HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-11-13, Page 5THURS, .NOV. 113, 1941 THE CLINTON ACCEPTS LEADERSIfIP 'OF CONSERVATIVE -P1R`Y RT. HON.4ARTHUR MEIGHEN AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. George Yungblutt,• Mr. and Mrs, George Beadle and -Ar- thur Youngblut visited( friends in 'Zurich on Friday. Mr. and; Mrs. Rich McWhinney* of Crewe were recent visitors with Mrs. F. Ross. Mrs. W. T. Robinson was a Toronto 'visitor this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shepherd and Reid Sheppard spent Saturday in •Stratford. ' • Born, on Thursday, November 6th, to •11r. and Mrs. Elwin Killough, a •daughter. Mr.. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson and :Mrs.:0liver Anderson spent the .week- , end with Mr. and Mrs. Kruse of Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nickelson and d aughter Karan •of Galt, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bennett •of Port .Albert spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson. Havey McDowell and Thomas •tardin have secured employment at. :St. Ca'therines. Mr. Nelson McLarty returned to 'his home here from London where "he was taking treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rose of Brnse e els were recent visitors with Mrs. John Symington. ' Mr. Alfred Rollinson, the local 'postmaster is confined to bed. 'The Baptist congregation held a 'supper in the church basement on Friday evening after which the an- nual meeting was held. After a brief devotional period the following of - 'Boers were elected: Deacons, James 'Raithby, Earl Raithby, George Raith- by, Alfred Asquith; clerk, Glenn 'Raithby; treasurer, Frank Raithby; organist, Mrs. R. J. Phillips, choir leader, Mrs. G, A. Howson; Sunday Bdhoul Superintendent, Rev. A. E. 'Silver; assist. superintendent, James :Jackson; secretary treasurer, Marjor- ie Johnston; assistant Emma Robert- son, pianist, Harold Reid; assistant 'pianist, Mrs. Elmer Robertson. The trustees and finance committee were re-elected. It was announced that `$725 was raised from a recent canvas an the congregation. Holy: Commdnion will be observed in Knox Piresleyterian church next 'Sunday morning at 11 a.m., Prepare - 'tory Service will be held on Friday 'evening. 'The monthly meeting of the Wom- 'eri's Institute will b e held in the Foresters Hall o n Tuesday, November 18th, at 2.50, The 'subjeet will be taken by Dr. B. C. Weir. "The Care of a Sick Room" `co be taken by Mrs, H. C. Wilson, Roll sari remedy for cold or poison, Host- esses, Mrs. G. Sturdy, Mrs. W. J. 'Thompson and Mrs. Jas. Howitt. The Ladies Aid of St. Mark's An- gTican church timet in the Orange Hall With the president Mrs. Gordon Tay- lor in charge. Prayers were led by Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt gave the Bible reading. It 'was decided to pack a Missionary bale on . November 15th. Mrs, Alvin Zeatherland gave a. reading "Horne - Makers." The topic "Community Friendship" was given by Mrs• H. C. Wilson. Rev. Mr. Streeter expressed yhis pleasure . at being present and explained the work of the Sisters of St. Margaret at Bracebridge, where the misision 'bale is to be sent. A vote of 'thanks was extended to 'Mrs: Wilson for'her splendid address.' •Rev. Streeter closed, the meeting with -prayer. Mrs. John Raithby gave her home for the November meeting of the Baptist Ladies Aid. The president 'Mrs. Annie Wolper was in charge: "The devotional period was taken by Mrs. John McKnight and Mrs. Thos; 'McNeil. Mrs. Chas. A. Howson and Mrs•; Walp.er led in prayer'. ' Readings were given by Mrs. .Glenn Raithby, 'Mrs, John McKnight and Mrs, Frank Raithby. Mrs. Win. ,Ilaggitt reader - •+ed a solo accompanied by Mrs. R. ,T. Phillips on the harp. The topic was. given by Mrs. Jas. Webster. Alm Earl Raithby closed the meeting with prayer:. aon :gtaVe relsort of the work of the Mi's'sion Band for the year, Mrs. W. H Sheppard, Mrs. Earl