HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1938-02-17, Page 5• THURS., FEB.' 17,'''1938.. THE CLINTON, NEWS -RECORD PAGE 5 NEWS. FROM Miss Doris Wagner has returned • home following a two months' visit with her brother in Canton Ohio. I`f Mrs. Rose=Bradnocic- of Blyth, spent the week -end with her son, es 'tV ie Y. 'Mrs. Earl Raithby has returned home after spending two weeks in s"Clinton hospital, following a critical eper•ation. Mr. Kenneth Lawlor was called to his home on Vancouver Island last -Thursday, owing to the death of his '',father, Mr. George Lawier. Miss Olive McGill spent Sunday with Mr. W. T. Riddell. Mrs. Robert Mclliwain has return- ed to her home at Nile, following a month's visit with her sister, Mrs. James Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Robb and :family of LockeIsh, visited one day last week with the fornier's mother, Mrs, A. Robb, end Mr. Levi Mar- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson and Bernice, visited on Sunday with Mrs. "Win. Slater, of Secifoith. The regular monthly meeting of 'the B.Y.P.U. will be held in the Bap- . "'fist church basement on Sunday ev- ening at 7.30. Mr. George Raithby and Miss Viola Leatherland will be fin charge. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Good sof West Wawanosh, on Sunday, Feb. '13th, a son. A large number from here•attend- •ed the annual meeting of the West °Wawanosh Fire Insurance Co. last! Friday, at Dungannon. A very large crowd attended the i "dance in the Forester's Hall last Fri -n day night. The music was supplied, ”.by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson, Mr. II •-and Mrs. Gordon. McClinchey Mr.! Albert Welsh and Miss Welsh, Mr. 'Chester McPhee, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor and son. Lunch was served. CHURCH NEWS Rev. A. M. Boyle addressed Knox Presbyterian congregation on Sunday ' morning on "Sticking to. the Goal." Mrs. Kalmer Dawson favored with a solo, and Mrs. Fred Ross presided • at the piano, On Sunday morning at Knox Uni- ted Church, Rev. H. C. Wilson ad- dressed the congregation on "The Vision and the Call". The choir fav-• AUBURN ored with a number. At S. Mark's' Anglican t ark ' Church Rev. R .M. Weeks spoke on "Accord- ing to my. Gospel" On Sunday afternoon, Rev. G. W. Sherman of the BaptistChurch spoke on "Acknowledging Christ." Mrs, Glen Raithby sang a solo. EIGHTY-FOURTH •'BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED Mr. John Symington, a pioneer Col- borne Township farmer but a resi- dent of Auburn. for 21 years, quietly celebrated theoccasion of his 84th birthday at his, home here on Friday. Mr.Syinington does not enjoy as good health as his manyy friends here would like. Many called to offer congratulations and good wishes on his birthday. • Mrd .and Mrs. Symington, 8 years ago, celebrated their golden wedding at their home. In politics Mr. Sym- ington is a staunch Liberal, and, still takes a keen interest in world affairs as well as being deeply interested in his church. Ire enjoys his radio and other modern conveniences of the present day, The W. M. S. of the Presybterian Church met on Thursday afternoon at the hone of Mrs. Fred Ross, with Mrs. George Dawson presiding. Mrs.. James Woods offered prayer and Mrs. George Dawson read the scrip- ture. Arrangements were made re- garding the quilt blocks which are to be left until Mrs. Jas, Howitt returns hone. The President, Mrs. Lawson, read the allocation for the year. There was also a plea for the retir- ing fund. A letter was read from 11h's. A. Henderson in connection with the 60th Anniversary, of Smith's Hill Church. Mrs. Robt. Scott read a let- ter from a nurse in Labrador, telling of the work she is doing. A read- ing was given by Mrs. R. J. Phillipe. An interesting topic was given by Mrs. Edgar Lawson on "Twelve Kinds of Opgortunity." Duet by Mrs. Herrman Deer and Mrs. Helmer Daw- son. Instrumental by Mrs. J. How- aton. Plans were made