HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-12-11, Page 5lencencei;zoneztenNut;EzieceiNeeTe;reamet.70-1 A
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To those contemplating build-
ing a Monument . Get my
prices before buying. Cemetery
Lettering a specialty,
All worlr guaranteed.
Clot. ton — Ontario
Successor to Bald & Zapfe •
59 tf
' THURS., DEC. 11, 1941
. -- +,-.- - tt,
AUBURNship for all those who have come to
Canada from Africa and Asia, pray -
Miss Jean Scott, who has been em- ling that in this land all may come to Sig', R. K. Scott of H.M,C,N. Hal-
ifax is enjoying a fourteen day leant:
with his parents Mr. and, Mrs. John
,Stott of Londesboro.
, George I. Pfister and John J. Me
Grans of the U.S. Navy stationed at
the Clinton Radio School spent Sun-
day a the home of Mr. and, Mrs'. John
Scott of Londesboro.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Lyon of Clif-
ford visited with the former's mother,
'Mrs, Eizabeth Lyon on Sunday.
M. John Armstrong and, family
spent part of Sunday at Brussels.
Mrs,, Alice Tyerman' of Leaming-
ton is staying with Mrs. J. Tatnblyn
for a couple of weeks.
Mr. Olifford' Sundereock of Niag-
ara Falls, spent the weekend with his
mother, Mrs. IL Sundercock.
School Section No. 8. are holding
their concert in the Community Hall
on Thursday, Dec. 18th, at 8 p.m.,
this is always' a very good entertain-
ment. PT•oceeds for the Red Cross.
Mrs, 1VIcMurchie of St. Helens was
a visitor at the home of Wm. Lyons
on Sunday afternoon, Mr. Lyon ie
slowly improving from his recent ill-
AC2 Melvin Brundson, of Galt has
successfully passed his examinations
and has :been transferred to No, 1.
Manning Depot, Toronto,
What might have been a more ser-
ious accident happened on Monday
evening when the car driven by Bob
Pelican, who with a load of High
School students was returning from
Clinton and the car driven by Mrs.
Glenn Raithby, Auburn collided in
front of Mr. Alexandra's store in
Londsboro. The icy conditions of the
pavement no doubt was the cause of
the accident. Both cars were some-
what damaged and no • one was ser-
iously hurt.
The "White Gift" service for the
1.ployad for the past two years at Gor-
don Taylor's general store has left
for Stratford where she has secured
a .position. •7 t
Visitors with Mms. Annie Doyle and
know and adore the Christ Child. A.
Canadian carol was sung. Mrs. H.
C, Wilson offered prayer. MTs. Ern-
est Patterson read the scripture. A
duet was rendered by Mrs, Wm. An -
Miss Margaret King on Sunday were derson and Mrs. Gordon M Clinohey,
Mr. ,and Mro. Harvey Webster and Mrs. H. C. Wilson gave a reading
family of Lueknow and Mr. and Mrs. "Poor Nancy's House." ,
Wrn. Marrs of Millet.
Mrs. J. J. Wilson spent a, few days
with Miss Josephine McAllister of
St. Augustine:
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson Were Susy Blair ,Mrs, Jas. Kutch; presi-.
Wingham, visitors on Sunday. dent, Mrs, Jas, Woods.;' let vice presi-
Mrs. William H. Thompson is nisi- 'dent, Mrs. H. C. Wilson: 2nd. vies
ting friend's at London and Tilison-
Mrs. Wnt. Hood; Harry and Wil.
Hain Dodder visited with Mr. Wan,
. Dodder who is a patient in. Victoria
lee Hospital London.
MT. and Masi Warner Andrews and sionary monthly secretary, Mas, Jas.
family and Miss Mary Dobie spent Roberton; stewardship, Mas. Earl
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs; Gor- 'Wightntan; finance, Mee. Washington,
don Dobie, Fergus. Miss Mary Dobie Miss Margaret King, Mrs, George
remained in Fergus for a visit. Bean, Mrs. Fred. Toll, Mas, Earl
The play "Bolts and Nuts" will be Wiglrtman, Mrs. C. M. Straughan;
presented by the Young People of strangers secretaries, Mrs. J. Irwin,
Auburn in the Foresters Hall on Fri -'Miss', Amelia MoIllwain; supply, Mrs,
day evening Den 12th. The play is H. Wagner, Mrs. J. Arthur, Mrs.
under the auspices of the Red Cross. Clark, Mrs. Wm. Roberton, Mrs. Wm.
Mr. Heaney McGee aril sing be- Craig, Mrs. J. Symington, Mrs. Wan.
tween acts. 1 Dood, Mrs. Allen; temperance, Mrs.
The committee in charge of sending Jas. Jackson, Mrs. E. Patterson; soe-
boxes to the boys overseas! held a nal, Mrs. Mogridge, Mrs. G. Sturdy,
successful sale of Homemade Baking' Mas. Straughan, Mrs. O. ETratt,
in the Orange Hall •on Saturday, $12 I, Mrs. Everitt Taylor, Mrs. J. J. Robert-
• was realized. I son, Mrs. A. J. Ferguson, Mns. Geo.
The December meeting of the Million, Mrs. Nelson Patterson; pian -
Women's Institute will be held in the i ists, Miss Sadie Carter, Mrs. Wm.
:.Foresters Hall 'on Tuesday, December I Craig•; music, Mass .Wm. Anderson,
16th, at 2.30. The Christmas topic' Mas. G. Me0linchey, Mrs. Wm. Craig,
will be taken by Mrs, Jas. Woods. Mrs. S. Mc0linchey, Mee Thos. Jar -
Roll call "Exehangeing of Christmas din; Dowel's, Mrs. Woods, Mrs. E'rratt,
Gifts". Hostesses MTs. R. J. Phillip, Mas. H. Sturdy; C,G,I,T., Miss Dor-
Miss Sadie Carter, Mrs. Harry Arm- othy Anderson and Miss Ila Craig;
: strong. mission band, Mrs. H. C. Wilson.
The packing and inspection cot- The B.Y.P.U. of the Baptist church. Londesboro United. church will be held
' mittee, Mrs. Mogridge, Mrs. Ross and will hold their monthly meeting on on Sunday, December 14th, at 10.30
Sunday, December 14th. The meeting
will be in charge of Mrs. R. J. Phillips.
and Mrs. Wni. Haggitt. Mrs. Bert
socks; 23 scarves; 2 pair wristlets; 9 Marsh will give the Christmas' mese program. has been arranged. Every -
alternative caps; 1 ribbed helmets; sage. This meeting is a week earlier ;one is weic°ne,
2 turtle neck sweaters; 1 child's dress; owing to the Carol Service on Sunday
The nominating rrommittee brought
in the following slate of officers!:
Honorary presidents, Mr's. John Me-
Clinchey, Miss Margaret Small, Miss
president, Mrs. Howard Robertson;
recording secretary, Miss Margaret
King, assistant Miss Mae Ferguson;
oorresponddng• and press :secretary,
MTs. W. H. Sheppard; treasiurer, Mrs.
Chas. Straughan; literature and mis-
Miss Josephine Weir anet and shipped
the following articles to Toronto: 15
quilts; 2 knitted afghans; 24 pairs
o'clock in the morning. The Sunday
School and Church will be composed
of Sunday School pupils, and a good
5 pair men's :pyjamas; 1 extra pair
• trousers.
St. Mark's Anglican church Guild
met on Tuesday afternoon with the
president Mrs. Gordon Taylor in
Stop! the government wants' pap -
charge. Prayers were led by Mrs. ers; old; new; big or Iittle, tie them
Thos. Haggitt. The scripture was up and bring into Paterson's Garage
read by Rev. P. H. Streeter. The by Dec. 19th, baro is a chance to do
treasurer gave her report on the re- your bit.
pairs which have been made to the Mrs. Wm. Smith of Exeter spent
rectory. Rev, P. H. Streeter the the weekend with MTs. A. Rohner,
The Annual meeting of the Red sweaters; 5 pas, socks..
Cross will be held on Jan. 8th. Come Navy Quota: 10 aero caps; 5 pe
in and join; help all you can. long stockings; 10 turtle neck sweat-
dent, Mrs, Gordon Taylor; vice presi Mrs. Margaret McKenzie has left ers; 10 prs, mitts; 10 prs. seamen's
dent, Mrs. Alvin Leatherland'; ecce- to spend the winter with her sister stockings.
tory, Mrs. Alfred Neprogram
treasurer, m Hensel'.
NRefugee Articles: 24 pr. mitts; 5
Mrs. Thomas, rNe program con- Mrs. Sheldon Ross is visiting her scarves; 1 helmet; 38 pr. socks; 2 pr.
senor, Mrs. Thomas S. Johnston. Rev. sister in London. booties; 4 pr, bloomers; 2 men's
Streeter assured the Guild that he and Mr. and Mas, J. K. Cornish atter shirts; 1 ladies' waist; 1 girl's skirt;
•Mrs. Streeter would do all in their ddd the funeral of a cousin in Lon- 1 sweater; 2 waists; 1 child's slip.
:power to help the Guild be a success. don on Friday. British. Civilian Quota: 12 units
Christmas greetings were read by handkerchiefs for Britain Week, each consisting of 1 skirt and 2 blous-
Miss Margaret , Toronto. A, Dec. 8th,' to Dec, 15th. Owing to the es; 25 ladies nightgowns; 5 complete
letter of thanks was read from the recent pressing request from Eng- layettes.
Sisters of St. Margaret's, of Brace- land, for handkerchiefs in large Treasurer reported Bal. on hand
;bridge thanking the Guild for a tris• quantities the Red Cross Society ask $421.61. Report of last Bingo, amou-
aionary bale recently sent them. for handkerchiefs for men, women nt $62,59, Expenses $25,88, proceeds
Mrs. S, R. Johnston was in charge and children. Bring your donations $36.71.
of the following program, solo, Male to the next meeting December 18th Donations to Blanket Fund amoun-
ion Taylor; duet, Mrs S. H. Johnston, or leave at either stores, ted to $133 and 2 blankets. The mon-
• Mrs. Gordon Taylor; reading by Mac. V ey has .been sent on to Toronto for
• blankets along with $40 taken from
Johnston. The topic "Canada's War Help The Russians War funds,
Effort" was given by Mrs. Alvin
Fife quilts were quilted during the
meeting, three of these donated by
ladies of 13th con.; 1 donated by Mrs.
Tom Adam's Missionary Group and
one pieced by the Dec. Work Conn.
from Red Cross patches.
A quilt .was also donated by the
Mission Circle `of Londes'boro United
A letter was read from Cpl. G.
mnoey to be turned over to the Red Snell !of Sussex.NB. thanking the
Mrs. John Raithby, Mrs. W. C. Rober- Red Cross for the Oheistmas box sent
tson and Mrs. Alfred Akquith, It was Cross.
decided to make quilt blocks during There are thirty-six pieces of fur December- Program Com,: Mrs,
the next month. A colie'ttion was in the collection, coats, capes and. Townsend, Mrs. McVittee, Mrs. Men -
taken among the members to buy neckpieces. Most of the collection is zies. , Work Com. for Jan.: Mrs. C.
material to put the blocks together made up of coats valued at from $200 Shobbrook,` Mrs. L. McNali, Mxs. F.
and the finished top will be given to Ito $3000 a piece. Every type of coat Little.
,the Red Cross. The following pro- is shown, from the supremely elegant The January meeting will be held
gram was in charge of Mrs. Glen and formal mink to the jaunty' hard- on Tuesday, Jan. 6, 1942.
