HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-11-06, Page 1Akre Newa-Record Est. 1878 NO. 6065 -62ND YEAR With Which is Incorporated The. Clinton New Era The New Era Est. 11 MINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1941 i When , You Buy A Watch Sold and recommended by HELLYAR THE JEWELLER. You benefit by his knowledge of a good time keeper, gained by over fifty years, of his personal experience working at, and selling, the. watch most suitable to the work the purchaser is engagedin. Ourbest satisfied customers are those we have sold watches to. Cone in and inspect our stock of watches moderately priced, and movements in rases up to the minute in quality style and Workmanship. • Y9 •- a HEL LL AR Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone' 174j WE PAY CASH FOR OLD GOLD Fall and Winter COATS Fine Fabrics Good Furs Excellent Styling Moderate Prices Make Our Line Outstanding NOTICE only seven weeks until ' Christmas. Don't say we did not warn you R... FOR QUALITY MERCHANDISE BRESSER SETS We have a grand new stock of beautiful Dresser Sets. There are many new and lovely styles to suit any taste. Every woman wants good dresser-) ware. Come in and select' a set for your Lady to- day. We also draw attention to our wide range of MEN'S ZIPPER CASES which make a splendid gift for the boys in uniform.. In addition to the above we have Military Gifts of all kinds including: Writing Sets, Pen and Pencil Sets, Razors, Rings, Watches, Silver Identification Bracelets, Billfolds, Ronson Lighters, Money Belts, Pipe and Tobacco Pouches, Razor Blades, Cigarette Cases, and other items. Call in and see our new Jewellery, Silverware, Crystal, Clocks and gifts of all kinds for every oc- casion. Plastic Combination Salt and Pepper Shakers in Red, Blue, Green or Yellow at 75c Remember Watch Repair is:a Job for Experts. Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction. NORMAN'S Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a Century in Huron County. THE HOME PAPEII HAVE' YOU PURCHASED Expect Traffic IU U nai on o. Ifl I U C J YOUR LIMIT OF WAR SAVINGS CERTIFI- at C. N. R. Crossing CATES Engagements Announced ISL Joseph's Church ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Potter of Goderich Township, wish to announce the engagement .of their eldest daugh- ter, Willa Frances, to Thomas Wilmer The regular meeting of Council was inion Fixe and Burglary Alarm Ltd., Bothwell, son ,of Mr, and Mrs: Ben. With roast goose and 'oast chicken was held in the Council Chambers, I was paesentecl and the following mot= Rathwell of Goderich Township, The as the principal attraction, the An - Monday evening and with the excep- ion passed, Falconer—T.tewaetha.— maeriage will take place the middle nual Fowl Supper was served at St, tion of Councillor' Churchill, all inem- I "That we send forward cheque for $50 of November. Joseph's Parish Bail, Clinton,- on hers were present, Mayor IdeMiuray to the Dominion `Zaire and Burglary Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Ellis of Clinton Monday last, to a capacity crowd. De - presiding. j Alarm Company -to, settle their ace announce the engagement of their spite careful prepaiatiotis en the pelt The minutes of the . last regular'count." 1' youngest daug•htes, Alice Wilfricda, to of -the ladies of the parish,.ammo- meetingand those of a specialieet- I The following motion was passed in Canada has seen during the past Donald Sohn Smith o•1' Brantford, son dations were taxed to the utmost to Mg held October 23rd, were readand answer to an int*itation from the two years the fall of many small of Mrs. John Smith ,arid the late J, J., care for the many hundreds who pet - approved. l Treasure:• at St. Thomas, -Agnew E ropean countries to the hordes; of Smith of Clinton, The matriageeto ionized this oustanding event, Besides Communications were read, the fir-, Trewartha— "That: we send mu Germany. Most of these countries take place in November, the citizens of Clinton, all snrrouud st being an appeal from N. W Miller, • Preasurer as a delegate to the Reg tried to stay neutral but they wereMg communities were well represen- Seeretazy of the Canadian Legion, , ional Conference of the Municipal invaded without provocation or warn- V tech, as well as a large number of Wren Branch 140, for the consideration of1ina ce Offieers Assocnation to be Mg. MILITARY NEWS frn theiilioSchool, Council with reference to provisions held in St. Thomas on November 7th, Hitler's ,ambition is, undoubtedly Arrangements for the Supper were for Allirnisttce Day Services; and the 1941. - world domination and at present the Sgt. Instructor• Iden B. Hall of the in the hands of Miss Mona Carbert, purchase of a wreath, Trewartha—; A. request for attention to part of British Empire aided incl abetted by Hamilton Trades School, has reported Heacl Convenor, assisted by Mrs. L. Agnew—"That council grant the Can -,the street near, J. D. Stirling's resi- the U.S.A. and Russia are the only back on duty after two week's fur- Denotuine, Mrs. C. Arnold, Mrs. Jackadian Legion Branch 140, the usual donee was react. Ttetvartita—Falcon_ factors preventing this mad man and lough partly spent with his parents Shanahan and Miss, Eileen Tighe. amount of $11,00 for the purchase of er-"That the street committee in- his followers from achieving this de - Mr. and Mrs. John Hall of town, also j The Gonunittee in charge wishes to a htetcraft wreath," vestigate regarding the condition sire• withrelatives in Toronto and Brant- acknowledge its indebtedness to all The Ministerial Association of Clin- , Mr. Stirling presented and if advis- We in Canada are naturally peace ford accompanied by his mother. who patronized this enjoyable enter - ton and the Council are being jointly able have improvements made. loving people. Public opinion was net (tainutent; to the merchants of Clinton clamoring Among the new enlistments in the responsible for the Remembrance Day I A communication from C'anacl- g for a large army or navy and district whose names appear be - program. ran National Railways with chart an before 1939. Canadians attended to Royal Candiam Air Force at No. 9 row; to Ontraio St. church and St. Mr, Carson's letter from the Dom- I (continued on page G) their own business and did not covet Recruiting Centre, London, are Jack Paul's church for the loan of dishes;' more land or the resources belonging Carlton Perdue of Galt, son of Mr. ' to the Clinton Lions Club for the loan to our neighbours. and Mrs. W. E. Perdue of Clinton, and ' of properties; to Ball and Zapfe for In 1939 we found it necessary to a1- Kenneth Wesley Vanderburg, son of 'the loan of chairs; and to Mr. Jim most start from scratch in developing Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Vanderburg, of Shearer for his kindness in permit Clinton. an up-to-date military force and alsoand ting display of prizes in Agricutura] in the production of war supplies and A.O. 1 Bruce Bartliff of the R.C.A.- Office Window. equipment. F. at Aylmer spent the weekend at With `Red" Garen in charge as To date we have not done too badly, his home m town. Master of Ceremonies, prizes were al - Our army, our navy, and one air -for - Sgt. Pilot T. C. Cooke, R.C.A.F. rat- lotted to the following in the drawing: ce have grown and expanded. The etructor at Dauphin, Man., is home on 1. Pair Hudson Bay Blankets, wort have been efficiently trained to take sick leave. by Miss Helena Pope, Clinton. their stations in both defensive andLAC. Dick Fremlin of the RC.A.F. 2. Hand -Hooked Wool Mat, donated offensive warfare. Their record to at Guelph spent the weekend at his by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Denomme, date has been marvellous. home in town. Frank Cook, Clinton. Our war production of .supplies and A.C. 2 Laurie Colquhoun of the R (continued on page 6) equipment have increased many fold C.A.F. at Uplands, Ottawa, -spent the V and today thousands of men and wom- weekend at his home in town. SPECIAL REQUEST en are serving in our factories turning Friends in Clinton were delighted out modern ]3ren guns, anti-aircraft to hear the voice of AC. E. R. Wat- The Mayor has requested that all guns, ammunition, airplane supplies. son speaking from England on the business people of town close their 0 Mi"��' vLLQ• '•between two R.A,F, men, Clement andlcorvettes, destroyers, small arms etc. broadcast, "Gentlemen with Wins" offices or stores from nine -thirty to Cooper ' 2,00; Mrs. E. Hovey $2,00; g• A. Friend $2.00; Mrs. H. C. Lawson Shepherd; who drew a draw' decision I etc.ast Tuesday evening, "Ted', who is eleven thirty on Tuesday, November in the bout two weeps ago. Shepherd { This greatly accelerated war actio- a nephew of Mrs. G. A. Walker, l; llth, $5.00; A