The Clinton News Record, 1941-09-04, Page 3India, Like Persia
rnperi led by Nazi Menace
Possible Axis Drives-
Possible British -
Russian Drives
British Controlled
Axis Controlled
tfrilbian Seas
India enters the Near East war picture along with Iran as threatened Nazi drives across Turkey or
the Ukraine emphasize proximity of German legions to Britain's biggest possession. Nazis are re-
ported massing on Bulgarian -Turkish border, while British -Russian armies are said-ready4to enter
Iran from three directions. Map shows possible German and British Russian thrusts.
049 Can I
Q. .How cnn 1 remove scorch
from linen that has been so badly
scorched that the applicatio'n 0f
lemon juice and exposure to sun-
light is unsuccessful?
A. Try the following method:.
One cup of vinegar, half an ounce
of soap, two ounces of fuller's
earth, and the juice of one lemon.
Boil well, spread the solution,
and allow to dry. Then wash the
Q. How can I treat red blotch-
es that appear on my face from
time to time?
A. A good treatment is to
rinse the face for about three
minutes at a time in cool water.
Also, take alternate hot and cold
face baths at. night.
Q. How can I stiffen lace cur-
tains so they will hang straight
and keep clean much longer?
A. Add two or three table-
spoonfuls of flout' to the starch.
Or, add one tablespoon of borax
to a large saucepan of starch.
Q. How can I cleats phono-
graph records?
A. Fingerprints, grease, end
dirt may be removed from phono-
graph records by use of a weak
solution ofsoap in water. Moisten
a wisp of absorbent cotton with
this solution and wipe the record.
Then wipe the surface with plain
Q. Iiow can I impart a pleas-
ant, delicate scent to my hand-
A. Place in the handkerchief
box a blotter that has been mois-
tened with your favorite perfume,
Q. How can I remove the odor
from a knife after peeling onions
or garlic?
A. Run the knife through a
potato, and the odor will be re-
Orange Juice
For Gt. Britain
Concentrated oranges are to be
tried out in Britain.
A bottle no bigger than a cigar-
ette lighter will provide the equal
of a gallon of orange juice.
Samples have been brought by
Miss -Charlotte Raymond, of Mas-
sachusetts, a dietitian who has
specialized on the feeding of low-
income groups in the United
Supplies of this orange concen-
trate for children and expectant
mothers could be tucked away in
the fuselage or tanks of aero-
planes, or, for that matter, in the
1nurtles of guns.
Vaughan President
Can. Nat. Railways
Robert Charles Vaughan was
born in Toronto fifty-seven years
ago. He began his railway career
shortly before his fifteenth birth-
day, starting at the bottom of
the ladder as messenger boy for
the C.P.R. In 1904 he joined the
Grand Trunk Railway and a year
later the Canadian Northern.
His keenness to learn and his
ability to absorb details of Rail-
road practice brought young
Vaughan one promotion after an-
other, until, in 1920, he was ap-
pointed Vice -President in charge
of Purchases and Stores for the
Canadian National Railways.
In 1939, the Government, rec-
ognizing his ability as an organ-
izer and executive, asked Mr.
Vaughan to serve as chairman of
the Defense Ptuchasing Board,
carrying all work of that tremen-
dously important body until the
Ministry of Supply was set up.
Mr. Vaughan was recently ap-
pointed President of the entire
Canadian National Railway Sys-
The Englishman
Uses Everything
A Good Use Is Found For
Airplane Crates
At present only the flying fort-
resses and the large bombers are
flown from America to Britain,
Quentin Reynolds writes In Col-
Ilet's, 'The fighting planes and
dive bombers are crated and ship-
ped across. One of the marvels
of the industrial age—according to
the boss of the plant where the
American planes are assembled—is
the way the packing is done bock
in Buffalo or Long Island or Cali -
"Airplanes have been coning
here for nearly a year," the boss
explains, "and we haven't had one
case or damage through faulty
packing. Wheu we unpack the air-
planes we find it 'eery good use for
the crates."
He led ane through the barracks
where (nen who are 00 'duty twen-
ty-four (tours a day do their sleep-
ing, They were n^ a, long bat'
recite, looking a bit self-conscious
it their camouflage war paint.
They could sleep 500 men and in
addition there was a recreation
"MI made from the crates sent
over from America," the boss ex-
plained. "Wood is none too plen-
tiful. We don't belel'e in waste
around here. Anything that costes
from America is too precious not
to 080."
