HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-06-16, Page 5f�HLTRS.i-JUNE`'i ,'1� THE CLINTON'', NEWS -RECORD, PAGE 5 • V THIS BANK is regularly inakirig. personal loans to s'alar'ied.„,n en and. women, tor:;wage-earners, to li'usiness and profession al people 'arid executives. The terms •are” srnipl,• the interest rate,',Ynbderate; and there is no service charge`. The Manager at any office of the Bank of Montreal will be ;glad to have you call and discuss your finan- cial requirements with him. �N,I, Off.' 1VONTREAL. ' 1t i.il r ES ABLtS ruED'1817 1 bank.= ibere small' •acrorrnrr' are tuelcome" Modern ExPeriencd Seeking Service, thei Oukome of , , ';120 xeare. Successful' Operation of the Temple.": Mr Ralph • Hender- BA3'• FIELh ','son, of Goderich rendered a beautiful Miss A. 'arid "Mr. It McCurdy of solo, "Flee as 'a Bird", and Mr . -and Stratford aro'' t thea Summer` home Mitis. Stevenson and friend' of Maxi '1 -Stanley Park„ eouth,..af, the, ,Village -n. •lett,; Mich;, sang, `.a ,meat,irhnsptting Mrs. J. Ferguson spent several trio. •.: • ;, ;,,, days this week with her son, J. P. In the'evening. the Rev,. Mi Moore Ferguson, in London. +of Grand Bend condueted'the 'serti'ce, Mrs. V. C. Quarry has joined her i using as his subject, "Christ, the Cor- .. husband at then Summer home pian- anal store'.' Maktiig'a plea:fei us' all'. dudno," after'4 i'lravinI,\ • isife`d her to put Christ. first'Jn •.bur churdl, our mother in Windsor. Her brother, W. home, and community life. His mes- McKeon, of Windsor ierepending• some'sage was. most inspiring:: The Ontar- time with them. I io Street Mixed Quartette, Clinton, Mrs. J .antler- of St "Catherines favoured with two beautiful' numbers` visited•.lrer •sister, Mrs: W, -Ferguson and Miss Wiltse and Miss •Gibbings • on Friday of last week. • !also rendered a lovely duet, "Have Miss Margaret' Ferguson of Tecuin- Thine Own Way Lord." ^a sell and Mi.:•S. Kays of Windsor were] Monday evening following,: a very the gpests •tif'the former's parents, humorous play was presented by the .Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson,• over the Varna Ladies' Aid Society, "Strict= ' week-erid.i ly Business". Old-fashioned costumes Mrs.. 0:0., Stodgill and two small and several interesting character daughters, Christabel and Nancy parts added much to the. enjoyment. Gwen;., of Toronto are at their cot- The play was under .the direction of tage, "The Hut", -for the.. Summer, - � the 'Rev. Mr. Peters. Music between The :many friends of Mrs. Harold actswas, piano duets, by Mabel King of Sarnia will be gladto know Scotchmer and Gladys Gale; violin and that she is improving in health after saxaphone duets, by Arthur Peek and her recent _operation in St. Joseph's Harold Scotchmer. ': Hospital, London, . • Mr. Charles Ferguson returned . to ' -Sudburyyesterday after having spent . AUBURN a week's vacation with her :parents,, Mr, and -Mrs. W. Ferguson...........J.. • • Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Ori 'and Miss Mrs. Robert Gracie, widow of the Peggy' of Stratford were ,at 'their tot- late Rev. Graefe, who was a former tage over the weekend. Mr-, Orr 're pastor of the Baptist Church here, is • mained for this week .and" their •spending a few days with Mr. and daughter, Mrs. 0. Burt and two child= Mrs. Alfred Asquith and ether ren of •Alliston, are spending the week friends, and is accompanied by her with him. I daughters, Mrs. James Green and Miss F. Laing returned to•Wyoming, baby daughter, Beverley • and Janet • Ont., on Tuesday after having .visited Grace, and granddaughter, Mae Grace, Misses' J. B. and 'C. P. Ratilcin for a' all of Toronto, who are visiting with few days. She and Mrs.' J:• Ferguson Mrs. C. A. Howson and Mr, and Mr's:. accompanied the Misses Rankin°'on a -1$. J. Phillips. trip to Niagara Fells fee a' few days ' Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson last week. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Man- Mr. and Mrs. Norval Gemeinhardt ping, Belgrave. - and three -children, of Saginaw; Mich, Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor visited with spent the weekend with the `ormeris Mit and Mrs. Lloyd Raithby, .Gode- mother, Mrs. F. C. Gemeinhitrdt. rich. Two members of Trinity. Church Miss Mae Redmond, A.T.C.M., •Choir were honored. on Thursday even- spent the week with friends in To- ing of last week, Following the usual ronto, practiee, Miss Jean Woods, who has Mr. and Mrs. Prank Raithby and been organist:for the past few months, children, Grant and John, visited was presented' with a bed lamp,' and friends in Owen' Sound over the week - Mr. John` Waiii and his bride (form- end, • • erly Matigaret Marks) were presented Mrs. Fred Ross and Donald spent MARRIAGES' ROBERTON-NOTT—At Londesboro United Church Manse' on 'Saturday , evening, June 11th., Emma Isabell Nott was united in marriage to Frank E. Roberton of Auburn, by Rev. A, W. Gardiner: BROWN-ROSS=At the Presbyterian Church manse on Saturday morn- ing' June lith., Margaret M. Ross and Lorne J. Brown, of Clinton, were united in marriage by Rev. Gordon Peddie. IIUGILL—STEEP — On Saturday, June 11th, at Stratford, Bernice Olive Steep, of Clinton, was united in marriage to Clarence 'Elbert Hu- gill, of Seaforth, by Rev. D. E.Fos- ter. DEATHS MAIR--In Clinton, on Sunday, June 12th, Jemima Brown, beloved wife of Thomas K. Mair, in her 78th. year. ternoon. Mrs. Edgar Lawson was in charge and led the gathering in pray-' er. An invitation was accepted by this W.M.S. to attend the Jubilee Ser- vice in Smith's Hill United on Sunday afternoon, June • 19th. Mrs. Fred Ross and Mrs: W. T. Robison gave a very complete report from Overseas' Mis- sionary issionary in India. Miss Josephine Weir gave a reading ' on "Prayer". Mrs. Woods closed the meeting with pray- er after which • a dainty lunch was served by ,Mrs. Lawson. Mrs. W. T. Robison and Josephine Weir. ' Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Thompson were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong and' daughter, Donna, of St:• Helens. Mr. and Mrs.' D. Davidson of Clinton, Mr, and Mrs. A. Lawson of Constance, and Mr. and• Mrs. Turner Armstrong of Winnipeg. Word has been received here from Mr. and lylrs.: Ezekiel, Phillips ,.who are visiting in :the .Canadian West that the crops. are looking exception- ally well. Rain fell for two days last week. Grasshoppers are again the plagre, Mr. William Kinahan, a farmer of West Wawanosh, received. a . severe shaking up, and fractured limb yester- day. While opening the gate the team of horses ran away and in attempting to catch then the accident. occurred. It is quite a severe break and Mr. Kinahanis in the Goderich Hospital. Cut Flowers, Flowering Plants fr Floral Designs For •r�o. All Occasions. SPRING FLOWERS. Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 06.1 PoultryCulling g Time Poultry flocks usually. have some boarders and persistent eluekers. These should be culled out as prices are higher than usual, for fat poul- try.. Culling done at night by exper- ienced poultryman. Open Thursday evenings for eggs. N. W. TREWARTHA Phone '214j—Residence 214w, 1 L. McKNIGHT Sun Life Assurance Fire, Casualty and Accident Assurance Office In Residence'oii Huron' Street • 84-4 NOTICE All veterans and members of the Ladies' Auxiliary are: requested • to meetat the Legion Hall on Sunday, June 19th, at 