HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-03-17, Page 2PAGE 2 • THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS.,,MARCH 17, 1938. Mont Wallace has arra ee in two reissin aviators: At dusk Mon- working newspaper woman a chance Y justg California, having broken the. East- ty lands the plane in the open. Coma' to get a much-needed beauty nap?" West cross country airplane record. try, where he and Natalie must spend Jimmyignored Sunny's obvious barb. Natalie Wade, mistaken by him for a the night. "Of course," exclaimed Jimmy. newspaper reporter, writes the exclus Resuming the search' iii the morn - "Let's go before the neighbors sus- ive account of Monty's arrival, and ing, they finally locate `the fliers, Na- pact the celebration has started al - :succeeds in securing a trial job with talie fires the story to her paper.'ready!" a paper in exchange for the story. Na- That night at dinner, Marion an- Jimmy and Sunny left Natalie a- talie becomes attached to Monty. nounoes a non-stop, `sound the worldgainalone with her thoughts — her Although she discovers Monty's flight, with Monty piloting ,the new hopes. But the demands of sleen were love for her is not sincere, Natalie plane, 'Sunny Marion'. I stronger than even, her anticipation :admits that. she loves him. She is: Monty's plan is to have ten refuel- of the morning's events.' She slept assigned by her paper to report Mon- ling stations along the route, where soundly, Before she . knew -it, her ty's activities for publication. Jimmy pilots are to go aloft to refuel hie brief interval of rest was broken by Hale, the newspaper's photographer, 'plane. Monty flies with Natalie to the solanding of the door -buzzer. Has- becomes,Natalie's co-worker. , New York, where he will begin the tily drawing on her robe, Natalie ad - Natalie interviews Jabe Marion, a flight eastward. They are followed nutted Jimmy and Sunny, wealthy'' airline builder; who decides by Jimmy and Sunny. I "Time to get out to the airport," to build a record-breaking 'round the; The day before the flight, Monty warned Jimmy. world plane for Monty. Marion's ence more declares his love to Na- "Toot -toot all aboard!" chimed in daughter, Sunny, exquisitely beautiful, talie. Sunny, merrily. is attracted to Monty. She invites! In spite of adverse weather re- "I'll''slip into something in a jiffy Natalie to 'dine with her, when they ports, Monty takes. off. Natalie re- -sit down while I wake up under a ,meet the aviator unexpectedly. turns by plane to California, where shower," said Natalie, glancing at the Natalie discovers that Sunny is she hears that Monty has reached clock. ealous of her friendship with Monty, Moseow, and is continuing on to "I'!! make .some coffee,' volunteer - :and that she is trying to prevent Siberia. ed Sunny, catching 'Jiminy by the arm. "Coyne on, you!" ahem from being alone. After driv- ing to a mountain resort with Sunny THIRTEENTH INSTALMENT Soon Natalia again . a_nlieared" this :and. Jimmy, Monty again declares his . time clad in a. simple sports outfit. love for Natalie. Quickly, in the staccato manner of Her face shone radiant& only to be Sunny attempts to drive Natalie the veteran reporter, Natalie poured outdone by the brightne"s of her from Mont's attention by cl'mbing a out the story of. Moat's victory over eyes. This was her clay of days. The 'high wall. ' She almost loses her bale the elements. It was his triumph— aroma of steaming coffee drew, her once and is pulled back by Monty. hers. And even as. the last words, to the kitchen. - .Jhiuny later asks Natalie to consider i of her story sung'•aver the wire, Jim- "That coffee smells too good—you 'Ids love for her if she refuses Monty. my Hale and Sunny came in. can't keep ane away by hiding it out Natalie' induces Monty to set out' Sunny was her old self again. Com- here," she said, but scarcely had she avith her in an airplane search for posed, her most charming manner spoken than her eyes fastened on 1 seeking to conceal the defeat that the scene before her. Sunny and Cite Clinton News -Record Natalie knew must be hers. Jimmy -Jimmy were clasped in each other's With which is Incorporated was jubilant. arms. Their