President R. C. Vaughan, of the Canadian National Railways,
paid his first official visit to the Canadian National Exhibition, to
attend the opening ,ceremonies. He is shown with J. A. Northey,
Toronto Director of the National System and Trans -Canada Air Lines,
inspecting the Canadian National exhibit, in. the Railway' Building,
which is largely devoted to showing in a pictorial way the vital im-
portance of the transport industry to Canada's war effort,
EiEli 11?
The touring company had never
been of the best, and when they
reached the stage of playing to
the family of the man who owned
the little country theater, and
found that they left at the end
of the first amt, it was decided to
break up.
Two of the actors set out to
work their waYs back to London.
They were lucky enough to get
a passage on a barge, and when
passing through a lock they over-
heard this conversation:
"What' you got on board this
trip, Jim?"
"Load of fertilizer and a couple
of actors, Bert"
The two actors looked at each
other in silence, and sighed deeply,
"Cyril," said one, "shall we nev-
er top the hill?"
An American lumber sales- •
man applied at a Canadian re-
cruiting office to enlise.
"I suppose you want a com-
mission," said the officer in
"No, thanks," was the reply,
.such a poor shot, 1'd rath-
er work on a straight salary."
Ile was a thrifty fellow, and
cane from Aberdeen. One day he
was told by a friend that instead
of putting shillings in the gas met-
er, much the same effect could be
obtained by blowing smartly into
the slot. He tried the experiment
with gratifying results,
At length an official from the
gas company called to inspect the
meter. He was obviously puzzled
by his investigations,
"'What's the matter?" asked the
"Man," said the officlal, "I can-
na understand it at all. The com-
pany appears to owe ye thirty
"The best thing for you to
do," said the doctor to the man
with a nervous complaint, "Is
to stop thinking about your-
self and bury yourself in your
work," Good Heavens!" said
the patient, "Pm a concrete
Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones were
chatting when Mr, • Smith said:
"Now, look at Winston Clnu'lh-
ill. .file's British, isn't that some -
thug to be proud of?"
"Look at Anthony Eden," coun-
tered Tones. "He's British. Isn't
that something to be proud of?"
"'Then there's Hitler," said
"But ire's not British," protested
"Well, isn't that something to be
proud of?
Employer (interviewing ap-
plicant for job): "Know any-
thing about• electricity?"
"Yes sir."
"What's an armature?"
"A chap who boxes for noth•
Joke on Gestapo
A joke on the enemy in war-
time `is bound to go over if for no
. other reason than that it is a joke
on the enemy in wartime, This
episode of the "powder room" is
one which stands of its own mer-
its, however. Not long ago an
extremely serious detachment of
Hitler's best Gestapo goose-step-
ped into the U.S. Embassy in Ber-
lin, blueprints in hand. They ex-
plained with great.gravity that in
this blueprint, drawn at the time
Berlin's old Blucher Palace was
being converted into the Em-
bassy, was a "powder room,"
which in literal translation reads
"Polverliammer," a storehouse for
munitions. The party demanded '
to see this potential sabotcur'S
paradise. They were shown to
thepowder`aloom for visiting la- '!
1, Is a clergyman addressed
as `Reverend Jackson?"
2. Is it proper' to abbreviate
the name of the month when
writing the date in a letter?
3. To whom should friends of
the bridegroom send their gifts if
they are not acquainted with the
4, Does a woman have the
privilege of refusing, to be, intro-
dueed to a man she doesn't care
to 51. mIeet?
s it all right to file and
clean the finger' nails in public?
0. Should the. handle of a cup
be turned a certain way when.
passing a cup and saucer to atn-
other person:.'
1. No; address him as "Mr.
Jackson,' unless he is a Doctor
of Divinity, in which case he is
addressed as "Doctor Jackson."
2. No. The name of the month
is written in 1 all. 3, All wed-
ding gifts must be sent to the
hone • of the bride. 4. Yes;
should a friend suggest introduc-
ing her to Robert Blair, she may
say, "Not today, thank you," or
"Perhaps some other slay." Under
no circumstances, however, should
she say, I "don't like Mr. Blair,
and clo not care to meet him."
5. This is the act of an ill-bred
person. The nails should be filed
and cleaned before going out. 6.
Yes, 'see that the handle of the
cup is turned to the person's right
and the handle of the spoon is
placed parallel to the handle of
the cup.
What Sciencei
Es Doing
A,pproxiurately three-fourths Of
all the bauxite ore from which al-
uminum is made in this country is
imported, chiefly from Dutch Gui-
ana, while most of the remainder
comes from Arkansas- Por years
scientists have sought to obtain
an additional supply of the light-
weight metal from alunite, a white
or sometimes pinkish mineral
found in Utah and several other
Western states. The Bureau of
Mines reported recently that the
alunite experiments were at last
successful and that aluminum
needed for defense cnn be obtain-
ed in quantity" and at reasonable
cost from these domestic deposits.
The process Involves removing
impurities from the alunite ore,
thereby freeing the alumina, or
oxitlo of aluminum, from which
aluminum metal is manufactured.
A great deal of power is required
Just as in tho...conyontional tech-
nique of aluminum reduction.
The Department of the interior
emphasized that elunite cannot re-
place bauxite as the major source
of aluminum, since total domestic
deposits of the former mineral, if
used to meet the nation's full a9-
uminum requirements, would last
less than a year. The process may
also eventually be used for treat-
ing certain aluminum -bearing clays
and low-grade bauxite ores, of
which this country has immense
—0 ---
Deep down in a former junln'ooln
of the Clemson, S. C., College
Chemistry Department and work-
orking with homemade equipment,
Prof. F. Stir Burg has produced
a satisfactory wallboard front
cotton stalks.
This new development presents
the possibility of a new industry
in southeastern United States and
offers• a. use for cotton . stalks
which have heretofore been plow-
ed under. Before long, Midwestern
corn, which is being developed
Por making 9
t g syuttettc rubber and
gun powder, may be getting ser-
ious competition in indlislt'ial use
groin King Cotton.
Fre- French Move
Reported Gaining
Suggestion of increasing sup-
port in France to Gen. Charles
de Gaulle's Free French move-
ment was given recently by an
official Free French representa-
tive who said that out of 40,000,-
000 Frenchman, 39,000,000
"loathed Germans and all those
collaborating with them," the
British Broadcasting Corporation
Shouts of "long live de Gaulle"
in Unoccupied France now snake
the offending person liable to a
jail sentence of two weeks to a
year, the BBC said.
`rhouetinds of women
L pies" with rLydiaal E.
1'lnttham's Vegetable'
for over 00 years fel re-
llevlet; femalefunc-
•tional troubles.,Try itt.
Britain Set
For Invasion
Supply including Millions of
Cans of Food is Distributed
In 100 Areas
Food Minister Lord Wootton has
announced that Britain's "shadow
larder," iuclndtng 5,000,000 cans of
various foods, was ready.
He said Prime Minister Churchill
had instructed him to have all
emergency arrangements ready by
September 1, the date the prime
minister has given as 'the zero hour
for a possible invasion attempt by
the Germans.
Preparations have been made to
deal' •wit'h conditions that might
arise la -event of invasion by self
or air In any part of the country .1
and for dealing with "tile most
severe blitz our most pessimistic
imagination could devise, Lord ,
Woolton said.
He maid the arrangements includ-
ed creation of a hundred "water-
tight" 'food areas throughout the
country, each independent of out-
side help as regards supplies; the
setting up. of cooking depots out-
side large towns, and plans for
protection of food from gas,
Twenty-two convoys of mobile
canteens of the Queen's Messenger
Service arethe first line of detente
in event of intense air' raids, the
food 'minister added.
Eight Gats. a Month
In New Zealand
Any Canadian motorists chafing
-under the gasoline regulations
to the
ought a
agood look at the
state of affairs in New Zealand.
Each car -owning New Zealander
is issued coupons entitling hien to
the purchase of eight imperial
gallons of gasoline monthly, ac-
cording to a prominent business-
anatt from Auckland, N.Z., who is
in Montreal.
This ruling, he said, has been
in force for the past 18 months.
During an exceptional month, the
motorist may be allowed 10 gal-
lons. Gasoline for commercial
purposes is also controlled, and
no one firm may use more than
30 gallons monthly,
No new cars have been offered
for sale since the start of the war.
Singapore Chief
Now at his post as new com-
• mander of the Jap -threatened
'Singapore naval base is Rear
Admiral E. 3. Spooner, above.
He succeeds Read Admiral T.
B. Drew,
the famous
chew for
many years
Exiles In Arms
A Growing ' 'r e
Foreign Legions Train in Bri-
tain to Fight Against Ger.
many -
Little has been heard of the
new foreign legions in training
in Britain, exiled armies in em-
bryo preparing to fight the Ger-
mans for restoration -of their na-
tive soil. It has been known that
their strength is constantly in-
creasing, but how formidable a
force they are becoming is made
known for the first time by e
special correspondent of The
Times of London, who has spent
some days in the training quar-
ters of each nationality in turn.
There are now separate estab-
lishments of Poles, Norwegians,
Czechs, Belgians, Dutch and
French, each nation having rep-
resentation in fast - growing
camps. Wltat started as a bat-
talion of this or that nationality
has now become a regiment, in
some eases a brigade, and in one
instance, the Polish, actually a
home division, The Poles are the
largest contingent._ They guard
an important Scottish section of
Britain. The Norse are the sec-
ond largest in number. The cor-
respondent describes them as a
splendid body of men, many of
whom have conte originally from
seafaring centres, but enlisted in
the army as the readiest means
of fighting the enemy,
The Czechs, of whotat there are
several battalions, have won
golden opinions from ,British mili-
tary experts. The Dutch forces
are composed hoth of men escap-
ed from Holland and the Dutch
residents in Britain and her col-
onies. They have their own offi-
cers. The Belgians, themselves
bilingual, have learned English
('ant 0111 111100,' glades, ('hoe -
Mate, Cigarette,,, (rant, Oxo,
8001 I.A00s, Song — All things
difficult 10 s,,•oeare In Britain.
Save time stud trouble. Fend
51,0(1 with name, regimental
number, raid unit 01' 001,11,,,' or
Airman to C.A.O. P.1JtCl91.S
I)lttl'1(.'I'CTf (Ilea"d). 350 line
Street, Toronto. Receipt mailed
to your address.
military terms most readily of alt
the nationalities. They comprise
Flemings .and Walloons in almost
equal proportion, The Free French
arrived as soldiers and are trans-
ferred to the de Gaulle forces in
the battle line as quickly as they
can be equipped and organized.
so that their camp is really a de-
pot and equipment centre. They
include gunners, signalers, tank
crews and motor experts, as well
as infantrymen, and have already
made their mark in the battles is
Silk fiend Used
In iL azn "Chute,,"
New Dlsoo.very Solves Profs,
lem of Silk For German
Wonder as to how the Germane
get the silk for their parachutes
—when silk was always a rare
luxury in Germany—Js answered
by 11', 13, Courtney in Colliers with
the statement that the chutes used
by Nazi paratroops are of a "new
material," discovered, the writer
was told, in Germany, by a humble
factory worker in Hanover. The
material is a kind of "silk blond"
and the Oates are also made of
aux and wool.
"The Cerium) chutes," says
Courtney, "seen to be smaller in
diameter tltatt American types, and
somewhat sleeper. They have it
secret type of 'air rudder' by which
they can be steered or delayed or
accelerated. Each squad, during Its
descent, endeavor's to bunch to-
gether—not close enough for the
convenience of enemy gunners, but
so that landing may be effected in
a group and manoeuvres swiftly
"The paratrooper is not the tar-
get -ire would seem whtle hanging
in the sky. Ile Is oscillating, fall-
ing rapidly, shooting defensively,
and Is only in sight for an average
of fifteen seconds. Combat Jinni's
are made its low as possible --•trop
altitudes of 110 feet to a maximum.
of 1.000 feet. Conditions remitting
jumps from above 1,000 feet would
not be Considered favorable to at-
1011(10eA'pIC nff.'rI.t(
mobile, Truck, Tractor, Dns iutd•
Marino t]ngines, More Power!
Stops Carboni 25';6 more Mileage.
Alr•malt for quick Information!
Agents, write for territory, Rept.
0, Got 163, Vancouver, Canada.
ere, Clock,, etc„ given for selting
Dr Lyon's Shampoo In your dis-
trict Write now, Normand Pro-
ducts, 1.105 feel Street, Montreal.
L tD, AJ.
J. N. LINDSAY, I.Aw tit Iltv., CAE,
Rol Theatre Building, St. Thomas.
Ontnrio. Special Dena PI men dor
farmers collections,
8 — "LARJA" PRINTS - 25c
and eight double slat prhtts for
only 25e. Reprints 3c each,
Special bargains in Enlarging,
Colouring etc. All work guuran-
toed highest quality, Baker Print
Co., Box 1, Iilunitton, Ont:
))17RL➢Y LEAF I.3'OR PIP $2.00.
Five pounds Golden Virginia
Leaf. Cigarette Tobacco 32,77.
Postpaid, Natural L.etef Tobacco
Co., Leamington, Ont. -.
COWS .L 'iib]1GIt1i8
Tested r,e'll Cows ft nd dile
through felt, heifers nit ages.
Adam Calder, Route 3 (3tanford
near Ancaste'.
highway, six miles from Kirkland.
Lake: eighty-five head of cattle,
sixty-five milking, cows. Alt nee- •
nssar•y machinery including miilt-
Ing mtichinel market for all milk
produced at rate of $2,50 per
hand red pounds, Apply J, B.
• Groulx, 1.31 Pollock avenue, Kirk,
land Lake, Ontario.
1'OSTAG']c-S'CAtlil'S WAN'rep
Stamps will pity cash for old
15331105 05 or off envelope. On
envelope worth more. Only Matter- '
sted in the so-called Young. Quern
Victerla issues which includes
the Beaver, Prince Albert and
Cartier, Need King Edward. 'fifty
cent, Write me describing What
you have, All letters will be..ans-
ylered, R. C. Hunter, il3orpoth,
On to xi °.
Week -grey, 1030hest pries paid,
• tVt.1 ter . Tinkerson, 1Vttllacsburg,
I'(11t'1'A111,6: SI 1.0S
first year In ninny caeca through
increased milk production, and
healthier cattle by feeding ensil-
age instead or cern fodder,
KEENAN'S 1'U1'tTA1:L73 SI005
will keen ensilage perfectly and
last htdef(ttitety, The Bost is small.
and they can be easily erected In
a few bouts 011 ally Ievul ground.
Made in 10, 12, 14, and t6 foot
diameters holding up to 33 tons.
Approved by ell dairy authorities.
1'or full Information and prices,
write the KEENAN (PENCE CC/M-
oony, Owen Sound. Onta'rio."
a1141110d 1,
reduces and removes, Price $5,00
per bottle, S. A. Tohnston Co,. 171
King 10, Toronto.
te•er from Rheumatic Pains or
Neuritis should try hhon's Rem-
edy, Munro's Drug Store, 380'
Engin. Ottawa. Postpaid 01.00.
nvinsoNA7. •
permanently, privately removed:
'(race,`'. Limbs: Treatment $2.00
postpaid, plain wrapper. Cinar-
anteed kill roots with one app11-
catton. Canadian Chemistry Com -
Deny. Wilkie Sask.
must come front 1041 pullets.
Britttin's needs will rentllre an
increase in egg production here.
Are you ready for this profitable
market? Bray pullets immediate
delivery. Taking orders Inter de-
livery chicks. 73ray Fell Service
Bulletin soon ready, more valu-
able than ever. Bray 1Tatchery,
130 Sohn N„ Ilamilton, Ont.
I1.11TIU tA'.rtC PAINS '
Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis
should t t y Dixon's 'Remedy.
Munro's Drug Store 335 Elgin,_
Ottatve. Postpaid $1.00.
1007)700 ]llJ7LD1u1iS SCPI'LI17S
Canada's ltirgest and most com-
plete hobby' house, wholsale and
retail. Complete catalogue •of ' MI
kits and supplies, tete cents.
Lloyd's Hobby Craft, 037 St Clair
West, Toronto.'
Have them coated with our spo,-
ial roof coating. Guaranteed to
stay on 5 years. Estimates 011 new
work and. repairs. C. W. Fergus-
'otl, ;Roofers, 104 .TToward 1', rIo
Ave„ Toronto, MElrose 0852.
t1(101' 'rltt1t)iwas
st000'T11111111104, 311 110(111118,
satisfaction guaranteed. 33.25 de-
livered. Matt Wo lowittt'ylt, Wan,
AtionEs;i%E SAI,1SS1111S '1'(i SELL
one of Canada's most ,utstand!0g
Imes of untie—to—measure clothes.
liluttttents of territories note
being made Tor k'tt16 Complete
outfit will be supplied to men
who can produce results. Give
complete details and (write today
to: Jack London, Value -first
Clothes, 400 Atlrintic Ave„ Mon-
TORAITO ,l'•. C'ONP'il('TIOitrlttx
Ontario town, 0,510population,
well established tobacco and con-
fectionery store and beauty par-
lor adjoining, living apartment
above. Luer rent, Ideal for family.
11/111 sell separate or °obits, rett-
aon illness. Nu reasonable offer
refused. Write Box 035, Leaming-
ton, Ont,
Neighborhood treatment. produced
such retnarkoble results that
thousands were soots using it
acrossUnited States, the new"
spreading entirely by word of
mouth and letter's, lu Toronto
dandruff, falling hair, severe
seal!) trouble has been eradicated,
new hair produced. Write for
free advice and evidence. Agents
wanted. Woods Products, Dept. It,
367 Jane, Toronto.
Sour films are carefully and setae.
tifically processed by imperial. to
malts sure they last.
0 or 5 hxl'OSnRiu I011,3MS 2100
with beautiful enlargementtt,te.
8 reprints wittt cnlnrgemcnt 25e.
Thousands or totters from satisfied
customers testify to our superior
quality and .service,
Dept D. Station ,b Toronto.
With Lvery I{on
AlIltl 000050 '1011$16111011S
not 121 T011006'040
ISSUE 36—'41