HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-12-18, Page 5"THURS., .DEC. 18, 1941 o !� THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Proclamation BOXING DAT In accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Council, I HEREBY PROCLAIM: Friday, December 26th a civic holiday. A. J. McMURRAY, Mayor, The Town of Clinton God. Save the King. AUBURN President, Bill Craig; 1st Vice pres., Betty Craig; recording secretary; Misses Margaret and Annie Weir Harvey Wightmanl; corresponding of Strathroy are spending the winter secretary, Billie Seers; treasurer, ' with their brother Dr. B. G -Weir. Dolly Beadle. Dorothy and Raymore Rierodan of II W.M.S. Arris visited with friends I here is Mrs. W.T. Robison gave her home ` urday. J for the Christmas meeting of the Robert Craig, eldest son of Mr. W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian church. and Mrs. William J. Craig, left on The president Mrs. John Huston Friday for Manning Pool, Toronto presided. The meeting was opened where he will serve with the Royal by singing a hymn and repeating the Canadian Air Force.Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. A. M. 'Boyle gave a paper on "Service." Mr. Stanley McNall of the R.C.A. A; pleasing feature of the meeting F., Guelph, is spending a two weeks was the presentation of a Life Mem- leave with his patents Mr. and Mrs. : bership Certificate to Mrs. Harvey Thos. McNalL McGee, from Mrs. Alex. Shaw of Miss Edna Adams, R.N. wh f Mirnico, formerly Jennie Dyre, Aub- • the past two years has been en the Mrs. Lawson and Mrs. Bradnock. Parker, Dorothy Ann MacLeod, Mel - staff of the Ontario Hospital Wood- Several Christmas Carols were sung.: vine Sturgeon, Gnome Heard, Keith Stock, loft last week to the Shriners The Chrietmas message was given Brandon, Wilfred Castle); (Mrs. An - Hospital, Montreal to take a Post by Mrs. James Woods. Miss Norma Itlrew introduced the next number and Graduate course in surgery, 'Deer gave a Christmas reading, Al explained the eeeng from the Merch- Mr, and Mrs,. Keith Arthur spent i Christmas message to all the mom- I ant of Venice. She pointed: out that the weekend with the former's moth- , bers was read from Miss Margaret school work had been used in the er Mrs. M. Ahthur. ,$mall, of Toronto. A letter of thanks The Annual Carol Service will be ,was read from the Dobie family for held in the Foresters Hall next Sun- 'kindness shown them in their recent day evening, Dec. 21st at 7.30. It ,bereavement. Miss Josephine Weir will be in charge of the local clergy- and Mrs. Wesley Bradnock were ap- men. ,1 j pointed to pack boxes for the shut- ins at Christmas, The roll call was B.Y.P.U. I answered with a verse of scripture The B,Y.P.U. held their monthly i with the word "Joy" in it, Mrs. Ed - meeting Sunday evening. The meet- , gar Lawson presided for the election ing was prepared by Mrs. R. J. Phil- of officers' which resulted as follows: lips and Mrs. Wm. Haggitt, who pre- Honary prey., Mrs. James Howitt; sided. The meeting was opened by president, Mrs. John Huston; 1st vice, piano solo Christmas Chimes by Mrs, fires., Mrs. Edgar Lawson; 2nd vice, Phillips. Several Carols were sung, president, Mrs. J. G. Stoltz; secre- Scripture read. by Stanley McNeil, tar,—treasurer, Mrs. Wesley Brad - Earl Raithby led in prayer. A read- nock; home helpers see., Mrs. George Dawson; glad tidings sec. Mrs. 1 announced that they had accepted the resignation of Mrs. Andrew. He ap- pealed for the interest : of the rate- payers and parents and asked that there be a :Pull attendance at the An- nual Meeting. A meeting had been tailed to appoint a Trustee in the place o£ Mr. Lloyd Makins, who had ,resigned, at which no one was present but the members of the Board. A con- tract with a new teacher could not be signed without another