HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-09-25, Page 5THURS., SEPT. 25, 1941 THE ,CLINTON NEWS -RECORD rum_ 0 EQUIPS 11 Jill Tilt MEN For the men of Canada's army, only the best will do. From tin hats to service boots their equipment must be the finest Canada can produce. Goodequipnent costs money ...large sums of money. And that money 'must be provided by the ;nen and women of Canada out of current income. Howl By honouring pledges to invest in war savings certificates every month. By saving now, to pay war taxes when due. By saving now, to : invest in Victory Loans should further loans be necessary. This means, that every Canadian must learn to do without some -of the things :he normally enjoys. Watch our .spending. Stern duty demands that. we Save'for Victory now, This•Book Will help you save. The Royal Bank Family Budget :^ nook shows you how to budget your income, how to save by Planned spending. Ask for a freecopy at your nearest Branch. The ROYAL BANKof Canada CLINTON- BRANCH - - E. E,PATERSON, Manager . AUBURN Miss Francis Houston, nurse-in- frainingin Kitchener Hospital is spending two weeks holidays with with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Huston. Keith Arthur of the R.C.A.F. 'Tren- ton spent the weekend with his moth- er Mrs. Margaret Arthur. Miss Betty Asquith and Donald Rosa of Stratford Normal School spent the weekend at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Stoltz of Tor- onto spent the weekend with the for- mer's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz. Corp. Jack Weir of Oshawa spent the weekend with his fath- er Dr. B. C. Weir and Miss Josephine Weir, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Nichoolson and daughter Karan of Galt spent the ' weekend with the latter's parents Mr. . and Mrs. J. J. Wilson, John Robertson of the Elgin Regi- ' anent Sussex, N.B. is visiting his par- • eats Mr, and Mrs. Howard Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robertson of London visited with Miss Susie Blair ort Sunday. Mrs. Darwin Carter, Miss Alma Carter R.N. and Lloyd Carter, Lon- desboro were recent visitors with. Mrs Jas. Woods. . Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, Rintoul and baby, Wingham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thom. Mr. Nelson McLarty has returned from a months visit with, friends in the west, The ladies of St. Mark's Anglican church Guild held a succesful sale of home-made baking, bazaar and rum- mage sale in the Orange Hall on Sat- urday afternoon. Rally in Wingham on September 29th of the four Baptist churches, Auburn, Goderich, Clinton and Wing - ham. Mr. J. Little of Clinton has just completed shingling the tower of the United church which is 60 ft. high, Mr, Russell Icing, who carries the mail from the station to the post of• floe was taken to. Westminster Hos pital on Monday where he will under- go an operation. Mr. 'King is a veter- an of the last great war. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Youngblut and family of Oakland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Yungblut. Janes Henry and son Wayne of 1 queen's Canadian Fund for British Air Raid Victims London, Ont., September 23rd, 1941 News -Record, Clinton, Ont.: To the. Editor, the Committee of the Queen's Can- adian Fund would appreciate publication of the fol- lowing as a news item in your paper this week in the interest of British Bomb Victims. This is a simultaneous release with daily papers. British war relics from Treasured Buildings in, Old London damaged by Nazi bombs, a wrecked German Bomber shot down in one of the raids, the Fork that captured Hess and other Trophies_will be exhibited in London, Ont., all next week, in the in- terest of the Queen's Canadian Fund for British Air Raid Victims. Coupled with the war relics ex, hibition send to t,anada by the British Government will be a great diqplay of Canadian War Munitions arranged by the Department of Trade and Com- merce War Munitions and Supply Branch. The Exhibition held with the cooperation of all Canadian Fighting Services will fill the Armories which has been loaned for the entire week begin- ning September 29, Military Bands will be in atter-, dance. There will be Parades and Exercises. Among the British Exhibits will be parts of Buckingham Pal- ace blown off by the bombs.. A Charred Beam from West Minister Abbey and fragments of St Paul's Cathedral. The two exhibits come to London Direct from the Canadian National Exhibition where they were a feature. Admission prices will be 25 