HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-12-18, Page 8PAGE 8 •etGteletegletal6leleatteit r LAMB CHOPS 35c lb. LAMB STEWS Hind 1/, of Choice beef 17c lb. 'Dressed Pork by the half 17'' c ib. TRY A DELICATEDSTEAK FOR SOIVMETHING. \ BETTER. Please Give us your order now for your Christmas Fowl 20c lb. CONNELL, •& TYNDALL, " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street p,N{t�.t et "o te`tetotersims'„ 'w •wrgztavateme ��• •,�.�,.,.,�r BEFORE YOu 861Y IAl��i'a coal` wood range�...see the ..,... I' NEW 3 Srga�4. , , , utyt6tEigtrjl; rS • Here's a stove of modem design and with exceptional cooking capacity — at a really moderate price. The Findlay "Vega" has an extra roomy firebox for better heating and quick baking. Can be obtained in three finishes. Come in end see the modem feature, of this Findlay Coal and Wood Range, We Have Just Received Shipment of Stoves All Enamelled, 14, 16, 18 and 20 in. Ovens CALL AND SEE THEM 1 Small Cook Stove with resevoir, nearly new 1 Beech Cook, second hand, in good condition. 1 Used Quebec Heater, is good repairs. 1, 6 ft. Refrigerator — 1, 4 ft. Refrigerator 1 Used 5 ft. Kelvinator. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON. ONT. oiMitlaenzinier tv,arra^aliza:xPda*D:Pair, emeiDtal,91ga8raare*9tara l,PS Dr ` etateaa. etett tee+•0eleetelclVeIt..!;.ce'y,.'.:. dte=tGlete,c4"tCte ate, tete-lalese ate. texelaetZ a �u ea Christmas Gift Suggestions From All Departments: Mens Fine Shirts in white or fancy patterns 1.25 to 2.50 Mens Boxed Ties, from 35c to 1.00 Mens Fancy Sox, fine Wools and silk and wool 50c up Silk Scarves, white or colored 1.00 and 1,25 Pyjamas, flettes, yentas or broadcloth 1.50, 2.00 and 2.50 Mens Bath -Robes special value at 3.50 Also a big assortment of Christmas boxed Garters, Braces, Combination Sets, Rayon Lunch Cloths, Pillow Slips, Bath Towels, Esmond or Pure Wool Blankets, Boudoir Slippers, Galoshes, Gloves and Mitts, Sweaters and Windbreakers, etc. OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK IS LARGE AND OUR PRICES VERY LAW FOR QUALITY MERCHANDISE. MEN'S OVERCOATS AT 17 95.. See these coats, they are wonderful value. They have both style and quality. Other coats at prices ranging to 28.50. Be sure and see our coats before you pur- chase. FOOTWEAR SPECIAL VALUES IN UNDERWEAR AND RUBBER THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD There'll Always Be A Christmas The bright eyes of Children around a Christmas tree will always, be on Canada's priorties list. You can say its just sentimental, but the old world needs more of that sentiment. You can say it's unnecessary, but so are a Mother's kiss, a friendly handshake and the song of a robin. If the world is moving too fast for Christmas, it's moving too fast for love and hope and homes, and families It's one day of the year when kind- ness and faith and joy have the right of way; a day when the hearts are bigger, when eyes are .brighter, when smilgs are ldndlier. Sure, there'll always be a Chistmas. Whatever is going on in the outside world, for one day in the year at ]east, happiness and joy are para- mount, for it is Christmas Day, the day dedicated to peace on earth and then almost immediately follows the New Year.