Trustee and he warned that if more interest was not shown the pupils might be taken away to another school. Recitations were given by George Osmond, Bobbie Parker and Margaret Stirling. A dialogue, Four Little. Niggers (Monica Graham, Gloria Westlake, Edwin • and John Apfelbeck and George Castle); ,Monologue, "Mrs. Figity on the Train" by Phyl- lis Lindsay; recitations by Monica Graham, Marie Stirling and Donna Murray; song, "I'm a Little Teapot," by Junior girls,; -Dialogue,. "Torn Sawyer Licks the Model Boy" (Glen. ;Brandon and Billy Elliott); Double duet by Melvina Sturgeon, Beverley York, Jacqueline Parker and Dorothy,. Ann McLeod; Dialogue, "Papers Don't Say, (Audrey Sturgeon, C'Iarence Lar- son) ; Victory. Drills by Juniors; Indian Scene and Songs, (The Indian Maid - !ens were Melvina Sturgeon, who re- cited "Ojistah" by Pauline Johnson and Beryl Castle who recited "Hia- wathas Hunting" by Longfellow after which the school sang "Hunter Horn" and Land of Spain; Dialogue, "Nau- ghty Mouse" (Betty Heard, Evelyn ;Bell, Jean Sturgeon, Marie Stirling); duet by Jean and Jerry Sturgeon; ,Dialogue "What Became of the False Teeth" (Aileen Castle, Betty Larson, Donald MacLeod, Garfield Westlake); Vocal . Solos by Mir. D. Gill "We'll all get Together and "Our Canada"; dia- Iogue, "The Bashful Boy" (Arnold Makin, Beverly York, Jacqueline Fred 0 or urn The presentation was made by ing was given by Bobbie McNeil, A' quartette, Marie Raithby, Doris and W. welcome and welfare sec., Mrs. Jack MoRnight and Royce Phillips W. T. Robison; organist, Miss Norma sang a number. Miss Amelia Mall - Weir; asst., organist, eMe, Josephine Brad - wain gave a reading. The Christmas Weir; flower committee, Mrs. Brad - message was given by Mr• Bert nock, Miss Josephine Weir; birthday Marsh who gave a splendid talk on sell., Mrs, J. J. Wilson. The meeting ' "Home" especially the Horne Coming closed with prayer by Mrs. e Ml • at Christmas. Miss Josephine Weir Boyle. A dainty lunch was served by favored with a solo. Mr. Frank Mrs. Lawson, Mts. Robison and Mrs. Raithby closedthe meeting with 'Fred Ross. • prayer. A capacity audience greeted the east of the play "Bolts and Nuts" s which was put on by the local Young ; Bayfield, L.O.L. No. 24, held their people in the Foresters Hall, on Fri- annual meeting for the election of day night. Every actor took their tofficers last week and the officers part exceptionally well. Before and were installed by the Right Worship - between acts Reeve Raymond Red- full Grand Master of Western Ontario mond of East Wawanosh gave sev- Brother Joe. Carson of London. The eral violin selections and Harvey Mc- officers were as follows: WM., John Gee sang a couple of solos with Mrs, Parkers; D.M., Walter Westlake; R, J. Phillips as the accompanist. The Chaplain, A. E. Erwin; Marshall, W. play was sponsored by the local Red E. Parker; Recording Secretary, Les- Cross. lie Elliott; Treasurer, Harold Stinson; • . Financial Secretary, C. Gemeinhard; The Baptist Sunday School held their Christmas Tree and Program in ;1st Lecturer, Lloyd Seutchmer; 2nd the church basement, Saturday after- Lecturer, Wm. McDool; Committee, S. noon. The program was opened by Ervine, W. L. Ferguson, J. Robinson, .singing a hymn and prayer by Rev. George Elliott; Tyler, Lindsay Smith; A. E. Silver; Chorus by the True sentinel, J. Castle. Blue Class. Words of welcome by' At the Annual meeting of the W.M. Wellington McN`all. ' Recitation, Al- S, of the United church, held last Ian Raithby; solo Garth McKnight; week, the following officers were elec- recitation, Grant Raithby; speech by ted for the coming year: Mr. Jas. Jackson; :solo Marion Taylor; Presidents Miss M. Stirling Einma and Shirley Robertson; reef- Vice Pres.: Mrs,. Fred Watson Wien, Joan Killough; chorus, Silent Treasurer: Mrs. D. Dewar