HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-06-02, Page 5THURS., JUNE 2, 1938. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE 5;,.. 1 TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES AY AS LiTTLE AS 57C .A WEEK Yes! We'll put brand new Goodyears on your car .ON. TIME! Drive in and see for yourself how easy it is to get your choice from our big stockof fresh, new Goodyears. Your credit is good here! Brownie's Service Station Clinton, Ontario. AUBURN Mr.- and Mrs. W. H. Sheppard and ..family visited friends in Sarnia on •Sunday. They were accompanied by :Mrs. Ralph Knox and daughter, Sal- -Ay, who spent the past couple ofweeks with her sister, Mrs. Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. Faid Ohestney of Bay Harvey Albert Leatherland, .younger son of Mrs. Wilhelmina Leatherland, and the late Mr. Leatherland, of Balt Wali anosh. Rev. Carmichael offic- iated. The bride looked lovely in a gown of blue sheer and matching ac- cessories. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Glazier of Holmes - vile, and Ruth Glazier, dressed in ''City, Mich., visited on Saturday with pink, made a charming little flower • Mrs. Jas. Howitt. girl carrying a bouquet of pink tulips. Mr. and Mrs, N. J. Garrett and Following the ceremony the party motored to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Glazier at Holmesville where a wedding dinner was served. The young couple will reside on the groom's farm in East Wawanoth. Friends and neighbors and relatives .her daughter, R. McIfenzie, of Loch- gathered at the home of Mrs. David alsh, left on Thursday for Winnipeg McCullough of East Wawanosh on' where they will visit Mrs. Robb's Friday evening, to welcome and pres- • sons, Dr's William and Edgar Robb. ent the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Har - Mrs. A. P. Walker of Toronto vis- vey Leatherland. The evening was .ited hereon Friday.' She was accom-[spent in dancing and a short program. panied home by her father, Mr. Alex, John Vinclent read an address to the • McKenzie, who intends remaining inyoungcouple pad they received many ' Toronto for some time. useful and valuable gifts. The groom Mr.and Mrs. Robert Howson of Pen- made a fitting reply. Lunch was ticton, B. C., Nelson Ball, Mrs. John: served. Hunking and Mrs. M. Mugford of1 The C,G,I.T. group met in the base - 'Clinton, visited with Mrs. Chas How-, ment of the United church, Friday son and Mrs. R. J. Philips last Fri -'evening with an attendance of 29. 'day, 'Marjorie Arthur was in charge. Ferre Mrs. Jas. Howitt is visiting her Lawlor read the scripture. A sing -song daughter, Mrs, Hugh Chesney and Mr.1 was led by Betty Craig, and Vivian • Chesney of. Seaforth. IStraughan led in prayer. Readings Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson and were given by Joan Sheppard and family visited friends in Woodstock Ruth Arthur, and Margaret Wight - on Saturday. On their return they 1 roan. Helen Marsh favored with a were accompanied by Miss Edna"Ad- ,piano solo. , Margaret Crawford and • ams, nurse -in -training in the Wood- Edna Archambault sang a duet. Mar - .'stock hospital. jorie Arthur led in the playing of Visitors at the hone of Dr. B. C. games.' Weir for the week end were:the doe -1 CHURCH NEWS tor's three sisters, Misses Margaret, At Knox United Church, Rev. H. C. Annie and Minnie Weir, and Mr. Rob- ,Wilson chose as his text, Matt. 27-19. ert Brunt of Strathroy. 