HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-12-18, Page 1The Minton
The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878
NO. 6071 -62ND YEAR
With Which
is Incorporated The Clinton New Era
The New Era Est. 1867,
1Vlake a 1Vlerry Christmas
With Gifts from Helly�ar's
Te elery Store
A Large Stook of
In most eases the prices of 1940 prevail. Save money by buy-
ing from
Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone
atalF2fD:NWX..Mbl?t9h;9tl1i'iara7- iaswtebira+areraranNararararrm
Say It With Somethimg
She Is Sure To Appreciate:
Are You Needing a Few More
Christmas Cards? Buy Them
Here -- 5c Cards Clearing at IRWIN
rr2sa:ntat9 zg 97b'afaD m-Drp-atm ar2+bt2r9 Duro`; r9uva– :
pemtc--tett;tvmszta'V„"m--tett -ta.octete' z tetvGumegic-i vorte to `umie t$te', t..ttyel
See the Bulova "Patricia," "Priscilla" or "God
less of Time,rn for Her, and everybody knows the
goodwatch for Him.
is a
Banker or Senator
1 va
Choose one of the beautiful new Community, or
4,47 7 ',Rogers Bros. special 44 piece service folr• 8
Chests at the low price of $49.75. A Gift'that will
last a lifetime. 1
We have a complete stock of lovely Bluebird
Diamond engagement rings.
This Christmas give Her a Locket from ollr
stock of new and lovely creations. Its a gift that is
sure to please. Bracelets, Compacts or Pearls are
other suggestions.
Also a good stock of Dresser Sets, and Brushes
.and fitted cases for Men.
Many useful Gifts for men in uniform. Colne in'
and we will be glad to assist you.
Remember Watch Repair is a Job for Experts.
Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction.
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century in Huron County.
Re: Russian Appeal for $500,000—
Ontario reports only $25,000 to date- .'
every cent subscribed Will go directly
toRussia in the form of medical supe
plies without any deductions of any
'sort. While the response to this .ap-'
peal has been goodin certain areas,
generally speaking the results have
been disappointing. Quick action is
necessary ---the need hourly becomes
more urgent. 1 '' e
We are most grateful for the fol-
lowing donations:
Evening Auxiliary: $25.00.
Miss M. Wiltse $2.00.
St Paul's Guild: $5.00.
As a result of our handkerchief
shower for British civilians, we were
able to send forward this week, 64
men's handkerchiefs; 80 women's
handkerchiefsand 15 for children.
We also wish to thank the Evening
Auxiliary for their dontation of $5.00 t
for handkerchiefs.
The society gratefully aeknowled-1
ges $5.00 from Miss F. Cuninghame
for blankets for Britain.
C.C.I. Hold Successful
Christmas Dance
The Junior Red Cross Society of the
Clinton Collegiate Institute held their
Annual Christmas dance last Monday
evening in the auditorium, and it was
voted their most successful yet. Up-
ward of Sixty Dollars being realized.
Artistically arranged cedar boughs
and streamers of red and green and
two cedar trees were the decorations,
and music was by Willis Tipping and
his orchestra from Kitchener.
Miss Pasel of the teaching staff had
charge of the refreshment booth lo-
cated• in the home economics depart-
ment; Miss Brown, also of the staff,
superintended the decorations and Mr.
R. Kendall was responsible for engag-
ing the music.
Blyth Couple Celebrate
Golden Wedding
On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. James
Collison, Quseh street, Blyth, celebra-
ted their fiftieth wedding anniversary
when large numbers of their friends
end neighbors called to •offer congra-
tulations. While they are both oeto-
genariaus they enjoy good health.
They are both members of United
Church, Blyth, and attend when heal-
th and weather permits.
Mr. Collison was born in Melton
while Mrs. Collisonthe former Rach-
el Hazelwood, was born in Goderieh
Township. Their marriage took place
in Londesboro fifty years ago and
the ceremony was performed by Rev,
Mrs. Ferguson, then a resident mini-
ster of Londesboro.
The Statutory meeting of Council
was held in the Council Chamber on
Monday evening at 8 o'clock. ' A11
members were present with the ex-
ception of Councillor Churchill, Mayor
McMurray as chairman.
The Tax Collector's list ofunpaid
taxes for 1941, amounting to 4,905.47,
was read and approved. Grand total of
arrears of taxes, with penalty, to date
stands at $7,943.45. Grand total of
taxes collected', Jan. let to Dec. 15th,
1941, $34,562.52,
The Treasurer read the statement
.of Receipts and Expenditures for the
year Jan. let to December 15th, 1941,
showing a balance in'the bank at this
date of $10,004.00.
