HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-08-07, Page 5'THURS., AUGUST 7, 1941 THE., CL.1 TON NEWS -RECORD AUBURN Mrs. Bessie Sicily of Toronto is visiting Mr• and Mus. E. Phillips:v 1VIr. and Mrs. Roderick Ross of - Loehalsh and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross of Detroit visited last week with Mrs, Y. Ross. Mrs, Dorothy Reid of Toronto vis- " Red with her father Mr. Ephriam.Ball last Wednesday. Miss Annie Weir is visiting her brother Dr;,; B. C, Weir. IVIr. and Mrs. Ernest Robertson of 'Toronto, ad Mr. and.Mrs.0. M. Rob- ertson of London, visited with Miss. • Susie Blair on 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shepparl1, Jean .- and Tommy;' left on Friday to visit friends at Brampton and Toronto. Mrs. Fred Ross spent the weekend with friends at Lochalsh,. Miss Josephine Weir • is visiting friends • at Strathroy.• Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dawson had their home " stuccoed reeently, , Mrs. John Symington, a highy ee- teemed resident, of the village, cele-, 'bitted her 82nd birthday' last Friday. Sorg. Jack Weir returned to Oshawa Monday after a weeks holidays with :his father, Dr, B. C, ;Weir, There'will'be no service .in the Un-- sled n-lied church next Sunday. •Mr. Norm- an Rutter of Clinton will have charge oaf the services in the Baptist church - and in the Presbyterian church Rev. T. Z. Robinson of Stratford -will con- duct the service. The Walkerburii Ladies' 'Club. met at the home of Mrs. Arcliie Robinson en Wednesday, The president Mrs. 'T,`rrnest Patterson was in charge of the devotional period. A quilt was quilted! during the afternoon. The following officers were.dlected: pros- deist; 'Mrs( Ernest Patterson; treas- nrer, Mrs, William Archambault; sec- rotary, Mrs. Bert flunking; .pianist, Mrs. Jas. Jackson. The August meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Janes Jackson. The hostess served a dainty lunch. The Annual meeting of the Bible ' Society was held in Knox Presbyterian church in Thursday evening. Mrs. Edgar" Lawson was in eliarge. The scripture was read by Mrs, Gordon Taylor. Mr. Frank Raithby led in Prayer. The secretary treasurer Mrs. R, J. Philips reported that $50.20 had been collected heave last year, Mrs. A. E. McInnis of Toronto gave an in- spiring address on the growth of the society, Mrs:. Earl McKnight and Amelia Mclllwain sang a duet. The following officers were elected: pres- ident, Earl Raithby; secretary -treas- urer, Mrs. R. J. Phiilips;eollectors for the video, Isobel Rollinson, Marguer- ite IKilliugh; Blyth Road, Eu'elyn Plaetzer and Viola Thompson; Base Line, Minnie Wagner and Maxine Ball; West Wawanosh, Helen Robert- son and Lilian Stewart; East Wawan.• osis Amy. Toll and Mary Nesbit; Westfield, Ferree MODowell and Dor- othy McVittie; Donneybrook, Jean Robinson and Pearl Jones; 13th con- cession Hullett, Edna: Archambault and Kathleen Patterson. The Ladies Guild of St. ai kt s Anglican church ,met in the Orange Hall on Tuesday afternoon .with Mrs. Gordon Taylor in rcharge. The scrip- tu:re was read by Margaret Nesbitt and Mrs. C'lif, Brown led in prayer. A quilt top for the Red Cross was 'donated :by Mrs., Gordon Taylor and was "made by Mrs. J. Taylor. Miss Ila Craig sang a solo. The topic `Friendship the World's greatest need' was taken by Mrs. D. W. Hamilton, Miss Betty Asquith gave a reading. The meeting was closed with prayer. Lunch was served. • The W;M.S. of Knox United church met on Tuesday. The meeting was in charge of the G. G. I. T. with Miss Dorothy Anderson presiding. The scripture was read by Eileen McClin- ehey, prayers were offered by Mary Munro and Marguerite Isillough. June Marsh gave a piano solo. Readings were given by Zeta Munro, Margaret Wightman and Mrs. Woods. A diet' was sung by Mary and Zeta Munro, Amy -Toll gave a paper on "How the Artist forgot, four colors" Vivian Straughan favoured with a piano in- strumental. The topic "The Life of Rev. James Evans" was given by Miss Dorothy Anderson. The president; FOOT TROUBLES? FOOT OR "LEG. PRINS?-- PERS'PIRATjON?- CONTRACTED HAVE YOU ; PAINS CALLOUSES. OR CRAMPS' AT OR NEAR , WB RE FINGER ' POINTS DR. SCHOLL'S representative from Toronto will be in our store Tuesday afternoon Aug. I2from 2to6 This man is thoroughly trained in the scientific methods of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, internationally famous Foot Authority, who, for. almost a third -century has, 'been alleviating human foot suffering throughout the entire world. Come in for Pedo-graph imprints of your stockinged feet. Learn how the proper Dr. Scholl Foot Comfort Appliance or Remedy can relieve your particular foot trouble. Clutt's Shoe Store CLINTON ONTARIO Mrs. Woods took charge of the bus- iness period. Itwas decided to make a quilt top for the Red Cross. The. meeting was ciosed with prayer. Visitors with -,Mrs. Doyle • and Mrs, Margaret King on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.` Raery Anderson of Luck - now, Mr. and: Mrs. T• red -Match, Clin- ton and Mrs. King and son Harry of Toronto. Miss Ruth Arthur ' underwent a tonsil operation at Clinton Hospital on Monday. Mrs, John McKnight and Jackie McKnight are visitinf Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson at:Clinton. V . GODERICH TOWNSHIP The South End Red Cross Unit will meet., Wednesday afternoon,; August 13th, at the home of Mip and Mrs. Ar- thur Welsh, Please come reqUipped to quilt or sew. Mr. Harold Bell of London, spent the weekend and holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Wise, and other friends in Goderich township. • Miss Evelyn Wise' is holidaying in London 'and •Dul'ehester. Mrs. George Chennery and grand- daughter, Miss Peggy Wilson of Tor- onto, who have been holidaying with Mrs. Fred Wallis, Blue Water High- way have returned to their. home, Miss Helen Mae Welsh is spending a few days with her cousin Mrs. Fred Wallis. . Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Miss Jean Anderson, Mr. Dave- Anderson, Mr. and :Mrs. Howard Snell were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh, Bayfield Line. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Reed of Lond- on, spent the weekend and holiday with Mr. and Ms. Arthur Welsh. Mr. Charles Ferguson and Miss Florence Lovett of London were guests on Monday of Mr. L. Steph- enson, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rathwell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Welsh, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Eailapd .Betties of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bettles. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, of St. Thomas spent Monday with Mrs. Clark's brothers, John and William McGuire. Mr. Jack Stirling of St, Catherines spent a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Stirling. Mr. Mac Sloan and Mr, Jim St; Claire of Galt visited friends in this vicinity on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McIntosh and Miss Florence and Miss Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Schultz, of Ingersoll, were visitors at James Stirling on Monday. Master Gordon and Miss Joyce Grigg are spending a few days with 1VIrs. E. Trick. The many, friends of Mrs. Walter Wallace are pleased to see her out again after her resent illness, Mrs. Alf. Scotehmere Jr. of Hamil- ton is visiting her father, Mr. Robt. Ciuff, • VARNA Mrs. Robinson Woods and Mrs. Sarah Woods of St. Helens, in comp- any with the latter's daughter Mrs. Doherty and Mr•. Doherty