Raithby. Christmas readings were wearing raccoon sport coat. There is At close of meeting lunch was ser -
given by Mrs, Stanley Jonhaton, Mrs. one mans coat in the collection; all ved by Mrs. F. Tamblyn, Mrs. F. Lit -
Earl Raithby and Mas, Walper, Mrs. )the other pieces are for the ladies. tle, Mrs. C. Shobbrook, Mrs. L Shob-
Earl McKnight sang a solo. The topic Tickets in the draw, which will take brook Mrs. J. H. Shobbroolc Mas. K,
which was prepared by Miss:- Margaret place in a few weeks—date and tneth- Lee, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. H. Adams.
Small of Toronto was read by Mrs. A. .on of drawing to be announced later— Lunch collection $8.00.
Meeting ringed by singing °God
Save The King."
The monthly meeting of the Lon-
desboro Branch of Red Cross was held
in Community Hall on Dec. 4 with at-
tendance of 70 with Pres, Mrs. R.
Fairservice presiding.
The following shipments have been
made in Nov.: 31 quilts; 6 blankets.
Army quota of 3 scarves; 5 altern-
ative caps, 5 prs. gloves; 6 turtle neck
'took charge for the election :of offic-
ers which resulted as follows: Hon.
president, Mrs'.. P. H. Streeter; presi
The Dominion Government has ask-
ed the Canadian people through the
Baptist Ladies Aid Canadian Red Cross Society for fund
Mao. James Raithby gave her home to purchase medical and .surgical cup -
'for the December meeting of the plies for Russia.
Baptist Ladies Aid, with the president in response, the Retail Furriers of
Mrs. Annie Walper in charge. The Toronto have most generously Mdons-
seriptute was read by rs. Frank tw
ed fifteen thousand dollars 'mirth of
Raithby, and prayers were offered by , fur pieces to be sold by shares ,the
Leatherland. Lunch was served by
Mrs. D. W. Hamilton and Mas. S. H.
E. Silver, Mrs. Glen Raithby dismissed• are selling for fifty cents apiece. Any
the meeting .with prayer. A pot luck ticket may win any one prize. Any -
supper was: served. ; body may buy as many tickets: as he
W.M.S. wants,
The W.M.S. of Knox United church Many organizations all over Ont. STANLEY
met on Tuesday with Mts. Earl arid'have asked for b'looks of tickets The following lines were sent in by
Wightman in 'charge. The second part to sell as their own way of raising a,; friend of the late Miss Fannie B.
of the meeting "Our Gifts of Adore- Honey in their communities for Rus- Diehl, and speak of the esteem in
tion and Praise". Six candles were sian medical aid. The Russian Com- which she was held.
placed at the worship centre, Mrs. W. mittee for Aid to the Native Land is "I• cannot say and I' will not say
H. Sheppard the first member lit a Belling 30,000 tickets. It's an easy That she is dead, she ie just away
candle of friendship for the Jews; in way to help—the tickets are pouring She has wandered! into an unknown
Canada. A French carol Oh Come out by thousands already in answer to land
All' Ye Faithful was sung and Miss telephone calls and letters. Everybody And left us dreaming how very fair
Margaret King lit a candle for the wants them; they sell themselves. It needs must be since she lingers
friendship of the French Canadian?. A movie of some of these fur coats there
A Polish carol was sung and the third and pieces, modelled by some of Tor- ; And you—Oh you who the wildest
member Mrs. Harry Sturdy lit a can- onto's most glamorous girls, was years
die for the newcomers of the •Catholic made on Saturday, November 29th, For the old time step and the glad
faith from Europe who have made in the Roof Garden of the Royal return
their home in Canada. Mas. Kenneth York Hotel, by Associated Screen Think of her faring on as dear
McDougal read an Indian Christman News. This movie will be released In the love of, There, as the love of
poem. Mrs. Jas. Woods lit the candle all over Canada on December 5th, and here
of friendship for the Canadian In- means that everybody within reach of Mild and gentle as she was brave
drain who through the work of Cath a theatre which uses Associated With the sweetest love of her life she
olic and Protestant Missionaeles, have Screen News. This movie will be gave
come to know and worship "The Rely released' all over Canada on December To simple things where the violets
Child of Heaven. A German carol 5th, and means that everybody within grew
was sung. The fifth member Mrs. reach of a theatre which uses Associa-Pure as the' eyes they were likened to
Fred Tall lit the candle of friendship ted Screen service can have a special t As reverently as her lips have prayed
for the deeendants' of the German, preview of these prices. Think of her still as the same I say
Ccandinavian - and British Settlers Tickets may he bought my mail; She 10 not dead she is just away.
who planted the Protestant churches .just adress the envelope to RETAIL S.S. No. 1 Stanley (Baird's School)
in this land. Betty Craig sang a FURRIERS, TORONTO, enclose the will hold their annual Christmas eon -
Negro carol. The sixth member Mrs. money, end—keep your fingers cross- cert on Wednesday evening, Dec. 17th,
Jas. Roberton lit the candle; of friend- ed for lucky • at eight o'clock.
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66m and 86+
Our Christmas city trade requires
large quantities of clresscd Geese,
Ducks, Turkeys and Milk -fed Ghiek-
We buy live or on the dressed basis,
whichever will bring you the most
We will be filling our oily Christ-
mas orders all next week.
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
Batkins Locker Storage
Notice to the fur farmer we will
soon have oua other storage room
Christmas will soon be here we have
a good supply of fresh frozen straw-
berries and green peas for your
Christmas dinner. Try' our Fresh
Frozen fish from 10e per lir, up,.
We sell casings and make saus•, Also
buy hides.
"Frozen Foods axe Better Foods."
The annual meeting of W.M.S and
W.A. was held at the home of Mrs.
M. Elliott on Tuesday, Dec. 9 The
President Mrs. Bond took charge of
the W.M.S. meeting. Hymn No. 299
was sung, then the Lord's Prayer re-
peated in unison. Mrs. Glidden' read
the Scripture. The financial report
of the year was given. A reading was
given by Mas. P. Palmer on "Christ-
mas in a kindergarden of Japan,"
Mrs, Elliott ten favored us with a
Christmas solo.. Mrs. Bond then read
e poem en peace. Officers for the
coming year were elected as follows:
President, Mrs. B. Trewartha; vice
president, Mas. W. Yeo, Mrs. E. Pot-
ter, Mrs. S. Walter, Mrs. M. Elliott;
secretary, Mrs. A.' Bond; treasurer,
Mrs. E. Trewartha; christen steward-
ship secretary, Mrs. W. Norman; tem-
perance sea, Miss D'. Finley; pianist,
Mrs. Elliott, assistant, Mrs. Norman;
flowers, Mrs. Palmer; press sec., Mrs.
H. Gudmore; Iiterature, sec., Mrs. N.
The meeting of the W .A. followed,
after reports were given, the follow-
ing officers were elected: President,
Mrs, E, Yeo; vice pies., Mrs. S. Wan
ter; secretary, Mrs. Palmer; treasur-
er, Mrs. Finlay; flower's, Mrs. Glid-
den; buying come, Mrs. Finlay, Mas.
J. Potter, Mrs. A. Bond, Miss Acheson.
At rose of the meeting a dainty tea
was served by Mrs. E. Trewartha and'
Mrs. M. Elliott.
An interesting feature of service
in United church Sunday morning
VMS the Baptism of six babies.
The annual Christmas tree and en-
tertainment of Public, and Sunday
School will be held in the basement of
the church, Thursday evening, Dec.
During the absence of Miss Hellyae
Mas. C. Pearce of Clinton is teaching•
in our school.
Mr. Sam Glidden of Rosetown
Saskatchewan is • spending • the winter
months tvith his father Mr. D. Glid-
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Yeo on Sunday were; Mr. and Mrs.