A deputation from the Clinton
Lions Club was present, concerning
the Institute for the Blind.
Moved by Reeve Trewartha, s=econd-
ed by Councillor Agnew, That the
Clinton Lions Club .be permitted to
hold a Tag Day Saturday, December
20th, for the benefit of the Institute
.for the Blind. Carried.
After consideration of probable re-
ceipts and expenditures from this
date to December 31st, the matter of
Sinking Fund Surplus was referred
to and briefly discussed.
Moved by Councillor Walker, see-.
otded by Councillor Elliott, That
Council authorize the Finance Com-
mittee to transfer a sum not to ex-
ceed $2,500 from the Surplus of the
Sinking Fund to the General Account.
Carried. ! 1
Moved by Councillor Falconer:, sec-
onded by Reeve Trewartha, That the
Mayor proclaim Ded, 26th, Boxing
Day, a Civic holiday. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Agnew, secon-
ded by Councillor Elliott, That an
overcoat be purchased for the Chief
of Police. Carried.
Certain members of Council stated
their intentions of allowing their
names to go before the Electors at
the Nomination for. Municipal offices
en Dec. 29th.
Councillor Falconer moved the ad -
jou nment, to meet again 'in regular
Session January 6th, 1942. This was
approved by all members present -
Post Office Notes
Postmaster Counter advises that on
account of ti
d - increased amount of
work at the ?est Office during the
holiday season any work in connect-
ion with National Registration must
be done in the morning hours.
He also askii, who post large
nummbers of Christmas card's at one
time. to kind]assist him and hie
hard worked
by putting an elas-
tic around th inor tying them to-
gether. 'i
You may also post your cards at
the office any time now and they will
be :sent out on the date'sot by you,
Young People Gather
The Huron Deanery Anglican
Young Peoples Association met in
St. Paul's church en Wednesday
evening, but �wig to the hazardous
conditions of the roads a small rep-
resentation of the parishes was reg-
istered. The president, Harold Shore
of Goderich, was in charge. Because
of the limited representation, only
minor deanery matters were discus-
sed. After the business session a
social half hour was spent and the
local A.Y.P.A; served lunch.
Ladies To .Assist At
Recreation Room
Below is a list of ladies from the
Legion Aux. who are expected to be
present on each Monday evening in
the Recreation Room. Will these lad-
ies please be responsible for their
Mon,. Dec. 22: Mrs. Counter, Mrs.
Monday, Dee. 29: Mrs. Heard, Mrs.
Monday, Jan. 5: Mrs. McTaggart,
Miss 'D. Shaw.
Monday, Jan. 12: Regular meeting
of Auxiliary.
Monday, Jan. 19: Mrs. Combe, Mrs.
T. Fremlin.
Monday, Ian. 26: Mrs, Hanley, Mrs.
Monday, Feb, 2: Mrs. McIntyre,
Mrs. 1•Iaddy
Manday, Veli. 9: Regular meeting
of Auxiliary.
Monday, Feb, 16: Mrs. Cooper, Mrs
Monday; F'eb. 23: Mrs. Miller, Mrs,
Monday, Mar. 2: Mrs, McDonaId,
Mrs. Carter.
Monday, Mar. 9: Regular meeting
of Auxiliary,
Monday, Mar. 16: Mrs, Sheddock,
Mrs. Snell,
Monday, Mar, 23: Mrs. Cornish,
Mrs. Wilson.
Monday, Mar. 30: Mrs. Leppington,
Mrs. Butler.
Monday, April 6: Mrs. Thompson,
Mrs. Shaw.
Monday, April 13: Regular meeting-
eetingof Auxiliary,
O.ILA, Group Schedule
Drawn Up
Clinton and Waterloo will get the
opening games in the four -town in-
termediate hockey groupcomposed of
Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth and Wat-
erloo, Goderich will play at Clinton
and Seaforth Beavers at Waterloo in
the openers, which will be held on
January 2.
Representatives of the four teams
suet in Stratford, Friday night and
drafted the sched=ule, with L. G.
Young of Goderich, the group con-
Nener, presiding. ClintonSts. official
representative was Grant Rath; Wat-
erloo, L. Cotey; Seaforth, L Dale and
R. McFaddin; Goderich, B. Murnie
and G. Smith. The names of club 'sec-
retaries were announced by Mr.
Young: Goderich, J. H, Lauder; Clin.-
ton, G. M. Lawson; Seaforth, J .A.
