HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-09-18, Page 4PAGE 4
THUI.., SEPT. 18, 1941.
Attention Ladies
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Our New Stock
Stocks are being replenished lenished weekly
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This building up process is best accomplished by
Certified Halibut Vitamin Capsules
Presbyterial W. M. s. Meets
At Seatorth
Stirring Address on. World Conditions:
Given by Miss Pelton
lunch was served in the basement
of the church by the Barbara 14irk-
r;ian auxiliary, the tables being de-
corated with flags and• the new pat-
riotic emblem, V.
Afternoon Session
The afternoon session was opened.
with the reading of the se'ripture les-
son by Miss Ross of Port Huron,
prayer by Miss Lily McArthur of Val
D'Or, Quebec, and the singing 'of the
National Alnthemn.' The highlight of
the afternoon meeting was the ad-
dress by Miss Pelton, who is promo-
tion secretary of the Womens Mis-
sionary Society of the Presbyterian
Church of Canada.
The speaker began with the words
of our Lord when He wept over Jer-
usalem, "If thouehadst known in this
thy day the things that belong to
thy peace," and referred to another
translation reading. "Would that you
knew, too, on what your peace
"Sines the last war," said Miss
Pelton, "the so-called years of peace
were only a cessation .of hostilities.
We all talked of peace. Even in Ger-
many for a few years the young
people said there would be no more
war. We hail a hazy idea of what we
wanted, but we are only building T�aa-
roof , without any. foundation.
The fall rally of Huron Presbyterial.
Women'e Missionary Society of the
Presbyterian Church in 'Canada was
held in First Prebyterian church, Sea-
forth, on Tuesday, September 9th,
with morning and afternoon sessions
The devotional period was in
charge of the Hensel auxiliary, Mrs.
W. A. McLaren read the Scripture'
lesson, and Mrs. H. Workman led in
prayer, Mrs. H. Jack of Seafo'rth,
Presbyterial president, was the pies.
iding •officer, and Mrs. R. Eberhart
of Seaforth brought words of wel-
come to the visiting delegates.
The Presbyterial treasurer, Mrs. T.
Swan Smith. of Seaforth, gave an
interim financial, statement, showing
a slight increase on last year, and
stating the amount still to be raised
by each auxiliary, if the allocation is
to be reached . in December.
Some interesting suggestions were
brought forward by the seeretaries of
the various departments, and the
Nlsupply secretary, Miss A. Macdon-
ald of Goderich, read letters of thanks
from the hospitals at Canon, Sask-
atehewan, and Rocky Mountain House,
Alberta, for hospital supplies, and
from the Indian School at Birtle, t.
Manitoba, for the outfits for boysiBiblesays the work of righteousness
and girls. A. letter of appreciation shall be peace;' and we make a big
mistake if we think that just happens.
"The Chinese have a saying that
"peace is the consummation of holy
living," another that "peace comes
Gladioli, evergreen and baby's
breath in ,banked arangereent in the
living -room at the home of Mr, J. H,
Brunsdon, Princess street, Clinton,
formed the setting for the marriage
of his •daughter, Marian Clare to`
Clayton ,Francis Dixon, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Dixon, also of Clinton.
The ceremony was solemnized on Sat-
urday afternoon at 4 o'clock by Rev,
Andrew Lane, B,A„ B.D., pastor of
Wesley -Willis' United church, Clinton.
The bride given in Marriage by
her father, looked lovely in a floor-
length dress of corded white crepe
with coronet of orange blossoms and
carrying a bouquet of white roses and
baby's breath. Miss Irene Brunsdon,
sister of the bride, was bridesmaid,
wearing a floor -length dress of red
crepe and carrying a bouquet of white
chrysanthemums, Richard Dixon of
Guelph, brother, of . the bridegroom,
was best man. Mrs. Bert Boyes,
Clinton, played the wedding music.
A reception and buffet luncheon
followed the service. The bride's
grandmothers, Mrs. William Mair and
Mrs. William Bt•ansdor assisted at
the reception and Misses Helen Mac-
Kenzie and Betty, Brandon assisted in
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon left later on
a motor trip to Montreal and points
east and on their return will reside
in Harriston.