2.30 p n4 ready to move off at 2.45 p.m. to the Library Park. Dress berets and medals. —N. W. MILLER, Secretary. CARD OF THANKS Mr. T. K. Mair and family wish to express their sincere apreeiation to the friends and neighbours for the HOLMESVILLE many acts of kindness during their •Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Knrgilt of Al -recent bereavement and during the liston, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Gillespie l illness of the late Mrs. Mair. Also to and Mr. Elmer Gillespie of Rosemond those wholoaned cars and sent beaut- spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs.1 iful floral tributes, and for the min= Ernest Little. istration of Rev, Gordon Peddie. Mr. Harold Lowery, Lalcefield, and Mrs. 3. H. Lowery of, Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. Proctor. The monthly. meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. W. Yeo, with an attendance of 34, the president, Mrs. E. Yeo presided. Mrs. Palmer read several passages bear - on Temperance as a lesson, Mr. Herb- ert led in prayer. The president read an article on Temperance and Mrs. Ebner Potter rendered a solo very sweetly, "Somebody Cares." a .Temp- erance dialogue was given by four of the members, and Mrs.. W. Yeo gave an instrumental; The W. A. meeting followed, with vice-president in. charge. After the usual 'business was dispensed with,. an address was read to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert,; and they were presented with a beautiful floor lainlr and flow- er holder, from members of congreg- ation and friends. •Mr, and Mis. Herbert. both 'expressed their apprec- with a.:elbek from the inembers-ef the the week -end in Dungannon and at- ration of the- gift, and also for kind- ' choir ;tended the Anniversary of Eskine rim and cooperation of the many Mrs. R. J. 'Watson and little son of'Presbyterian Church. friends they have 'made since coming Fairlight, S`ask., arrived on Friday Theregular monthly meeting., of to HoImesville. After a few words last to Visit lief parents, Mr, and Mrs. the Women's Institute will be held by acting president, Mrs. Yeo the F. A. Edwards. • • . I on Tuesday, June ,2lst at 2.30. The meeting closed with the hymn, "Blest Miss' Lucinda 'Reid is !spending a 'report of the District Annual will be be the tie that binds" •and benediction. few days in Clinton and Seaforth. 'given by the delegates. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Miss E. 'Reid of Toronto is visiting Miss Sadie Carter is visiting friends J. Cox and Mrs. W. Yeo. her sister, Miss M. Reid. in Clinton. The following was the address to Miss•Elva Dewar' of Toronto spent Mr. and Mrs, Robert Howson of Mr..and Mrs. Herbert: 'the• weekend with her parents, Mr. Penticton, B.C., are visiting Mrs. C, Dear Mr. and Mrs. Herbert: -'and Mis.•'D.'Dewar. 1A. Howson, and Mr, and Mrs, R. J. As Mrs. A. R. Seeds rettirhed last Plfilli s. you are about to leave us for p another field of labour, we desire to -'week after having spent some time • Mr. Charles Straughanis suffering convey to you our sincere apprecia- in Toronto.` ' from head injuries inflicted whenhe tion of all you have been to us. By Mr. and Mrs. W. Wightiian of De- collided with a car at the station on your friendship, your kindly deeds troit are at theih: cottage fer the' Monday, and helpfulness you have made us to ',Summer.' f•' ' , The 0.0.1.T. held their meeting in feel that you had : our interest at Miss Mary McKenzie was the guest the United Church on Friday even- •heart. You have by your energy and •of her Cousin, Mrs.. 0. Stogdill over ing with 24 members present. Miss untiring 'efforts helped to make our the weekend. Dorothy Anderson, the