lips had. met. They THE NEW ERA "Get out the Welcome Mat," Jim- stood in a little world of their own. • TERMS UP SUBSCRIPTION. my shouted gleefully. "This calls for Only after a moment did Jinuny be - 41.60 per year in advance, to Cana- a party. And when. the Hale tribe come aware of Natalie's presence.. din» addresses. $2.00 to the U.S. or oat's "Party", it means a real blow- His start brought Sunny back to real- e:her foreign countries. No paper out- a wheoli;amloreehoi" Sunny ac- ity. d!scontinued until all arrears are paid onless at the option of the publish- ceded with an alac'ity that seemed al- "Hello, Nat," said Jimmy. Then ex. The data to which every sub- most genuine. turning to Sunny with a meaning terintion is raid is denoted on the "Of course!" rhe agreed, with gas- glance, "I guess we might as well a AllVFRTISING RATES —Tran- i. to. "And 'what better place for a tell her." "feint advertising 12c per count line wvolconse party to Mont Wallace -than "Why riot," agreed Sunny, "What for first insertion. 8c for each sub- Nat'a apartment?" better time than new?" raquent insertion. Heading . counts Natalie sensed a thrust in these "Sunny and I are to be married; II dines. Small advertisements not to apparently innocent 'words. But not was Jimmy's simple statement. exteed one inch, such as Wanted, betraying that she, too; knew Sunny's "Why, Sunny — Jimmy — ," a-. Lost,' `Strayed etc., inserted once for ?6c, each subsequent insertion position with Monty, she took up the claimed Natalie, "I'm so glad—I'm I5c. Rates for display advertising challenge. so happy—but this is so sudden!" Tilde known on application. "You two run along," replied Na- "We've got only fifteen minutes to Comunications intended for pub- talie. "I'll meet you after I get the get to the airport," Jimmy warned rimcation must, as a guarantee of good rest of this story and cheek on Mont's His words galvanized the three in ruin, be accompanied by the name arrival," to action. They forgot personal mat- er; the writer.g E. HALL - - Proprietor. Jimmy and Sunny departed', while ters—bent on giving Monty the greet - Natalie resumed lier'place beside the Ing and unselfish praise he deserved 11. T. RANCE telephone. The bell jangled with an Gulping their coffee, the three ran Notary Public, Conveyancer l insistent clangor. out to the car and speeded toward ,Financial, Real Estate and Flee, In. "Yes," answered Natalie, "Oh, it's the landing field, The hour was •ruranoe Agent, Representing 14 The you, Mack. Yes—I'm here at the air- still early. The headlights east bit- tinsurance Companies. port. No news after the last flash— lows of light against the rising Division Court Office, Clinton ' what? You have a bulletin from the morning mist. A faint glow in the ti '+4■'i efeeW •.'.V.e.•.r■1•n . �'��. i'eseMere eel i .V.e. .e.a V. eaeVe : eae tive town :Was what he had toy say a- furniture, thebreeding of fowl, the ;. bout retired farmers, Retired far- keeping of bees. Get a microscope, YO.0 R WORLD AND MINE eel niers everywhere, regarded as nand let it introduce you to bidder ■, whole, are blamed .:for the backward-. worlds of fascination --the worlds of (Copyright) r ness of the towns where they are plant life or of insect life. r ▪ numerous being backward, ! And if you have children, help them o" by JOHN C. KIRKWOOD .e I have 'a good deal of sympathy to live a life larger than the life giv- r, , , , r with retired farmers and for their at- en up to physical toil. ■ 1'.•.":.".Y: e'■ ■ .L':,*1■°:Y..`.•.•:'■'1'.SYr.Y.:.•.'■ .. r .•.'.Y:.,Y.�,`„ Lifeco toward improvements anc1 en,- l Do nosy the things which you ,may Blackville is an 'Ontario town of not go to church to hear the preacher terprises which mean an, increase in like to do after retirement. Practice about 2,000 population, "Is Blackville and the preaehing so much as to as- taxation, Retired farmers—speaking before r retirement the doing• of the an attractive place regarded as a sert their congregational unity and to broadly—have' to be exceedingIy care..,things which will keep you happy in place in which to make one's home?" carry a chip on their shoulder—a sort fel. Their incomes are usually very retirement years, Do not postpone I asked a man living in Toronto who of defiance of other congregations' limited. These incomes are .derived, pleasure-takingg until you retire. was brought up in Blackville. Hey There may be, on the part of soma i peoliably, fromtheir farms: the farm thinks that it is so far as it appear- militant ones, a disppsition to be dis-!may be rented, and .it is this rent ante is concerned. It has lots of putatious on creeds and dogmas and which is their main income. They trees, some pleasant streets, is sur- on scriptural interpretations. The may have other income, but, if so, It rounded by hilly country, has a small severity of the views of some of these' is likely to be' meagre. Retired far river, and isnot too far away from church people loads them to condemn' niers have to budget very' drastically. a city. But then he began telling me smoking, card -playing, dancing, pleas- There is no latitude, A $5 bill is im- of some of its draw backs. These using on Sunday, the reading of cer- portant. Quite often the retired far- are of two main clasess: too many re-' fain specified classes of books and r mer's income has to sustain, himself, tired farnnees' live in Blackville, and periodicals. The preachers: of Black- his wife and a daughter or two. In of g We have just completed the jab religious strife is acute. , ville have to walk circumspectly, not' marvel .how they make •both ends reading 76 weekly and semi-weekly About the religious strife. There' in relation to the Bible's precepts or meet. I epos that ithe case o£ newspapers that come to our deskevv - are two United Churches, a strug- I to their own conscience, but in Tela man a balanced budget is achieved tell Y, g ort' week, and believe us when we gling Presbyterian Church, an Ang. tion to the views and commandments only by the most rigorous economy. yea, it is no small task. We have lican church, a Raman Catholic of their congregations. Should a Most retired farmers do not get respect enough' for 'o.ur 'weekly church, a Baptist church, and the Sal -, preacher smoke, that's sin., Should he much fun .out of their days—which is."brothers-in-crime" to read all of vation Army -a total of seven relig reveal that he believes in the theory a pity. Things areperhaps better to. their sheets every week, regardless ious bodies. There is no spirit of un.l of evolution, thats fatal, In . short, day than they were before the day's of of how busy we might be. If we ion;' on the contrary, ;there is perpet- , intolerance flourishes in Blackville. gramophones and radia. Today a haven't the time to read them at the ual tension. The churches rule the Even the young people of Blackville— radio is almost an ,essential. ,Ger- office we take them home and read town. If a new family, or a new' those who remain there --acquire the thinly it is a mercy. By means of them, there. Being in the business of school teacher, or a new banker, or mind of their elders. radios .farmers can; in ease, and al- publishing, we get 'a big kick' out of a new express agent, or a new tele -1 most costlessly, have a very wide va- scrutinizing the different weeklies. phone manager, or a new retailer, Blackville `has attracted many re- riety of entertainment from rising; Like our own paper, some of these goes to Blackville, there is`an imme-1 tired farmers; These farmers, as a time to bedtime. Radia plusses their' publications are filled to overflowing diate battle to tie the family or the, class, veto all expenditures for local newspaper and takes the place of some weeks while at other tinges the man to a particular church congrega: improvements: they want to keep the books. It fills time which might oth-.news columns are 'lean' as the say - tion. The man may not be very saint- tax rate as law as possible. They do erwise be very empty.- ing goes. When we look over a week- ly, but this does not make much dif- not want paved roads and walks. They by and fail to see anything- that might ference. He will be given office, if voted against a sewerage system. be classed as intensely interesting, he will take -it, wthout having to bb. They refused, to sanction. a project to Towns people whose income le de -!we are not like the grouchy subscri- any too upright in the matters of hr beautify.