Re. +,*3»Fyt»'r'07.1,41,./. 41.1!+t ".a. ,•;:+L r r'�a�.».»,
,.oa,. ,w2ro'w
Made to Measure Samples are now in and you can get a real
Choice of Clothes
PRICED FROM 523.50 TO 550.00
Ready Made Suits from 519.50 to 30.00 two pair trousers
SUITS FROM 527.50 TO 850,00
OVERCOATS iur30.own w rk$75.00 shop.
Wm Griffithsspent the Weekend at An America:: minimi attending a
I-Iespelar and attended a funeral of .lV nearby school has high praise for
cousin on Saturday.
Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
W. Ewan were Mr. Jas. Kidd of
Greensbutg, P.A., a nephew and Mrs.
Stanley Rosenear of Montreal, a
The September meeting of the W.
M.S. was held in the church school
room on Thursilay last, with' a good
attendance. With Mrs. J. P. Manning
presiding the meeting opened by sing -
nig a hymn and the National An-
them followed by the Daily prayer.
In the absence of the Sec., Mrs. Man-
ning was appointed to fill her place.
It has been arranged to have a fall
Thankoffering meeting on Sunday
a,my Sept,- 28th. Rev.. Menzies will
give. the address. Roll call was ans-
wered by the word •"Love." The word
for next month is to be "Victory."
The meeting was then taken over by
No. 3 group !Mrs. Robt. Calwell pre -
Siding.. A hymn was,sung and prayer•
by Mrs. ;Caldwell. Scripture lesson
the 18 chapter of Luke was read by
Mrs. C. Watson. A Reading, "One of
the Lord's promises; by Mrs. W. E.
Manning..A. Reading -written by Mrs.
Fangrand, a short talk on Christian
Stewardship was given by Nies.
Frank Tamblyn. We are - not
only to give our money but our.,tal-
ents as well. A lovely duet by Mrs.
S. Lyon and Mrs. J. Shaddoek was
enjoyed. The President spoke on
making a special effort to raise
funds to meet our allocations. Mrs.
Fangraud and Mrs. J. Shaddick'were
appointed as delegates to Constance
on Oct. 8th, and all who can take
their cars to fill them up and attend
the meeting. Mrs. Wm. Govier gave
a reading "Something useless." Meet-
ing closed with prayer by Mrs. C.
Watson. •
Canada and .Canadians. He said he
came from Kentucky and was told be-
fore leaving that Canada was a Wild-
erness and that its inhabitants were
baolcwood "hicks." He said lid re-
ceived a most welcome surprise, have
ing just enjoyed about the most pleas-
ant three weeks of his life. The
country -side was beautiful, he said,
and Canadians especially the girls,
were wonderful— Goderich Signal
was also read from the Indian' Reser
ve at Lizard Point for the gift of
bunts and baby clothes which met a
real need..
The roll call of auxiliaries was in when hearts are level with each oth-
er.." If we add dighteousness to the
second one it would eliminate the way
of the aggressor, whose idea of peace
is to bring everyone's heart down to
his own level.
"When this war is over, unless the
church becomes a vital force there
will be no real peace. We are all
busy with war work, and must do all
we can to help , but we can't put our
church work on one side for the dur•
organizations. Miss Pelton urged atoin and expect to take it up where
that the members put more energy lwe left off. After the war there will
into the quality of their programs. be thousands of young people in Ger.
"Every member has a gift of some imany wthout God,and the world will
kind. Don't try to make them do i have to live with them. Has the
things they are not fitted for, and church any place in this problem?
don't be afraid to use those amore than) "We are glad to say it has!
once who are capable. A women with I Through our help to orphaned mis-
a friendly smile, and a way tef mak-•sions the Confessional Church in
charge of Miss L. Pelton, of Toronto,
and each Society was asked to an -
war the roll call by stating its weak-
ness and what was being clone abo}tt
Attendance, lack of interest, and
lack of leadersfor the younger
groups were the chief problems, and
many good suggestions were offered
that had proved helpful in the various
CUSTOM TAILORS — Be Nleasuied by a Tailor. ti
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Try Clinton Bicycle And
Motorcycle Sales
Just received a new shipment of Tennis. Rackets,
and tballs.