to .extend an invitation to the Presbyterial to meet here in September. It was decided to hold a bazaar and supper in the base - moist of the Church on March 19th. A social half hour was enjoyed dur- ing which lunch was served by Mrs, Edgar Lawson, Miss Josephine Weir and Mrs. Fred Ross. VARNA .The February.nieeting of the Wo- men's Association was held, on. Feb- '' teary loth, at the parsonage. Meet ing opened with Mrs. Peters in charge and eleven ladies present . Hynnt 681 ' was sung, "Unto the Hills": The lord's prayer was then repeated in unison. Bible reading, ` the sixtl •chapter of John, was read by Mrs ''George Clarke. The mitutites of the last meeting were read bye the secre- " tary. The annual report was given 'by Mrs. Roy Dowson, Report show- - ed than the 'Association had been • quite successful during 1937. Busi- ness was then transacted. Date for the play now being prepared was set for March 10th. Election of officers for 1938 resulted as follows: Presi- dent, Mrs. A. Ings; Vice -Pres., Mrs. -3. Petres; 2nd Vice -Pres„ Mrs. G. Johnston; Secretary, Mrs. Roy Dow - son; Treasurer, Mrs. Ed. Foster; Or- :ganist, Mrs. Will Reid; Asst. Organ- ist, Mrs. Lee McConnell; Flower com- mittee, Mrs. George Clarke. Mem- • bership committee, Mrs.. J. Stelek and -Mrs. A. McConnell. Work committee, Mrs, W. Johnston, Mrs. 0. Dowson, Mrs. H. Connell. Press Secretary, It1rs. Roy Dowson. Meeting then adjourned and play practice followed. A number from the village attend - .ed the euchre and dance held under the auspices of the Orange Lodge in Hayfield on Friday evening. We are sorter to report that Mrs. -Chapels was taken to Victoria 'Hospital; London, this week. The community was saddened by ''the sudden passing of ex -reeve, Web - ester Turner last week. Sympathy is -extended to Mrs. Turner and family. Mr. Morton Elliott and Lillian 'spent the weekend in. Goderich with Mrs. F, Heard. . We are glad to report that 'Mrs. -John Hartman is able to be around =Again, Mrs. :Ernest McClinchey has 're'l turned home, after a two week's va- cation in Detroit. We- are son y' to report that Mrs. 'Conitis was taken to Seaforth hos pital this' week. We hope for a speedy recovery, Mr Mr. and s. George Reid spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.: Roy Dow - stop. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. • Will Stephenson is under the doc- "tor's care. We hope she may soon `be better. The Misses Irene, Mary and Doris "'Clutter of London, spent Sunday 'at. "their home 'here. Mrs. Jessie Stellc is spending a few "'weeks with her sister, Mrs. Gamer- -ten, in Hensa1l. • Mr. and Mrs. Barnwell of Gode- 'rich, were calling on a number'of . *their friends in, this vicinity recently. Miss Frankie 1Vlossop was `visiting ".€l'lt ords in ,'ottdbn. one day .last -week. LONDESBORO The Ice Carnival which was to have been last week has been. postponed until Friday evening of this week, IFeb. 18th, if weather is favourable. Miss Phyllis Manning spent the Week -end at the home of Mr. John ' Middleton, Clinton. 1' Mr, Win. Lyon' is visiting with his . sister, Mrs. Thos.' Sampson of Pal- ineretou for a few days. 1 Mr. Robt Townsend starts on his roultds as assessor this week. I Mrs. James Howatt, of Auburn, is visiting for a period of time at the• hone of her daughter, Mrs. 3.' P. Manning. Mrs. Wm. Hoggart spent the week -end at the home of her mother, Mrs. A. Brown, Clinton. 1 The Club Box Social which was held ht Community Hall last Friday night was .fairly web attended and quite an enjoyable time was spent. 