William Jewel, Mr. and Mm's, R. Jew-
el and cbildnen of Benmilier, Mr. and
Mas. M. Cranston, and Miss' Bernice
Hogaot of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Rainton, Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yeo had as their
guests: Mr. and Mrs. C. Bissett, Mr.
and Mns. Don Bissett and Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Bissett, Mr. Frank Bissett of
Goderich, Mr. and Mao. Murray of
Hamilton, Mr. and, Mrs. Lloyd Nyland
and little daughter of Waterloo also
34as, Smith of Goderich and Miss
Howitt of Hamilton spenthe weekend
with Mr, and Mrs. Frank McCullough.
Mrs. E. DeBois returned Tuesday
after ependng a few days in De-
Mrs. P. McMath left for Toronto on
Wednesday, were she's going to spend
the winter.
The Resilient Group of the Red
Cross had a dinner at MOS. B. Tre.
wartha',s ]est week. The members of
two other groups were present,
Games were enjoyed after the meal.
Miss M. Proctor has moved into
Clinton for the winter. '
The service on Sunday last was un-
ique in eo far that six children were
presented far Christian Baptism.
They were Francis Mildred, Frank
anti Mrs, McCullough, Phyllis Mae,
Hugh and Mrs. Glew, Mary Helen
Jack and Mrs. Yeo, Centa Eleanor,
Frank and Mas. Yeo, Gerald Whit-
more, Carl and Mrs. Cox, Alice Joyee,
James and Mrs. Blake.
Mr. Proctor Palmer is working at
the airport at Centralia.
,The' Regional School is now over.
aIu NOW PLAYING:' "Tom Brown's
School Days" & "Scattergood
..Fulls the Strings."
James Stewart, Rosalind Russell,
bi Genevieve Tobin aiid Charles
A writer of successful Broadway
comedies is pursnaded to write a
play with a message for the world
"No Time For Comedy"
Thugs., Fri.. Sat.—Double Feature
See E. Brown, Francis Robinson,
and Vivienne. Osborne
A mild book reviewer finds that he
is the double for a vicious killer
"So You Wont't Talk
Also: Marlene Dietrich and John
NOW: "Melody Ranch" and "Silo
..Couldn't Say No."
Ralph Bellamy and Margaret •
The king of sleuths comes to the
screen in a mystery thriller
Ellery Queen, Master
also George Formby in:
Marlene Dietrich with John Wayne,
Mischa Auer and Anna Lee
An East Indian honky-tonk sing-
er beeornes involved with the navy
IOW: "Submarine Zone" and
"Thundering Frontier'
.Adolphe Menjou; Charles Butter.
worth, Patsy Kelly
will rock your ribs with a fast and
funny carmine' show,
. THURS., - FRI. & SAT.
Gene Autry, ,Siailey Burnette and
June Storey
oat on the plains; ride the genial
westerners for a singing adventure
"Back in the Saddle"
Coming: "Cheers' for )om Bishop' `Kisses far Breakfast' and "No' Time for Comedy."
g,�( Couoing:"Mode] Wife" with Joan •
Blondell andDick Powell. �M t: Wed Sat. & Holidays 3 p.n. mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m.
MalAtrRA1t"cwt2aam21-& t 21A2irA0134232-A312ant'21-nfardries rat2i£rdt2trrsaa"rJi2`a34342akaaratcAMai.
Christmas Cake
(both Light and Dark)
foie better bake goods
The concluding session was held at
Benmiller: '
Mrs. C. Pearce is supplying the
School during the absence of Mics'G.
Hellman i
The Christmas Concert will be held
on Thursday; Dec. 18th. As before
the program will be given by the. pup-
ils of the Day School and Sunday
School:, .
Mr. and Mss. Johnson of Goderich
have taken up residence on their
new property.
Mr. F. Mullholland is gradually get-
ting better. He is making his home
with Mrs. C'. De Beaus
ited church parsonage, Seaforth,
on Thursday, November 27111, when
Rev. H. V. Workman united in mar-
riage Verna Leola Hugill, second'
daughter of Mr. and Mrs•. Jonathan
E. Hugill and Arnold Thompson
Rathwekl, son of Mr. and Mrs: Ben-
jamin Rathwell, Goderich township.
