HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-09-18, Page 8IPAGE R THRESHING ROASTS 'CHOICE RIB ROASTS BEEF CHOICE RIB BOIL LAMB STEWS, .., .., .,• LAMB CHOPS 20c lb. 20c 18c lb. {. 20c ib. 35c lb. CHOICE SPRING ROASTING CHICKENS CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street 7%ON1iBUY ,4 RANGE until you have seen this great CONDOR -[DAL AND WOOD RANGE See this sensational range today. Its modern, stream- lined appearance hos made it the most popular range in Canada. Its cooking ability is unmatched. Avail- able in two sizes — with 180 or 150 oven, with or without reservoir. Extra roomy firebox. All steel exterior, with beautiful enamel finish. You'll wont r Findlay Condor ... so come in and nee it now. We have a number of used Ran- ges and Heaters. SUTTER 6 PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. war WAIT? DOES YOUR BOY NEED A NEW SUIT? DO THE CHILDREN NEED NEW SHOES? DO YOU NEED NEW BEDDING? Are there Sweaters, Stockings, Shoes etc., that need to be replaced? THEN WHY WAIT! Prices are steadily advancing and it will pay you well to buy early. There are lots of good bargains on our shelves in these lines. Many at pre-war prices, BUY NOW AND SAVE, Tip Top Clothillg MEN! Do you realize we are offering you in Tip Top Clothing the best value money and experience can produce. Satisfaction alone accounts for the tremendous growth in this branch of our business.. Ask the man who wears on& Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & 11TdHale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. CCOL WEATHER Is on the way. Order your FALL WORK NOW In order not to be disappointed Good Job Guaranteed PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS AT LOWEST PRICE, T. ll&iwkins, HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 THE CLINTON NEWS•RECORD VACATION HAS VACATED And now it is in seeelence- for All pupils to get readyfor September 2nd, School opening. We invite. you to GODERICII TOWNSHIP A very enjoyable evening was spent last Friday evening when the people of the Telephone Road gathered at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, David &eaves, to present their son, L. -Cpl. John Deeves who is with. the R.C.R. and is now on leave, -with. a .small tok- en of their esteem, About 100 peop- le eonle were present and the evening was spent hi dancing and social chat. Mr. 'Bert Bowden read the following ad- dress and Mr. Clarence Perdue pre- sented L -Cpl. Deeves with a wrist watch. Dear Jack:--- • Gathered here tonight are a number of your, sincere friends. Many of us have grown up with you, worked :with you, cut up with you and often 'wished to we could 'throttle you. This is not the sort of occasion this group is in, the habit of gathering for. You haven't given us the excuse for that yet. But we have cone here to- night to let you know that•as you go away you carry with you the heart- felt wishes of the entire neighbour- hood for your good luck, safety, and .apeedy return, Knowing the heartache. of those you leave at hone, we can- not say we are glad you have signed up for duty overseas. But we do say we are proud of you. We know it takes some backbone to do it. One of our own boys overthere, is going' to bring this scrap home to each of us here, much more than it has been be- fore. I feel sure we will all take a deeper interest in anything concern- ing the welfare of the soldiers, or in other words, "We'll knit all the hard- er." You will be able,to imagine while away that, as we meet on the read or on the main corner, that the latest news from you will often be the sub- ject of our discussion. As you go away, from the heart of each of us will go up a prayer for for your safe return and lasting peace which will not make such farewells necessary. Come .back soda, Jack, and give us a chance for the kind of celebration we're used to. Now we would like you to take along with you, this little token of our appreciation of what you are do- ing for us. ` Signed on behalf of your neigh- bours and friends by Daisy Holland, Mrs. W. Vodden, Mrs, John Perdue. TEKT BOORS AND supplies The W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest --Arrays the Beat Mr. Kelso Streets of Toronto spent the weekend at his home in town. Miss Rena Hovey of London was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mi•,s. J. E. Hovey. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cantelon and blr. George Cantelon spent the weekend visiting in Woodstook and Ingersoll, Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Aiken and daughter of Allenford spent the weekend with Mr. and, Mrs. A. M. Aiken. Mrs. R. J. Tindall of Winghaln is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. David Steepe, and is visiting other friends in town. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Brophey and Miss Irene of Cleveland, Ohio, visited last week at the home of Dr. and Mrs, Henry Garrett, • Miss Emma Lavis spent the weekend in Toronto visiting Miss Fanny Levis at the Private Patients Pav- ilion, Toronto General Hospital. Mr. J. B• Lobb returned to town on Tuesday after five weeks visiting with friends, and touring in Nova Scotia, Gaspe Peninsula and Que- bec. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vodden and Mrs. G. Saville and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webster of Londesboro attended the funeral of the late Mr. William Geddes of Belgrave on Wednesday. Mrs. Robert Webster, and Mr. and Mrs. Watson Webster and daugh- ters, Nancy, and Marjorie and Mr. John Mustard of Brucefield return- ed. Tuesday from visiting in and a- round New Liskeard the past week, On their way up they were fortunate enough to see a deer and on th.e way home two bears. 11 CONSTANCE The regular meeting of the W.A. was held in the basement of the church Thursday afternoon, Sept. 11th, with the president Mrs. E. Adams presiding. The meeting open- ed with hymn 396, followed with pray- er by Mrs. Snell and Mrs. J. Carter, The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. After the business was discussed Mrs, Adams took charge for Group 1 in the absence of Mrs. Ferguson. Ilymmn 109 was sung, Mrs. Britton led in prayer. Mrs. J. Carter read the scripture lesson tak- en from 43rd Psalm. A poem, "To- day" was react by Mrs. Adams. The meeting closed with the Benediction by the President. Miss Olive Grimold!by, of Brantford, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Reekie and Miss Patsy and Peggy of Belleville spent a few days with Mrs. Reeke's parents Mi:, and Mrs. Wm. Britton, Rev. and Mrs, Cliff Britton, May, Arva, Douglas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Britton. Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Clarke spent Sunday with relatives at Ingersoll. Mr. mixt Mrs. F. Carter of Goderieh spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs Earl Lawson and Reg spent Sunday with. Mr and Mrs, Leslie Lawson of Tuckershnitll • Miss -Helen Lobb of Clinton spent the weekend with her friend Miss Dohalda Adams. Miss Helen Britton and Miss Don- alda Adams spent Saturday in London, WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS When you say it with flowers SAY IT WITH OURS BOSTON FERNS_ • To reduce our 'stock of ferns we are markng them all at special prices. We will be glad to Show them to you. • CELERY: Get it fresh; Sold direct from celery trenches. 5c a bunch. It is time to pot cuttings for. I Winter flowering, We sell prepar- ed soft, 2fte a pelt English Ivy for vases and wall pockets 100 a bunch. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As, Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 Quality Meat Market FRESH HOMEMADE SAUSAGE FRESH HAMBURG • STEAK VEAL RIB CHOPS 25c lb. CHOICE VEAL STEAK 30e lb. BEEF TONGUES 15e ib. PORK CHOPS regular 27c lb. CHOICE ROASTS OF BEEF for . threshing or Silo filling , 20e Ib. 20c lb. 20e lb. Custom Killing and Sausage Made at Reasonable Rates. Highest Prices Paid for Hides. ROSS FITZSIMONS PHONE 76 For ictory OUR EMPIRES SLOGAN Service and Quality Groceries Our Motto This Week Specials 1 pkg. PUFFED WHEAT 10e 3 lbs. PURE LARD 49c 7 lb. Bag PASTRY FLOUR 25c 1 lb. CROWN BLIT. TEA 69c 1 lb. MORNING CHEER COFFEE . 13c 2 Cans PORK. & BEANS 15c 2 Cans LIBBY'S I'EA.S 23c 2 Cakes LIFEBOUY SOAP .. , 13c 2 Cakes W,OODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP 25c 1 Can FOREST CITY 'BAKING POWDER .with tumbler 25e PEACHES, GRAPES, CELERY ETC. AT MARKET PRICES 10 Ib. BAG ONIONS 35c JOHNSON GROCERY The New Red Front Store PHONE 286 Superior Stores PHONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR September 18, 19, 20th CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE lb . . . . . . . , . , 496 1s Ib. tilt 27c GREEN GIANT PEAS 16 oz, 2 tins 29c WOODBURY'.S lc SOAP SALE 4 cakes 25c 3 STAR PEANUT BUTTER 20 oz. jar 25c IIAPPYVALE MINCE MEAT 32 oz. tin , 27c CLASSIC CLEANSER tin 5c GILLETT'S LYE tin 12e McLAREN'S NUT CRUSH 16 oz. jar 27c HA.WES FLOOR 'WAX 1 lb. tin 45c PARD DOG FOOD 2 tins 19c SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA 2 plcgs. Ile PRINCESS FLAKES giant. size25c HILLCRES'1' SODA IIISC'UITS 