HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-11-20, Page 8THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, There is "Something,new under the sun,' its made in Oaarada, its new, novel attractive and efficient . a col- lection of blank books bound with heavy wood covers about /s thick, the wood is stained dark with natural grain being effectively pre- served, some have copper hinged cov- ers, some laced with leather thong their novelty will surely bring to the fore your appreciation and approval especially if you are looking for a select gift worthy to give your most esteemed friend some expressions we hove heard about them are they're "clever" "smart" "appropriate" and "useful'r etc. Serrap Welds, Guest Logs, Travel Logs, Garden PartyScrp Books, Snap Shots, Diary, Books, Autographs etc. Priced from 75c to $2.25 PAGE 8 HIND 14 OF CHOICE BEEF DRESSEDHOG by half .•.••...... VEAL }STEW 201b. PAIL LARD ►' For Something Different Try a Delicious Steak` GEESE, DUCKS AND CHICKENS FOR WEEKEND CONNELU & `t' D " CLINTON'S LEADING MEATAlbert MARKET !lSlavot ose 165. 17c lb, 171/2c lb. 18c ib. $3.50 It's the R'igbt Light to Save Your Sight *Coleman lamps produce high'coo- dle-power, lies, white light—the nearest like c light. � daylightyour yes. Coany me in and see densonstrasions — 1 May we be forgiven a moments ac- cess of self 'satisfaction in looking back on the many advantageous asand fers we have made youhave boxes of writing paper, they saved you money and made a volume of quick turnover for our selves—tea good business performance—Now we have another at 49o, an attractive, box to start with, the box contains two quires of paper and equal quan- tity of envelopes (most boxes contain only 1 squire) the stock is modern .in shape and good quality. We do not hesitate in offering you the assur- ance that all virtues considered tab box is equal or superior to any offer- ed you by our firm. They are eye ap- pealing as well as purse appealing— a strong combination. If your Coleman Appliances need any adjusting bring them in Saturday, Nov. 15 and have them looked over by •a factory, trained expert, free of charge. ONLY ONE IYA.Y NOV. 15. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. POCKET BOWS See these sturdy little books that slip 'easily into the pocket. Put sev- eral copies into your lad's 'Christmas box. Make your choice from dozens of titles --everything from murder mysteries to science and .Shakes- peare! Strongly bound with perma- glossed jackets, good paper and clear print. Weigh very little, yet you can knock them about. They're a grand travelling gift, too. Each 39c. The W . Dr Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best COMFORT Below we are listing a few of the many lines we are now show- ing that make for Greater Comfort during the cold weather that cannot be far away. Boys Windbreakers and Breeches made to match, in Air Force Blue. Heavy and warm and very reasonably priced—Sizes to 34. Ski Caps for Boys or Girls. Big assortment in great variety of colors, and color combinations, Sweater Coats—Boys Sweater Coats in a great showing of col- ors and weights—priced from 79c up. Misses and Growing Girls new Tan Oxfords. Just the thing for school—sizes from 11 to 3 and from 4 to 8—Some with flaps---prie- ed $1.95. Rubber Footwear Why not buy the better lines. They cost little, if any more than inferior grades. See our showing of Dom- inion Goods at lowest prices. Overcoats—All that is new in Style and' material, Almost 100 Coats to choose from and priced as low as $15.05. Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. . A Variety of Hardware Items such as PYREX WARE, CUTLERY AND rvicable. CHRISTMAS GIFTS -SHOP EARLY FOR CH BETTERDICE EN.AMELW Appeals as se T. llawkius., HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 LOVE BIRDS For sale at flower shop CUT FLOWERS • MUMS ROSES ETC. F. R. CUN1NGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del Aa. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 Mr. G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn Hall spent Sunday in Tillsonburg. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Inkley and daugh- ter spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nediger were with friends in Owen Sound on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McGill and Misses Kathleen and Helen spent the week- end with friends in Sarnia. Mrs. Alex. Haddy and Mrs. 0. W. Potter spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dippell of Bowanan- ville. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Nay of Forgan, Sask., were the recent guests of Mrs. Nay and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McCartney. Mrs. Chas. Trickett and Mr. P. W. 'Hutchings, who have been spending the past two weeks with T4Irs. G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn, have return- ed to Tillsonburg. Quality Meat Market EBENEZER The November meeting of the W.Q. was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Lobb, with a good attendance. The president presided, and the meeting was opened with, a hymn and the Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the previous meetingg were reads and ap- proved. Following the roll Ball the devotional period was taken by Rev. H. Wilding. During the business ses- sion a committee was appointed to appoint officers for the coming year. A solo was given by Shirley Jones and readings were given by Mrs. Bert Lobb and Rev. Wilding'. The meeting was closed with a hymn and the bene- diction. On Monday evening a presentation was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hebden for Mrs. S. Potter, and Mrs. S. Hayden and family, who are movng this week to Nile. An ad- dress was read and each member of the family was presented with a gift, including Gnr. Robert Hayden, who is at present training at Petawawa Camp. This family will be much missed from the community, especial- ly in the work of the Red Cross Soc iety and the W.A. of Ebenezer church. Mrs. S. Potter is in her 82nd year and has knit 61 prs. of soaks, 15 large scarves, 4 toques, and 2 pr. seaman's long stockings. SEE OUR CHOICE QUARTERS OF HOME KILLED BEEF HIND �/ OF BEEF 18c Ib. FRONT IA OF BEEF 16c Ib. CHOICE SIDE OF PORK 17�/2c lb' FRESH HOMEMADE POTTED MEAT . 200 ]b. FRESH HOMEMADE SAUSAGE . 20c lb. SPARE RIBS 20c ib. PORK CHOPS 28c lb. FRESH BEEF AND PORK LIVER . 15c ]b. COME IN AND ASK ABOUT OUR PLAN ON BEEF AND PORK WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Mr. Norman Lever, Jr., who has been working in an armament plant at St. Catheriines, has gone to }Tamil - .ton for more advanced study. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon' Dow, and child- ren, Betty' and Nelson of Mitchell Visited on Sunday with ids,. Mary Snyder ands Mrs: Jelin Jervis, .Who returned home with them for a short visit. The Misses Isabel and Alice Beattie,' formerly of the "The Vogue", Clin- ton, who have been spending• the summer at their home at Kerwood have now taken up residence in' their new home on Ridout street south, London. Mr. Arthur Dale and Miss E. Bricken- den father: andaunt of the groom, were in London on Saturday last attending a Post -Nuptial reception held at the hone of Mrs. Sarah Sifton of London, in honour of her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Dale: Custom Killing and Sausage Made at Reasonable Estee. Highest Prices Paid for Hides. ROSS f ITZSIMONS PHONE 76 THURS., NOV. 20, 1941 ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Annual Bazaar under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild in the Parish Hall Thursday, Nov. 27th 2.30 7 p.m. Booths: Fancy Work, Apron and Handkerchief, Candy and Fish Pond, Hornebaking, Produce, Rummage. Afternoon Tea: Chicken Salad, Bread and Butter, Cake and. Tea. Come and bring your friends Seasonable Specials For This Week RILEY'S GROCERY QUALITY Service. VALUE, BARGAINS FOR NOVEMBER 20, 21, 22ND GRANULATED PURE CANE SUPREME SUGAR 10 lb. bag 79c Mincemeat 2 lbs27c, RED & WHITE CHOICE QUICK QUAKEIL'- PUMPKIN 2 tins 23c 'OATS pkg. 24c UOFFEE Mother Parkers lb. tin 59C' 1/2 LB. PKG. 43c Mw IYrO kikt.P err 60 r Ow Pool PLUM JAM Dundurn 32 oz. jar LISTEN TO Mother Parkers Contest: OVER GFRB TUESDAY 8 to 8.30. 