1"A. woman's advice to her husband." Mrs. Robert Plunkett and her broth_ 'Betty Craig favored with a solo. er, Robert James Rutledge, left on At Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev. Friday by train to visit their brother Di, Barnett spoke from Mark 10-21. • and wife,' Mr. and Mrs. George Hut- "Taking up the Cross of Christ," ledge, of Sandusky, Ohio. On their 1 . At the Baptist church Sunday after - return they will spend a few days in noon, Mr. Thomas Pitcher of Toronto Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rut- ' spoke on Temperance, Mrs. Wm. Hag ledge. gitt favored with a solo. . Welling (youngest son of St. Mark'ss Anglican churchurch the Mn and Mrs, Thomas McNeil had the Rector, Rev. R. M. Weeks spoke from misfortune to severely cut a finger en Exodus 16-15 on "The Mysteries of his 'left hand while chopping wood Life." During the month of June the with a sharp hatchet. Medical aid services will be held on Sunday even - was rendered by Dr. B. 0. Weir. j ings at 7.30 and in the months of July Mrs. Rose Bradnook of Blyth, is and August in the mornings at 10 a,m visiting her son, Wesley. 1 The hone ` of Mr. and Mrs. John Russell .Reid of Toronto spent the McKnight was the Beene of a happy -week-end with kr. and Mrs. Harry surprise party on Thursday evening •,Sturdy, when some 16 relatives and friends Mr .A. J. Ferguson is unloading a gathered to celebrate the occasion of •'car of coal this week, Mrs, McKnight's 59th birthday. The Mr. and Mrs, Harry Frentlin of genial host and hostess, although colt °Clinton spent Sunday with Mrs. John pietely taken by surprise, entertained :Ferguson. the guests to a very pleasant even - Misses Eleanor and Bergh Wilson ing following a bounteous, supper pre •and. Mrs. Kadmer Dawson were Strat- pared by the guests. ford visitors on Monday..•Mrs. McKnight, formerly Minnie Vistors at the home of Mr, and Steele, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Huston for the week -end oils. Phillip Steels; was born in Lolo vi 'were. Mrs. F. Weinheiiner, Mrs, Mur- I age and moved with her parents ray and daughter, Olga, of Buffalo.' to the farm now owned by Thos, Piv Spraying operations have column- ett 48 years ago. 38 years ago she Iced in many. of the apple' orchards was married to John McKnight. Fol• here by Amos Aniclrews. This method lowing the marriage they lived in of protecting trees• against insects Ashfield 4 years, moving to Auburn ..and disease was adopted more than where they have resided even s'noe. Years ago hi this district and far- They have 2 children, Mrs. Lloyd 12 g •litters who specialize in growing apples Ferguson of Clinton, and Earl of Aub .,have found it very effective. urn, .and 8 .grandchil'dren, Quite a number of farmers attend- ed the Electric Pence Demonstration GODERIf H TOWNSHIP Ruth Frost of Blyth, visited on Sun- • day with Mr. and Mrs. W. 1'. Robison. Miss Amelia lticIlwain is assisting • •at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. William Mair, of Hullett. Mrs. Alice Robb accompanied by held at the farm of Mr, and Mrs. H. .Sturdy, on Monday. Mrs. Ben. Rothwell has been con - Med to her room with the prevailing LEATHERLAND-McCULLOfi7GH fsevere cold. A pretty, but quiet wedding was sol- Miss Connie Cluff is visiting re- •emnized at Seaforth United church lativos in Windsor. Manse- on Wednesday evening at 8 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Trewartha and 'o'clock, when Marion Mcoullough, Norman, were guests on Thursday of daughter of Mrs. David McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh. and the late' David McGulough of. East .Mr• and Mrs. Robert Dunbar and •Wawanosh, was united in marriage to . Mr'. and Mrs. •Thomas Dunbar, •• all MARRIAGES MILLA,RD-McKEGNEY - At St. Aldate's Church, Oxford, England,: on Friday, Aril lit. Mary Kath- leen'Meliegney, daughter of Rev. S. E. McEegney, Mountrath, Ire- land, (formerly of Clinton) was united in marriage to Douglas Rod- way Millard, of Newport Pagnell, England. • LEATHEIfLAND-MCCULLOUGH At Seaforth United Church Manse, on Wednesday evening, May' 25th1 Marion McCullough and Harvey A. Leatherland, both of East 'Wawa - nosh, were united in marriage by Rev. T. A, Carmichael. BIRTHS TAYLOR -In ClintonCommunity Hospital, on Thursday, May 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor of Blyth, a daughter. ADDISON-At the Sudbury Hospital, en Sunday, May 29th, to Rev. A. P. S. and Mrs. Addison of Coniston, (nee Esther Trewartha of Clinton). a daughter, Charlotte Elizabeth. PENFOUND-In Goderich township on Sunday, May 29th. to Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred • Penfound, a son. G11IRR1E-Inn Clinton Hospital, on Thursday, May 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Currie, a daughter. DEATHS CARTER -In Clinton, on Thursday, June 2nd., Catherine Johnston, wife of Isaac Carter, in her 65th year. DODSWORTH-At Claresholm, Alb- erta,, on Wednesday, May 25th, Minnie Pearl Dodsworth, formerly of Clinton, aged 49 years. STURGEON -In Bayfield, on Friday, May 27, Frederick Edward Sturg- eon, in his 20th year. NESBITT-Suddenly at Calgary, Al- berta, on Friday, May 27th, Emma Acheson, wife of Wm. J. Nesbitt, formerly of Goderich Township. of Lambeth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh. Mrs. Jno. Cluff of Clinton spent the week -end at the home of her son. She also was present at the christen- ing of 11 e r great-granddaughter, which took place in St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. A. Dunn of Stanley were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Butler, Bayfield Line. Associations Hold Joint Meeting On Wednesday last the W. A. of Varna, Bayfield and St. James, Mid- dleton, held a most successful joint meeting at St. James church, with about fifty present. Mr. Bugler addressed the meeting briefly. The speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. Fred Middleton, who told of her impressions of the annual Diocesan W. A. Conference held re- cently in Windsor. Her interesting and inspiring survey ofthis confer - once was greatly. apreciated. Afterwards the ladies wore the guests of Mrs. Fred Middleton at 'a sumptuous lunch. Mrs. Bugler pour- ed tea. The table was . beautifully decorated with spring flowers. On behalf of all present Mrs. Bug- ler tendered a vote of thanks to the charming hostess, who had contrib• uted so greatly to a delightful occas- ion, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J, Thompson and Mr. W; Lee spent the week -end with their son,' Rev. John R. and Mrs Thompson, the Rectory, Point Ed- ward. Perm Change --The farm just north of Holmesville, belonging to the G. Tebbutt estate, containing 125 acres, has been sold to Mr. Trowartha of Clinton. This farm is immediately back of his own farm and will be used mostly for grazing and reforestation purposes. The log house, one of the oldest houses in the township, will be made into a modern summer log cabin. It is also the intention to improve the trout creek and make it into a Modern fishing stream. Mrs, John Sparrow, Varna, spent the weekend with her cousin, Mrs. James Johnston, at the home of Mrs. Johnaton's mother, Mrs. Fred Mid- dleton. • IIOLMCS'VILLE The many friends of Mrs. Les, Jer- vis will be pleased to learn that her condition is so improved that she is able to be moved from Seaforth hos- pital to convalesce, at the home of Mrs. Carrie Jervis, Clinton.. A large congregation attended Hol- niesvide United church en Sabbath last. An impressive sermon was de- livered by the raster, Rev. J. H. Her- bert. During the service the Misses Lois Draper and Marie Ellwood, who won first prize at the musical festi- val at .Exeter, favoured the congre- gation with 'a duet, and also in the Sunday: School session. Tvle. G. A. Spence of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and. Mrs. J. '$. Maelllath. Mr. 0. R. Forster left on Tuesday to attend Conference at Chatham and was accompanied by Mrs. Forster as far as London. A, most pleasant afternoon was ,cent on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. E. 