1 Mrs. Herb. Oakes of Goderich Township visited with hen sister, Mrs. F. Shobbrook for a few days recent. ly. The regular meeting of the. Wo ntans'•,,Missionary Society was held on Wednesday afternoon in the base- ment of the church, with Miss Young presiding. The opening' hymn, "Fight the Good Fight" was followed by prayer by Mrs. W. Lyons, the minutes of the last meeting and the reading of correspondence. During the busi- ness period which followed there was some discussion on the articles to be sent in the bale, and it was decided that each group would make a quilt. Dr. Margaret Forester is the mission- any to be especially remembered by prayer at the next meeting, and the roll call will be answered by a verse of scripture beginning with the let- ter "F." • Mrs. T. Adams then took charge,- it being her grounl in charge of the meeting. "0 Master let me walk with Thee" was sung and several sen - tend prayers were offered. The scripture passages were taken by Mrs. F. Shobbrook, Mts. Hall and Lily Garrett. An interesting letter was then'read from Dr. Forester by Mrs, Ilesk, Fallowing the singing of another hymn, a reading, "In Jesus' Presence" was given by Mrs. T. Ad- ams. 'This was followed by the Study Book period, "The Light of the Mind" which was taken by NIrs. W. Hesk, Mrs. 'I!. Adams closed the meeting with prayer. The attendance at the meeting was twenty-five. BABE SEIBEIID HERE Mr. Albert "Babe" Siebert of the Montreal . Canadian hockey team cal- led on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert early in the week. Babe was returning home from Detroit Where his team played on Sunday ev- ening, and on his way back dropped off and visited . Zurich friends.-Zur-' ieh -Herald. Cloistered Nuns on the Screen By Leonard Feeney, S.J. If this picture"Cloistered" r neglected, and if Catholics do no patrondke it in overwhelming mein bees; then we must despairof eve havingCatholic art t cretin a o on hes c A "Catholic made the picture an. managed every detail'of it with th utmost sense of reverence; the nuns did' us the 'great courtesy of letting us see their hidden life just as it is lived; the Chinch •authoriticis 'have approved and praised and blessed' it; the picture is an artistic masterpiece. The Devil and his cohorts are as busy on the screen as they are elsewhere to turn the minds of men away from everything for which "Cloistered" stands. It would bo his great pleas- ure, we imagine, to have this beauti- ful stricture escape the notice of the public at large. , 'It cannot but do harm to everything that is low, vul- gar, selfish, mean and impure. It cannot but engender a longing for the virtues which are the opposite of these. L' • d e s BAYFIELD Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner and Miss Betty Gairdner of London were the guests of Mrs. N. W. Woods over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Torts of De- troit spent the week-end'witii the for- mer's mother, Mrs. E. Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weston who visited relatives in the village last week re- turned to Detroit with them. • Mr, and Mrs. C. Widcombe return- ed home last week after having spent several weeks in Windsor with their daughter. Mrs. Shoebottein returned to her hone in Belgrrave on Saturday after having visited her sister, Mrs, C. Brandon for"a few days. L.O.L. No. 24 held a very success- ful euchre and Glance in the town hall on Friday evening of last week. The hall was tastefully decorated for the Occasion with the colors of the Or- ange Order Combined with those in keeping with St. Valentine's Day. The prizes for euchre were won by Mrs. F. Gemeinhardt and Douglas Geuieinitardt while consolation prizes were awarded to Mrs. Win. Talbot and John McLeod, Following euchre there was dancing, the music being provided by Murdoek's Orchestra, Brumfield. Jim Lindsay also played several old-time fiddler numbers. Following lunch, which was served at midnight, Mr. C. Trott made the draw for the lucky tickets which re- sulted in Fraser Sterling drawing the cabinet of silver and Miss Gladys Clark the late 'table cloth. The door Mize, donated by Walter Westlake was won by Roy Dowson, Varna. Mr. Fred Watson, W.M., acted as Master of Ceremonies, There were over two hundred present, A parody on "Have I? Who Killed Good Gover'tnnent?"