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THURS., FEB. 3, 1938.
Things have been booming in bowl- John P..Sheppard
Mg circles the past week, and interest
is growing steadily dsthe teams start NEW BRIGDEN, ALTA.
into thesecondhall of the schedule.
Mrs. Catherine Steepe received
Last Thursday, night the high -fly-. word last week of the death of her
ing Lions had as their opposition the brother, : John P. Sheonard of New
Clerks, and the Lions had little diffi- Brigden, Alta„ which occurred- on
eulty in taking the three games by January 21st. The late Mr. Shep-
good margins. The `score by games • was born
wae,Lions 998, 1121, 950; Clerks, 772 peed in GoderichmTownship
, and left as a young man for Brigdeny
1046, 894. Individuals: scores were as where he lived for a few years, prior
follows -Lions; F. Pennebaker°, 241, to his departure far, the West. Re
248, 126; M.'Sehoenhals, 221, 276; 141; held the position of Postmaster in
K. Waters, 91, 228, 116; W. Ball, 183, New Brigden for over thirty years.
172, 321; W. Draper, 262,, 197, 246. He is survived by his wife and seven
Bill Ball broke the 'previous high children and several brothers and sis- COUNTY OF HURON
score, in the last game Bill bowled 321. tors.
Tatra Churchill for Wearwells previous County Seat Godericlr
to this was high with 314. The Lions Assessed Population -
else broke the high team score in the BAYFIEI 11 Townships
second game with a score of 1121. J Towns and Villages 73,72
Dr. Irwin of Bonfield was in the _ _
Individuals scoring for the Clerks 43,847
was as follows -N. Miller, 127, 193, village on Monday and Tuesday with Total
181; H. Steep, 170, 278, 173; P. Liver -
view to locating here. He plans to Number of 'l owns 4, Villages 4, Townships, 16,
return to the villa Total$1,640,839
more, 167, 151, 157; R. Bloomfield, village and commence Reeves 24, Deputy-Regves 5.
148, 230, 149; H. Hawkins, 160, 194, Practice in a fortnight. Bonfield is Assessed Valuation Local' Equalized For School Purposes Public $1,638;689
had the fatuous Town and villages Separate ...... , , : , , 2,900
234. near Callander andg $6,886,069, $6,iG8;070 Schools --
Municipal Expenses . 15,243
t e upwiththeother. The Dr. Defoe n not bons at home when the Rural , ....... 33,210,327 38,103;105 Schools- $
On Friday night two hosiery
plants met eachmt ht arrived, Dr, Irwin•Public , 7113
result was two wins for Wearwell and g have had the same honor as he County Total . $40,097,396 $44,271,175 Separate 12
one for Richmond. The score by, was the nearest physician to Dr. Da- County Rate-
games was-Wearwell, 896, 1002, 1120' foe -
Townships Towns and villages $33,924 Other , • 4,723
Richmond -995, ; 897, 954. Lonnie • Miss A. M. Stir=ling left on Friday Townishtps . 209,567
Matthews tied Bill B'ali's high score to visit her sister, Mrs. H. McLaren Total collections
of 321, and the Wearwells came just in Port Elgin. $243,491
Mr. Robert Middleton of Port Cre- Current Revenue-
one pin short of tying the Lions high Highway Grants, and Recoverables -
game record. Individual scores fol dit was a guest at the home of Pies. Maintenance Account , $54,152.
low -L. Matthews, 210, 169, 321; W. N. W. Woods over the week -end. Administration of Justice .... , 5, k98
Pulford, 153, 164, 318; •F'. Miller, 167,
Richmond -B. Miss Lucy Woods returned to the Hospitalization . 3,861
1.59, 186; T. Churchill, 1$7, 241, 18, village on Sunday after having spent Other Services 21,584
