HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-08-07, Page 8OWE g THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD RIB BOILING BEEF 18c .lb. BRISKET BOIL 13c Ib. HAMBURG STEAK 20c lb. VEAL STEWS 18c ib. LAMB STEW 20c lb. VEAL RIB CHOPS, ...... LAMB CHOPS 25c lb. 35c lb. CONNELLr & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT •MARKET ." Phone 102. Albert Street Hot Weather Specials We Carry in Stock THE FAMOUS SNOW BIRD; ELECTRIC WASHER The Salve is also Equipped with Gasoline. Call and See Them Demonstrated Electric Rangettes, Hot Plates, Toasters and Iron. Gasoline Coleman Stoves, Hot Plates and Irons Coal Oil Stoves and Ovens UTTER PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. Clearing Sale OF - v. Summer Merchandise WHITE SHOES -- OUT TREY GO REGARDLESS OF COST` Lot No. 1 — Odds and Ends of broken lines • 50c pr. Lot No. 2 — Better Lines of Tics, Straps and Pumps 51.00 pr. Lot No. 3 — In this Line are shoes that sold to $2,50 . , $1,49 pr. Lot Nn. 4 — This includes many of ohr bettor lines $1.95 NO RESERVE — EVERY PAIR MARKED '.CO• CLEAR MENS SPORT SHOES — White and two tone priced at - B4OYS LONG COTTON PANTS — X1,49, $1.95 aitd $2,50 Choice of the let 79c MENS FINE SHIRTS — Broken lines that sold to 1.75—collar attached or seperate collar 79e MENS WORK CLOTI•IING -- Greater selection and prices very low — Shirts, Sox, Underwear, Work Pants and Overalls, Caps, Gloves etc. WORK CAPS 29c and.35c Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Ilats — Scott & McHule Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. COOL WEATHER Is on the way. Order your FALL WORK NOW In order not to be disappointed Good Job Guaranteed PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS AT LOWEST PRICE HARDWARE and PLUMBING J .Phone 244 DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS ENJOY YOUR DINNER AT THEELITE CAFE GOOD FOODS EXPERIENCED CHEF. Remodeled Dining Room with Pleasant Surroundings HOWARD, LEE, Manager. uy aNIMP .....ter..,.4......�F... AR SAVING •CERTIFICATES Regularly THURS., AUGUST 7, 1941 ; New Novel Natty It -is Iuxurious but not a luxury. It fits your purse' and eicpresses your personality. It is reasonable in price and ex travagant in quality. It tends toward increased effect- iveness and decreased defectiveness. • Its a reliable remedy for shortness of cash for those who appreciate ex- cellence. Your letter in quality and style re- flects your nicety and an impression of refinement. Your taste is nreasuyed not solely by the words in your ,letter, but also by the paper your letter is written upon. All the above refers to a new shape in a pad of good quality correspond- ence paper. The envelopes are about square in shape, 25 in package, . pad has 40 sheets, superfine paper deck- led on one edge, advantagely priced at 39e for pact and envelopes. v V V. V FOR VICTORY V V V V TIE W D. Fair co Often the Cheapest—Alwayo the Beat i I�II�I���II� w� Illllllllinnunmu�uminmiu�il lin a llpllllu Miss W, E. Thompson of Toronto is visiting het sisters in town. Mr, and Mrs, Jim Livermore are hol- idaying at Bayfield for a few weeks. Mrs, Wallace Wheatley of Woodstock called on friends in Clinton Iast week. Mrs. Andrew Eagan of Napanee is visiting her mother, Mrs, L. M. Mc- Kinnon. Mrs. Ida Smith of Toronto is visiting Mrs, Ruth Vodden and friends in town. Mrs. George Hunter of Exeter spent a few days recently with Mrs. T. J. McNeil. IDIr. Nay and Miss Mildred Heard mat- tered. to Barrie last Thurday to visit with friends. Misses Maxine Miller and Florence Aiken are holidaying in Bayfield this week. Mr. Ken Carter of Chatham spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Carter. Bill "Blondie" Cook, R.C.A.F. Virden, Man., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mts, J. W. took. • Misses Jessie Campbell and Isabel Colquhoun are holidaying in East- • ern Ontario this week. Miss Agnes Agnew of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Agnew. Misses E. Morrison and L. Jowett of Toronto are guests of Mr. ad Mrs. E. W, Morrison this. week, Bruce Bartliff, R,C,A,F. St. Thomas spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartliff. Corp. Gordon Monteith of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Mr, and Mrs. 