leader,' intro- month] y Miss Fernette of Detroit spent the. (Need the new song book and also led which wethankyou weg a will for y w 1 miss ' weekend' et her -cottage in the village. in the sing -song, with Ila Craig at you and will often think of you in the pian,o1 Marjorie a orre Ar hu t i led the your new home, we wish you ma y °OPENING SERVICES; Or ST. AN -meeting•. and Dorothy Anderson .acted have health and may every success BREWS UNITED CHURCH, as Secretary in the 'absence of Helen be yours in the work to which you HAYFIELD. Robertson. The 23rd Psalm was read go. As a slight token of esteem and The gerV'ices there were well at- responsively, followed by the Lord's love we have for you, we ask you to tended on `Sunday last. Amidst a pro- Prayer. Readings were given by accept this lamp.. and flower holder, Fusion be Orange Blossoms and blue .lune Marsh and Kathleen Patterson. and as you sit and read and study by and yeljota Iris, which added to the Helen Marsh gave some humorous its rays may your thoughts some beautiful' decoration of the walls, The riddles. A duet was. given by. Mar - Rev. Mr'. Peters of Varna conducted guerite Killough and Eileen MaClin- 'the morning service with a spendid chey. Games were in charge of Max - and frank talk our the subject, "And ine ,Ball.. The ' next meeting will be "They All With One Consent Began held June 24th when a • table will be -to Make Excuse." He pointed out reserved for'the, group, at the etraw- the fact that many people look on the berry festival. ^•Church tie too , expensive an organza- "Miss Elizabeth Mills, A.T.C'.M., of 'tion for'the service she renders, but Blyth, and supervisor of music for ''he said, "When you compare the ele- 'the Auburn Public School, entertain- `ven infllion;'whieh the United Church ed the parents andmany interested ••of Canada'' costs her 'people,' to the Mends Friday afternoon explaining '78 million the People of Ontario alone the method in teaching the pupils mu- pay out for liquor, and the 85. million 'le and the ;advancement they have 'sire also pays on tobacco, and what made in the, five months of training. -service de these things render fn coni Mueh interest and appreciation was petition to:, the service of the chinch shown by the parents. • in our cornni inity, probably only :a' big, Mrs, Carroll of Clinton ,yisitc l on, "headache, whereas thechurch feeds Sunday with •Mr's. James s. Wopds., the sour oE,4qur,boys and girl,and The June meeting of KnoxIre sby young pe ple,,iha•,t. Andre�'sCho itgifun W.M.S. was held ,in, iendere<i tl}ehem,, Open ee .tli G tes - nt .ochurch fi f the chu �"mh r -a,� �„ ... ... �tf �,.,, Mr.. r qY.ai PORTER'S HILL ' Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Smith, accom- panied by' Mrs. Herbert. Thomas, are spending this week in Montreal. Mr. Jas. R. Stirling is, his rounds visiting the good apple or- chards of the County; aird reports a good crop., especially the Spy variety. The Porter's' Hill ball club played a gauge with Benmiller 'and 'came . off victorious. Mrs. Chas. McGregor, of Detroit, is visiting friends in this neighborhood. Mr. McLaughlin of Brussels was calling on friends on Sunday, The Si(rling Clan are holding their annual picnic on Saturday at Harbor Park, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Mooney and little daughter, and Miss Reahill of 'Lon- don; spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Win, McGuire. • ST. HELENS Miss Mary J. Irwin spent the week- end with Messrs. Elwin and Arnold Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods -attend- ed•the Helen picnic at' Kincardine on Saturday. Mrs. T. B, Taylor and sons were at Goderich on Saturday attending the Harrison picnic. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller and eon,, Alan, Miss Sadie McCharles and Miss Isabel Miller motored to Strat- ford on Thursday and spent the day. Mr. and Mrs; Dave .Todd and Mr. and Mr. George Stuart spent -the week -end with the former's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Y:p- Intosh of Vineland, . At the Presbyterian parsonage at Whitechurch,on Saturday, June 11th, Mies Euphemia Rintoul and Mr. Ralph Cameron of Ashfield were married by the Rev. Mr:olloe P k. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Salkeld and fam- ily near Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Miller, Gordon, Mitlldr„ .Mrs'. R. K. Miller, Mrs. W. E. Gordon, Mrs. Tom Todd and Mrs. Wallace Miller attend- ed the. Salkeld re -union at .Stratford on -Saturday. . • times. turn to your friends at Holmes- Quite a number from St. Helens at - vole. tended Anniversary services at White - Mr. and Mrs. John: Potter and Mr. and Mrs. Elsner Potter motored to Ie"dee en Monday, - Mrs. Dodds of"Chicae'o visited last week with her sister, Mrs. John Cud - More. Mr. end Mrs. MacDonald of Gode- rich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles McPhail. Mise. Helen MacMetli of London, spent the week -end' with her parents; Mr. and Mrs, 5. R. MacMath. Mrs. M. MacFarlane and Billie of Noranda, are visiting' with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mie. Will -Pester.: Teacher Wanted What 'snirht' have , vovod to m' .o b'e a Teacher wanted foin S. rro "17 fatal accident -occurred on:Saturday Goderich Township,, duties to'•coln last when" Walter .7ervis," youngest menee Septertibet•• 6th"''' Applidatfons' son of Mr:'rand' Mrs. Les: Jervrs,':acei to Secretary,:::Aojr .T'yndetll,•' E'i It `• 3, dentally tell off the` 611er' in 'front' of "Qlinteti.' -r r • ':',,,tftf7 church United Church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Wylie of: Benniiller being the guest speaker. Rev. R. .M.. Wright, taking his plate at Benmiller. . Mr. Neely Todd of Stratford spent the week -end at his home' here. t" it, The accident was caused, by one of the horses stumbling, the roller Passing over hie body leaving him in a bruised condition, but, no bones were' broken At time of writing he was recovering nicely. BOXY THEATRE _Clinton. CAP[ fAL ,THEATRE Gederich REGENT THEATRE Seaforth NOW` PLAYING:—Gene Autrey in "THE OLD CORRAL" A western, picture full of action NOW: `Gene Autrey in: : SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES NOW: Dorothy Lamour '• and Jon Hall in "HURRICANE" Mon., Tues„ Wed. SHIRLEY LY 1 I'Elt1PLl'i, Randolph Scott, Gloria Stuart & Tack Haley Present a modern and streamlined version of an old favorite "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" Mon., Tuesi. Wed. SYLVIA SIDNEY,'IIUMPHREY BOGART and JOEL McCREA present a dramatic cross-section of young New' York .. "DEAD END" Mn,o. Tues., •Wed. "HAPPY LANDING" starring that brilliant queen of the ' silver blades' SONJA HENIE with Don Ameche; Thurs., Fri., • Sat. "LOVE and HISSES" starring; Walter Winchell, Ben' Bernie and Simone Simon in a new and sparkling stage revue _ _ Thurs., Fri., Sat. The RITZ BROTHERS, ZORINA, '' Adolphe Merujou, Kenny Baker Andrea 'Leeds and Helen Jepson In the two -million -dollar techni- color musical success. u The Goldwyn Follies" with llldgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy y Thers., Fri.,' Sat: ALICE FAYE, TONY MARTIN, FRED ALLEN and JOAN DAVIS in a merry musical comedy that WILL' please You Sally, .Irene and 1VIar ,� _ COMING: A Double Bill Jane Withers in 'Wild and. Woolly'' and The Jones Family fn "Borrowing Trouble" Coming—"STELLA DALLAS" Coming—"MARCO POLO" Mat.:.