Night; recitation, Gordon Raithby; Secretary: Mrs. fustic quartette, Marie Raithby, Doris and Strangers Sec.: Mrs, McKenzie Jackie MeKnight, Royce Phillips'. A Temperance Sec.: Miss V. McCly- numiber by live girls ap.elling the ,moat word "Peace". Recitation, Carol Bead -Miss. Mon Sec.: Miss J. Stirling • solo, Mrs. Earl McKnight; speech Baby Band Sec.: Mrs,. Gellner by Mr; George Raithby; reading, Mrs. Supply Sec.: Mrs. M. Toms Annie Walpher; a number by four In the Neighborhood of $160.00 has recitation, DorisMcKnight; vole, Don- been raised for missions during the John lir Homesville; two grandchild- tta Haggitt; recitation, Betty Sturdy; 'Tear. The Society recently entertain- ren; a brother, Leonard in Winnipeg; dialogue by Emma, Shirley, Billie ed, the women of Varna, Blake and and a sister, Mrs. Russell Forster of and Geo. Robertson. Mrs. C. A. Hou- rCroshen churches to the number 00Marham, A nephew was recently sen presented Wellington McNeil about one hundred, when Rev. Reba HAYFIELD programme as much as possible as dramatization made the work easier and more interesting for the pupils, At the same time she presented the Red Cross with a cheque, the sunt of which she would have spent on pres- ents for the pupils of her room had they not volunteered to give them up for the benefit of that organization, Mrs. G. W. Elliott, Treasurer of the Red Gross received the cheque) Merchant of Venice Act. 2, scene 2, Portia, Doris Melwen; Nerissa, Mar- ion Castle; Page Boy, Beryls Castle; Solo, Melvena Sturgeon, "Barbara Allen;" Carols by the school. At this point Mrs. Gairdner thanked Mrs., Andrew and her pupils for the don- ation to the Red Cross and praised the spirit of sacrifice which the child- ren had shown. She expressed the general regret felt at the resignation of Mrs. Andrew who gave of herself so unstintingly to develope the best in her pupils. Santa Claus then came and distributed the presents off the tree. He remembered pupils, teachers and some parents. Mrs. Mary Parker Cox, left on Tuesday for her home in North Da- kota, after visiting friends here for some months. Miss Laura Anderson left on Tues- day for Wyoming, where site will spend the winter. Miss M. MacLean R.N. of Clinton is visiting Mrs. Lloyd Makins. Mr. L. H, McLeod returned home last week after spending some time in Port Dover and Port Stanley. Mrs. J. H. Lobb has returned to spend sone time with her mother af- ter spending several weeks in Tor- onto. V OBITUARY ELDRED YEO The sudden death of Eldred Yea, prominent Goderich township farmer and insurance agent, occurred! in Clin- ton on Thursday, December 11th. Mr. Yeo was a son of the late John Yeo, a former agent and director of the M.cI{iliop Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and Annie R.oberts, and was born in Goderich Townshrip (31 years ago. As a young man he mar- ried, Effie Snowden, daughter of the late Rev. T. J. Snowden, a former pastor of Hohnesville United'. church, He is survived by his widow, two sons, Frank on the home farm and • ov}th a gilt for the most regular alien- Bern of Varna was the guest speaker. dance in the Sunbeams Class and The Woman's Association also held Marie Raithby also with a gift for its election of officers as follows: regular attendance in the True Bine President: Mrs. L. Makins Class. At the close lunch was served Vice Pres.: Mrs. L. Talbot Secretary: Mrs. J. Sootchmer Jr. The Light Bearers Mission Band of Treastmer: Mrs. C. Toms. Knox United church met on Sunday The pupils of Bayfield • Public The December meeting of the Stan - morning. Before leaving the church School gave a very creditable Christ- ley Community Club was held at the to hold their meeting in the Sunday .mas Concert, which displayed consid- home of Mrs. John MacFarlane, sr., ' School room, the 'Children went to the erable