Table Tennis Sets, Boxing Gloves, and Bag,
Dart Duck season is now open in the north, We have a large stock
of Ainmiunition and Guns and Hunting Coats and Caps.
We have just received a supply of Sports. Jackets for men and
We still have a few valuable coupons which entitles you to a
lovely Wm. A. Rogers teaspoon. Come in before it is too late.
44-4444-444444.14.4.+4- aM4144..
A quiet wedding took place at the
Hohnesville United church parsonage
on Saturday afternoon, September
Gth, when Rev. H. Wilding, pastor of
te church united two Goderich young
people, Jean Eleanor Kyle, daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Kyle,
and Gordon J. Bannister, son of Mrs.
Bannister and the late Joseph Ban-
nister. The' bride wore a grey suit
with green accessories and a corsage
of red roses. After the ceremony the
happy couple left by motor on a
honeymoon trip to Northern Ontario.
They will reside in Goderich.
Mr. Bannister ran the Cities Ser-
vice garage in Clinton, in partnership
with Mr. G. Turner, for two years,
residing in Goderich this past year.
For All Sporting
ing people feel welcome, may not be
able to take part in a erecting, but
she is a grand asset to any Society,
It given an opportunity to help in
her own way.
Greetings from Presbytery were
brought by the moderator, Rev. W.
Weir of IIensall, who congratulated
the member's on the splendid work
they were doing along missionary
lines, also upon their fine co-opera-
tion in all the undertakings of #he
church, and expressed the hope that
the work would continue to prosper.
The benediction was pronounced by
Mr. Weir and the morning session
was brought to a close. A delicious
• Save your
i£rome'from the crack-
. ing, rotting, warping
effects of weather.
Paint with C -I -L
"Trutone White."
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Germany still survives in spite of
persecution, and. its witness is grow-
ing. When the heel of persecution
is lifted we can have a greater share
in its work.
"India is another problem. The
people want independence, yet don't
realize that their own religious prob-
lems are keeping therm back. Thous-
ands in India are always hungry, yet
rats are allowed to eat up enough
food to supply thousands of people.
They are sacred and must not be kill-
ed. The cow is a sarered animal, so
must be fed, but is of no benefit to
anyone. Thousands of babies aro
(continued on page 6)
Me. and Mrs. E. Kendall and babe
of Elmira spent the weekend with
Mrs. Kendall's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Jewett.
Misses Juen Brandon and Clara
Clark are attending time Normal
School at London.
Mrs. Jas. McMillan of London is at
her cottage in the village this week.
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner and Miss
Betty Gairdner spent'a couple of days
in Toronto this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Griersort, of.
Waterloo came on Monday to visit the
latter's aunt, Mrs. F. A. Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus McGrae and
two children of London spent Sunday
and Monday with Mrs. McCrae's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston.
Mrs. Donald McKenzie is the guest
of her sister Mese II. McLaren in Port
Elgin this week.
Miss Jessie Robson of Toronto is
visiting Misses A. M. and J. Stirling.
Miss Ellen MaeKay of the focal
Post Office Staff, who ison holidays,
is visiting her cousin, Mrs. W. Rollins,
in Sarnia this week.
Miss Jessie Metcalf of Detroit
spent the weekend with her mother,
Mrs. W. Metcalf.
Mrs. V. C. Quarry spent the week-
end with her mother in Windsor.
Mrs. R. Ii. Middleton of .Hensall is
visiting her Mother Mrs: N. W.
Woods. .
Mrs. T. Fairservice is spending
this week at the home of her daugh-
ter in Woodstock.
Wedding bells will be ringing this
week in the village.
The Londesboro United church Sun-
day School will hold their annual
Rally Day Service on Sunday morn-
ing, Sept. 21st, at 10 o'clock. A
special Rally Day address will be giv-
en by the Pastor, Rev. Menzies; also
special anisic by •the Sunday School
choir. A splendid service is expected,
everyone welcome.