—a fresh start is made and with high hopes we press forward. ;$ To you all, customers andfriends, we extend our true wishes for a truly happy Christmas and success in the year to come. With peace on earth— Tse W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest -Always the Beat ,,01,...110110N1 WNW Is sediS01. Mrs. A. Farnham spent the weekend visiting in Kitchener. Mrs. Nay spent the weekend visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. Chas E. Elliott spent the week- end in Guelph visiting friends. Mrs. Charles GIew of London visited with friends in town on Monday. Mrs. John Torrance and Miss Maude left this week for Toronto, where they will spend the winter months. Miss Madeline Hawkins of Toronto was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Hawkins, over the weekend. Mrs. Norman, Kennedy has returned home after spending the past week in Toronto, where her grandchild, Bobby Kennedy, has had a serious accident. Bobby, along with other school boys, was taking orders for the veterens and while crossing the road was hit with a car. We are very glad to report that he is slowly recovering now. • Plumsteel Bros. rimrvmE;igt int R9lc-1MS61 rel6ltN•mpat, , Say Merry Christmas With Flowers Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Aeents Tip Top Tailors. .rab3rDr�rar�rar�rararar2rDrDYaratDlDs�r2tAtDt3ii`ratt�rara`r2rat2rDro7Dts�t3ratDtDrarAtD7atDrSrarDtDlarDra$� �'Eur+Bt4=�P.IRtG1tCtEt�k^,'6+�IH�t�tP,t�141G'�t4+Z'.GIC#+G'X13+�t%3f4Q1A�'-t6�s('t8t�t�t."I.R' .e. ..,.,..+,ems 4 As a Nice Christmas 4 Present Give Pyres ware or a nice canning set. See our stock before buying. HARDWARE and 9 Phone 244 /joisaatkaialeieraeolsaimaztzmtelMmaierezzlpiDistpieuiloiDatzipatergibowiDielpraielil T. illiatvitin S PLUMBING When in doubt what to give send flowers, they are always suitable and please everyone. Choose your gifts from our' stock of Begonias,, Cherries, Cyclamen, Potted Carnations, African Violets Primulas. Basket of Assorted Plants etc. See •our Christmas Wreaths and Centerpieces. For friends at a distance use our "Flowers by Wire" Service. rowers Can be delivered in Eng- land, The States and anywhere in Canada, CUT FLOWERS Mums, Roses, Carnations, Snap- dragons, etc. PLEASE ORDER EARLY F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As, Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 .rarararaiMnratDininatlr lanriNninintrr'ai'i',' V St. Paul's Annual Meeting Of W.A. The Women's Auxiliary of St. Paul's church held their annual meet- ing on Tuesday, Dec. 9th. The meet- ing was in charge of Mrs. J. D. At- kinson, second vice president. The meeting was opened by the singing of the hymn, "Work, for the night is coming." The passage of scripture was read by Mrs. G. A: Walker. The secretary, Mrs. H. M. Monteith, read the minutes of the November meet- ing and of the last annual meeting, adding a resume of the years activi- ties. ctivities. Mrs. Cliff. Epps, the treasurer, reported that, financially, the W.A. had had a successful year, meeting all its pledges in full. Mrs. Robert Thompson, in reporting for the Dor- cas committee, stated that the an- nual bale for St. Paul's School, Blood Reserve, Card•ston, _Nita., was much larger than usual, but the extra items of clothing were appreciated because government grants are not as large as formerly. Mrs.' G. A. Walker re- ported for the Little Helpers, stating that there were over fifty children enrolled, and. that all except those in the country had been visited and that fifty birthday cards had been sent to the