HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-02-17, Page 8PAGE 8' THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD !Try Our Cooked Beef Loaf, per ib.:.. Home -Made Head Cheese, per lb.' Choice Home -Made Sausage, per lb. 3 lb. tin Pail of Schneider's Lard Lamb and Veal Stews, pet lb. 20c 10c 15c 48c 15c CONNELL & TYNDALL " LI.T TON'S LEADING .'MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street Don't Forget Syrup Season is just around the corner We make Sap Pans, any size you may require. Sap Pails, Cans and Spiles. , SECOND-HAND QUEBEC HEATER, large size, $10.00 new bricks and grates HAND WASHER, with Power Pulley, regular $30.00... $26.00 $79.50 BEATTY ELECTRIC WASHER, reg. $93.50, for WE ARE AGENTS FOR NORTHERN ELECTRIC RADIOS. 1 GIBRALTAR MODEL 422 and 1 GLASGOW MODEL 626 AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. SUTTER € PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING, TINSMI.THING, ELECTRICAL Phone 147w. WIRING. P.O. Box 48 "It Pays to Play" Why not purchase that bicycle now? After all, spring is al- most here, and you should be prepared. Easy payments to suit your purse, and a good range to choose from. Special prices on Children?s Bicycles. Come down and spend an evening at the rifle range. We can supply the gun and ammunition. You are invited to come in and look around. Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS for FEB. 17, 18, 19 19c SALE Choice Tomatoes, 28 oz. tin, 2 for 19c Orange Marmalade, 32 oz. jar 19e Pearl Naptha Soap, 5 cakes 19c Pears, Lynn Valley, 16 oz., 2 tins 19c Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. for 19c Chocolate Biscuits, per lb. 19c Carnation Milk, tall, 2 tins 19c Lux Toilet Soap, 3 cakes 19c Quick Tapioca, 2 pkgs. 19c Rice, Choice Blue Rose, 2 lbs. 19c Corn, Aylmer, White, 2's, 2 tins 19c Catsup, Happyvale, 2 bottles ...,19c }Lolled Oats, 4 lbs. for 19c Clothes Pins, 6 dozen Icing Sugar, 2 lbs. Molasses, 11/2's, 2 tins ,Wax Paper, 2 pkgs. 19c 19c 19c 190 `tomato Juice, 10%2 oz., 4 tins19c Salmon, Rose Brand, Keta, l's, 2 tins for 19c T. R. Free De iT DMPSON vory SHROVE TUESDAY SUPPER The annual Shrove Tuesday Sup- per. under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Church, will be held in THE PARISH HALL ON DIAMOND JUBILEE BANQUET sponsored by "The Committee of Stewards" of Ontario Street United Church Thursday, Feb. 24th at 6.30 p.m. A Hot Dinner will be served. A dis- tinctive program to folllow in Audi- torium of the Church. MEN WILL DO THE SERVING Adults, 50c; Children, 25e. 71-1. Little Locals Seven weeks from today will be Farmer's Day in Clinton. April 7th is Spring Show Day. Two local lads took advantage of the spring like weather of the past week -end by pitching a good game of horseshoes in the backyard. Dr, Alex. Addison is in Zurich, where he is assisting Dr. McKinnon, who has not been enjoying the best of health. Mr. J. M. Gardhouse, well-known here for his work as judge at the Spring Fairs, died at his home in Weston on Monday. Mr. A. T. Cooper has resigned from the Mothers' Allowance' Board' for Huron County after sixteen years service as secretary. Master Billie Fulford entertained a number of his school chums at a birth- day supper this week. The boys en- joyed games and contests during the evening. Mrs. Hannah Marie Sanders, Credi- ton, will celebrate her 96th birthday today at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Walker, second concession, Stephen. TUESDAY, MARCH lst from 5 to 7 p.m. MENU: Dressed Roast Pork, Roast Beef, Escalloped Potatoes, Green Wax Beans, Salads, Jellies, i'icldes, Lemon Pie, Apple Pie, 'Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream Bread, Rolls—Tea, Coffee. (Admission, Adults, 40c; Children, 25c Cotton String is a'. quite active sel- ler these days, put up in 4 oz. hanks,. for making doylies, 'chair baeks, ta- ble mats etc., White, Blue, Yellow',, Green, Mauve and Natural shades andthe price 30c per hank for col- oured and 25c for the natural. We also have call for Zippers which wecan supply he several colours and lengths. Miss Gladys Addison leaves today for Petrolia, where she has obtained a position on the staff of the Char- lotte Eleanor Englehart Hospital. She will commence her new duties on Monday. Won't you win and merit esteemed friendship if you send that