Well�visher $2.00. lin a few points over his opponent li ity has meant the spending by the on Coastal Defense wont in England, V The knitting shipment for the mon- in the first round but the bout as a Federal Government of huge sums of th of October is as follows: 1 �mOae V Navy:ll prs. Lon Seamen's socks; whole was again declared a draw. Y• This money must cone from Use Huron Farm For 16 rs. regular socks 10 Aero Caps;I Another popular local juvenile ev-ithe people o£ Canada, either through Successful Country Fair Experiment p g ent was that of Jimmy Edwards, 124 taxation of by the sale of Victory y 10 prs. whole mitts; 1 navy turtle lbs. and Freddie l3ezzo,' 121 kiss This }Bonds o1 War Savings Certificates. Held Professor H G. Bell, of the ehem- neclt sweater, l drew more apple-4se-froni the fans . Clinton and cltstiict have an outstan .. The animal Country Fair held le istzy department of the Ontario Army: 5alternative cap ; 2 ldhalti than any other event. The third'rng °ar record, 1914-18, and to date in the. Wesley -Willis thatch room lust Ag- ricultural College, Guelph, was in turtle neck sweaters; G prs. socks. I , -this war, Man Huron County( for the purpose of ' Quota-: • 1 ladies' round had the fans on their toes; the Y Young men have Saturday under the auspices of the laying out a meadow and 'Women's Auv. referee gave a draw decision. The i served and are serving with armed Women's underAssociation, proved to be pasture white ve t; 2 pis. khaki. gloves; 1 ,next event was of much: local inter- f tion in 501110' branch of our armed fox-' the most succesful of an held yet fertilizer experiment to determine the Refugee et—blue sweater, mitts and est, also, one of the contestants be - without Ices; our people have p aid higher taxes from the view toint of the 1 y variety and rate of fertilizerforbest without tt tumble. The 1 general ar-- results, In company with J. C. cap' Jing Frank Taylor of Clinton, aform- g' y have bought rangement, patronage and proceeds' Shearer, agricultural representative We also shipped 4 khaki scarves, • er Golden Gloves Champion, He was Victory Bonds in large amounts; and The clecorutions were in Hallotve'er. which completed our 24 for Jul c ` y purchasin a number of farms were visited and P y' pposed by Slug McIntosh, Wallace the are g War Savings colors. A feature also of the decor the one for the experiment August and September Quota. l burg, who at 165 lbs, outweighed i certificates in an ever-increasing sttions was antique pieces of furniture, vas, that selected W. H. Palin, in McKillop Two chairs over 100 years ole), : township, near Seaforth, sptnnieg wheel and yarn reel and a , R.C.A.F. Mobile Unit To { pp W S Victorian motif couch with ceche v S t Clinton v stitch upholstering; First to meet Remembrance Day Service' the eye of the interior arrangement was the produce and home baking I The Ministerial Association of Clin- booth, then the novelty booth where tot are cooperating with the Caned - articles suitable for gifts or for keep- ran Legion and the Town Council in sakes were offered for sale, After- , the Annual Remembrance Day Ser - noon tea was a feature of the event. • vices, to he held in the Town Hall, Tables were arranged in the class Tuesday, Nov. 11th, at 10 a.m. rooms. From 5.30 to 7.30 p.m., busi- 1 The Legion will attend the morning mess men and women were serried service in Ontario Street United supper. Mrs, M. Agnew played I church on Sunday, Nov. 9 th. piano seletions at intervals during V the afternoon and evening. The �, "Fair" netted the Women's Assecia- tion over $100. Demonstration Held In Fow;i Supper Victory Can. Only Be Achieved By An All•Out Effort Clinton and'Distr- ic- t - War Record Is Outstanding 500 Fans See Second Of Boxing Bouts PED CROSS. NOTES The second boxing show sponsored According to a letter just received i by the Lions Club took place in the from headquarters, there is still an j town hall Mon, evening and was at - urgent demand for blankets to send i tended by about 6j)0 fans. The first 2 to needy Britain„ The Red Cross •events were between local juveniles. Society at Toronto is able to purchase In the first, Keith Jenks, 123 lbs, vs. a single bed size blanket for as little Lloyd Fulford, 124 lbs. Fulford got as $2.00 so donations of money of the decision by a knockdown in the blankets will be most acceptable and .first 'rounds was