HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-06-16, Page 4NAGE 4
THURS., JUNE 16, 193S.
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The local lodge of Odd Fellows will
k. leader Reunion Picnic hold. Decoration Day at Baird's Ceme-
The Carter Reunion Picnic was held tory on Sunday.
on the spacious lawn of Mr. and Mrs.' We understand that • things are
Keith. Webster, McKillop, on Thurs- booming on the C.N.R., and ori agent
day Jun 9th at 1.30 p.m. Sixty- is kept real busy.
memb sg gathered from Wingham, Miss Beth Murdock,. nurse-in-tra'n-
Londeibofo, Clinton, Holmesville, Sea- ing at the Hamilton General Hospi-
forth srnd' Egnrondville. tal is spending her vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Murdock.
The •afternoon was spent in sports Mr, and Mrs. B. Shouidice of Brin-
-end coritests under the direction of sley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs:
Mrs. Norman' Carter -and' het splendid A. Patterson. , • ,
•committee. Prizes were awarded the Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry spent Sun-
-winners, es follows: Children 6 years `day in Teeswater.
*rid under,; Anna Glew, Tommy Web- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Doan; and Mr.
ester; Girls' 6 to 'S years, Anna Glew, and Mrs. R. Wilcox of Alvinston spent
Kathleen' Glew; Girls- 9 to 12 years, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dawson.
. [oyee 'Miter, Elinor Glew; Young Mr. and MTS. J. . Cornish and
ladies race, M. Shaddidc, Isabel• Oakes; Anna spent Sunday in London.
Young men .- race, .. George Carters . Ronnie Patterson is, visiting his
Bill Mundell; Ladies' Slipper kick, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Should -
Effie Jewell, Mrs.Shobbrook; ice.
Men's slipper kick,, ,Norman Carter, Miss Evelyn Grainger., of Stratford
Bill Mundell; Magazine race, Clifford is spending her holidays at her home
Shobbrook and Mamie Sliaddick, Iso- here.
bel and. Harry Oakes; Banana contest,' Mr. and Mrs. John Calvert and
Isabel and Harry Oakes; 'Ladies ring: family of Ilderton,, spent, Sunday with
toss, Olive Mair; Men's ring toss, Mr. 'and Mrs. John Grainger.
Derwin '.Carter; Ladies ribbon race; Mr. and Mrs. T. IL Wheeler spent
Effie Jewell, Mrs. Jgo: Nott; Men's Sunday in Walton.
-ribbon race, Keith Webster, Harry Miss Kay Calvert; of Ilderton, is
Oakes; Ladies' nail driving, Mrs. Cliff. visiting relatives in the village.
'Shobbrook, Mrs. Harvey Jenkins;, Miss Dorothy Swan; of • .Toronto,
Men's fell' driving, Bernard ''• Nott; "spent the weekend at her home here.
Keith Webster; Potato rase Norman •
,Carter, Bernard Nott; Lucky ticket,
:Mrs. Thos. Webster; Peanut guessing
;contest, Beth Shobbrook. A peanut •
scramble completed the sports 'pro-
ram e. At six 'clock a%l tookpart' The June meeting 'of"the Stanley
� m P
'of a bounteous liiiich. After' which the Community club was held at the home
president, Mr. Derwin Carter presided of Mrs. J. H. McEwen :with twenty-
and conducted the election of officers six members and one visitor present.
for 1939. President, Mr. John Nott, The meeting opened by all repeating
E'gniondville; Sec.-Ti'eas Miss Edna the Lord's prayer. The roll call was
M. Jamieson, Clinton; Sports'commit- answered by one of "Aunt:•Het's quo-
tee, M iss Beth Shobbrook, (convenor)' tations," The program consisted of a
Mrs. Arnold Jamieson, Mrs. Gillespie, reading by Mrs, W. Welshl solo by
Ivan Caitei, Bill Mundell S'oeial coin Barbara Graham, "Ten Pretty Girls,"
mittee, Mis. John 'Nott, (convenor•) •'reading by Mrs. G. Broadfoot, and a
Mrs. Harvey Jeflkins, Mrs. Norman piano selection by Mrs. Innis, "Par -
Carter, Mrs. Geo. Mails; Mrs. John adise."
Jamieson, ,.A hearty., vote:of thanks The election of officers followed:
was tendered •. the president and his President, Mrs. Cliff • Stewart;; vice-
•committee for their .excellent services:pres., ,Mrs. J. McGregor; Secretary,
for making,<the picnic a success and Barbara Graham; Treasurer, ' Marg -
'to Mr. and Mrs. K. Webster for the aret McEwen; Cutter, Mrs. G. Groh-
raise of theiraiome. The gatharing'disl-nm; Packers, M'r`s.' Will' McEwen and
Terser] after singing, `.'For: they're. Mrs. Glen Broadfoot. Mrs. Sha'ddih(t
Brown---=Rossheer with a shoulder bouquet. Mrs.
Annie Brown of Clinton, grandmother
A quiet wedding was solemnized at of tho bride, wore black sheer with a
ten o'clock Saturday morning at the corsage bouquet. The groom's gift to
Presbyterian ,manse, 'Clinton, when bride was silverware, to the brides -
Rev. Gordon A. Peddie officiated in maid and groomsman signet rings, to
uniting in marriage Margaret Wil- the pianist and'' soloist silver , cake
horn -tine, second daughter of Mr. and plates. After .the marriage the im-
Mrs: W. J. Ross,, Clinton, and Lorne Mediate relatives sat down to the wed -
Brown, ' Clinton, son of Mrs. A.. S. ding 'dinner, the color scheme being
Inkley, Toronto • and the late Mr. pink and white with streamers and
Blown, forinerly of Londesboro. The flowers and the table centred with the
bride looked charming in 'a dress of bride's cake. The waitresses, were
white sheer silk and lace with white Miss Madelon Mason, Isobel Forbes,
hat, gloves and shoes and carrying a Barbara Snell, Alma Hoggarth and
bouquet of Talisman roses.. She was..Florence Youngblutt. The young
given in marriage by her father. Miss •couple', left oil their. honeymoon to
Claire Brunsden; Clinton, was brides- Thedford, • Niagara and .Detroit, the
maid. She wore a powder blue dress bride travelling in navy net suit with
with white hat and shoulder •beuquot navy and white accessories. On their,
of pink l carnations. Mr. William return they will reside on the .groom's;
Inkley, Clinton, was best `man. :Im= farm; in Tuckersmith.
mediately after the ceremony the
Company repaired to the home of the Huglll-Steep
bridei's parents, James street, where
the wedding breakfast was served, A 4uiet wedding was solemnized on
only'. the immediate relatives being Saturday at Stratford parsonage
present. The young couple and their When Olive Bernice Steep, daughter,
attendants then motored to Toronto of Miss. J. Steep, of,'Clinton,.ivas uni-
where a reception was held at the ted in marriage to, Clarence Elbert
Hu ill son of Mr and Mrs. J. E.Hu-
home of the bridegroom's mother. The
honeymoon includes a motor trip to gill, Seaforth. Rey:D. E. Foster per.:
Montreal and points east. The bride's formed the ceremony.
going away ',costume • was.. of • navy's . After the marriage a reception was
blue with ,white felt hat. On their held at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Art.
return they will reside Clinton. Douglas, Stratford
Congratulations and. best wishes
' are extended to this young; couple.
Townsend-Hoggarth They will reside on Huron street.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
;Hoggar•tit? of-Ilultett ••!was the scene •,' Robe 'toll :Nott.
of a very pretty 'wedding "when' their t
only, daughter, Thelma, became thel ,A quiet wedding took place at Lon:
bride of lI ayniond Townsend, son 'df :rdesboro United Churcla'bar'sonage, on
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Townsend, of .Saturday evening,•:. June . llth,, when
Tuckersmith. The bride was given in Emma Isabell, youngest daughter of,
marriage ,by her;father and";;enterec Mr. and•Mrs. John Vat, was united
the room to the,strains of Lohengrin's in marriage to rrank Edwin .Robert-
Wedding March played •by her cousin, ton, youngestson of ,Mr. and .Mrs.