Wightman and Mi'ss Sadie Carter were appointed as the nominating committee. Mils.. Jas. Woods closed the meeting with prayer. Roy Bentley eon of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bentleyhas enlisted for ac- tive service at London', Ont. .Private Stanley Ball of Montreal and Private Donald Sprung spent the weekend at their respective heroes. V BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and Miss Jean Fisher of Waterloo spent Remembrance Day with the formers aunt, Mrs. F. A. Edwards. Mr. Lawrence Fowlie of . London was 'the guest of his sisters Misses. E. and F. Fowlie over the weekend.' Mr. Kenneth Brandon who has been sailing on the "Captain S. D. Secord" arrived home on. Tuesday, suffering from 'a fractured arm, which he sus- tained when he fell on the slippery deck, Dr. and Mrs. Volume of South- mpton were the guests of Miss, A. M. Stirling on Tuesday. Messrs, Walter Westlake and John Howard left on Sunday for Tobermorya for a few days deer hunting and Mee - sere J. Beeehie and laude' Gelinas are ,spending a few d in tld Bruce Peninsula. Mr. and Mrs. John Pease and family moved to London on Tuesday. We are sorry to see them leave the village but wish them happiness in their new home. Miss Vera Pease of London was here over the weekend. Rev. John Graham was in' Kincardine on Sunday takingservices for Ven. Arehdeaoon Hartley who was conduc- ting anniversary services at Varna. Allin—Houston ..A quiet but pretty wedding was sol- emnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carlile Houston, Blue Water High- way, Stanley Township, by the Rev. 13. F. Andrew of Knox Presbyterian church Bayfield, on Tuesday, Nov. 4th at 11 a.m. when Beatrice Annie, eld- est dughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carlile Houston became the bride of Rey James Arlin, third son of Mr. and Mrs. John Arlin of Benmiller. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, took her place before a bank of evergreens and Autumn flow- ers. She was gowned in a street length dress of Sea Blue crepe with black ac- cessories and wore a corsage of white and pink mums. Miss Madge Houston who was her sister's bridesmaid was attired in a navy triple sheer with navy accessories and were a corsage of yellow and bronze mums. Regin- ald John Arlin brother of the groom was best man. The bride's mother wore a black crepe dress and her flowers were red carnations. Mas, Al - lin, mother of the groom wore a blue crepe dress with white and yellow mums. The wedding dinner was ser- ved to some twenty guests. The din- ing room was prettily decorated with pink and white streamers, the table being centred with the wedding cake. Those assisting were, Mrs. Milton Pollock, Mrs. Wm. Talbot and Mr. and Mrs. Arlin left on a trip to Toron- to and Niagara Falls, the bride wear- ing a greyish blue wool dress, black coat and black accessories. On their. retiun they will reside on the grooms farm near Carlow. Remembrance Day was observed in Bayfield by a service at the cairn, conducted by Rev. J. Graham, Metn- oriel wreaths from the village and. the Legion were placed on the cairn by Mr. Wm. Ferguson and Miss A. M. Stirling, R.R:C. The school children marched past and pinned their poppies on the wreaths. The Union Jack, which Mrs. 0. W. Rhynas presented to the village, was flying at full mast and added touch to the ceremony was the reading by Mrs. M. Parker of the following .poem which was written by the donor: A Toast To The Flag Of The Empire Here's a toast to the flag of the Em- pire, Our national banner unfurled. It stands for honor and freedom; A clarion call to the world. It waves friendliness to all nations; It greets, the ships on all seas; It spells sacrific and devotion; Love and homage it wafts on the breeze. It stands for a million brave great - hearts. Who rest on a cross -covered field, And for Flag, Ring and Country, Stood twixt us and the enemy's steel So gentlemen, here comes the flag - salute it, The symbol for which men have died. Raise your voices and all sing togeth= er Our National Anthem with pride; And thus ask God's blessing forever On our King, our Empire, our Flag. The National Anthem was then sung. —V I VARNA The 'November meeting of the Var- na W.M.S. was held in the church The Womeh's Missionary Society' with the Kippen and•Hillsgreen ladies of Knox United • church met in .the as guests' The opening hymn Was Sun.,dayi 'So'heel"'room with Mas. 