HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-12-11, Page 8eitetersietrieleteireateekeetatencam HIND I OF CHOICE BEEF 17c lb. DRESSED PORK by the half i.,.. 171/2c 1b " RIB VEAL CHOPS 28c Ib. 18c lb. VEAL STEW :.. Have your Steak's Delicated with Our modern Dekcator CHICKENS, DUCK, AND GEESE FOR WEEKEND. CONN EL L & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Prone 1d2. Albert Street eretemizizeintioimieereiereeetaietereeereatemziezeietemieeeeeemaiareizeistimereeeemeeie.eate eeeteenc ' eiterreemeletete{ ee celeetteSmecei 'eetet ecerQ+ tC. e i ct en PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD We carry a nice line of Novelties, such as Glass Plates, Dishes, fancy and otherwise. Pyrex Casserole, Pie Plates, Platters, Tea Pots. English Cream and Sugar, Butter Dishes, fancy Tea Pots, etc. Electric Waffle Irons, Toasters, Grills, Irons,: etc. A lot of odds and ends at Special Prices. We have 1, 6 ft. Refrigerator, Frigidaire; 1, 4 ft. Regrigerator, Frigidaire. The only Refrigerator made with the Meter Miser. SUTTER & PERDUE ul 7.7.1 e b4 �r2r2r5ia'zi�razaz2lazr"zazSr9i�.atalrq:-��r9r9zbra:�r3ear3ta'rash•7a:r7r'atararc�°"t3rar;3taiarbtSratar3zdn,`r�: teff:;eta; ? mmteitmatekvolve,tP..,v.^.+£',tIvatctvzz-wc.2+ateusatt t atatetme, 'c:tegmq, HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, .ONT. int clothing MENS OVERCOATS SPECIALLY PRICED $17.95 We have a beautiful range' of Coats at this low price—Among the lot are Coats that soid'at much higher prices and are marked for Clearing. Sizes from 35 up—See the Red Price tag $17.95 • HEAVY WINTER UNDERWEAR $1.25 PER GARMENT Merle Shirts. and Drawers in heavy ribbed lines. Not all one make but all excellent value—Among the lines are Stanfields, Tiger Brand and Penman garments All ,One Price 1.25 per garment RUBBER FOOTWEAR—We have all the New Lines of Dominion Rubber Footwear now in stock and at prices that meet all competi- tion for similar goods. - CHRISTMAS SHOPPING --Do your Christmas Shopping early. Many lines now in stock will be hard to get later. Plumsteel Bros. A Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. ,..21212..2114f24-2rn :4:DMINI4rIsr2r' =e2224.2t'y2a87`s2M1.14idy'2114.1DMM-2tD121- retar^e-DORlDre"aeW VaZz2t6 tVOfillAMEgletiVIZIVgrete2azet•"VER4,w' mac•= e-4' alf4KIo" CI tZ#Wr DISTINCTIVE CHRISTMAS CARDS A Christmas. Card is a gracious salute from friend to friend. It is a gallant thing to send and its re- ceipt warms the heart. Our stock in- cludes variety of design, finish, size, Dolour combination and greeting text expressing attractive sentiments. We might mention our boxed assortments which we judge to be excellent value. Priced from 8 card in box for 15e to 21 cards in box for $1.00. u,^ as P H ,p esu ?:tz ,Brm`drza.'+, drm-Dr.rl.vc.gatz"r2t2Yr'�ra7:`:'fio"'n"'t`ilr`r%229?i'r€r>"inr`r7.•atrkztz-,grr9t,`3'r`* tv;""r1k',-za$'tidh`3r`,1r3•*: A Variety of Hardware Items such as ' PYREX WARE, CUTLERY AND ENAMELWARE , Appeals as servicable. CHRISTMAS GIFTS—SHOP EARLY FOR BETTER CHOICE kins, HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 Huron Old Boys Association Of Toronto The 43rd Annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Tor- onto was held in the auditorium of the Y,M.C.A., Dovercourt Road, on Thursday evening, 4th` inst., with President A. G.Smith in the chair and a good attendance of members; amongst whom we noticed: Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith, Messrs. J. A. Mc- Laren, II. M. Jackson, Er. Moody, R. S. Sheppard, H. I. Morrish, Geo. Ferguson, Dr. and Mrs, G. F. Belden, Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. J. Moon, Mr. and Mrs, M. Scarlett, Mr. and Mrs; W. A. Buchan- an, Mr. acid Mrs. W. E. Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pringle, Major and Mrs, W. D. Shrinks, Mrs. T. Jackson, Sp Mrs. Edith Sloan, Mrs. mare, Mrs'. Monkhouse, Mrs, Sanderson, Miss Eva Bryans, Miss M. O. Proctor, Miss Annie Hamilton, Mr's. H. P. Strang and many others whose names could not be obtained. The treasurers and Auditors' re- porbs showed a good balance in the treasury, The following offieers were elected for the ensuing year: Hon. presidents, Christmas Tags, Seals, Ribbon, Wrapping and Decorations are now on display. Many different seals and tags, and 'ribbons made from cello- phane or cloth, or varicolored card with which to tie your gifts, await. your inspection. Hon. J. A, Gardiner, J. A. McLaren, H. M. Jackson, E. J. B. Duncan, A. C. MacVicar; past president, A. G. Smith; president, Athol McQuarrie; vice presidents, W. F. Cantelon, Geo. Beswetherick, R. A. Greer, A A. Is- bister, W. W. Given, W. E. Hanna, Major Sprinkle, Dr. B. Campbell, Dr. Feld l3ryans; Hon. secretary, E. Moody; Secretary, R. S. Sheppard; assist. secretary, Miss Eva Bryans; fin. secretary, J. Moon.; treas. Dr. H. J. Hodgins; Chaplain, Rev. R. C. Mellermid; auditors, H. I. Morrish, Geo. Ferguson. Notes There is only one Huron Old Boys' in Toronto and it was organized! in January, 1900, with '75 members. Only theee ef the original members survive, E. 1d000dy, T. G. Boole and. W..11' Cantelon. Mr. Athol McQnarrie, the new president is a popular newspaperman of this city, .He was formerly editor l of the Goderioh Signal. Mr. Geo. E. Beswetherick,Howick Old Boy, is one of the new Vice-pres- idents. THURS:, DEC. 11, 1941 vetelegtatetomtor aeteteeeeemmectecevinteigeatteeeeetteeclaaMe ;.,Say Merry Christmas With Flowers Patriotic Christmas Cards—New— Strikingly Different—in a variety of designs for boys in the service. There are also specially dee/lewd numbers for friends and relatives who' are away from home. All are popular priced. We do not stock The Canadian Almanac but will procure it promptly, with pleasure. The doming one, hear- ing date 1942, is the 95th consecutive edition, '700 pages of the latest Can- adian business directory information, the price is $7.00. Tony Won's Scrap Rook is now in stock. It's a regular Christmas item and last years book was in the best seller ealss, its priced at $1.50. OUR BEST SELLERS Berlin Diary—William L. Shaer 53.75. And a New Earth— A. H. Tyrer— $2.50. Keys of the .Kingdom -=A. J. Cronin— $2,75. Tie 11. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Beet nm.s�. , i ',fill k+ ems✓ Yr Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McCartney spent Sunday in Harrison. Mr. N. W. Trewartha spent Thursday and Friday in Toronto on business. Mrs. T. E. Adams spent list week visiting friends in Wingham and Fordwich, Mrs. Eddy of Los. Angeles, Calif., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Vivien Hale of town. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Hunter of Tor- onto are here visiting. Mrs, John Hunter who is quite ill. Mils. Mary Sparling left for Niagara Falls last weekend, where she will spend the winter with her daughter. Mrs. (Rev.) P. Addison and daughter Elizabeth of Haileybury ate visit- ing the Iady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha. Rev. J .H. Colelough of Thornhill was a visitor foe a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. WiIIiam Pick- ett and Mr. Pickett. Mr. and Mrs. George McLay and baby daughter, Katherine, spent the weekend in St Marys with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lan- caster. Miss Viola Fraser of San Francisco, Calif., a former publie school teach- er here, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Fraser of Bayfield, and other friends. A.F.M. Gordon Webster, R.0.A.F,, Fingal, formerly' of Kindersley, Sask. visited this week with former western neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Orich and family of town, and Mr. and Mrs. William Henry and family of the London Road. Mrs. Lila Steep spent last week vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Calvin and family of Cayuga.. She was accom- panied by Mr.' and Mrs. Lloydon Walper, who spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. James. Ad'ants of Hamiltonand the latter's cousin, Mr and Mrs. Jack Murdock of Cay- uga. v VARNA Mr. and Mrs. A. Seeley of Clinton were guests at the home of Mrs. A. Austin, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mossop' spent the weeleencl with her daughter, Mrs. B. Ball of Clinton). Mr. W. Hart and Mr. John. Dawson attended the funeral of Mr. Hart's cousin Mr. David Garner= on Sun- day afternoon. When driving along the Bayfield Road early one morning last week Clayton Elliott had the misfortune to have his car damaged and his face cut by a deer -which collided with his car while attempting to cross the 'road. The deer had its leg broken and had to be killed. .The meat was taken to the County Home, Clinton. There were also two other deer. We are'very sorry to report that out teaeher- Miss Caroehan is at time of writing in the Seaforth Hospital her many friends hope, to soon: see her arouncl again. Mrs. G. H. Beatty has been engaged to teach until the end of the term. Mrs. Fulton of Sarnia is the guest: ef her. sister Mrs; L. Beatty. ' The W. A. :of St. John's Anglican church met at the home of Mrs. L. Beatty,and quilted a quilt which they presented to the' Recl Gross, When in doubt what to give send. flowers, they are always suitable and please everyone. Choose your giftsfrom our stock of Begonias, Cherries,Cyclamen, Potted C'arnations, African Violets Primulas. Basket of Assorted Plants etc. See our Christmas Wreaths and Centerpieces. For friends at a distance use our "Flowers by Wire" Service. Powers can be delivered in Eng- land, The States and anywhere in Canada. ; CUT FLOWERS Mums, Roses, Carnations, Snap. - dragons, etc. PLEASE ORDER EARLY F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del A. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176.and 31 EBENEZER The W.A. of the United church met at the home of liters, Bert Lobb on' Thursday of last week, with Mrs. Ira, Merrill presiding, The meeting was opened with the Lord's Prayer in un- ison. The minutes of the previous meeting were read) and adopted. The Seriptulre reading was taken by Mrs. Harold Lobb, and Rev. II. Wilding led in prayer. The roll call was answered by the members giving the "names of the first twelves books of the Old Testament." A reading on "the origin. of the hymn Silent Night Holy Night„ was given by Mrs. Bert Lobb, after which this Christmas hymn was sung. The election of officers. took place. A slate of officers was brought in by a committee appointed the previous month, all very graciously accepting the office allotted them. A letter "from an English •soldier training in Canada, to his mother in England" was' read by Mrs, Merrill. The meet- ing was closed with a hymn and the Benediction, The remainder of the efternon was spent in quilting. Lunch was served by Joy and ,Margaret Lobb and Marianne Merrill. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Pres.: Mrs. Carman Tebbutt Vice. Pres,: Mrs. Harold Lobb' Sec. Trews.: Mrs. Morgan Jones Pianist: Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt Flower Cam.: Mrs. Roy Easonn, retetem+ +Vict te;eeeeec, '.elatreeef ee: OFR Quality Meat Market HOMEMADE SAUSAGE.. 20c 1b , HAMBURG STEAK 20c lb o RIB VEAL CHOPS28c Ib .r4iCHOICE VEAL STEAK33e 15. i 4ROASTS OF VEAL 23c 15.1 CHOICE ROASTS OF BEEP 20c lb. RIB BOIL OF BEEF .. 18c lb. SEE 01IIt PLAN ON BEEF AND o� PORK. WE CAN SAVE YOU Q MONEY i ei Our Meats are Home Killed ,h iWe Have Casings for Sale, pe Custom Killing and Sausage Made at Reasonable Rates, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HIDES Hb as NM FITZSIMONS • PHONE 76 :Fi`ai`dn3h3rdiararb'Y°3'm.-3P+4``a'.373'i�9':.J.`3'i`d°d;w?��•'.`c�•ta��. Christmas Specials SEE OUR FRUIT DISPLAY IN WINDOWS License No. 56304 2 lb. CURRANTS 27e 2 b. SEEDLESS RAISINS .... 24c 1 1b. BLEACHED RAISINS• .... 19c 1 lb. READY CUT MIXED PEEL 29c 2 lb. PURE LARD 33c 1 Ib. DOMESTIC SHORTENING 19c %z lb. SLICED BREAKFAST BACON , . I8c 7 GRAPEFRUIT 25e 1 pkg. MAPLE LEAF CAKE FLOUR With plate scrapper 30e NEW CHRISTMAS NAVEL OR- ANGES .... 19c, 29; 33c, 39e doz. CAKE CONTEST 4 lb. Christmas 'cake Free to pur- chaser making correct or nearest cor- rect guess—No.. from 100-4000, Cake en display in our window. PROM? DELIVERY SERVICE NOW JOHNSON GROCERY The New Red Front Store PHONE 286 Superior Stores PHONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR Deee., 11, 12, 13th SULTANA RAISINS lb. ...... 10e CHOICE PUMPKIN Ige. tin .... 11c PURE LARD Ib. 15c GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lbs79c MOIII'S 4 STAR ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 3 Ib. box 85c HOUSEHOLD MIXED CANDY Ib 23c NEW CURRANTS 2 lbs. 27c FANCY BLEACHED SULTANAS lb. 19c LEXIA SEEDED RAISINS Ib17c PITTED SAIR DATE'S lb. 19c RED CHERRIES whole % lb.. , 13c CUT MIXED PEEL ' M. ... , 15c SHELLED ALMONDS r/,t Ib21c SATIN MIXED CANDIES lb. 19c CIHOCOLATE DROPS 1b. ORANGES, Sunidst 2 doz. CRANBERRIES lb. .. .. WASHED CARROTS 3 lbs. WAXED TURNIPS 4 lbs. HP V!PSO Free Delivery 23c 37c 25c 10c 10c The teacher, music teacher and pup- ils ofi S.S. No. 4, Goderieb township are preparing for a Christmas enter- tainment, which is to be presented on the evening of December 19th. RILEY'S GROCERY LICENSE NO. 87642 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 4 Ib. Box CHOCOLATES 3 1b. Box CHOCOLATES 1 lb. Box CHOCOLATES MIXED NUTS 89c 79e 29e 29c FRESH PEANUTS .... 2 lbs. for 35c CHRISTMAS CANDY .... 2 lbs. 35c CHOCOLATE DROPS . 2 lbs. for 45c LARGE AND SMALL GUMS 2 lbs. for 37c LATIN MIXED CANDY 19c NEW NAVEL ORANGES 2 doz. 39c NEW NAVEL ORANGES 2 doz. 49e NEW NAVEL .ORANGES 35e, 39e, 49c SPY APPLES 6 qt, 35c SPY APPLES per bus. .. .. $1.25 MINCEMEAT 2 lbs. 28c BROWN SUGAR OR WHITE SUGAR 10 lbs. 79c I Buy and Grade Eggs for which I Pay lc a doz. more in Cash or Trade.. Register No. 02-8.7 sTofEs SPECIALS FOR DECEMBER 11, 12, 13TH MAPLE) LEAF SOCKEYE RED & WHITE PORK AND SALMON 1/2's tin 23c BEANS 4 tins 25c FRY'S 19c COCOA 3/2's tin .., 19c SAVE 6c ctitreW When You Purchase 1 CAKE MAPLE LEAF TOILET SOAP AND 1 SMALL PKG. MAPLE LEAF FLAKES p Both for Only. 1Oc RED & WHITE SOUPS 2 tins CANADA'S FINEST A LONG LASANG—ECONOMICM" TOILET SOAP . PEAS Aylmer Jumbo 2 tins , 27c °mil"' Raisms Seedless 2 lb 25c Uurrants fancy 2 lbs 29c Pineapple Rings 7 Raisins Bleached 1b. 190 Raisins seeded 'pkg 15c Peel cut mixed Ib. 29c QUALITY FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETAIiL1 S Oranges New doz. 191c Lettuce head 2 for 23,c Grapefruit 7. for... 25c, Celery hearts; 2 for 27,c Bananas 2; lbs. 19c Lemons 4 for 10c Grapes Red 2lbs Spinach lb. 0c Carrots 3 lbs.... 10c Turnips waxed lb.... 2c C. M. SHEARING PHONE '48 For Quality Foods CLINT a DailDerceOrtarDINOraa IDeDiDetetoazar IDIDabrari� le4DeDaaseDIDeDID2rstatarea9r '®r rrr�._- `rr eoeDi$"tbF,"ckeD} .-Atria"drresr9r2r`depaarre lionOsenolDmrtteDromf`dsbra-iD ai`,Yh a coD• Give Lasting Gifts Something the Giver will always be remembered by, and the g recipient will appreciate . We would suggest a lamp, we have them for so many different uses from the small Pin-up or Boudoir Lamp to the Tri -light lamps which are so popular because they throw such a wonderful light: A grand assortment of Cedar Chests, Mirrors, Occassional Chairs, Ferneries, Children Doll Cabs, High Chairs and many other useful gifts. Ira The H ,,r, rdiware e 0 You; will find the usual large stock of C.C.M. Skates and Boots, Hockey Sticks and Pucks. Alladin Lamps, Pyrex Ware for all purposes, Cutlery and many lines of Electrical appliances. So hurry with your shopping as it won't be long- now, "The Store With The Sleek" BALL ZAPFE Hardware -- Furniture -- Funeral Directors -- Ambulance Service. MRS. T. J. RILEY W. Ball, Phone 301. PRONE: 195 J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. Phone 39 — Free Snappy ZA,Delivery y/3�—y � v .�draUtaiDar2r�at`AD `:eIDMI IN2r�2t2rarar�arbrarararaaranD ar2r2t>"r`DIDO i.rtrararataearvtanit2Oarara Z1b, )J •1J'M�• ko � ko 1J"ems` 1�+' .k>'Rm'3' �k� AAV AVM' C> s �t� - r. � . u� I , ;y�,Acla , CUT Mixed Peel 29c ib. LARD 2 ib for FOREST CITY Balking CHOICE Mixed Fruit' for Christ- Powder ,..... 23c ei Inas Cake 33c lb' 9z t, WHOLE Mixed Peel 29c lb, '1 Ta LARGE Seeded Raisins 15c lb. 9. flat �Irdl 9a BLEACHED Raisins 19c Ib. PITTED DATES at 19c lb. SEEDLESS RAISINS12 lbs. for 23c FANCY CURRANTS 2 lb for .•.29c WALNUTS 1/1 lb. 19c CHERRIES 1/2 lb. 25c ALMONDS ;/, ib. 23c CLARKS Fancy Tomato Juice 47 oz. size . 24c tin CLARK'S Fancy Tomato Juice 20 oz. size 10c tin CLARE'S Tomato Soup 3 tins for ......... CLARK'S Vebgetable Soup 3 tins for CLARK'S 28 oz. tins Pork and Beans, 2 for - LOOK fresh new Nivel Oranges at 19c, 291c alld 39c doz. GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 25c PHONE' 40, THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. " i MAD' JG' ':i;Jc±M,I,WRV c' '1Wc53m !WA . ' I-WAgl "'%c 5G ,