Willis; Waterloo, J. S. Raymond,
Three teams will take part in the
play-offs, with the team which finish-
es on top in the regular schedule
having the choice of meeting the
third team in the first round of the
playoffs or accepting a bye. The
first round will be a two -game affair,
with goals to count. • The group final
will be a. three -of -five series.
Following is the 'schedule which
was drafted:
Jan. 2—Goderich -at CLINTON,
Seaforth at Waterloo.
Jan, 6—Waterloo at Goderich,
CLINTON at Seaforth. .
Jan. 9 --Seaforth. at. CLINTON,
Goderich at Waterloo.
Jan. 1.2--CLINTON at Goderich.
Jan. 13—Waterloo at Seaforth.
Jan. 10—Seaforth at Goderich,
CLINTON at Waterloo.
Jan. 20—Goderich at Seaforth,
Waterloo at CLINTON.
Jan.. 28—Seaforth at Waterloo,
Goderich at CLINTON. '
Jan. 27--OLIN'r.ON at S'eaferthi
Waterloo at Goderich.
Jan. 30—CLINTON at Waterloo,
Goderich at Seaforth,
Feb 3—Goderich at Waterloo, Sea -
forth at CLINTON,
Feb. 6—Seafo(-th at Goderich,
Waterloo- at CLINTON.
Feb. 9--•CLINTON at Goderieh.
Feb. 10—Waterloo at Seaforth.
Engagements Announced
Mr. and Mrs. H. Morrell of Sum-
eerhill announce the engagement -of
their eldest daughter, Isobel•Margar-
et Louise to Gordon Emmerso Troy-
er, only son of Mrs. S G. Troyer of
Hensall and the late Mr. Troyer. The
marriage to take place the latter part
of December, in St. Clair United
church, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs: Alvin Fletcher, Clin-
ton, announce the engagement of
their daughter, Enna Mildred, to Air-
craftsman John Albert Bourne, of the
Royal Air Force, Fort Albert. The
marriage will take place quietly this
Mr, and Mrs. William E. Rozeii
wish to announce the engagement of
hJune Adair,
their second daughter, , to
Corporal Jack Vernon Grindon, Royal
Air Force, No. 31 Radio S'ohoal, Clim
ton. The marriage will take place the
latter part of this month..
Clinton Orangemen Install
Officers for 1942 for Murphy L.O.L.
No..710, were installed, at a regular
meeting of the Lodge. The next re-
gular meeting of the lodge has been
cancelled therefore they will not meet
again till January 8th. At the -euchre
party held in the rooms Last Friday
night the prize winners were: ladies
first Mrs. Geo. Carter; ladies second,
Miss Clara Harrison, gents first, Tom
Riley; gents second, E. Cooper. Ten
dollars was cleared and has been for-
warded to the L.O.L. Orphanage
'Fund in Toronto. The new executive
is composed of:
W.M.: Charles Nelson
D.M.: James Turner
Chap.: D. Cornish
Rec. Secs N. Sly
Fin. Sec,: H. Crich
Treas.: H. Watkins
Marshall: D. L. Cook
lst Leet.: T. Deeves
2nd Leet,: W. Vanderburgh
ist Conan. W. Tyndall
2nd Gomm.: Jas. Elliott
3rd Comm.: M. Crich
4th Comm.: N. Livermore
5th Comm.: T. R. Jenkins
Tyler: W. Cook.
The annual meeting of the Ontario
Street United church . Wonen.'s Miss-
ionary Society was held on Tuesday
afternoon. The president, Mrs. Bur-
ton presided, and. Mrs. Milton Wiltse
had charge of the worship service.
The roll call was answered by a Chris-
tmas message.
Mrs. Geo. Shipley, convenor of the
nominating committee presented the
following slate of officers for 1942:
President, Mrs. M. Aiken; 1st, vice,
Mrs, G: Shipley, 2nd vice, Mrs. B. J.
,Gibbings; 8rd vice, Mrs. E. Kennedy;
4th vice, Mrs. W. S. R, Holmes; rec.
secretary, Mrs. G. Wheatley; treas.,
Mrs. Wes. Stevens; corr. secretary,
Miss Rena Pickett; Christian Stew-
ardship and Finance, Mac. Milton Wil-
tse; associate helpers and mite box
secretary, Mrs R. Webster; communi-
ty, friendship, Mrs. C. Jervis; Temper-
ance, Mrs. Sly; Supply, Mrs. John
Crich; Expense Fund, Mrs. Mittel].;
Misison Band Leaders, Miss Elva Wil-
tse, Mrs. Maltby; Literature see., Mrs.
M. Batkin; Missionary monthly, Mrs.
G. G. Burton; Pianists, Mrs. E. Wen-
dorf, Mrs. B. J. Gibbings; Baby Band,
Miss M. Wiltse, Mrs. Farnham.