- , four weeks in Toronto. Other Revenues . ......... 2,930
W. Carter, 179, 269, 160.
. Bartliff, 215; 172, 160 Mr. and Mrs. Ghee. Scotchmer mot -
J. Reynolds, 147, 185, 138; R. Scott, oied to Niagara Falls on Sunday to Total Revenues, other than rates $88,025
165, 124, 179; J. Nediger, 215, 217, see the ice -jam and view the wreck of
205;: B. White; 253, 199, 272. the bridge. However, they did not
Then on Monday evening a double make allowance for the thousands of CLINTON
header was staged, bringing together other sightseers and the traffic from Assessed Population . 1,865
Riebmonds and the A11 -Stars, and the Hamilton. to Niagara was so heavy Assessed Acreage , . 749
Commercial Inn and Wearwells. Rich- that it was after dark when they got Assessed Valeation-
mends polished off the All -Stars in there. Mr. Scotchmer calculated that hand $161,620
three straight games. Score by there was a car every rod and a half Buildings '. 591,200
games -Richmond, 910, 950, 963; All- in that distance. He was talking to
Business 64,210,
, Stars, 895, 829, 913. Individual scores another man who was in the traffic
Aegis were as follows -H, Steep, 181, 237, between Queenston Heights and Nia- Total . $817,030
246; C. Johnson, 151, 208, 179; J. gaga' earlier in the day and it took For cup sols -Public and C.C.I. $817,030
P,HONK 51 Nediger, 172, 142, 141; B. White; 243, him an hour and a half to go the three Municipal Taxes $17,iG7
306. 275; Dummy, 163, 157;-122; All- miles. They describe the huge cakes Debt Charges . .;042
Stars, F. Heard, 173, 157, 190; G. of ice as being
Public School . . 9,475
piled' up twenty to Secondary School .. 7,275
Cook: 180, 177, 161; 13, Glidden, 163; twenty-five feet high and a sight well Other Taxes . . 897
165, 122; R. Shipley, 181, 173, 133; worth the trip at this time of the year.
L. Winter, 178 157, 307. Mrs. H. A. Stott left on Tuesday to Total Amount $36,847
The second game saw Commercial spend a few days in Detroit, Tax Collections-
Tn and Wearwell in action, with. Mrs. Eric York is visiting her sis- Percent. of 1936 taxes collected 91.5
Commercial Inn winning two of the ter, Mrs. V, A, Burt in London. Total collections -current and arrears $35,939
three games. Score by games- Com. Miss E.Logen, of Varna, is visiting "Tax Arrears . . 6,481
Tran, 857, 955, 990; Wearwell, 915, her cousin, Miss Elizabeth Cameron.
Debenture Debts -
899, 912. Individual. stores -Com Inn General $486
V. Franks, 166, 188, 188; R. Fitzsim- Public School 21',000
ons, 141, 222, 199; T. Cook, 177, 146, CU11rTSTANC� C.C.I. 86,000
Local Improvements 18,,848
214; J. Sehoder, 138, 136, 171; L. The Sunday School held a social Waterworks 84,700
Brown, 235, 263, 218. L. Brown's sein- evening on Friday and a very enjoy- Light and Power . . 40,500
dilating display was the margin of able time was spent. A short pro- s
victory for Coni. Inn. Wearwells- Total Debenture Debt . 261,584
gramme consisting of .a solo by Mr.
F. Miller, 170, 232, 210; L. Matthews, -Wm. Britton; address by Rev. Mr. Share of County Debt $798
220, 162, 156; W. Fulford, 205, 159, Gardiner; reading by Mrs. E. Adams, Surplus -Current . $6,524
140; T. Churchill, 154, 148, 255; W. "The Minister's Sermon'„ which was
ff Carter, 166, 201, 151. much enjoyed by a11; .a solo by Mrs.
