HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-08-07, Page 1The News -Record Est. 1878
With Which is
ws- Recori
Incorporated The Clinton New Era
NO. 6052 -62ND YEAR
liabl usiAlamone Clocks.of Hellyar'sre-
The price is small as compared
brith the time saved.
These clocks are absolutely de-
Sleep at night with the assur-
ance the Alarm will call you at the
right time.
Jeweler and Optometrist Residerice Phone 1747
We Are Continuing our Sale of
Summer Dressesand Sportwear
until the Entire Stock is
Other Clearing Lines Through-
out the Store.
Don't Fail to Look Over our
Table of Remnants from our
Piece Goods Department.
See our wrist watches in the latest designs from
$12.50 up. Also all the new ROLEX and LORIE
models from $29.75 up.
BILLFOLDS of all kinds, -some with seven wind-
ows for the man who has to carry several licenses
and cards.
Combination Pipe and Tobacco Pouches
With air -tight seal at $1.25, $1.75 and $2.50
Lighters and Cigarette Cases of many kinds. Ron-
son Lighters from $4.50 up.
Razors and Blades of all kinds. We have the Gil-
lette Londoner Sets, complete with 5 Blades and
plastic case at 59c.
Parker Pen and Pencil Sets from $4.25 up.
Signet, or Initial or Emblem Rings in man styles,
all at reasonable prices. y '
Single Brlatshes from $1.00 up.
Writing Sets, Pipes, Tie Clips, Watch Straps,
Sun Glasses, Ronson Flints and Fluid and many
other items always in stoc1..
Remember Watch Repair is a Job for Experts.
Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction,
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century in Huron County.
-r �o.W lir
The New Era Est. 1867
August 22nd for
Sponsored by the Clinton Lions Club
Clinton Council Passes
Licensing Taxis.
Council met in the Council Cramb
on Tuesday evening, August 5th, with
Mayor McMurray in. the chair and all
members present, The minutes of
the previous meeting and speeial
meetings' were read and adopted.
Communications were read from A.
E. Frernlin, Arthur Milford, Depart-
ment ren
=employment m
ployment Insurance, and
Cliff. Watson.
Falconer -Agnew -That Chief Con=
stable_Freiulin be granted holidays
from Aug. 3rd to 18th and that con-
stable Elliott act on night duty and
Frank Bawden act as day constable
during the chief's absence and each
receive the iegular pay for the of-
fice filled.
er T. Hawkins brush,: varnish and
sundry , 3.70
Sutter & Perdue sundry art. 7.97
D. Kay work, office floor , 8.50
H. M. Monteith war services as-
sociation ...... 250,00
M. Mel7tvan salary y .
J. Necliger, sr. gas. and oil , , 3.93
Wm. Cook 3 lits. @ 50c 1,50
Win. Cook 12 hrs. @ .50e 6.00
. Fire and Water
Carl Draper tress 6 months pay
for Firemen .232.50
Dry Earthy Closet
"A. Fulford salary 60.00
Nediger-Walker-That Clerk not-
ify Mr. Fulford that this council will
not consider any increase in his sal-
ary owing to the fact that the dry
earth closets are decreasing in num-
ber each year.
The question of unemployment in-
surance was deferred for further
guidance from the Department.
The request from Mr. Watson re-
parding renting the Town Hall one
night a week during the winter was
discussed. It was felt that it would
be impossible to make such a grant as
the Hall would probably be needed for
many purposes, and it was left with
the clerk and the property committee
to make an agreement with Mr. Wat-'
By-law No. 6, for 1941 re licensing
those operating taxi service in the
town of Clinton whereby the owner
pays $25 for the first ear and $10 for
the additional cars,
Livermore -Agnew- That Bylaw
No. 6 for 1941 re licensing taxis be
read the first time.
Walker -Elliott -That ByLaw No.
G be read the second time.
Necliger-Elliott---That Bylaw No.
6 be read the third time and passed.
In reporting for: the Street Com-
mittee, Councillor Walker stated that
work was deferred in connection with
placing bonding material on the per-
manent streets, since the amount of
moey allotted to the Street tom, was
running low.