talent, under the direction of with the president, Mrs. Broadfoot, w. Hayter alter and made their gift to the Fund 'their teachers, Mi•s. 13. F. Andrew and in charge. There were 27 members, Birthday: Mrs. B. Keyes for British Children. Bill Craig gave Mrs. Wm. E. Parker and Music Mas- i visitor and 8 children present. The Pianist' Mrs. Elmore Keyes, Mrs. the :call to worship after which Betty ter Mrs. Douglas Bill, I Doll call was answered by a Christmas G. Anderson. Craig react the first twelve verses of Mr. George Castle, chairman of Mission Band Leaders: Mrs. E. the second chapter of St. Matthews the School Board, welcomed those gospel. John Killough led in prayer. present and the program commenced The roll call was responded to with with the singing of God Save the ,. a Bible verse"having tbe•word "Give." King followed by 0 Canada, V. Song; Mrs. Wilson, told the story of a Wings Over the Navy, Welcome Song, Chinese girl who found the meaning Cock,a, Doodle Doo,' by the school, •,.of'• Christmas.. "The meeting closed Songs by three little sisters, (Barbara with the Mizpah Benediction. There Brandon, Barbara Bassett and Jennie were twenty-five present: The ]lois McLeod) Santa Song, English Carols killed in air operations overseas. 1 The funeral was held from the resi- dence on Monday afternoon with }n- terment ]n Clinton cemetery. v STANLEY PAGE 5 V. COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 603 CHRISTMAS POULTRY Our Christmas city trade requires large quantities of dressed Geese, Ducks, Turkeys and Milk -fed Chick - We buy live or on the dressed basis, whichever will, bring you the most money. We will be filling our city Christ- mas •orders all this Week. N. W. TREWARTIiA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkins Locker Storage We wish to buy one young sheep. Ouh new mink storage room will be ready some day next week. ' Special Home ground suet 10c lb. While it Iasts ae Fish is very high in vitamins why not eat more when you 'can get them at 10e lb. and up. We sell casings and make sausage. Also buy hides. We have fresh frozen strawberries and peas for Ghrismas. "Frozen Foods are Better Foods." sale of tickets being $35.00, It was decided to send $10 to Jim Hunter's Auxiliary Fund for British children. Much discussion followed on ways and means to raise more money. A com- mittee was appointed to arrange for a concert later in the season. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John McGowan, and each .one is to come wearing a mended or worn right hose. The following have been shipped for November: 3 sleeveless sweaters; 1 pair lady's stockings; 9 pair army socks; 1 pr. airmen's, socks; 1 pr. child's mittens; 4 pair army mitts; 12 gray blankets; 1 winter coat; 5 dresses; 1 suit, coat and shirt; 1 flannellette blanks and, 17 quilts. On Thursday afternoon, Dec. 11th, Mrs. A. P. Keyes was hostess for the Christmas meeting of the W.M.S. of Goshen United church. An impress- ive "Canadian Friendship Carol Ser- vice" was given, using tall white can- dies in brass holders, and for the of- fering a unique brass plate from In- dia. Group 3 was in charge of the program, with Mrs. E. Keyes presi- ding at the piano. Folowing the Car- ol, candle service, the President took the chair, and Mrs. Jean McKinley, Honorary President, was presented with a Life Membership Certificate, Mrs. Herb. Smith, and Mrs. A. P. Keyes doing the honours. Mrs. Mc. I{inley although taken by complete surprise, made a most fitting and beautiful reply. During the business period, the toll call of twenty mefn- oers was answered with "Bethlehem" as the text word. "0,ur• New Years Resolution" being chosen for the Jan. meeting. There has been one mem- ber, Miss Vera Smith, passed. to High- er Service during the year, and na new members reported. Mrs. Bruce