Mention should be made of the factGrimoldby, accompanying herself on
�•: that last Saturday morning William the guitar; trio by Kelso Adams, W11- Assessed Population . 1849
Draper bowled a 411 game. Although bur Jewitt and Miss Edith Britton. Assessed Acreage , 44,720
Bill doesn't think so everybody figures Meeting closed with hymn 252, after Assessed Valuation-
he was bowling over his head. Bill Land ... 1,560,277
which a dainty lunch was served, The$
will have to repeat the effort, and next meeting will be held on February Building's
a good time to do it would be during 25th. Business ..., :.. , .... , ., 6,800
000 of the tournautente games. Mr. Kenneth Millson of Seaforth is
spending a week with his aunt, Mrs. Total : $2,68,107
Peter Lindsay. For School Purposes 2,121,607
MOW THEY STAND Mrs. Geo. Cook of Clinton is visit -Separate Behoof 46,500
Tax Levy -
P W L T Pis. ing with her daughter, • Mrs. Frank Municipal Expense . .... ........ $18,301
Richmond ...... 18 7 11 14 Riley and Mrs. Joe Riley here. Debt charges . nil
GODERICH, Feb 2. -Death came Wearwell ...... 18 8 10 16 Saturday night, Klnttnrn predomin- Public School , 9,174
'GODERICH.-Last surviving meta suddenly early 'today to Reeve Rich- LEons , , 18 15 .3 30 ated the play in the hockey game a- Separate .. ...... ...... . . .. . ... 428 Total' . . .. $39,018
ter of No. 2 Compa"y, 33rd Battalion and Johnston, of Ashfield Township, All -Stars inthe ho . '7 11 14 gainst Londesboro. They ran in two Local Improvement ................149 Tax Collections-
.Huron Rifles, mustered in 1.865 for ;just at a time when doctors considered Clerks .. 18 6 12 12 goals in the last period. The Londes- Other .. 8,154 Percent of 1936 Levy collected 87.6
Fenian Raid service, Geo. Montgom- he had passed the crisis of an attack Cont. Inn 18 11 '7 22 bora boys seemed to sag in the last Total collections -current and arrears $42,513
•cry yesterday observed his 89th birth- of pneumonia. Ile was ,stricken at ' period and let the Kinburn boys pull Total Amount . $36,266 Tax Arrears . 5,533
-day. Remarkably healthy and alert, the January session of County Coun- ' away from them. The game ended Tax Collections- Taxable Debt-
with faculties little impaired, he Taft cul with a'Lad cold, spent a• day in bed, 2-1 in favor of Kinburn, Per4ent. Iofe 1937 Levy Collected 87.5 Public School , 31,549
:by motor just before the supper hour but returnee to the council chamber Kinburn-Goal, Reg. Rintoul; de- Total collections --current and arrears $39,444 Local Improvement. , 2,493
for . an anniversarax Arrears .; . 5,787 Revenue Debt . . ...... . . . . . . . .. :: nil
y party .in his lion- to finish the session. On his arrival fence, Alvin Dale, Fred Riley;Rilcentre, " Taxable Debt . 640
.ur, held at the home of a nephew, home he developed pneumonia. He printer Scott; wings, Harold Glazier, Revenue Debt nil Total .. $4.042
Harold Montgomery, of Goderich was in his 69th year, Arnold Scott; alternates, Edwin Dor- Share of County Debt $2,4Gfi Share of County. Debt $2,752
'Township, where he fanned for more A native. of the municipality which ranee, 'Piny Riley, Bernard Riley. Surplus ---current . . 7,507 Surplus-Cutrent . . 8,862
than half a century. he served as councilor, -deputy reeve The Club of Progress will hold
Before he left, he related, just as'andreeve, Mr, Johnston was a highly their monthly meeting in the school
'though it happened yesterday, the successful farmer, He was a United on Friday evening, February 4th. THEY DIDN'T. LOSE THEIR KIPPEN the upper chamber.
