The Clinton News Record, 1941-11-13, Page 2,s -,tom `v'v�'t''z' FC�Ft• S r r c o o e e a S . it;z :i'd.'iaiti0�'e�o.�,�a • t e ore� °r o 2 �n�.p.9. �� s9��4a.�� � a�o�.+�e>dL'oa`� o`,o �.4i�in?a'� � ._ .:�. eoa.... <., C'HAPTE'R I Below, shimmering in a blue Sep- tember morning haze, was the Hud- son River. An automombile ptehed it`s, way along the narrow winding road, rising steadily: Its two pas- sengers looked out and up. The car stopped at the quaint ba•idge. From a thatched hut stepped a ruddy little old man. He pointed Wordlessly at a -swinging The Clinton News -Record wooded sign above the door which said in old, Phglish characters: "No tress' passing --"The Hamlet." The other man, large and square; TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION leaned out and yelled: "We want to see Druny Lane! He expects us!" 11.50 per year. in advance, to' Can- The bridgemaster scuttled., forward .adian addresses; $2.00 to the U.S. or to the bridge, .manipulated a creaking other foreign' countries. No Pape iron gate, stood back. discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option of the pubA short drive and the car emerged licher. The date to which every sub- scription is paid is denoted on the into a spacious clearing. A castle label , sprawled before them, staked to the Hudson hills by puny granite walls. ADVERTISING RATES —Transient The immense oak -and -iron door His left hand: the palm and underskin of the fingers were bleeding •first insertion. 8e for each subs& beyond the drawbridge, twenty feet ;anent insertion. Heading counts 2 high, opened and, an astonishingly • Longstreet lines. Sinall ad'vertsements not to rubicund little man in livery stood drama. Everything fits so nicely; that his own guests exceed one inch, such as"Wanted,"there, bowing. even my unfortunate affiction"—a !glared. "T said everybody!" Tmperiale ,,Lost", "Strayed", etc., inserted once "District Attorney Bruno? Inspeo- lean finger touched his ear -"has con- I shrugged; a faint puzzled light glow - 15c +35q each subsegaynt insertion v lease." ed m k 16c. Rates .for display advertising tor Thumm. This way, p trived to sharpen my powers of con -1 ,� Lord's eyes' as he turned to loo •made known on application. The pot-bellied servitor trudged ,titration. I have only to close my 1 at DeWitt . Communications intended for pub- cheerfully before them. Jeyes and T am ins world without The entire party crowded into an :fait , must, as a n ied by the of good Out of a door in the farthest wall sound and therefore physical disturb - faith, niter. ponied by name elevator . In the lobby Longstreet stepped a hunchbacked figure— bald, mice ." Ibou ht a late newspaper and ordered •of the writer. n g . G. E. HALL . roprieter be whiskered wrinkled, wearing a I Inspector Thumm looked bewilder- 1 taxicabs. On the sidewalk the door- • sattered leather apron like a biaok- , , 'man whistled desperately as weeks of smith. ed. Bruno coughed. "I m afraid, Mr. II. T. RANCE The newcomer advanced spryly. , Lane, that our little problem is quite hot weather gave way suddenly to a "Good day, gentlemen. Welcome to ;beneath the—well, the dignity of your vicious downpour.' Notary Public, Conveyancer „ detective ambitions. It's really just al Pollux whooped: "Here comes a 3Financial, Real Estate and Fire In -The Hamlet. He turned to the old !plain case of murder—" Crosstown!" :Durance Agent, Representing 14 Fire man tit livery and said: "Whisht, i "Please," said Lane, "give me a1 Insurance Companies. Falstaff," and District Attorney Longstreet snatched of his glasses, Division Court Office, Clinton Bruno opened his wide eyes wider. "scrupulously detailed account, Inspec- returned them to the case, and the "Falstaff " he groaned. "That tor' case to his left pocket. He waved his ^an't be his name!" On the previous Friday afternoon right hand. 'Devil with cabs!" he The hunchback ruffled his wiskers, (ran the story related by Inspector shouted. "Let's take the car!" "No, sir. He used to be Jake Pinna, Thumm and with occasional inter - the actor. But that's what Mr. Drury polations by the District Attorney), I The street -car squealed to a stop ;ails him . . . This way, please." two people sat closely embraced in the as the Longstreet party dashed to Everything was redolent of Eliza- sitting -room of a suite at the Hotel it, Cherry clinging to Longstreet's left 'xthan England. Leather and oak, " ^-- Grant, Forty-second Street and Eigh- i arm, Longstreet's left hand still in his I venue. oak and stone. In a fireplace, twelve th Apocket. feet wide a small fire was burning. They were Harley Longstreet, mid- The idThe ancient stood very still near the dle-aged Wall Street broker, of pow - wall, grasping his beard; then he .stir- _ __ __ ted and said, quite