'herb "Jesus shall reign," The president, Moaridge in charge of the devotional Mrs. S. Keyes, welconied the visitors. period. T Mrs. Harry Yungblut gave Mrs. Lee McConnell read the scripture the chapter from the. study book.. A lesson and Mas. Geo.,. Johnston gave '1 luete'rvas'rendered by Miss. the explanation. " Miss • Hern led in 'tail' and:lllrs: ,I erli. Mbgridgre tree pray* The Kippen ladies took rS.i' Carl' Wightmare gage a a er charge 'of the program With MA: Al* C3ic�is'tian• Stewdli�" von 1 ?`shill The,, peen- swig. Johnston presiding. Mrs. Long dent meg Jea.taa Gael tock." char i. sang: s!'soto ''ii4elTt. SYsanbbti l utaiila ,,, •the bust ge oiJ y" l i.he „nes's}perioca Mrs, Hr et ;� They then e. on.an in Crest` la , o, vii,eri is. kr ry t.. ,. P y in which Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Mellis, Mrs. Long, Mao. McMurtrie, Mrs. Johnston and Miss Erma Ferguson took part. Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. McLean sang a duet, 'Beheld a stranger at the door." The offering was then taken. We sang "We have heard a joyful sound and the meeting closed with' prayer, A social hour was: spent and the National Anthem was sung. The many friends of Miss Fanny Diehl will be sorry to knew she is at present in Clinton Hospital. But we hope soon to see her about again.' St. John's Anglican church obesrved their Anniversary, Sunday morning. Service was conducted by Rev.: Arch. Deacon Hartley of Kincardine and was very much appreciated, but owing to sudden and serious illness in his family the Arch Deacon was unable to stay for the evening service, which was taken by Rev. G. W. Moore of St. Paul's, Clinton, who gave a very interesting and instructive talk on the English Alphabet, and on Tuesday night a good program was enjoyed by a full house. Opening number, 0 Canada, when the choir from the R.C. A.F. sang "John Peel" was well worth hearing. A song by A.G. Wigmore, tap dancing by LAC. Gibson, solo by Betty Craig of Auburn, mouth organ selections by Helen Sturgeon of Bay- field solo by Cpl. Dick, duet by Ila and Betty Craig of Auburn, mouth organ by Cpl. Jones, song by LAC. J. E. Phillips, three reels of moving pic- tures by Mr. J. R. McIntosh of Strath- roy who was accompanied by Rev. J. H. Geoghegan also of Strathroy. All the numbers were thoroughly en- joyed, and those who missed this pro- gram certainly missed a treat, but perhaps there will be another op- portunity to hearthese actors. V LONDESBORO The Red Gross sheeting was held in the Hall on Thursday last, with an attendance of 30. The Com.—who packed overseas boxes reported Christmas Boxes had been sent to B. Hall, W. Little, L. Taylor, B. Smith and G. Cowan. The Red Cross Society agreed to •sell li mch at the concert and dance put on by the Farmers Federation on Nov. 7th. A Ietter was read stressing the great need of blankets and it was decided to canvas the people for blankets or donations. The Treas. reported $552.- '77 552:77 on band. Work Com. for Dec. will be Mrs, Fangrad Ruth Shaddick and Mrs. 3. Scott. It was also decided to hold a "Bingo" in the basement of the hall on Friday night, November 14th. Two quilts donated by Mrs. R. Shad - dick were quilted after the business meeting. Rev. Menzies took the chair for election of officers for 1942 which are tie follows: Hon. Pres.—Mrs. John Fingland. Pres.—Mas. R• Fairservi'ce., lst. Vice—Mrs. Geo. Moon. 2nd Vice—Mrs. John Scott. Sec.—Mrs. Geo. Cowan. Treas.—Mrs, F. Hall. All other committees and the advis- ory board were re-elected. Meeting dosed by singing God Save the King. Lunch was served by Mrs. Joe. Lyon, Mrs, E. Wood, Mrs. L McNall, Mrs. Pringle, Mrs. L. Little, Mrs. R• Wells, and Miss L. Barrett. Proceeds from lunch $3.30. Keep to date Fri., Nov. 14 in mind for the Bingo in the Hall basement. Proceeds for war work. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stonehouse and Mr. and Mrs. Cote of Goderich were callers on Mrs. J. Tamblyn on Sun- day. lunch $3.30. Keep the date Fri., Nov. Mrs. W. L. Pardo of Blenheim was the recent guest at the homes of her cousins, Me. Chas. Stewart and Mrs. Thos. E. Adams respectively. Mr. and Mrs. W. Addison and Mrs, J. D. Melville visited with Mrs. Bean Carlow on Sunday. Mr. Fowler and family of Blyth have, moved into the house formerly occupied by the Gibb's fancily. Miss Alice Fingland is in Clinton Hospital where :sae underwent an op- eration on Sat. of last week. At last reports she was doing well. Her host of friends wish her a speedy recovery. On Sunday Iast the pastor Rev. A. L. Menzies delivered: a very fine ser- mon on "The Russo German War and God." His text being taken from In'i Samuel 15th chapter 25 and 26 verses. Mr. Wm. Lyon has leased his farm on the highway to Mr. W. Bromley 13 con. for a term, who takes posses- sion immediately. Mr. Tho, Miller had the mis,ortune io put his shoulder out of joint en Saturday. Jack and Raymond and Misses Elva and Betty Snell spent a few days in Oshawa last week. y Former Clinton Man To Speak At Holstein Breed- ers Banquet Arrangements have been' comple- ted for the holding of their Annual Banquet by the Officers, of the Huron Holstein Breeders' Club, in the Com- munity Hall, Walton, on Tuesday, November 18th at 12 o'clock noon. The ladies of the Walton district are catering to the Banquet, with, ..a Menu featuring roast goose with all the trimmings:: 'The guest speaker will be F..Wig- gins, Produce expert of ,Toronto, for- merly of Chiron, The President and .Secretary,, .,(3. W VanRgnrond, Clinton, and Hume Chilton, Ceoderich) are,,both,.anxious fora targe turnout.of both men„and waren interested in. dairying:. ,411 farmers and their wives, are her* t invited to attend. NEWS -RECORD CUT FLOWERS FLORAL .DESIGNS For Every Occasion c. v. OQKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 861 Poultry Wanted We are in the market for large or small quantities of Live Poultry. Quick service given in grading your eggs. N. W. TREWARTFIA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkins Locker Storage Lockers Cut food distribution cost. The more you use your ]ocl;e1'the less it costs you,. Have you tried. our fresh frozen fish? Halves of Pork and Quarters of Beef sold at all times. Highest Prices paid for hides. Casings for sale:. • "Frozen Foods are Better Foods.” Ontario Street W:1VI:5. The Autumn Thank -Offering meet- ing of the Women's Missionary Soci- ety of Ontario St. church was .held on Wednesday evening, Nov. 12; int the lecture room of the church. As the audience was gathering, the pian- ist Mrs. Wendorf played softl'y.. The meeting opened) with a hymn• fele lowed by the National' Anthem. Mrs. Aiken had ebarge of the devotional period, reading the 96th and 97th psalm, followed by prayer by Mrs. M. Wiltse. After the taking of the thank -offering, Mac. Kennedy read in a prayer of dedication. Mrs. Law- son awson sang an appropriate solo, "Go and tell the Glad Story.