Wedding or Birthday Anniversary Greeting Card to -day so that it will arrive just in time, and then Wedding Cards for the day of day's itself. SPECIAL—Two pair of P'crcelain Carpet Balls and a jack, good for carpet or lawn, an interesting pas- time to clear for only 50c. It's Here—The New 1938 Nos 1 Feist Dance Folio containing all the Popular Hits from Radio, Stage and Screen including 'That Old Feeling", "Lovely One", "Our Penthouse-. on Third Avenue,"' "Don't You Know or , Don't You Care", and Nineteen Other Fox Trots, Waltzs and Swing Tunes. Arranged for Piano Solo with Guitar Chords. Price 50c. McCALL NEEDLEWORK, KNITTING AND CROCHETING' Just in, the Summer Issue for' 1938 with all the latest and novel ideas and patterns in Knitted Apparel, Weaving,. Afgans, Accessories, Rugs, Needlepoint, Crocheting, Etc. Don't keep in Step. Be a step a- head with this new issue now on our newstand at 35c per copy. The W. D. Fair Co Often the Gheanest--Always the Best 0PIIII1„pmmnnannmmauiioiui�luJlnp 1,59.14 Miss R. V. Irwvin is in New Yorlr this week. Mr. Kelso Streets was in. London ov- er the week -end. Mr. Elliott Bartliff visited friends in Dashwood on Sunday. Miss Edythe Johnston, of Toronto, spent the week -end at her home in town. Mr. Percy Brown of Toronto is vis- iting relatives in Clinton this week. Miss Clara Could, Reg. N., Whitby, visited her father, Mr. H. W. Gould this past week. Miss Mary R. Stewart of London spent the week -end with her moth- er. Mrs. (Rev.) K. McGoun spent the week -end in Lucan, with her moth- er, Mrs. MacDougall. Miss Madeline Higgins of Toronto, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Ferrol Higgins over the week -end. Mrs. Geo. A. MacLennan is visiting the Misses Margaret and Ida Mac- Lennan, in Toronto, this week. Mrs. H. McBrien has returned home after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Morley Mayor in London. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Welsh of Lon- don spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh. Mr. Adam Scott left on Wednesday to spend some time with his step- daughter, Mrs. T. J. McMiehael, of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kingston of Toronto spent the week -end with the latter's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel. The Misses Beattie of "The Vogue" returned to town Monday evening, having spent a few days at their home at Watford. Mrs. George McCague and little son, Donald, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schoenhals. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scribbins and family returned on Wednesday from a three months' visit with re- latives in England. Mr. and Mrs. John Sutter and Mr. Charles Brown were in Toronto last week -lend, attending a \"Fri•gi- daire" Convention, Mrs. William and 'Airs. Wesley Hog- gart from near Londesboro spent the week -end with their mother, Mrs. Annie Brown. Mrs. W. J. Kay of Lapeer, Mich., anal Mrs. J. W. Treleaven are visiting their brother, Mr. B. J. Gibbings. Mr. Gibbings celebrated hisbirth- day en Tuesday. Mr. Win. Walker left on Tuesday for Ottawa, where he will visit for some time with his daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) L. D. Wilson. Later, he will extend his visit with his daughter, Mrs. W. W. Tanner, Timmins.. The staff and graduate nurses of the Clinton Hospital entertained at tea on Wednesday night in honor of Miss Gladys Addison, who leaves to- day for her new duties in Petrolia. A portable bed -lamp in ivory was presented to Miss Addison by her, friends. The evening was spent in cards and social intercourse. REV. W. H. DUNBAR GOES TO INGERSOLL ,Rev. W. 14. Dunbar, rector of St. 71-2. George's Anglican Church I in Owen. TIIU1 h,;F;EB. 17,'19i384.'. Sound for the past six years, has re- ceived notice of his appointment ,as rector of St. .lames Anglican Church at Ingersoll. His place here 'will be filled by Rev. C. K. Masters,rector of St. James at Ingersoll. Bishop C. A. Seager confirmed this exchange after the parochial committees of both churches agreed. Rev. Mr. Dunbar, who came to Owen Sound from Till- sonburg, is a member of the ()wen Sound Board of Education.—Listowel Standard. ONE 'FRIEND TELLS MOVE= l .1011101001, F or fl1�an and The ultit de 'jhe P'erf ect Breakfast Food.: Always in the Lead kilt AIM; '1QHITE EAT IT REGULARLY;AS AN. AID TO PERFECT HEALTH Also Make Delicious Muffins. We will sample them Friday and Saturday, afternoons.:, OTHER HEALTHFUL SUJGGESTIONVS FOR SPRING TONICS 25c Oranges, Sweet and .Juicy, per dozen .. •.' 19c Large Size Oranges, per dozen, only 25c and 38c Pitted Dates, fine ,and fresh, 2 lbs. for jSmyrna Figs, per ib. 15c These are excellent for cooking and eating. Large Juicy Prunes, 2 lbs. for Smaller Sized Prunes, 3 lbs. for 25c 25c ;Spinach, 3 lbs. for New Carrots, per bunch 25.c' 1.0c' Green Peas, Green Beans, Cauliflowers . EXTRA SPECIALS— SOAP DEALS -1 Large Rinso, 1 Life Buoy 26c Palestine Grape Fruit—Fresh Herring. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR EGGS. FRESH FISH— Salmon, Red, per lb.; Fresh Filletts, per lb. -...........-... Smoked Filletts, per lb. ' 15c .15c 17c Our Broadcast --- CKNX Wednesdays 8z Fridays at 12 to 12.15 Where "Sells fpr Legs" Price Prevails W. T. 0' EIL CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 1.1 Cinerarias Fine Plants with Gorgeous. Bloom 60c EACH. Don't be without bloom. because you forgot to plant bulbs in the fall. We can supply you with pats of Hyacinths, Daffodils, Jonquils, Ete. Get them early and watch them open and have the full joy of them. By the way, your sick friends and shut -Ins particularly enjoy watching bulbs. Remember them with bulbs. Cut Flowers Daffodils, Snapdragon, Tulips, Carnations, Stevie and Roses. Right Now a Real Assortment. F. R. CUNINGHAME Florist Phone 176 and 31 111111111111111111111110111111._ ,11101160221anCRi CONSTANCir, Mrs. George Riley had the misfor- tune on Monday morning to fall and fracture her hip. She was removed to Clinton hospital. Her friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. G. Pollard and Harold Glaz- ier attended the funeral of the for- mer's niece in Stratford on Monday. Mr. William Dale and Geo. Steph- enson spent the week -end in To- ronto. The Club of Progress will hold their monthly meeting on Friday, February 18th. Miss Kathleen Yungblutt is spend- ing a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. A. Dexter. The Milburn hockey team easily won their scheduled hockey game on Saturday night at Seaforth, defeat- ing Winthrop by a score of 3-2. Fred and Bernard Riley were the goal -get- ters. SIGNS AND PORTENTS Johnny—"We're going to move soon." • Tommy—"How do you know?" Johnny—"I broke one of our win- dows and murver never said a word." ICE CARNIVAL IN EXETER ARENA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH Commencing at 8.15 p.m. 30 Outstanding Figure Skaters, in- cluding Mr. Clarence Hislop, Gold Medalist of the National Skating As- sociation of England. Fancy and Figure Skating, Speed, Jumps, Spins, Ballet Dancing on Skates and Comedy numbers. Danc- ing in the Gym. at 10.15. Admission 50e; H. S. Students 35e; P. S. Students 25c. DE FOREST-CROSLEY AUTOMATIC RADIO rrhe Saquawq (((,37Q 6 -Tube Standard Band Mantel, Giving .. 8 -Tube Performance. Five Stations Pre -Tuned for Instant Response. -Local Dealer—A. W. GROVES :w. ;r:: M»,t'a�:m:±!.:s•.»;»; ::»A�d :~v:.» ::�:»:»it+::«::Mr:»i»k�ra�..N'��r!b9:'»' SPECIAL FOR JAIL VARY. an d FEBRUARY Toi=. TIIE 97 SERIES JEWEL BUFFET TYPE -20 -INCH ,OVEN. LARGE FIRE BOX FOR COAL OR WOOD. tN TWO-TONE CREAM ENAMEL. Call and See This Range. Regular Price $110.00. PRICED DURING SALE $55.00 � LGHardware and ^� Plumb ng Phone 244 :»:»; »•4: ; :».»».'»','+'.«; X•en :44...:44:.,:..;. v w -.:44p'.»`+ »•••.:";».`:.9+'i«:«'r'. ;14.:.1.6 Fp CASH S el r , —r-- -- .r,c..nu.ew a6414.w..,w.,w.wil..a601aso®i ) EXTRA SPECIAL PEAS, Size No. 4, 3 large tins for 25c 1 1 Deal to a Customer. BAKING POWDER, Rose Brand, lb. tins 15c g BAKING SODA, in bulk, per lb. 07c CRISCO, per. IN 21 c RICE, Best Quality, 2 lbs. 17c MACARONI, 3 lbs. for 19c CHEESE, Golden Spray, 2 pkgs. 25c FRESH PEANUT BUTTER, bulk, 2 lbs. 21c Bringyour own containers. APRICOTS, Extra Choice, per lb. 2Oc N.'.ncaA.PcwS V4,4,6*. PEACHES, Fancy, per ib. 17c PRUNES, Large Size, 40 to 50, 2 lbs. for 19c RAISINS, With Seeds in, 2 lbs. for 21c FRESH HEAD LETTUCE, per head 10c FRESH CELERY, per bunch 10c NEW CARROTS, per bunch 10c CHOICE FRESH TOMATOES, 2 lbs. for 35c PEARL LAUND Y SOAP, 7 bars . CALAY TOILET SOAP, 4 cakes ....19c 4 25c I 3 BARS OF LIFEBUOY SOAP and 1 PACKAGE OF i INSO ... 4. ,fir r. Si