a few points up in will be sent forward, immediately. the second, and the third round was a The following donations have al- draw. The second, a Midget event, reedy been most gratefully received: Bill Matthews, 72 lbs., vs. Roger Gar - Mrs, Geo. McTaggart $10.00; Mrs. on, 72 lbs,, was clean and sporty and Zapfe $2.00; Mrs, M. Aiken $2.00; •each of, the three rounds was a draw, i The thud event was a return bout v Taylor by 2 lbs. The first round wasa Irate. Consult your local banker or very exciting and was definitely the post office for full informationdraw. Taylor had hie' o onent on at avings Certificates, Vii lin on groggy in the second and scored a K.O. in the third. The Mobile Unit of the R.C.A.F. Tfhen followed a wrestling match Many District People En- ron the divisional Headquarters, between Slug. McIntosh 165 lbs. and roll dor War Work London, will visit Clinton Council Ace Routley, 160 lbs. of Wallacebui•g, Chambers, Nov. 20, from 1 pan. till Frank Taylor referred part of this During last week at Mitchell, Sea - 8 pen. There is an urgent need for match after the starting referee re - fork Clinton and Goderich there Air Crew materials—Pilots and Ab- , fused to finish, owing to the ruffness were more than seventy-five condi- servers, Wireless Operators (Air Gull-, of McIntosh. The falls went 5-10, dates apply for a place in the Domin- ners). Also many standard trades'- 5-30, and 4-05 minutes. The decision ion Provincial War Emergency men,at resent ineludingFiremen 1st P went to Routley who was declared Training Program, so stated Mr. T. and 2d Class for Works and Build, i winner of the first and third falls, IL Scott, field' secretary, He consd- ings, Electricians, Clerk (Stenograph- McIntosh getting the second fall. ers; the response as good. ers), Firefighters, and Stationary En- gineers. A point of interest to all single men soon as possible. Those from this having successfully completed two Tuckersmith distr•iet would) probably go bo the years High School but have not oh - week centre for an eight tained Junior Matriculation, will be A. plowing demonstration and coa- ght to twelve discussed and information given out ening class were held last Wednes- nveek course and would' eventually be whereby the applicant can complete day in Tuckersmith Township, on the absorbed .by the •airplane plant at a course in Manthematics with the farm of Howard Rice , 23 miles Crumlin to which machinery is now Dominion -Provincial Youth Training southeast of S'eaforth. It was gran being moved. ie Plan in order to qualify for Air Crew. ged by Reeve S. H. Whitmore and All applicants must have the fol.- members of Township. Council. Towing supporting documents: Frarrlt Bell, of St. Paul's was demon - Now Floody Listed Missing, Birth Certificate strator and coach: Those taking part Pl'iSOner in the tractor demonstration were Marriage Certificate and Birth Cer= John McLean, Alexander Bayes, Jain- tificates of children (where applic- es Doig, Elmer Cameron, Rosa Nich- able) • olson, of Seaforth district, and Are Proof of E'dueation for Air Crew thur Wright, of Brucefield, In the. applicants, single plow class were John Rice, Robert Arehibalce Peter Peterson, Are P.O. 0. W. E. Crawford will be in drew McLelland, Seaforth, and John charge of the Unit accompanied by a McMillan, Kippen, Medical Ofifeer and Trade Test Ser- Reeve Alonzo McCann, Deputy Roy goant• Ratz and councilors of Stephen town- ship arranged, for a demonstration to take place on Friday on the fain of Arthur Amy, five miles west of Ex- eter. Mr, Bell also coached this dem- onstration. A meeting of the officers of the The various plowing demonstra- Huton Fruit Growers Association was tions and matches being held in Hur- heltl in the agriculture office last on County are events leading up to Thursday evening to decide whether the big international to be held hi to proceed with the fruit show sched- the county in 1942, uled to take place on November 28th, The windstorm. of September 25th, caused Duch loss and injury to the ap- ple orcharcle that it was considered doubtful if any good! exhibit timid be held. A motion by D. J. Lassaline and Stewart Middleton, to cancel the show was adopted. It was thought, how- ever, that some sort of fruit display might be made and it was decided that a display of 'apples he exhibited in the agricultural office ivinrlo'.,q during the week