clearly: '►Mr: Drury Lane." with which is Incorporated ' THE NEW . ERA know why you're here, Gala occasion for the whole firm of DeWitt & Long- street an' all their friends and well- wishers!" His voice was a little thick now. "Have the honor to present to you—future Mss. Longstreet!" At 5:45 Longstreet excitedly shout- ed: "Arrangers a little dinner party at my place in Wets Englewood. F'got to tell you about it, Surprise! All in- vited." He consulted his watch. ow- lishly. "C'n make reg'lar train if we start now. O'mon everybody!" DeWitt protested that he had made ,other arrangements for the evening, UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION Insured welters, who lost their em- ployment will not be 'required to ac- cept any position which may be of- fered, Mr. R. N. Watt, Manager of Stratford said in an interview today. It is a common misconception annong workers that they must accept any position offered, • and if such a position is refused that they will be .deprived of their rights to the pay- ment of benefits during the time they are out of work. The Ant very definitely protects the worker against any attempt to foree him to accept enxpioyment at a .low 'standard of wages, or if the working conditions are less favour- able than those recognized by good employers, or . if vacancies are due to a labour dispute. He is also und'ei• no compulsion to accept employment which requires him to become a mem- be of: any association, organization or union of workers, or, on the other hand, which requires him to refrain from becoming a member, The Act provides furthermore that a man whose claim for benefit Payment has been disallowed, may appeal to a Board of Refeieees made up. -on an equal number of represent- atives of employers and employees. :Frank Fingland. B.L. LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to W. Baydone, K.C. Sloan Block — Clinton, Ont. DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinary Surgeon Phone 203, Clinton IL C. MEIR Barrister -at -Law Solicitor of the Su oeme Court of OntarProctor in Admiralty. Notary Public and Commissioner. Mand. "Gentlemen. I'm Offices in Bank of Montreal Building Bruno looked into gray -green eyes come. shoulder his wayafter his party. He Hours: 2'.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays The man disengaged himself, tiroroughlyrevised throughout and M.. 1860, To p, p of utterquietude; he began to speak g found Cherry, who grasped his right +chides in all its chapters the latest 1860, on the farm on the Auburn and Fridays. g` p "They'll be here. When I tell John- Road where he afterwards lived, and ! _ — — - and was startled to observe the mei DeWitt tt t h jumps!. saran. The car edged on toward Ninth l htformation available up to the date i The car was freighted to capacity. Longstreet swayed with the rock. erful body ravaged by years of dm- - ing motion of the car, a dollar bill sipation, dressed in rough tweeds; ! cluched in his right fist above the Cherry Browne, musical comedy star, ;heads of his fellow -passengers. The a brunette with bold Latin features, humidity, with all the windows closed,, rce•arcln them tion, finance, education, etc.—in br Elden if the Board of Referrees dis- allow the claim, there is a further right given the worker that he may appeal to the Umpire. The Act also states that the worker must be "capable of work." There is a very •esential difference between Unemployment Insurance and Health Insurance, and benefits cannot be paid from the Unemployment Insurance Fund if a worker is incapacitated through sickness. V Canada Year Book 1941 Now Out The publication of the 1941 edition of the Canadian Year Book, publish- ed by authorization of the Hon. James A. Ma leinnon, Minister of Trade and Commerce, is announced by the THURS., NOV. 13, 1941 9N CANADA'S EVERGREEN PLAYGROUND COME to Canada's Evergreen Play- ground for your winter vacation this year.•• Here's a balmy climate in which you can indulge in your favorite sports with new zest—golf, tennis, fishing, motoring, hiking and riding. Hotels offer special winter rates to visitors. In Vancouver the rew Hotel Vancouver, in Victoria the Empress Hotel offer accommodations you'll like and surroundings to make your visit that much more enjoyable! ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT VICTORIA - March 9-14,1942 Full information from any ticket agent s.,. `"'V^ iS-�l'' i '.;sa l-' ' �*; ,- tstir, N) LOW FARES to VANCOUVER and VICTORIA Full Information From Your Local C.N.R. Agent RIDING MOTORING FISHING ALL YEAR ROUND T.325 -I3 may obtainmuch copies• at the nomin- al price of 50 cents each but appli- 'cation for these special copies should be directed to the Dominion Statisi- iclan, Dominion Bureau of Statistic, Ottawa. OBITUARY JOHN BARR Dominion Bureau of Statistics. The I A pioneer resident of this district, Canada Year Book is the official , Ma•. John Barr, died at his home, statistical annual of the country. aunt ! Dinsley Street, Blyth, on Monday ev- 1 contains a thoroughly up -to -elate ac -;ening, October 27th, after a very brief • count of the natural resources of the . illness. The news of his passing' came Dominion and their development, the as a shook to ninny, who were r''I. history of the country, its institutions, ' aware of the seriousness of his condi- its demogrhaphy, the different bran-! tion. On Friday evening he suffered ches of production, trade tianspmta- a chill, from which preen -mina oe- A tall man stood a g black flashing eyes, passionate arched induced. a feeling of suffocation. I 1ee velopecl, and his condition steadily . F.,,, +h threshold. I I a comprehensive �stu;dy nvithin the •I grew more •critical. He was in his lies. gg!hunts' of a single volume of the see- o Mr. Drury Lane strode into the Tho conductor wriggled about and g g 82nd year. ' Longstreet kissed her and she cud- sial and economic condition of the room and extended a pale muscular I took Lougee; cot's bill. Longstreet dlecl in his arms. "I hope they never received his chane and be an to ! 1 The late Mr. Barr was born in Hal - delighted." i • „ g g• Dominion. This new edition has been wrshi on Se tember 26th, D. H. Mc NNE' ny e i o jump, e ' drop quickly to his lips. "Good of you ! "But why drag trim here with that avenue. �of going to press reared his faimly, and still maintain - to recotve Inspector Thunun ones my-:., Longstreet thrust his hand into his ed at the time of his death. He was CHIROPRACT.Olt sac self, Mr. Lane," he murmured. "We— frosty bunch of his if they don't want I i The 1941 Canada Year Bo1ltal]It a son of the late James Barr and Lil- Electra Therapist, Massag to come?" tendspages, hon Richardson, pioneers of the sOff]ce: Huron Street, (Few Doors well, we don't know quite what to say. «Because I like to .see the old biz I. speetitcle case. A moment of this, ! to over 1,000 a es, c e g west of Royal Bank) You have an amazing estate, sir." i and with a sudden curse he snatche l with all phases of the national life Township, who took up the farm from :Berns --Wed, and Sat. and "Amazing at first glance, Me. Bru-',zard squirm. Ile hates my guts, and big hand from the pocket, bringing, and more especially with those sus- the Grown, when it was entirely bush.' V appointment I love it. He crossed the room ours Ibis. the silver case. Cherry said; ceptible of statistical measurement. Fifty-seven years ago, he married FOOT CORRECTION tto, but only because it presents to the' ounces himself a drink. ?" 1A. statistical summary of the progress ' . ROBERT YOUNG by manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment twentieth-century eye„ surfeited with p `' What s the matter?" Longstreet the Y 1 g ' Annie Sharpe, of Blyth. He lived on . 1 "Sometimes," „ certainl • examined his left hand: the I d Canada is included in the introdue- the farm until six years ago when Phone 207 revere tingles, an anachronistc quaint- the woman said, 1 y I The funeral of Robert Young, tig•ed :toss." The actor's voice was serene, can't figure you out. What you get Palm and nndevsltin of the fingers tory matter. This gives a picture in he moved to Blyth, where he had be- 04, Goderich Township former, who n ere bleeding in a number of places. figures of the remarkable progress ' come a familiar figure around the like his eyes, but richer it seemed to out of tormenting him is beyond me:' died Friday, Nov, 7th, after a six- Bxnno, titan any voice he had ever ',She shrugged. "Is Mrs. DeWitt cont- i "Must've scratched myself. What in (that the country has made since the town. • month illness, was held Sunday from heard. "Quacey!" • • ' ing too?" ;the world could've ?" he began first census of the Dominion was talc- 1 „thickly, The ear lurched and stopped; left in 1871, seventy years ago. During his life he had been proni]n- the home of his brother, James, with The gnome stepped to the actor's Why not? Now don't go slurping lent in municipal affairs, having serv- whom he resided in Goderich, to side. "Gentlemen, this is my insep- on her again, Cherry*. I've told you people fell fprward. Insticti`•i!ely persons requiring the Year Booked several years on the I3u11ett Town- ,Maitland cemetery. Rev. A. J. Me - arable familiar and, ] assure you a a hundred times there's nothing be- Longstreet groped for a strap with :nnay obtain it from. the King's Prin- ship Council. He was a prominent Kaye, of Victoria Street United genius. He has been my make-up tiveen us" his left hand, and Cherry held on to I ter, Ottawa, as long as the supply breeder of Shorthorn Cattle, and was church, Goderich, officiated. The late man for forty years." 