cents and 10 cents for children, every cent of which without reductions will be sent Britain to help rehabitulate bombing victims who have lost, everything in the Empires 'battle. CHURCHILL, LONDON FREE PRESS. Galt spent' the Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Scott; The B.Y.P.A, held their September meeting. on Sunday evening with Wm. Raithby in charge. The scripture was read by Mrs. Annie Weer Marie Raithby sang a solo, and Mr's. R. J. Phillips gave a piano instru- mental, Mr. Geo, Raithby gave an aco•dian solo. The topic was given by Wm. Raithby. The meeting was brought to a close with prayer by Mr. Jas, Raithby. Following the meeting the election of officers took place when the following officer; were e1 ected for the year: President, Mr. Wnt. Raithby; vice-president Mrs.. Earl McKnight; secretary -treasurer, Harold Reid; .pianist, Mrs. R. J. Phillips. The funeral service, for Kathleen, Patterson was held from the home of her parents on Thursday and' was, largely attended. Rev. H. 0. Wilson of Knox United church had ahargo of the service and spoke words of com- fort to the sorrowing ones. The many beautiful floral tributes show- ing the esteem- the 'deceased was held ,were carried by Maxine and Roxy Ball, Eva Vincent, Edna Archam-. burst,. Bill Govier, Joseph Hunking, Mr, Cline' of Mitchell 'and Geo. Ward of Monkton, The pallbearers were: Thomas Hagitt, Clifford and Kenneth Brown, Jack Sprung, William Man- ning, Belgrave and Harry Rinderk- necht,,Detroit. Interment took plane in Ball's cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Roberton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Manning, Lon- desboro. Mr. Stewart Ferguson of Mount Forest, spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson. V TUCKERSIVIITH Many from this district attended Seaforth Fair on Friday last. The pupils of S.S. No. 6 won the following prizes: Hazel Colman, 1st prize for Tea Biscuits; 1st prize for Bowl of Nasturtiums; 2nd prize for bowl of Pansies; 1st prize for Pars- nips; lst prize for turnips; 3rd prize for Poster; 2ncl prize for Art- icle carved from wood; lst prize for clothes pin apron; 1st prize for wool cushion top; 3rd prize for 12 pota- toes. Emerson Coleman: 1st prize for 12 potatoes; 2nd prize for 2 cabbages; 2nd prize for tomatoes;. lst prize for onions; lst prize for beets; 2nd prize for Parsnips; and prize for turnips. Eleanor Johns: 1st prize for article carved from from wood; lst prize for drop cook- ies. Evelyn Johns, ist prize for doll's clothes; 3rd prize for citrons. Stanley Johns: 1st, prize :for citrons. John Carnochan: 2nd prize for tie rack; 2nd prize for citrons. Angus Brown: 2nd prize for Boys race. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ball and Mr, and Mrs. L• Tcbbutt visited Mr, and Mrs. C. D. Martin at Kitchener on Saturday. Rally Day Services were observers in Turner's church on Sunday. The Rally Day program was followed and Miss Helen Turner read the scripture readings, on "Jesus as a Child, Jesus as a Boy, Jesus as a Man". Miss Hel- en Crich read the S.S. Lesson. Geo- rge Turner contributed a solo, "Jesus Lead nue Day by Day." Bliss Edithe and Eleanor Pepper sang a duet "Jesus never Fails." Rev. G. Burton gave the sermon talk on "Badges." Mrs. frank Walters entertained at a trousseau tea on Wednesday after- noon and evening in honour of her daughter, Miss Beatrice, who is to be married shortly. Those assisting in the dining -room were Misses Viola Pepper and Margaret Crich.. Mrs Amos Townshend and Mrs. Dahym ple and Mrs. Campbell poured tea. Misses Florence Whitmore, Irene and Erma Garrett and Eileen Walters as- sisted in displaying the gifts and trousseau. Many called during the of. ternoon and"evening to wish the bride-to-be happiness. :v Dome and School Conference The Regional Home and School Conference for Huron, Perth and North Wellington will be held in Vic- toria street United church. Goderich, on Tuesday, September 30th, with meeting at 2 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. Regi- stration begins at 1.30. Mrs, A. Taylor will be the presiding officer. The afternoon speakers will be Mrs. G. L. Haipenny, on "Religious Educa- tion in the Home and the Sehool;" Mrs., (1. B. MacQudrrie, on the value of the Courtice Memorial Library, and Dr.