HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-09-18, Page 2CHAPTER 21
A Deserted Wife
Ile sighed, FIe fixed upon her the
severe gaze of -a respectable busi-
ness plan. ."You hadn't ought to
be so rambunctious. It ain't he
coming in a young lady. Far as
that goes, I. dunno as it's proper
for you to go Out into the hills
Tho color beat up into Anne's
cheeks, "Maybe you had better let
me (locale whit is proper for me
to do," she said tartly.
He ran brown fingers through hes
black hair.. "If you was ]Harried
it would he different o' course. But
a young lady can't traipse all over
the country with none of her folks
"Not even it she takes fussy old
woman like you along?" she asltled.
"1 got sisters ot my own, and 1
wouldn't let ono of them go," be
"L,ucicy !'m not one of them."
"You been raised right," lie told
her. "You know what a nice young
lady had ought to do and what
she hadn't."
"Flow often have 1 got to explain
that I'm the editor Of a paper anti
not a simpering little fool sitting
under a glass bowl?" she asked int -
patiently. "I'm running The $entt-
nel, to make a living."
"You don't have to nuke a living
that way, Plenty of mon—"
tehe interrupted sharply. "I've
beard that before. Listen, Mr.
]elks, I don't intend to got mar-
ried, Even if I wanted to I could
not. I'm married already."
Ile stopped in his stride, stared
at her. "You're loadin' me," he
There was a flint of defiance in
the poise of her head, and In her
eyes a bitter sell -mockery, " Its
true. I'm a deserted wife." She
added, a beat of anger in her voice,
"So you need to be chivalrous
about me no longer. Now if you
don't mind, we'll Chop the subject,"
A Deserted Country
After she came west, Anne was
particularly glad that she was an
early tiger. It was an undiluted joy
each morning to walk out.into a
-world so warm and sunldssed, She
was feeling this life when she step-
ped into the buckboard while
Rufus held to the lines at which
two half•broken young horses
strained. The team plunged away
wildly, the light rig bouncing and
swaying perilously.
Anne clung fast to the seat as
they rattled across a bridge, down
into a dip and up again. They raced
along a stretch of level road in a
cloudof dust. In a out, outside of
Blanco, the sound deepened and
made heavy going. The pace slack.
"GTllere% the fire?" asked Anne
with a cheerful gain at her com-
"They won't be kicking ap their
heels so muck in . reeeour hours,"
Rufus promised.
The road went gun -barrel straight
through a sage flat that stretched
for miles, then swung toward the
filmy mountains standing against
the far horizon. It wandered in
casual fashion over low -backed
hills which gradually became high.
er as they rose wave onwave to
the misty range.
To feel Rate out, Anne remark-
ed, "It's a desolate country, isn't
"1 hadn't noticed it," the man
said dryly, "! reckon some folks
like to live in a two-four hole all
barbered up, 1 don't. I want room
to breathe."
Getting into Trouble
Anne laughed, She admitted that
the high plains grow on one. "elhe
air is like wine, and you feel glad to
be alive, Thera is sometlhi.-g about
the mountains too that washed
meanness out of you."
"It hasn't taken .the meanness
out of Jud Prentiss and his boss,"
Jerks mentioned.
".100 is a tough old sinner," Anne
admit! 1, "As for Mr. M •rely, may-
be he•lsn't as bad as you think."
"7f a guy is good -looping leo can
always got by with women," Rufus
said, to the world at large.
"Do you tllinit he really means
to blow up the dam?" the girl
"You can't eve!' tell what Russ
means to do. lee's a slick se0mndret
Offhand, I would say he's liable to
take a crack at the dam. If it went
out, Jim would lose a lot. And the
Flat T needs more water In the
Creek below."
"Tf there is a fight about the 1
dans somebody will be hurt," Anna
said, "That's why you are here—
to side with your. friend,"
"That bird rut get into more
trouble,' Rufus frowned, "I never
saw his beat."
"You're not so bad at it your-
self" she reminded him,
The biaclehaired young man
slanted a suspicious look at her.
"Ail right, You get me explained.
What about you? Why are you
See and Hear
ThIs-Beautiful, New
Electric Radio Console!