` Wed„ Sat., Holidays,€3'pm. Mat. :Sat. and holidays at, 3 p.m. Mat.: Sat. and Holidaysat 3 .m.• SUMMER << HERE SO LET US DO YOUR BAKING FOR YOU. We Make a Large 'Variety of:, FRUIT BREAD, .BUNS, COOKIES, MUFFINS, CAKES, INDIVIDUAL PIES, LARGE PIES :co BartliffF ' Crich Clinton. ...Phon•;,1. Summer Cottage For Sale ` AT BAYFIELD Ideal location near lake, spring water ' „ on propert• W. N. COUNTER CLINTON. 86 t.f MEMBERS Acceptable Work Marketed WRITE SHORT STORIES Members' Work Marketed THE STORY TELLERS' CLUB 57 Queen Street West; Toronto FLASH-- Deep Lemon Pie, Muffins, Chocolate Cake, Tarts, Fruit Bread and Buns; are but a few of our Week -end Specials,, NEW DECORATIONS For Your Wedding" Cake: '• "Hunts" ;.Chocolates 10c SODAS .10c Youy .Favorite Mayor • Wendorf's Bakery and Restaurant Phone 68 Ice Cream—Pastry--Candies • House' Fore Rent 'Apply Scotts " Grocery. 75-t1; For Sale or Rent Comfortable' six -room cottage on aures street. Apply to Edgar Patti-. on, Victoria street. 87-tf. Wanted ' Old horses orcattlefor mink feed; if dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording to value. Elsner Trick, phone 607r5, or Lloyd Batkins, 619r14. 84 t.f-.e-o-w For Sale or Rent A .number of places for, Sale or Rent of the S. S. Cooper Estate, commis- ing several stores, private dwellings and ' the 'Fair orchard situated on Whitehead street, consisting of seven eres. Also five -room, apartment in rho Sloan Block, newly decorated. Apply to A. J. Cooper,. Goderich, or the Canada Trust Company, .London. r. Cooper will be in Clinton' every Thursday until further notice. 87-t.f. Tenders Requested 1a • Tenders per yard mile, for the de- livery, in Clinton, of approximately 3000 yards of crushed stone, will be M received: by the undersigned, up to noon ef`June 25th. 1938. R. E. MANNING, Town Clerk. For Sale Three 10-20 and one 12-20 second- hand tractors. Apply 3. H. Robert- son, Clinton, Ont.' Box 377. 87.2. House For Rent On Rattenbury street, east, ,modern conveniences, garage, possession in July. Apply to W. M. Aiken, "Har- ness and Shoe Store.". 88-2. Azo I, Said says Cress' Corn and Bun- '37 Ford .Coach (heater). • ion Salves are safe, sure. Remove '36 Ford Coupe (low mileage). Calluses, Warts, Ingrown.'A'eenails , too. 35 Ford Coupe. Sold by Hovey's Drug Store in Clin- '34 Chev. Coach (Master).. ton and Henplilll''s. in Mensal) and All Drug CoUnt61's. • '34 Ford Deluxe Coach. • . Roofing We have a -special liquid Fibre Coating or Alumenix for steel roofs. Also repair flat roofs. We sell Ce- ment Tops for chimneys. Apply to Joe Becker Clinton Ph 42 nne . I wish to thank the people of Clinton and vicinity for their co-operation during the past 2 years and solicit a, continuance of the same. ALBERT PALMER Isaac St., Clinton. BURGESS' STUDI( CLINTON Photographs of . Distinction 13Yr. IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing, and Printing (Open Every Day) RADIO & ELECTRIC SERVICE' • Summer brings more exacting radio receiving conditions Now- is the time to have your set'ovea' hauled to make slue it is working!; at it's best, Radio inspection! ma your own hone... Test. Tubes—in- spect aerial -75c. Complete shop overhaul and `tune-up (parts ex- tra) PHONE 213. E. E. Mittel' RADIO-TRICIAN IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDGEMENTS COLLECTHf, Our collectins department Is a rte. suit of years of successful experi- ence in collecting local or out -of -tai account!. No collection, no charge -- a` 1 Mail,your, list of accounts. to -day to Burke's Collecting Agency (License 176) HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT: 41-tf House For Sale Comfortable dwelling house', oat Frederick street; Clinton. Electric lights, hdt and `cold water, bath; double garage, and henliodse, large enough for 40 hens, with large ;fenced in run. Two quarter -acre lots one entirely' for garden purposes. Pro- perty may be seen anytfine.. Apply Kenneth Whitmore, Clin%an, Ontario 80-tf. House For Sale Used Car Sale Housekeeper Wanted "33 Ford Deluxe Sedan. Middle-aged woman required as '29 Ford Coach. housekeeper. Apply to Miss Bay,' Cher. Coach. Huron street. 