Councillor Agnew in reporting for
the Health committee, stated that of-
fensive odors were coning from some
of the catch basins, showing that sep-
tie tanks and sinks were draining
water into the public dra5ns. Coun-
cillor Walker stated that refuse was
being left.in the alleys behind stores
and the matter would be referred to
the Board of Health.
Councillor Churchill reported for
the Relief committee, stating that
there was only one family on relief.
Churchill--Nediger-That, in lieu
of the monthly vouchers to certain re-
lief recipients, and as suggested by
the Inspector of Direct ,Relief, the
council approved the present standard
of relief and payment of $17.05 on
the first and fifteenth of each month
to an eligible family of five members.
Councillor Falconer read the fin-
ancial statement.
Mayor McMurray stated that, as
customary the council had requested
the Board of Education to let the
Council use the grant that they re-
ceive from the County. At the meet-
ing of the Board of Education last
Friday afternoon, no action was taken
in connection with the matter.
Reeve Livermore moved adjourn-
Your Finance Committee beg to re-
commend payment of the following
accounts for July, 1941:
'ay -Sheet 206 hrs. @ 30c 61.80
37 hrs. @ 50e 18.50
3runner Mond Co Calcium
Chloride . ..... , , 10.55
as. Jackson Cutting weeds . 4.20
Street Lighting
',U.C. lighting .streets 226.16
'.U.C, lighting rest room .... 1.00
ALC, lighting town hall . , 11.95
P.U.C. lighting stock scales 1,00
P,U.C. lighting band stand .,., 2.00
Mrs, L. Tidesweil care of rest
room .2.00
E. G, Howes writing desk , , , , 10.00
A. E. Fremlin salary 73.33
D. Elliott salary- 60.50
M. T. Corless salary 64.17
N. Kennedy salary 50.00
Coun. Churchill July Relief
Accounts . 28.80
H. Bartliff Indigent return fare
London . 2.48
Elite Cafe winter meal tickets
7@250.....,,.. 1,75
Queen Alex, San Thorax Indig-
ent . 6.00
Postage and Stationary
Bears Lini. ledger posts, steel
ruler . 5.14
W. D. Fair Co. voucher books 22.00
McKibben Agency liability cover-
age 85.00
General Municipal Expenses
C,N.R. 1 yr. rental stook scales 5.00
C.N.R. Telegrams 1.05
Bell Telephone general 7.52
W. D. Fair Co. Framing Scroll 2.65
Clinton Lions Club Town Cent-
ral ('lower Bed , 5,00
M. T. Corless Express and
Telegrams . , , , .... , , 1.01
Clinton News Record Advts., Not-
ices, Announcements . , , 10,50
Licenses $50.00
Fines 20.00 ' Last Sunday, No. 31 Radio School
Rentals , . , , , , 15.00 R.A.F., Clinton, held its first Drum -
Cemetery , , .. ,,,, 56.00 head worship service on the parade
Stock Scales 29.25 groud, Wing -Commander A. H.
Market Scales , .,, 5.00 Cooks was in charge and Rev. G. G,
$175.00 Burton, chaplain of Clinton Legion
War Veterans, led in devotions and
gave the address.
Ken Miller of Juveniles Goes
To O.H.A. Camp
Kenneth Miller, son of County
Clerk and Mrs. Miller of Clinton, has
4been named by the Ontario Hockey
1 Association as one of the six boys in.
!the province to attend the boy's camp
of the Ontario Athletic Association
near Orillia irr August.
A mencbor of Clinton's O.M.H.A.
juvenile champions in 1940-1941 and
1940 junior intercollegiate champion
of Huron County, Kenneth was also
well up in Ms studies at the Clinton
Collegiate, an important factor in his
recognition by the O.H.A.
Ken will leave on Sunday for a
two weeks' stay at the camp.
The Collegiate Report for Grades
9, 10, 11, 12.will be found on page 7.