- Lewis of the Toronto Psychiatric Hospital will speak on "Health Educa- tion." Good musical numbers have also been provided. Discussion groups will be led by the various speakers on these three sub- jects, and there will be a special group for presidents and vile -presidents on "Programs, Problems anti -Procedure." At the lose of the afternoon ser- sion there willbe,a display of articles donated for British war victims, and supper willbe served by the ladies of Victoria street church at 6 p.m. At7.15'there will be fifteen minutes of community singing, and at 7.30 Mayor E. D. Brown will extend a civic. welcome to the speakers and visiting. members. Mrs. A, B. Silcox, mem- dent of the Ontario Home and School Federation, and Inspector Robb of the, Department of Education will be the SC -4/ fl we n,my� s_'aioa CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 86J Poultry Wanted We are in the market for large • or small quantities of Live Poultry. Quick service given in grading .your eggs. N. W. TREWARTHA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkin's Locker Storage Try our garden fresh green Peas. All kinds of fresh fish' from• l0e a DT. nip. We are in the Market to buy a few young sheep, also a good young sow for butcher purposes. Try us- for reasonable prices on quarters of beef or pork. Meat should be well hung and properly processed to' obtain best results. , We do custom . killing; sausage snaking a specialty; also buy hides. "Frozen Foods are Better .Foods." Goderich Township Federation of • Agriculture will hold a meeting in HOLMESVILLB, on Thursday, October 2nd at 8 p.m. , The lion. George Hoadley will ad- dress the meeting on. "Municipal Doctors and State Medicine." Ladies are: especially..inuited. EVERYBODY WELCOME speakers and the meeting will be con- cluded at 9,30 for the benefit of the outset -town members. A special invitation is extended to the teachers to attend the evening meeting and if there are any interest- ed parents or teachers, in communities where there is no Horne and School organization, they wouicl, receive a warm welcome. �1r BIRTHS CLARK -In Clinton Connunity'IIos- pital on Monday, Sept, 22nc1, to Mr, and Mrs. William G. Clark of Varna, a son. HENRY—In Clinton Public Hospit- al on Saturday, Sept. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Henry of Clinton, a daughter, (Barbara Ann.) GRIFFITHS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Wcduesday, Sept. 24th, to Mr. and NIrs. Arthur Griffiths of Clinton, a son. ALEXANDER-- In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, Sept. 19th, to Mr, and Mrs. R. N. Alexander of Londesboro, a son. KILPATRICK--- In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, Sept. 24th, to Capt. C. 11, and Mrs. Kilpatrick of Blyth, a son. R.EDER—In Clinton Public Hospital on I+"riclay, Sept. 19th, to Mr. acid Mrs. Lloyd Roder of Dashwood, a son, MARRIAGES I•IOLNIES—BEESLE7---In St. Aicl- an's church, Toronto, on Friday, Sept. 19th, Ruth Beesley 'of Tor- onto, became the bride of William Gerald Holmes of Toronto, son of stir: and Mrs. W, S. R.. Holtnes of Clinton.:.• WELLS—.YOUNGBLUTT— In Lon- desboro on Saturday, Sept. 20th, Helen Youngblutt, was united in Marriage to William D. Wells, by Rev. Mr. Gardiner. , NOTICE Wednesday half -holidays as an- nounced at the start of the season wl,l continue during the' month of October. For Sale Four Leicester ewes and one Shrop- shire rani, 11/2 year old Hereford bull, Telephone 32-86 Hensel). Cent- ral. 59-1 For Sale Dight -roomed house and lot on Maple street, Clinton, for sale. Will be sold reasonable to an immediate buyer. Apply to Martina Dinsley, Brucefield. 59:3 Wanted Imniecuiately, one prismatic com- pass, one pair of field glasses, army pattern. Telephone 89, Clinton. 59.1 For Sale Quantity of Madonna Lily Bulbs. Apply to Mrst A.'Seeley. 67-3 PAGE 5 BOXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW FLAYING: Victor Mattire i15 "CAPTAIN CAUTION" Mon., Tues., Wed. Double 'Feature Charles Starrett, Iris Meredith and Kenneth MacDonald A western drama that is filled with mystery and intrigue "Two Fisted Rangers" Added Attraction: Pat O'Brien in "SUBMARINE- ZONE" TIH.URS., PRI. & SAT. George Formby, Polly Ward, .and Garry Marsh A young army recruit who doesn't know left from right gets tangled up in all sorts of escapades,; but ends up by piloting an aeroplane "It's In The Air" Mats.