HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-05-12, Page 5"THURS., MAY 12, `1938' yi THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE 5 INCR AOR PROFIT, "*.offily, lied coma a lkote for instance..:.... To Extend. Your Lodi Trade Business now restricted to very nar- row limits may have in it poten- tialities for wider markets, larger profits. Wise (management must determine 'business limitations., ' If your business possibilities,. conservatively appraised, war- rant extension to 'a larger field, conservative borrowing may be a wise and businesslike step. The Bank of Montreal, withbranches serving local 'C71:tillte;•ict**1 business in all parts of Canada, stands ready to discuss with you the potentialities of your business and welcomes your application for a loan. BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISFIIID 1817 !o'a bank where small accounts are welcome" Clinton Branch: H. M. MONTEITH, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday MODERN, IMPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE... the Outcome of r3oYears' Successful Operation AUBURN Miss 'Margaret Ferguson, of Park- Mill, spent the week -end with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson and :Bernice spent Sunday in Seaforth 'with' Mrs. Lawson's mother, Mrs. 'Wm. Slater. • Mrs. John McLeod is visiting her son, Robert, in Stratford. Mrs. Rose Bradnock, Blyth, spent Sunday with her son, Wesley. Mr. Arthur Yungblut, of Detroit, Detroit, spent the week -end With his _father, Mr. George Yungblut and 'family. Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Mrs, W. T. Robison, Dirs. Jas. Howitt, Mrs, -Fred' Ross, Mrs. J, J. Wilson, Mrs, J. C. Stoltz, Mrs. John Huston„ Misses ' -Josephine Weir and Eleanor Wilson attended the Sectional meeting of the :Huroi1 Prebyterial held in Goderich last Friday. The regular monthly meeting of 'the Women's Institute wil be held in -the Foresters' Hall on Tuesday after- noon, May 19th, when Mrs. Oster, 'of Blyth, the .District President, is •expected to be present and give an address) The cwr.•rent events to be :given by Mrs. W. T. Robison.' The roll call to be answered by paying of fees. The Institute are holding a supper 'In the Foresters' Hail on Saturday evening, May 14th. Mrs. A. J. Ferguson's group . of the W.M.S. of the United Church held to .successful sale of home made bak- ing in Mr. A. J. Ferguson's store Sat- urday afternon. Mr. Toni Lawlor, Lloyd McLarty Wand his mother, Mrs. McLarty. left this week for a trip to the Soo where rehey will visit Mrs, McLerty's sister. Mrs, George Hamilton was the lucky .winner of the rug which was :given away at Mr. R. D. 1Viunro's ,store, and Miss Viola Thompson was the winner at Gordon Taylor's store. Mr, and Mrs. John Robertson have returned home after visiting the lat- `ter's sister, Mrs, S. Blair. Mr. and;' Mrs. N. Garrett, of Blyth, •and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nott and Ger- aldine, and Mrs. McCool, of Strat- ford, spent Sunday with Mr. and •Mrs. W. L. Robison. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKnight and family, of Carlow, are moving to the T ' villa 'e and are 'n g , living in the house belonging to Mr. George Yungblut. The `Ladies Aid of the Baptist Church held, their monthly meeting 'at the homeof Mrs. W. C. Robertson 'on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. C. A. Howson presiding, The devotional ex- ereises ereises were taken by Mrs. J. Ra - !by and Mrs, Howson. Readings were given by Mrs. John Raithby and Vi- t rola Leatherland. Miss Elizabeth Elkin t :gave a paper on "The Life of Jesus", which had - been prepared by Mrs. Stanley Johnston. Mr:s. Jasper Mc- A Brien gave a paper on. "Our Ideal in D life". Mrs. John McKnight and Mrs. s "Wolper favoured with : a duet, and v Ml's, Glen Raithby sang a solo. Mrs. G. W. Sherman closed the; meeting I with prayer. `A dainty lunch Was dery •ed by Mrs,' John Raithby and Mrs.: C. A. Howson, • • • Over forty` farmers of this distriet'st {attended a rtrdotor demonstr,'ation at it „tire farm ihnrnc•,;bf Mr. anti -Mss, 4itilr. McVittie, of East 'Wawanosh. Royce Phillip entertained a number of his boy friends to a birthday par- ity Saturday. Those attending were Tom Sheppard, Mac Wilson, Johnny Wilson, Billy Craig, John Wilson, Tack McKnight, Jack Ladd and Ar- nold Phillips. Mr. George Raithby is at present re -decorating and furnishing hi house here which was recently o cupied by Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Fet guson. Mr. Raithby intends makin a tourists' home of the dwelling. Mr. Jas. Brundrit, teller of the Bank of, Conunerce,; boa left. for. We 'holidays and Mr. Richie, of Sombre, 'is relieving in Mr. Brundrit's place. 1 bit. and Mrs. Alliston, of Parkhill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Taylor. ML Toni Adams is visiting friends in Toronto. BIRTHS HOWATT In Clinton Hospital, on Friday, May 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Howatt, Blyth, a son. TURNER -In Clinton Hospital, on Wednesday, May 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Turner, Goderich, a son, Harold Edward. • s. RATHWELL--In. Clinton Community a- Hospital on Saturday, May 7th, to Mr. and: Mrs. D'Arey Rothwell, a g son. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pilgrim, of For- est, and Mr, Pilgrim, of Varna, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Last. A meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held in the Bap- tist Church Monday evening. Mr. George Raithby presided. The devo- tional exercises were taken. by Rev. G., W. Sherman and Rev. H. C. Wil- son. The secretary gave the report for last year. $50.00 had been sent to the treasurer in Toronto. The of- ficers appointed for the year were President, Mr. Chas. Asquith; vice- president, local clergy; sec.-treas., Mr. W. L. Robison; collectors for vill- age, Mrs. -1Vm. Haggett and Madeline Yungblut; east of village, Viola Thompson, Mrs. K. Dawson; base line, Minnie Wagner, Reta Beadle;' west Wawanosh, Lillian Plunkett and Ethel Washington; east Wawanosh Marjory Toll, Ruth Straughan; West- field, Madeline Walden, Jean Cook; 13th Mullett, Roy Webster. Mr. •H 0. T. Birkwall, .who had been for 36 years secretary of the. Bible Society to the Chinese, gave a splendid ad- dress on •his work among the Chin- ese, "which was greatly enjoyed. Mr. Frank Raithby closed the meeting with prayer. Church News. Mother's bay services were held in the different churches last Sunday. At St. Mark's ,Anglican church, Rev. R. M. Weeks chose as his text Deut erononry 15:16, "Honor'' thy 'father and mother". At Knox United Church the pastor, Rev. H. C. Wilson, chose as his text, 'Forsake not the law of thy mother." :A. chair of mothers favoured with an anthem. At the close of the ser= vice Mr, Wilson presented Nils.Wm. ackson, the oldest mother present, with a' flowering plant, At the Baptist Church Sunday af- ernoon, Rev, G. W. Sherman took his ext from John 2:12, "Mother". A ;rieft's choir favoured' with an anthem. At Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev. , M, Boyle, followed the Mother's ay program. Donald Ross told the tory of "Sistine Madonna". Mr. Her- ey McGee favoured with"a solo. Misses Elsie Snell and Mary Dobie eft on Tuesday, for Guelph where hey will attend a girls'' conference of the Jr. Institute. Messrs. Keith Arthur, Dick , Ar'm- "tong and Ben Hamilton left by. mo- or on Tuesday for JeIliee, where they expect to get work• to the' mines. DEATHS BRUNSDON—In Clinton, on Thurs- day, May 5th, Essie Lauren Mair, wife of J. H. Brunsdon, aged 45 years. WESTON In Bayfield, , on Satur- day, May 7th, Charles W. Weston, In his 55th year. WALDRON—In Toronto, on Thurs- day, May 12th, Bessie Bayley, be- loved wife of Gordon Waldron, K. C., and daughter of the late Rev. Benjamin Bayley. COLQUHOUN In Seaforth hospital, on Friday, May 6th, Albert Alexan- der Colquhoun, of Hibbert Town- ship, aged 78 years. IN MEMORIAM WHITELY—In loving memory of our dear mother, Alice Ann Whitely, who passed away May 18, 1.934. "God knows how much we miss her, Never shall her memory fade, Loving thoughts shall always wander To the spot where she is laid."" —Ever remembered by her Ioving —Daughters and -Sons, BAYFIELD .. Mrs. R. F. Gairdner and Betty of London spent the week -end at their • home "The Secret Garden." Mr. and Mrs. C. Robbins and Mr. A. Lang of Detroit, spent the week- end at the home of Mrs. Robbins par-•. ents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. McLeod. . Mrs. Robbins is staying on for a few days. 1 Miss Bernice Seeds -of Western Hospital is home for a few .weeks rest. Mrs: Jack Parker is visiting with her mother, Mrs.' Brown, of Goder- ich. ST. (TELE NS • Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNay, Mrs. Helen, and 