Red Shield
The meeting composed of 24 mem-
bers and 4 visitors, was carried out
according to last weeks announcement.
We called, for a nomination of offic-
ers, to he elected in the next meeting.
But the nomination turned out to be
an acclamation. All the officers were
returned to office thus eliminating
the election next week. Here is our
executive: Mrs. Joe Carter, president;
Mrs. 1'I. Managhan, vice-president;
Mrs. T. Glazier, secretary; Mrs, Bob
Carte', treasurer; Mrs. Hall and Mrs.
Shaddick buying committee Mrs.
Glazier and Mrs. R. B. Garter, Sr'.,
visitation committee.
The members are requested to have
the woollen garments ready for col-
lection or bring them themselves to
next meeting to be held at Mrs. R. B.
Carter's, London Road. It is imper-
ative that this is carried out without
any more delay.
The Report: 9 pr. socks; 2 dresses;
1 scarf; 1 infants layette, donated by
Mrs. Aikenhead; 1 quilt donated, by
Mrs. J. Miller. Member's subscrip-
tions amounted to 54.05 and there
was a donation of 51 received from
Mrs. Geo. Campbell.
The members and friends of the
Red Shield will be glad to know that
we are endeavoring to have a rum-
mage sale early in October. We
would appreciate your help in aiding
us in our War Effort by saving your
rummage for this project.
in the palace and it is expected that
some of the best horses in Western
Ontaro will be shown on the second
'The Anniversary Services of Eben-
• aezer church will be held next Sunday,
.;September 21. Services will be held
. at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. with a former
pastor, Rev. A.. Sinclair of Blyth in
"Congratulations to .our pastor, Rev.
iElarold Curry who was married Sept.
d6th, and is .now combining' vacation
Band honeymoon. During his absence
.the church services have been taken
by Mt. Colin Campbell, Bayfield, on
Sept. 7, and Rev. Bremner, Sea-
-forth, Sept. 14, who spoke for the
9Ontario .Temperanee Union.. It ivas
eeeeenneed who would have
Miss 5, Acheson and Mrs. P. Mc -
Math spent last weekend with friends
in Hamilton.
The School Fair which was held on
Tuesday Was a great success, A
large crowd, was present and young
and old had a good time.
Do 'not forget when the Rev. A•..
Sinclair at Ebenezer on Sunday next,
morning and evening.
The members of the local Red Cross
served ice cream clic. at the School
b'hir on Tuesday. -
The church anniversary is set for
Oct. 12th. The preacher will be the
Rev. A. 3, Kaye, of Goderich. More
particulars later.
Mr. and Mas; W, Biggins were vis-
itors at the Parsonage on Sunday. .
Mr. Kay is busy papering etc. at
the Johnson residence.
The evening portion of the School
Fair will be held in the church on
Thursday, Sept. 25th.
Service Station, Clinton
charge next Sunday but se:•vice will
be as usual at 9.30 a.m.
Thursday last the Sept. meeting of
the W.A. was held in the basement of
the church.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Harrison and
family who have been living on the
Harrison homestead this past year,
moved to Goderich where Elliott has
secured employment.
The Jas. Harrison farms 'sere sold
the day of the sate, Mr. Ernest Town-
send being the buyer and we under-
stand he has also bought the old'
Hamilton farm alongside; this is good
land and all three farms were bought
for what it would goat to erect build-
ings a few years ago. The house and
barn are both equipped with hydro.
Ivison Torrance, Kippen is spend-
ing a few days with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Reid Torrance.
Mr. ami Mrs. Jack Stewart of Ham-
ilton spent the weekend at their home
in the village.
A very pleasant evening was spent
on Wednesday of last week in St.
Andrews United church, Bayfield,
when the Choir and Y.P.U. gathered
together to honor Miss Jeanne Dunn
who left the next day for London.
Games and music provided the even-
ing's fun and just before lunch Jeanne
was presented with a dresser light.
She made a very fitting reply to the
address read • by Mrs. Seotehmer.