and family of Guelph, were renewing acquaint- ances in the village Friday. Rev. D. T. Painting B.A., M.A. of Brantford will conduct services in St. John's Anglican church during the month of August, at 1.30 o'clock. Mire. Reid of Windsor, in company with her son-in-law and grand- daughter, spent Sunday with Mts. M. Reid, We are entry to report that, Mr. Frank Weekes is not as well as his many friends would like but we hope soon to see him well and strong again. Given Doherty . of. Guelph is visit- ing with her cousin, Mona Reid, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Woods and little son Bobbie, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Bender and son of Listowel, spent the weekend at Hayfield and on their return called on friends in the village. 1. Beautiful Lifetime Porcelain Cabinet! 2. More useful—faster, with new exclusive R;ADIANTUBE cooking units! Lowest cooking Cost in Frigidaire historyl 4. Sensations! Value! SEE THESE FEATURES! ds$Cookinaster Clock Oven Control • One -Piece Stainless: Porcelain ,•:copking''rep Thermizer Well Cooker ' -Wale Irwin Unit Oven Warming Oven ;•a High -Speed Broiler „ ail!adels.;for *very :fronts,- P Ca P0 rice '*r ut�sb: .pt - .Try v e1, Exclusive New Frigidaire Radiantube Cooking Units Faateitt.in ,.Frigidaire history! Itrae�hrt�&a.�.s.,,fitt ve practical cook- iin 3•.'fn o. 1c) l Mal: MOTORS .. GENERA the famous makers FRIGiDAiR R ';- REEit1GE i,,c, ; ",, & P b e C1>�ntdn •P�ho •i: /r:9,,, �Si. r. ,. ., u3 ,... �'ay.fWillt�[07_PL nG [999 els „i14q,oY vi�IH4rissonu,ox CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and R61. A FEW POINTERS TO KEEP UP: PRODUCTION 'WITH HIGH- GRADING EGGS 1. Feed a good laying mash. 2. Remove males from Reek. 3.' Gather eggs twice daily. 4. Place in a ventilated container. 5. Market eggs' at least twice per week. 6. Protect eggs from high tempera tare. 7. Never place waren eggs incases. 8. Produce clean eggs. Following the above rules should give you the .top, prime that we are paying just now. Egg -Grading Station 0-140 N. W. TREWARTIrE % Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. catkin's Locker Storage Your own taste guickly tells you how GOOD are frosted foods. Compet- ent authorities have found that 'mod- ern freezing ,methods retain health- ful vitamins which old fashioned "can- ning" tends to destroy, We sell fish at prices ranging front' 10 cents per lb. to 24c lb. Now is the time to store green beans, also beets and carrots. Ask for free bulletin on preparing same for storage in your locker. "Frozen Foods are Better Foods." PORTER'S HILL- On ILLOn Sunday, Aug. 3rd it was good to see the church filled when 75 young boys and their leaders; who are spend- ing a very happy two weeks holiday on the shore of Lake Huron, attended morning service. Their voices put new life into the old hymns, also a Mon was given. Rev. Currie de - tion was was given. Rev. Curry de- livered a splendid sermon. John Torrance Reid Torrance, Wilmer Har- riosn, Ray Co; Don Harris, Keith Cox, Glen Lochart, were ;Instrumental in bringing the boys to and taking them back from the church. Thanks a lot for the lift. Jim Young is assisting Wilmer Har- rison with the threshing outfit this fall, Mrs. Wilmer Harrison had a very pleasant surprise on Saturday even- ing when her nephew and his friend of Saskatoon, Sask., arrived. These two young men are with the Royal Air Force at St. Thomas so decided to hitch hike over ,on their 48 hour leave. We understand Miss Dorothy Stirl- ing, Goderich township, has been en- gaged as teacher at S.S. No,r 5 at e salary of ;);1,000. Miss Ruby Reid, Varna, is spending the weekend with her friond, Miss Ruth Harris. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harty Powell over the weekend were:'Mr. and Mrs, Web. Powell and Mrs. Coch- an, Toronto; Mr, and Mee, Geo. Hall and four children, Wingham. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lockhart were: Mr, and Mrs. Walter Corbett, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Herb. Corbett, Dundalk; Mr. Harold Bell, London; W. A. Lockhart, Londesboro, Corp. Stewart Schoonhals, Toronto spent the weekend with his wife at the horny of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott. . Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Durnnin, London, spent the holiday with Mr. ad Mrs. M. T. Woods V Address Soldiers Mail in Ink Postmaster General " Witham P. Mulock has always shown a keen per- sonal interest in providing a safe and expeditous service for mail to our overseas troops.; One frequent cause of delay—a direct fault of the sender —is illegible addresses on mail mat- ter.. Ito has frequently been found that pencil written addresses become smud- ged and unreadable during course of transmission, with 'the result that is is very difficult for the Canadian Postal Corps to effect delivery, When INK is used there is less danger of the address fading or be- coming obliterated and: persons send- ing letters . and parcels to soldiers overseas can help ensure their safe and speedy delivery by always having care taken to see that the address is written in a clear and legible man- ner in INK. All mail should be fully prepaid and a return address given in the up- per left -rand corner. Letters parcels and newspapers for our troops over- seas should be addressed in INK as follows: Regimental Number, Rank and Name, Name and Details" of Unit (1 e Com- pany, 'Section, Squadron. Battery, Holding Unit ,etc.) , Name. of Regiment or Branch of Ser- vice, Canadian Army Overseas. Th the soldier is still in Canada, mail should be addresesd to him giv- ing than— ` Regimental Number, Rank and Name, Nance and Details of; Unit (as above), Nalneoef Regiment or. Branch of Ser,- Natite of the Place in Canada where tihd "Unit is stationed, ROXY I LTTEATRE C NOW PLAYING "Pirates On Horseback." MON., TUES. & WED. Conrad Veldt, Valerie Hobson and Hay Petrie ., Strangers at dusk . lovers at dawn,after a night of incred- ible agvehture in the Meekness .o,f;I London, ; mea t! "BLACKOUT" • THURS., *FRI.' & SAT. toe isowman , Alan limits, Bed Abbott , Lou . CreSfello.. and the An- drews Sisters It's a riot of music end .laughter • as• Abbott' and Costello become un- its in Uncle Sam's great draft army' "BUCK PRIVATES" PAGE 5' CAPITAL THEATRE GADERICH , NOW: Jon Hall as "Kit Carson" MON., TUES. & ' WED. John Wayne, Thomas Mitchell and • Ian' Hunter portray a dynamic adventure, Eug- ene O'Neill's dramatic story 'The Long Voyage Home'` THURS., FRI. & SAT. EDWARD G. ROBINSON' supported by 'a stellar east in salty, fighting adventure yarn "THE SEA WOLF" Coming: "Penny -Serenade" Irene.. Coming: the Long 'Voyage Mat.: Wed. Sat. & Holidays.3 p.m. Home" by Eugene O'Neil REGENT THEATER SEAPORT$, NOW: Gene Autry in "Melody Ranch." Mon,, Tues. & Wed. Two Features Conrad Veidt and Valerie Hobson dramatize a thrilling wartime story BLACKOUT" Added feauture'Christmas in July' THURS., FRI. & SAT. Jon Hall and Lynn Bari bring to life an amazing character out of the old west "KIT CARSON" Coming: Alice.Faye in "The Great American' Broadcast." Mat.: Sat, and Holidays at 3 p.m. BARTLIFF'S SATURDAY SPECIALS CHELSA BUNS PECAN ROLLS STJEYS RAISIN BREAD • ROLLS FRUIT AND NUT BREAD OATMEAL HERMIT FRUIT BAR COOKIES LIGHT & DARK CAKES TARTS INDIVIDUAL LEMON PIES PEACH CHERRY APPLE LEMON PIES White Buttermilk, Whole Wheat or Cracked Wheat Bread BUY FROM YOUR HOME BAKER PHONE.1 WE DELIVER For Sale or Rent Former • Sehoenhais Mill office for sale or rent. Would alter to suit teirant. Write L. D. Mansion, 94 King street, London. 51-4 MARRIAGES ALLEN -KEYS— In St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield, on Satur- day, August 5th, Sybil Lorraine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford ICeys, and William Russell Allen,. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sylves- ter Allen were united in marriage by Rev. Harold Currie. BIRTHS DALE ---In Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, August 5th, to Mr. and MIs, Wm. J. Dale, a daughter (Laurel Karen). FISHER --Int Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Wednes., August 6th, to Mr. and Mr. Stewart Fisher, for- merly Evelyn Co; a daughter, Sharon Anne. - DEATHS MINX IL, -In Clinton on Friday, Aug- ust 1st, Ellin Lorena Clarkson, wid- ow of the late Peter McNeil, MANNING --In Toronto, on itfonday, August 4th, Margaret Gemmill, widow of the late Walter Manning of Clinton, in her 78th year. FAIRSERVICE In London on Sate urday, August 2nd, Gerald Glenn Fairservice, aged 23 years. ADDISON—In Clinton on August 7th, Joseph Addison. SHEPPARD—In Clinton on Thurs- day, July 31st, Annie Steep, widow of the late George R. Sheppard, in her 79th year. Scarcity of Public School Teachers For the. past few months, Ontario. has been faced with a probable short- age of Publie School teachers. Al- though salaries hate increased cons- iderably during the year, it is certain that some Trustees' will find 'it dif- ficult if not impossible to secure a qualified teacher for the opening of school In Sepgtember. To many boys and girls just graduating from High School, this scarcity of teachers of- fers an opportunity to train for one of the most important forms of se). - vice to our country, It is hoped that many of these young people are plan- ning to enter the Normal School in September. The regulations call for nine Upper School papers of admission to the Normal School, but the Department has announced that eight papere will be accepted this year. The Stratford Normal Sohool stands ready to; servethe prospective teach- ers, of this part of the Province. The Principal would welcome an oppor- tunity to meet with students and their parents to discuss any matters con- nected with the course. A list of ap- proved boarding houses itt Stratford may: beobtained by writing to Dr. H. G. Maiityn ,the Principal. The ap- plication forms to be used in seeking admission to the Normal School may be, obtained by writing to the Deputy Minister of Education, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. These forms are to be filled out ,by the applicant, anti must be forwarded, with the required certificates ,to The Deputy Minister of Eduratiq,'n.pet,to,the Maraud School L. the applbgatiion is accepted, a card o£ nadneiesieni•giving. the .date of open- ing of the Normal School will be sent from thee;Depertmen);t of Education , UsedCai1s 1940 Ford' Coach'" 1939 Plymouth Sedan 1938 Chevrolet Coach 1937 Chevrolet Coach 1937 Plymouth Coupe `1936 Pontiac Coupe _: • ' 1935 Ford Sedan 1934 Dodge Sedan 1932 Ford Sedan (B Model) 1930 Essex Coach 1929 Ford .Sedan 1929 Ford Coach 1929 Chrysler Sedan 1931 Durant and Panel Truck 1937 Chevrolet y Ton Truck Reg. Shipley Supertest Products — Dominion Tires MAIN CORNER CLINTON PHONE 182 FOR SALE Used Drills and Cultivators" One 13 Disc Cockshutt Ferti]izer. ..Drill and one 13Disc Coekshutt. ,. Grain Drill in shape for Fertilater and two used Cultivators. H. CHARLESWORTH CLINTON TELEI'Ii,ONE 199w Anniversary Services in connection with St. Andrews Un- ited Church, Bayfield, will be held on Sunday, August 10th at 11 a.m. and 7,30 p.m. The preacher at the morning service will be Rev. George Oliver of Hyde Park and in the +evening, Rev. Mr. Turnbull of North St. church, Gode- rich, The Walpor Male Quartet of Dash- wood will sing at both services. An ,invitation is extended to all CARD OF THANKS MVirs. James Milter, Mrs. Henry Steep and Mr. Adam Steep wish to extend their thanks and appreeiatton for the kindness shown them in their recent bereavement; also for flowers and to Rev. 11. Wilding for his kind Ministration. CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Fairservice and family wish to extend their sincere thanks to their many friends and neighbours for their kindness shown them during Glenn's long illness and in their resent sad bereavement; also to those who sent floral tributes and loaned 'their cars. AT A ROCK- BOTTOM LOW PRiCE COME' IN AND SEE THIS BIG TIRE TODAY! WE'LL PUT IT ON YOUR CAR WITHOUT DELAY e For a bargain In low-cost, long -service wheel'equlp.. went, equip with Pathfinder and new Good- year tubes to - BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing MONUMENTS! To those contemplating Imild- ing a Monument . . Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All wort- guaranteed, JOHN GRANT:. CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clmton -- Ontario Successor to Ban & Zapfe 5' tf Attention Fanners Now' is the time to buy your elec- tric fences complete with 6 -volt Hot - Shot and all insulators as low .as $15, with a two year guarantee. General Batteries (Hot Shots) and Insulators in stock Also Radios, Refrigerators, Washers Tubes and Batteries. A. W. Groves. Princess St.. PRINCESS ST. CLINTON Lost Two year old black steer wandered from the farm of Proctor Palmer on No. 8 highway, near Holmesville. Please telephone 9011,31, Clinton Cen- tral. 32.1 Garbage Collection Garbage collection will be 15 cents per week. Loads of junk will be $1.50. Arthur Fulford. 52.2 Car For Sale $25.00 will take coach in good Tun- ing order with. license. Apply Furni- ture Hospital. I. L. Langford'. Pasture for Rent Good grass pasture, well -watered, for rent by the month, Apply to Lloyd Medd, R.R. No. 1, Clinton tele- phone 801r41. 32-1 NOTICE - Ail Accounts owing the late Jabez Rands, Blacksmith, must be paid by the 22nd, of August at H `Cameron's Shop. All Accounts not paid by the above date will he handed in for collection. 51-2 NOTICE The S. S. Cooper Estate must be sold, at a sacrifice, within the next three months. The Sloan Block, Nor- mandy Hotel, several other stores ,and several private houses; also' the Perrin Brook. A. J. Cooper, executor of the es- tate, will be in Clinton every Thurs-` day until further notice. Anyone in- terested will he able to see hint or phone 207 Goderich. 49-4 Truck for Sale IAA ton Chevrolet truck stake body, in first class mechanical condit- ion. Price reasonable. Apply to F. W. Andrews, Clinton, phone 33. ' 47-1 For Rent Nine roomed house en Rattenbury street, West, with all modern con- veniences; hot water heating; in goosi shape with good garage. Immediate possession, Apply to W. J. Elliott, Victoria street, Clinton phone 336. 47tf. For Sale A two story frame house and three quarters of an acre of land: .Owned by Miss McFarlane. Apply by tele- phoning 907r31 or 620115, 4312 Poultry Wanted We weigh and pay cash for fowl; at your door. Reliable culling done free. Phone 266 and, reverse the charges. G. Pearson, Clinton 4444 For Sale . House and lot with garage, on Rat-. tenbury street, town lights Sc. water; also house and two lots on Huron. street, 9 rooms, lights and water, also stable and henhouse. Apply to Miss Bertha Cantelon. Huron street, Clin- ton. 27t dayl • Wanted Old horsds' and cattle for mink feed. If' • dead phone at once. Will pay ac- .RROWNLEE,' cording• to value. Elmer Trick, phon4 907r5,' or Lloyd Batkin 619r14. Service Station, Clinton. si % ` * ' 45tf e-e.+aq,