—Selected, "Who killed the local government of the Bayfield Public School?" "I," admitted the busy man. "I said I hadn't Wine to attend to civic duties. I did not attend .the Annual Ratepayer's Meeting." "I," regretted the thoughtless wo- man. "I let: a rainy day keen ire home from the Ratepayer's. Meeting. I did not use nay franchise." "I," , bewailed the lazy citizen. "I declared that I wasn't interested in the school and never expressed an opinion, anyway, I 'lid not go to the meetings." "I," cried the pessimist. "I excused myself from my duties as a citizen by saying;' that one Trustee was as good as another and it didn't natter who was elected, It -wasn't any use say- ing anything. They'd do as they pleas- ed anyway. I did not go to vote for a new Trustee." "I," confessed the delinquent vot- er, "I was a 'rocking -chair., patriot' and quieted nny conscience by telling it 'that the Annual Meeting and the election of a new Trustee would go all right withont my help. I did not attend. TURNIP MARKET PROVING SOURCE 01? REVENUE TO HURON COUNTY FARMERS Of late the turnip market as a possible' source of revenue to the farmers has been 'attracting consid- erable attention. locally, and if pro- perly developed, should provide an, attractive sideline for Huron county 'arnters in the future. Small waxing ttlants have sprung up throughout the country this year. At Exeter the total shipments to date have amount- ed to approximately 90,000 bushels all of which have been gathered from the E'xetersC'entralia area, for- merly noted for its stem heet. out- put. At St. Malys and Clinton an outlet has beendeveloped, and to date two carloads have been shipped from Clinton, a car having left here, nn Monday of this week for Toledo, Ohio. The average price paid Ilan ranged from 15 to 18 cents tier bushel which is considered to be a fair price. and' where a farmer has a surplus. of this product, i,t provides an, additional source of revenue. Mr. MacLeod, Agridultural representative, has been spending some time in the Exeter area, and Will be able to give inter- ested farmers all' the information' they require. • Cut Flowers, Flowering Plants Floral Designs For U •,.zar. All Occasions. Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and "66J FEATHERS WANTED GOOSE AND DUCK FEATHERS BOUGHT AT GOOD PRICES. Always in the market for Live or Dressed Ponitiy at top market prices: N. W. TREWARTHA Phones—Office; 214j Residence, 214w MARJ T,AGES - RATH—ANDREWS— On Saturday, February 12th, Gene Andrews was united in marriage to Grant W. Rath, by Rev. C. W. D. Cosens. BIRTHS NORRIS In Clinton Hospital,. on Monday, February 14th, to Mr. and Mrs, John Norris, Cromarty, a son. .DEATHS SCOTT In Clinton, on Sunday, Feb- ruary 13th, Sarah Ann Tasker, be- loved wife of Adam. Scott, in her 78th year. WYLIE--In New York, on Tuesday, February 15th, Newton Wylie, brother of the late Mrs. Dr. Hogg, in his 47th year. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Wilfred Penfound and Mrs. T. J. McMiehael wish to express thanks to the neighbours and friends of. Mr. Adarn Scott andthe date Mrs. Scott, for the many acts of kindness dm -- Ing the period of illness of the"lat- ter, arid .for the expressions of sym• pathy in their recent bereavement Special thanks' are extended to those who loaned cars or sent floral tributes also to Rev. G. G. Burton, Mr. C. S. Hawke and Mr. N. Lever for their services. Pansies And - Mosquitoes In February n our issue of February 3rd, we re- ported that pansies were blooming in Clinton. This apparently aroused the pride of horticulturists' in nearby towns as we notice in last week's ex- changes that both Mitchell and Sea - forth residents have picked pansies too. However, we did get ahead of them with our' report ,and we would like them to better this contribution from a reader in Saskatchewan: ' For Believe It or Not Column I noticed in your issue of Feb. 3rd that Pansies were blooming in. Clin- ton. I have, one that is just as good. or probably