•Fred i♦uliott of Toronto, driving
West on No. $ highway on Saturday
night was met head-on by Flight
Lieut•. Maurice of the R.A.F. Radio
Sheol No. 31, of Clinton, who appar-
ently, had reverted to the English
traffic rule and was driving on the
left side of the road. The accident
occurred about a mile west of Sea -
forth. Mr.Elliott was 'uninjured bait
Maurice was taken to Scott Memorial
Hospital, Both cars were badly
Red Cross Shipment
The following articles were shipped
this week from the workroom of the
Clinton Unit: six quilts and twenty-
eight pair of ward slippers off the
March quota. The donations were one
quilt fro nitlte quilt committee, one
quilt from the W.A. of the Presbyter-
ian church and three quilts from the
Evening Auxiliary, and one quilt from
the Guild of St, •Paul's ehuroh,
. V
L.O.B.A. Picnic
Huron L.O.B.A, No. 377 are hold-
ing their annual picnic at Goderieh
on Saturday afternoon. All members
are requested to meet at the Lodge
room at 2 o'clock.
v--- -»-
First Sunday Service at
Radio School
The regular monthly business meet -
in gof the Clinton Red Cross Society
will be held on Monday, August 11th,
at three o'clock, in the basement of
the" Presbyterian church. Tea will be
served at which the ladies of the
church will be the hostesses, Please
keep this date in mind and bring your
friends with you so that a' good at-
tendance will be assured.
If there are any members who have
not yet handed in their quilt money
and tickets, will they kindly do so be-
fore this meeting as the draw will be
made during the afternoon.
The regular meeting of the Sum-
mer Hill Red Cress Unit was held on
Wednesday, July 30th at the home of
Mrs. Wm. Snell, The president was
in charge of the meeting, which op-
ened by singing the National Anthem
ani] repeating the prayer for peace.
The minutes of the previous meet-
ing, were read and adopted. Twenty-
five members answered the roll call.
Mrs. Ball gave the treasurer's report,.
$149.89 on hand. It was moved, by
Mrs. Joe Rapson and seconded by
Mrs. J. Gibbings that quilting frames
frames be purchased. During the
afternoon a quilt was quilted and a
top worked on.
The next meeting will be hold at
the home of , Mrs, Fred Vodden on
Wednesday, August lath, The bext-
esses will be Mrs. Will Snell, Mrs.
Wm. Mair; Mrs, Ab. Vodden and Mrs..
Will Lovett. The roll call will be an.
swered by, "My favourite hobby,"
Tea was served at the close of the
meeting, 1
Presbyterian Church
9,45 Worship Service at Bayfield;
11 Worship Service at Clinton; 7 lr,rn.
Evening Service, Clinton,
E.Y.N, Mission Band Friday will
meet at the Manse, Boys Craft Club
also Friday at 2 o'clock.
The Clinton Women's Missionary*
Society have been invited to attend a
meeting by the Bayfield W.M.S. The
Clinton Society will provide the pro-
The T0i3 Club will meet on Tues-
day evening at 7.30.
Wesley -Willis and Ontario Street
The congregations of Wesley -Wil-
lis and Ontario St. United churches
will unite for common . worship in
Wesley -Willis during the month of
August. Sermon subjects for Sunday,
August 10th, will be: morning, "The
Kingdom of the •Christ" and in the
evening, "Under the Juniper."
Ontario Street Church
The W.M.S. of Ontario St. United
church will be held at the home of
Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes on Tuesday
afternoon, August 12th, at 2.30. Tea.
will be served at the close of the meet-
St. Paul's Church
Aug. 10, 1941, IX Trinity; 10 a.rn.
Sunday School; 11 a,m. morning pray-
er. It is expected that Miss Frances
Hawkins of Hamilton, will give the
address on her word in Japan; 7 p.m.,
Young People's Service..
Wed.; -Au ust 13th annual tal
g , n
gational and Sunday School picnic to
Elliott's Grove, leaving Perish Hall
at 2-o'd?ock.
Reeve Fred Liveronre and Mrs.
Livermore and all the members of
their family held their first family
gathering at Harbor Park, Goderieh
on Sunday. Present for the occasion
were Mr, and Mrs. Fred Livermore
of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Liver-
more and son, Carl, of Stratford; Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Livermore and
sons Earl and Kenneth of Harriston;
Mil. and Mrs. Norman Livermore of
Clinton; Miss Hattie Livermore of
Clinton; Mrs. Lampinan and daugh-
ters, Jean and Betty of Clinton; Mr.
Livermore er {vert of Clinton and Mr.
and Mrs. Don Bissett (Bessie), of
Goderieh. Mr. and Mrs. John Perdue
of Goderieh township were also pres-
Lucknow Man Dies As
Result of Accident
Wilfred Mintz of Lucknow, driver
of a light coupe with rumble seat
which careened from highway No. 8,
three and three-quarters miles west of
Seaforth early Saturday morning, died
at 920 a.m. Monday in the Scott Mem-
orial hospital at Seaforth, Lois Far-
quhar of Clinton Stas released from
hospital, having been confined over
the weekend as a result of minor in-
juries sustained hi the accident. Will-
iam Fitzpatrick of Wingham and Dor-
is Tyndall of Clinton, the other oc-
cupants of the car, suffered only min-
or cuts and shock as result of the
accident. All four were attended by!
Dr. E. A. McMaster of Seaforth.
The party consisting of Mintz, driv-
er of the car, Doris Tyndall, his front'
seat companion, William Fitzpatrick,
Wingham, and Miss Farquhar, tiding
in the rumble seat, were proceeding
west toward Clinton when Mintz over-
taking a ear driven by Harvey Wes -
ver proceeding in the satire direction,
swung left to pass him. Misjudging
the pavement width, he swung too far
and went over onto the shoulder.
Unable to control his car, the veh-
icle careened to the opposite side, roll-
ed over twice uic
e and landed against a
wire fence, breaking off a steel post,
As the cur rolled against tine fence,
Mintz was thrown clear and handed on
his head 45 feet from the wreck by
actual measurement. Miss Farquhar
was thrown violently against the side
of the ear body. The men were en-
gaged in construction work at the
Clinton Radia Air School and the par-
ty had been spending the evening at
Provincial Officer Taylor, Clinton,
St. Andrews United church, Bay-
ayfield' was the scene of a charming
summer wedding on Saturday Aug.
2nd, at 11 o'clock, when Sybil Lor-
raine, daughter of Me. and Mrs. CIif-
ford Keys of Varna, became the bride
of William Russell Allen of Seaforth,
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester
Allen. Rev. Harold F. Currie officia-
ted. Mrs. W. J. Clark, aunt of the.
bride was at the console of the organ,
for the wedding music. Mrs EImore
Keys was soloist. The lovely young
bride given in marriage by her father,
was smart in a floor -length gown of
silk marquisette net over satin, with
a square yoke of lace, her long veil
of french net was held with a coronet
of orange blossoms, and she carried
a bouquet of pink briarcliffe roses:
The bride's attendants were gowned
in marquisette net over silk with em-
broidered bolero jaokets. The maid of
honor, Miss Ella Bohn, of Zurich, wase
costumed in pink and carried white
asterinuins• The bridesmaids, Miss
Zerelda Sturdy, Goderieh, and Miss
Doris Clark, Varna, were in Sky Blue
and carried hollywood roses. Mr.
Bruce Keys, brother of the bride, was
groomsman and the ushers were Mr,
Roy Kerr, Seaforth and Mr. Gordon
Keys, Zitwich. Later a reception was
held at the MacKenzie House, Clin-
ton, Mrs, Keys receiving her guests
Wearing- a ensemble of powder blue
Sheer with sweetheart neckline, a blue
picture hat, and corsage of madam
butterfly roses. For travelling the
bride donned a gown of printed blue
sheer redingote; white picture 1, 1 and
Thurs., 7.30 p.m. Intercession ser- white accessories. Mr•, and Mrs. Allen
vice. . : _, will reside in Seaforth.
Miss Norma Bentley is visiting
friends in London.