Fenian Raid scare of 1865-66. "When churchman and `a member of the sea- There will he a dense in the Ferree- STOCKINGS A very pleasant surprise gathering Senator Marshall, fort niinistee
.al party of then landed from a boat sion of Blalces Church. He died on tee's Hall on Friday, Feb. 4th. Come was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs: :if ag'r'iculture for Ontario is no
• ion. the beach, six miles south of God- the homestead on which he was born, Clinton High Fives and enjoy. a good, time. Mere man used too laugh at what, he Emerson Anderson on Frida evening
stranger in Kincardine where he has
erielt, John Thompson rode on'horse- Mr. Johnston was not given to debate Beat Exeter Handily We are sorry to hear Mr. Ben. Riley called the weaker sex for carrying last; A large crowd of neighbours visited and spoken on various occas -
back from. farm to farm at top'speed, in his municipal Iife, but he believed is under the doctor's care. We hope money in her stocking. '"The First 'and friends were' present and euchre lona
'Exeter High School girls and boys t
shouting The Fenians are coming'. 'in getting things done and put the for a speedy recovery. Aattosal Bank",he labelled it face -;and other games were played during' Born in Elderslie township in 1872
suffered a ,decisive defeat at basket-
There was great excitement for a few same sound practices into public ad-tiously; the evening.After a delightfull Minch Mr, Marshall has hada varied career,
,clays, but the Fenians turned out to ball on Friday evening at the lauds of,
y ,ministration that wade him a well -to- the more experienced attd highly train- Blit here comes a pian who not only dancing was indulged in till the wee He taught School in Bruce before
be conte of our own. fishermen," he do independent farmer. - h e e g y VAitNA puts a brand-new dollar bill in his isma' seers. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson going to Western Canada in 1905,
:.said, Surviving are his wife, formerly d C.C.I. students, The visiting lads mitten for safe -keeping but proceeds Anderson received :man lovelygifts,where he farmed near Olds, Alberta.
and lassies have not been very long Mrs. Alex McConnell left Saturday
Annie Blake; two sons, Cecil, at home, , to lose the mitt, anon them bein a Coleman m For a time he managed the Edmonton
organized and were no match for the or Florida to join her sister, Miss Es- g g p
RETURNING OFFICER and Ebner, a schoolteacher, and one to •ahs though nutting up agood fight sler. She will spend a few t It wee found on a Canadian Nation- ' and table, There were mite a num- Bulletin and in 1909 was elected to
W. H. Blackstone for North Huron- daughter, Mies. Hiram Moffat, of . g g - g P f nonths al train in Montreal and turned in. to • the provincial, legislatue, becoming
tend showing signs in spots through-
hrough- Cliere. bei of friends present from Exeter,
1). H.' McNaughton for South Huron Lambeth. Albert Johnston, of West the lost and found office. neighbours and relatives of Mrs. An- minister of agriculture and provincial
Wawanosh, is a brother, as is Henry out the games of having the makings yirs. Ernest McGlinchey is spending The man came to. T. P. Moaner, secretary, He was re-elected in 1913
:Returning officers fol• Federal elee of first quality Gagers, Clinton girls a few weeks in Detroit, visiting to thjs. We welcome .Mrs, Anderson,
Moral districts in Ontario are listed in' Johnston, of Exeter. out -screed the visiting team: by the friends. Baggage Agent at Boran handed ver. to this community and trust that she and m 1917.
the current Canada. Gazette. Among put -screed margin of 48, in a score of Mr. Appleby spent, a few days in tion, and the mitten was over, and .Emerson will have a long and Returning to Ontario, Mr. Mar-
-those so named are W. H, Blackstone mHe put, his hand in the mitt, felt prosperous married life. shall was elected to the Ontario leg-
-those HONOR LIST 50-2. The local boys trimmed the vis -Ingersoll, visiting his son, tathin and Looked with' disma atislature for Peel Countyin 1934, and
•of Godei•ich, for North Huron, and D.,I g Y Mrs. Norman Pybus of London has
Mrs. R. M. Jd,nes of Seaforth, re, fling males ahnost as decisively at Mi John Rothwell, who has been the baggage man, "I think I hada was chosen iinister of a riculture.
H. McNaughton, of Bayfield, fol, 53-15. confined to his bed for several months been visiting with her mother, Mrs. H, g
ceived word this week that Miss Ele- dollar bill-." he began. In the election last year he wits de -
.South Huron:. The line-ups and their sepses: sable to be rap and around the house. . „ 'Ricker and brother, Arthur, for few
atter Mary Jones, of Liverpool, .Eng- Mere it is,"said Mr. Mooney, . feated,-Kincardine News. .