a little better. On Feb. 2nd, Ground Hog Day, and with a heavy blanket of snow on the ground in Saskatchewan, a live mosquito ap- peared in my horse, and flew around the window looking for some tender spot to settledownfor lunch. I took pity on • tine poor fellow and putt him where all such pests should go. E. G. EAGLESON, Morse, Sask. STANLEY The February . meeting of the Stanley Ladies' Club met at the home of Mrs. J. Innes, The meeting opened in the usual way by repeating the Lord's Prayer int unison. " Eighteen ladies answered the Roll Cal], Ar- rangements were made to have a bale of magazines shipped to Saskatche- wan where reading• material is scarce. Flannelette is to be bought. and the cutters were asked to have it ready for the March meeting. Moved by Mrs. McFarlane and se- conded by Mrs, Alex. McEwen', that Mrs. Shaddock finish out the year as treasurer. A short .program followed consisting of a reading by Mrs. Mur- phy and two piano selections by Mrs. Henderson. The March meeting' to be held at Mrs, Cantelon's. The roll call to, be answered by an Irish sang or joke. Mr. Carr' Diehl, who was operated on in Clinton Hospital, for appendi- citis, is improving nicely. ML'. and Mrs. Sandy McEwen en tertained a few . of their neighbors last Friday, night, Mr, Walter Moffatt, who is in the Clinton Hospital, is improving after his operation. Mrs.' Charlie Boyd and children of Seaforth spent a few days with her parents, Mi•, and Mrs; Alex. McEwen. Mrs. J. Parke has returned to her brother's, Adam Stewart's, after spending a couple of weeks with Clin- ton friends. • Miss Barbara Graham spent the week -end visiting with friends in Clinton. Mrs. D. Fotheringham of Tucker - smith is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Will. Sinclair. Mrs. John, E. Pepper spent the week -end visiting her mother, Mrs. R. Herbert is around again after his, Solicitor for Administrator, Thomas Pepper, in Clinton. ` event illness. !Hawkins. , 71.3. �,._„ 6, w��.�...„a .m.0•.0.-, "BOXY' THEATRE CAPITAL 'THEATRE 1R.EGENT TEIEATRE Clinton. Goderich' Seaforth . N o tt : "THE GO-GETTER" starring Anita Louise and George "OFF Jlrent. Mon:. T e o s ' e m' W d. Mo Rtes, ed —D u 1 Bt11 W o be THE JONES FAMILY IN John BO:es, Ida Lupitto, Jack Oakie • cc » Eric Rhodes and Marga Bite _B _ITd. „ t Grahame US S S E ara t, Y ramuntic canetly of erassetl. For the first time in. history cam- swords and double-crossed eramen have been permitted to sweethearts film the mysterious1" ' ci rte of the Fight For Your hutt�< livingina strictly cloisteredLady" convent, where no man ever eit- :terecl. before. Not s Now "CLOISTERED" T• O DRI1D S and TO THE RACES" Thurs., Fri. Sat. "CLOISTERED" Bert Lahr, Jimmy Savo, Billy CLOISTERED House, Mischa Aver Alice Brady, foul funsters in a riotous mixture of fun and nonsense 'Merry -Go -Round of 1938' Thurs., Fri.,, Sat. 'Merry -Go -Round of 1938' With Bert Lahr, Jimmy Savoy Aver Soy Hodges, A Louise e F azen- BillY House,Alice Bradly, Mischa dat John ICung, Barbara Read, Mat. :Sat. and holidays at 3 -p.m Mat.: Wed., Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m. Mat.: Sat and Holidays at 3 p.m. r.....•0n.,.n..oSi.�.oni'.+,.�.�us1,�.q,, .o...,,vo_o.n .. .......w®, ,f...,_ __ ......... n_.ihru Coming: Humphrey Bogart in: `SWING YOUR LADY" Now:"SWING W NG YOUR OU LA DY with Frank McHugh Mon Tues., Wed.