Mrs Gertrude Glazier. and Mrs. Jinx
Brown spent last week in Trenton;
Mr. Clarence .Swan of Toronto spent
the weekend with his mother, Mrs..
Lucy Swan.
Mrs. W. J. Crooks of Vancouver, B.C.
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mof-
fat Aiken.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hawkins o:f'
• Thedford visited Mrs. Fannie Oliv-
er over the weekend,
Miss M. A. Stone has returnee] from:
Grimsby, where she was the guest
of Mrs. C. D. Milliard.
Mr. Alvin Cooper of, Bruce£ield spent
the weekend with his parents, Mr..
and Mrs. Albert Palmer.
Mr. Harold Johnston of Toronto is
spending his holidays with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnston.
,AC. Pilot Charles Mitch of Camp
Borden spent the weekend with.his
parents, Mr. ad Mrs, Fred Mutch.
Mr. Harrold Seeley, R.C'.A,F, Moncton,
N.B. has been transferred to the
Initial Training' School, Marysville.
Mi'George Stone arrived today from
Greenfield, Mass. to spend a fetes
clays with his sister, Miss M. A.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hawke returned:
hone last Friday after a two weeks'
visit with friends in Exeter and
Dr. Harvey and Mrs. Potter of Brook-
lyn, N. Y. spent last week with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0..
'W. Potter.
Mrs. J. Henderson and Mrs. Mathes-
on and Alfred of. Niagara Falls.
spent the weekend with Mr. and.
Mrs. W. T. Herman.
3Iiss, Drusilla Shaw and Miss Agnes:
.Lamy of Harriston were visitors-
isitorsover the weekend at the home of A,.
3. and Mrs. McMurray,
Misses Helen and Phyllis Herman of
the Farm Service Camp at St. Dav-
id's spent the weekend with, their.
parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. T..Here.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Carnegie and babe of '
London o andM •.
r Gerald
Holmes and
Miss Ruth Beesley of Toronto spent.
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, W..
S. R. Holmes.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tibbles and son
Jim of Scarboro Bluffs and Mr and
Mrs, Ernest I411 and son Ted of
Toronto spent die weekend with Mr.
G. E. Hall, Master John Hall and
Miss Evelyn,
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper have re-
turned from a weeks trip in the -
Muskoka. Lakes District. They
visited Mrs. Willis Cooper and
children, who are spending. the sum-
mer at the Muskoka Beach Inn,
Holiday visitors at the home of Mrs.
1liary Spading were: Mr. and Mrs,.
R. C. Bathwell and Bobby, of Tor--
orito; Mr. and Mn,sCecil Collett.
Niagara Falls; Mrs. A. 11. Arnold,
of Toronto and Miss Elsie J. Sper-
ling, R.N. of Detroit, Mich.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.M.S. will be held on Community
Hall ground on Thurs., Aug. 14th,
The W.M.S. will have as their guests
the Mission'Cirele, Mission Bandl and
Baby Band, Refreshments will be
served. Group No. 2 will have charge
and are preparing a good program,.
All are cordially invited to attend.
Mrs. E. Crawford of Niagara Falls,
is visiting friends in the village,
Mrs. Frank Roberton and littler
grandson John Roberton of London
visited at the home of Mrs, Fred Presf
and Mrs. E. Crawford last week.
Mrs. Harriet Burgess, who for the•
past month been visiting with Mrs.
Margaret Maiming returned to her
home hi Toronto on Friday.
Dr .and Mrs, Anderson ,of Exeter
spent last week at the hone of Wm..
Mr,, and Mrs. Chas. Hall and fain --
fly of Almsburg spent the weekend;
with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Hall•
Miss Helen Youngblutt of London
spent the weekend with her parents.
Mr. Wm, Griffiths, Mr, Geo. ltle
Vittie and Fred' Prest are all work-
ing at the New Radio School at.
Mr. Bert i3rundson has a position
at Camp Borden.
Messrs. Leslie Knox, Edwin Fother-
gill, Bruce and Wallace Riley, Clif-
ford Sundercock are all working at,
Niagara Falls.