childrren, The Annual meeting had been held late in Sep- tember and had been well attended. Rev G. W. Moore, rector, occupied the chair during the election of of- ficers. A striking 'committee had been nominated at the previous meet- ing, and Mrs. G. M. Counter, conven- or, read the following list of officers for 1942: Pres.: Mrs, (Rev.) G. W. Moore lst vice: Mrs. C. McKinnon 2nd vice: Mrs. J. D. Atkinson 3rd vice: Mrs. J. C. Shearer Secretary: Miss Mary Holmes Treasurer: Mrs. Cliff. Epps Social Servicb: Miss A. Bartliff Mrs II. M. Monteith. Educational Secretary: Evelyn Hall Living Message Secretary: Mrs. G. M. Counter Jr. W.A.: Evelyn Hall and Mrs. Maloney, Sr. Little Helpers: Mrs. G..A.. Walker Dorcas Dept.: Mrs. Robert Thomp- son Quilt Com.: Mrs. Fred Hudie, Mrs.. E. Morrison, Mrs. Calton and . the Misses Thompson Vestry Rep.: Mrs. Cliff. Epps, HURON PLOUGHING MATCH ed on October 13th. COMMITTEE TO HOLD ANNUAL (b) Request to the Lion's Clubs of MEETING ON DECEMBER. Huron to stage a Huron Old Boys' 20TH IN CLINTON Reunion ,on, October 13th. (c) The Earl of Athlone, Governer - International Ploughing Match sched- General of Canada, to be invited to uled between Seaforth and Clinton visit the Match on October 14th. on October 13, 14, 15, 15, 16th, 1942 I (d) Inter -County Contests to be Arrangements have been made by staged on October 15th. the Executive of the Huron Plough -1 (e) Huge military display by air- ing Match committee to held the An- men of local stations and also by the nual Meeting of this organization in County militia units on October 16th. the Agriculture Office Board room, I (1) Monster Banquet to seat 1000 Clinton, on Saturday afternoon, Dec- guests to be staged in Seaforth for ember 20th at 2 p.m. Ithe final night at which the presenta- In addition to the election of of- tion of prizes will be made to the win ficers for the year 1941-42, it is an- vers. A guest speaker of Internation- ticipated to have present Mr. J. Al. al renown will be secured . Carroll, Secretary -Manager of the' It is anticipated that the display of Ontario Plowmen's Association and a labour saving farm machinery and nmunber of officials of that organiz- .equipment will cover an area of over atibn to give advice and suggestions 15 acres. Already many local hotels to the local committee. The budget have reserved their entire acconuno- with estimated - receipts and expen- dation for the Match period. ditur:es will be presented to the meet- I The local ground work has. been ing .by Hugh Hill. well-done to -date by the officers. It A number of very important recom- is hoped that the annual meeting will mendations from the Executive will give snore inspiration, and drive to the be presented to the Annual meeting; local committee. To this end, all in- such as: . terested farmers and representatives (a) Horse Sl»ow,open-to horse awn- 'of ergaiiizations ale Invited I'd- be Vers of Huron County only, to be stag- present on December 20th. 1 Quality Meat Market SPARE RIBS 20c lb.' FRESH PICNIC HAMS 23c Ib. TRIMMED PORK CHOPS 30c lb. HOMEMADE SAUSAGE. 20e Ib. HOMEMADE POTTED MEAT . 20c lb. TOP QUALITY CHICKENS, GEESE. TURKEYS AND DUCKS FOR CHRISTMAS - Kindly let us have your orders early for fowl and you will get the best. CHRISTMAS BEEF, PORK VEAL AND LAMB Custom Killing and Sausage Made at Reasonable Rates. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HIDES NOSS FiTZSIMONS THURS., DEC. 18, 1941'. HULLETT. TOWNSHIP The annual meeting of the Hullet Unit of the Federation of Agricluture was held in Londesboro on Friday, Dec. 5th. The special speaker was Mr. V. S. Milburn, secretary of the g Ontario Federation. Election of ;officers for, 1942 were as follows: Pres.; Geo, 'Watt, Blyth Vice Pres.; W. R. Jewitt, Londes- boyo Directors: B. Irwin, F. Tyndall, Jas. ,Flynn, W. Scott, Vic. Roy, Warren Gibbing's, Norman Shepard, Nelson Lear, Leonard MeNall, Glenn Raithby, Neville Forbes, Wm. Govier, Wm. Knox, Jr., Archie Young, Barry Yungblutt, Major Yungblutt. The meeting in Londesboro Tues- day of the Hallett township unit of the Federation of Agriculture, IIuron County, decided to proceed with a sur- vey of the farms in the township. A Three page form suggested questions, drafted by a special committee sub- mitted to the meeting was acclaimed as being very complete and covering the entire range of problems facing the farmer today. Mir leCl•6 k:+6igldiel6ianeei•6-r•P, E: /MH,V3 IR-1��,i.' : 60IleVeltitet6tairma'�, It is the intention of the Hallett Township Federation •of Agriculture to proceed immediately with the sur- vey and to have it completed by Christmas. A battery of workers will then tabulate the information and they believe when it is completed that they will have the most complete pic- ture of the farm situation humanly possible. RILEY'S GROCERY LICENSE NO. 87642 CHRISTMAS TREATS SUNKIST ORANGES .2 doz. for 39c SUNKIST ORANGES .2 doz. for 49c SUNKIST ORANGES 29c, 39c, 49c, 59c LARGE GRAPEFRUIT .. 6 for 25c FRESH ROASTER PEANUTS 2 Ibs. for 35c SATIN MIXED CANDY 2 Ibs for 37c GROCER MIXED CANDY 2 lbs. for 35c CHOC. & CREAMS . , 2 lbs. for 45c LARGE AND SMALL GUMS 2 lbs. for 37c I BOX CHOCOLATES .. , 29c, 79c, 89c i4 PHONE 76 : ar0r010rDt0lDr mDr :ri am lz tomr0;;31a1Dra:&. Christmas Specials FRUITS AND CANDIES Now en Display in Our Windows and Store SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES at 19c, 28e 33e 39e Doz. 2 lbs. SATIN MIXED or BROWN MIXED 35c 2 lbs. CHOC.OLATi DROPS 35c 2 LB. SPECIAL CREAM AND CHOCOLATE MIXED S lb. EXTRA QUALITY GRADE CANDY in Christmas Bags at 33c CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF BOX CIIOCOLAr1'ES at 33c, 49c, 75c, 98c 10 LB .SUGAR 79,c 1 LB. CRANBERRIES 7 GRAPEFRUIT 7 oz. SALTED PEANUTS 25c 25c I0c Get your guess in for Christmas Cake.. See cake in our window. Just a few days left. STORE OPEN EACH EVENING Secure one of our Carry On Calenders JOHNSON GROCERY The New Red Front Store PHONE 286 Superior Stores PHONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR Dec., 18, 19, 20 th CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP tin,..e.. 8c SPECIALS FOR DECEMBER 18TH TO 24TH LIKieY'S TOMATO GOLD MEDAL CRABAPPLE JUICE 3 tins 27c JELLY 32 oz. jar 29c CHOICE [if SUPREME Tomatoes 2 tins _25c Mincemeat 2 lbs.... 27c A' VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ONE AND ALL BROWN MIXED DANDY KISSES SATIN MIXED ;LB. 17c Ginger Ale 2 Ig. bts 250 Olives stuffed jar 17c Pickles swt. mix..., 25c JUICE GRAPEFRUIT Y. -for 25e PEAS Gold Medal 2 for . , 23c COFFEE •Quality lb. 45c CHOCOJLATE BUDS ROCK & SPOOLS, 99 CREAMS LB. G Jc HUMBUGS GUM DROPS, JELLY BEANS t0 CHOCOLATE DROPS, 9C MIXFJD CANDY LB. FANCY CHOCOLATES 1b. box 35c, 2 lb. 65c Peanuts fresh lb.... 20c QUALITY FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SEEDLESS 6 for Grapefruit 25c C'ELER'Y HEARTS LETTUCE, RADISHES TOMATOES MUSHROOMS RED 2Ibs, GRAPES ... 29c 49c 59c Tangerines 29c C. M. SHEARING SUNKIST NAVEL ORAN GES 29c 39c. Dz. 19c Dz. CHOICE 4 for Lemons ... 10c l,rcANiSelt,KIES •rulia'w'a, VAicicUft • t;AislSAtf1 , "APP'LES. SWEET dot. PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON' x ralarar0rbrza rat01zratatatzrat-oris,.,.z,0D410,-Dm0,00tararbr m0g atom+ ;atom.,. . et mDrataaak– vatarzt00,0rarat;,ala:0101a0rat om040arararatllta1000m01001ara+0m0 .. Give Lasting Gilts 1 SPY APPLES 6 qt. 35c SPY APPLES per bus. $1.25 Extra Fresh Grapes, Cranberries, Celery Hearts and Turnips WE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS I Buy and Grade Eggs for which I Pay lc a doz, more in Cash or Trade.. Register No. 02-8-7 MRS. T. J. RILEY Phone 39 — Free Snappy Delivery DtDi-M 20M Dt2rDtDraratDthtatDratDrarztararOrDrarzr`arDrarat2raratDr0r3l3ra,:x Something the Giver will always be remembered by, and the recipient will appreciate We would suggest a lamp, we have them for so many different uses from the small Pin-up or Boudoir Lamp to the Tri -light lamps which are so popular because they throw such a wonderful light. A grand assortment of Cedar Chests, Mirrors, Oecassional Chairs, Ferneries, Childrens Doll Cabs, High Chairs and many other useful gifts. In The Hardware Dept. You will find the usual large stock of G.C.M. Skates and Boots, Hockey Sticks and Pucks. Alladin Lamps, Pyrex Ware for all purposes, Cutlery and many lines of Electrical appliances. So hurry with your shopping as it won't be long now.:. "The Store With The Stock" BALL & APPE Hardware -- Furniture -- Funeral Directors -- Ambulance Service. W. Ball, Phone 361. PHONE 195 J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103, CRUNCHIE SWEET MIXED ..PICKLES 27 oz. jar 25c ROYAL YORK COFFEE lb. tin43c AYLMER JUMBO PEAS 2 tins 25c LIBBY'S PORK & BEANS 20 oz. 2 tins . 19e FRENCH CREAMS lb. 23c HOUSEHOLD MIXED CANDY lb. 23c CHOCOLATE DROPS ]b. 23c SATIN MIXED CANDIES lb19c WRAPPED CHRISTMAS KISSES lb.. 17c GUM DROPS lb. 19c JELLY BE=ANS ib. 19c MOIRS' 4 STAR CHOCOLATES 3 ]b. box 85c ICING SUGAR 2 lbs. 21c PURE LARD 1 lb. 15c ALMOND ICING $ oz. pkg21c SUNKIST ORANGES FROM 19c to 45c doz. T, R. »THPMPSON 0 Oi 0 ', i,s � .iia Zvi!:_Usef We have for o yen, Misses, and Children Motor Boots, colors black or brown; Rubber Overshoes, colors black or brown; House' Slippers; Dress Shoes; Work Shoes; Pullover Rubbers; and.. Knee Height Rubber Boots. Bath Towels, Hose, Sweaters, Ski Caps, Pyjamas. Underwear, Mitts, Gloves, House Dresses and Winter Weight Dresses forages 2,: 4, 6;8, 10; 12, 14. r Men and Bo s Dress Shirts, Ties, Scarves, Khaki Tie and Brace Sets, Braces, Hose, Mitts and Gloves, Pants, Caps, Pyjamas, Work Pants, Overalls, Smocks, Heavy Winter Shirts, Socks, Pullover Socks, Heavy Wool Tweed Pants, Leather Caps, and -Dress Socks. Knee Height Rubber Boots, Dress Oxfords, Dress -:Shoes, . Work Rub- bers, 6 Eyelet Laced Rubbers, 15 in. tops; Rubber' Bottoms with 15 in. Leather Tops; Ankle Fit Rubber Boots with 16 in. Tops; Rubber Over- shoes, Zipper Overshoes, Casllmerette Overshoes with one buckle, or 2 buckles or 4 buckles; Romeo Shoes, colors black or Brown; Felt .Slippers, Tan Color Leather House Slipper with Zipper. iifford 16 PHONE 40. THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY.