HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-10-02, Page 8PAGE 61P. ••••••111•11•5 111E CLINTON NEW -RECORD CHOICE RIB ROASTS BEEF BRISKET BOIL 20c Ib. 13c lb. VEAL RIB CHOPS28c lb. VEAL STEWS . , 18c M- T LAMB STEWS, • , 20c ib. Spring Chicken's, Veal, Spring Lamb, Pork and Choice Beer for Weekend. CONNELL & TYNDALL "CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET' " Pone 162. Albert Street regm,„...01:1011MEMM21101M7MV.Mg ' The LITTLE RANGE that does a BIG JOB of cooking & heating. ...... ••(.4,00000001:0000:00.:00.00000:010;S:00 40.14 A small Modern stave with all the cooking and heating efficiency of tilEiTtY harm and more ex- pensive ranges. Takes.up very little floor space, yet has a full size 14 inch oven. Buena either wood r coal. You'll Ile itelietit4 with the ability of this Vindlay range * and'wkb it* moderate price, Don't forget we carry The Frigidaire the only Refrigerator with the Meter Miser 11Second-Hand Kelvinator in first-class condition. SUTTER 6' PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w, CLINTON. ONT. BUY. EARLY Let us once more point out to you the wisdom of Early Buying THIS TIME ITS OVERCOATS! .4411 isi.4604 Have you had a look at that coat you cast off last spx:rag? Do you think its going to be good for all winter? If not, don't put off any longer looking up a new one. Stuelc of New Coats is fast reaching its peak and the as- sortment never was better. We have English Barrymores, English Fleeces, Tweeds, Meltons, ate. and at prices in many cases, consider- ably below todays. quotations. COATS PRICED FROM $18.09 TO $28,50 Men's and Boy's Underwear Our Stock is large and our assortment of weights and sizes complete. • eltaitt COMBINATIONS from $1.00 up SHIRTS and DRAWERS 59e up Plurnsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — .Adam Hats — Scott & McflaIe Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. 04,1141,44.44NINNIN SEE OUR STOCK or RANGES and HEATERS Bury now and be sure of getting what you need. HECLA FURNACES LEAD Ji There is a reason. Come in and -see One on our floor MARTIN SENOUR-PAINTS AND VARNISHES Paints are advancing in Price. •Get you requirements now, HARDWARE and T. Hawkins 9 Phone 244 PLUMBING ENLISTTODAY t 99th. Battery R. C. A. • WINGRAM, ONTARIO 200 'All Ranks Needed'At Once Drivers, Gunners, Motorcyclists, Cooks, Tradesmen, Mechanics Signallers. The 99th Battery is now an active service unit and all officers and non-commissioned officers are from this district, Opportunity ef advancement for all. Do not Delay—Apply to Officer in charge of Armouries at Wingham, Listowel, Kincardine, Walkerton. .„ Captain R. S. Hetherington, Officer Commanding, God Save the King, STANLEY Mr. and Mrs, Walter Holmes and Ielen; and Buddie of London, visited he ladies mother, Mrs, John Pear. on last Sunday. :Miss Minnie Reid of tensall visit •Scli Miss Myrtle Pearson this -week, Mrs, John Graham of airithil trifl- ited itt the home of Mr. Geo. Baird last Monday. Mr. Robert Alchvirikle of the R.C.A. F,, who, has spent the past six inon„ tha training,' in the West, Visited his parents for a few clays this Week. SeVeral branches Of ripe red insp- berries Were handed to us the other day by Mrs. Chas. Switzer,' This is quite animal, but Mrs. SWitzer tells us she eotild easily have picked en- otigh for a pie. TilIy Were Pialted on her own place, stands for victory. Do you not want to increase the sentiment? It is the symbol of all Free People this symbol as on your writing -paper, which has spread the world over. No doubt. you, have, noticed it whevever you go. The dignified way to lase this symbol it ost your writing paper. We have it available in two sizes of of tablets. Note size at 10c, and letter size at 20e, the symbol it faiat- ly seen on each sheet, made faint so not to obscure your writing. Do you not wish it to soon come true? Say it on the paper when you write your net letter. See them B -4-U buy. When you write that letter how about a good Fountain Pen. No .use telling yoto how convenient a good one would be to you. We do know however a real good one to buy, as good as any made. Its a Waterman. The price may be more but its worth it and satisfaction considered is the cheapest $2.50" to $9.00. We tsy to anake the transfer of goode from oprselves to you profi- table to each and ag convenient as possible with perfectly proper prices. A $2.50 Waterman Fountain Pen Worth . $2 .50 OW ?rice • • . • .. $2.50 The phrase "low prices" some- times has evil associations, it march- es frequently with disatisfaction. they may be often considered as the natural result of unusual circums- tances. v Tile W. D. Fair CO Often the Cheapest—Always the Beat Miss Rena Hovey of London spent Sunday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hovey of town. Miss Eva Kennedy of the Brantford Sanitarium staff, spent the week- end in Londesboro with her par- ents. Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. SneII and son Rog- er, of Ethel, spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel, Miss Madelon Hawkins has returned to Toronto, after holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hawkins. Mr. James Armour 'of Saskatoon, Sask., who has been visiting in his home town of Blyth, also spent a few days with his cousins, Mrs. W. Tough and Mrs. Laidlaw of town. It is over thirty-five years since Mr, Armour, last visited these parts and he sees a great many changes. Annual Meeting. Of Perth- . Huron Bands Association, The second annual meeting of the Perth -Huron Bands Association was held in the rooms of the Stratford Boy's Band, on Sunday' afternoon, with, 'about thirty delegates present representing -the six member bands in the zone. The President and founder of the association, Mr. E. H. Close, Band- master of the Seaforth Highlanders Band oceupied the- chair, In his op -- ening address he referred to the out- standing success the association had enjoyed during the past two years. Harmony, and the spirit of good fel- lowship had increased, and he felt that nothing but good had been the result of this movement. Coopera- tion between the bands kas been 100%, and not a sinvle complaint has been heard from any of the banda &wiry his term of office. He Pred- icted the association would enjoy another successful. year, and urged every member to maintain the high standard that had been set. These remarks, of the president Were eon. firmed in the reports of the band - Masters present, Each in turn spoke of the benefits their bands had re- ceived since the association was for - Tile election of officers was then proceeded with. Mr. Close was again nominated for this office, but declin- ed the honour in favour of the ener- getic First Vice President, Mr. Mar- shall Brett, Bandmaster of the Strat- ford Boys Band. Mr. Brett received an aelamation and in thanking the delegates for the honour conferred -upon him, assured the members he would carry out the duties of the of - Ike to the utmost Of his ability. The election of First Vice -President fol- lowed, and. Mr, And 1Vintch, the gen- ial tandinaster of the Clinton Pipe Band Was 4180 ,attecyrded ttt ACtilltb111- tion as Was the second. Vice, Mr. Ern- est Seltzer, of the Tavisbnelt Citizens Band. Both these baaitimasters have given excellent service, and it is felt they were deserving of the ,honours bestaivtd imon • them, Tile retiring Su:retail-Treasurer, Mr. A. E. Scott of the Milverton "Red Seal Band", Whs also elected to that 'office, At the•Close. of the evening a toast to the assoeiatiten was given and'' a most enthiasiastie meeting was brought to a elose, t Meet again -at the call of the pitSident, Yirroves-lw-Wjefe WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS When you say it with flowers SAY IT WITH.OURS BOSTON FERNS To reduce'oar stock a ferns we are rnarluig them all at special :prices. We will be glad to show them to you. CELERY: Get it -fresh; Sold direct from celery trenches. 5c a bunch. It is time to pot cuttings for Winter flowering. We sell preptir- ect sorr, T6c it pan English Ivy for vases and wall pockets 100 a bunch. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del Ae. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 Quality Meat Market FRESH HOMEMADE SAUSAGE 20c lb. CHOICE RIB BOIL of beef . 18e lb CHOICE ROASTS of beef 20c lb. FRESH PICNIC HAMS 23c 11. BEEF TONGUES 15c ib. BRISKET BOIL of beef 13c lb. Custom Killing and Sausage Made at Reasonabk Rates. Highest Prices Paid for Hides. ROSS FITZSIMONS PHONE 76 Big V still goes This Week's Specials 1 pkg. GOOD HUMOR PUFFED WHEAT 5e 1 pkg. FLUFFS' with glass extra 19c 1 pkg. PETERPAN CORN FLAK. ES with cut out tanks etc. .,.. 25c 19c 29c 3 lb. PURE LARD 2 cans HEINZ SOUPS 2 cams CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 2 FLY COILS for 10 lb. SUGAR 82c 24 lb. bag PASTRY FLOUR 79c 2 cakes ODEX TOILET SOAP with Balloon 11c BROOMS at 29c, 39c, 49c, 59c 1 lb. Morning Cheer COFFER . 