McGlinchey, Treasurer, reported ab- out $195.00 for the Presbyterial Treasury, the allocation having been ,set at $170.00. The pastor, Rev. Miss Reba Hein, conducted the election of officers, ;which resulted as follows: Hon. Pies,: Miss Jean McKinley Past Pres.: Mrs. R. M. Peck President: Mrs. Russel Erratt Vice Pres., each one the leader of a group: 1st, Mrs. Elgin McKinley; 2nd, Mrs. Percy Johnston; 3rd, Mrs. B. M. Peck, 4th, Mrs. Ben Keyes' Treasurer: Mrs. R. M. Peck Secretaries Recording: was. Wm. Hayter Corr. and Lit.: Mrs. B. Keyes Press: Mrs. Bruce McGlinchey Com. Friendship: Mrs, Robert Rob- inson Assoc. Helpers: Mrs. W. Clark Temperance. Mss. H. Errata, Mrs. B. Keyes Christian Stewardship and Finance: Mrs. J. Armstrong Missionary Monthly: Mrs. J. An- derson Supply: Mrs. J. Armstrong, Mrs. ROXY THEATRE i CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE CLINTON GODERICH SEAPORTS NOW PLAYING: "So You Won't Talk" and "Seven Sinners" MON.. TUES. &' WED. Joan Blondell, Dick Powell, Charles Ruggles, Lee Bowman Their peaches -and -cream mar- ried 1turned to sou= life 1 green grap- es ra p es when• the employer's son fell in love with a "MODEL WIFE" Thurs., Fri.. Sat.—Double Feature Martha Scott, William Gargan, Ed- mund Gwenn and Mary Anderson You'll mingle a tear with your cheers when you see this stirring story of a courageous woman "Cheers For Miss Bishop' Added attraction.— Victor McLagen in "BROADWAY LIMITED" NOW: Marlene Dietrich in: "SEVEN SINNERS" MON.. TUkS. & WED. Dennis Morgan, Jane Wyatt and Shirley Ross three top-notch stars combine to b - 'n evening give you a b res ohasa g "Ksses for Breakfast" THURS.. PRI. & SAT. Sonja Henie, John. Payne and. Milton Berle A fashionable winter playground features an eye -filling skate- and;. dance musical. "Sun Valley Serenade" Coming: Errol Flynn in: "DIVE BOMBER" NOW: Gene Autry in "Tack in the Saddle" ,1 tliiial� MON., TUES. & WED. James Stewart & Rosalind' Russell vu the story of a playwright w ho se high -brow inhibition boomeranged "No Time for Comedy" • • THURS... PRI. & SAT. William Holden and. Martha Scott portray an interesting decade in the lives of Main Street people "OUR TOWN" Coining: Betty 'Grable in: "A YANK IN THE R.A.F. "C'ami1' Bette DavisLEFoXEs" in: Mat.: Wed. Sat. & Holidays 3 p.m. Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. �„ "THE LITTLE ;xsaca is s• 'r-a'tPtr : ,'a0x--zvistas-Yr''rmac 7° 't."?Sat$i3'tvioi- 7ZarXaamratabtgta zJainmrairaD ah,kMtbbPt9s 7 aaoil'cwixtrla'tarxrr9'iit z'cxaD.` iYitmd? BARR LIFF'S The right place to buy your CHRISTMA'S CAKE, PLUM PUDDING, CANDY NUTS ORANGES GRAPES APPLES FANCY ICE CREAM BRICKS and the nicest assortment of CHOCOLATE GIFT BOXES that we have Seen in years suggestion. The nyeeting opened by singing, "Onward Christian Soldiers," Followed the repeating of the Lord's Prayer, The secretary and treasurer reports were given and Mrs. Innis gave the knitting report. There was a display of blankets bought and quilts made during the last month. Mrs. .MacGregor, sr., made the draw for the lovely comforter, the winner &ion Band officers elected for the first and Nursery Rhymes.. ,Next., carne being Mrs. Frank Whitmore of Hol- :, six .months: of the year 1942 , ares the chairman's remarks in which he inesville. The net proceeds from the Stephenson, Mrs. G. Anderson Baby Band Superintendent: Mrs. 'Rich Robinson, Lunch was served by Group 3, while all enjoyed a happy social time. V UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE (continued from page 4) to aid employers to obtain workers, most suitable to their needs. They ..,. i PHONE 1 ft • DELLVEh DA CE NEW YEAR'S EVE Huron Fish and Game Club 2nd Annual New Year's Dance TOWN HALL, CLINTON December, 31st. ARTHUR'S ORCHESTRA Noise Makers, Balloon dances, and lots of Novelties Bigger and Better than last year. Dancing. from 9 pan, till 2 a.