° park. They are unready to rived from weekly or monthly earn- bei and remark: "There is nothing in life and conversation. make local schools attractive and ef- ings—from, it may be, the earnings that sheet," but on the other' hand, a The poor preachers in Blackville arc I ficient, They let their housesgo un- of more thanone member of the far- feeling of sympathy' runs through our pew -ridden. People in this town do, painted. There is no local hospital. i1y—can afford to indulge themselves mind, because we know what it is to 1 The fact of the matter is that more or less.' They canbuy clothes tissue a paper when news is none too Blackville is a pretty drab and dull oftener, can go to movies,blSantautlplentiful. If subscribers of the weeks town, and young people want to get more on the dining to , can It'• newspapers possessed half as much lead to add and Mack Hanlon would away from it just as soon as they arer small excursions, can buy - ice cream' understanding as the editor of a take care of that, old enough to earn money. sundaes, can do some entertaining.weekly sheet, particularly in a small The black plane plunged out of There is one quite large factory in! Most retired farmers, on the other town, we know there would be less the sky. Suddenly its wheels spun on Blackville, and a few small industrial hand, have to pass up all such indul-! ! grumbling duffing the weeks when the ground with the tail skid drag- establishments. The local council , genies, and sometimes their compul- news is scarce, A. good thing for ging dust from the hard earth. tries to persuade itself that Blackville sory frugality is both misunderstood Cheer on cheer rose for the flight should have more factories, and it has and unappreciated. subscribers to bear - in mind is that had been completed. The crowd an industrial committee, which is I If I have any message to give to when the weekly paper arrives and Tett much of a joke. Commercial farmers, it is this: during your years madop inso contain much news ho fe is pretty no person in the community who feels travellers who call on retailers in between 20 and 60, get ready for the worse about it than the editor, In Blackville have nothing good to say years of retirement. Learn in these other words, if there is no news to of the place. The local retailers -- pre -retirement years how to play. f11 print, it just slum,, can't be printed, most of them—are pretty small po you can at all, acquire a taste o and that's all there is to it. Taking tatoes. I reading for better reading than the the weekly papers as a whole, our Blackville has a weekly newspaper, newspapers provide, and the maga- own included, readers seldom have but it does not prosper. It gets very zines. Read good books—of travel, very little to complain about. There little local or national advertising, biography, of reflection, of history. is no country in the world that has a and its advertising rate is very low, Do a little travelling. Go to New finer crop of weekly newspapers than Frank Fingland, B.A., LLB. cilarrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to W. Brysioe, S1onn Block CIin en, Ont, A. E. COOK Piano and Voice Studio—E. C. Nickle, Phone 23w, 74-tf-1p. D. H. McINNE'S CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist, Massage (thrive: Huron Street. (Few Jioora ' west of Royal Bank) Hours—Wed, and Sat. and by appointment. FOOT CORRECTION 'by manipulation Sun -Ray Treatmea Phone 207 GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron 5 orrespondenee promptly answered Immediate arrangements can be made l0 i x for. Sales Date at The News -Record, Natalie was flying across We little space between ;Mintori, or by calling. phone 203. Charges M'oderate And Satisfaction Guaranteed. News Bureau? What is it—quick!" East gave promise of a clear day, THE McKILLOP MLITTJALFroin his desk in the City Room, the fingers of the sun reaching half Mack Hanlon scanned the strand of way above the horizon, Fire :Insurance Company yellow tape trailing through his fin- With the coming of dawn, they Head Office. Seaforth, Ont. gers. In its brief message was spel- knew that Monty could not be far Officers: led the news they hacl been waiting away. Lookouts were posted on the Presidennt, Thomas Moylan, Sea- for these long, long, days and nights. wind -sock tower but Mack Hanlon •forth; Vico President, William Knox, He read: telephoned from the office to say that i.ondesboro; foeth. atyrTTer, M,I "Mont. Wallace proceeding clown the fleet of planes had turned South A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors,nAlex. coast reports all is well. Air escort just beyond Los Angeles and that Walton; oot, Seaforth; James Sholdice, picks up plane near Portland. Wal- Monty was flying with' them. Waltolames Connolly, GodChnis. lace scheduled to: land 7.45 a,m. Good Natalie's heart thumped madly as Le R. sit,Archibald,Seaforth; Chris, flyingweather ahead." she stood beside Jimmy and Sunny 1,evnharclt Dublin; Alex. McEwing; 1 Y Y lytli; Frank McGregor, Clinton. ' Mack detected a stifled cry of re- searching the sky for his plane. List of Agents W. J. Yeo, Clin- lief from the receiver near his earl Glary was in the morning and ton, R. R. No. 3; James Watt, Blyth; I "Thanks, Mack," came Natalie's glory seemed to fill her whole being John E. Pepper, Brucefield, 11. R. grateful voice, over the wire. "Shall at the thought that there was noth- No. 1; R. F. McKeraher, Dublin. R. R. I write a follow-up for the early ala ing but an ordinary small light to No. 1; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kincardine; tion." I keep' her from Moat's arias. R. G, Jariiruth, Bornholm, R. R. No. 1. We II handle that," laughed the Before any of the others, she saw money oney to be paid may be paid' so the Royal Bank, Clinton; Bank of , genial editor. "You start catching the ship. It was a tiny, high black Commerce, Seaforth, or ' at Calvin up on some sleep or you won't be able speck hi the sky and beneath it roar- "C".vtt's Grocery, Goderich. Ito see your hero even if he lands in ed twenty or more ships flying, in Parties desiring to effect fuser broad daylight!"'i formation or looping and cavorting sanbecpromptly attended to onor transact othsr napplieaess � It took Natalia: na time to be home. in glee at the success of the world iop to any• of the above officers ad- Somehow it seemed ages since her flight. dressed to their respective post 6 i- eyes had glimpsed these familiar She saw when. the black plane set ees. Losses inapeeles by the director things before. As she opened the its nose flatly toward, the earth. She who lives nearest the scene. door, -a shout greeted her. Jimmy saw that the lauding would be in the and Sunny, true to their promises had the teeth of the west wind unless ANADIA, x 1 ATM AL' h�L_4 AYS: already begun preparations forthe Monty dropped in, cross -wind as he 'IME TABLE "welcome party." , sometimes did. Trains will arrive at and depart from "Hit, Nat," greeted Jimmy; only She stood there in the crowd, Na - Clinton as follows: her eyes remained coldly serious. I talie Wade, no longer just a girl Buffalo and Goderich Div. "Don't mind us!" she laughed. down on her luck but known from Going East, depart 7:03 a.m. "But you can't blame a couple oe4 coast to coast as a. news writer and Going East, depart !U)C pelt, people who haven't really celebrated Waiting for the kiss of the greatest Going West, depart 11.48 P'm• since last New Year's Eve,"' shead- flier since Lindbergh. Going West, depart 10,00 p.m• ded, with a knowing glances Then as Already she had written the draft London, Huron & Brae* quickly. she turned to Ji Going North, ar. 11.25 Ive. 11.47p.m.! of hstory on the completion of egging' ;South ar. 2.50, leave 2.0$ p.m, I "Hadn't we better give thih! s hard -the flight. There would be only the The Weekly Newspaper (Leamington Post and Wawa) rushed forward. But the black plane taxied straight on. Natalie was ;fly- ing across the space between. Monty dropped to the ground and clasped Natalie in, his arms, A breathless moment, then throwing his helmeted head back Monty laughed his old-time care free laugh. "How are you, Gil, he greeted, still looping his strong arm around Natalie's shoulders."I've come a- The man who. told me of