43e 19c JOHNSON GROCERY The New Red Front Store' PHONE 286 Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. Cash & Carry Specials For Fri, & Sat. Oct. 3,4 SUNLIGHT SOAP 3 bars „ 17c RINSO large pkg. 24c OLD ENGLISH WAX PASTE 1 Ib. tin 49e X 11tirr1ia5 tirst grade 1 lb. 37e ltkiLIVAnt •tiltAN CLAWED SUGAR. 10 lbs. 79c BLACK TEA our own Idend lb. 75c FRESH GINGER 'SNAPS 2 'lbs. 21e POTATOES 15 ib. pk. 25c, bag $1.10 SHORTENING,Hillerest 16e LARD, Hillcrest 2 lbs. 35e GARDEN PATCH CORN 16 oz. tin , 10c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs, 23c WHEAT BERRIES 5 Ib. bag .. 23c COFFEE American blend lb : • .• 37c BREAKFAST BACON sliced lb. 39c PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL lb, 31e Wtsririsc 11.. .. 114144, 25C BOLOGNA sliced ib,, ... .. 19e SAUSAGES pork and beef 11./. 220 COOKED RAM lb. 111 jIVIPSON 1.11..•••••••••••.. . • THOM, OCT. 2, 1941 tORES SPECIALS FOR OCTOBER 2, 3, 4TH LIBBY'S PORK AND LIBBY'S EVAPORATED BEANS 2 tins ... .. 17c MILK 3 tins 27c . ALPHA SNOW WHITE 1-"17)=TIMME.ITUIFF—, RICE 2 lbs. 19c PEAS 2 tins - 23c /Enr TOMATO JUICE Libbys' 2 tins 19c SPAGHETTI Libbys cook. 2 tins 19c TOMATO CATSUP Libbys bd. 17c LIRJIYS Libbys' SAUER Prepared KRAUTTIN10eiJARVIt"s 10 REV. L. J. DERE Revival Meeting in the Old Time Dance Hall, beginning Oct. 5th, sing- .: mg evangelist and Bible teacher Rev. L. J. Dead; formerly of the Moody School of Chicago, will conduct a ser- ies of gospel meetings in the Old Time dance hall, Main street, and floor, Mr. Desk has travelled 'extensively. He has visited 42 states, and every province in Canada. Has had' very successful revivals in, Cape, Breton, Hamilton, Ont, and Calgary, Alberta, and throughout the States. Meetings be - in at 8 pan.,, all are welcome. 'EVERYBODY EATS AN APPLE ON Boy Scout Wolf Cub. Apple Day Saturday Oct. 1 lth House to house sale in the morn- ing of big, juicy, Huron -grown, Mc- Intosh, Reds, 25% of the proceeds will go to the "B.P. Chins -up Fund" to help British Scouts. 60-2 THE RED SHIELD RUMMAGE SALE Candy Sale and After- noon Tea Sandwiches, Cookies Cake, Tea In the Council Chamber next Saturday Oct. 4th A War Effort SOAPrikAit es 4 4, • 'ONOMI ,1411111.1•••••••• Giant Size Tnegsetrt: Shearing's ........_....._pie -0.. ,.. ,,,,, Biscuits Quality '" '''-‘-1 uac LB. 19e SOUPS Clarks, Scotch BLIB-Ot411.5corTVBegP.K2Gt.in"s. !.91c3c . ARDEN PATCH BANTAM ARDEN PATCH WAX CORN 2; tins 25c BEANS 2 tins ...... 23c QUALITY FRESH FRU.111-77STISNEGETABLES ORANGES doz29c LEMONS 6 for PHONE. 4 8 Prompt Delivery CLINTON 14c El—'TY—LHearts Grapes Tokay 2 lbs 25e Onions cook. 10 lb. CM36—c 10c CARROTS 4 lbs..,. isc Apples Snows 6 lbs 25e Potatoes pk. 29c 4••••••••Moinewx• C.M. SHEARING. t ---- Now is the time to Buy We don't need to mention any special lines be- cause, they are all getting scarce and hard to get, so naturally prices will be higher in all Branches of the store. We are doing all we can to keep prices down. The only advice we can honestly give is get all your needs as soon as you can. We have a large stock of Linoleum, Congoleum, Feltol and Rexfelt by the yd. Also rugs in all sizes and latest patterns At Old Prices "The Store With The Stock" BALL & ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Hardware Furniture -- Funeral Directors -- Ambulance Service. W. Ball, Phone 361. PHONE 195 J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. maimmleavembrenwomerimulsoirameoramossismare .•1111103.0111iirgORLMIIIIMINMAIMIMMIISIIMINITIMMINIMIAN 11.11•11MIISSIMOISOMIMI.M.11111101121116011Atil Business Change The 'Grocery Department of Our Store is now owned and being operated by Orval Lobb. He took possession October lst. At this time we would like to express our appre- ciation to the Citizens of Clinton, and its Rural Sections for their Patronage and good will. To those Rind -Hearted Customers who helped us. into Business Fifteen Years age and Patronized us through all our Grocery life that consisted of many years of depression and price cutting compe- titions; To you we would like to say it is impossible for us to convey in words, Our Gratitude, and shall al ways remember you for your Loyalty with Grate- ful Hearts. We hope and trust' the successor may enjoy the. same priVileges you have bestowed upon us,. Clifford Lobb PHONE THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. la