'Yeo, when her Polyanna Sunday School class gathered together honour of one of their number, Mrs, Win• Norman (nee Charlotte: Tre., wartha),,a recent bride. The after- noon was spent in social intercourse and music. During the afternoon the bride was presented with a 1n/see/Ian- eons shower with best wishes accom- panying each gift. After partaking of a dainty but bounteous lunch the. ort ir-'' - Cut Flowers, ""-• Flowering Plants Floral Designs For All Occasions. SPRING FLOWERS. Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and s6j Poultry Culling Time Poultry flocks usually have some boarders and persistent cluckers. These should be culled out as prices are higher than usual for fat poul- try. Culling done at night by exper- ienced poultryman, Open Thursday evenings for eggs. N. W. TREWARTIHA Phone 2145 -Residence 214w. happy gathering dispersed. Visitors at Mr. M. Stocks on Sun day, Mr. and Mrs.`i"homas Cambell anc daughter Sheila and Mr. McInnes of Delhi; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ohm and family. of Wingham. Mr. Alex Spence of Toronto with friends in the village. Mr.. Robt. McCartney and daughte • Mrs. Orville Rodges and Miss Del Findlay, and Miss Elva Proctor, Clin ton, motored to Stratford on Friday last. • Miss Charlotte and Marget Stock have gone to Delhi to spend the sum mer. For Sale Japanese Buckwheat for seed. Yields heavier than silver -hulled. Practically free from shelling at har- vest time. Geo. Wheatley, Seaforth, 249r14. Wanted A China Toilet Set in good repair. Apply News -Record 86-1. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, E. J, Sturgeon and .family wish to thank the people in Bayfield and vicinity and also in Ca- ton for the many kindnesses shown them in the loss of their dear sot, Fred. Summer Cottage For. Sale AT HAYFIELD. Ideal location near lake, spring water ,,,, on propert• W. N. COUNTER CLINTON. 86 t.. House for Sale Comfortable cottage, . in splendid condition, and centrally located Apply at News -Record. 86-1. For Sale Millet. Seed, Also a good three- year-old heifer, due to freshen this month. Apply to Geo. Colclough, It•R. 1, Clinton. 80-1, Whitewashing We spray and disinfect stables, cellars' and buildings with Powe' sprayer. Please, leave your order at News -Record. 86-2 Stray Calf Strayed from the premises of the undersigned on May 24th., a black calf, eight' months old, weighing about 300 lbs. Will finder please cons- municate with Fred Gilbert, Clinton, Phone 608x22. 86 t.f. House For Sale Modern house, good locality, al corweniences, Apply F, Fingland. 86-4 Refrigerator - Norge With a ten year warranty; brant new, a limited number only, '$169.95 For further particulars write HEINTZMAN & CO. 242 Dundas Street, London. • NO OBLIGATION. 85-3. CAN .YOU WRITE ? Inulividual coaching Market for acceptable work First send for Plot (FREE -NO OBLIGATION) THE STORY TELLERS' CLUB 57 Queen Street West, - Toronto Strawberry Boxes For SALE Apply to F. W. Andrews Clinton Phone 33 • 166-ttf. ROXY THEATRE Clinton. Now Playing: Double Bill Jones Family : "In a Trip to Paris" and. Smith Hellen in "Raw-, hide" A western picture full of action. Mon., Tues., Wed. RONALD .COLEMAN "PRISONER of ZENDA" Thurs., Fri., Sat. SHIRLEY TEMPLE The Sweetheart of the Screen in "Rebecca of Sunny -brook Farm" with Slim Summerville, Randolph Scott, Phyliss Brook and Helen Westley. Coming: -Special 40 minutes in I. "Technicolor with Walt Disney" II Mat. :Sat. and holidays at 3 p.m. ElaoultaittIMINIMESINSIMMeMIII CAPI FAL THEATRE Goderich Now: --The Weaver 1 Tethers and Elyiry in the hill -billy hit, "Swing your lady. Mon:, Tues., Wed. TYRONE' POWER and LORETTA YOUNG in the likeable romantic comedy "Second Honeymoon"' with Stuart Erwin, Thurs., Fri., Sat. SPECIAL ! ! ! "SN0WHITE And The Seven Dwarfs" Walt Disney's new sensation in " amazing multiplane -color! Coming:-Winehell and Bernie in "LOVE' and HISSES" Mat: Wed., Sat„ Holidays, 3 p.m. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Now:-"Sierry Go Round of 1938" Bert Lehr and •fun -cast Mon., Tues. Wed. PIIIL REGAN, ANN DVORAK and LEO CARILLO• present a musical laugh -medley "Manhattan Merry. Go- Round" Thurs., Fri., Sat. Walter Winehell, Ben Bernie and Simone Simon in Broadway's big musical smash "LOVE and HISSES" Coming:-' Carole Lombard and Fredric March in "Nothing 'Sacred" Mat.: Sat and Holidays at 3 .p.m. The Placa to Eat Bartliff & Crich Newly Decorated Restaurant GOOD LUNCHES. HOME -COOKED MEALS. IT'S A PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU Bartliff Ee Crich Phone 1. Clinton. House For Rent Apply Scott's Grocery. 75-tf OUR EARLY FLOWERING SALVIAS Harbinger and Stewartensis go quick- ly, those wanting these are advised to secure them early. Our Zinnias, Dahlia -flowered, Fant- asy and Pont pon are beautiful for • Beds or Bouquets. STEWART BROS., BENMILLER NURSERIES Phone Carlow 235 NOTICE 'i �� i�;; a Bakery When you buy here you can be as- sured that the Finished Product Con- tains the Finest Materials That Mon- ey Can Buy. MARSHMALLOW ROLLS WILL TEMPT YOTJ AMONG OUR WEEK -END SPECIALS. ..We h ave just received a Shipment of Williard's Assorted Chocolates that we are selling at 39c Per Pound. Treat yourjelf to, a home-made Butterscotch Sundae, containing Pure Cream and Butter. WE DELIVER. Wendorf's Bakery and Restaurant Phone 68 ENGLISH LEGHORN BABY CHICKS AND PULLETS CUSTOM HATCHING SENATOR DUNLOP STRAWBERRY PLANTS FRESH ASPARAGUS. E. L. MITTELL Phone 213 -Clinton. TENDERS WANTED For the convenience of the Tax -payers TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH of the town of- Clinton, I will be in Tenders will be received by the the board room of the Town Hall, undersigned for crushing and deliver ing about three thousand yards gravel, one inch mesh to be delivered whore council directs, work to be completed not later than Oct, 1st. A marked cheque for $100, to accompany tender which will be returned if tender not accepted. Tenders to be in. not later thantnoon on June 10. - R. G. TAOMPSON, Clerk. R.R, No, 2 Clinton. commencing June lst. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. N. W. MILLER TAX COLLECTOR, For Sale Dwelling and service station in Clinton for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to C. B. Halo, Clinton. 86-3 For Sale White Holland Turkey Eggs, 20 cents each. Bert Irwin, phone 616-32 Clinton central. 86-1 Teachers Wanted Clinton Public School Board invites applications for two teachers. Duties to commence September 6th. Appli- cations to be in the hands of the sec- retary -treasurer not later than 6'p.m., June 8, 1938. H. C. Lawson, Sec.- Treas., Clinton, Ont. 86-1. Help Wanted Girl or »riddle -aged lady to help with housework. Apply to Mrs. John Graham, Rattenbury street east. 86-1 USED CARS THE POPULAR MAKES ARE HARD TO FIND -WE HAVE THEM, 1933 Chev. Master Coach 1929 Ford Coach,. original inside and out These Models are Scarce -We have Five on Hand -Hurry 1935 Pontiac Sedan, Very nice condition, locally owned 1930 Ford A Coach dark blue, nice upholstering 1929 Plymouth Sedan, Hydraulic brakes, motor re -bored and runs like new. ' 1930 Chev. Coach, spotless upholster- ing motor1 t 1 h 1- camp ee y over au ed. 1937 Chev. Coupe, small mileage, owned by a local farmer. A real bargain. 1931. Chev. DeLuxe Coach, a real sporty car, 6 -wheels and trunk rack. 1937 Chev. Master Coach, 13000 miles 1938 Dodge Demonstrator, priced to sell 1929 Ford 1 Ton Truck 1928 Ford A Coach $135.00 1927 Ford Coupe .... ..•. $35.00 1926 Choy. Sedan .. . $35.00 1926 Ford T. Coach .......... $25.00 1928 Ford Cab Coupe $138.00 new top Write and Our Salesman will Call DODGE AND DESOTO DEALERS C. r RITZ&SON Grain, Fleur, Feed and Seed ZURICIH ' Phone 82 Phone 123w Roofing We have a special liquid Fibre Coating or Alumenix for steel roofs. Also repair flat roofs. We sell Ce- ment Tops for chimneys, Apply to Joe Becker, Clinton. Phone 42. 