Barton Farm, Hullett township, the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Epliriam Snell, when their eld.
est daughter; Barbara Patricia
Mooreh.ouse, became the bride of
Mr. Alvin Thomas Betties, only son
of Mr: and Mrs. Allan Betties of
Porter's Hill Rev. G. W. Moore of
Clinton officiated, assisted' by Rev:
K. '1VteGoun of London.
CAMERON --In Clinton on Friday,
December 6th, David A. Cameron;
in his 61st year'.
ROGER.•S—Suddenly at St.. Michael's.
Hospital, Toronto,. on Friday, Dec-
ember 5th, Douglas Beane Rogers,
dearly beloved husband' of Margaret
Ogilive, in his 37th year,. Deeply
I•TARVEY—Sudd'enl'y in Galt Hospital
on Monday, December 8th, Elsie
May Grealis, beloved' wife, of Nese
man Harvey of Milton, mother of
Kathleen of Milton, Kenneth of
Hamilton and' daughter of Mrs.
Grace Grealis of Clinton, in her 43rd
Funeral from her late residence,
Martins Street, Milton, on Wednes-
day, December 10th, at 2.30 p.m.
Interment in Evergreen cemetery,
STURDY In Goderich township, on
Wednesday, December 3rd, Olive
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Stipidy.
THOMPSON In Toronto General
Hospital on Friday, Dee. 6th, Jessie
L. Thompson, daughter of the late
Mr, and Mrs. John Thompson of '
Hullett township,
In loving memory of dear Mother,
Mrs.'Aitnie Colclough, who passed
away Det. 12th, 1940.
Calm and peaceful she is sleeping,
Sweetest rest that follows pain,
We who Ioved her, only miss her,
But trust in God to meet again.
-Ever rememberedby son, Arthur,
and laughter -in -lacy, Eleie.
In Loving memory of Mrs. Annie
Colclough, who pasesd away Decem-
ber 12th, 1940,
"A wonderful mother, woman: and aid,
One who Was better, God never made, t
A wonderful worker, so loyal and true,
One in a million, that mother, was
—Sadly missed by daughter and sous.
Roy blacicenzre and his Orchestra
ADMISSION: 35c and '25c
Cliff. Watson, Manager
Baby Brownie Spec.. , , .. -. 1.75
Jiffy Kodak 620 $10.75
Vigilant Jr. $16.50
Vigilant 8.8 $20.00
Vigilant 0.3 $24.50
Vigilant 4.5 ......,.......... $36.50
Your friends will appreciate a cam-
era this Christmas.
NOTE. Studio and -Camera counter
open evenings 131. 8 p.m..
J. C. Henderson
2nd floor cor. of Square and
Hamilton Street,
Arriving Dec. 11th a full assort-
ment of Northern Black Spruce, Sil-
ver Spruce, Balsam, White Pine, Ced-
A size suitable for any room .
All orders left at my office will be I
delivered when requested -
Victor 11 Falconer
For Rent
Fba'nished rooms for light house-
keeping,, Ail modem' conveniences',
Apply at the News -Record office.
Clinton Mission
Old Thne Dance Hall, Services,
Sunday School, Sunday 2 p,m.; Ser-
nice, 3 p.m. Cottage Prayer Meeting,
Friday 8 p.m.. • '
Electric Washer
Modern gyrator action, porclain
tub, reliable party to take over bal-
ance of account, (army). Payments
low; machine still under guarantee of
factory.. Apply to box 39, The Clin-
lipton News' -Record. 70-1
will be held at S.S. No 1 HulIett
Township, on
The draw for the Red Cross '• quilt,
donated by Mrs. T. Smith, will be
made. 70 -
For Sale
A furnaeette stove, large size, good
condition. Apply to Freda Schoen-
hals, Clinton. 70tf.