1 hie right arm for support. The car lasts, at the price of .$1.50 per copy; widely known as a good: judge of cat- Mr. Young, a bachelor, was well Not that I done.', She laughed jerked set dabbed again a few feet.-l'titis covers merely the cost of paper tle, in which capacity he had acted ,known among the farmers of his nat- •I.zu some mysterious manner the two I "But it would be just like you to steal Longstreet heavily at his � printing and binding. By a special on m-ny occasions. For many years ive township, having worked for many visitors sensed a tremendous link be- his wife, too."She jumped up at the bleeding hand with a handkerchief, re- ! ooneession, a limited number of pap- he was connected with The Blyth Ag- of them over a long period. Two er-bound eopies have been set aside ricultural Society, having served as other brothers, Peter of Goderich for ministers. of religion, ben! fide it's President just last year, and on township, and Benjamin of Goderich, students and school teachers, who many years previous. He also sero- survive. LO` y NUT FOR ®OLIVER Huck it up right now and feel like a million: Your iiver is the largest organ in your body and most important to your health. It pours out bile to digest food, gets rid of waste, supplies new energy, allows proper nourishment to reach your blood. When your liver gets out of order food decomposes in your intestines. You be- come constipated, stomach and kidneys can't work properly. You feel "rotten"—headachy, backachy, dizzy, dragged out all the time - For over 35 years thousands have won prompt relief from these miseries—with Fruit-a.tivea. So can you now. Try Fruit-a-fives—you'll be simply delighted how quickly you'll feel like a new person, happy and well again. 25e, 50e. F RUITp Sp011 aS Canada's bra eP lgl till ttll Mtl4 Liver t Selling Liver Tableri ed as a Commissioner on the Blyth Telephone System. In politics he was a staunch Conservative, Mr. Baur is survived by a family of four sons, Arthur, of Blyth; Jim, of Los Angeles, Cal.; Harvey, of Tor- onto, and, Bart, of Ridgetown. One I son, Charles, passed away during the Influenza epidemic of 1918. His wife predeceased him in 1912. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer For Huron Correspondence promptly answered, Immediate arrangements can be mads for Sales Date at The News -Reared, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. •Chargee, Moderate d.nndSatisfaet ee Guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer 'Specialist in Farm and Household Sales. Licensed in Huron and 'Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; satiss faction guaranteed. For information etc. write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R. No, 4 Se 06-012 , phone 14 -661. GORDON M. GRANT Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Correslpondenee promptly answered. Every effort made to give satisfac- tion. Immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates at News -Record Office or writing Gordon M. Grant, Goderich, Ont. THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office; Seaforth, Ont. Officers: President. Wm. Knott LondeSboro; Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Manager and Sec. Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors: Wm. Knox, Londesharo; Alex. i . •a Leonhardt, Dublin; E Trewtha, Clinton; Thos. Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McE1w- ing. Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton. tween these completely antitypical in- sound of a buzzer and hurried to the turned the cloth to his trousers, ex clividuals and began to speak at once, ' door. "Pollux, old-timer! Conte in!" traded the glasses from the case, Lane's eyes flickered from the lips of A flashily dressed, oldish man with dropped the case into his pocket, and one to the lips of the other, and his a dark face and carefully pomaded made as if to open the folded news - face curved, into the merest smile. i thinning hair put his arms around the paper he held tucked under his fright "Separately, please. I am quite- deaf, woman, arm. you see. I can read only one pair ee' "Remember my pal, Pollux?" Her The car stopped at Ninth avenue. lips at a time—a latter-day aecomp- voice was gay. "Master Mind-Rcacle-r A crowd pounded on the doors, but lishment of which I am very vain," of the Age on the two -a -day, Shake Bruno cleared bis throat. "Inspector hands, you two." the conductor shook his head. Thumm and I both feel, Mr. Lane,1 The buzzer sounded' again and Longstreet suddenly released the that we're- presuming a bit in coming Cherry openel the door to admit a strap. ,dropped the unread news - to you this way. I should never have small party of people. paper, and felt his forehead. IIe was sent my telegram, of course, if you A little slender middle-aged man panting like a man in great pain, hadn't solved the C'zasnet• case for us with gray hair and a brush -gray Cherry hugged his right arm in alarm, in that really astounding letter of mustache came in , first. Longstreet turned as if to -callfor help .. . yours." "Sstrode forward, exuding cordiality.. John b, DeWitt shrank as the bigThe car was between Ninth and carcely astounding, Mr, Bruno, Tenth avenues- now, stopping, start- You wished to consult me, according than brushed by him to receive tine other members of the party. ing, •stopping, in the maze of traffic. to your wire,'on the Longstreet mur- ! P '' 1 Longstreet gasped, stiffened con - der"? l "Fern! This is a nice surprise."— vulsively, widened his eyes, and col - "Are you sure, Mr. Lane, that the I This to a faded stoutish woman of lapsed. Inspector and T—Well, we know how , Spanish type, with the barest traces 1 busy you are:" Cherry screamed. Necks craned "T of a vanished beauty en her lac - I shall never be too busy to dabble quered face; DeWitt's wife Jeanne; and the Longstreet party pushed their !n the most elemental form of drama, DeWitt, a petite brownish girl, nod- way toward the spot. Michael Collins Me. Bruno: The voice was colored ded coldly; she pressed closer to her Icaught the actress as she reeled. List of Agents: E. A. Yeo,R.R. 1, now with the faintest animation. "It Goderich, -Phone 608x81, Clinton; Jas. escort Christopher Lord', a tall blond Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper, Bruce- was only after my forced retirement `young man. Longstreet ignored him,` -•- ••- (To Be Continued) field, RR. No. 1; R..F. McHercher,Ifi•om the stage that I began to realize and pumped, the INITAIg of Franklin v Dublin, R.R. No: 1; J. F. Prenter, (now theatrical life itself can be. The !Ahearn, DeWitt's• closest friend, and 'Brodhagen; A. G. Jarmuth, Bornholm, creatures of a play are, in Mercutio's &R. No, 1. Louis Imineiiale, an -other friend—a WHAT YOUR WAR SAVINGS Any money to be paid stay be said evaluation of dreams, 'children of an middle-aged: Swiss' meticulously dtoss- to the Royal Bank, Olinton; Bann of idle brain begot of nothing but vain ed, STAMPS CAN ACCOMPLISH •Commerce, Seaforth, or at Calvin fantasy.' " The visitors stirred at the 1 "Mike!" Longstreet clapped the Cutt's Grocery, Goderich• magic that had leaped: into Lane's t effect incur back of a broad man whohad ' Parties desiri• ng a $5 may bring down a German ance ti transact other business will voice. "Oroatures� of life, however, in . a oust plane mor it will buy one round of slouched though the door. Michael 40 m.m. anti-aircraft shells. be promptly attended, to on amplifies their moments "of passion present the Collins was a brawny Irishman with tion to any of the above oofftcer'a. larger aspects of drama. They can porcine eyes and an apparently fixed $5 will stop a Hun with five ma - so their respective ted bi the director never be as thirn of =stance as the expression of hostility, I)onglstjreet chine -gun bursts. air and more inconstarnt than• the grasped his arm. "Now don't crab this ANADIAN NATi® dl '" AILWAYS , wind.' All my life in company 1 have party, Mike," he whispered. "I told $5 will let a soldier fight for you been interpreting synthetic emotional' you I'd with 100 rounds of rifle ammunition. climaxes, I have been,amen others get DeWitt to fix things up. TIME TABLEg Go over there and take a bracer:" $10 will stop a tank with one round Trains will arrive at and' depart from perhaps less noble, Macbeth, and n Waiters appeared. Ice chimed fn of 18 m 25 -pounder shells. Buffalo Calinton followodeficb Dlv. Have been Hamlet. And, like a child glasses. The DeWitt party were for 6.43 ani, viewing a simple wonder for the first the. most part silent, strained, Long- , $20 buys a cannonade of four 3.7• Going East, depart 8 p.m.time, T have realized the world fs full inch anti-aircraft shells. Going Fest, depart street swooped Cherry Browne demure Going West, depart 11.45 a.m. of Macbeths and Hamlets. Trite, but and suddenly shy, into the curve of $75 will provide a 500 -Ib. bomb to Going West, depart 9,50 p.m. tri -e. I now have the impulse to one great ann. "Friends! You all drop over Berlin or Berchtesgaden. London --Clinton greater authorship than created 1 Going South ar. 2.50, leave 8,08 p.m, RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR AND ADMIRAL KHARLAMOFF AT "DEF] NCE" LUNCHEON, LONDON Seen at the National Defence Put' ,bassador to Britain, r'entre, c' -^l moff, second from ri t, Miss oowith ther lie Interest Committee 'Luncheon in Nathan, facing, and Al i••al Kharla- membersmembers of the Russian London arepl. Maisky, Russian Am-