HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-08-21, Page 4PAGE 4 Back :To School September 2 Children's' Shoes,. Stockings- and Dresses All the New School Supplies and Text Books . You'll enjoy Shopping here A. T. COOPER'. Phone: 36w Main Store, 36j Second Floor %"a`«,4+: «i �:_':+'�i_ «»::w W s twi: *'i+d »i+'%»: d'?!?,:•.Q+Fds't»:»'rl"['+ini,.Xsts}'A"i'.+.+r4»: t, A NEW START FOR YOU . If you have not been feeling up to par run-down or all in, we can give you a new -start in regaining physical health and strength. FERRO FLEX As the name' indicates is a combination of Iron and Vitamin B, Coomplex. It quickly enters the blood stream builds up your health by in- creasing the ever necessary red blood corpuscles, you owe it to yourself to try it ,u 16 O. BOTTLE $1.25 3., W. S. P. HOIM[S PHM, B. 7 X CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 51 i4+: or+ .S..4. ww; y wS»i 1 414- •1 -0.4+4» 4.4-4 i 0.44 4«: 4i»b+:»:»'.»t ;»:.444.0:»u4 +.4Hrt'**hyo•144.44.444...44dv: s: Ct. saner : gas:+t :»:»::» lewd School days will soon be here again WHAT ABOUT THAT NEW SCHOOL SUIT OR SCHOOL TROUSERS AND SWEATER FOR THE BOY SUITS RUN FROM $9.50 TO $17.50 Two Pair of Pants TROUSERS FROM $1.85 T0, $3.95 SWEATERS 1,35 TO $3,95 BOYS AND YOUTHS SHIRTS 85c TO $1.50 TIES . 25c AND 50c HOSE 25c, 35c AND •50c GOLF HOSE 35o AND 50c a pair DAVIS & HERMAN CUSTOM TAILORS - Be Measured by a Tailor. 11 ,\'+!?+.:•,S++:N'. , . f !; i»:++;»�,i.'Htr i 1»s fi,.�r.�»trsf +r»!H$»1.+;�;!»;»:++!», , , f , , f»; f : , , ,»;� Special Protitsharing Coupons 3 EPPS SPORT SHOP Headquarters For All Sporting Goods 44..4 ,4+:44444'444.4.+.444 1.44+M.+ 4.14 'O.:I.:4 .:4444 Redeemable for dishes, silverware, electrical appliances, cook- ing utensils, school supplies etc. The coupons ale given out at: Epps Sport Shop and Red Indian Service Station Coupons redeemable at either places SPECIAL PRICES ON BATHING TRUNKS AND FISHING TACKLE Large stock of tennis rackets, football boots and baseball shoes, and all kinds of sporting equipment. One lovely William A. Rogers silver teaspoon. will, be given free to the first 50 customers making a purchase of $2.00 or over. tars RIGHT! GO 9RAMTEER GOGDPEARS 011 TINE! DRiVE iN...SEE US FOR St3OODYEARS,..ON EASY TERMS Brownie's 'CLINTON ONTARIO Service Station PHONE 5 JOIN YOUR FRIENDS .... RiDE ON GOOUYEARS CONSTAN.Ct, The regular meeting of the W.A. was held, in the basement .of the chur- ch Thursday afternoon, August. 14th, with the vice-president, Mrs. J. W. ila:rter, -hi' the chair. 'The meeting 4)0641,0 by the use of hymn 362 follow- eth with prayer by Mrs. P. Lindsay. 'the business part of the meeting bibsed with hymn 190 and the. Lord's, ;Prayer was repeated in unison.. Mrs. Chas. Dexter took charge for, group 4; Hymiy5211 was sung. Mrs. Joe Rrl a +says•read sthe,,aeripture!;,'lesson from:. ?F1 Psalm,' Ors ;:R'obt,; :,Lawson gave rleMea it after whie .rs 'Lindsey. da $> 3iftxeh � � P Yil'glf4:thae'hain t++ Miss Marion-.krwson • e t .afew 'dAyr laitweek,uto her srn Miss coria Lawson. } , Miss Edith. Britton returned home on Friday after spending a few days with her sister Mrs, Andy Reekes of Belleville.• 1 r !I,°141 Miss Doris Lawson went to London on Sunday to resume her position af- ter her lengthy .illness. Mr. Leo ,Stephenson left Sunday for camp at London. Mrs. Leo 'Stephenson and Billy spent,•,Sunday..in.,Blyth visiting with her father and :mother, Mr, an Mrs. Wm Logan • r Mr raands,MTS.4 John, Ferguson and Mrs.., (Jack, Carter spent+, Friday in Stratford. ;, ` T Mr. Lloyd• Jewitt.of iHamiiliton spent the Weekend !With. ekW . ii,. neistdyes Mr, DonaldStephenson left ,Sa lt- iirttay with the Seaforth "Boy Scouts for two weeks at camp, PREMIER KING FLYS TO ENGLAND' Word was received in Canada on Wednesday, August 20th, that Prem- ier King had arrived safely in Eng- land,, after a flight across the Atlan- tic accompanied by several officials. v STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. H. Noonan and, son Bobby returned home to Windsor. on Monday after spending two weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Adam Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stewart and daughter. Nancy, returned to London after spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Fen. Stewart. Mr. Frank How returned to Toronto on Friday having spent a weeks vaca- tion with friends Mr, Norman Welsh of Lambeth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, C. Glen on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McFarlane Chris- ty and Ann, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Farlane Sr. motored to Highgate on Friday to visit with Mrs. McFarlane's sister, Mrs. Win, Speare, who is not enjoying good health. Mr, and Mr's. Francis Daymond and sons, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stewart. Stewart staying for a longer visit with his grandparents, Gnr. John Deeves R.C.A. stationed at Petawawa and Gnr: Chester Neil- anc R.C.A. of Hamilton viisted at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ed. C. Glen over the weekend. Pte, Bob. Glen of the Huron Middle- sex Reg. went to London on Sunday for 18 days training. Mr. Arthur Chapman returned home on Sunday from Atwood where he had been visitting with his mother and friends, Alice Glen had the misfortune to step on a piece of glass on Friday cutting her foot quite badly. Mr. John Innis, who is confined to the house is much improved, Mr. Randal Pepper of Niagara Falls spent the weekend at his home. Miss Charlotte Johnson is visiting her sister, Mrs, R. Woods of St. Hel- ens. Mrs. Neil McGregor, and Miss Kate McGregor and Miss Jean Mustard are visiting friends at Tiverton. Miss Joyce Broadfoot, and sister Edna of Kippen, are visiting, Mrs, James Thomson. v BRti CEFIELD Bingo. Don't forget the good time to be had in Brucefield the evening of August 29, for Patriotic and Red Cross puposes. Mr, and Mrs. W. Simpson of De- troit visited Mr.C. D. Simpson. Mr, and Mrs. E. Schilbe and son of Zurich, Mr. and Mr's. E. Munn and Eilleen of Hensall spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. G. Swan. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Doan, Mr. and Mrs, Wilcox of Alvinston visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Dawson on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaiser of Detroit are visiting, Mr. and Mrs, H. Zapfe. Pte. Abe Zapfe of Sussex, Nova Scotia is spending•..a week at his home here, V LONDESBORO Dr, L. Whitely with Mrs. Whitely of Gerrie and Mrs. Orpha Riley of Toronto were visitors with friends in the villiag'e, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Myiers are vis- iting .with. Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Lyon. Mr. Melvin Brundson, a student at the Galt Aircraft School, spent the weekend at home. Miss Doris McCool of the 9th eon. is holidaying with her cousin, Phyllis McCool. The death of Mrs, J. C. Adams oc- cured this Tues. morning at the home of her son, Harold Adams. Mrs. Ad- ams was stricken two weeks ago with a paralytic stroke from which she did not rally. Miss Isobel Morrell spent " a few days this week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown of Lond- Mises Gailya Manning spen t the past , week at the home of John Sine - tar Kippen. Mrs. R. Townsend and daughter Dorothy are holidaying at Teibermory and other points. • Mr?s. J. Tamrhl +n visited at the .home. of Mr'Watt, -Myth, on. Su;tday There will be no church services this. Sunday, August 24th, but the fo}-, lowing &nsdgy, Aug'ws 3�1 't services will Mrhse;as A's, n I W ��am Snell l �d ,.M ra Wa1- ;gut Webster have been visiting their sister,' MIPs Addie Jen�Ins dif`4Goiieil"- .,, r ich.' Mrs. Webster has remamad, for a longer stay. IN'ON COLLEGIATE. INSTITUTE aper School Results Followings are the Upper School results for the year 1940-41 :The ggading.grcinted.in each subject is scheduled as.follows; 1, 75 to 100%; •2, 66 to '74% 3, 60 to 65%; o, 50 to 59%; x failure. ' Pupils who have been engaged in Farm Service should send in their certificates' of employment ss the Department will not grant -thein standing until these are received,. The following pupils have not returned their certificates for farm employment: Jean Hearn, Sybil Keys, Wilma Watson, Bernice Lobb, Jean Long; "Patricia Morrison, Eunice Roy, Raymond Snell,. Grant Bisback, Catherine Jefferson, Anna Reid, Betty Snell, Middle School certificates will not be issued this year as formerly. Graduation: diplomas will however, be granted to those pupils who have completed four years, of high schopl work, and passed in Middle School, English; Ancient History, Ancient and Mediaeval History, , Health, and' any three of Mathematics (Algebra and Geometry), S'ei- 'ence (Physics and Chemistry), Latin (Authors and Composition) and French (Authors and Composition). After Shop Work and Home Economics have beentaught in the school for four years they will make another option. Arthur Aiken Eng. Lit. c; Alg. 1; Geom. 2; Bot. 3; Zool. 3; Chem. c. Florence Aiken Eng. Lit 2; Mod. His. x; Bot. c; Zool. c; Fren. Auth. c; Fren. Conn). c Alen Brandon, Eng. Comp. 3; Mod. His. c; Alg. 1; Geom. 3; Trig. c; Bot, 1; Zoo) 3; Fr. Auth. 1; Fr. Comp. 1., ClaraFrC.larkComMod.p,1. His, 3; Geom. 3; Trig. 3; Bat. 1; Zool. 2; Fr. Auth.1; , William, Cook, Geo. 3; Trig. 1; Phys. c; ' William Counter, Eng. Lit. c; AJg. 2; Geom. 2; Trig. 1; Phys. 2; Chem. c; Fr. Auth. 3; Fr. Comp 3. 1 , I Rita footer, Eng. Lit, 1;, Mod. His. c; Geom. 2; Trig. 2; Bot. 1; Zool. 1; Phys.2; Chem. 3. Wesley Ham, Eng. Comp c; Eng Lit. c; Alg. 1; Geom. c; Trig. 1; Phys. c; Chem. x; Fr. Auth. c; Fr. Comp c. Jean Hearn, Mod, His. 1; Geom. 1; Trig. 1; Lat. Auth. 3: Lat. Comp, 2; Fr. Auth. 1; Fr. Comp. 1. Helen Herman, Eng. Lit c; Mod, His. c; Geom. e; Trig. 2; Bot, c; Zool. c; Pr. Auth. c; Fr. Comp a. Vera Iioggart, Eng. Comp. x; Eng. Lit. e; Mod. His. x; Trig. x; Bot. 2; Zool. c; Chem. x; Pr Auth. c; Fr. Comp. 2, Sybil Keyes, Mod. His. c; Trig. c; Bot. a; Fr. Auth. c, Isabelle McGill, Eng. 'Lit. 3; Mod. His. x; Geom. x; Trig. x; Bot. c; Zool. e; Fr. Auth. c; Fr Comp, e. Ross Merrill, Eng. Lit. c; Mod. His. c; Geom. 3; Trig. 3; Bot. o; Zool. c; Phys. 3; Chem. 3; Maxine Miller, Mod, His. c; Geom. e; Trig. 3; Lat. Auth. c; Lat. Comp. 2; Fr. Auth. 3; Fr. Comp. 1. Rolfe Monteith, Ehg. Comp. c; AIg. 1; Geom. 1; Trig. 1; Phys. c; Chem. c; Fr. Auth. c; Frr Comp. 3. Donald Sundercock, Eng Lit. 3; Alg. 3; Geom. 2; Trig. 1; Bot. g; Zool. 2; Phys. 3; Fr. Auth. c; Fr. Comp. 3. Ivan Turner, Mod. His. c; Trig, 1; Phys. 2; Wilma Watson, Mod. His. 3; Trig. 3; Zool. c; Precentage Suc_essful 93 per cent. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Benson and Gloria Good of Ben - miller visited last week with their cousins, Gordon and Joyce Grigg. Misses Kathleen and Elizabeth Mid- dleton are at the Anglican church camp at Kintail for ten days, Mrs. Janes Johnston is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Thos. Sowerby of Goderich Township. Mr. Ted Middleton of Galt Aircraft School spent the weekend at his home. The S.S. No. 4 Unit of Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. Irvine Teb- butt on Wednesday of last week with the president presiding. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the previous: meeting were read and adopted,' The treasurer re- port was also read. Mrs, W. Biggins was appointed.to look after the yarn and finished knitted article's and Mrs. F. Jones was appointed to act as pres- ident until the health of the former president Mrs. Churchill, is improved. Other business` was discussed. Yarn and sewing was then distributed. The meeting• closed with the National An- them, Lunch was served by Mrs. I. Tebbutt and Mrs. W. Biggin. The finished articles for July are: 1. shirt, 1 pair rifle mitts, 1 pair plain mitts, 1 pair"Seaman socks and 1 pair sockees. v OBITUARY MRS. FRED CALVER Mrs. Fred Calver, of Goderich and formerly of Clinton, died suddenly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Neil McDonald, Goderich, on Sunday, Aug- ust 17th. She had not complained of illness when she retired on Saturday night, and members of her family were deeply .shocked when they found that she had passed away in bed dui. ing the night. Mrs, Calver, who was in her 66th, was discussed and money was voted year, was a native of England and for our part in the decorating of the parsonage, at Hayfield; about 12 ladies were present. The hostesses for the day were Mrs. Les. Cox and Mrs. Jas. Lockhart. PhiIlis Harris is enjoying a week's visit from her little chum from Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Will Nichol of Port Credit are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Newton. Miss Betty Newton has accepted a position as stenorgrapher with the, Gardner Motors at Goderich. Muriel and Lois Rowden of Holmes - vine are spending a week with their V grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Lock - TWO .110lIrS: ock- TWO.HOU•rS: Fifteen Dollars harTht,e Red',Cross'meeting was well It ,'is reported' that the House of attended on Mondey afternoon at m Comons special committee on war Grace church -with about 25 present. expenditures meet's linty two hours, a Two quilts Were quilted. It was de day, .`The reason' given is .that the eided to hold a bake sale this Satur-: stenographic reporters` can not' get d'ay; August 23, at Clinton, to further: through more than that amount of'oua'funds. 4 boxes'of goods were evidence in a (lay. Packed aritiy: 1 turtleneck' sweater; Th'e'" mei bers of the committee are 2 pr. two-way, mutts:" Navy: I 1 scarf; tern allowed $l5 a 'day for attend 2 " helmets; " 2 '.pair long socks ace. Most of them would probably k sca4k 1 alternate cap, pair seeks; aa44ea , at nhg nas.welteingyri r3" pair ribbed seamen tskks. Bomb Ci w, everm %. $';ggilbs, 1 pair bloomers; 1 thheerns ,t,tdo o ep,pp. Iiwith,e , tmheoe�rd$,nogra1, m!eate'rIosprtal Supplies. 10 ps erce; pyfkgwexapants A that'tie'oiild`sit" wrote" than two dainty lunch as"ourseried by"' hours a day?-Finencial Post, • Westside ladies. !, Men of 30, 40;.50 PEP, VIM,, VIGOR, Subnormal?, Want normal pep, vim, vigor, vitality? Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Contains tonics, stimulants, oyster elements - aids to normal pep atter 80, 40 or 5Q. Get a special introductory size for only 854+. Try this std to normal pep and vim today. For sale at all good drug stores.' O Fall Fair Dates The following is a list of Agricul- tural Societies' Fairs and Exhibitions in this district for .1941: Ottawa (Central Gan. Ex,), Aug, 18-23. Toronto (Can. Nat. Ern), Aug. 22 Sept. 6. Tavisstock, Sept, 5-6. New Hamburg, Sept. 12-12. Stratford, Sept. 15-17. Blyth, Sept, 17-18. Exeter, Sept. 17-18. Listowel, Sept; 17-18. Kincardine, Sept. 18-19. Palmerston, Sept. 19-20. Zurich, Sept. 22-23. Mitchell, Sept. 23-24. Ripley, Sept. 23-24. Bayfield, Sept. 24-25. Kirkton, Sept. 26-26. Atwood, Sept, 29-30. Teeswater, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Dungannon, Oct. 2-3. Gorrie, Oct. 3-4. London (Junior only), Oct. 10-11. V PORTER'S HILL On Sunday, August 24, communion service will be conducted at Grace church at 9.30 a.rn. Their will also be a Baptismal service. On Aug. 31, Anniversary Services will be conducted, at Grace church, when the Rev. E. Alldsworth of Staffa United church will speak, morning and evening, 11 a,m., .7.30 p.m. The choir will be assisted by outside talent, A Thank Offering is asked for. Thursday, August 14 the regular meeting of the W.A. was held at the church. A quilt was finished, business came to Clinton, twenty-eight years ago where she resided until she went to Goderich, in June 1940. Her hus- band predeceased her several years ago. She was connected with the United Church of Canada, and the funeral services which were held bn Wed. afternoon were conducted by Rev. R. N.'Turnbull, 'rector of North street United church, Goderich. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Neil McDonald' of Goderich and Mrs. H. McKay of Kitchener and one eon in Sudbury., THURS., AUGUST 21.', 1:941" We Need More Butter There is GQ.od Money in Crean • 3 TODAY'S PRICE, cents ,OBTAIN Higher Production WITH Shur -Gain 35°"/0 Dairy Concentrate IT IS - - Thoroughly Sweetened--Palatable-High in Fat arid in Healthful Minerals -Moderately Bulky and Mildly Laxative -High in Balanced Proteins. ..,..... PALATABLE - EFFICIENT - LOW IN' COST GET YOURS TODAY AT CLINTON FEED MILL $ K. CORNISH, rucefield. ALEX WELLS, Londesboro. 3 .•h WilO'S WHO ,. Badness Director Buy 'at home where your dollars go just as far, condi- tions for shopping in Clinton are ideal, you can get just as good products here as anywhere. You make your money in this district, wliy not spend it here? The advertisers are your servants, they are here in bus ness for your benefit. Why not show your appreciation by patronizing them. Thank you WHY NOT Drop in and see Agnew at The CLINTON BILLIARD PARLOURS Full line of Cigars, Cigarettes, Pipes, and Smoker's Sundries THE BARBARA BEAUTY SALON Invites Your Patronage Permanent Waving - Beauty Culture in all its branches Phone 212 for appointment. THE CLINTON LUMBER. COMPANY can supply you with wood, lumber, glass, cement, Iime and other build- ing supplies at lowest prices. A Call will convince you Phone 319w or 319J B. Huller; Mgr. SPARTON Refrigerators and Radios We meet or better arty price you can get elsewhere Visit The Clinton Bicycles and Sporting Goods Sales Shop Ellwood Epps, Prop. VISIT HENRI'S BEAUTY SHOPPE .. Expert Permanent Waving Scalp Treatments our Speciality Phone 223 fdr_appointments. ADVERTISE IN TIM . . fi. CGINTO r S ,:;RECOIi NI qr NE.�' PHONE 194 JERVIS HATCHERY and FEEDS Big Fluffy Chicks that Live and Grow Government Approved Monarch and Cafeteria Feeds R. L. Jervis Clinton, Ontario YES J. B. MUSTARD Sells, Wood, Coal, Cement, Shingles, lumber and at Lowest Prices Phone 74 and let us convince you "Service and Quality" our motto • WHY NOT BUY IT AT PATTrSON'S 5' to 1.00 Store We Stock everything in small wares. Stop in and be convinced Phone 140 Victoria Street WATKINS SERVICE Blue Sunoco Motor Fuel Blue Sunoco Oil and Greases Phone 18 Clinton Ont. TRY WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC For complete Motor Tune-ups Generators and Starters Exchanged Carburetors; 'Batteries . Brakes Re -lined and Adjusted Wrecker Service W. D. (Bill) Welis, Prop. Phone 349, Clinton STOP AT BROWNIES SERVICE ' STAT" for "eonipli to lubrication, gas and oil l .Oath . Chi sler Cars f�1 in ',,... rin , a 1 d look` ,o4our Used Cars Agents ,for Goodyear. Tires Phon 5 - No. 8 Iiaghwass_