For Sale
9 young pigs, about 10 weeks old.
1942 Radios we here on display in-
eludiag, Rogers, Deforest,. Minos,
Westinghouse, Spartons.
I carry a full line of radio tubes,
up to date tube tester, General and
Everready Batteries, D amanion Wa-
shing Machines, all olectrfeal appli-
ances and roofing supplies,.
A. W. Groves, Princess St...
To M. T. Corless, Clerk of tJle Mimi.
cipelity of the Town of Clinton.
I appoint the 19th day -of, 1iOoeem-
,ber,,1941, at the limn. of 7.30 p.m. at
the Council Chamber, Clinton, in the
County of Huron, for holding a eourt
to hear and determine the several
eoplaints of errors and ounnissiens in
the first and second parts of:'the said
voters' list for the Munieipnlety of
Clinton for 1941.
1 direct that the Assessor' for the
Municipality shall attend the .sittings
of the said Court, and that.tlie mases-
spent roll ands minutes of the Court
of Revision for the Municipality for
1940 be produced thereat.
Dated 6th day of December: 1941.
This is your opportunity to awn a.
good home.
The Executors are offering for
sale„ the two-storey frame residence,
with land and garage, House- bas e
basement throughout, hot ale firanace,
electric lights, 3 piece bathe and in-
sulated. Town assessment $1,400,
Fire Insurance $2,000.
This residence has a veryid'esirable
location ,with entrance to- property
from both King and James Sts, The
plan is appropriate and could:he made
(at Minimum cost) suitable for a
Duplex, Apartment or Tourist Home,
For inspection of property, kindly
make an appointment with) Mr. Ed..
ward. W. Elliott or Mr.. Neetaxs Ken.
nedy of Clinton, Ont.
Terns—Cash—Or terms, with 20%
or more down, balance at.5ens in equal
monthly payments. Immediate pos.
Submit your offer to G:! M. Mc-
Kenzie, Executor, 448 ea&la Ave.,
Hamilton, Ont.
For Sale.
7 Polled Angus cattle, 1; yr. old; 2
Durham steers 11/6 yrs. old, 1 black
heifer' due in December; 1 Durham
cow, due in March; also, a number of
White Angora rabbits. Apply to
James East, Clinton, Ont., 2% aniles
North East of Clinton. 661.
For Ranh
Five -room duplex furnished,•modern
conveniences, available immediately,
Apply to Mr. Lorne Browny phone 5
Clinton. 69-2
For Sale
150 cords of wood, in the tree; also
young pigs., Apply to A. E. Town-
shend, Phone 909-22 Clinton. 67tf.
Foe Rest
Garage ter rant, Apply to Mrs.
APPY Herold Taylor, Princess street, Robert Webeter, Victoria Street, C1in-
.1 ton. 70-1:
Clinton. 40
Car for Sale
Brick house, on Princess street.
1932 Excel- ho se P AIL
Durant be Lux Sedan E ce modern conveniences. Possession at
wi a e'ondition; beautiful m; wire once. Apply to E. Ward, Hueco
wheels; six new tires; heater; 1942 street, phone 155, Clinton. G9tf.
license; rides like new. Price $225.
Apply to LAC Watson, No. 31 Radio To Rent
School, Clinton. 70-1 Five roomed apartment in the
--_ For Sale Sloan block. Possession at once,
Phone 207, A. 3, Cooper, Goderich,
. Two, 2. -piece snow snits, colter
green, size 6, lined. Apply to Mrs•, 1!
Ross Fitzsimons, phone 32, Clinton.
House for Rent
Desirabe six -room house on Princeso
street, complete bath and modern eon-
veniences. •""Apply to Kenneth Whit-
more, Blyth. 69tf.
For Rent
Planters and Trappers Take Notice
I am in the fur buying business
again this year; highest market pric-
es paid for all kinds' of raw furs.
No shipment too large cm too small
for me to handle. Norman East,
R.R. No. 1, Clinton. 66te