Miss Hazel Hoggaitlt, and' was mar- Wm. J. Roberton of Auburn. rn The
ried under an archway of pink and ceremony was performed by Rev. A.
white streamers, centred with wedding W. Gardiner of Londesboro. The bride
bells. • 1 and groom were attended by Mr. and
The bride wore a becoming gown of Mrs. W. Stevens of . Seaforth. The
white chiffon over taffeta, and carried bride looked charming` in a light blue
pink carnations and maiden hair fern. sheered crepe dress with white hat,
Her hair dress was a wreath• of pink shoes, and accessories to snatch. She
roses. Her bridesmaid, Miss Beatrice carried a corsage of
talisman roses and d
Walters, wore pale blue chiffon in lilyof the valley.The bridesmaid
floral; pattern and carried white car- wore a navy blue sheer silk over' crepe
nations. Mr. Ivan Hoggarth, brother with white accessories and carried a
of the bride, acted as groomsman. corsage of roses and violets. After -
The ceremony was :,erformed by the ceremony the young couple left
Rev. A. W. Gardiner of Londesboro. amidst showers of confetti' for points
During the signing of the register west and north. The -bride travelling
Miss Elva Snell sang "I Love You in a sand dress and •coat with brown
Truly." - . accessories to match. On their return
The bride's mother was gowned in they, will reside 'west of Londesboro
navy chiffon over flowered taffeta where they will have "the best''wishes
(Continued from page 1)
furnish the rectory burned at Ob-+
sweken on the Indian Reserve.
A heart -stirring letter was read
ft'oen Miss Grace Gibbard, who is
a missionary in Honan, China, The
Chinese are amazed that the West-
erners have remained in China during
the conflict and they realize that the.
Christian Gospel , of •r1 eve has real
Reports were read by the secretaries
of the branches, showing increased in-
terest in missionary activities. Reports
were also read by the deanery' secret-
aries of the Girl's W. A..; the Jr. W.
A. The Church Boys League and the
Little Helpers.
I'drs. Calder again President
The election of officers was presid-
ed over by Mrs. Gallagher of Wing -
ham, who assumed office of vice-pres-
ident, when Mrs. 'Roberts moved to
Owen Sound. The officers for the
coining year will be: -President, Mrs,
A. C. Calder, Goderich;. vice-president,
Mrs. Gallagher, Wingham;. sec.-treas.,
Mrs. J. Graham, Brussels; Dorcas
secretary, Mrs. C'., McKinnon, Clinton;
Girls Jr. W. A. secretary, Mrs. H.
M. Monteith, Clinton; Girls W. A. sec-
retary, Mrs. H. O'Neil, Gorrie; Little
Helpers secretary, Evelyn Hall, Clin-
Special greetings were sent to Mrs.
eth Johnston,ElizabethClinton,who on
Thursday, June 16th, celebrates her
90th birthday. Mrs. Johnston is a
charter member of.the W. A. and has
always been keenly interested in Mis-
sionary work. , ,
Mrs.. McKinnon, Dorcas secretary,
reportedthat all the branches had
contributed generously to the ;Dean-
ery bale, which is to be sent. to St,
Paul's School, Cardston, • 7tiberta, . The
bale was valued at ;$46.00.
and the groom's mother wore black of their many'friend§
singing the National Anthem, after VARNA
which'a dainty lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Olivaster of Lon- Mr. Amos I{eys spent Sunday of
don spent Sunday the guests of Mr. last week with his sister, Mrs..L, An-
and Mrs. W. McClinchey of the Bron- derson,
son line. Mrs. James M. Reid, of Clinton, is
Mr. and Mrs. James Black of Sea- spending a few days with her sister,
forth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lloyd Keys.
Wm: Scotchmer of the Bronson line. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and fani-
Mr•. and Mrs. T. Snowden motored ily spent Thursday evening with Mr.
to Port Elgin on Sunday... and Mrs. James Reid of Clinton, Mr.•
Mr, Robert Penhale and Chas .Fal- Keys attending the Legion meeting..
toner spent Sunday with Mr. Harold 11r. Harvey W .Reid and family of
Penhale. Toronto, spent the weekend with his
Mr. and Mrs. E. Townsend were mother and brother. here.,
Sunday visitors at' the home of Wnt. Mrs. Grassick of Henson is visiting
Scotchmer. her son for a few days
spent the week -end under the parental Min
Mr, Alb. McClinchey of Kincardine Mr. Elliott Chuter` of _ Creighton
es is spending ,er week with: his
roof. • parents.