•" Miss Elva Wiltse played a pleasing instrumen- tal solo. The president, Mrs. Burton then introduced the speaker, Rev. Reba Hern of Varna. She took as her thence the great price paid for our redemption in the death of Christ, She said if we are to carry on Mis- sionary work at home or abroad we must be ready to pay the price. She told the story of John Williams a missionary to the South Sea Island, who gave Ms life fn an attempt to preach the gospel to the cannibals on one of the islands., He was• followed' by two brothers gamed Gordon, who both met the same fate, but since that time the island has become Christianized, Miss Hern brought hone to her audience, the great price paid by these amen, and the fact that we, as Christian must be ready to make greater sacrifices, in order to further the missionary cause, Mrs. Hawke closed the meeting with pray- er and beneclition. V MARRIAGES McADAMS—CHURCHILL— In St. Paul's church, Clinton, on Satur- day, Nov. lst, when Mabel Irene, slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben. W. Churchill, Goderich Township, be- came the bride of Mitcheai Mc- Adam of Airkona. Rev. G. W. Moore officiated, PAPERNICK RITCHII -- The mar- riage is announced of Jean Mae Ritchie, Reg. N. of Goderich to Ivan Papernick, formerly of Clinton. The marriage was performed by Rev. 3. W. Wilkins of Luaknow ee Novem- ber 19th, /940. ALLIN HOUSTON—At the home of the bride's parents, 13lue Water Highway, Bayfield, on Tuesday, NoV• 4th, when Beatrice Annie, eld- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Car- lile Houston, became the bride of Roy James Arlin, third son of Mr. and Mas. John Arlin, Benmiller. Rev. B. F. Andrew of Clinton offic- iated. BIRTHS SCHOENHALS—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Nov. 5th, to Sergeant and Mrs. Stewart Schoenhals (nee Phyllis Elliott), a son (Paul John). HORNER. — In .Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, Nov. 9th, to Ma. and Mas. Harold Horner, of. Zurich, a son. DEATHS MacKENZIE—In Clinton on Tuesday, November llth, Matilda Alexander, wife of the late Thos. MacKenzie, Sr., in her 88th year. SMITH In Clinton, on Friday, Nov- ember 7th, Vera 'Elmira, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Herbert Smith of Stanley Township, aged 26 years. TEBBUTT In 'Victoria Hospital, ...London, on Friday, November 7th: Matilda Tebbutt, daughter "of"Mac late T. W. Tebbutt of ' G'oderleli ' -Township. 1 • YOUNG—In ' Goderich oil Thursday; Nov 6th, Robe* Yenned Goderieh • Townsh'ip In''hie '64tti`.year FORREST=On 'eSu'ndby, ''Novenber 9th, at her ',late M It ence,'46 Wei burn Avenue,t Teikont'iu, Isabella Me Intosh- 5 beloved 'Wife' of'' George `.Willianalterreat, ln' her 87th, 'year,' PAGE 5 ROXY THEATRE amrro1i NOW :PLAYING: "Blondie has Servant Trouble'' & "Blazing Six=Shooters" MON., . TUES. & WED. Ginger Rogers, . :George Murphy, Alan Marshall & Burgess Meredith Tom was nice . Dick was rich . Harry was fun, so what was a poor girl to do about choosing one? , "Tom, Dick and Harry" THURS., FRI. & SAT. • Don t•Fail to See GEORGE,EORMBY in "I SEE ICE" A Real Furlfest. present the new Technicolor ' were` Lee in: "My Life with Caroline". Mats.: Sat. and Holidays' at 3 p.m. w CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH NOW t Bab Hope and Dorothy Lamour in "Caught in the Draft" MON., TUES. & WED. Ronald Colman and Anna Lee present an appealing romance in a way to make it unforgettable "My Life with Caroline" THURS., FRL & SAT. Harry Carey, 'Betty Field and John Wayne present the new Technicalor vers- ion of Harold Pell Wrights great story The Shepherd of the. Hills REGENT THEATRE =Ara 'l NOW: "Keep Your Seats" and "Bullets for Rustlers!'" MON., TUES. & WED. Madeleine Carroll and Fred MacMurray romancing on the adventurous hot - spat of European intrigue "One Night in. Lisbon" THURS., FRI, & SAT. Abbott and Costello with Dick Powell in a salty eneldleyof nautical nons- eense.. and swing music , "IN THE NAVY"' Coming: "Broadway Limited" and Coming: "The Shepherd of the. "A Little Bit of I-Ieavent" Hills" Mat.: Wed. Sat. & Holidays • 3 lame Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. BAR is LIFF�S SATURDAY SPECIALS Pumpkin Pies, Tarts; Cookies, Cakes) Muffins, Date and Nut Loaf,. Tea: Bis- cuits) Chop, Suey, Raison Bd., Fruit and Nut Bread, Whole Wheat