'lir, and Mrs. John Gardi- ner, and Miss Kathleen and Carol, of Ashfield, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods, Satur- day. Mrs. Duncan McDonald is visiting her, sister, Mrs. Donald McDonald at present. Mr. John Foran has returned home. from Bigwood, where he has spent the winter, Mr. Neatly Todd, of Stratford,. spent the week -end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Woods, of Dundas, and Mrs. Arthur Wetham, of Galt, spent the week -end with Mrs. R. J. Woods. Heepeler United Church has ex- tended a call to Rev. Duncan E. Fos- ter, S,tfeatford, a former pastor of, Wesley -Willis church,, Clinton. 44044 Cut Flowers, Flowering Plants Floral Designs For „ v.,.64..r10„ All Occasions. SPRING FLOWERS. Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 68j Fresh Eggs -Poultry WANTED Good prices are expected for -Poul- try for some time to come. When you have any young chickens or fat fowl give us a call.—Our prices are always in line with city prices. Our Egg -Grading Service will please you. Eggs graded while you wait. N. W. TREWARTHA Phones—Olfice, 214j Residence, 214w Hensall Grows HensalI's population, increased this year for the first time in many years, Clerk James A. Paterson discovered as he went over the 1938 assessment roll. There are 685 people on the roll, including 108 who are over 70 years of age, 167 persons are assessed as owners, and 69 as tenants. Two new homes are being built and one new grain elevator. PIGS FOR SALE A number of little, pigs. Weaned and ready to go anytime, Alton Johnston, Brucefield, phone 6251.22. CAR FOR SALE Model T Ford coupe, in good tun- ing condition. Apply Norman Lever, Jr., Mary street. 83 1 FOR SALE OR Brooder. Would accomodate 500 chicks. Apply to News -Record. 83-1. GARDEN PEAS Have limited quantity of choice garden peas for sale. Noble Holland, R,R, 4, Clinton. Phone,617 r 22. 83 1 TO RENT That desirable residence of Wnr, H. Brownlee, furnished or unfurnish- ed. Located near the station. Apply Geo. Cook, or E Paterson. 83 tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS • In the Estate of Eliza Jane Dodd, late of the Town d Clinton, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file •the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Execu- trices, Addie Viola Sturdy and Doris Gilmour Miller Batkin, on or before the 28th day of May, 1938, after which date the assets will be distri- buted amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton this 9th day of May, A.D. 1938. P. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for Executrices, Addie 'Viola Sturdy and Doris Gilmour Miller Batkin. 83 3 COURT OF REVISION Township of Goderich A Court of Revision to heat and de - tontine appeals against the assess- ment roll will be held in Butt's Hall, Hohnesville, on Thursday, May 26, at 10 a.m., all complaints should be sent to the undersigned not later than May 23. Parties assessed for dogs that have since been destroyed must return the tag, giving reason for doing so, or be charged in taxes. • R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk, 83 2 R.R. 2 Clinton. COURT OF REVISION For the Township of Stanley Notice is hereby giventhat a. Court of . Revision on the Assessment Roll of 1938, for the Township of Stanley will be held in the Township Hall on Monday, May 30th, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. - And take notice that, all appeals gain thee against gassessment roll must left with the Clerk on or before May 26th, 1938. DATED this 9th day of May, 1938. CHAS. C. PILGRIM, r 83 2 Clerk of Stanley. London - Wingham Motorways. LEAVE CLINTON: Daily except Sunday and Holidays SOUTH BOUND To London 8.10 am. 4.15 p.m. NORTHBOUND To Wingham To Kincardine 2.30 p.m. 8.00 p.nt., Sunday and Holidays Only SOUTH BOUND To London 5.30 pint. NORTH BOUND To Wingham Te Kincardine 2.30 p.m. 9.40 paq. ROXY THEATRE CAPI IAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE Clinton. Goderich Now: "The Duke Comes Back" starring Allan Lane, Heather' Angel and Genevieve Tobin. Mon., Tues., Wed. Sylvia: Sidney, Joel McCrea, Wendy Barrio and Humphrey Bogart, in "DEAD END" A picture that was the hit of the month when reviewed. Thurs., Fri, Sat. "52ND STREET" ,starring Ian Hunter, Dorothy Pet- erson, Zasu Pitts, Kenny Baker and Leo Carrillo. Coming: "Victoria The Great". Seaforth O — A