Mrs. 'Henry Diehl returned home .
after visiting friends in Stratford for!
the past week
Mr. and Mr's. Frank 'Weeks, Mr. Tuckersmith Farmer Killed
Carl Diehl and Mrs. Diehl attended In Fall From Barn
`he Deanery meeting in Seaforth on
.David Gemmell, aged 66, was in-
stantly killed Thursday afternoon
he fell from the roof of his barn
at .1115 farm, lot 7, con. 2, .Tucker -
smith, Mr. Gemmell' was a leading
Mr. and Mrs, Ern, Reed of London, farmer in Tuckersmith townshi :' and
and dawns of daily life we have temp
p l tations burdens; we feel we are alone;
spent the weekend, with Mr, and Mrs, served on the municipal council since;
Arthur Welsh, ' 1935:
OUT souls cry out for the fellowship of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Metcalfe of our fellow -nen; ne one is at our side
Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Thee accident occurred about two' who can understand, support us, meet
Ste henson of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. o'clock as Mr. Gemmell •and' his' son, our particular needs -except God.
p Gavin Gemmell,- were 'shinglin'g' the The essence , of Fellowship is love.
Ern. Reed of London, Mrs. Armstrong
and Mrs. Kay af. Clinton,all called roof of. the barn. The deceased man ,Love is' the greatest thing in the
y was on the `roof nulling up shingles, 'world Basis of is built on
on Mr. A. B. Stephenson who was w g g Fellowship
unable to attend the Stephenson re_ while his son was on the ground ty- the sense of the Divine, and: the need
ring the:bundles to a _rope. His son of God. Fellowship with God means
union' at Bayfield this .year,was the only witness to theaccident. belief in God. That alone will satisfy
Mr. Alex Welsh of .Clinton, who at-
tended the Stephenson picnic at Bay- It, is thought that an pulling on the the need of a hungry soul. Believing
field on Saturday, is visiting his sons . rope he' lost his footing and hurtled
on the Bayfield line. over the edge' of the roof to the
Miss Connie Clitff who has been ground, a distance of about 40 feet.
visiting relatives in Wingham, has He was : unconscious when his son
reached him, but died within a few
returned to her home.
moments before' medical aid was se -
Witnessing Christians' in Japan '
Miss Frances Hawkins, Missionary -
on -furlough, from Japan spoke -briefly
to the members of the W.'A.'and later
to the combined convention. Miss
Hawkins, by referring to several con-
verts revealed that' the Japanese
Christians are wine siin t s. Christians.
One friend brings another, who has
been influenced by the change brought
about by Christianity. The stories of
these particular people were very'int-
eresting. •
In Okaya, where Miss Hawkins has
been for the past five years, there
are 35,000 girls Working in the silk
factories. Most of girls iris co
at the' age of 12 from their farm
homes. They live in dormitories in
the factories' and are allowed two holi-
days a month. They work from 6.30
in the morning until 5.30 in the after-
noon. The factory owners try to do
many things to keep the girls inter-
ested and happy. They had culture
meetings before Christianity was in-
troduced. They learn that when they
we have lady rade
Inquiries Inyited
The,Royal Bank of Canada has
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Amount. of Loan 0900.00
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Amoanta Loan 0340.00
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Ask for booMat "Loan. for Bongs Iow
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about tke'Ilome Ia presement?lin.•
church there are no barriers of Indi=
Fellowship means, the shared experi-
ence of Christ, the welfare of others
in the• fold, and the furtherance of the
Gospel. We should light fires in cold
rooms to see to it ourselves, that
others are welcomed in fellowship, to
support our missionaries with prayer
in order that the Kingdon of God may
be a reality:
To Meet In Clinton inthe Fall '
At the tea -tables, a welcome was
extended to Canon and Mrs. Apple -
yard of Hamilton who came to Sea -
ba resent at the Deanery
Meeting. An invitatio
to hold the Fall meeti
Church, Clinton.
forth p
n was extended
ng in St. Paul's
Re -Union Picnic
11th, in Harbour
Harrison's picnic. This
much to every
reason they
ucefield, Exeter,
cknow, Clinton,
deridt and out 90 of them
i to be present.