86-tf. cony al us, Iva Corn and Itchy Toe were friendly with Jerry Foot until Cress Com Salve removed then. Sold by Hovey's Drug Store in Cilia, ton and Hemphill's in Hensall and all Drug Counters. For Sale Eight -roomed, solid. brick house on Clinton's finest residential street, Three bedrooms, bathroom, modern plumbing, steam -heated. Two -car garage and workshop, fruit trees; shrubs, vegetable garden. Reason, ably priced. Apply for inspection to P.O. Box 398, Clinton. 85-2. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received up to June 15th. for the painting and decorating Ha of School House of S.S. No. 3, Willett Kindly apply after 'school hours to Mrs. Leo- Stephenson, ,Secretary - Treasurer; R.R. 2, Seaforth, . Ont. 85-2 OATS Car of Western Oats just arrived, testing over 43 lb. to bushel. Nice quality. Let ire know requirements. PIGS Pork prices very high and Feeds quite low. Hominy $31.00 per ton. Wheat . Screenings,over three parts Iwheat, $28.00 per ton. Master Pig Grower and. Finisher $42.00 per ton. Exp est car of Master feeds ds any day. Feed Pigs the Master way and you will be surprised at their rapid CHICK, FEEDS Carry Master, Maple Leaf Cafeteria and Shur -Gain Starter, Grower and Range Mashs. FRED 0. FORD BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) 0 WHEN YOU GIVE US YOUR WORK YOU ARE BACKED BY EXPERIENCE GIVE US A TRIAL All Our Work Guaranteed ALBERT PALMER Isaac St,, Clinton. RADIO & ELECTRIC SERVICE Summer brings lore exacting radio receiving conditions. Now is the time to have your set over- hauled to make sure it is working at its best. Radio inspection in your own home. Test Tubes -in- spect aerial -75c. Complete shop overhaul and tune-up (parts ex- tra) $2.00. PHONE 213. Eo E. Mitten RADIO-TRICIAN IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, J.UDGEMEN•TS ,C.QLLECTED Our collecting department is a re- sult of years of successful experi- ence in collecting local or out-of-town accounts. No collection, no charge - Mall your list of accounts to -day to Burke's Collecting Agency, (License 176) HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. 4141 House For Sale •s ' Comfortable dwelling hottae i t reederiek street, Clinton. Electric lights, hot and cola wales, bath, double ora g ge, and henhouse, large enough for 40 liens, with large fenced in run, Two quarter -acre lots one entirely for garden purposes. Pro- perty may be seem anytime. Apply Kenneth. Whitmore, Clinton, Ontario. For Sale or Rent • Good Brick H ouse. Apply to E. Ward, Huron street. 85 tf. Poultry Wanted Give us the opportunity to cull your fowl. Highest prices and reli- able culling. All poultry Weighed and paid for at your farm. Gordon Pear- son, Clinton, Phone 226 ` 85-4 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed 1»' Electrolysis. MISS E. MERNER VARNA, ONT. Phone Hensafl 97r12 or write to Varna, Ontario 94-13 House For Sale A very desirable residence on Prin- cess street. Good garden and fruit trees, electric lights and town water. House in good condition. Apply at the News -Record office. 75-c. COURT OF REVISION For the Township of Hallett A Court of Revision to hear the 'ap- peals against the Assessment Roll of 1938, for the Township of Hullett, will be held in the Community Hall, Lon- desboro, on June 6th, at 1 P.M. Parties appealing against their as- sessment must send their Appeals to the CIerk, on or before' the 3rd day of June. JAS. W. MCC'OOL, Clerk of Hullett Twp, 84 -3 - Wanted Highest cash prices paid for Old Horses and Cattle fit for mink feed. !Everything removed. If dead phone at once. Fred Gilbert, .608r22, ton, 79-tf- For Sale A house and barn on Wellington Street. Water and hydro, Apply to J. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton. 70-tf. . Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coals and 'Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REP4JRIN.'..., W. J. JAGO, TAILOR Tf not open work may be ledt a'0 Hearth Barber Shop. j .