ice Faye, Tyrone 1 ower NOW — The Baroness, and the & Don"Ameche—"In Old Chicago" Butler", starring William Powell Mon., Tues., Wed. Barbara Stanwyck. and John Boles present a grand old melodrama , "STELLA DALLAS" with Anne Shirley Thurs., Fri., Sat Irene Dunne - Doug. Fairbanks Jr. Theodora Goes Wild again' in an- other merry Laugh hit "The Joy of Living" with Eric Blore .and Guy Iiibbee Man., :Tues., Wed. Shirley Temple itandatiiiu Scott ,avid Jack Kaley in a streamlined version of "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" Thurs., Fri., Sat. Alice Faye, Tyrone Power, Don Ameche and. Alice Brady in the thrill picture of the year "IN OLD CHICAGO” Coming.-- "The Hurricane", with -Coming —_retie Dunne in "The Joy of Ltving". Mat. :Sat. and holidays at 3 p.m. Mat.: Wed., Sat., Holidays, 3 p.nr. Mat.; Sat and Holidays at 3 p.m. Dorothy Lamour. Bread Is Your Best Food EAT MORE OF IT We Make:— WHOLE WHEAT, CRACKED WHEAT, SUNSOY, GRANMEAL, SANDWICH, BRICK, ROUND, BUTTERMILK, and of course our DELICIOUS CRISPY CRUST. Bartliff & Crich Phone 1. Clinton. The Benniiller Nurseries Has a host of Satisfied Customers for the past 75 years ;,There is nothing finer on the mar- kat than our Bedding Pot plants, Annuals, and Vegetables. All Strong Weather -seasoned Plants. Come and See, or secure them from the Stores that early our Stock. STEWART BROS., BENMILLER NURSERIES Phone Carlow 235 Western Oats Expect car any day. Special prices off car. Let me know requirements. This ear will be approximately 40 lbs. to the bushel FEEDS Carry complete stock of Hominy, Sereeuings, Bran, Shorts and Midd- lings, also full stock of blaster Feeds tarok 'Mash, Growing Mash; Ptg Starter, Grower and Finisher, Dairy Feeds. Special prices for quantity. SEED Corn Complete stock of all varieties. Highest quality at reasonable prices. FRED O. FORD FLOUR, FEED, SEED & GRAIN Phone 123w. TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tenders for Coal," will be received until 12 o'clock noon, (daylight saving), Mon- day, June 6, 1938, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob- tained from the Purchasing Agent, Department" of Public Works, Otta- wa; ttawa; and the Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide St, East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the. Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and conditions attached thereto. When the amount of tender exceeds. the sum of $5,000.00. whether it be for one building' only or more—the tenderers lust attach to their ten- der a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, payable ma »a o the able t order of the Honourable\the Minister o£ Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or. Bearer Bonds of the 'Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and itsconstituent companies, unconditionally guaran- teed as to principal and interest by the Dominion' of Canada, or -, the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make upan odd amount. The Department also reserves the right to demand from any successful tenderer a security deposit, in the form of a certified cheque or bond as above, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of his :bid, to guarantee the proper fulfilment of the contract. By order, J. NI. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 6, 1938. tri 83 2s Wendorf's Bakery The Home: of Delectable Pastries and Fine Sweets. FOR THE "WEEK -END Toasted Marshmallows - 19c Ib. Jellied Marshmallows -, 19c lb. Among This Week -End Cake Specials Apple Spice Cake - Vanilla Cake We are Featuring a New SILVER CAKE Try Our Marshmallow Rolls Bissett,'s Ice Cream With It's Unsurpassed Quality Gives You the Most for Your Money Wendorf's Bakery and Restaurant Phone 68 ENGLISH LEGHORN BABY CHICKS AND PULLETS CUSTOM HATCHING SENATOR DUNLOP. STRAWBERRY PLANTS FRESH ASPARAGUS. E. L. MITTELL Phone 213—Clinton. Hazel Hazzit— has what? Why! Cress Corn and Bunion Salves! Re- moves Calluses, Warts, Ingrown Toenails, too. Sold by Hovey's Drug Store in Olin, ton and Hemphill's in Hensall and all Drug Counters. House For Rent Apply Scott's Groovy. 76-tf Spring Clearance Sale of Used Pianos Such Weil -known makes as Heintz - man, Nordheiiner, Mason & Ricoh, Weber, and others at reasonable pri- ces and term's. Write Heintzman & Co., 242 Dundas St., London for fur- ther particulars. No obligations. 82-3. For Sate Durham cow, seven years old. Due to freshen about May 12th. Apply James Walker, Clinton, Phone 164. MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the power contained in a ,certain mortgage which will be produced at the tiro of the sale, there 'will be offered fo sale by public auction on Monday, th 30th day of May, 1938, at the hou of 1,30 o'clock in the afternoon a the council chambers, town hall, i the Town of Clinton, by George H Elliott, Auctioneer, the following pro perty, namely: Lot Seventeen (17) in the Seventh Concession of the Township of Hul lett in the County of Huron. This property is located about five miles north-east of Clinton, and is said to consist of one hundred acres of good farm land with frame' house and barn, never -failing, spring, 2 acres of sugar bush and spring creek. The buildings to be ing ood shape and 90 acres of property seed- ed. The said property is subjected to a first mortgage in favor of the Com- missioner ,of Agricultural Loans, which mortgage can. be left on the property The property is being offered sub- ject to a reserve bid, Terms -10% of the purchase price over and above the first mortgage to be paid down at the thne of sale i and the balance over and above the said first mortgage to be paid with- in thirty days of the date of the sale, For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to George H. El- liott of Clinton, Ontario, Auctioneer, or the undersigned Solicitor for the Mortgagee. DATED at Goderich this 25th day of April, A.D. 1938. George H, lalliott, Clinton, Ontario, Auctioneer. FRANK, ,DONNELLY, Goderich, Ontario, 'Solicitor for the Mortgagee. 81-3. s e r e r t n BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON, Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. t vi Developing and Printing l (Open Every Day) RADIO & ELECTRIC SERVICE To Get the Maximum' Use of Your ELECTRIC STOVE now that warm weather is here have BURNED OUT ELEMENTS REPAIRED or REPLACED Quick Service -Charges Reasonable PHONE 213. E. E. Mittel! RADIO-TRICIAN WANTED MEN To know we are experienced in, Dry -Cleaning for 35 years. Coat and Vest Relined and the whole suit pressed, for $4.75. Palmer. ALBERT PALMER Isaac St., Clinton. IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDGEMENTS COLLECTED Our collecting department is a re- sult of years of successful experi- ence in collecting local or out-of-town accounts. No collection, no charge -- Mail your /1st of accounts to -day to Burke's Collecting Agency (License 176) HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. 41$f DEBTS COLLECTED For many years wehavespecializ- ed in the handling of collections and are today handling a larger volume of business than ever before. Put our experience to work in clearing up your outstanding debts. KELLY & AIKEN The Collection Specialists, ORANGEVILLE, ONTARIO Established 1890. Phone 90 ' Plants For Sale Raspberry cane, Latham nursery strain, large, red meaty berries, hea- vy cropping. 1 dozen for 75e; 50 for $3.00; 100 for $5.00- Strawberries, Senator Dunlop, Downham nursery strain, 100 for $1.26; $6.00 for 1000 at the garden. Collin's Berry Farm, Phone 616r42. 77_tf, House For Sale A very desirable residence on Prin- cess street. Good garden and fruit. trees, electric lights and town water. House in good condition. Apply et the News -Record office. 75-e. Cottage For Sale At Bayfield In ideal location near lake. " Spring water on property. W. N. Counter, 82-3. Wanted Highest cash prices paid for Old Horses and Cattle fit for mink feed. Everything removed. If dead phone at once. Fred Gilbert, 608r22, Clin- ton. 79-tf- Housekeeper Wanted A middle aged housekeeper wanted. Two in family. No washing or iron- ing Apply to News -Record. House For Sale Comfortable dwelling house on (Frederick street, Clinton. Electric lights, 'hot and cold water, bath, double garage, and henhouse, large enough for 40 hens, with large fenced in run. Two quarter -acre lots one entirely for garden purposes. 'Pro- perty may be seen anytime, Apply" ICenneth Whitmore, Clinton, Ontario - For Sale A house and barn on Wellington. Street. Water and hydro. Apply to - J'. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton. 70-tf., Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coabs and Dresses k. DRY CLEANING AND REP4IRIN(111' W. L TAGO, TAILOR If nob open work neap be lef* ski -ol nflii Bonbon EMAP. ___j1