cloudy weather Itav-
titos, the sports
day. Winners of
Children 3
e Hackett, Olive
McCullough; Girls 6
Pauline Harrison,
'6 years and
Chester nd under: Eric
Girls 12
Harrison, Joyce
and under:
under: Lois Har -
head; Boys 15
Keith Harrison,
ladies racer
"Harrison, Joyce
men's race: Albert
11 Burdge; Peter Harrison,
14Irs. J. Aiken -
ace: Cliff Hack -
3 legged race:
Aikenhead; Boys
h Harrison and
and girls 3
Harrison and Albert
50 yards for
Proctor; Thread the
Dowson and El-
liott race: ack Aikenhead;
or ladies: Anna
bowling ball for
Wheel barrow
race:' 13111 Burdge,' Keith Harrison;
Driving the nail: Mrs. Roy Dowson;
Shoe Scramble: Mrs. Roy . Dowson.
Elliott Harrison; Kicking the slipper:
Mrs. Roy Dowson; Prize for the old -
in God we have fellowship with God. est person present: Mrs. Elizabeth
Harrison Re -U
On Saturday, June
Park, Goderich, the
ered for their 3rd annual
annual picnic means
Harrison and for that
have peace in their hearts they have came from London Br
peace in their work' The girls go to�Seaforth, Kukton,� Lu
Hamilton House for relaxation, games
IVarna, Kincardine, "Ge
God -
and study. There they receive Christ- f erich township. Ab
ian teaching and they- rejoice in the were fortunate enottgl
idea of the Fatherhood of God. After dinner, the clow
One of the greatest contributions ing no effect on apps
made by the Church in .Okaya is its were the order of the
change of heart in regard to mission -
races and contests were:
work among the factory girls. These years and under: Loin
girls are often lonely, troubled and Harrison, Bruce
without a. true friend to whom they years and under: P
can turn. They find Love and Friend Audrey Harrison; Boys
ship at Hamilton House. • under: Jaekie Proctor,
At present the work in Japan is be- ett; Boys 9 years a.
'rig held up to some extent but. there Harrison, Jimmie Aikenhead;
is 'always the opportunity to win in- years and under: Lois
dividuals. The Peace Party is grad- Aikenhead; Boys 12 years
ually growing':although meeting ter -
Wilfred Harrison, Billie
rific oppositionby the State. Although Girls 15 years and u
Britain is not popular ,in Japan the lisp», Elizabeth Aiken
Britishers there are shown no dis- years and 'under:
eeurtesies. What is happening in the Freddie Aikenhead; Single'
Far' East should unite us in loving. Anna Seotehmer, Lois
sympathy. The Church in Japan is Aikenhead; Single me
in a critical state and should be up -
Taylor, Jim Burdge, Bi
Mar -
held in prayer sympathy and love. i•ied ladies race: Mrs.
"Fellowship" Subject of Address by Mrs: Fred McCullough
Dr. Hurford of Seaforth head; Married men's r
ett, Jinn Oke; Girls
There is a movement •on foot in the Elizabeth and Joyce
Deanery wherein the'p'eople are inter -
3 legged race: Kenneth
ested in the development of the Freddie Aikenhead; Boys
clur'ch's work. In the ordinary ups legged race: Dora r
I. Interested ' in many activities the
TUCKERSMITH' late Mr. Gemmell was a well known
musician and for" many' years was a
The roj'ert committee of Turner's member of the Sedforth 'Highlanders
p Y
church had a bee,on Tuesday to do Band.• ••
some repairing to the church property, He is survived' by two sons,Glenn Fellowship is not abstract. It is real,.
P g
Mr.- F. Whitmore of Lumley; ,spent and Gavin, and two daughters, Jean tangible. Fellowship is real and prat-
the weekend under the parental. roof. and Dorothy. His wife, the former tical when we have • daily communion
Mr. and Mr's. A. .Townsend, Mr. Jean Currie, predeceased him four- with God. Expression is found• in wor-
and Mrs. Elmer. Townsend and Mr. teen years ago. A sonl of pioneer res- ship, adoration, prayer and praise.