2 'lbs. 25c POST'S BRAN FLAKES pkg. 12c GRAPENUT FLAKES pkg. 10c SANTA CLARA PRUNES lge. size 2 lbs. 245e GOLDEN NET SALMON Ige. ,tin 80e ORANGES, mei size, dos, 29c GRAPEFRUIT 5 for • , , 25c. T. R. T11MPSON STANLEY Misses Irene and Mae Seotchmer have reternetl to Toronto after having spent their vacatoins under the paren- tal roof. L.A.C. Thos, Seotehmer of Trenton Air School spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Scotch - neer, The Stanley Community Club held a very successful homeinade baking sale in Cuninghame's express office, Clinton, on Saturday afternoon. Pro- ceeds amounting• to over Thirty-one dollars will be used for war work. DANCE by JUNIOR FARMERS Tuesday, September 23 In TOWN HALL, CLINTON Music by— f j MacKENZIE'S ORCHESTRA Admission: -250 and 35c DANCE in HOLMESVILLE, on Friday September 19th MONK'S ORCHESTRA Admission 25c — Lunch Served EVERYBODY WELCOME RUMMAGE SALE The RED SHIELD AUXILIARY would like your Rummage. Send it to the Salvation Army Quarters, Orange St., WATCH THIS SPACE FOR THE DATE OF SALE CHICKEN PIE SUPPER in the basement of the Presbyterian Church, Clinton TUES., SEPT. 23, 1941 Chicken Pie Mashed Potatoes Carrots and Peas Salads, Relishes, Pickles Bread, Butter, Pumpkin & Lemon Pie Tea ADr11ISSION: 50c and 25c 5 to 7 p.m 56-3 THURS., SEPT. 18, 194;, j QUALITY FOODS SPECIAL VALUES -SEPTEMBER 18, 19, 20TH RED & WIHI'TE CHOICE No 4AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS PEAS 2' tins 19c RAISINS 2 lbs... 23c RED & WHITE PASTRY 25c FLLOUT. 24's 79c LIBBY'S PORK AND BEANS 3 tins RED & WHITE TOILET FANCY ASRTL'D TJISUE 31:olls - 25c BISCUITS lb, ,..,...,, 19c RED & WHITE EXTRACT DEL MAIZE `Vanilla 8 oz..bottle 18c NIBLETS 2 tins ,.. 27c QU� ALi'1'Y FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ORANGES doz..•, 27c LEMONS 4 for ,.,. 10c • BANANAS 2 lbs. 19c Grapefruit 5 for ... 25c CELERY Hearn LETTUCE Headc ONIONS 6 lbs, 25c POTATOES pk, ... 29c GRAPES Basket.,, 39c CARROTS bunch ... 5c Peppers, Peaches, Cauliflower, Squash, Cukes Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Beans, Radishes C.M. SHEARIN RED AND WHITE STORE PHONE. 4 8 Prompt Delivery CLINTON i How About Some COMFORT We were very fortunate to secure a large stock of Springs ,And Mattresses AT PRICES THAT CANNOT HELP TO SATISFY Also Couches with Raised head or great assortment of Chesterfield Suites, Lounging a and Occasional a Cai s in Smart New Covers, so that when you have to stay inside, you may really enjoy the comfort as well as cheery surroundings, and best of all, we are trying to hold prices down, but when they go higher it won't be our fault, so take advantage of the savings now, this- yiou will be wise to see about ear asthereis liable to ashortage of iron C ironand other early mat- erials used in the manufacture of stoves. We are trying to get in as much stock as we can so again we would say Buy Early. "The Store With The Stock" BALL & ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Hardware -- Furniture -- Funeral Directors -- Ambulance Serviee. W. Ball, Phone 361. PHONE 195 J. J. Zapfe, Phonne 103, New Footwear Mens Tan Oxfords, Light or Dark Military or Toe cap style prices $3.15 $3.98 $4.50 Mens Black Oxfords Military or Toe Cap style, prices: $5.65, $4.95, $4.25, $2.65, $1.98 Mens Work Boots, Tan or Black $2.65, $3.25, $3.69 Mens Brown Kid Romeo with zipper $2.89 Mens Brown Kid House Slipper with zipper Boys Heavy Work Boots Leather and Panco soles ... $2.49 - With all Panco soles $2,15 Boys Dress Oxfords, sizes 11 to 5 $1.98, $2.25, $2.45 Boys Canvas Boots with Rubber sole size 1to5 $1.79 size 6 to 13 89c 85c Womens DI'. Firth Health ;Shoes with steel arch and built in arch support widths A, C, D, EE $4y2e5 Womens Black or Tan Work Ox- ford, strong and serviceable $2.25 Womens Black Canvas Slippers or Oxfords with leather soles 81.25 and $1.35 Womens Black Pomps with Cuban Heels ,,.,..... $2.69, $3.25, $3.65 Girls Oxfords Black or Tan, Heel height 1 in. the right oxford for the young girl who wears a large size. Size 3 to 8 $2.25 Girls Pomps with buckle strongly constructed with heavy soles the right pomp for School or work colors Black or Tan size size '3 to 8 $2.49. Girls Black Swede Oxfords •.. $2.49. Girls Dress Pomps .•. $2.65, $3.25 We have a large Stock of Childress I1'ootw-ear, High Shoes, Oxfords or Slippers, colors black white and Elk sizes 1 to 11. Our New Fail and Winter Rubber Footwear is in Stock, - bring in Your sizes.. Our prices are right. Clifford Lobb PHONE 40, THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY.