HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-11-20, Page 5'THURS., NOV. 2O C1941:;
'Never before has individual thrift been so vital a factor in our
• country's history. Every dollar we can save countsinthe conduct
- of this war.
To overwhelm the enemy and hasten a victorious peace the
'Empire must have a modern, smooth running, hard hitting, fighting
machine. But such a machine cannot be built without individual
sacrifice -self denial -thrift.
Until this war is won make
personal thrift your watchword.
Watch your spending. Buildup
a reserve of fighting dollars out
of current earnings. Save for
,?► This book will help you save.
The Royal Bank Family Budget
Book shows you how to budget your
income, how to save by planned
spending. Mk for a free copy at your.
nearest branch.
'Tie ROYALBANKof Canada
• Miss Lucille'ieller underwent an
:opertion for appendlctis in Goderich
Hospital on Friday.
Mrs. Fred Ross attended the funer-
al of the late Mrs'. Wm. Thompson
at Dungannon on Monday.
Mr. Bussell King who has been a
'patient in Westminster Hospital,
"London, spent a couple of days at his
• home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ezekiel were called
attended by Mrs. Hunking was the
Londesboro school on the 10th, of
Mullett. In her early days she atten-
ded Hope Chapel New Connexion
church but for some years has been
a member of Auburn Baptist church
and a member of the Ladies Aid. On
Decembed 3rd, 1875 she was married
to John Honking the ceremony being
performed by the late Rev. Joseph
Philip. About 51 years ago they came
to Auburn and lived on the Elkin
homestead and later on built the home
to Goderioh Sunday night owing td where the late Robt. Scott resiled.
"the death of Mr. Phillips brother=iri- Mr. Hunking passed away on April
law, Mr. Alfred Tebbutt. 4, 1897. Of a family of seven five
Mr. Milton Plunket of Toronto but are living: Mrs. Mina Farrow, Ohes-
' a former resident of Auburn who has Wold Del.; Mrs. Alice Wilson, Olin-
. been
lin-`been on a hunting trip in Bruce Chun- ton; Mrs. Geo. Yungblut, Auburn;
Wesley, Varna and Albert, Detroit.
Mrs. Hunking makes her home with
her daughter Mrs, Yungblut. Her
`the village Saturday enroute to Tor- many friends wish her many more
onto. He had the deer on display on birthdays.
the front of his car.
The pupils of Auburn Public School
under the supervision of their teacher
sponsored a sale of Home-made bak-
ing in the Orange Hall on Saturday
afternoon, Tickets were also sold on Baxter, Sr. of Colborne township, on
a cake, Mas. Thos. Johnston was the Saturday, November 15th, at 11 a.m.,
lucky winner of the cake. The net when their granddaughter Miss Erie
proceeds of the afternoon was $10.25 Leone Baxter was united in marriage
which was turned over to the Red to Carman Wellington Stevens son of
`Cross. Mr. and Mrs. William Stevens of Mait-
land Concession, Colborne Township
W:M S. I Rev. R. G. Hazelwood of Benmiller
Mrs. Edgar Lawson gave her home United church performed the cere-
for the November meeting of the mony. The bride looked lovely in a
• W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian church.' street length dress of dusky rose
Mrs, Robert Scott was in charge. The French Tricotine with a corage of
scripture was read responsively and Briarcliff roses, she also wore the
prayer was offered by Mrs. John fins- groom's gift a triple necklace of
ton. The secretary report was read pearls. Mr. Sheldon Baxter brother
and adopted. The roll call was ons -hof the bride played the wedding
wered with a verse of scripture con- march.
taining the word "Obey". Mrs, James
Howitt gave a paper on "Looking Following the wedding a dinner
forward to a National Peace". Mrs. was served. The bride's table was
Wes. Bradnock favored with a solo. prettily decorated with pink and
Mrs. Fred Ross led a discussion on white streamers, The bride's cake
"Shall Missions go On". .The'Tidings adorned the centre of the table. The
Prayer was, read in unision. The table was set with the bride's dishes
meeting was closed by singing thn, a gift from her grandparents. Fol -
National Anthem. A social half hour lowing the dinner Mr. and Mrs.
was spent' with Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Stevens: left for a motor trip to Tor -
Mrs. John Huston and Mrs. McGee as onto. The bride chose for travelling
• hostesses, a promenade green dress with hat
and gloves to match and a black fit•
B•Y•P•U" ted coat. On their return they will
The B.'i'.P.U. held their monthly reside on the groom's farm Maitland
meeting in the church Sunday even- concession, Colborne Township.
ing. The ;meeting was in charge of • Guests from a distance were Harold
George Robertson. The devotional ,Stevens brother of the groom from
period was taken by Marie Raithby Toronto University; Mr. and Mrs.
and Harold Reid. 'Evelyn"Raithby Wm. M. Baxter and Mrs. Gillis and
sang a solo. A reading was given by Miss Grace Pfremmer of Stratford.
"Royce Phillips, 'a duet was • rendered
by Ehnma and Shirley Robertson, and Women's Institute
Elaine: Johnston gave a mouth organ I 'Mrs. Edgar Lawson presided' for
selection:. The topic was taken by the November meeting• of the Wo-
Emma Robertson: Mrs. James Raith. men's Institute which was held in
by closed the meeting with prayer. the: Foresters Hall on Tuesday after-
A'Meeting ''of the citizens of the noon. The meeting
'village was held in .the Town Hall,s"was opened by
Monday' night when plans were made Lord'sg the "Ode" and repeating the
for a special drive when 'it is hops' ordPs prayer in unison,' The mina -
a month can be raised Spec-
'ial Salesmen appointed were. Gordon
ty shot a 250 pound buck in the
Whitechurch district.
Mr. Plunket called • on friends ht
Stevens -Baxter
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized at the home of the brid'e's
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George
tes of the previous meeting were read
and adopted. The secretary also read
Taylor, Ohas. Asquith, Kaim'er Dow-' a letter from the Department regar-
son, ula,4Y. Ferguson and R. D. Munro. used a grant of $30a which is to be
Robt. J. Phillips Was appointed to was foriEducational oaask 'f Purposes, It
interview the local or anizations.. was decided to eek 'for as A letter
'salesman"exgect to'makecanvass The. was read from the dept, asking for a
a. donation for blankets or seeds for the
within a week or ten days• •Britains bombed, out area. ,It was de -
Mrs. Johp_ Hunking gijietly cele. •
orated tier >36tit birthday at the ho tided to send $5..00' for seeds: The
of her daughter' Mrs. George Yung- roll. call was answered! with a "Rene-
e ng dy for cold or poison." ' Mrs. H. a
blutt on Sunday,,. Many friends. call- Wil n y
edr to extend greetings., Martha �; gave a ver interesting talk
on lThe care of th
•Jane Howson, the 'daughter 'of Jos -
sacic,rpo Mise
eph Howson Amyelia Mellwain sang a solo. A
P . ,and Jane BnOWn was,'cairn was i
born at 8squ'essmng; 'near Toronto on g given by Mrs. Jeremiah
Tay or. Dr.
November 16th, 1886>: She is of Eng- B. C. . Weir was:the guest
'nth and Scotch dise,ent herencs ar speaker and gave a very instructive
having, eome :tq{ Canada ' •when anther talk en "Food an'd.ats, Gordon
J. C, Stoltz and Mrs; Gor
were quite youpg when the y„tse�ttlg�. inn Taylor
at {i 'i+El'eg` a . cin comariitte to look
Estjti6ssnng'.tlre d?ath•er follobV'ell t�t� .. ,, pP ted' a , ;.•;e�
tradeoi; she matin T afte tele exchang, o$ 'gifts' fox' the
„ � r $j,.,, -1�e; CQt?:litl�'' a :.
was all`l usai:an�T• cl God Saert.?neoting ,,
ta•put their'shant .. °' ien,fir God Save the King brought the meet -
y Bt BCllOol.
ing to a close. A. socia:' half hour was
spent with Mrs. George 'Sturdy, Mrs.
Jas. Woods and Miss Josephine Weir
as hostesses.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Volume of South-
ampton, have rented Mrs,. N. W.
Woods' cottage, "The Hut", for the
winter, and are taking possession this
Corporal Donald Stirling of the
R.C.A.F., Ottawa, is,' spending his
Leave with his aunts, the Misses A. M.
and 3" Stirling.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rhynas and
sons of Burlington were the guests of
the former's mother, Mrs. 0. Rhynas,
over the weekend.
Miss Elsie Thompson has purchased
Mr. Robert Penhale's house on Main
Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Jowett left en
Friday to visit their daughters at
Elmer and Caledonia, before motor-
ing to Fort Lauderdale, Florida,
where they will spend the winter.
Miss Margaret Ferguson of Tor-
onto was the guest of her parents Mr.
and Mrs. W. Ferguson .over the week-
Mrs, Jaines Robinson is• visiting her
mother Mrs. Tanner in London.
Misses Alice Drouin and A. Fern-
ette of Detroit spent the weekend: at
the Drouin cottage!.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Barrett, and
Mr. and: Mrs. Clair Bennett of De-
troit were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Weston on Sunday.
Messrs, John Howard and Walter
Westlake 'returned home on'`Sunday
after spending 'a week at Tobermory.
Mrs. J. W. Jowett and Mrs. E.
Lundbolm left on Tuesday to spend
the winter in Fort Lauderdale, Flor-
Corporal F. Cooper, R.A.F. Port Al-
bert, spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Ferguson. •
Mrs F, V. Martin of Detroit spent
a few days in the village this week.
Miss Jeanne Dunn returned to
London on Monday after having spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Makins.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Makins' and
Marion went to Guelph on Wednes-
day, where Marion will undergo an
operation on her eye.
Mrs. A. Newton -Brady of Hixmilton
called on friends in the village on
The Red• Cross Society' shipped the
following goods last week for the
month of October: Refugee: 1 pair
mitts, (children); 1 pair mens mitts;
1 pair socks; 1 shelter rug; 4' suits
of childrens pyjamas; 9 quilts; 4 pair
boys overalls; 1 blanket; 3 dresses; 1
slip; 1 pair bloomers; 14 toys, and 5
rag dolls (the last two items were
made and donated by the school child-
ren). Seamans: 9 turtleneck sweat-
ers; 9 scarves; 9 helmets; 9 pair'
mitts; 18 pair seaman socks; 9 pair
long socks. Army: 6 scarves; 6 hel-
mets; 6 pair mitts; 6 turtleneck
sweaters; 73 pair socks; 1 Balaclava
A cheque for Seventy Five dollars
was forwarded to Toronto to buy
blankets. Since that the following
donations have been received,: Misses.
Elliott, Blue Water Highway, $4.00;
Mrs. P. McEwen, $2.00; Miss F. Pol-
lock, $2.00. The following dona-
tions have been received since Sept,
1st: Mrs. J. Howard anti Mrs, C. Ber-
ry, 2 quilts, 1 pair pillows; Bronson
Line Unit, 4 quilts, 1 shelter rug., 4
pair overballs, 4 pair pyjamas, 3
dresses, 1 slip, 1 pair bloomers; Blue
Water Highway Unit, 1 blanket, 1
quilt; Mrs. George Campbell, 1 quilt;
Mrs, Rorgus'on, Mrs. Weston, 1 quilt;
Mrs. Wm. Heard; 1 quilt.
A community reception was held in
the Town Hall on Friday evening last
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Allin
(nee tear -trice Houston) of Carlow.
The evening was spent in dancing.
Following refreshments the young
couple were called to the platform
and Mrs. Wm, E. Parker read a short
address asking them to accept a stud-
io couch as a token of the good wish-
es of their many friends in this Dis-
trict. On behalf of himself and his
bride the groom tendered their thanks
ina few well chosen words. After
which Rev. 13. F. Andrew gave several
bag -pipe selections.
Education Week was observed in
Bayfield or Thursday evening last
when the parents and those interested
in education were invited to the
school. The Chairman of the School
Board, Mr. George Castle presided,
Rev. Harold Currie gave a short ad-
dress which was, followed by one by
Rev. B. F. Amdi'ew who substituted'
for Rev. 3. Graham. Mr. George
Castle .expresed the' hope that a
Hone and School Club would be form-
ed. Exhibits of the various branches
of work drone by the pupils displayed:.
a great deal of local talent. Com-
munity singing was led by Mrs, James
Ferguson,. Mrs. Geo. Elliott made a
motion, which was seconded by Mrs.
