HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-12-18, Page 4PAGE
THURS., DEC. 18, 1941
Santa,� t
You will be able to sel.ct Gifts for all the Family
A. T 000PE. .
Phone: 36w..Malt: Store, 361 Second .Floor
rwem rani ranth:7;'"`d"r 7` r�1r9 is'' i97 iar3r rar2irsi2r2,0taint -S, PaParOY=s1pY3."
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FOR HIM—Shaving accessories, Razors, Colognes, Brushes, Cigars,
Tobaccos Cigarettes, and Bill Folds.
FOR HER—Brush Comb and Mirror Sets, Cosmetics and Toilet
Sets, Perin/vies, Toilet Waters, Compacts.
P �
S. 11. NU ES
„.. ..s.,^a,-..g..was'4rsa;;<^J.r7 :3k'Yn.ndv:w iJdnti3'farn a, 7ssz:r7caiai:3:'Stnairsr2'f2i'2Frii27TMtn•'t`rii`2ia7'+A'S
zs.s. Starr
•cmatat .rsaatvfitx t„'zetCreai6ietetwmagniE:zySittsta:e'misistsiz',etm..mas aKosv
Christmas Suggestions for the Men 11
combination and two niece.*
GLOVES—Lined or unlined, pool Gloves, white, green blue and
Khaki Shirts for the Army — Silver Grey Shirts for Airforce
Ties; Sweaters; Reaclymadie Suits and Overcoats; Spats; Sweat
Shirts: Work Pants and Overalls.
CUSTOM TAILORS — Be Measured by a Tailor.
$tla:nora r viterimizmfa gOrrr?a 3'rh.Rmt2rhMar2t 1hunmiamri arTomriai2l2rarmainominn2 .
6p41s-lesiestee.:+,eta snsessseses et ;• vsisiiee ssiel;ese istS arsty&+BtEtsysmeszszeseetensiztseete kt 3
1O% Cash Discount On Air
We have a full line of all Sporting Equipment
Come in and look over our stock before you buy.
Headquarters For All Sporting Goods
Ontario Street Church
Christmas S'und'ay
Prelude—Organ and Piano, "Christ-
mas Carols,
Hymn"Hark the Herald Angels
Anthem --Worship Christ The New
Borer King.
Offertory -"Away in a Manger."
Solo—The Birthday of a King, Mrs.
B. Kearns.
Quartette- "The Morning Stars.
Sang Together", . Miss Wiltse and
Gibbings, Messrs Pearson and
Childben's II•ymn' -"The Stars in
the Bright Sky". "
Sermon—Rev. G. G. Burton ,"Glad
Tidings to A11 Mankind."
Dedication of "The Plates of Offer-
ing" in memory of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Welsh by the family.
Hymn—"While Shepherds Watch
Their Flocks." I'
Postlude—And the Glory of the
Lord—Handel, Miss Elva Wiltse
pianist, Mrs. Edward Wendorf
organist. ' 11 .,1
Prelude—Organ and Piano, "Angels
Hymn—"0 Come All Ye Faithful".
Anthem --"Thor, dids't leave Thy
Throne." w ti i
Offertory—"Silent light.
Duet --"The Star and the Song",
Miss Wiltse and Miss Gibbings,
Ladies Chorus—f'The Wondrous
Story", with solo and obligate
duet by Lois Kearns and Florence
Hymn—!'Silent blight."
Sermon—Flight-Lien,t. C. C. Mur-
ray, Chaplain of the Radio. School
No. 31, R.A.F. will be our guest
Hymn—"The First Nowell."
Postlude—"God rest youu Me
Wesley-Wrliis Church
Organ Prelude — Pastorale Symp-
Processional 47 .
Confession and Lord's Prayer.
Hymn of Praise 55
Psalm and Gloria, 753.
Scripture Reading Lk. 2:8-20.
not apply to trustees of union school
sections. Engineers Ludgate wrote
hie acceptance of resolution of council
approving of taking of gravel from
Councillor Ga. 0. Ginn's pit. War
Memorial Childrens Hospital asked a
grant, filed.
The collector was instructed to con-
tinue to collect any unpaid taxes.
The ratepayers meeting to take the 30 at the home of Mrs. N. Miller.
place of Nomination win be held in the
1st, Mrs. W, M. Nediger.