Blackville York if you can, just to get a taste of this fair Dominion of Canada.round the world, thinking of this returns to his native town just as a great city. Go West, or East, in moment all the way!" seldom as possible. His mother lives your own country. Such Journeyings "And I've been thinking too," join- there, and some other relatives. Black- will make life richer. Your nnder- ed . Natalie, "and hoping that you'd ville and its pettinesses and its bick- ' standing of the world will be broad- conse to me just as you are — this °rings irritate_ him, and he's glad to' ened and ' deepened. Spend money minute?' escape' from its atmosphere. when you are earning money to buy "Hey, Mont!", broke in a• voice. lasting experience and knowledge. If The two lovers suddenly ' realized What interested 'me chiefly as this you can, indulge a hobby, do so—the they were the target .for hundreds ex-Blackville man told me of his na-I cultivation of flowers, the making of of eyes. After all, this was the tri umphant ending of a world flight. The airport was jammed with an ad- miring throng. Natalie turned her gaze quickly to Monty,- and witu a fluttering smile to cover her ember- rassment bade Monty receive the 1✓ plaudits due him. "I'lI only take a minute, Dear," as- sured Monty, giving Natalie an af- fectionate ;rat on the ehvulder. He turned to face a. battery of news sameras and reporters, pencils pois- ed, eager to catch a first-hand ac- count from "the beta of the hour. Monty inured to interviews spoke briefly, answered routine: questions tepidly. In a few moments he was back to Natalie's side. A throng of news -hawks followed, unwilling to leave their prey. Monty turned ang- tily. "Can't you fellows leave us alone?"1 he roared. "Can't you see I want a little privacy? You've got your story—beat it and run it!" "Careful, .Dear," cautioned Natal- ie. "They're 'only trying to do their job. Remember, the papers can make you -and they can break you, toe!" "All right," said Monty reluctant- ly, "but why can't they leave a fel- 'ow alone -especially at a time like this! 1 want to be with you," he adcleci, smiling into Natalie's upturn- ed face. They kissed, "Where's Sunny?", queried Monty suddenly. The jarring note made Natalie wince. "They' came tothe field with me," explained Natalie, "now that you mention it, it does seemstrange they haven't 'been on 'hand." "I can't believe that, they stay a- way at a time like this!" insisted Natalie. "Let's get out of here anyhow," Monty said, catching her arnn in his. The crowd followed the two as they slowly pushed toward where Jintmy's car had been parked when Natalie, Sunny :and Jimmy had arrived. at the airport. When they came to the spot the car was gone. "The mystery deepens," exclaimed Natalie with a little laugh. "Looks like we'll have to walk," Monty added' with mock seriousness. "I just carie off a round -the -world flight, but I haven't cab fare : in my pocket. Cracked my Iast quarter for cigarettes in Vladivostok!" Natalie's thoughts were not of a comic turn, but .the incongruity of Monty's remarks struck her. She joined him in laughter while ner- vously aware of the press of onloolc- ers around them. At last a squad of small boys broke through the strain- ing police cordon. (CONTINUED NEXT WEEK) PIPE :•` TOBACCO _FOR' A:.R!11,I=b, 4,OO'C, s,MOK'E News Items Wanted By the NES-REC You May T eph ,: ne CUNT N 4 I Anyone —Dies —Gets Married —Hag Guests -Goes Away --bias a Party -lfas a Baby —Has a Fire --Is Ill Has an Operation —Has an Accident ---Buys a Home -Wins a Prize —Receives an Award —Builds a House -Makes a Speech —fields a Meeting —Or Takes Part in Any. Other Event. THAT'S NEWS AND WE WOULD LIKE IT PROMPTLY THE NEWS -RECORD is anxious to publish all the news it can. We feel that our readers can help us by sending in items like "Personals," "Reports of Social Affairs" and other "Activities." Ono item alone may seem too small to bother with, but when ad- ded to many others helps make interesting news of the "doings" of our town andrural folks. Unsealed letters cost only 10. Far your convenience we have a drop -box in the office door. MAY WE HAVE YOUR CO-OPERATION? Name of Sender. /r'