The Clinton News Record, 1941-09-04, Page 5'..THURS., SEPT. 4, :1941
Recruiting Patriotic Dollars
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Modern, Experienced Banking Service ... the Outcome of 124 Years' Successful Operation
Clinton Branch: H. M. MONTEITH, Manager
Londesborough (Sub -Agency) ; Open Monday and Thursday.
'AUBURN 1 Bill Raithby, Reid and Joan Shep-
pard, Vivian Straughan, Zeta Munro,
Keith Arthur, R,C.A,F. of Trenton, Lenore Pleetzer, Isobel Rollinson and
-and Harry Artium of Woodstock Helen Robertson are attending Gude-
spent the weekend with their mother, rich Collegiate Institute.
Mrs M. Arthur, Service in the Baptist church next
Mc•, and Mrs. Reg Carter and Mr. Sunday will be at 13 a.m. Sunday
• and Mrs, Derwin Carter of Woodstock School will be at 9,45 a.m.
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Josephine Weir was in Tor -
Earl McKnight, onto on Saturday attending the wed-
The following teachers have re- :ding of her cousin, Miss Martha Pat-
, turned to their schools: Mary Hous. terson.
ton to Campbleville, near Guelph; Royce Phillipa. has returned to his
• Jean Houston, to near Bowmanviile; home after holidaying with his aunt,
Ethel Washington to Prosperity in Mrs. Guy Durham of St. George.
West Wawanosh; Iia Craig to Straus Bobbie McNall second son of Mr.
'ghan's school, East Wawanosh; Amy and Mrs. Thos, McNeil fell out of the
Toll to Barr's School, East Wawa- grainary door at his father's barn and
•nosh and Marjoi'y Arthur to Teeswa- suffered a painful break of his arm
ter, near the shoulder.
Miss Rutit Prost has returned to her Miss Mildred Scott of Stratford was
home at Flint after visiting relatives a weekend visitor with her parents,
. here. Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs: W. D, Sheppard, Reid Mr. Jas, Medd, Mrs. F Ross and
and Tom spent the weekend with Mr, Donald and Mr, and Mrs. Edgar
and Mrs, Ralph Knox, of Sarnia. Lawson visited on Sunday with Mr,
The Harvest Home service of St, and Mrs, Jas. McMain of Amberley.
Mark's Anglican church will be held Mrs, Frank Raithby is ill at present
'next Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. Rev. with blood poisoning.
• 0. W. Moore of Clinton will be guest Mr and Mrs. John Robertson of
speaker. Goderich are visiting Miss Susy
•-Mr, and Mrs. 3. A. Nott of 5trat Blair.
ford and Mrs. Annie McCool, .of Cain-
tonvisited .over the weekend with Mr.
.and Mrs. W. T. Robison, The W.M.S. of Knox United church last fan: They were purchased by 3.
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Roberton of De- met in the Sunday School room on W. Moss of Ayr and S. Robinson of
-troit were weekend visitors with th'e'Tnesday. The meeting was in charge Alsia Craig.
forcner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. of Mrs. harry Wagner. The meeting
Mrs. J. Taylor. The meeting was
closed with prayer by Mrs. Gordon
Taylor. A sumptuous, supper was then
served, Mrs. Chas Asquith and Mrs.
George Beadle pouted tea. At the
conclusion the guest of honor for
this occasion Mrs. R. M. Weekes hen -
ovary president of the Guild was ad-
dressed by Mrs, 5, H. Johnston who
expressed words of appreciation for
the wonderful help Mrs,, Weekes had
given this society for the past three
years. It was under her direction the
Guild was organized and deepest re-
gret was felt by all for her early de-
parture, from the parish. Mrs. B.
Phillips and Mrs. D. H. Hamilton
presented then with a rocker and re-
versible wool blanket. Mrs. Weekes
very feelingly expressed her thanks
for the remembrances and stated her
prayers and good wishes would ever
be with this parish where she and her
husband had always received fullest
co-operation. Rev. Weekes also ex-
pressed his thanks for the kindness
and good will of the congregation.
Group pictures were then taken.
Quite a number of citizens were at
Auburn station on Saturday morning.
when Andrew Sheppard a prosperous
farmer of the Base Line shipped 56
head of Hereford cattle. Mr. Shep-
pard purchased these cattle in the west
was opened by singing the National
Anthem, The theme for the meeting
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Allen spent the was "Begin Now." Prayers were of-
eveekend with friends et Flint. 1 fered by Mrs. Jas. Roberton and
�- •Mrs; Mrs. M. Rei
'Mrs. Stanley Strasser, of Sault SteWm. Melllwain, The Heralds Mrs: d spent a few days last
.Marie is visiting her parents, Mr.l week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Jackson on Temperance and Mrs. ViraRis McBride.
rend Mrs. Wm, Craig, Earl Raithb .on Chrstian - Steward -
Mr. and Mrs. John Snelling and I ship.y Mr's• eR.n Morrison wee and son of Biome
Mrs. Ti. C. Wilson gave the ever spent the weekend. at the Home
family of Vineland spent the`weekdbdtopic "Witness by the way in •Japan." of Mr, and Mrs: M. Elliott.
"withfriends here. Miss Amelia Melllwain sang a solo.
charge of the bust- Mr, and Mrs. R. Latham and family
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Dobie and Mrs, Woods took
' BIlIie of Fergus visited with friends of London spent Sunday at the home.
Hess period. Mrs, Mogridge invited of Mrs. L. Beatty.
'over the holiday weekend, . Ithe ladies to. her home to a quilting
,;lairs, F. 0..Mcllveen and Erie. have on Sept, lith Mrs. Earl Wt6htnti,; Mes. George Connell .has ret with
an Home from a three week's visit ivith.
.returned tb Bowmanvilleafter spends 'and Mrs. Mogridge were appointed her* son Roy of Tuckorsmith.
sing the sµmmen months with her par -'delegates to the Sectional meeting at
ents, M. and Mrs. Alfred Asquith. I, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie left
q �'Holmesville on Oet. 5th. Mt•s. Wagner for their new home in Fleslterton, on
Miss Mary Munro left Tuesday to closed the meeting with raer,
p Y !Friday, where Mr. Beattie has been
enter training at Woodstock General The Guild. of ,St. Mark's Anglican engaged as principal; the good
Hospital. ,I church met on Tuesday noon with the I • g p p ' h' g cl wishes
Mr. arid' Mrs. John Ilaggitt and president Mrs Gordon Taylor in of the community go with them.
Y I MI•. Carnochan and daughter have
Dorothy, of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs:'' charge. The scripture was read• by moved into
•Gordon Cummings and Margaret Mrs, Thos. Haggitt, The roll call was v d o the munivillaty. andWwelcome'
•Janette, of Port Credit were weekend• answered by a verse of serithem ctour a cry sui success
wish Miss
tptarg A duties every success in her new
visitors with Mx, and Mrs. Wm, Hag- letter was read from Miss Margaret duties as teacher.
gift, !Small of Toronto and a donation was
Miss Mary Asgoith of Toronto is received.iI MthGhid
titadmits spent Me week -
Miss It was, to hold a end with his mother-in-law.Mrs. Con -
'Visiting her parents, Mr. and sale of home made baking, bazaar nel: Mrs, Manes a ' '
't bac. *Asquith.
I nd children, Ross;
II and rumage sale .on Sept. 20th. , Theand"Carolyn returned', borne with him