HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-08-21, Page 5ia:• I.• 7rHURS., AUGUST 21, 1941 HE , CLIl1TTON {. NEWS -RECORD ;AUBURN Mr, Robert Downs M. Windsor ds -visiting Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Corp. lack Weir of Oshawa spent the weekend with his father Dr. B. • C. Weir.. • Mr. Nelson McLarty left on Saturday :.for ,a trip to Western Canada. Mr .and Mrs, Nottingleam and -Mrs. Ben. Snell of Kanburnspent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mus?Earl Raithby. Mr: and Mrs. Herb. Melte:id:go spent the weekend in Brampton with Mr. • and Mrs. Gormley •Thot'npsoh. Mrs. H. Hoge and eon Allan have t.retnrned toe their 'home lin Sask. after :.a two months visit with Mr. and Mrs: J. J. Wilson 'and,ethor relatives. - Miss Joselphine'::Wele has returned = home 'oidowing• a. two weeks Visit with - friends at Strathray. Mr. Keith Arthur left: on +Monday 'for London where he had denhsted in -.the R•6;A,F, as a methane Mrs. Eugene Diable and young On :freturned to their home in Ottawa., ' Tae Red .Cross will hold a quilting rson- Tuesday, August 26th. Mr. Johtj t1tfoKnight is;'an'patie t • In the .Clinton Rapatial, He was as-` • ,sieting James McWhinney to shingle Plunket's school when he fell off the ,roof of,the school to the ground:, .Ile was taken by, aniliudance to the hos- I pita; where an X -Ray revealed -.two( bones broken in his lcrftiankle.• Mr. and Mrs. T. S.. Johnston, Mrs.l R. J. Phillips, Laura Phillips and Ruth Arthur were London •visitors• on :: Monday. • Mrs., W..IL Thompson is aliening • friends in Tilsonbtug. Visitors at the .home of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Lawson on Sunday were Mr•. and .Mrs. Jdhn Finlayson,, Mr. and Mrs. L. Henfberger and Miss Marion Sclater all of Seaforth.. • Mr. and -Mrs. John Cowan •and Mrs. ,Hoge • spent Sunday .; a `t. Ipporwash Beach, , W.M.S. .The August meting of the W M.S. oP the Presbyterian church was held in the basement with Mrs. Huston the, president in charge, who opened the • meeting with prayer. The scrip- ture 'was read responsively. Norms` Deer 'favored with a solo. Mrs. Wes- ley Bradnock gave the Bible study. Mrs. F. O. McIllveene, Bowtnanville gave the first chapter. of the study book. The roll all was answered 'with a verse of scripture With the word "Believe" in it. Plans were made to make a quilt for the Red • Gross. Mrs. Robt. Scott invited the ' ladies to her home for the Sept. meet- : ing. met on Sunday evening with Earl Raithby in charge. The scripture was read by Stanley McNeil. Donald Ross Ied in prayer. The Bible quizz WAS conducted by George ,R'bbertson. A deet was rendered by Marie Raith- by and Elaine Johnston The topic "The Advent" was taken by Harold Reid, Earl Raithby closed the meeting with prayer. Women's Institute The Women's Institate met in the Forester's Hall on Tuesday afternoon. In the absence of the president the 1st vice Mrs. Herb Mogridge presided.. The meeting was . opened by singing the "Ode" and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting. An'invitation from the Goderich In- stitute to be their .guests at their meeting in Sept, was. accepted. The Auburn ladies to`proyide the program. The District .president MTs. W. J. Henderson of. Wingham is to be the guest speaker. This •being 'children's day,the following program was part on byitthechildren: duet, 'Ruth and John Wilson.; recitation, Lillian Nevins; duet, Marie Raithby and Elaine John- ston;. recitation, Jean Lawlor; solo, Garth McKnight; solo, Marion Taylor; solo, Allan Cram'; recitation, Bobbie Yungblutt • mouth organ selection, ,Stewart Toll; duet, Dolly Beadle and Doris McKnight; solo, Donna Haggitt; -recitation, Violet Nevins;. recitation, Carol Beadle; recitation, Betty Stur- dy; piano solo, Margaret Jackson. A dainty lunch of sandwiches, cookies, tarts, candy and lemonade was ser- ved by the "hostesses, Mrs. S. H. Johnston, Mrs. Geo. Hamilton, Mrs. Alf. Nesbit, Mrs. Joe Washington and Mrs. ENeatt. .• Visitors with Dr, B. C. Weir on Sunday were: Mr. Robt. Brunt, of Kennwood, Miss Margaret,. Weir, Strathroy, Miss: B. Coulter, Milgrove and •Mrs: H• Lisoombe Grand Forks, Mr. David McMillan who has been serving Overseas ivith the Army re- turned home this week owing to ill Russell -Dobie The wedding of a former Auburn :resident was solemnized at Charmer's • Presbyterian church Toronto, recent.. when Helen Margaret' daughter of - Mrs. Wm, 'Dobie 'of Auburn and the late Wm. Dobie was united in mar- riage to Alexander M, Russell, R.C.- N.V.R, son .of Mrs. Russell of Toronto and the late Thomas Russell. Rev. D. Little officiated. The bride was gowned in white chiffon with match - in accessories and a corsage of gard- • eines. She was attended by Mrs. L. A. Prior who wore a light blue frock 'with white accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds, Laverne Prior was best man. After the marriage a re- ception was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. . L. A. Prior, Brock Ave, Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Russell left later • on a motor trip The sale of the estate of the late . Levi Marwood was well attended. The house and lot in the villiage was pur- chased by Mr. Henry Wilson of West Wawanosh, the farm wasn't sold as it didn't come up to the •reeerve bid. Thomas Gundry of Goderich was the auctioneer. Miss Josephine Weir entertained ten girl friends to dinner in honor of . Miss Bernice Lawson whose marriage = it r takes place the end of the month. During the dinner Miss Evelyn Plaet ser :proposed a toast to the 'guests of honor. A large doll dressed as a bride was brought in and hidden in the dress were cards telling the bride- to-be where to look for gifts which were hidden in different parts of the pause. After the gifts had been op- ened Miss Lawson in a few well chos- en words thanked her friends for •their lovely gifts: Singing and a see- -.lel time was enjoyed, following this, the party enjoyed a dance. ' BAYFIELD Lieut Neil Mustard of Petawawa spent the weekend with. his mother and sister at their Summer home. Miss Peggy Burt has returned to the Farm Service Force Camp near St. Catherines after having spent a Week with her grandparents. Mrs. Adam Boyd and'Margarei Sim - 0o who have been visiting the former's mother, Mrs. G. W. Woods, returned to Gravenhurst on Sunday with Geo- ige Boyd, E. Simco and Mrs. T. Sim- co and two children who were also here over the weekend. Rev, and Mrs. F. H. Paull of Wind. sier are the guests of 'Mrs, N. W. Woods. Mrs. Mary Parker Cox left on Saturday to visit friends in London. Rev. and Mrs. G, W. Bugler and Master David of Burford were the guests .of Miss E. Cameron for a few days last week. Misses Ethel Cameron of Detroit and Dorothy Keyes of Nashville, Tenn., visited) Miss E. Cameron on Friday of last week. On their return they were accompanied by Miss Mild- red Cameron who is visiting in Lex- ington, Mich. Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lewis, who vis- ited Mrs. N, W. Woods, returned to Toronto on Friday. Mra. G. W. Woods, Mrs. Adam Boyd, Margaret Simcoe, and Charles Geme- inhardt visited theformer's daughter, IMrs. H. G. E. Crosby, at Mooretown on Thursday and Friday of last week. Paul Crosby who accompanied, them re. turned to the village and went home this week with Mr. and, Mrs. J. How- ard and babe. On Saturday evening, August 16, at the Stammer residence of Mr. Ghae. Rogers of Hamilton a "Benefit" was given in aid of the Bayfield Branch of the Red Cross Society. Shakespeare's "As You Like It" (adapted) was act- ed by a group of little' folk directed by Mrs. Robin Hunter of Toronto. Patricia Demaray was Narrator and read exceedingly well., Mary Alice Hunter represented Rosalind; Phyllis Mack, Celia; Charles Rogers; Orlando; Victor Rogers, Duke Ferdinand; Mar- got. Demaray, The Banished' Duke; Bill Livermore, Charles the Wrestler.' The Actors were costumed for the'var-' bous parts and performed very well indeed. Jack Mille was usher. The suni of five dollars and fifteen cents was raised. The friends who' were ,t B.Y.P.U. 4.g • :The B,Y.P.U. of the Baptist church • "present heartily congratulated Mrs: Hunter and the children on the sued cess of the play. The Red Cross 'Carnival held on Clan Gregor Square on Wednesday, August 13, was a great euccessLboth financially and otherwise, judging by the merry temper of the large crowd present. It is the first time that any- thing of this nature has been attemp- ted in the village and" the Committee„ in charge is very grateful to the Clinton Lion's Club for the loan of eq- uipment for . the various • gantas of change and also to the members who so kindly came over and assisted' in the booths, and the hydro workers for putting up the lighting. The sum of five hundred and twenty-five dollars was realized from the monies turned in from sale of tiekets for the draw, the dance and various: booths. Owing to the weather the hot dog and cof- feebooths were very popular while the ice -ream and soft drinks were giv- en the "cold shoulder.". But the,tents of thefi h- and the fish- pond proved to be popular spots, as were also the Bingo tables and other games' of chance, The affair was heralded by the Clinton Pipe Band whose Highland tunes, leant an air of glamour to the evening. The crown- ing excitement name at mid -night when the draw for the lots and other prizes were made, although many a person had experienced the thrill of carrying off a chieken or basket of groceries earlier in the evening. Mr.. Wm, J. Ferguson turned the churn and Alfred Erwin drew the tickets which aesulted- as follows: Three building lots, John L. Parsons, God- erich; Radio, John Howard, Bayfield; War Savings Stamps, • Mr.; and .Mra. W. H. Talbot, Baylield; Metal Lawn Chairs, Chas. Johnston, Clinton; Hand Made Quilt, Mrs. Mabel Mason, De- troit; Ham, Oliver Elliott, Seaforth; Thermos Jug, Jack Castle, Bayfield;. Roasting Pan, J. F. Daly, Seaforth; 1 gal. motor oil, Mrs. P. H. Moser, Eg- erton eBach; Electric. Iron, Jim Rob- inson, Bayfield; Alarm Clock, Marne Galbraith, Hamilton; 1 gal motor oil, Malcom '.Toms, Bayfield; Fan belt, Mollie McKenzie, London; Double Boiler, Lance Corp. Jack Chnrchward, London; Fruit Set, Ted Sage, Strat- ford; Set of Glasses and stand, J. C. Bradley,' London; Bath Towels, R. L. Demaray, Waterclown; China Plate, Louis Allan, London, Ont., Razor'. and Shaving Cream, Len Talbot, Bayfield; Bill Fold, Bob Morley, Toronto; Flash Light, Jean Balkwill, London; Lunch- eon Set, Tom Bailey, Bayfield; Table Cloth, Mrs. N. W. Woods, Bayfield; Silex Coffee Malcer, Miss Margaret Reid, Bayfield. Following the draw a dance was held in the Town Hall, for which the Rau Orchestra provided the music. The Committee wishes to thank those who donated prizes and contributed in any way to the success of the evening. r v mss✓ rqj yOr mss- .1 1+ V r 1 c A nmi 1 t : �ml , . ____LABOR DAY! Sununer's La *° L rrit# Week -End t70r. •Piotn Noon `Friday, Aug. ,29, 'rural 2.00.,P,M. Monday, Sept.1. LiETURN Leave destination up to alidnight, Tuesday, ;Sept. 2, 1941 rrYx I:V;Y- . 9 Times shown are Standard. Standard. feral eta 'habit!' Int • naetias.epply tm +yoar nearest f7eke! Ageat. weed Fear' •; C A N ASIAN NATIONAL G Q, o Lee A serious accident occurred on Sun-. day evening between -half-past six and seven o'clock, when Charles Bry- ant, who is working at the Clinton Airport and was returning to Bayfield in a Chevrolet Sedan, crashed the guard at the culvert which is being built at the corner of the Varna Road and Bronson Line, The car jumped the culvert and crashed through the guard on the west side before it came to a stop. Mr. Bryant stepped out of the ear but immediately collapsed. Fellow workers who were following him summoned medical aid and he was removed by ambulance to Clinton Hospital where he is suffering from severe chest and head injuries. The car was a complete wreck and it is a marvel how the driver survived. Mr. Bryant with his wife and babe have been rooming at E. A. Featherston's since he commenced worlc at Clinton, ani, had travelled the road to and from work each day for weeks, so he was acquainted, with the detour. It is thou'rt he was fatigued and forgot about it or else the sun was shining in his eyes and blinded him. Traffic Officer Norman Lever De, Clinton in- vestigated the accident. Miss Peggy-Balkwill, R.N., of Lon- don who has been with her aunt Miss Nora Ferguson for the past six weeks returned to London on Monday. Mrs. G. Koehler• of Zurich, returned home on Sunday after spending the week With her sisters, Misses E and F. Fowlie. Miss Emma Levis of Clinton was the guest of Mrs. Fred Baker and Mrs. Lloyd Scotehmere on Tuesday., PAGES 6 14# 1111.7 ?r ayE ig. lo,_,sr4: Nit 0..1.31M1/10/1 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Co V. • ke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j Eggs For Britain All out and efficient Production is the Call Present indieatioha are that Great Britain will require every exportable egg Canada can produce -- millions more than -were shipped9 xepp in 1 41.. Cullyour flock, but cull it pruden- tly. Britain and Canada need more eggs now. Efficient production will, get thein. . N. W. TREWA RT1r Day Phone 214.'- ' Night Phone 328. Batkin's Locker ' Storage Make your . fishing trips last all year by storing ,some of your fish till winter. Ask far free book on storing Fruits and vegetables. To ensure good Quality meat it must be properly Processed before go= ing into the Locker. You are invited to thlk this over with • se. We have good prices on dei Beef and Pork. We do custom killing andaneke sausages. "Frozen 'Foods. are Better Foods." Meet Me At Goderich A gala aquatic meet will be held in Goderich on Saturday afternoon, Aug- ust 30, sponsored by the R,A.F. of Port Albert. Three local airports are entering teams in all the water ev- ents. Open events for men and women, and fancy diving by the Mermaids of Toronto. Beauty contests for the title of Miss Lake Huron for silver cup and 350 in prizes. Water polo. Carnival in the evening in the Court House Park. Proceeds to War Victims. Meet me at Goderich, V VARNA Mrs. Dodsworth and son of London spent Sunday with the ladies mother Mid. Smith, Master Ivan Me 1ymont was in Sea- forth Hospital Monday undergoing an operation for tonsils. Miss Shortreed spent the past week with her friend, Mise Carnochan. Mr .and Mrs. Rutherford and child- ren of Hamilton were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Beatty Sunday. Mr. Joe Hagan of Hensall called. on Mr. Frank Weekes one clay la week. Mr. and Mrs. McBride of Windsor visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie, on Sunday. Miss Carnoehan and friend Miss Shortreed are spending a week at Toronto Exhibition. We are very sorry to report that Mr. Frank Weekes is not imporving as his many friends would wish to see, • Miss Fame Logan called on friends in the village one day last week. Mrs. Schell and son Kenneth of De- troit spent the weekend with the forin- er's mother, Mrs. Austin and family Mr. and Mrs.l41"•Elliott attended the funeral of the late Roy Morrison in Kitchener Saturday. Pte. Walter Smith of Kitchener spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. '',Smith, Miss B. Canochan in company, with Miss May Shortreed spent the past few days ar'r'anging her hone prior to moving in with her father Mr, Cern- ochan of Seaforth. Miss Carnochan as teacher in No. 6 will succeed Mr. Beattie who will move shortly to his new duty in Flesh- erton. • Mr. John Dennison of-, ;Wingham called; Sunday on• his, brother,• Mr: T, ;Dennison.. Mise Shortieed and Miss Carnelian purpose attending Toronto exhibition. The Aug, meeting of. the W.M.S. was held'in the church with the.Pres- ident Mrs. S. Keyes presiding. As a special feature of thia 'meeting the ladies Of 'Goshen ansi Blake were pres- ent to hear the report ,of the Branch delegate; Mrs. Toll, We opened the meeting the 'with"National Anthem" followed by singing "0 1lles'ter let inc, walkwithP p Thee". Mrs..Ralph Step.- - henson l ed in payee,Bertha Diehl' 'read the ,seripture'from,Lulce 18. Mar- jorie Hoffman favoured us with a lovely ;solo Mrs. Toll then gave a lovely solo Mid..; Toll then, gave a very interesting, report of Branch meetings, We sang "Where cross the crowded ways''of 1i3.,, , Miss Hearn gave us 'a talk, stiedssing 'the importance of hoi ie misiisons Mrs. E. Hayter. and Mrs. E Keyes favour- gd us with a duet', The collection Ras then' 'taken i e ear;g, "In Christ there as,rio East or e,srtt'' and ,,,Mrs. t , rr W ROXY ` THEATRE CLINTON NQW PLAYING: Tyrone Power in "BRIGHAM YOUNG MON.,' TUESy & WED. Alice Faye, Jack Oakie, John Payne, Cesar Romero and Four Ink Spots ' The story of radio,clown through 'the turbulent twenties 'and dietetics pulsating with romance and hilar- iou fun. Great., 'he•American , Br:Oaacast" lHURS, F1tI: && SAT. P1 ogiam Being Arranged CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH NOW PLAYING: Errol Flynn, in "FOOTSTEPS IN THE sitARK" MON., TUES.& WED. James Cagney, ,Olivia de Haviland and; Rita Hayworth Melodious and enteiteini'ng in this prea'entation of an old fav- °mite. "Strawberry Blonde"' THO'RS.,. FRI. &. SAT. Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette. The singing saddle -paps and their gang plus some new talent' in a hit show "Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride" ' Coming:. 'The S'on of Monte Cristo' with loan Bermett REGENT THEATRE ' BItAFORTH NOW i'Ls`i:1ING.Edward G. Rob. 'mon as "THE SEA, WOLF" , '' MONf:: TUBS. & WED. Cary Grant, Irene Dunne, co-starred in a fun -flecked and appealing dnamitie rornanee Penny Serenade". THURS.; FEL .8 SAT•s Alice Faye and Don Ameche A grand musical -comedy teani; in a brilliant and entertaining'bulge il;; ictal "That Night In Rio" 'Coming "Western Union" starring Robert .Y"oussg Mats.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. Mat.: Wed. Sat. & Holidays 3 p.m. Mat.: Sat. and•Holidays at 3 p.m. BARTLJIFIF'S SATURDAY SPECIALS DOUGHNUTS' DATE AND NUT CAKE BLUE BERRY -PEACH STRAWBERRY PIES SUBYS, TEA BISCUITS NUT BREAD • PHONE 1 ' WE -DELIVER MARRIAGES GAYMAN-DRAPER-At St. Mark's Anglican church, Niagara -en -the - Lake, on Saturday, August 16th, when Sadie Marion Draper of Clin- ton, became the bride of Walter. R. which a Fertilator can be used Gayman of St. Catherines, Rev, C. Two Cultivators. Smith officiating. MIDDLETON-WALKER - In the Melville Pers'byterian church, Brus- sels on Saturday afternoon, August Clinton . Phone 199w 1Gth, when the Rev. Samuel Kerr Used Cars SEE THESE RE -CONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED USEi_CARS 1940 Ford Coach 1939 Plymouth Sedan 1938 Chevrolet Coach 1936 Pontiac Coupe 1937 Plymouth Coupe 1934 Dodge Sedan 1931 Ford Sedan , 1931 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Ford Coach Reg. Shipley Supertest Products - Dominion Tires MAIN CORNER - CLINTON .PHONE 182 FOR SALE. One 13 disk Coelcshutt Fertilizer Drill. One BURGESS' G , S ST UDI O rCLINTON Photographs of Distinction IRENE,BURGESS Phone .115.. Developing and Printing • MONUMENTS! To those contemplating 'build- ing a Monument . . Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work • guaranteeds, 'JOHN 'GRANT CLINTON -JOHN_ • & GRANITE WARPS Ci^tton- Ontario Successor to Bail & Zapfe . s69 Attention Farmers Now is the time to buy your elec- tric fences complete with 6 -volt Hot - Shot and all insulators as low as 315, with a two year guarantee. General Batteries (Hot Shots) and • Insulators in stock. Also Radfds, Refrigerators, Washers Tubes and Batteries. 13 disk Cockshntt Grain Drill on A'. W Groves, Princess St.. PRINCESS ST. CLINTON H. Charlesworth united in marriage Catherine Halli- day Walker of Brussels and Hugh, John Midelleton of Toronto. RUSSELL-DOBIE - At Chalmer Presbyterian 'church, Toronto, •when Helen Margaret Dobie of Auburn was united in marriage to Alexand- er M. Russell, R.C.N.V.R., Toronto hy,the Rev. D. Little. BIRTHS . POWELL--In Clinton Hospital on Tuesday, August 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis' Powell of Goderich Township, a son. YEO-In OlintonoPublie Hospital on Wednesday, Aug. 20th, to Mr. and Mts. Frank Yoe, of Goderich town- ship, a daughter. . DIEHL-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, August 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Diehl, a son;' (Garnet Oliver). EBENEZER The August meeting of the Wom- en's Association was held on Mr. Ir- vine Tebbutt's river flats. The meet- ing was in charge of the daughters of the members of the association. Jo Lobb presided yoat this meeting. After the°opening hymn. the minutes of the previous s me ti ng vere read by Grace Lobb and the roll call was answered by the name of their first Sunday School teacher, Marianne Merrill woad the scripture and•Marg- aret Labia led in prayer,, The gyro,- gram was, namely ; poem, 'Shirley Jones; duet, Grace Hayden, and Shir- lei' Jones; recitation, MarioiCJones;; duet Shirley Jones and Grace Labb; recitationT. ,.oms Jones; poem, Bernice Obb • ilia „Meeting: closed with a hIn- knit,tlfg irdppah benediction ttex wh'aiz dome., contests were en . joyed con, ducted by Beit e Labb. The girls theiip;PPrvecl picnic lunch`' and a verb enlotable afteon was spent y all teseitt DEATHS CALVER- In Godertch, on Sunday, August 17th, Mary Ann Cook,'wid- ow of the late Fred Caiver,.in her 6th year. Former residents of Clin- ton. GLENN -In Stanley Townlship, on Wednesday, August 20th, Jane Mc- Farlane, beloved wife of Edward Glenn, in her 76th year. The fun- eral service will be held at her.late - residence, 2ncl concession of Stanley Township, on Friday afternoon, August 22nd, commencing at 2 o'clock. Interment in Baircl's cem- etery. ADAMS--In.Londesboeo, on Tuesday,' August 19th, Sarah Brunclson, wife of the late John C. Adams, in her 75th, year. The funeral service will be held at the Londesboro Un- ited church on Thursday afternoon, August 21ist, commencing at 2.30 o'clock. Interment in Londesboro cemetery. FARMS FOR SALE by' Public Auction, in the Township of Goderich The property of the late James Harrison, Lots 25 and 26, Con. 6, con- taining 80 acres each will be offered. for sale by auction on the premises on Friday, September 6, at 2.30 p.m. On Lot 25, there is a comfortable one and a 'half storey house, with a cement kitchen; a large barn with straw shed, all: on stone fotundation, and goods stabling. Hydro is installed in both the house and, barn. There is also a cementarag e. g A drilled well, with an electric mot- or installed pumps the water to the house and barn. Lot 26 contains 80 acres of excel- lent farm land,': but the buildings are poor. Both farms have soil suitable for growing alfalfa and both are wat- ered 'by' never failing '• spring creeks. At the same time. the Tenant, El- liott Harrison, will offer for sale his Wm implements and stock. 1'EIIMS OF SALE 10% payable' on day of sale, bal- ance on October 1. • Privilege of plow- ing 4u1iing September. Igor further .pazficulara write: R. Thorepsoei, Ezeeutor,'`R.4t. No. 2, Cltntoic; i1'` Donnelly, Solicitor, God. H Seihelison eros dhe meeting with grayer. ' A saci'alt4 Dir was � s ent at, t b P he ciaso of the�mee ing ta 1 ., _,tltls�Y ,.ra. '%Le1k L Wanted Baby's High chair and folding Go- cart. Mrs. George Falconer, R. R. No. 1, Brucefield, phone Clinton 629-14. 54-1 Lot for Sale Lot No. 7 on the corners of Orange, North and Dunlop streets, Clinton, for sale. Small tool shed and fruit trees on lot. Would make a good building lot. Apply at the News -Record, of- fice. 54tf Wanted Girl for general housework. All modern conveniences to work with, Apply at Henri's Beauty Shop, Clin- ton. 54-1 Lot Wanted A building lot wanted in Clinton or on the outskirts. Apply to Box T Clinton News -Record. 54-1 AUCTION SALE At the residence of the late W. A, Crich MAIN ST., SEAF,OI.ITH, ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 23RD at 1 p.m. The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell all chattels on said premises including an excellent Hostess refrigerator, electric stove, furniture, kitchen utensils, beds, etc. Terms -Cash HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer „ - 54-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm, Fitrm Stock and Implements on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBESR 5TH on Lot 25, Con, 5, Goderich Township, Porters Hill, commencing at 2.30 p m HORSES: 1 team of geldings, 10 years old; 1 Bay mare, 8 years; 1 general purpose mare, 12 years; 1 aged Horse; P'ercheron team of fillies, rising 2 and 3 years. • CATTLE: 1 red cow clue time of sale; 1 red cow,'. bred, July 1; 1 Here- ford cow, 5 years; 2 two-year old heifers (Holstein), fresh; 1 Holstein cow, bred July 5; 1 Holstein cow, fresh two months; 1 Holstein cow, fresh, 1 .,month; 1 biac'lc cow, fresh. in June,r'1 Hereford cow, due in March. PIGS: 1 sow with litter; 1 sow due Sept. 20th; 1 York hog. IMPLEMENTS: Frost & Wood mower; Deering sulky rake; 1 spring - tooth cultivator, 13 tooth; 1, 8 ft. power lift cultivator; 2 set diamond • O.A.C. No. 61 Seed Wheat A quantity of O.A.C. No. 61, Seed Wheat for sale, good sample, free from weed seeds. Also a Quebec Sulky plow and a National gang plow. Apply to James E. Johnston, R.R. No. 4 Clinton, or phone 800r12. 64-2 For Sale ' 1934 Ford V 8 sedan, in good con- dition. Will sacrifice for cash. Priv- ate • owner. Phone 223 Clinton., 63-2 Farm for Sale or Rent 100 acrces, lot 28 con. 4 Hallett well fenced, water at barn, good build- ings, Hydro, 11 miles from Clinton, north, Base Line, can start ploughing at once and put its wheat. Walter Mair, 53t1 Pigs for Sale fYoung pigs for sale, G weeks old; also more will be ready for sale in 2 weelcs. Apply to Stanley Jacicson, R. R. No. 5, Clinton or phone 25 on 620, Clinton Central 53-2 For Safe Vacant Lot approximately. 80 ft. in width extending from King Street (West to James Street; also two story, frame barn 20 ft. by 19 ft. in good 1 condition, on the property of Mra. Castle, Victoria and Maria Streets. For particulars regarding either of ;above properties apply to Mrs. H. 'Castle, phone 303w. 53-2 harrows, 4 section; 1 harrow cart; 1 seuffler, new; 1 Coekshutt Riding plow; 2' walking plows; 1, 10 inch grain grinder; 1, 12 incl* Papex corn wagons; farm filler;i g 2 ons; 1 rubber.tne' wagon; 1 hay rack; 1 grave]. bow; -1 set Scope sleighs 1 set light sleighs, 1 flat rack: ' Brooder• stove; set of -Stewart clip- perk;,1 set breeching harness; 1 set single harness; 1 leg vice. g ^ TERMS -CASH At, the ''seine' <„time 'there<will. be of- fered for"aale,• Lots 25, and 26, Con. 5 Goderich township, edntaiiiing.80 ;ac- res each., For particulars about lots, write, •R. "Gl Thompson; R Rr'• NO. 2 Clinton. ' ELI.IOTT-'HARRISON Proprietor. •; HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer L w ...a... 54-1 For Sale or Rent Former Schoenhals Mill office for sale or 'rent. Would alter to suit tenant. Write L.. D. Mansion, 94 king street, London: 5-4 Garbage Collection Garbage collection will be 15 cents per week. toads of jnnic will be 31.50. Arthur Fulford, 52-2 d. Truck for Sale 11 ton .Chevrolet truck stake body, in first crass mechanical condit- ion. Price reasonable, Apply to F. W. Andrews, Clinton, phone 33. 47-1 For Rent Nine roomed house on Rattenbury street, West, with all modern con- veniences; hot water heating; in good shape with good garage, Immediate possession. Apply to W. J. Elliott, Victoria: street, Clinton phone 336. 4703. For Sale A. two story frame house and three quarters of an acre of land. Owned by Miss McFarlane. Apply by tele- phoning 907r31 or 620r15. 45tf Poultry r Wanted Weweigh vegi h and pay cash for r fow8 atyour door. Rel iable culling done a the 2 6 reverse free. P.honeG and ever charges. G. Pearson,' Clinton 4484e, For Salo House and lot with garage, on Rat- tenbury street, town lights '& water; also house and two lots on Huron street, 9 rooms, lights and :water, also stable and henhouse. Apply to Miss; Bertha Cantelon, Huron street, Olin. ton. 27t9' Wanted .I Old'horses.rand cattle for mink feed. If. dead phone :at' eine& Will pay ale• cording to value. .Elmer -Trick, phonic 90755, or Lloyd Batkin619rr14. O tt as4-val hi .t' •Y,l-f,,;l. et;.at