and : Mrs.). F. Walters attended, the idents, Thomas. Gemmell and Jean Mc- ` ' The fellowship 'we• experience with
Townsend-Hoggarth wedding last Fedzen, the deceased main is also sur- our firiends'springs from a common
Wednesday, vived bytwo sisters, 1V)!les Ellen, of shared experience., • The fellowship of
Mr. and Mies: F. Townsend attend- Eg•mondvife, and Mrs.•.' Finchley, of Christians is having; found in Christ
vf •soul's need.
ed the Salkeld picnic, in Stratford on. Van Dover, B. O and, Dr. the. satisfaction :of the s s
Wiliam Gem ell Shat o d.' There are those about us in need both
SatiirdaY. m >,, r. f lY
. i , - . r : • .T . materially. Fraternal
Jolly Good•,Fellaivs,l The picnitwilt kmdly orfezedrha>tihgme fgr,th�r,T � Mr. and Mrs. E, Cilch attended the Huron, county ;orr>Xer, Dr,.. ,F. ,isprrttuallyand mate y t
a u 1 ere ,
., z i Burro: s •. afort w ' +organizations;.3ook. ,after •:materTah
"be held at the!home of M. and Mrs. ni',eetin ;tthe•rbll calf to- be funeral of the lady's ,uncle, the •late w ,,,Se,� 1?4, ho tawas: ,called;,
Taylor; Stepping off
ladies: Mrs. Geo. Prot
needle race: Frantic
Harrison; Neck
beth Aikenhead and J
Throwing soft ball f
Scotchmer; Throwing
men; Roy} Dowson;
Our belief is made possible through
Jesus Christ, who brings about the re-
conciliation, between God and man.
Christ sent the Holy Spirit on Penti-
cost and the Spirit of God comes to speech thanking all for their help in•
dwell in us. We have fellowship with the past and wishing them all success
the spirit'as the sniiit reveals Christ for the future. Then the election of
to us. officers for the next year's picnic for-
Fellowship means Faith in God, re- lowed, President, Wilmer Harrison;
del -options through Jesus Christ. and Secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Albert Har -
sanctification through the Holy Spirit. risen; Directors, Albert Harrison,
Brooks; Prize for the youngest person
present: Jimmie Harrison.
After supper the president, Mr. Tom
Taylor of Lucknow made a short
;Geo Mars .. o rich to hi on.,r &; recipe,,,P,or, ,:{'A+••cool , sufhmer�•Mhr.: Geo. Gould rn Goderich on Thurs, decided death wns,naeidentaa•,and,,that-needs.. We should help ,in giving. spi .',
rF �P w'"� P rl'at' I
' " meeting:.clo' all t• r "''. `an inquest was unnecessary.itual ":as i to ce In. 'the Christian
luno 9t ' 1,939:d0�,6` i tdrink,,,,, Thesed.c111FY day lasts: :.. ... .:..: .. ; I e s. h
f _.
Fred Burdge; Elliott Harrison, Herb.
Taylor; Sports committee, Dora Har-
rison, Cliff Hackett, Olive Harrison,
Cecil Harrison, Ella Thurlow.
The annual ppicnic of the Huron Old
Boys'Assooiation of Toronto and Jun
'ior Association was held in Area Neo.
2 ExhibitionP'a'rk on Saturday last
With a, good llig attendance represent-
- eirer secctioh of the old count •:
y Y,
was ably assisted with an energetic.
Baseball was played at the begin-
ing, 'then supper' at 5.30, and' the • •' .
games were continued notwithstanding, '
a down pour of rain. '6
The following is a time table of the "�•
attendance: -3 p.m.. Secretary Shep- "
pard arrives with the Registration
Book. 3.05 President Dr. Belden .and
Mrs. Belden arrive: 3.07 Walter Buch-
anan looms' up with the big banner.
3.09 Mr. and Mrs.- W. A. Campbell in
their car. 3.10 •Ink Cantelon and And-
rew McGarva, Clinton Old Boys. 3.11 •
k E mondville Old
H. M. Jackson, g Boy
with a load of 'dish.:s. 3.12 J. A. Ma •
Laren, H: Jt. Morrish and N. Kernig-
han all in a'bunch. 3.15 Sports, chair-
man Wickens with a load of prizes and
Hon, Seey. E. Floody on guard. 3.17
Albert' Wise;' Goderich township Old
Boy and R. Love•'from Seaforth march
• up with Bill Given, the Umpire. 3.20
Reg. Hart and family. 3.25 Ken Stan=
bury and Bob King.• 3.30 Lack Ken-
nedy and H. C. Sloan. 4.00 Miss E.