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME Admission: Ladies 35e; Gents 50c 2nd• floor cor. of Square and will also deal with claims for benefit Hamilton Street. by insurable workers under the Un- i employment Insurance Plan when these become payable early in rho i CHRISTMAS is your opportunity to own a good hone. Arriving Dec. llth a full assort- The Executors are offering for ment of Northern Black Spruce, sale„ the two-storey frame residence, ver Spruce, Balsam, White Pine, Ced- with land and garage. House has a ar basement throughout, hot air furnace, electric lights, 3 piece bath, and in - A size suitable for any room , st All orders left at my office will be Fire In i Town assessment $1,400, re In delivered when requested. Fsurance $2,000. Victor D. Falconer PHONE 97J DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT To Roy Mackenzie and his Orchestra TOWN HALL CLINTON ADMISSION: 35c and 25c Cliff. Watson, Manager Portraits -teSVZAVVEZigi MONUMENTS To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . Get my prices before buying, Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Cbitton Ontario Succ.assor to Ball & Zapfe 59 tf Arablb �r2r tai�r-31-Mi3rrtaiat sh: •y, RADIO SERVIUI 1942 Radios are here on display in. eluding, Rogers, Deforest, Phllcos, Westinghouse, Spa tens. I carry a full line of radio tubes, up to date tube tester, General and PYSSreticly Better;, Dahtinien Wa- shing Machines, el elelltriegj mil., ances and roofing supplies. A. W. Groves, Princess St.. PRINCESS ST. CLINTON NOTICE TOUR PORTRAIT 'WILL MAI{E AN To M. T. Corless, Clerk of the Muni - ATTRACTIVE CH1tISTIiLAS cipality of the Town of Clinton. GIFT I appoint the 19th day of Decem- bet, 1941, at the hear of 7.30 p.m, at Cameras the Council Chamber, Clinton in the Baby Brownie Spec. . , 1 45 County of Huron, for holding a court to hear and determine the several Jiffy Kodak 620 Vigilant Jr. Vigilant 8.8 Vigilant 6.3 Vigilant 4.5 Your friends will appreciate a cam- era this Christmas. NOTE, Studio and Camera counter open evenings till 8 p.m. J. C. Henderson PHOTOGRAPHER GODERICH PHONE 187 $10.75 coplaints of errors and ommissions in $15 50 the first and second parts of the said voters' list for the Municipality of $20.00 Clinton for 1941. $24.50 I direct that the Assessor for the Municipality shall attend the sittings 36.50 of the said Court, and that the asses- sment roll and minutes of the Court of Revision for the Municipality for 1940 be produced thereat. Dated 6th day of December 1941. JUDGE T. M. COSTELLO. 70-2 RESIDENCE FOR SALE TO CLOSE ESTATE SUBMIT YOUR OFFER CASH OR TERMS. New Year. Since they deal with the claims and benefit aspect of the Unemployment Insurance Act, a general this -concep- tion has grown up on the part of the public that the services of the Ent- ployment and Claims Offices are a- vailable only for those who hold in- surance books. V FIRTHS RILEY—In Hullett on Monday, Dec- ember 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Riley, a daughter. DOUGLAS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Wednesday, December 17th, to Captain R. P. Douglas and: Mrs. Douglas, a son. ELLIOTT--In Clinton Public Hospi- tal on Friday, December 12th, to Mr, and Mrs. Roy Elliott of -Stanley Township, a son. TAYLOR—+In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, December 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor of Hul- lett township, a son. MILLSON—In Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, on Thursday, Dec. 11th, 1941, to Mi. and Mrs. David Millson, a son. DEATHS YEO—In Clinton, on Thursday, Dec- ember 11th, Eldred Alban Yeo, in his 62nd, year. CRAIG—In Clinton on Friday, Dec- . ember 12th, William Edward Craig, son of Private and Mrs. Albert Craig, aged 5 months