HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-09-25, Page 8•h '.'AGE S HOME-MADE SAUSAGES SMALL SAUSAGES LAMASTEWS, ,,,„,„. VEAL STEWS JAMB CHOPS 20c lb. 22c lb' 20c lb, 18c•16. 35c ib. Spring Chicken's, Veal, Spring Lamb, Pork and Choice Beef for Weekend. CONNELL & TYNDALL ” CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 182. Albert street The LITTLE RANGE that does a BIG JOB of cooking &heating4 #61.7417CarigiS 40 •I4 A small modem stove with eft the cooking and heating efficiency of mony larger end more ex. pensive ranges. Takes up very little floor space, yet hos a full else 14 inch oven. Burne either wood or coal. You'll be delighted with the ability of this Findley range --• and with its moderate price. bee ft today, Don't forget we carry The Frigidaire the only Refrigerator with the Meter Miser 1 Second -Hand Kelvinator in first-class -condition. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT, BUY EARLY WARMER CLOTHING, RUBBER FOOTWEAR HEAVIER UNDERWEAR, ETC. will soon be the need of every fancily. Why put off buying these goods? Prices will not be any Iower and in many eases will be higher in the months to come. BUY NOW AND SAVE: , New Suits and Overcoats for Men and Boys. •,All the season's Newest Styles and Fabrics in fine English and Canadian made Clothing, priced at considerably be- low todays quotation. Again we say—You can save by buying early. See our fall stock of WINDBREAKERS, SWEATERS, BLANKETS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR ETC. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT FaII Shoes and Rubbers at Special Prices Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. cam^.+....►- .++r.++..e...r..neev SEE OUR STOCK OF RANGES and HEATERS Buy now and be sure of getting what you need. HECLA, FURNACES LEAD �a There is a reason. Come in and see one on our floor MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS AND VARNISHES Paints are advancing in Price. Get you requirements now. T. �.alw�1D PLUMBING HARDWARE and S, Phone 244 ENLIST TODAY in the 99th Battery Rn C. A. WINGHAM, ONTARIO 200 All Ranks Needed At Once Drivers, Gunners, Motorcyclists, Cooks, Tradesmen, Mechanics Signallers, The 90th Battery is now an active service unit and all officers and non-commissioned officers are from this district, Opportunity of advancement for all. Do not Delay—Apply to Officer in charge • of Armouries at `Vi?tgham Listowel, Kincardine, Walkerton: Captain R..$.. Hetherington, Officer Commanding,. :God; Save the King, Northern Lights Beautiful Are The most spectacular showing of the aurora bomealls (northern lights) ,seen in many years was visible h9rc on Ihtusday night and was witnessed by a large number. This wonderfgl magnetic disturbance of the heavens is saicl'.,to have 'been the finest dis- play of -the. kind ,seen imr over a life time At. times the whole sky' was ihulnlnated as 'the big bands of col= ored lights raced acrdss the sky.It isaid that 1 at the lights could be traced directlgAce.a great army -of stn spots stretching across the face of the sun. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD stands for victory, Do you not • want increase the ,sentiment? this symbol is on your writing paper. which has spread the world over., No doubt you have noticed it wherever you go. The dignified way to use this symbol it on your writing paper. We have .it available in two sizes of of tablets. Note size at 10c, and letter size at 20e, the symbol is faint- ly seen on each sheet, made faint so not to obscure your writing. Do you not wish it to soon come true? Say it on the paper when you write your next letter.. See them B -4-U buy. When, you write that letter how, about a good Fountain Pen. No use telling you how convenient 'a good one would be to yon. We do know however a real good one to buy, as good as any made. Its a Waterman. The price may be more but its worth it and satisfaction considered is the cheapest $2.50 to $9.O0. We try to make the transfer of goods from ourselves to you profi- table to each and as convenient as possible with perfectly proper prices. A $2.50 Waterman Fountain Pen Worth ,• $2.50 Our Price . . , $2 50 The phrase "low prices" some- times has evil associations, it march- es frequently with disatisfactcon, they may be often considered as the natural result of unusual circums- tances. V TIM W. D. Fair Co Often the Cfleapest—Aiwa7a the Best -,enemeenelleROMP Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sloman spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. Kenneth Cooke, teller at the Roy- al Bank is now enjoying his vacat- ion. Mr. Fred Hellyar of Toronto spent the weekend in town with his fath- er, Mr, W. H. Ilellyar, Miss Cathleen Cuninghame returned to Toronto this week to take up third year work at University College. Mt, and Mrs. Elmer Harness and daughter, Barbara of Exeter, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Cree on Sunday. Miss Bessie Sioman of New York, who is visiting Miss Sarah Sioman and other relatives in town spent a short holiday in Toronto recently, Mr, and Mrs, Mackie and daughter of Hanover visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Braithwaite of Goderieh, and Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Wender[ ov- er the weekend. Mrs. Nelson Brady accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston, 'with whom she has been visiting, returned to her hone at Fenwick last week. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston remained for a week's visit there, returning home Monday last, They also • visited friends in Guelph and Georgetown, WEDDINGS WELLS—Y,OUNGBLUTT The home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youngbiutt of Londesboro was the scene of a apretty wedding on Satin'. day, September 20th, when their daughter, I•Ielen Henson, became the bride of William D. Wells of Clinton, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Wells of Blyth. Rev, Mr. Gardener per- formed the ceremony. The bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a floor length gown of white crepe, with finger tip veil and halo of embroidered. net. She car- ried a bouquet of Hollywood roses, Miss Helen Johnstoftl of London, friend of the bride was bridesmaid, and wore a floor length gown of Aqua brocaded satin, with, matching hat," The groomsman was Mr, Alex, Wells of Londesboro, brother of the groom. Miss Gladys Mountain,, cous- in of the bride, played the wedding 1115551,0, A reception was held after the ceremony when Mrs. Wells, sister-in- law of the groom, assited fir. and Mrs. Youngblutt in receiving the guests, The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a necklet, to the organist, a string of pearls, and to the grooms- nlafi, a cigarette ease. Later' the bride and groom left on a trip to the western coast The bride's travelling costume was a red- ingote g tc en e s rn bre of red -and blue, w, .l rm blue hat and matching accessories, On their ..return, they -will -reside in Clinton, WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS When you say it with flowers. SAY IT WITH OURS BOSTON FERNS To reduce our stock of ferns we are mallow them all at special prices. We will be glad to show thein to you. CELERY: Get it fresh; Sold direct from celery trenches. 5c a bunch. It is time to pot cuttings for Winter flowering, We sell prepar- ed sort rye a pan English Ivy for vases and wall pockets 100 a hunch, F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del An. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders, Phones 176 and 81 Quality Meat 'Market FRESH HOMEMADE ' SAUSAGE 20c ib. CHOICE RIB BOIL, of beef 180 lb CHOICE ROASTS of beef 20c lb. FRESH PICNIC HAMS , , 23c Ib. BEEF TONGUES 15c lb. BRISKET BOIL of beef ., 13e 1b. Custom Killing and Sausage Made at Reasonable Rater, Highest Prices Paid for Hides. ROSS FITZSiMONS PHONE 76 Big V still goes This Week's Specials 1 pkg. GOOD HUMOR PUFFED WHEAT , 5e 1 pkg. FLUFFS' with glass extra 19c 1 pkg, PETERPAN CORN FLAK- ES with cut out tanks etc... , . 25c 2 lb. PURE LARD 490 2 cans HEINZ SOUPS 29e 2 cans CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP , 390 2 FLY COILS for 5e 10 'lb. SUGAR 82c 24 lb. bag PASTRY FLOUR . , , , 79c 4 cakes ODEX TOILET SOAP with Balloon 110 BROOMS at - 29c, 39c, 19c, 59c JOHNSON GROCERY The New Red Front Store PHONE 286 Superior Stores PHONE 111--GLINTON. SPECIALS FOR . September 25, 26, 27th COUNTRY KIST PEAS 16 oz. tin 90 DURHAM CORN STARCH pkg., 9c IVORY SNOW, Ige. pkg. and one ;dish cloth all for 25c HILLCREST SHORTENING lb16c HABITANT PEASOUP 28 oz. tin 10c CHAMPION DOG FOOD 2 tilts 190 LIBBY'S PORK AND BEANS 28 oz. 2 tins 25c RED• RIVER CEREAL pkg. , . , , 25c COWAN'S COCOA lb. tin 2.50. ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE 20 oz. 2 tins 1y SHEER.IFFS FRUIT,. PUDDING tin 27c ARCTIC PASTRY FLOUR 7s 27c ..245 , 75c VANILLA EXTRACT 8 oz. btl.. 150 SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER 16 oz. tin 23c ICING SUGAR lb. ' IIS SULTANA RAISINS 2 lbs. 25e NEW CURRANTS lb. 15c MARSHMALLOWS 1b, 15e I1 fl: TKfl.MPSON Sleeping Sie'kness Victim Succumbs Suffering from sleeping sickness, the death ocetn't'ed on Monday, Sept. 15, afternoon, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pat- terson, East Line, Hullett Township, of Mary Kathleen Patterson, Deceased young lady was in her 18th year, and had been ill for only three weeks from the dread disease. At the beginning of September she returned home from Niagara Falls where she had spent part of the sRun- cnea. Being ill at the time, it is be- lieved that she may have contacted the disease there, as no other cases have been reported in this district. The young lady was a native of Hallett Township,. being born on the farm on which she died, She received her education at S.S, No, 9, Hullett, and later attended the Auburn Con- tinuation School. She was a member of the United Church, and was highly respected by a wide circle of young friends, Surviving, besides her parents, are a sister, Elsie, and two brothers, Glen and Ross, all at home, —Blyth Stan- ard, THE EVER -READY MISSION CIRCLE of Wesley -Willis Church will hold an Afternoon Tea in the Church Hall Saturday Sept. 27th front 4-0.30 p,m, Afternoon Tea and Homemade Candy EVERYBODY WELCOME Canada's Largest Rural Fair Teeswater Sept. 30 th, and Oct. 1 Excellent Horse Show; Sensational Racing Events, Woodstock Boy's Band, Hamilton. Ladies' Band; Luck - now Pipe Band; Freak Vehicles; Clowns, Highland Dancing; Hurdle Jumping; Beauty Contest; Toronto Star's War Photos; Harry Foster's Theatre of the Air; Etc,, Etc ADMISSION: 25e J. 3'. REiID, President. ALEX. B. McKAGUE, Sec. Tress and Managing Director, RUMMAGE SALE - The Red Shield Auxiliary are holding a rnntnlage sale in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON Saturday, October 4th Please send all 'rummage to the Sal - THURS., ,SEPT. 25, 1941 111•••1•113.06110d SPECIAL VALUES SEPTEMBER 25, 26, 27TH RED & WHITE TOM. or VE F. RED & WHITE PORK AND SOUP 3 tins 25c BEANS 2 tins 15c RED PATH" PURE CANE— McCORMICK'S CHOCOLATE SUGAR 10 lb. bag 81c PUFFS lb, 23c YOUR CHOICE 19c ib. CAMPBELL'S TOMATO MacLAREN'S PEANUT JUICE 2 tins , 19c BUTTER lg. jar .,, 23c READY CUT WALKER'S SALTED MACARONI lb. 5c SODAS 2 lbs.....,.,,. 25c QUALITY FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ORANGES doz. .,, 27c LEMONS 4 for IOc Grapefruit 5 for .., 25c BANANAS 2 lbs. 19c CELERY Hearts.,. 10,c Lettuce head 2 for 15c Potatoes sweet 4 lb 25c TURNIPS 4 lbs. ,.. IQc Squash, Apples, Grapes, Plums, Pears, Cukes, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Beans, Cauliflower Carrots,. PUFFED WHEAT Good Humor pkg. 5c C M SHEARING. RED AND WHITE STORE PHONE. 4 8 Prompt Delivery CLINTON Now is the time to Buy We don't need to mention any special lines be- cause, they are all getting scarce and hard to get, so naturally prices will be higher in all Branches of the store. We are doing all we can to keep prices down. The only advice we can honestly give is get all your needs as soon as you can. We Linoleum, Co go eum, Feltoe a l stocke andRe.felt by the yd. Also Pugs in all sizes and latest patterns At Old Prices "The Store With The Stock" BALL & ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Hardware -- Furniture ., Funeral Directors .- Ambulance Service, W. Ball, Phone 361. PHONE 195 J. .1. Zapfe, Phone 103, vation Army* Quarter, Orange Street. a .mss.., Meats and Groceries MAPLE LEAF SAUSAGE per lb. _ 25c MAPLE LEAF COOKED HAM per lb. 60c MAPLE LEAF COTTAGE ROLL unsmoked per lb. 33c MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA in piece per lb. • 20c 19c MAPLE LEAF ECONOMY LOAF per lb. 40c MAPLE LEAF COTTAGE ROLL smoked per lb. 37c MAPLE LEAF CHUM balanced food for cats and dogs 1 lb. net per tin 101L MAPLE LEAF CHEESE I/2 lb. pkg. 20c Family size 65c Large size,. 21c Small size ,.. 10c CANADA'S FINEST 5 cakes ,,,,,,,,, 25c A LOW 1AtrWO—ECONOMICAL TORSI SOAP CLARK'S CORN BEEF 12 oz. net per tin 21c TEAS, we have a good stock of Bulk and Packages, if you want to save money stock up on to - days Prices. FOREST CITY BAKING POW- DER, 12 oz. net free premium the two for per lb. 21c 19c PEANUT BUTTER in bulk, you supply container, 2 lbs. 27c MAPLE LEAF BRAND PEAS 2 tins 23c CLARK'S PORK AND BEANS 28 oz. net 2 tins 25c McLARENS JELLY POWDERS 4 pkgs. CLARK'S SPAGHETTI 15 oz. net, 2 tins AYLMER SOUPS 2 tins 23c 19c 17c Clifford Lobb 8c on PHONE 40. TH ,,STORE 'THAT SAVES YOU, IVIJ.ONEY,