and Cracked Wheat Bteadi. ' THIS 11LONTH!S SPECTAD- BUTTERSCOTCH ICE CREAM PIE Try One They are, Delicious. PHONE 1 WE DELIVER DANCE bye JUNIOR FARMERS' I*. TOWN HALL, CLINTON Tuesday, November 18 Music by— MacKENZIE'S ORCHESTRA Admission: -25c and 35c For Sale 1 mare, 1 gelding, 1 cow. Apply to Mrs. Bernard Case, High street, Clinton., 66.2'. Maid Wanted Experienced capable. maid wanted. Right wages to the riglit person. Ap- ply to Box 30 News -Record, 66-2 For Sale 3 Horse -power motor and a cut- ting box for sale. Apply to Roy Cantelon, RM. No. 5 Clinton; phone 21-620: 66-1 For Sale Ten little pigs. Apply to John Farquhar RR. No. 1 Clinton; phone 805111.. 66-1 For Sale 7 Polled Angus cattle, 1 yr. old; 2 Durham steers 1' yrs. old; 1 black heifer due in December; 1 Durham cow, due in March; also a number of White Angora rabbits. Apply to James East, Clinton, Ont., 2'14, miles North East of Clinton. 66tf. Wanted' Second hand wood or coal heater, height not exceeding 26 inches. Phone News -Record'. 664 FOR RENT Supertest Service Station, ample living quarters, built in booth, gar- age. Ideal for mechanic. Has good quota. Reasonable terms. Apply H Meller Box 322, Seaferth, Phone 92. 66'•1 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere• thanks and appreciation to our many friends who' were so kind to us dur- ing our recent bereavement; also to thank them for the beautiful floral tributes and the use of cars loaned. —Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith and family. CA1tD GP THANK S The sisters of the late Matilda Teb- butt wish to thank their friends for flowers, and their kind sympathy shown them, in their recent bereave. Ment. IN MEMORIAM BALSOMe-8n Goderich Township; on Sunday, Nov. 10th; 1940, Mary Ann McClelland, Wife of Horace Belem, in her 69th year. '.,God in Ilse wisdom has recalled The: preeiouei boon, his love had giv-, A,rld though+tho,.cassket moulders -here," 'Phe,gerie:ie epaaltlingt how in•hear- portent" ;,.'•S + ,•y, -:-Ev r, � . ti.• e,re e e ,., m b her, -h s est. u band �� 4.y . ,_.. 113..x. by`<. ,d. DANCE EVERY SATURDAY' NIGHT To Roy Mackenzie' and his'Orekestra TOWN HALL CLINTON ADMISSION: 35c and 25c Cliff. Watson, Manager NOTICE, Trice Notice that the Court of Revision will sit at Clinton on the 21st day of November at eight o'clock, in the evening, in the Council Cham- ber,• re the matter of Assessment Appeals.. The Municipality of The Town; of Clinton. !': M. T. CORLESS O)1erk. and Treasurer. ., I�I;I64-3 BURGESS' • STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing MONUMENTS To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . Get my prices. before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 59 tf RADIO SERVICE 1942 Radios are here on display in- cluding, Rogers, Deforest, Philcox, Westinghouse, Spartons. I carry a full Iine of radio tubes, up to date tube tester, General and Everready Batteries, Dominion Wa- G.. shing Machines, all electrical Nantes and roofing supplies. apple - Notice A. W. Groves, Princess St.. PRINCESS ST. CLINTON The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be Herd in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing: TUESDAY, NOV. 18TH, 1941 at 2 -p.m.. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the at- tention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk. not later than Saturday, Nov. 15th, 1941. N..W.MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. 65-2 For Rent Brick house on Princess street. All modern conveniences. Possession at once. Apply to E. Ward,. Huron street, phone 155, Clinton, 64tf. Farm for Sale An extra good 80 acres at Lot 5, on the 2nd concession of Hallett, well drained, in excellent state of culti- vation; '4 mile from school. Apply to Thos. E. Livingston, Clinton. 