The naming of these returning offi- land, was among those 011 King Exeter girls: E. I wig, M. Tiaberar; Miss McLay, who has been assisting days. '
•teer•s does not mean that an election VI .New. Year' Honor List, G. Boehler, L I{yd, S. Duncan, P. Mrs, Rothwell, has returned to her gently advising blip to be more care-
GeorgeWe are sorry to, report that Mrse
• is impending. It is merely carrying sPront r E. Abbott B. hotne.
fol in future. Wm. Bell the' Zurich Road is in ARREST ONE AFTER RIOT
and had the Order of the British Etna a, , Hoggart, E. Back went the dollar into the mitt, Landonlloftreatment, We wish AT MITCHELL HOCKEY GAME
out'the.pien of the King Government pine conferred upon herr. Miss Jones Kyd,'G. Snell, 0, Reid.
Mrs. Wilmer Reid and son spent
receiving y. Aboat 200 hockey fans swarmed on
to have permanent returning officers is a sister of ,the late R, M. Jones,. Clinton girls: G. Holmes, M. Heald, the week -end, in Goderich visiting her her a speedyrecover Y ai
throughout the Dominion, Messrs. C, Streets A. Cameron, N. Cool; H sister:, Mrs, W. Johnston; We are very happy to report that the ice in the concluding nunutee of
farmer manager of the. Seaforth Mf. V. L. Petty, whom the reported a Western Ontario Hockey Assocea-
Blackstone and McNaughton were the branch of the Dominion Bank. -Sea_ Levis, K, Cuningharne, F. Lindsay, E: Very sorry to hear Mrs. Chaple is ;CHOSEN FOR SOUTH AFRICA
last week as seriously ill in bed, is, tion game ill Mitchell on Friday night,
returning officers, in North. and South forth Expositor• Ellis, not improving very fast since coming after a penaltywasgivena Wi h tt
Ruron, respectively, at the Federal Exeter boys: Busweil, Delbridge, to the neighbourhood last fall: Miss Ruth Webb, .Xt,N., younger much unproved and able to be tip a ng a t
player by Referee Jack McCully,
election of 1935. ROOFS CAVE IN Oinney, Engrland, Moore, Mo•ise, Zuke, daughter of Mr. and :Mrs. C. 1Vh Webb, gain,. Stratford.
The January Thaw which arrived Rycicman. Teacher -Who gave us this beard- of Granton, has been chosen to go Mrs. Percy Tippet of ,Varna, has re -
to Cape Town, South Africa, where turned to her home again after having; McCully awarded 'tlte game to` Mit-:
S• over the week -end preceded 'the Clinton boys: 'Biggest, Monteith, fel school? shell with little more than a minute
STANLEY heavy by ggart, Aiken,Gshe will be on the staff of the new spent some time with her father, Mr.
snow falls of the past weeks Holmes, Clegg, Cornish, Cook, Pupil -Premier Aberhart, left to play. The scare at the time
Mr, and Mrs: John Scotchmer vis- caused at least two roofs here to Hadd Hospitala O. L. Petty:
model there. Miss Webb,
Y• .. Teacher -Who keeps our roads sowas 4-2 for Mitchell.,
lied on Sunday with M'r. and Mrs. cave in. A large section of the Referee -Josephine Harris. graduate .of the Hospital for Sick NATIVE OF BRUCE •Harvey Wr Wright, of Wingtia
m, was
-.M, ,1. -Butler of Goderich' township• north -end roof of Melville Presbyter- Umpire=Barbara. Thompson, niPu Pupil --Premier
Children, Toronto, and has already, „
p ler a es the APPOINTED SENATOR apprehended and latex released to an -
'Mr. Stewart Watson of Goderich iali church shed collapsed Sunday Teacher -Who makes the tr d left for the new appointment. Two'
pent the weekend with his parents;' from weight of snowand
afternoonees Kra Years ago the exchange of nurses was Appointment of Duncan Marshall pear before Magistrate J. A. 14lakins
g ice, This when the shed was fall of ,flowers grow? to the Senate gives the county of at Stratforcf:'tontoirow...
`Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson' of the same portion. of roof gave way two farmer's enters and sleighs, The shed Pupil -God. experimented on. and it speaks well ,
" ronson Line: • • - years ago. It is unlikely that this
'was 'constructed 1915.P for the skill' and efficiency of Cana- Bruce its third senator, as J. J. Don- Mitchell fans said a group of about
"Miss' The roof of Voice from, other side of the loom • racily of Chepstowe and Janes H. 100 Wrngharn supporters started the
Vera Wild of ClintonClrntom' $pent the part will be re built, It was fortun- he rear part of J. 1- -Putthat Liberal
• .out's -From ' c tan nurses to have the system con.,
Wright'sgbitten a Liberal High S epee of Toronto formed o P affair when the swarmed to the ice
^xveek-end at her. home.in Stanley., ate' that it did not occur on Saturday so 'colla sed- •tmued. Exeter Tunes Advocate. � Y Y
• y p ,Brussels' Post. •.'' River Times. -
Wallpaper Season
Now Is The Time To Get
We Can Supply Anything You May Need In
PHONES: 36w Main Floor, 36j Second Floor
Facts and Figures For Huron County
The following outline o g otthne of the affairs of Huron County and it's townships have been compiled from the
annual report of Municipal Statistics for the year 1936, which has just been released bythe publisher, F.
Bowman, Printer to the King's Most, Excellent Majesty. 1 p, T,
Tax collections on the whole indicate that the county is in a flourishing condition, and the basis for
taxation is revealed under the: various headings. For those who wonder where the dollars go, the following
tables should prove interesting. owntg
The county as a whole, the town of Clinton, township of Tuckersmitii, Stanley, Hallett and Goderielt
are outlined under separate headings for the convenience of our readers.
,Assessed Population 1,498
Assessed Acreage `. ... . . . .. . ' 52,045'
Assessed Valuation -
Land . $1,309,989
Buildings • „ 330,100
Business . 750 r.
Total , . $27,091
Tax Collections -
Percent, of 1936 Levy collected 80.9
Total collections -current and arrears $28,774
Tax Arrears , . 5,371
Taxable and revenue debts nil
Share of County Debt $2,265
Surplus-C'hrrent , . $1,588 .
ae really is a wonder, -It quickly rallies the strength and vitality after
a heavy cold or prolonged sickness, it builds new blood and restores
I nerve force -people who' have used it are really enthusiastic about it.
makes lovely skin and keeps lovely skin smooth,
25c AND 39c.
Fleece -Lined UNDERWEAR
COMBINATIONS, To Clear `$1.15
Shirts or Drawers, To Clear 65c
Huron Veteran 89 Years Old Reeve Of Ashfield
i Claimed By Death
George Montgomery ,On Duty During
Fenian Raids • Richard Johnston, 68, Succumbs As
Result of Pneumonia.
The Lions, with 30 points out of a
possible 36 are practically assured of
a• play-off position. Commercial Inn
also should finish in the play-offs.
The remaining four teams are bunch-
ed so closely that any of them might
get in the play-offs, and it will be in-
teresting to see just who does come
outon top.
• Southampton already, are members of. to protest the referee's action.
Assessed Population . 1,817
Assessed Acreage .., 40,400
Assessed Valuation -
Land.. $1,651,205
Buildings 503,525
Business , . 1,275
Total . $2,156,005
For School Purposes -
Public 32,087,455
Separate 68,550
Municipal Expenses $19,515
Schools -
Public . '7,180
Separate , 314
Local. Improvements .. 2,185
Other . . 6,902
Total . .. • 336,096
Tax Collections- •
Percent. of 1936 levy collected 72.1
Total collections --current and arrears 338,701
Tax arrears . 14,080
Taxable Debt-
Public School .. 1,416
Local. Improvements . 17,629
Revenue Debt -Other , 1,043
Total . . 20,088
Share of Comity Debt . $2,457
Surplus -Current . 9,626
Assessed Population . , 1,731
Assessed Acreage . , 53,357
Assessed Valuation -
Land , . $1,450,749
Buildings . . 486,825
Business , . 23
Total .. . $1.,937,597
For School Purposes -
Public; . $1,847,197
Separate . 90,400
Municipal Expenses . . 20,795
Debt Charges . 1,615
Schools -
Public . . 10,342
Separate . . 280
Other . 5,389