and 26 days. A private funeral was held at the residence of Mr. Edward Steep, North street, Clinton, on Sunday, afternoon, with interment in Clin- ton cemetery. IN MEMORIAM LOVETT—In loving memory of Eliz- abeth Maud, who departed this life, Dec. 14th, 1937. You are not forgotten, smother, Nor will you ever be, For as long as life and memory last, We will remember thee. —Ever remembered by the family. CONSTANCE The regular meeting of the W.I. VMS held in; the basement of the church, Thursday afternoon, Dee. 11, with the Vice Pres, Mrs. J. W. Carter presiding. The meeting' opened by singing the National Anthem follow- ed by hyann 299. The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. The scrip - This residence has a very desirable location ,with entrance to property from both King and James Sts. The plan is appropriate and could be made (at Minimum cost) suitable for a Duplex, Apartment or Tourist Home. R tepayers. Meeting For inspection of property, kindly make an appointment with Mr. Ed ward W. Elliott or Mr. Norman Ken - Township of Goderich nedy of Clinton, Ont. A meeting of the Ratepayers' of Terms—Cash—Or terms with 20% Goderich Township will be held in the or more down, balance at 5% in equal Hall in Holmesville on Monday, Dec. monthly payments. Immediate pos- 29 at 1.30 p.m. under the provisions' of session. the Local Government Extensions Act Submit your offer to G. M. Mc - to take the place of the former Nom- Kenlk Executor, 443 Maple Ave, ination Meeting. Hamilton, Ont, R. G. THOMPSO'N, Clerk. Wanted Bicycle, girls or boys, must be in For Sale fair condition for cash. Apply at Two, week old Hereford calves; two the News -Record office. 71-1 Collie puppies, guaranteed heelers' Maid Wanted Lyle Hill, Brucefield, phone 625-23 Apply to Supt. of the Clinton Pub - Clinton. 71-1 lie Hospital , 71-2 J For Sale Per Sale 10 chunks of pigs, about 90 pounds.1 27 chunks, ranging from. 40 to 80 ,,Apply to James East, R.R. No. 1 2r/z pounds. Apply to George Mann Jr.;miles north-east of Clinton. • 7111 'I phone Clinton 24r800. '71-1 House for Rent tore lesson was taken by Mrs. J Not- Desirabe six -room house on Princess tingham, Psalm 140. The minutes of street, complete bath and modern eon - the last meeting were read, approved. weniences. Apply to Kenneth Whit- more, Blyth, 69tf. The roll call was answered by a verse of scripture. The business part of the meeting closed with hymn 308. Mrs. Chas Dexter then took charge for Group. 4, hymn 295 was sung after which Mrs. Robt. Lawson offered. prayer. Miss Jean Wakefield gave a reading, "The Inn That Missed Its Chance," Mrs. Britton and Edith sang a duet, "No Room In the Inn." Mrs. Chas. Dexter gave a reading, "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled," Mrs. P. Lindsay gave a ,splendid, message on the 16th . verse of St. John, 3rd chapter. The meeting elos- eel with hymn. 298. i Mr. Reg. Lawson accompanied by Miss Doris Lawson of London spent the weekend at Chatham visiting Mrs. and Mrs. John E. Busby and Shirley. Don't forget the Christmas, Concert to be held in the school on Monday evening, Dec. 22. 1 Mr. MacDonald of London spent the weekend with his daughter Mrs. Ern- est Adams and Mr. Adams and family. For Rent Garage for rent. Apply to Mrs. •Robert Webster, Victoria Street, Clin- ton. 70-1 For Rent Brick house on Princess street. All modern conveniences. Possession at once. Apply to E. Ward, Huron street, phone 155, Clinton. 641f. Hunters and Trappers Take Notice M am in the fur buying business again this year; highest market pric- es paid for all kinds of raw furs. No shipment too large 'or too small for me to handle. Norman East, R.R. No. 1, Clinton. 66tf Wanted Old horses and cattle for nminlc feed. If dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone. 007_1.5 or Lloyd Batldn 619r14.