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE GDDEIUCRH NOW: "The Saint in.Palm Springs' and Phe Singing Hills.' MON., TUES. & WED. Rosalind Russell and Molvyu. Douglas together for the first time in Ed- win Brulne's, hilarious stage am - cess "This Thing Called Love" THURS., FRI. & SAT. Rosalind Russell, Brian Aliens and Robert B'enchley depict the riotous involvements of a boss and his secretary "HIRED WIFE" Coining Deanna Durbin in: "SPRING PARADE" Mat.: Sat." and :holidays at 3 p.m. .REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW: Gene .Autry in "Ride Tend- , . erfoot, Ride" MON., TUES. & WED. Deanna Durbin and Robert Cummings take us into the gaiety of old time . Vienna for a musical romance "SPRING PARADE" THURS., FRI. & SAT. ELONDY FEATURE' and W'RIP ROARING WESTERNER' Coming: Rosalind Russell: "This • Thing Called Love:" Mat: Wed. Sat. & Holidays 3 p.m. • BAR d LIFF'S SATURDAY SPECIALS DOUGHNUTS DATE AND NUT CAKE 'BLUE BERRY—PEACH STRAWBERRY -PIES SUEYS, TEA BISCUITS NUT BREAD PHONE 1 WE DELIVER DANS EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Te Roy Mackenzie and his Orchestra 'TOWN- HALL CLINTON ADMISSION: 35c and 25c Cliff, Watson, Manager DOG TAX FINAL NOTICE All dog taxes trust be paid by the end of September or court proceed- ere. • N. KENNEDY Collector. For. Sale A stack of bean straw. Apply to Ezra Ellis, R.R. No. 1., phone 802-1 Clinton. s 59-1 Wanted A capable girl or woman for gen- eral housework, good wages. Phone 264, Mrs. Clifford Epps, 50-1 For Sale 8 head of young cattle, from one to ;ws years old. Apply to James East, R.R. No.. , Clinton, two and one half miles northeast of Clinton. 57-2 For Sale Comfortable cottage with bath- room also a largo brick house central- ly located' in Clinton, good value. Comfortable little house with garden at -Summerhill. Win. Peace, Realtor, Exeter, 69-2 Used Cars 1941 Chevrolet (Demonstrator) 1939 Plymouth Sedan 1938 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Essex Sedan 1929 Oldsmobile Sedan 1928 Ford Cotape 1929 Ford Coupe 1927 Chevrolet Sedan Reg. Shipley Supertest Products — Dominion Tires MAIN CORNER — CLINTON PHONE 182 CALL US FOR TAXI SERVICE • CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements at Lot 29, Concession 4, Stanley twp., on MONDAY, OCTOBER DTII at 1 o'clock sharp consisting of the following:.. HORSES: Brood marc 13 yrs. old; Brood mare 14 yrs. old; Brood mare 15 yrs, old; 2 bay colts 2 yrs. old (matched.) CATTLE: Hereford cow, 4 yra. old, due Dec. lat.; Shorthorn cow, 4 yrs. old, due March 10th.; Short- horn cow, 4 yrs. old, due March 161:h; Holstein cow, 7 yrs. old, dee March 20th; 10, 2 yr. old Hereford steers; 10, yr. old Shorthorn steers; 6 spring calves; 2, 2 yr. old short- horn heifers. SHEEP: 25 young Oxford ewes; 12 breeding Oxford ewe lambs. PIGS: 20 Yorkshire pigs, 8 weeks old. • IMPLEMENTS: Massey Harris binder, 7 ft. Cut; Deering mower, 3 11. cut; Massey Harris side delivery rake; Deering hay loader; Massey Harris, 13 _tooth spring cultivator with sced• box; 10 •hoe grain drill; 4 section dray harrows; steel truck wagon; heavy farm wagon; sliding runic, • 2 furrow walking plow;steel . t �� aI; tired buggy; cutter; set double har- ness; set driving harness; fanning' mill; No. 12 DeLaval cream separa- tor; logging chains;, forks; shovels and mums -oils other articles. TERMS—CASH ' ADAM STEEWART, Proprietor. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auction- eer. 59.2 AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm. Stock and Implements Iiarokl Jackson has been instructed to sell by public auction on, Lot 15, con. 2 of Hullett on: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3RD at 1 pan, the following HORSES; 1 matched ,team Clyde geldings, 9 yrs. old,: 1600 lbs. CATTLE: 1 bind: cow, with fat calf at foot; 1 grass cow; 2 Durham cows, due to freshen in March; 4 Durham. steers, 900 lbs.; 1 Durham heifer, 2 yrs. old; 8 Durham yearling heifers; 2 Durham fall calves. PIGS: 8 pigs, 125 lbs. each. IMPLEMENTS: Deering mower; Dearing rake; Deering binder; seed. drill;' 2 sets Diamond harrows; disc harrow; root pulper; Flurry walking plow; gang plow; DeLaval cream separator; wagon; hay rack; gravel box; ,ehrbter; sot sloop sleighs; flat rack; buggy; fanning mill; set of double harness; set single harness;, set scales; 500 bus. oats; 15 ton tim- othy hay; 15 cords hardwood, beech & maple; quantity of lumber; 2 wood vise; whiffle -trees; neck yokes; forks; shovels, etc• HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — wood range; Beatty Washing machine' and wringer; Jewel heater; Raymond sewing machines now; 3 rocking chairs; number odd chairs; bedroom suit; 2 rugs 9 by 10; hanging lamps; couch; 2 kitchen tables; side board. FARM.: 159 acre farm, bank barn, 2 story brick house, 12 acres good bush, plenty of water. TERMS—CASA LOUIS PEACOCK, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 