Thanksgiving and Intercession.
Offertory—Sanctuary of the Heart.
Solo— Starry. Beams -- Brahm,
Sergi. Robins'oa. ,
Hymn of Praise, 65.
Sermon—The Birthday of The King.
Recessional '59,
Organ Postlude—Festival Postlucle:
Organ Prelude—Carillon du Soir.
Processional, 64.
Hymn of Praise, 48.
Scripture Reacting. Lk. 1:46-55,67-79
Anthem: It came upon a Midnight
Clear, obligate, Mrs. W, M. Ned-
Offertory— Jesu, Joy of Man's
Anthem --The First Christmas:
Hymn of Praise, 58. !
Sermon—"Songs at The Saviour's
Recessional, 50.
Anthem— Shepherd Abiding—solo Organ Postlude—•Christmas March.
Red Shield
Mrs, Frank Mutch's home was the
scene of our meeting last Tuesday.
The attendance amounted to 30. Bus -
tress was 'eland ueteell in orderly fashion
and important details were discussed,
Due to the Christmas activities, it
was decided to postpone our meeting
next week and begin again on Dec.
esting.— The suit.- Mr. Stewart of -
hall in Holmesville on Monday, Dec. Packing dry will be held at Mrs'
Churchill's residence on Jan, 6, 1942.
29, at 1.30 pan,We received a donation of baby's
Mr. D. GIidklon Sr. who has been layettes and two flannelette sheets
School Attendance Officer since it from the Londono Road Group. Mrs.
was compulsory to have such gave R Fitzsimons ;brought 3n two child
notice that he will be not able to ten's coats. The Red Shield apprec-
carry on the duties any monger• rates the considerations of its friends.
Accounts paid: L. K, Cardiff grant ; Other articles brought in were: 12 prs,
to plowunens associations $15.00;
mer Potter use of EI- church shed !sacks'' 1. swealai' 2 pairs bloomers; 1
$10.00 :A. F. Samersall Clerk, Bali- quilt 1 per: booties; 1 suit pyjamas.
iff Godorielt court $19,50; D. Glid-'The members' subscriptions amounted
don, School Attendance Officer $20; to $2.76. (Members please note the
A. H. Erskine, County Treas., collect- j Bates and plans for the future meet-
ing arrears 37.12; Municipal World, IinAlong with our thanks to all our
supplies $125.00; H. Sturdy, collector friends who have helped us this year,,
salary $100.00 Reeve and Council- the Red Shield wishes you all the
dors service to the Board, 130.00; R. „
beG. Thompson postage and supplies'theSt NofeweYexything for Christmas and'
12.65 and census to the Public andar
Separate` School inspectors $2.50;
Mrs• L. DeBeau hall rent $60.00;
Chas, A. Whitely postage 35.58.
The Clerk was instructed to notify
the County Treasurer to write off the
Lloyd property, this now being owned
by the Township. Council then ad-
journed to meet the second Monday in
January as per statue..
The annual Christmas tree and en-
tertainment of St. James t0huirdll,
(Middleton) will be held on Monday
evening, Dee. 22nd, at eight o'clock,
',Everybody is welcome.
Wesley -Willis W.M.S. I Roll call was responded to by a verse Deleted. Mr. Clark read the scrip -
of S erioture containing the word tore lesson. Mrs. F. Tamblyn gave
Wesley -Willis W.M•S'. met Thurs- "Refuge". The slate of officers for
the Christmasve little
Jew -
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. E.
Paterson, with the president, Mrs. 1942 was read by Mrs. F. Tamblyn. ' els'' Five little girls, Marie Menz-
but have not as yet been completed.' res, Helen Ball, Francis' and Vera
Chowen in the chair and Mrs. Hearn The reports of the several d'epartmeit- !Lyon and Gail Manning sang, "Marys
at the iano. The by the meeting
ngt follow -peed is of the W.M.S. were given. The al- ' ',wonder child." Four young boys. took
withlocation of the W.M.S. Auxiliary have up the offering. In presenting the
ed by a hymn and the Lord's Prayer been fully met. The president of the White Gifts, tha younger children
in unison. The sec. and treas. reports Mission Circle reported good work be- marched the frtn d Iaid'
were read and approved. The supply ing done and have gone ove't-the top• their iftsto in thepIatcraod]e whichanwas'
sec., Mrs. Sutter reported. a bale pack- , g
ed for the west. Mrs. Piekard repot- with their allocation. The Mission draped in white with a babe, therein,
ted several calls made on the sick. Band has fallen down somewhat in a symbol of the Christ Child. Many
Mrs. Seeley read an article on temper- several ways. The Baby Band press- , were the gifts from the several alas-
The reads of the nominating dent, Mrs. R. Shaddick did, extra well,'ses, they being sent to various places.