29.c. CUT MIXED SEEDLESS - PEEL lb. 29c RAISINS 2 lbs. ... 25c QUALITY FRESH FRUITS' AND, VEGETABLES' SEEDLESS, Grapefruit 6 for ... 25c Red Emperor GRAPES CELERY" Hearts; 2-250 ,spinach curly 2 lbs 15c Lettuce head 2 foP 17c cALu jcNiA , Yams, Radishes, .Car- ORANGES i 1 2 lbs.... 25c rots, Cabbages, Turnips,'Doz. 3:u! C eaofCE LEMONS' 4 for —10C 01011. .M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON LICENSE NO. 87642 Where Quality Sells & Service Tells SEEDED RAQ'SINS 16 oz. pkg. . 17c SEEDED RAISINS 12 oz. pkg. . 15c WHITE RAISINS lb. 19c NEW RECLEANED CURRANTS 2 lbs. 29c NEW CUT PEEL with Red and green cherries with Pinapple Rings per lb. 35c GLACED CHERRIES per Ib. 49c RED CHERRIES in pkgsIOc and 15c DATES WITH STONES .. 2 lbs. 29c PITTED DATES 2 lbs. 37c NEW SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs. 23c COLORED PEEL in pkg... 15c each ORANGE and. LEMON PEEL 29e lb. CITRON PEEL 39c lb. JUICY ORANGES .... 2 doz. for 49c EDIUM GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 25c 1 pkg. SUPER SUDS with 7 in27c Fruit Bowl 35c 2 lb. MINCEMEAT 24 ]b. bag PASTRY FLOUR 69c b. bag PURITY; FLOUR or FIVE 29c ROSES 1 can PIE CHERRIES , 1Sc 2 cans GARDEN PATCH 24c BEANS . �'/ Ib. TEA Popular Brands at 43c old price 1 lb. BLEACHED SEEDLESS 19c RAISINS 1 Igo. GRAPENUT FLAKES and 1 pkg. POST TOASTIES both for .LONDESBORO Miss Thelma Scott of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. , It being their twenty-fifth wedding, An- niversary, also ^ Mrs. Scott's sister, Mrs. Ella. Woolvin and son Douglas and a friend Miss Mildred Resell. We are•sorry to report that Mr. Lloyd 'Carter, .student at Western Un- iversity, London, has been a patient in St. Josephs Hospital for the past two weeks. A speedy recovery is hoped for. The November aneeting of the W.M. S. was held on Thursday last with the President Mrs. J. P. Manning in the chair. Meeting opened by singing a hymn and the National Anthem fol- lowed by the Daily prayer. In the ab- sence of the Sec., Miss F. Jamieson read the minutes and called the roll, urea's report. The temperance Sec. rFangrad gave a reading on the beverage rooms on a Sunday after- noon in Ontario. It was agreed the Auxiliary would buy "World Friends" Baby Band. It was also cls= 16c 7 lge. GRAPEFRUIT for 25c War Time Prices and1Trade Board Licence No.' 56304' SEE OUR WINDOWS JOHNSON GROCERY The' Neto"Red Front Store PHONE 286 Superior Store was. quite successful. $62 was taken in—expenses $26.00 leaving a cash. balance of $36.00. °i. The Annual Bazaar of the W.A. will be held .in the basement of Com- munity Hall on Friday afternoon' of this . week, opening at 2.30 o'clock. 'Come and, secur''e your gifts for Christ '''PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR November 20, 21, 22 M1 CAN. PEAS 2 for 21c 1 25e) 2 for 21c 570 ..6 for CAN. CORN 6 for BENMILLER PASTRY FLOUR 67c We Buy and Grade Eggs for which we Pay lc a doz. more in Cash or TradeRegister No. 02-8-7 OXYDOL lge. pkg. 24c VAN CAMP'SiG: B.'CORN tin.. lle CHOICE PUMPKIN 2 lge. tins. '25c CREAM SANDWICH BISCUITS lb. i 19c PEANUT BUTTER 20 oz. jar .. 25c AYLMER CATSUP 12 oz. 'btl... 150 SULTANA RAISINS 2 lbs. . , .. 