11, M. Monteith. Bill Counter, R.C.N.V.R., Toronto spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Counter. Miss Madelon Hawkins of Toronto is holidaying at the hone of her par- ents, NIr, and Mrs, W. T. Hawkins, Air. and Mrs. E. S. Liveunorc and.fam- ily of Aylmer arrived in Bayfield last Sunday, where they will spend the summer. Mss. Edgar Torrance and daughter, Joan and sister, Mrs. Moon, of Toronto have been visitors with Mrs, John Torrance, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bawden and sons, John and Bruce of Hamilton are visiting friends and relatives in Clinton and vicinity, Mr. all Mrs. John Hawkins and Miss Frances Hawkins of Hamilton, Mr. W. T. I•Iawkins and Miss Madelon of Clinton spent the weekend in Meaford, Mr. Duncan Cartwright of Alliston spent the weekend with his mother, A. L. Cartwright and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alexander of Goderich township, AC. Jack Hawkins, R.C,A.F., Toronto and Serg. Hugh Hawkins, Army Trades Shoo], Hamilton spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hawkins. Mrs, W. H. Sault and baby daughter; Jeanne, have returned to their home in Chatham after a two weeks' vis- it with the 'lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs W, Carter. Mrs Wallace Wheatley of Woodstock and Mrs, David Kay of Clinton spent. a. few days last week in Bay' field as guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jim Livermore at the Livermore cottage, WE TELEGRAPH` FLOWERS When you say it with flowers SAY IT WITH OURS . We Supply Flowers for all. Occasions DILL FOR SALE Tents for rent also Summer Cot- tage for rent after Aug. 18th, F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 Quality Meat Market HOMEMADE SAUSAGE 20c lb. CHOICE THRESHING ROASTS 20c Ib. PICKLED ROLLS 33c ib. WHITE'S BOLOGNA .. , . 23c Ib. HAMBURG STEAK 20e lb. PICKLED PORK HOCKS 10e lb. CHOICE SHOULDER ROAST of Beef 20c Ib. RIB ROAST of Beef. 20c lb. FRESH BEEF TONGUES 15e lb. Custom Killing and Sausage Made at Reasonable Rates. Highest Prices Paid for Hides. JOSS FITZSIMONS PHONE 76 tet lit The Habit Of Phoning or Visiting OUR STORE 1 Bushel Bag (31/2 lbs.) NEW PORT FLUFFS .... 49c 2 Cakes ODEX SOAP with punch Balloon . llc 1 ib. Tin GOLD MEDAL COFFEE with 1 bottle vanilla 55c 4 pkg. JAR RUBBERS 25e 1 doz. ZINC RINGS 25c 1 pkg. PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES with Fruit Nappie ' 25c 4 cakes TOILET SOAP with Dish 25c PICKLING SPICES in 5c or 10c pkgs. CI1;0ICE ASSORTMENT PKG. COOKIES All cellophane wrapped 15c JOHNSON GROCERY The New Red Front Store PHONE 286 Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR August 7, 8, 9th SUNLIGHT SOAP 4 bars 22c KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES 2 pkgs. ST. WILLIAMS ORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE 2 lb. jar 27c GARDEN PATCH PEAS NEW I'ACK 16 oz. tin JELLO PUDDINGS 3 pkgs. , , . AYLMER PEACHES 18 oz. . 2 tins 29c 2 in 1 SHOE POLISH paste tin 10c P.&G.SOAP bar 5c IIINSO Ige. pkg. 25c ROYAL YORK CHEESE '/ ib, pkg. PINEAPPLE JAM BISCUITS lb. 19e NEW SULTANA RAISINS 2 lbs. 25c TOMATOES No. 1, 5 lbs, , , , , , , 23c 11 qt. Basket 55c GRAPEFRUIT size 100s 5 for 25c LEMONS size 300s doz. 39c POTATOES peck 33c CARROTS bunch 5c 23c 10c 23c 70 L iiiiPSONM Free Delivery ' Red Shield . The Red Shield meeting was held at the home 'of Mrs. Fggnk Andrews, As these weekly meetings progress, the cares and worries of household duties fade away, and socks, quilts and many other articles for the boys and those in need are the topic ofthe hour. It was moved that pyjamas be made this,weelc. Besides the'subs- criptions ' of $2.50 donations of a quilt top by Mrs. Swan, a quilt' top by Mrs. Wm. Benzo and buttons by Mrs. Snell were received, Other articles brought in were one pair of pyjamas, five prs of souks. Those omitted from last week's report were 15 pr. socks, 2 sweaters, 3 scarves, 7 pr. pyjamas and 7 quits. The R.S.W.A. as well as other gath- erings suffer a drop 'in attendance these grand summer clays. There were 17 members and 8 visitors pres- ent, Ladies' handkerchiefs were in prominence as Lieut. Whibley bade a fond farewell. He will be leaving this week on a 3 weeks' furlough. An in- vitation is given and a hearty wel- come awaits