
you" local dealer, A. W. Groves. On
display at Eeatties.
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned up to 7 o'clock, Monday,
July :11th, for the reinforcing and
building of abutments to, bridges;
one known as the Quigley Bridge, the
other the Maitland Block Bridge.
The Council .Till supply the gravel,
cement and steel. Contractor to- do
all excavating required, and to use
new dressed lumber for cribbing. All
work must be done to the satisfac-
tion of the inspector in charge.
Further information inay be ob-
tained front .the, Road Superintendent,
Win. Carter, or the Hullett Town-
ship council,
•JAMES Mc000D,
We would like to suggest you look
over your Wardrobe.
Our business is Repairing and
Dry -Cleaning.
Isaac St., Clinton.
Photographs 'of Distinction 1'
Phone 115.
Developing and Printing
(Open Every Day)
Highest Quality Parts
Quick Service --Guaranteed Work.
E. Hugel
Our collecting department is a re-
sult of years of successful experi-
ence in collecting local or out-of-town
accounts. «,x"f
No collection, no charge ---
Mail your List of accounts to -day to
Burke's Collecting Agency
(License 176)
For Sale or Rent
A number of places fon Sale or Rent
of the S. S. Cooper Estate, compris-
ing several stores, private dwellings
and the Fair orchard situated on
Whitehead street, consisting of seven
acres. Also five -room apartment in
the Sloan Block, newly decorated.
Apply to A. J. Cooper, Goderieh, or
the Canada Trust Company, London.
Mr. Cooper will be in Clinton every
Thursday until further notice.
For Sale or Rent
Comfortable six -room cottage on
James street. Apply to Edgar Patti-
son, Victoria street. 87-tf,
For Sage or Rent
Good Brick H ouse. Apply to E.
Ward, Huron street. 85 tf.
House For Rent
Apply Scott's Grocery. 75-tf.
permanently removed by Electrolysis.
- • Phone Hensall 97r12
or write to Varna, Ontario 94-13
House For Sale
A very desirable residence on Prin-
cess street. Good garden and fruit
trees, electric lights and town water.
House in good condition. Apply at
the News -Record office, 75-c.
Strawberry Boxes For
Apply to
Clerk, Hullett Township. F. W. Andrews
Feeds of all kinds quite low in
price. At present have a complete
stock of Hominy, Screenings, either
mild or heavy, Bran, Shorts, Western
Oats, Barley or Wheat, also complete
stock of Master Pig; Dairy and Hen
Feeds. ;' Special prices on quantity
buying. Let `'us quote you on your
feeding requirements.
Phone 123w,
Clinton Pho;i;e 33
Highest cash prices paid for Old
Horses and Cattle fit farmink feed.
Everything removed, .If dead phone .:
at once. Fred Gilbert, 608r22,
ton. 79-tf-
For Sale
A house and barn on Wellington -
Street. Water and hydro. . Apply to
J. E. Howard, 81 on 624, Clinton.
Cleaning and Pressing
Suits, Coatis and Dresses
If not open work may be left ago
Heard% Barbee Shop,k