Gairdner, expressing thanks ' to the
teachers fortheir splendid• work and'
leadership. The teachers, Mrs. B. F.
Andrew and Mrs. Wm. -E. Parker ser-''
ved refreshments, and ''the meeting''
closed with the National Anthem"
it r :,,,r b:Lio'.41,1;
e„ �w��WM.
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 66j
Poultry Wanted
We are in the market for large or
small quantities of Live Poultry.
Quick service given in grading' your
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
Batkins Locker Storage
Lockers Cut food distribution cost.
The more you use your locker the less
it costs you.
Have you tried Mir 'fresh •frozen
fish? Halves of Pork ane" Quarters
of Beef sold at all tines. Highest
Prices paid for hides.
Casings for sale.
"Frozen Foods are Better Foods."
SMITH-ELLIS-At Empress Avenue
United church parsonge, London, on
Saturday, Nov. 15th, when Rev. R.
3: Agnew 'United in marriage, Alice
Wilfrieda Ellis of Clinton and Don -
aid John Smith of Brantford.
'Ontario Street United, church, par-
sonage, Clinton, on Saturday, Nov.
15th, when the Rev. G. G. Burton
united in marriage, Willa Frances
Potter and Thomas Wilmer Bath -
well, both of Goderich township.
CUTT-HEDRICK-At the residence
of the bride's parents in Blenheim,
on Tuesday, November llth, when
the Rev. A. R. Osborne of Blenheim
united in marriage, Agnes Irene
Hedrick and Keith Crawford Cutt
of Goderich,
BRAY-RAYMOND-At a double
wedding which took place in St.
John's Anglican church, Brussels,
on Saturday, Nov. 15th, when the
Rev. F. Watts united in marriage
Patricia Raymond to James Henry
Davis of Brussels and Priscilla
Raymond to Clifford Warden Bray
of Ethel. ,. <
000X -in Melbourne, Ontario, on
Wednesday, November 12th, to
Private and Mrs. Robert Ii, Cook,
a daughter, (Sharon Louise).
GRAHAM -At Winnipeg on Satur-
day, November 15th, Helen Char-
lotte Manning, beloved wife of A.
Ronald Graham, MacKenzie Island',
Ontario, and daughter of Mrs. R.
E. Manning and the late Mr. Man-
ning of Clinton. The funeral ser-
vice was held today (Thursday,)
from the family residence, Huron
street, Clinton. Interment took
place in Clinton cemetery.
DIEHL-In Clinton on Friday, Nov-
ember 14th, Fannie Barton, beloved,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Henry
Diehl of Stanley township, in her
50th, year.
PINNESfR-In Toronto on ,Friday,
November 14th, George Wilson
Pinner, beloved husband of Lyle
Bartliff, in his 64th, year, Form-
erly of Clinton.
McLEOD-In Clinton on Saturday,
November 15th, Donald' McLeod', in
his' 80th year.
COOK- In loving memory of a dear
wife and mother, Mrs. Fred Cook,
of Tuckersmith, who passed. away
November 22nd, 1937. .
Loving and kind in all her ways,
Upright and just, to the end of ' her
Sincere and true, in her heart and
Beautiful memories she left behind.
--Ever remembered by husband and
• For Sale . ,..
Sugar kettle; Royal Oak wood heat,,"
er; • board and pipes, , large bairei;
block •,ani. tackle.; iron gate, and •hin-
ges; $. ,shpe laths . and simple; abed,
springs;. S'as'katchewanrobe; wirlr-
dows';, 7lpthes,hotse; 6 lb.,iron.,wedee:
Demilohjli ;UOor b•. scales, ,quay tity:o•f
httY,,.a9', Qq. •2 ft fii/z in.;rb l,,ft,.2
fn:' Vials Piine�door 2 ft. 111 in by,a7
., P /a y; .7
ift'Apply to Mrs.,M G Beatty V;ar
p nal
411{Oib 1 •
George Formby.