of November 24th. Mr.. Scott said there was at pres- ent a shortage of machine shop help and that applicants will be called as v Huron Fruit Growers Decide To Cancel. Show V Loot From Store Found Shotguns, rifles and revolvers stolen from Epp's Sporting Goods Store here on the night of September 27th, haye been found in an abandon ed' stolen ear in To•nnto, according t• wore received by P'ov retro Comte hue Frain, wee of .. tete-h Mr „„ went to Toronto ' . '.r -yr ,.:,, ,, ••••4 " "q44. ' .. v A report from Berlin that Pilot Of- ficer Clarke Wallace Floody, previ- ously reported, missing, was a prison- er hi Germany ended a week of tens- ion for the R.C.A.F, flyer's, loin here and in Toronto. LITTLE LOCALS We have just received our new V Christmas Cards and invite you to come in and look them over. Board of Education , Miss Lorna Plumsteel, a graduate of the Clinton School of Commerce, The regular meeting of the Board has accepted a position in the Path - of Education was held on Tuesday ev- ament Buildings, Toronto. ening last with all the members Pres- Hallowe'en was observed quietly ent. The question of Unemployment here, Youngsters perpetrated minor Insurance was discussed at some pranks but there were no disturbance length. on a large scale and damage was al - It was decided to hold a Special most nil. Police watched that no Meeting on Nov. 18th, to deal with larger scale' pranks were undertaken. the question of refunding to the Town V Council the suns of $386.11 which the Board received over and above its es- Ladies Guild Of St. Paul's timates made earlier in the year, Church The Board decided to give $5, to the Legion for the Poppy Fund' i The November meeting of the Lad - The following accounts were pass- ies. Guild was held on Tuesday after - Pilot Officer Floody is the Fan of ed: noon in the Owen Memorial Hall. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Floody of Toron- Collegiate Institute—Superior Stor- I Mrs, Geo. Taylor presided and plans to, and grandson, of Mrs. II. B. Chant es $8.38; Ball & Zapfe $4.90; R. he ,were connp1eted for the Annual Dos - of Clinton. The message was the first word the family has had since Floody was reported missing last week. His wife, formerly Betty Baxter of St. Gather- W. D. Fair $58.96; T. W. Hawkins on active service overseas. ,nes, was not received. available 'when the mss- 84c; Connell and Tyndall 48e; Beattie A quilt for the Red Cross was quilt - age was recekved. Furniture 80c. ed and when the work was completed A graduate of ;Northern Vocational Public School — F, Cuninghame the Tadies enjoyed a cup of tea. . School, the 4.00 • C. C. Snowdon $86.'77;A. T. v young stz7nan, who had $ lived in Toronto most of his life, en- Cooper $29,00. C,C.I. Hallowe'en Party listed with the R e. hadR.C.A.P. a year ago. While at school he had been an out- V The Hallowe'en party at the Clin- standing. athlete, starring at rugby, ton Collegiate Instituto last Friday ba.il and baseball, night was a gay and colorful affair. Prior or• to eril sting• Floody heel. hitchThe Woman's Missionary Society of Everybody seemed to be in a cheerful hiked with a companion across the United States as far as Mexico Ontario St. church will hold its, Ant- mood and the decorations and costa- , and sora Thank -Offering Meeting on mos lent eolor to the event. The pro - hack again. He. had worked for a Wednesday, November 12th, at 8 p.m gram and, initiation were one of the while at Kirkland Lake, and played in the School Hall of the church. best ever hell The lights were drap- for basketball and baseball teams in A varied program will be give ed in red and black and stage and wall and the guest speaker will be .Re decorated with cut figures of Hallow - Reba Hein of Varna. e'en character. The d'a'nce was held This willbe a public mee+ins; a^' after the program and eider and cordial invitation ;a eaten eel to •., doughnuts could be procured at the wlio are interested. entrance to the auditorium. win $3.13; F. Ouninghame $1.00• ear to be held the latter part of .this Shearing $10,91; C. C. Snowdon Imonh. $33.45; A, T. Cooper $18.45; J. ee. I Christmas gifts are being sent to Brundson $b.00; W. Johnson $G.17; the men from St. Paul's Parish now Cho mining town. With the R.C.A.F ee trained et Manning Pool, Brandon lW✓nmrpes', Rein' sn•4 Mount Hope -ncervrng 1,•;••• ,•;r h"nneviile ' May. ONTARIO ST. WKS