88.1. AUCTION SALE At' lots 28 and 29, con 3., McKillop township, on the farm adjoining Mait- land Bank Cemetery, 11h miles north of Seaforth, on Tuesday, June 21st, commencing at 1.30` o clock sharp, the following: Building Materials — Lumber, .in -y chides 1,000 ft.. sheeting; 1500 ft. flooring; Scantling of all kinds; Joists, all lengths; Timber and Ash Sleepers; Shingles; Doors and Door Sill's and Window frames. Stock—One Durham and Hereford Heifer, to freshen shortly; one part' Holstein, four years old, due in ten days; two Durham 'calves; one brood sow; six young•, pigs. All in good condition and must be! Car of Western Oats just arrived, sold, testing over 43 lb. to bushel. Nice Scott Davidson, Prop., Geo. H. El- quality. Let me know requirements. uirements. •lout; Auctioneer, 88-1. - '26 '37 Ford Dump Truck. (New Box and Hoist). THESE CARS MAY BE SEEN. EITHER AT GEO. LAVELLE'S Phone 296, Clinton, or STAN PREVETT'S. Phone 83, GODERIC'Ii. . OATS DESTRUCTION OF RAGWEED The' Government of Ontario have is- sued:a circular letter, calling attention 'Pork' prices very:, high and Feeds to -the increase in growth of Ragweed, quite low. Hominy $31,00 per ton. which is estimated to be thecause of Wheat Screenings, over three parts PIGS ht per cent a wheat, $28:00 per ton, Master Pig so distressingly prevalent in gray Grower and. Finisher $42.00 per ton. midst. IFeed Pigs the Master way' and you This noxious weed should be de- will be surprised . at their rapid strayed •before the plant .begins to 0RI0K FEEDS flower in late June or earl Jul. Y July. The sec I Carry Master, Maple Leaf Cafeteria and growth of stalk should and Shur -Gain, Starter Grower and again be cut .down in late August or Ran*e'Mashs. 6. early 'September. • • + n h The cooperation of the public is A FRED E.: ur a + '•� V. • , d in• the efforts • �0� g e f is .made to eradicate this' weed " e . t' .: <.. Grain Plow, Feed ^ A .. and Seed. A. E. FREMLIN, Weed Inspector. ',r .... '• a 'Thuile Ii23w i eighty _of hay fever, which Modern house, good locality, all conveniences. Apply F. Fingland. i 86-4. For Salle or Rent • = y Good Brick H ouse. Apply to E. Ward, Huron street. 85 tf. Poultry Wanted Give us the • opportunity to cull your fowl. Highest prices and reli- able `culling. All poultry weighed and paid for at your.farmi. Gordon Pear- son, Clinton. Phone 226. 85-4. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by Electrolysis. MISS E. MERNER VARNA, ONT. Phone Hensall 97r12 or write to 'Varna, Ontario 94-13 House For Sale. A very desirable residence on Prin- cess street. Good garden'and fruit trees, electric lights and town water. Hoose in' good. ' condition. Apply at the News -Record office. 75-c. Strawberry Boxes For SALE Apply to F. W. Andrews Clinton ton Phone 33 R NI i 86-tf- Wanted 6-tf Wanted Highest cash prices paid for Old Horses and Cattle fit for mink feed. Everything removed. If dead phone at once. Fred Gilbert 608r22, Clin ton. 79-tf- For Salo. A house and barn on Wellington. Street. Water and hydro. Apply to J. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton. CIeaning and Pressing Suits; Coats and Dresses' DRY .CLEANING AND REPAJRIN*n W. J 'J!Js TAILOR if tint opeti 'war* slay Ns lisp at Resift Barber Shbpi,