59-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALT; Of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture on the 9th con, of Goderich tae'nsitip, 1. mile west of Ilolnesville, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH at 1 o'clock, consisting of the follows' ing: STOCK: Hereford cow, 4 yrs. old; Polled Angus cow, 6 yrs. old; Dur- ham cow, aged, all are due to freshen; Number of chickens, IMPLEMENTS: Massey , Harris binder 7 ft. cut; McCormick Deering mower 0 ft. cut; Deering disc drill; Itiassey Harris riding plow; No. 21. Fleury walking plow; Massey Harris souther in good condition; Massey Harris hay rake; 8 section drag har- rows; heavy wagon, hay rack; set of double bob sleighs; 2 saw log bunks; Gowdy fanning mill; cutter, bag hold- er; 4 steel buggy wheels; long ladder; Imperial. 85 egg incubator; crow bar; cross cut saw; buck saw; saw set; 2 feed boxes; scythe; quantity of cedar rails and lumber. FURNITURE: Newcombe square piano, (rosewood)- in good condition; parlor table; walnut table; couch; settee; bookcase; 2 rocking chairs; sideboard; 8 beds and springs; walnut bed; dresser and wash stand; toilet set; kitchen range; kitchen table; 2 fallen leaf tables; 2 hat racks; high chair; folding go-cart; fruit cupboard; washing machine; coal oil stove; 2 hanging lamps; Coleman iron; Daisy Churn; butter bowl and ladle; yarn reel; number of books; pictures and numerous other articles including a few antirues•. • Everything to besold as proprietor has sold his farm. I TERMS—CASH ROBERT McCARTNEY. Proprietor • .EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auction- eer, 58-2. BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . Get my prices before buying, Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All wort., guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton Ontario Successor to Bull & Zapfe 59 tf Radio Service 1942 Radios are here on display in- cludini'g, ' Rogers, Deforest, Philcos, Westinghouse, Spartons. I carry a full line of radio tubes, up to date tube tester, General and E'verready Batteries, Dominion Wa- shing Machines, all electrical apph- ances and roofing supplies. A. W. Groves, Princess St.. PRINCESS ST. CLINTON Faint 'for Sale ' • • 60 sere farm on No, 4 highway, 141, miles north of Londesboro, 3 miles from Blyth. Good laucr, good build- ings, hydro installed in all the build- ings. Close to school. Innnediate possession given. Apply to Williaus. Lyon, Londesboro. 58-3 For Rent Furnished cottage for rent in Bay- field. Suitable for occupation all the year round. Apply at the News -Rec- ord office. 661E TIME TABLE CHANGES EFFECTIV L SUNDAY, SEPT. 28, 1941 Full Information from Agents CCanadian National Railway For Sale One girds winter coat, wine colour, with fur collar, size 14 years, will sell cheap for cash. Apply at the News - Record office. 58-2 Wanted Experienced cook -general, family three adults, High wages for exper- ienced person. Apply to Mrs.. George A. Ramsay, 197 Ridout street, South, London, Ontario • 59-3 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, on SATURDAY, SEPTIMBER 27TH Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions from the under- signed to sell by public auction at Albert Street, Clinton, sale to be held at 1,30 o'clock, the following: Dinette set including cabinet, table and four chairs, moans and green; drossers; beds; mattresses; rocking chairs; leather rocker; set of six eels chairs; numerous small tables, buffett; couch; three occasion- al chairs; walntit' wardrobe, " new; Axntinister rug, walnut cabinet, 10 tube, electric Moneta radio, Monarch 3 -burner coal oil stove with oven. Gerhard Heintzman Piano, bench and Wilton rug, like new, 9x12 ft.; chairs; floor lamps; pillows & quilts; dishes, including tea set, dinner set; crocks; Sealers; two three -light electric fixtures; other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH MRS. JEAN I. KYLE, Proprietoress. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. ., 58.2 W anted Old horses and cattle for mink feed. If dead phone at once. Will pay aos. cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 907r5, or Lloyd Bathin 6193:14. 95tf e -o -w Poultry Wanted We weigh' and pay cash for fowl: ' at your door. Reliable culling done free. Phone 226 and reverse then charges. G. Pearson, Clinton 4411. For Sale House and lot with garage on Rat- . tenbury street, town lights & waters also house. and , two lots on Huron street, 9 rooms, lights, and water, also stable and hi nhpuse. Apply to Miss Bertha' Cantelon, Huron street, Clin- ton. .... u 271j