Ronald Colman, Anna Lee;Charles
Winninger and' `Katharine Leslie
His. artisitic ,,creations were bad,
but hig love -snaking was persuas-
ive and Caroline was susceptible
"My Life With Caroline"
Bud. Abbott, Lou Costello, Diek
Powell, Claire;Dodd and the
Andrews Sisters
They .don't know port from star-
board, but it's a hilarious laugh-
riot when Abbott and Costello be-
come sailors, for Uncle Shen
Coming: 'Harold Bell Wright's
"Shepherd of the Hills" Technical -
Mats.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m.
NOW: Harold Bell Wright's `Shep-
herd of the Hills' Technicolor.
MON., TUES. & WED. r
Gloria Jean, Nan Grey and Robert
contribute a lot of entertainment
to this new musical treat
"A Little Bit of Heaven"
Also- Victor McLagan and'Mar-
jorie Woodworth in a trainload of
laughs -"Broadway Limited"
England's latest and greatest don-
ation to the cause of screen com-
edy in:
"Let George Do It"
Coming: "Kiss the Boys Goodbye"
NOW: Abbott and Costello:
Harry Carey, Betty Fields and
John Wayne
portray the beloved characters of
Harold Bell Wright's great story
The Shepherd of the Hills
Sn Technicolor
Dorothy Lamour and Jon Hall
Technicolor romance in a tropical
'Alamo 'of the South Seas'
Also: Joan Blonde11, Dick Powell
with Mary Martin and Don Ameche Coming: Ginger Rogers in "Tom
Dick and Harry"
Mat.: Wed. Sat. & Holidays 3 p.m.
Mat: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m.
Pumpkin Pies, Tarts, Cookies, Cakes,
Muffins, Date and Nat Loaf, Tea Bis-
cuits, Chop Suey, Raison Bd., Fruit
and Nut Bread, Whole Wheat and
Cracked Wheat Bread.
Try One They are Delicious
The' London Road' 'Club' held. their
Novembermeeting on, Thursday, Nov-
ember 13 at the home of Mrs, Norman
Tyndall. There were 13 members and,
1 visitor present. ,
The meeting was ,opened by sing-
ing Tramp, Tramp Tramp, followed
by the creed., The roll :call was.,,ans-.
•p'ea•ed by a gift 'suggestion for, Christ-
mas. It was; decided• that the bale he
,sent'to• the Red. Shrgl ,, Also a•,i uiat,
tellthetRed Cross It)vas a)eo deckled
to have a dance and •euchre to ,be held
nn the; evening, of ,November
the Old' Time Dinoe:Hall. Yarn,,was,
distributed {311 sewinlg as -{Abe
hande.Sl in at t1 et fir lit rr> etln�,nyy r;
will he,bel t ti, e•, rs.. 1, a, e r
ton 'Wiatse' ori Dec. 11. The meeting
was ,tip eel ,b. r ::r 5 rtk4 ;
Ring. i iP,.,49.4eSs,.,a'etav'.e e•. d!elieleaa,
lunch, ,x•.rs ft:r. yr fw .,t i,
to be held in
Wednesday, Nov. 26th
In Aid of the Queen Alexandra
Orphanage Fund
Any music donated will be appreciated
Ladies please bring lunch
Silver Collection
For Rent
Brick house on Princess street. All
modern conveniences. Possession at
once. Apply to E. Ward, Huron
street, phone 155, Clinton. 64tf.
When You Need Painting er Paper
Hanging Done, see
Huron Street, Clinton
Wanted to Buy
Man's fur coat, suitable for mail
route. Apply to Morley Jordan, Clin-
ton. 67-1
For Sale
Circulator Heater suitable for large
room or hall, wood er coal, (brown).
Inquire from Morley Jordan, Clinton.
For Sale
150 cords of wood, in the tree; also
young pigs. Apply to A. E. Town-
shend, Phone 909-22 Clinton: 670.
House for Sale or Rent
White stucco house on Mary St. In
good condition. All modern .conven-
iences. Apply M. G. Rudd, Mary St.,
Phone 59. 67-1
For Sale
Light Sussex Cockerels, (Brooks'.
Bray mating) Ehchibition quality
$2.00 each. Few with some saddle
ticking $1.76 each at farm. C.