all who will rally to- gether at the home of Airs. Robert Carter, Tuesday, Aug. 12th, at 2.30 p.m. HOLMESVILLE In a recent shipment by the Holrnes- ville Red Cross Society the following were included; 7 quilts; 16 bed jack- ets; 1 child's kinrona; 4 caresses; 1 slip; 1 pair pyjamas; 1 pr. bloomers. Foul of the quilts and three of the dresses were the work of the Junior Red Cross Society. BRI CEFIELD. Miss Evelyn Grainger R.N. of God- erich is visiting at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Kay and family of Niagara Falls visited Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. Mr. Hugh McGregor of Detroit is spending his holidays with his father, Mr. H. McGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Doan of Inwood are visiting Mr. and Mrs, R. Dawson. Rev. and Mrs. Atkinson are spend- ing their vacation at Bruce Beach. Mr. and 14Irs. Russell Wilcox and Mrs. R. Doan of AIvinston spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Dawson. Miss Tena Grainger of Clinton spent a few clays with Mr. and Mrs. J. Grainger. Misses Ina and Ellen Scott of Lon - do spent the holiday at their home here. Mr. and Mrs, C, Halstead and son of Stratford spent the weekend with Mr, ad Mrs. T. H. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs, John Calvert and fam- ily of Iiderton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Grainger. Mr. A. Murdock, of Detroit is vis- iting his sister, Mrs. J. Cairns and Mr, Cairns. FOR SHEARING'S QUALITY FOODS SPECIAL VALUES AUGUST 7, 8,, 9T1 -I RED & WHITE PASTRY Dr. POMI+ILO'S GRAPEFRUIT FLOUR 24s bag ,,. 69c flJICE 2 tins ,,:,,,.,, 25c LADY GODIVA BEAUTY NATIONAL SOAP SOAP 12 for 55c FLAKES 51b, box 39c COFFEE Red and White lb. tin 57c LISTEN -..—�...�. CFRB TUESDAY. .9WENING 8to8.30 MOTHER M.mILrmtotha CUA PARKER'S TEA. Moro Cede 0 the Paund CONTEST WHILE IT LASTS %x lb. pkg. 38c COFFEE Gold Medal lb. tin 119c ALL13N'S APPLL AXL]VIER TOMATO JUICE 2 tins ..... 19c JUICE 2 tins 23c IDEAL 7 OAIAf1;0 AERO LIQUID CATSUP 2 for 23c WAX pt. ORANGES doz.... 27cLEMOIs To Tomatoes. Cabbage, Crakes, Carrots, Potatoes Grapefruit 6 for...25cBANANAS 2 lbs. 19c C.M. SHEARING. RED AND WHITE STORE P ONE. 4 8 Prompt Delivery CLINTON •r 29c L.y A Large New Stock room,Bedroom. and Chesterfielo-date Furniture d Suas ites, ust as largeiicassortment Dining - mom, Studio Couches, Lounging and Occasional Chairs, also a great as- sortment of Beds, Springs and Mattresses. There is a slight advance in price, but WO feel you can still save money by buying now as we are working on the policy of small profits and quick returns, Hardware Department You will find a great selection of Preserving Fettles Alumin- um and Granite in various colors. . Then for cooking, use the quick heating Gas or Coal Oil Stoves •or Plates. No long waits with these stoves. A wonderful range of high class Carpenter's Tools aiways ready to carry away, all width s,tSl ding Windownd moths 'eens,tScreen Doors, have and Best of all, Combination Doors for both summer and winter. "The Store With The Stook" BALL & ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Hardware -- Furniture .- Funeral Directors -- Ambulance Service. W. Ball, Phone 361. PHONE 195 J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103, ensweemorowaommeamaierarsomersorooresemees mom urrememoorommersomsemearmsesraffeal Weekend Prices FOR YOUR PICKLING WE STOCK A r'ULL LINE OF SPICES AND. PURE VINEGAR PEACHES PLUMS, AND TOMATOES ARE NOW ON SALE BY THE BASKET AT LOWEST PRICES MELONS ARE ON SALE THIS WEEK, SELECT YOURS FROM OUR FRESH STOCK JAVEX CONCENTRATE BORAX per pkg. 5c of 10c per bottle 15c CHLORIDE OF LIME per pkg. 15c COFFEE freshly ground from the Bean per lb. 39c WALKER'S SODA BISCUITS - 2 lbs. 25c SWEET MIXED BISCUITS per Ib. SWEET MIXED PICKLES 19 oz. Net WIDMER'S GRAPE JUICE 16 -oz. net SMITHS GRAPE JAM 19c 25c 25c 2 lb. nett 1 29c CERTO 8 oz. 25c LAVOLINE 2 pkg19c KLENZINC AMMONIA per pkg. COMFORT LYE per tin SHINO STOVE POLISH per tin 5c 10c 10c HAWES' LEMON OIL 12 oz. ... 23c CASHMERE' TISSUE . Completely wrapped Soft Pure White 750 sheets to the 'roll 3 FOR 2&.`e 1/2 lb. 3$c 22 oz. pkg 15c 31 oz. pkg, 20c Orange Pekoe Clifford Lobb ; So s PHONE 40. THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. par