A. hearty vote of thaanks was ten-
dered the retiring president Mrs. G.
G. Burton. A temperance reading
was given by Mrs. Hawke. The Study
book feattv-ed the life of Rev. Oliver
-Jackson. Those taking part were
Miss Wiltse, Mrs, Farnham, Mrs.
Kennedy and Mrs. G. Shipley.
Children Flock To Greet
Santa Claus
Real wintery weather en Saturday
last, made it ideal for greeting Santa
Claus here that afternoon, and child-
ren by the hundreds from town and
'district were on hand 'to extend a
greeting and get their share of the
free treats.
Coming into town from Seaforth
way on No. 8 highway, he was met by
the Pipe Band and a crowd of eager
youngsters and, was escorted through
the streets, taking in the whole busi-
ness section. Colored streamers were
attached to the front of the truck to
give the appearance of reins and as
Santa came through the streets every-
one was able to get a good look at
this fine old gentleman.
He stopped at the Town Hall where
with the aid of Lion Lorne Brown,
chairman of the Christmas committee,
M..1'. Sahoenhate', secretary, and A.
D. McCartney,. and other members 'of
were ` .
the club, treats handed cat, w e
When this part of the program was
over, the boys and girls hurried away
to the Roxy Theatre where two show-
ings of a good children's. 'film were
[made for their entertainment.
Help us to Enjoy Our Christmas
The News -Record wishes to remind its corres-
pondents and advertisers to please have their copy,
in the office, on Monday, next week. Christmas
falling on a Thursday necessitates going to press a
day earlier. We feel sure everyone will cooperate
with us in this matter.
...go sris»s+a arrr n arra rmsoommoixaamo nota zone of latvom varramb,
AMONG THE' CHURCHES Holiday Train Schedules
St. Paul's Church
Sunday, December 21st, 1941: 8
a.m., Holy Communion; 11 asn, Mat -
tins and Litany Preacher: Rev. R.
M. Withers, Leading Air Craftsman
B.C.A.F. now taking a course at. the
R.A.F. Radio School. At the time of
his enlistment Mr. Withers was the
rector of. Fenelon Falls, Ontario.
2.30 p.m. Sunday School. 7 pan. Ev-
Christmas Services
Christmas Eve at 11.15 o'clock,
Christmas Day at 9.45 arm.
Sunday December 28th: 7 p.m.
Carol Service, the Whole service will
consist of Carol singing and Bible
readings. No Sermon, organist will
be Corporal Lawson, R.A.F. Radio
In order for holiday visitors to en-
joy a longer stay at Christmas, Box -
,jag Day,and New Years, the train
pchedules have been conveniently
The train that leaves Clinton at 3.05
1p.m. for Stratford, Toronto and points
Gast will net leave till 6.30 p.m. Also
'the train that leaves Clinton,. at 3.10
p.m. for London and beyond will not
leave till 6.30 p.m. These changes
apply on Dee. 25th, Dec. 26th, and
gars, let only.
Baptist Church
Sunday school and congregational
Christmas entertainment in the ehur-
rh this Friday evening, commencing
at 8 p.m.
Special Christmas services on Sun-
day, both in the Sunday school at
2.30 o'clock, and at the worship ser-
vice, at 7 pan. Carol singing by the
congregation and Christmas music by
the choir.
The Minister's sermon subject will
be, `Around, the Cradle at Bethlehem.
"Come let us adore Hini, Come let
us worship Flim, the Prince of Peace,
Christ, the Lord."
Presbyterian Church
Mission Band Practice at one
o'clock, Saturday.
Mrs. Andrew will give a sernianette
luring the regular service Sunday
The Sunday School Concert and
Christmas Tree will take place Mon-
day evening, commencing at 8 o'clock,
Captain and Mrs, Ross Carter and,
email daughter, Elizabeth„ have re-
turned to his station at Niagara -on -
the -Lake, after spending his five day
leave with his parents in town.
Vernon V. Franks, former Colleg-
iate teacher here, and now principal
of Prescott High School, will join the
Royal Canadian. Air Force on January
9th.' He has been granted leave of
absence for the duration of the war
by the Prescott Board of Education.
Mr. Franks is a graduate in honor
science of the University of Western
Cpl. Everett Lobb ,attached to the
R.C.A.F, Dental Corps at Newmarket
spent the weekend at his home in
Following are four names which
we omitted from the list of Active
Service men last wee].: Fred Mc-
Taggart, Maurice Bateman, Ferguson
McKay and Kenneth Rorke,
LAC. John Hawkins of the R,C.A.F.
at Crumlin spent Sunday at his home
in town.
V In accordance with a resolution
Christmas Shoppers hoUld adopted by the Town Council ttt their
!"' Statutory Meeting Last Monday night,
Read the Ads. Boxing Day, December 26th, is de-
clared a civic holiday.
if you're hard-pressed for sugges- ! On page three of our issue this
tions for Christmas gifts, the adver- week is a Christmas Story by the
tieingcolumns the -
of Ne vs Record late W. Q. Phillips of Sarnia, who was
should offer a solution to all of them. for many years a highly esteemed re-
Neariy all the merchants in the sidont of Clinton.
town have their= advieetisieg spare 1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Swinbank of
crammed full of timely suggestions the London Road have come to town
waiting for your approval. Look over for the winter months.
these advertisements. They help We wish to give credit to Mr. Lobb,
greatly in solving your Christmas for the use ofhis excellent photo of
Shopping Problems. Remember, these the calf with the "V" on it's forehead,
advertisements are an invitation for' which we used in our issue last week.
you to shop: at these stores. You can The officers of Clinton Lodge A.F.
do no better anywhere. and A.M. received an invitation to the -
installation of The Officers of Golden
Fleece Lodge, Toronto, when a form-
' Pleasant Evening Spent er member, Mr. Frani. Jenkins was in-
stalled as Worshipful blaster.
On Monday evening last it pleasant l Mayor A. J. McMurray gave a talk
time was spent at the home of Mr. on tractors to the Ethel Short course
and Mrs. Clarence Potter, when the boys, Tuesday.
Young People of Ont, St. church Bath- y
erect there to spend the evening and LONDON ROADdo hone(` to their daughter Willa
who was recently married to Mr. The December meeting of the Lon -
Thomas Rathwell. During the evening g
a pair of lovely book ends were pros- don Road Club was held at the home
of Mac.
ented to Willa as a slight token of Wiltse 'on Thm•sday,
the Good, Wishes of her Associates in Dec, 11 with 10 members and 2 visi-
the Young Peoples' Sotfetq, after a !tors present. The meeting opened by
pleasant evening the young people !singing Jingle Bells, followed by the
departed for their separate homes af- Greed. The minutes were read and
ten wishing Willa and husband a long adopted. Roll call was answered by
and happy married life together. ! each member present. Bills were read
land it was moved by Mrs. Henderson,
V seconded by Mrs. Clegg that all bills
!be paid. Tone Mason and Mrs. Sam
Service Club Christmas j Gliddon donated a dollar. All sewing
of layettes and. clothing was, handed
Dante in which eonsisted of: 4 layettes and
The Evening Auxiliary sponsoredgirls dresess; 1 girls skirt; 3 ap-
their Christmas Dance Wednesday ions and a pair of flanelette blankets.
evening when more than 200 were All this sewing was donated to the
present. A pleasant time was spent Red Shield. Yarn was distributed.
dancing to the music of the R.A.F. A=fter the business was over there
orchestra from the nearby Radio was election of officers which were
School. The decorations were cedar as follows:
boughs, red and green streamers and President: Mrs. Swinbank
reel cremes and the lights were shade' Vice Pres.: Mrs. N, Manning.
'ed with red and green. Refreshments Secretary; Wannetta Henderson
were served' during intermission. Treasurer: Mrs. Jim Nott
1 Before resuming dancing the Social Com,: Mrs. Andex.son, Mrs.
"padre," Flt, Lieut. Murray,
urray, called N. Tyndall, Mee. Geo. Falconer, Mrs.
upon the men to express their appre- Jim Not. -
elation to the members of the Ev- Buying Com.: Mrs. Moffat, Mrs.
ening Auxiliary for the weekly Glances Clegg, Mrs. Managhan.
in the Club. Room and. the Christmas Flower Com.: Mrs. M. Wiltse '
Dance. The response was spontan- 1 Packing Com.: M'rs. Clegg', Mrs.
teens and evidence of their real ap- Plumsteal
preeiatian. l Yarm Com.: ]kris, Plumsteel, Mrs.
The lucky number prize was won Managhan
byMiss Lottie Pearce mend: Cpl. Lea -1 Press Re orter: Ruth a '
p s p M rung
lie Thomas, and' the spot dance by God' Save the King ryas saang after.
Miss Maxine Miller and AC "Nipper" 'the hostesses served a lovely lunch,
Deering and the statue dance by Miss The ''next meeting will be held at the
June Murdock and AC Johnny Whit- home of Mrs, Geo. Henderson on Jan,
15, 1942.
taker. 1