60-4 Bayfield Cider Mill Open: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Cider for sale. Gemein- hardt Bros, 65-2 Hunters and Trappers Take Notice I am in the fur buying business again this year; highest market pric- es paid for all kinds of raw furs. No shipment too large or too small for me to handle. Norman East, R.R. No; 1„ Clinton.. 661f Pig Strayed Pig strayed. on the premises of Ray Whitmore, lot 84, No. 8 Highway, owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Ray- mond Whitmore. • Horse for Sale Driving horse, 5 years• old; well broke. Apply to J. C'. Waynxouth, Londesboro, phone Blyth 25-14 66-22 Bicycle for Sale C.G.M. bicycle in good condition for sale. Phone 31-621 Clinton. 66-1 For Rent House with gas pumps. Apply at the News -Record office. 66.1 For Sale One sow, and seven young pigs. Ap- ply to Cecil Cooper, R.R. No. 5, Clin- ton. 66-2 Pigs for Sale Ten chunks of pigs; one Durham cow due to freshen in one month. Ap- ly to A. Shanahan, Clinton or phone 16 on 801, Clinton central. 66-1 Shorthorn Bulls for Sale Two Shorthorn Built for sale, gran- dsons of Bromith Boy (imp.) by good milking dams, prize winners at fall fairs. Apply to Roy F. Pepper, Seaforth, phone 5 on 614, Clinton central. 66-2-p NOTICE OF TENDER Tenders for the excavation of 8360 cubic yards on the Rathweil Drain will be re'eeived on or before November 25th, 1941 A - marked cheque for ten per centum' 01 the tender must be enclosed with tender. Lowest'er ane tender not necessarily aecepted: • Dated .,thns', 10thdny`of November, 1941. n; r • CHARLES C. PILGRIM"' ; eClerle Of Stanldy •Township lir Varna, Ont. rlal ' 66-2 ELECTRICAL SERVICE and WIRING W M. WILLIAMS Corner of R'attenbury; and Streets, Clinton Orange' 65-2: NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Isaac Franklin Weekes, otherwise known as Franldin I. Weekes, late of the vil. lage .of. Varna in the County of Huron, Esquire, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the sante with the undersigned Solicitor for the saidt Estate, on or before the 15th, day of November, AJD, 1941, after which date the assets will be distributed' amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. ..Dated at Clinton, this 24th day of October, A.D. 1941. P. FINGLAND, K.C•, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the said Estate: 04-3 AUCTION SALE of Furniture• of the estate of the late Mrs, Samuel Cleave, at Bayfieldour SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH at 1 o'clock sharp consisting- of the following:: Parlor suite; Morris chair; 9 rock- ing chairs; settee and chair to. match; 3 parlor tables; davenport; sofa; day bed; Wilton rug; Axminster rug; 2 small rugs; Victrola and record's; 2 writing desks; 3 stands; dihang• room table and chairs; 5 beds, springs and mattresses; 2 dressers; 2' wash stands; bureau; 2 toilet sets; 2 drop leaf tables; 6 kitchen chairs; arm• chair; kitchen cupboard; kitchen stove and pipes; heater to pipes; 2' coat oil stov- es; and ovens, carpets; new stair car- pets; number of linoleum rugs; cur- tains; floor -lamp; table lamp; washing machine; bath tub and closet; bake board and rolling pin; 2 veranda seats; lawn swing chair; lantern; teakettle; mirrors; pots; pans; and numerous other articles. Included in the abevu are some an- tiques. Everything to be sold. TERMS—CASH PAUL CLEAVE, Executor. MRS. JOSEPH GINGRICH, Ex- eontrix. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Alnetion eer. 66.1 CLE'RK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' Lists for 1941, Municipality of Clinton, • County of Huron. NOTICGE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the VOTERS' LISTS ACT and that I have posted up in my office at Clinton, on the 30th of October, .1941 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal election and that such list remains there for inspgetion. 11 And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 21st day " of November 1941. Dated at Clinton this '30th day 'of October, 1941.' ,' M. TCORMS'S, CO ESS Qex'k+ ot: TheVown.ofTlinten.