"Looks like morel" will be
your first reaction when you
see this outstanding Philco
value. Thrilling short-wave
reception, famous Philco tone,
electrical push-button tuning
more of everything than
you would expect at this price,
Other Electric Philcos
$225-9 And up
1a?Pert' Radio !!sets--YOu CAN
OH1LCo 326
ss Tubes: 4 TawAna Bands for
Long- and Shorn
wave; reoopuon•
fetal res. Ph,JCo
too your Phileo r
Dealer or write PHILCO 21ST Only $39s5
ooarestpixtibpior ,4Sy Tubes Oval COMPLETE
!farad below 6 ntimet. Lovely with AB Battery Unit
AB Battery Power Unit
almost doubles caps.
city,saves you 11 former
battery cost. Phtico
tubes cut current drain
15, Buy a Philco and
headin' for Tincup, if it isn't to
mix alp in this fuss?"
"I don't know." Her eyes were
worried. "It's none of any business,
but I felt drawn into it. On account
of The Sentinel. First my uncle,
then Jim Silcott. I have to Step
harm coming to ,hint 1E I can."
"X --low 7"
She threw up her ]sands in a
little despairing gesture. "I 'don't
know. 1 thought ;I would talk with
Me. Mosely, People obey the law
Where T coma from. Why can't he
wait until the courts decide?"
" That'e not , the way Russ
Where Is Jesse?
They were traveling now through
a eountry of high hills covered with
leek pines. The soil was fed and
the growth of vegetation not dense.
The terrain had tbe well -kept look
of a mountain park, Following the
line of leapt resistance, the road
wound in orad out among the small
trees devloualy. ,Above t1em was a
aky of deep -blue.,
"We'll get water at a ranch a
couple of miles down the trail"
Rufus said, "Then We'll tle up on/
Tincup and have dinner."' ..
They descended into a -valley and
swung .from the road to a' small
ranch house nestling among some
cottonwoods. In the corral a wind-
mill clicked' cheerfully.
Jelks yelled, "hello the' house!"
Phil Lamprey came to the door.
"Like to water the team," Rutile
called, after a word of greeting,
"Help yourself." Phil came for-
ward and recognized Anne. For a
moment he was disturbed. He
thought she had come to see his
brother. But be greeted leer,.
"We're drumming up subserib-
ere to The Sentinel," ,]elks ex-
plained. "Are you on the list? And
have you paid up?"
The boy smiled back at him,
"We're subscribers, and we have
paid up to the end of the year."
"Pine. Where's Jesse?"
"Ile went up to Bat Overstreet's
to get a horse shod."
"Tamp! I've heard forty -eleven
different reasons wily the boys
have to go to Bar's so often. Some
day a guy will break down and
tell the truth—that he's up there
to see d3etty," Rufus unhitched the
horses as he talked.
To be continued)
Test Pilots Make
Record Plane. Tests
Officials of Noorcluyn Aircraft
Limited, Montreal, have announc-
ed what they believe to be a new
Canadian record for the testing
and acceptance of planes used in
the dominion's war effort.
They said that recently the
company's test pilot, E, L. Capreol
and FO. G. R. Lortie tested eight
new planes and seven repaired
machines in one day. So far ns
they knew, officials added, the
mark never Inas been equalled in
wartime either in Canada or the
United States,
Many War Tasks
For #" wall '.men
-American F arm Bureaux
Head Tells Convention of
Their Role
Rural women have a great task
to perform ie. the fight for demo.
cracy am' have early reason to be
proud 01 then' part In the war et -
fort, Mrs, iii. Schuttler, depart-
mental chief, of the American
Farrel Bureaux in Missouri, recent-
ecently told 125 Cana(iau and United
States delegates to the regional
conference o1 the Associated
Countrywomen, of the World.
AIi Are Farmers
When the ordinary person talks
of "woven farmers," she said, he
is thinking' primarily of women
who manage tlleh' own farms, but
actually all farm women are "we -
men farmers," Ttiey are "really
professional women entitled to
professional pride."
"Woolen who are on farms have
been too modest," Mrs. Sehuttler
"Parra women manage their
homes, poultry yards, dairies and
gardens. And every can of string
beans, every jar of preserved hint,
every fresh vegetable plate served
on the home table releases just
that much of other necessities to
the countries fighting for democ-
Women Co -Operate
Agricuiture Minister Hon, J,G.
Gardiner paid tribute to farm wo-
men for the w,ay they have co-
operated in making Canada's war-
time food program successful,
Speaking of rationing in !Ong•
land and the lack of it in Can-
ada, Mr, Gardiner said: "We are
not rationed in the same sense,
yet if you exmaine the figures for
certain food products—bacon,
cheese, eggs and others -you will
see that in the case of bacon we
have promised to send 600,000,000
pounds of pork products to Britain
in the third year of the war,
"We will do It, even 1f 1t means
there is not a pound left in Can-
. ada for home consumption,
"In the simple statement that
the entire production of Ontario
and Quebec ot a certain type o1'
cheese will go to Britain, it meads
that more than 90 percent of ail
'the cheese in Canada is going
Women, as the purchasers of
food and the persons who prepare
it for consumption, play a vital
part in "what is eaten" and "What
quantity Is eaten."
"Without the co-operation of
Canadian women in these war
years, and especially rural women
for nearly 60 percent of our women
live on faints or Ili .rural cominun•
itiee, the food program could never
have been so successful," M1. Gar-
diner said,
German Losses
Now 1,750,000
Fighting on East Front De-
clared Broodiest Battle in
An authoritative British source
has announced that German losses,
in the war with Russia talus . far
are believed to total about 1,760,000
and that Russian losses .have been
''from 2,000;000 to 3,000,000" in the
bloodiest fighting in history:
This source, in the higliest guar -
tel s, said:
"None can overpraise the Rus-
sians' conduct of the. war. They
are magnificent and proved the
sincerity of their scorched earth
promises by blowing up the Lenin
(Dnieper river) dam,"
He asserted that Britain is send•
Mg the Russians "all the airplanes
we can spare and all the rnibber
they can usg"—two of their most
important needs.
The planes are .being acoompan
fed by ground e1'ewe and skilled
aircraft engineers; this source said,•
but the Russians prefer to fly the
planes themselves.
The Russian•a already are dis-
cussing the campaigns of "next
spring and August," he said and
Britain is confident the Soviet
will hold out through the winter
with devastating effect on Ger-
man troops and morals.
The Russians now have 9,000,000
troops in action and soon will do
ready to put in '1,000,600 more and
have no need fol' British or Am-
erican troops,
Dutch Oranges
Upset Germans
Subtle Netherlanders, seeking
new means to bring home their
patriotism to the Nazi army of
occupation, now do it by pausing
on street corners and eating an:
orange with provoking delibera-
tion. Orange is the national color
of, the Netherlands,
It is one way of proclaiming
that they are still loyal to the
House of Orange, yet the Nazis
can do nothing about it, since
they have not decreed that it is
illegal to eat oranges on the
The Netherlanders plant red.
and blue flower beds, but since
it 'likewise is not illegal to grow
flowers they are able . to shrug
.off any German protests..
Passed Royalty By
Returning afoot from a moun-
tain climb in Alberta, the Duke
of Kent and Inspector Harry Ev-
ans of Scotland Yard got on the
wrong road, finally turned wear-
ily to thumbing rides. A dozen
unrecognizing -motorists turned
them down. The pair had to wait
for their own car to find them.
Women Replace Men
A number of women in Eng-
land who have been especially
trained as balloon operators are
being experitnontally posted to
certain balloons sites in place of
, men.
Pruit for freshness, stuldwiches for "fillers," hot cocoa in a
thermos bottle for energy, and healthful, crunchy cookies of bran
and peanut butter make up a balanced school -going lunch tiny tykes
may bring along denting dear old golden rule days. The sante cookie
is at home in the cookie jar, too, so make up a batch for both purposes.
Bran Peanut Butter Coolries
1 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
1' cup holey
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup bran
314) cups flour
1teaspoon soda
easpoon salt
1 cup peanut butter 1 tablespoon vanilla
Blend shortening, sugar, honey,' eggs, and peanut butter; mix
well. Add bran. 5111 dry ingredients; add to first mixture. Add
vanilla. Form into small balls and place on cookie sheet Press down
with fork tines. Bake in moderate oval, (875"F.) for 10 minutes,
Yield: 70 cookies (2V1 inches in diameter),
More Road Than
Air Raid Victims
A Comparison by the Chris-
tian Science Monitor of
Motor Casualties In U. S. and
Toll of Nazi Bombs in Eng-
Motor acchlents in the United
States excel almost as high a toll
of lives and cause more than
twenty tinges es many injth'tes 00
Nazi bombs inflict in the British
This disclosure at the clay -to -clay
traffic toll comes in a challenging
report of the Greater New York
Safety Council which states that
from June, 1040, through April,
1941, bombing in Britain cost 36,-
6;750 lives and 47,366 injuries. Dur-
ing the corresponding period in
the United .States traffic accidents
killer! 33,470 persons and injured
more than a million.
Of coarse, the American casual-
ties are spread among a papule -
The whole
fussily enjoys it!
D enjoys
• Healthful, refreshing
Spearmint Gum is a treat
for young and old. And the
chewing helps keep your
teeth clean, bright and at-
tractive. The delicious flavor
sweetens your breath,
freshens you up. Join the
millions of happy families
who enjoy Spearmint after
every meal,
Lion three threes as large as that
o1 Britain. Nevertheless, the find -
Ing that road Victitns in America
are more nnnterous than raid vic-
tims in England suggests the ne-
cessity of curbing careless drivers,
o1 taking uusafe vehicles off the
roads, of better enforcement of
traffic regulations, and of dealing
with the menace of both drunken
drivers and drunken pedestrians,
Frank L. Jones, President of the
New York Safety Council, said in
issulug the repeat that "tlie drunk-
en drivel' and also the drinking
Pedestrian played no small part."
Automobiles on today's high-speed
highways become potentially ae
dangerous as bullets or bombs, so
that society Camtot afford to toler-
ate even an occasional whiskey-
hiskeybefuddled driver at the wheel,
The Yoke Effect
Makes Hips Slim
The yoke or yoke -effect skirt
is important for a slim hipline
above flared or pleated skirts and
heightens the interest in torso or
basque-like bodices. With straight
sides, there is easy notion in
skirts that use pleats, pressed and
unpr'essed, gores that ripple at
the hemline or flared flounces for
There are well styled groups of
costumes tura dresses with con-
trasting jackets that also mem-.
plify these style trends.
U.S. Army's Tires
The United States Army is con-
serving strategic materials. It
has announced plans for putting
new treads on worn tires and sub-
stitution of
ub-stitutioli.of plated steel forks and
spoons to save zinc and nickel.
Experiments showed that a tire
recap lasts about 80 per Cent of
the Normal service of an original
tread and costs about 40 per cent
of the price of a new tire.
7,30 E.S.T. — 8.30 E.D.T.
Weekly Newspapers
The Late Mrs. Roosevelt
YOU 00W LEES \�\
,A speaker in behalf of many
charities, Mrs. Roosevelt also did
much social work so quietly that
few realized its scope.
Some Requests About.
The leg of lamb for roasting
and the chops for broiling are the
generally well known Cuts of
lamb but, to be economical, con-
centrate o11 breast, shank and
In cooking lamb the cardinal
principle is the same as all meat
cookery, that is, "cook at a mod-
erate temperature, at least most
of the time." Any pleat cooked
at high temperature loses juice
shrink and flavour and became
For roasting tender cuts there
are two important rules. Tho
fest,—use no lid onthe pan; the
second,—add no water. Covered
roasters and lidded water go to
make steam and when pleat is
cooked with steam the flavor is
lost and also the meat juices.
Here are two general hints on
Iamb, the fat on lamb hardens
at higher temperature than the
fat on other meats so be sure to
serve lamb either piping hot or
cold; not luketv:.rm,
Stuffed Breast of Lamb
3 lbs, breast of lamb
1 tablespoon minced onion
lA cup diced celery
1Fz Cup butter
6 cups soft bread crumbs
1s teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper
% teaspoon sage
14 teaspoon nutmeg
Ni teaspoon thyme
1 egg slightly beaten
1/4 cup boiling water
1 cup mint jelly
'A cup vinegar
3 tablespoons finer
2 cups water
Sprinkle the lamb with salt
and pepper. Fry the onion and
celery in the butter until deli-
cately browned. Add the bread
crumbs and cook about one min-
ute, mixing gently. Remove from
the heat and add the salt, pepper
seasonings and egg, tossing with
a fork until well mixed. Place
stuffing on one side of each piece
of lamb and fold the other side
over the stuffing', making two or
three rolls, Tie each roll separ-
ately and plate in a baking pan.
Bake in an uncovered dish in hot
oven for 15 minutes, Add the
boiling hater, cover and bake in
a moderate oven for 1-K hours,
Spread with nlixtuu'e of jelly and
vinegar. Baice uncovered fol 15
minutes longer, basting frequent.
ly. Pour off the excess fat, leav-
ing two tablespoons in the pan
with the dripping, Add the flour,
blend well and add two eups
water. Stir constantly and cook
until smooth and thitltened. Sea-
son to taste and serve 'with the
lamb. Yields fi servings,
Lamb Pricasse
2 lbs. breast of lamb
6 cups boiling water
4 small onions
4 small carrots
1 turnip, quartered
1 teaspoon salt
14 teaspoon pepper
14 cup flour
31 cup cold water.
Cut lamb in small pieces, place
in kettle, add seater and cook
slowly until tender, about two
hours. Prepare vegetables and put
them in the kettle with the meat
after it has cooked for one hour.
Arid salt and pepper and continue
to cook until the meat and vege-
tables are tender. Lift meat and
vegetables to service platter.
Make a paste of flour and cold
water, add to the stock and cook
until thickened, stirring constant-
Iy, about five minutes. Pour over
the meat and vegetables on the
Lamb Cutlets With Celery Saud*
4 tablespoons butter
r4 cup flour
131 cups milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
Few grains pepper
3 cups ground cooked lamb
1 egg
2 tablespoons milk
Dry bread crumbs
% teaspoen Worcestershire sauce
4'.t teaspoon celery seed
1 cup celery stock
'HERE'S trouble-free baking
in store for you when you
use Calumet Baking Powder. You
use less and its double leavening
action—during mixing and in the oven
—assures better results. Easy-openiog,
won't -spill container, with handy
measuring device under the lid.
ah cup finely chopped cooked
Melt the butter in a double
boiler, add flour and mix well.
Add 1% cups of mills gradually
and cook, stirring constantly un-
til thickened. Add salt and pep-
per, Add 1 cup of this sauce to
the lamb, mix well and chill.
Shape the lamb mixture into chops
or cutlets and insert two inch
pieces of macaroni ends to re-
smmble bone. Dip in slightly
beaten egg, mixed with two
tablespoons of milk. Roll in
crumbs and fry in deep fat or
saute until deep brown. Serve
with celery sauce made by adding
to the remainder of the white
sauce Worcestershire sauce, cel-
ery seed, celery stock and remain-
ing milk. Mix well and reheat.
miss libzunhera 0el,',.n u, permeant
letters from luler,sted renders. vbo
1s pleased 10 1'eeeire N11g0eNtlt'n$
011 1001)'5 for her 1.0(11111,. nail 18
even really to listen to snot "let
00e1'es." c,,lies( for revises or
Stales! Illerliis Are In 1lrlllr. Ad,lleNs
your fetters to "011,, Sadie 11, Chant.
berm, 71t West Adelaide Street, 't'o-
rellttl." Scall stamped, Neff -addressed
envelope if yeb wish n felly.
Aar-,43ornae Troops
Transport of air -borne British
troops for the Campaign in Iran
was an a larger scale than ever
before attempted by the Royal
Air Force, At least several bat-
talions were flown to Iran by the
salve squadron of troop carriers
which took soldiers to Iraq for
the campaign there.
The output of the sugar refin-
ing industry in Canada in 1940
amounted to 1,150,807,190
pounds, an increase of 220,350
pounds over 1935.
age IiIp ter,
: ►'ideIla'sa
Ask any old timer how to get the
greatest satisfaction from rolling your
own and she'll tell you to tie up' to
Ogden's—the light green package
that is your •green light to the best
smoke of your Wel For Ogden's isn't
"just another fine cut", It's different,
gorgeously different— a distinctive
plead of choicer, riper tobaccos,
lay it today.
Only the best °laaretts papers —
"Voguo" or "Chanteotor"—
aro good enough for Ogdon's
Pipe Smokers!
Ask for Ogden's Cut Plug
ISSUE 38—'41