—Double, Bill Edward G. Robinson, Nigel Bruce chow what high-pressure' methods could do in Morrie Old England. "Thunder in the City" Rosalind 'Keith and Doti Terry present the startling taxicab drama "Fight to the Finish" Thurs.,' Fri., Sat. "THE` OLD CORRAL" A musically -treated western 'ad- venture, featuring a popular cast, Coming: tgJahL Boles in: "FI G HT.FOYOUR UR LADX"'. Week -End Specials MACAROONS, CREAM PUFFS, CREAM ROLLS, CREAM TARTS, DROP CAKES, TEA BISCUITS. Bartliff Crich Makers of Crispy Crust Bread Phone 1. Clinton. Attention HOG RAISERS If you are not already one of the manyfeeders of Shur -Gain Hog Con- centrate you are not getting the most economically balanced feed for your hogs. Ask some of your neighbours who are using Shur -Gain. Inquire. at the PARTY CAKES CREAM CAKES DELICIOUS JELLY ROLLS SALTED NUTS ICE CREAM ORDER NOW WENDORF'S BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY Phone 68 Re -United Through Hockey Broadcast A radio broadcast of the Leafs - Bruins hockey. match at Toronto a week ago Saturday night was respon- sible for the renewing. of. an old friendship. On that occasion!, Mayor J. J. Cluff of Seaforth and Postmaster C. P. Sills were making a presentation to Cooney Weiland at the Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. The broadcast of that news travel- ed far. On Friday, Postmaster Sills hill for information on how to feed received a letter from a cousin, D. potatoes tc hogs. L. Latimer, aged 65, a native of Sea - :forth, now residing in Custer, Wash- ington, U.S.A. The two had not met nor written for yearsChn un FeedMill Mr. Latimer said he ltad never seen a hockey match but got the greatest thrill out of the broadcast from To - Phone IO2. ronto each Saturday night. ' TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. V. Tetryberry of Leamington visited old acquaintances in this community over the week -end. better. There will be a few calves; Mr. F. Whitmore of Lumley,' spent also a few good horses next week; 3 the week -end under the parental roof. choice sows; one M. -H. binder, seven - Old Man Winter has returned to foot out, good shape. Bring in our district and piled up a few more drifts. your cattle, pigs and horses, or any- X.P.S. of Turner's Church was held Tuesday evening at the church, \vith Rev. G. G. Burton in charge. NARROW ESCAPE IN BUSH Lloyd Walters, son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Walters, narrowly escaped ser- ious injury yesterday while working. in. the bush. He and his father were bringing down a tree, the timefalling in the opposite direction towhich they; expected, one of the limbs strik Mg. Lloyd'on. the head and chest, Lost Fortunately his injuries were of a A lady's white gold wrist -watch on minor nature, ne bones being. broken. Main, Street, Clinton. Finder please leave it at News -Record office, Re- ward, 71-1. COMMUNITY SALES, SEAFORTH Next sale, next Wednesday, Feb. 23rd. The last sale was real good. 136 pigs were sold at good prices. Pigs are still wanted and a. few fresl. cows. Sales for stocker cattle are thing you wish to sell. As roads are in bad shape we cannot call on you. Information Left at Queen's Hotel will be looked after. T. M. Kelly, R. B. McLlwain., Auctioneers. ,i. T. Coyne, Manager. For Sale Quantity of mixed 'hay, also lim- ited quantity of second cut alfalfa. A. Jamieson, Clinton, phone 616r23. 71-1. HOLM ESVILLE Y.P.U. MEETING Owing to the ilhtes of Alice i tartng a sewing class. Any - in of the nteetinig g. e les- Chant - bees, convenor, Grace 1VIacMath was I am sFor Sale or. Rent in .char Thone. wishing information, please.tele- March 1st, Brick cottage on Prin- son was read b, Bill Herbert and phone ire at 173. Mrs. H. Critteu. v cess street, modern and central, ideal the Missionary taken by Ruth evening Tae den. ; 71-2. for small family. Apply on premises Missionary story of the evening was to Russell LJervis704f. given by Olive 'MairL. ' , Edna Huller ROUSE FOR SALE: and GayWhitmore- contributed a The 'following property is offered for sale by tender, namely. Lot num- Farm For Sale or Rent fitting duet and Gertrude Bond fav- On Gth : con. Goderich Townsitiit;. oured the meeting with a piano solo, ber 898 on the corner of Princess Eighty acres, Good bush, brick house, A delightful. Valentine story was told Queen Streets, " in the Town; of and frame. barn. and shed, never fatlmg by the leader. The meeting closed Clinton, in the County 02 Huron, be- frame barn. a 20 apple trees: Close with the Mizpah benediction. ing the residence of the late Richard to ng;schabout and church. For further On Monday'night ,a splendid ,Horsley. eratvd attended the yours people's Tenders must be in 'hands • of un- particulars apply to Ellen J. Co; Hu - p p dorsi ned on or before the 5th March Jon street, Clinton, 70=6. Valentine Socia'. Readings, varied g' musical numbers, two plays and a 1038, and the highest;m any tender skit were on the programme. After not necessarily accepted, Farm For Sale this, lunch was served by the young Thomas Hawkins, Administrator. 67 -acre farm, Maitland concession, people. Everyone reports a lovely F. Fingland,' Solicitor for the' Ad - 71_3. Goderich Twp., batik 'barn, brick tvittistratot. 'rouse, 5 acres bush, plentiful supply time. iof wince`. Price Reasonable. Apply' Mrs. W. M.Alken of Clinton spent , R• J. 'Miller, Clinton. 70-tf. the week -end with Miss S. Acheson. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Mair and two In the Estate of Richard Horsley, childrenlate f the Town of Clinton in the Cottage For Sale or Rent visited with relatives .in Q Londesboro on. Sunday. County of Huron, Esquire, Deceased. Small cottage on' Matilda' street, i t Miss P. Potter' is in Goderich! All persons having claims against. southern part of town, five rooms, where she will remain for a few the estate of the above deceased are water, garden, garage. Apply`to J. weeks, required to .file the same with the P. Sheppard. 30-1i'. Miss Helen Bond has been sick undersigned Solicitor for the Admin- For Sale for a few days, we are sorry to learn• iJtrator with Will Annexed, Thomas A house and barn on Wellington Mr. Elroy Rodges, was unfortunate Hawkins, on or before the 5th day Street. Water and hydro. Apply to in cutting his foot on Tuesday while of March, 1988, after which date the:J L,+. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton. working in the bush on the MMlacMalh i assets will be distributed amongst 70-tf. Farm. lthe parties entitled thereto, having The Ladies of the W, M, S. and W. regard only to the claims of which Cleaning. and Pressing A. are making preparations for a notice .shall have been given. g concert to be held in the basement of DATED at Clinton, this 15th day Suits, Coats and Dresses the church on March 9th. of February, A.D, 1938. • DRY CLEANING AND REP&IRINI* ifTWe are glad, to report that; Me. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario,' W. ,Y. JAGO, TAILOR Bork 'nay be left al i. Barber Sbfo�, wj Wanted Two boarders, in comfortable home. Apply to News -Record. 70-2, Sewing Class BURGERS' ST'CiDIO CLINTON' Photographs of Distinction. by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and . Printing (Open Every Day). Baby Chicks English Leghorns-- -Barred Rocks CUSTOM HATCHING HATCHING EGGS English Leghorns—Barred Rocks E. L. Mittell Phone 213, Clinton. LET US LOOK OVER YOUR Spring Clothes We can make them took dike new. All Our Cleaning Done By DEAN'S OF LONDON. ALBERT PAL1VIER Pressing.-Ctean1ttg—Repairing Isaac Street, Clinton. IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDGEMENTS COLLECTED Our collecting department is a re- sult of years of successful experi- ence in collecting local or out-of-town accounts. No collection, no charge Mail your list of accounts to -day to Burke's Collecting Agency (License 176) HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. 41-tf Custom Sawing Custom sawing will be done in Clin- ton and Bayfield as usual during the coming season. McEwen Bios. Phone 624r4, Clinton Central. 67 -if. For Sale or Rent Lot 33, Con. 1, H.R.S. Tuckersmith; 100 acres, owned by Estate of Char- les Glew, on No. 8 Highway, 3 miles east of Clinton, good house. and barn, water in every field and about ten acres of bush. Reasonable terms, Apply to C. B. Hale, Clinton. 70-3, For Sale Melotte Stainless Steel Cream Sep- arators and separator supplies. Lister Washers. Diesel Engines, See me be- fore you buy. F. H. Powell, Agent. Telephone 607e12, 68-te