The Directors of the Bayfield Ag-
ricultural Society are busy planning
for the Fair that is to be held on
Sept. 24th and 25th. The Huron Hol-
stein• and Calf Club, the " Goderich
Junior Swine Club and the Clinton
Lion's Sheep Club will exhibit. The
.Mural School:ehildren's
1111 310'
siness Directory
Buy .at home where your dollars go just as far, condi-
tions for shopping in Clinton are ideal, you can get just as
good products here as anywhere.
You make your money in this district, why not spend
it here?
The advertisers are your servants, they are here in bus
ness for your benefit. Why not show your appreciation
by patronizing them. Thank you
Rally Day services will be held in
Turner's church next Sunday at 2
o'clock in the afternoon. The speaker
will be Rev. G. G. Burton.
Mr. and Mao. Howard Crich visited
Mitchell friends on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crich of London
visited over the weekend with friends
in this district.
Mr. Carman Whitmore has resumed
his duties at Stratford Normal after
spending the weekend under the par-
ental roof.
The Tuekersmith Ladie's Club will
hold their October meeting on Sept.
25, at the home of Mrs. Ernie Crich.
The mall call will be answered by their
donation to the Christmas box. •
V ----
Big. Fluffy Chicks that Live and
Government Approved
Monarch and Cafeteria Feeds
R. L. Jervis
Clinton, Ontario
Local Cattle Shipments
Mr. John Armstrong of Lomdesboro,
Hullett Township, left on Saturday
for Western Canada where be in-
tends purchasing another shipment
of feeder cattle. Special mention
might be made of Mr. Armstrong
having sold 180 head of choice steers
in 1941, some of these carload lots
averaged over 1400 lbs. tach. Tack
has made a real success of the Cattle
business. These cattle were all sold
to Geo. W.Nott of Clinton, who has
shipped over 1000 head of cattle out
of..Huron County in the last :few
weeks. These cattle were all shipped
to Canada Packers' of Toronto.
Fourteen young mechanics of the
De Haviland Airplane Corporations
are. in 'Goderich. They are busy in-
stalling heaters in training bombers
in preparation for winter flying. The
work is expected to last until near
Invites Your Patronage
Permanent Waving
Beauty Culture in all its branches
Phone 212 for appointment.
Sells, Wood, Coal, Cement, Shingles,
lumber and at Lowest Prices
can supply you with wood, lumber,
glass, cement, lime and other build-
ing supplies at lowest prices.
A CO will convince you
Phone 319w or 3193
B. Huller, Mgr.
Mr. and Mss. Clarence Crawford
and little 'son of the 13 con., Mr. and
Mrs. L. Shobbrook and son, Mr. and
Mrs. McBride of Smithshill were
visitors with Mrs. H. 'Sundercock and
Mr. Howard Shobbrook on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Smith of Toronto
are spending, their holidays with Mrs..
Smiths parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mise Claraeio Lee of Kincardine
was home over the weekend.
Mrs. Chas. Myers is viisting with
her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyon.
Mr. and • Mns. James McCool and
Phyllis are taking a week's holidays
and attending a family . reunion a•
Mr. and Mrs. John
Refrigerators and Radios
We meet or better any price you can
get elsewhere
The Clinton Bicycles and Sporting
Goods Sales Shop
Ellwood Epps, Prop.
Phone '14 and let us convince you
"Service and Quality" our motto
5 to 1.00 Store
We Stock everything in small wares.
Stop in and be convinced
Phone 140
�- Victoria Street
Blue Sunoco Motor Fuel
Blue Sunoco Oil and Greases
Expert Permanent Waving
Scalp Treatments our Speciality
Phone 18 ' — Clinton Ont.
For complete Motor Tune-ups
Generators and Starters Exchanged
Carburetors, Batteries
Brakes Re -lined and Adjusted
Wrecker Service
W. D. (Bill) Wells, Prop.
Phone 349, Clinton
for complete 'lubrication, gas and oli
Plymouth & Chrysler Cars
Call in and look over our Used Cars
Agents for Goodyear Tires