committee was read by Mrs. McGill, having made two little children, life The children in Britain were not for -
The new slate of officers are as fol- members, James Carter and Charles gotten. The pastor, Rev. Menzies,'
Johnston. A. hearty vote of thanks spoke to the Sunday School, his top -
lows: was given Mrs. J. P. Manning
Past. Pres.: Piekard � the re- is being the Christmas Star, the ser -
President: Mrs Mrs. G. Chowen tiring president. All being very sor- vice throughout was quite impressive
lst Vice: Mrs. Addison Ty she cannot continue with ns, but and in keeping with the Christmas
2nd Vice: Mrs. McGill ! now as her home is in Clinton it spirit. During the service the in -
3rd Vice: Mrs. Fingland ' seems impossible to do so. Mrs. Man- font son of Mr, and Mrs. N. Alexan-
4th Vice: Miss L. Brigham ning thanked the Auxiliary for their der, Robert David, was baptized,
Rec. and Corres. See.: Mrs. A. T. appreciation remarking that When
bussLorides- Mrs. Leonard Yungblutt of Niagara
Cooper bore still is home to her. When buss-
Treas,: Mrs. Sutter ness was concluded the •meeting was spent the weekend at rho home of his
Missionary Mon. Sec.: Mrs. Watt taken over by Miss Turk and No. 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Yungblutt.
1 group. Miss Thelma Scott of Toronto spent
Christian Stewardship: Mrs. Pater- the weekend at the hone of her par-
son 1 As this was the Christmas meeting ants, Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott, Londes-
Work Convenor, Mrs. Saville the program was in the form of a boro, having come home for a short
Temperance, Mrs. A. Seeley and Canadian Friendship Carol Service, visit with her brother Sig. R. K.
Mrs. Corless with Mrs. Geo. McVittie at the piano. Scott of the R.C.N.
Community Friendship: Mrs. Pick- Miss Kirk read the can to worship Mrs, Ella Woolvin and son Doug,
and and was: responded to by all singing, of Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. R.
Supply: Mrs. VanHorne "Conte and Worship,' "Christ the Beaconie of Goclerich spent Sunday
Mission Band: Mrs. Britton New Born King," "Hymn Angels from at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott,
Baby Band: Mrs. Wilfred Jervis the realms of Gory," was sung follow- Londesboro,
and. Mrs. J. Nediger ed• by prayer by Miss Kirk. Psalm Sig. R. K. Scott returned to his
Pianist: Mrs. Hearn 747 was repeated in unison. This was naval station on Tuesday after spend -
Press Sec.: Mrs. Jefferson ' followed by the candle service. A ing a fourteen day leave with his
Mrs Addison then took the chair table on the platform with 6 white parents Mr. and Mrs, John Scott.
for the devotional period. A Christ- candles in brass 'holders and a brass----V---
inas Carol was Slug arid: Mrs. Addison bowl for the offering made en a Wee -
in Brayer, Mrs. Addison also re- tive setting and as each one who took
cited one of Edgar Guest's poems. part went forward and lit her candle
Mrs. VanItorne react the scripture les- explaining the Nationality for which
son. A duet by Mrs. Paterson and it was lit; and for friendship throe 1
K-zwAaraar2buatut,ADt :2rat 3ieY;3tm-D mu'tnrsrnrhrat- amvmtttm2ttmxz aaomi` y
VARNATemperance: Bertha Diehl
The December meeting of the W . I Organist: Mrs. Lee McConnell, Mrs.