Glen, official stenographer, and Mar-
ion Lamprey, Goderich township Old
Girl arrived in time for ball game. 4,05
And now they are all off the games:
Among those present:" Dr. and Mrs.
Belden, R. S. Sheppard, Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Johnston, Mr, 11. I. Morrish,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo.. Love, Mr. E. Floody,
Mr. Ink Cantelon, Mr. and Mrs. J. N..
Kernighan, • Mr. Murray Kernighan,
Mr. A. Wise, Miss E. J. Stevenson,
Miss A. Short, Miss S. Short, Miss
Vera Hission, Mr, H. Hurchclif£e, Mr.
A. MVIcGarva, Mr. D. R. McIntyre, Mr.
W. Jodicke, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hart,
Me. and Mrs. M. L. Sanderson, Miss
Margaret Hart, Mrs. Cecil Cooper,
Mrs. M. Dixon, Miss Grace Sterling,
Miss Jean Hendry, Miss W.,Televan,.
Mr. Hy. Wannamaker, Miss A. S.
Reeve. Mr. K. O. Stanbury; Mrs. M.
E. McIntyre, Mr. Mos. E. Williams,
Mrs. DeLacy, Miss Eileen Williams,
Mrs. H. J. Hodgins, Mrs. Spears, Mrs. •
W. Logan Craig, Miss Viola McIntyre, •
Mr. R. C. King, Mr. and Mrs. S. N.
Wickens, Mrs. F. W. Mercers; Mr. and
Mrs Hub Wilkinson, Mr: W. F. Tunny, -
Mr. and Mrs. M. Scarlett, Mrs: B.
IIincks, Mrs. F. E. McKenzie, Mr. H.
C. Sloan, Mr. and Mrs,. B. 'H. Me-
Creath and family, Mr. B. R. Garter,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 0'. Young', Mr. W. • •.
C. Cantelon, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. •
Smith, Miss Edyth . Smith,- Mr. and '
?Ars, John Moon, Mr..Jack Moon, Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Pringle, Mr. Max,
Pringle,, Mrs. 13"Campbell, Mr.; K.
Pringle,, Mrs. Byron Campbell, Mr,
Keith Campbell, Mrs. Edna Peck and
son, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Guy, Mr._
and Mrs. C. T. Gregory, Mr. Jack
Gregory, Mr. W. L. Tyndall, -Mr. and
Mrs, F. A. Jenkins and family, Mr. L.
E. Greig and family; Mr.and . Mrs.
W. A. Buchanan, Mr. A. P. Torrance,
Mrs. J. H. Baker, Mrs. G. Jennings,
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Cook, Miss Eva J.
Bryans, Mrs. D. Thompson, Miss Ruth
McAllister, Mrs, J. M. Sabine, Miss
Jean Miller, Mr. Grant Collingwood,
Mr. R. Leiper, Miss Annie:Crittendon;
Miss E. Glen, Miss Marion Lamprey,
Mr. A. J. Grigg, Miss E. Fields, Mr.
Lue Kennedy, Messrs A. and L. Kerr,
Mrs. A. E. Porter, Mr'. Chas. Stewart. •
Mr.. and Mrs. Hy., Stowe, Mrs. Mary
Gaile, Mrs. , F. Paterson, Mr. Frank
Galbraith, and family, Mr. R, A. Dun-
das and family, ,Mr: and Mrs. W. C.
McAutchen, Mr. and Mrs. D. Glazier,
Mr. and, Mrs. W. mason, R. S. Shep-
A. G. Smith,"EX-Mayor of Wingham
showed, lots of'pep in the ball ame.
I? g
The' Annuah At -Home 'of the.` As-
sociation `ivil'1 be' bel"d a "
t Tthe Eaton
Auditorium College Stl;eot, an Wed-
nesday. eV'ening, Nov. 9.ard:'''
•- i.
Much Credit as due'the Chaixnaii o£
the ' aures ,conim'ttee `14Ir. S: ' '
g i • �VL.
Wickelis'fof'the•suecess of bhepicn'ic.. -