Lawson,' R.R. 2 Bayfield. Phone 25-
900 between 8 and 9 p.en. 67-2
For Sale
Second hand --hand power washing
machine in good condition. Reason-
able. Apply to Miss E. J. Becker,
Erie Street, •Clinton. 67-1
Farm Stock and Implements
Mr. Harold Jackson has, been in-
structed to sell by public auction on
Lot 44, Con. 2, L.R.S., Tuckersmith,
two :and a half miles south and one
and a quarter miles east of Clinton, on
At one p.m., the following: lawn chairs; 3 sets of garden hose;
HOHRSES and CATTLE: 2 aged hose reel; trussles; 2 step ladders;
horses; 4 Durham cows supposed to
freshen in March and April; yearling
Hereford steer; 2 Hereford spring
calves; 2 baby beeves"
POULTRY: 40 year old Rock hens;
40 Rock pullets. I At the same time and place there
IMPLEMENTS: Deering binder;'
will be offered for sale, subject to
Massey -Harris mower; sulky rake; reserve bid, the commodious 2 story
McC'ormielc seed drill, 13 -hoe; Massey- frame dwelling; and land with garage
Hants cultivator; 3 -section diamond' and entrance to properly from ,both
harrows; Bell s'tuffi'er; walking plow; King and James Street.` This house
farm wagon 'with box; gravel box has a basement throughout and heat
and sides; hay rake; cutter; buggy; ed`by furnace and electric lights and
2600 lb. 'scaled; 240'lb. counter stales;'bathroom; and in in a very desirable
pulper; fanningniell; set of slings and' location, and would;bo'sutable for a
attachments; "Wheel" barrow;' sugar Tourist Home, Duplex or Apartment'
kettle, 32 -foot • extension ladder; House.'
larks, shovels, etc. I' Terms on Furniture Cash.
"HO'USlE!IiOLD EFFECTS:' tiaioy 'Terms' On Property `made known day
of Sale
.r. A:'14�cIs F;NZIE ;
M.. 1*KEN7kE; Executors.
W W Ef:LtQTT 'Auction-
Roy Mackenzie and his Orchestra
ADMISSION: 35c and 25c
Cliff. Watson, Manager
Take Notice that the Court of
Revision will sit at Clinton on the
21st day of November at eight o'clock
in the evening, in the Council Cham-
ber, re the mutter of Assessment
The Municipality of The Town of
• • Clerk -anal Treasurer.
- i' t 64-3.
Tenders for the excavation of
8360 cubic yards on the Rathwell
Drain will be received on or before
November 25th, 1941. A marked
cheque for ten per centum of the
tender must be enclosed with tender.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily
Dated this 10th day of November,
Clerk of Stanley Township
Varna, Ont,
Hunters and Trappers Take Notice
I am in the fur buying business
again this year; highest market pric-
es paid for all ,kinds of raw furs.
No shipment too large or too small
for inc to handle. Norman East,
R.R. No. 1, Clinton. 66tf
1 Pig Strayed
l Pig strayed: on the premises of Ray
Whitmore, lot 84, No. 8 Highway,
owner may have same by proving
property and paying expenses. Ray-
mond Whitmore.
Photographs of Distinction
Phone 116.
Developing and Prin*ing
To those contemplating build-
ing a Monument Get my
prices before buying. Cemetery
Lettering a specialty.
All work guaranteed.
CL'nton - Ontario
Successor to Ball & Zapfe
69 tf
1942 Radios are here on display in-
cluding, Rogers, Deforest, Philcos,
Westinghouse, Spartons.
I carry a full line of radio tubes,
up to date tube tester, General and
Everready Batteries, Dominion Wa-
shing Machines, all electrical appli-
antes and roofing supplies.
A. W. Groves, Princess St..
For Sale
One sow, and seven young pigs. Ap-
ply to Cecil Cooper, R.R. No. 5, Clin-
ton. 66-2
For Sale
1 mare, 1 gelding, 1 cow. Apply
to Mrs. Bernard Case, High street,
Clinton. 66-2
Shorthorn Bulls for Sale
Two Shorthorn Bulls for sale, gran-
dsons of Bromith Boy (imp.) by
good milking dams, prize winners at
fall fairs. Apply to Roy F. Pepper,
Seaforth, phone 5 on 614, Clinton
central. 66-2-p
Auction Sale of House, Lot,
and Furniture
At the home of the late Mrs. Thos.