M.S. was held at the parsonage with W. Reid
all the ladies of the congregation in- Mission Band: Jolene Stephenson,
vited, The meeting opened with the Rachel Johnston, Jean Reid.
call. to worship from. the Monthly The National Anthem was sung
and singing Angels from the Realm and Mrs. McClyenont closed with
of Glory. The prayer from the Mon- prayer. A .social hour was spent and
tidy and the Magnificent from Hym- a vote of thanks was tendered the
nary were read. The Christmas ser- hostess, Miss Herrn.
vice from the Monthly was followed ' We are sorry to report that Mrs.
throughout with readings from Mrs. Geo. Clarke, who was taken to Clin-
Geo. Reid, Mrs. W. Johnston, Mrs.' ton Hospital is still quite low.
Wm. Reid, Mrs. G. Johnston, Bertha! We are pleased to report that Miss
Diehl, and Mrs. D. Stephenson, These Carnochan has recovered sufficently to
were alternated by singing one ver- ;be .able to leave the hospital, and is at
se from several Christmas hymns. present at her uncles, home, Mr. Scott.
The Vkranian, India and Negro car- ; The annual meeting of the W.A. of
cls were read. A. prayer was read in St. Johns Anglican Church was held
unison. Fifteen members answered at the home of Mrs.. M. G. Beatty on
roll call with a Christmas thought, Wednesday evening last. The old of -
It was decided to send cards to shut- fivers were re-elected' as follows:
ins as usual. Mrs. McGiymont sang
a solo. Mrs. Will Reid gave her re-.
port from Constance, Miss Herm sang
"His eye is on the Sparrow." Miss
Hecrt then took charge of •election of
officers which resulted as follows:
Pres. Mrs. S. Keyes
1st Vice: Mrs. 0• Johnston
2nd Vice: Mrs. W. Johnston
3rd Vice: Mrs. N. McConnell
Secretary: Mrs. Fred Reid -
Corr. Sec.: Mrs. W. Webster
Press: Seo.: Mrs. F. Reid
Strangers Sec.: Mrs. McClymont
Supply and Liter:: Mrs. Geo. Reid
,Assoc. Helpers: Mrs. B. Rathwell,
Mrs. D. Stephenson, Mrs. W. Reid.
Miss. Monthly: Violet McClymont
• C. "Stkward'ship: Me's. D. Stephen-
son : -1 1
Baby Bandl: Bertha Diehl
Ass't: Mrs. A. McConnell
President; Mrs. M. Reid
Vice tires.: Mrs. H .Deihl
Secretary: Mrs. M. Elliott
Treasurer: Miss E. E. Mossop.
On the following Monday two bales
of new and second hand clothing were
packed and sent to London to be re-
packed and sent for Western relief.
A double shower was held in the
Township Hall one. night last week
.in honor of the Rathwell brothers
On Thursday, the December meet-
ing •of the W.A. was held in the base-
Miss Newman was well received. The out the world. Mrs, Hall Mrs. gV, ment of the church. Election of of -
Study book, was taken by Mrs. Pat- Brundson, Mrs, G. $art, M
Mrs. J .P, fivers for the coming year made very
erson. Another Christmas Carol was Manning, Mrs. Margaret Manning foe changes. Mrs. John Harris,
sung. God Save the Icing and the and Mts. A. Webster lighted the can- ip sedent for the past four or five
Mizpah benediction brought the nreet- dies in turn. A Christmas Carol was' years wwished to be relieved of her of -
in to a close. The hostess then ser- five. Mrs• .Milton Woods was elected
>; sung between each and Miss 'Civic read `president in her place, Alt the other.
vecl refreshments and a social half the messages. The Carols which were ,officers' remaining for another term
hour enjoyed. V sung were: A French Carol, `0 Come Other business was discussed. A
' All Ye Faithful;" A Polish Carol, :,quilt was then put in the frames and
"Infant Holy;" a Ukrainian Carol, and Ruilting done• Lunch was served,
Harvey Nott Highly a Canadian Indian Corot, was read
Honoured by Mrs. Wm Lon; a German Carol, On Friday evening the verChry well
"Away in a Manger". concert at S.S. No .5 was very well
On Thursday evening last, the g' ; an old. English 'attended. Misch credit is clue Miss
friends and neighbors of Harvey Carol The first Newall;" a negro Dorothy Stirling, teacher; and her
Dort, son of Mr. and, Mrs• Bernard Carol, Here's a Star on Christmas pupils who put on a splendid program,
Nott of the second concession Hut- Morn' was sung by. Mrs. Menzies.; a We are sorry to sec Miss Stirling
lett, assembled at the school -house of Genad]an Carol, Gentle Mary laid leave as she has taken a deep inter-
S.S. No. 1 1•Iullett to pass a pleasant inert' babe,"followed by prayer by est in the 'children. We wish her
evening with him before his depart- Miss Kirk. Mrs. W, Lyon read the touch happiness in her new home.
are. Harvey is, a writer in the navy. Scripture portion, Matt. 2-1-11. Dur-. Another teacher has not been secured
Bert Irwin was appointed as chair-;ing the offering petted soft music yet;
Oran and: a short impromptu program, was rendered while the. Auxiliary
was arranged, consisting of coentnuni_ , walked to the platforms and, placed 1 The sympathy of the community
ty singing, musisal numbers, duets, their gifts, in the bowl while the can- goes out to Mrs. Eldred Yeo and fatn-
iecitation, etc. , dies shed their soft light, The pro- sly in this very trying hour, the sud-
i gram "Our Best Gift—Love" was con- den passing of her husband,
The following local talent taking ttnued. Star of the East, was sung Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Betties returned
part, Elmer Dale, Marie Holland, Mr. by Mrs. W. Bruhdson•, Mrs. W. Lyon Saturday from their honeymoon.
Friends on the 6th con., of Gode-
rieh, are sorry, to hear of the illness
of Mr. Valentine Fisher. Mr. and Mrs.
At the conclusion of the program, group No. 1. Mrs. Brund'son thanked Fisher spent several happy years in
Harvey was asked, to 'come forward the Group in a Eery well chosen words, I this community. We hope he will
and Wm. Holland with a few well Lord of the Land's was sung and soon be well again.
Christmas Services will be held in
Brumfield United Church next Sun-
day morning and evening. There
will be special music by the choir at
both services. The usual presentation
of White Gifts will be made at the
morning service.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler and
son, Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Wheeler
and daughter of Detroit spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wheel -
and Mrs. F. Fowler, Mrs. N. Holland', and Mrs. M. Manning, this was fol
Mrs. Bert Irwin, Mr. and Mrs, Elgin lowed by the presenting to Mrs. W.
Nott, Bobby Irwin, Noble Holland. Brundson of a Life Certificate, by
chosen words presented him with a meeting closed by Miss: Kirk repeat -
"Vacuum Automatic Parker Pen and ing the Benediction. { n t' f~
Pencil Set." J . �D R?( TOWNSHIPMr. and Mrs, James Fairserviee
Harvey responded, expressing
his celebrated: their, forty-fou'th anniver- Mr. and Mrs. W. M bav of Varna
heart felt thanks an appreciation for sary quietly at their home on S'at., and Mr. and Mrs. Roobert Sterling
their good wishes and thoughtfulness, Dec. Lith. May they spend many Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L''d'-
allowing that mother would not ex- I more years. together is the wish of gar Rothwell•
cure him now if she did not receive I many
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh spent
her regular letter. Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. E. J. Wel-
The Annual Christmas Tree enter -
After singing "He's a Jolly Good sh, Jan.
tainment of the Sunda School will
Fellow" the National Anthem was be held on Monday, Dec. 22 in the 1 Mrs. Jack Clufi and baby daughter
sung, and all dispersed extending the church basement. have returned home from .Clinton
hand of "Farewell" and wishing Har- 1 NextSabbathis the Sunday before Community Hospital.
d) 1 wd d d vey, safety, good luck and success in Christmas i a serythe 1' f Council Meeting
ywe 5 a arge cro an goo ee m to me
time was reported,. his work. Christmas will be given, the choir will Council met in Holmesvtlde on• Mon
'render a beautiful Christmas Canta- ' day, Dec.15. Mr. L. E. Cardiff M.P.
The following cash donations have as of North Huron
peen handed. in to add to the blanket LONDESBORO;. t'' as
secretary Association thehon orked for a
fund: Mrs. J. W. Johnston $2.00; Mrs. I The White Gift S h Plowmen's to he] $15 io given.
and Mis $2.00; Mrs. 32 0; The W.M.S. last
err go. meeting hold on Sunda morning was well at- I grant,
y g Canadian Mother Craft for r ,
Jr.Rd and Miss E. E. Mossop $2.00; do Thursday lest with a • Jed siran- tended .considering the stormy tray no action.
Jr. Red Cron 12.00.. dance. The president, Mrs. J. P. Man -
Letters received from our boys or- fling presiding; meeting opened by ;with snow failing fast. The choir
was' The Bureate of Municipal Affairs
3 made, up of young Suri'day School re local government extension art
erseas streak ;very highly of the hos- singing. the National Anthem, follow- scholars, while Grant SSpeil, Eddy Me' that Telephone Commissioners and
pitality which they are receiving. Let ed by the Lo'reit's Prayer 'repeated in Nall and Jack Webster with their I trustees of rural •schools shall remain
,us extend the samela courtesy to the tuheson. The ,mMisss were read by violins made the service more inter- in office for one year more ,this does
��strangers in our land. the secretary, F. Jamieson.
S hole' their D t' i Service which was grant, ls> was g .
Conte, Come, we are waiting for
those papers you promised to bring in.
Mr. and Mrs' Wm. Simpson of De- available to all local officers which in
troit visited Mr. C. D. Simpson en turn will make it available to employ -
Saturday. ers and employees upon request.
Mrs. Abe, Zapfe spent the weekend Nearly 100 Local Employment and
in London with Pte. Abe• Zapfe, who Claims Offices are now operating
is in Westminster Hospital• across Canada, and these are the ag-
We wish to express sincere sym- envies which co-ordinate the work of
pithy to Mr. Wm. Henry in the clelth the insurance side and the Employ -
of his wife who passed away on Fri- ment Service side of the Unemploy-
llay morning. inent Insurance Act.
Rev. and Mrs. Atkinson spent Sat- These offices have a triple function
urday in Hamilton. to perform. They will try to help
Pte. Jas McCully and Carlyle Corn- 1 workers obtain employment for
ish of Hamilton spent the weekend at which they are fitted. They will try
their homes here. , (continued on page 5)
Unemployment Insurance
Employment facilities of the Em-
ployment and claims Office which has
been opened in Stratford, by the Un-
empI•oyment Insurance Commission
are available and; free to all workers
and employers whether they are in
insurable classes or not. This infor-
mation was given out today by Mr.
R. N. Watt, Manager, who said that
any empoyed worked', man or wom-
an, may come to the office where an
interviewer will take a record' of the
applicant's w rk
o capabilities and ex-
xperience. With bhis material at hand
te .officials of the Office will do their
utmost to find the person a suitable
Employers are also invited to snake
use of the employment placement fac-
ilities of the Employment and Claims
Office. They will be given every as-
sistance in supplying their needs for
Because of its nation-wide set-up
the Employment Service of the Un-
employment Insurance Commission is
able to collect information concern-
ing job opportunities and job place-
ments. This information is made
is ss trcctory
Buy at home where your dollars go just as far, condi-
tions for shopping in Clinton are ideal, you can get just as
good products here as anywhere.
You make your money in this district, why not spend
it here?
The advertisers are your servants, they are here in bus
ness for your benefit. Why not show your appreciation
by patronizing them. Thank you
Big Fluffy Chicks that Live and
Government Approved
Monarch and Cafeteria Feeds
R. L. Jervis
Clinton, Ontario
can supply you with wood, lumber,
glass, cement, lime and other bnild-
ing supplies at lowest prices.
A Call will convince you
Phone 319w or 319J
B. Huller, Mgr.
Refrigerators and Radios
We meet or better any price you tan
get elsewhere
The Clinton Bicycles and Sporting
Goods Sales Shop
Ellwood Epps, Prop.
Expert Pernmanent, Waving
'Scalp Treatments our Speciality
Phone 223 for approintments.
Sells, Wood, Coal, Cement, ,Shingles,
lumber and at Lowest Prices
Phone '74 and let us convince you
"Service and Quality" our motto
5 to 1.00 Store
We Stock everything in small wares.
Stop in and be convinced
Phone 140
Victoria Street
For complete Motor Tune-ups
Generators and aitarters Exchanged
Carburetors, Batteries
Brakes Re-Iined and Adjusted
Wrecker Service
W. D. (Bill) Wells, Prop.
Phone 349, Clinton
for complete lubrication, gas and oil
Plymouth & Chrysler Cars
Carl in and look over OUT Used Cars
Agents for Goodyear Tires •
Phone 5 No. 8 Highwax