25c LEXIA RAISINS with seeds 2 lbs 27c BLEACHED RAISINS 1b. 19e CURRANTS 2' IUs 27c CUT :'MIXED ISE13L 1/ ' ib. .. , 15c RED OR GREEN CHERRIES %a Ib. 13,c CITRON PEEL, Caps % lb. 23c PITTED SAIR DATES lb. 19c CALUMET. BAKING. POWDER 16 oz. tin for the 'a y an • mss also,;baking for over theweek tided that the captains of groups be "endthew will. ,also be a supper. as the: stricking 'committee for 1942 of ', endal. Beers. Group No. 5 then took charge, with Mrs. F. Tamblyn presiding. Hy- mn 45 was sung, followed by prayer by Mrs. Tamblyn. Mrs. F. Wood read the scripture lesson. The report of the Sectional meeting held recently at Constance was given by Mrs. Fan - grad. A very pleasing duet "Drifting with the tide" was rendered by Mrs. S. Lyon and Mrs. J. Shaddick with guitar accompaniement. Thechapter in the Study Book was contributed by Mrs, B. Vaal] of Blyth, who was a vise itor. Meeting closed by singing a Hymn. Mrs. F. Tamblyn pronounced which was responded to by a verse the Benediction. containing the word, "Forgive". It Mrs. J. Tamblyn is spending a few was requested that all who have not days this week with Mrs. W. Hiles paid their fees for 1940 to do so in of Clinton. Mrs. Richard Vodden spent the past week at the home of her mother, Mrs. W. T. Brundson. St d'i hp "High prices in West The "Bingo" which was held in the order to close the books at the end of this year. The word for roll call for Dec. to be "Refugee" Mrs. F. Tamblyn gave a reading en Christian *wars, China." Mrs. Watson gave the tress- Community Ball last Friday night v VARNA IT'S A GREAT PLEASURE To announce the arrival' of a great-assortment.,of CHESTERFIELD SUITES AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS A few cable springs and a grand assortment of -Spring -filled Mat- tresses at a nice range of prices, also Drop -Back and Raised Head Couches, and Breakfast Suites,, Mirrors •and Ferneries, And last of all, we cam show:you a swell range of LAMPS OF ALL KINDS Its not to early to make Christmas selections while our stock is complete, you may save disappointments later.. "The Store With The Stock" BALL & ZAPFE Hardware -- Furniture -- Funeral Directors -- Ambulance Service. HARDWARE, FURNITURE W. Ball, Phone 361: PHONE 195' J. J. Zapf°, Phone 103. • Miss Fannie Diehl We are very sorry to report the death of Miss Fannie Deihl', who pas- sed away in Clinton Hospital on Thursday night after an operation on Monday. 'Miss Deihl appeared. to be in her usual health and had attended the annual supper sponsored by the L.O.L. the previous Friday night. She was' a daughter of Henry Diehl and Margaret Foster Deihl. Besides her parents there survive one brother, Carl, at horse, andone sister, Mrs. Morisj Durham, Hullett Township. She was an active member of, the 'Women's 'Auxiliary and member of St. John's Anglican church and will be greatly sussed. The sympathy of the community is extended to, the bereaved famil 25c PURITY FLOUR 7 lb. bag 29c ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 98 ]b. bag "p2 65 ORANGES for juice 2 doz. 45c GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 25c T. A, r��MPsoK Everyday Prices. Newton Washed ; and Shrunken 3 .... ply Wheeling Yarn perlb.... $1.50 Scotchfinger Yarn, Grey Airforce Blue, Navy, Blue Heather, Green purple or Red, per lb. ....•.• $1.69 Super ;Service Yarn each ball con-- • tains enough yarn for 1 pair of service socks per ball 85c Penmans All Wool Comb Underwear $3.399 $2.00 ' single garments each Penmans Fleece Lined No. 27 Comb.... $1.85 single garments each..•.. Underwear Boys Fleece Lined. Comb. Suits $1.19. Boys Cotton and Wool Comb. Suits . $1.19` Mens Smocks. and Wool l Comb. each . $2.25 Mens Breeches, new stock per pair .,.... $3.00 Mens Work Pants $1.6gand $2.25. I'iens Heavy Work .Shirts $1.15, $,1.S9, $1.69, $1x98. Mens Work Socks 35e,;59e,69C 75e Mens Comb. Overalls Sanforized' per suit., $3.69. Mens heavy Work _Shirts Yaingnlans D.ress.:JP'ants ‘....1$4, 59 and :$3.35 Boys Walker Brand Overhalls $135, Boys `Wool Knee Hose »•er pair ; 49c Boys WoolBlanket Cloth Windbreak- ers with full length zipper $3.39' PHONE 40. THE STORE THATSAVES YOU MONEY.