McKenzie, King St., Clinton, on
at 1 o'clock sharp, consisting of
the following:
FURNITURE:. .2 -couches; 2 settees
and 4 chairs; 2 parlor rugs.. combin-
ation desk and book case; 4 email. par-
lor tables; hall rack; hall mirror; oak
dining room extension table and
chairs; oak side board; Rogers radio;
fernery; wall shelf; oak bed room
suite; iron bed, dresser and stand;
matrasses; chest of drawers; single
wardrobe and 3 double wardrobes;
several. bedroom chairs and rocking
chairs; bridge lamp and 3 small,
electric lamps; Princess electric
washing machine (in good:condition);
2 burner hot pante and oven; 1 burner
hot plate; Acme kitchen range nearly
new; kitchen cabinet; kitchen chairs;
large kitchen table; 4 small tables;
New Home sewing machine; Singer
drop head sewing machine; several
extension ladder; lawn mower; 2 rolls
heavy building paper; scythe; garden
tools; kitchen utensils and numerous
other articles,
House and Lot
dhprn; 6 dining Winn chairs extension
table••ne' bei: 66M.101,ite dYsb4s etc
r rv c ira.' .,
OIiN E. H�L 7i'rb 'peter.1'
HAilotio tAIcksOit, Aiictibneei .
100' ,l: •, rtt 1"i t Y 1,, f
Horse for Sale
Driving horse, 5 years old; 'well
broke. Apply to J. C. Weymouth,
Londesboro, phone Blyth 25-14 66-2
Maid Wanted
Experienced capable maid wanted.
Right wages to the right person. Ap-
ply to Box 39 News -Record, 66-2
For' Sale
7 Polled Angus cattle, 1 yr., old; 2
Durham steers 11/44 yrs. old; 1 black
heifer due in December; 1 Durham
cow, due in March; also a number of
White Angora rabbits. Apply . to
James East, Clinton, Ont•, 2/ miles •
North East of Clinton. 66tf.
Farm for Sale
An extra good 50 acres at Lot 5,
on the 2nd concession of Hallett, well
drained, in excellent state of culti-
vation; 14 mile front school. Apply
to Thos. E. Livingston, Clinton. 60-4
,- of Furniture
of the estate of the late Mrs" Samuel
Cleave, at Bayfield on
at 1 o'clock sharp consisting of the
Parlor suite; Morris chair; 9 rock-
ing chairs; settee and, chair to match;
3 parlor tables; davenport; sofa; day
bed; Wilton rug; Axminster rug; 2
small rugs; Victrola and records; 2
writing desks; 3 stands; dining room
table and chairs; 5 beds, springs and
mattresses; 2 dressers; 2 wash stands;
'bureau; 2 toilet sets; 2 drop leaf
tables; 6 kitchen chairs; arm choir;
kitchen cupboard; kitchen stove and
pipes; heater to pipes; 2 coal oil stov-
es; and ovens; carpets; new stair ear -
1• number of linoleum rugs; cur-
tains; floor -lamp; table lamp; washing
machine; bath tub and closet; bake
board and rolling pin; 2 veranda
seats;' lawn swing chair; lantern;
teakettle; mirrors; pots; pans; and
numerous other articles.
Included in the above are some an-
tiques. Everything to be sold.
PAUL CLEAVE, Executor.
eer. 66-1
Of First Posting of Voters' Lists for
1941, Municipality of Clinton,
County of Huron.
NOTICE is hereby given that I
have complied with Section 8 of the
have posted up in my' office at
Clinton, on the 30th of October, 1941
the list of all persons entitled to vote
in the said Municipality at Municipal
election and that such Gist remains
there for inspection.
And I, hereby call upon all voters
to take .ie nrhediate proceedings to
have: any errors or • omissions cor-
rected awarding to law, the last day
for appeal being • .the 21st day of
November 184L
Dated at Clinton this 30th day of
October, 1941.
Clerk of The town Cliii n `'1'