HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-07-31, Page 8PAGE 8 u, BRISKET BOIL CHUCK ROAST OF BEEF SHOULDER ROAST BEEF RIB ROAST of choice Beef VEAL STEWS SPRING LAMB STEWS 13c 113. 20c lb. 2oc lb. 2Oc lb. 18c lb' 20c 11). CONNELL, & TYNDAL,L, " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET Phone 162. Albert Street Hot Weather Specials We Carry in Stock TIIE FAMOUS SNOW BIRD; ELECTRIC WASHER The Same is also Equipped with Gasoline. Call and See Them Demonstrated Electric Rangettes, Hot Plates, Toasters and Iron. Gasoline Coleman Stoves, Hot Plates and Irons Coal Oil Stoves and. Ovens SUTTER 6 PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. Clearing Sale OF Summer Merchandise WHITE SHOES — OUT THEY GO REGARDLESS OF COST' Lot No. 1 — Odds and Ends of broken lines 50c pr. Lot No. 2 — Better Lines of Ties, Straps and Pumps 51.00 pr. Lot No. 3 — In this Line are shoes that sold to $2.50 $1.49 pr. Lot No. 4 — This irodudes many of our better lines $1.95 NO RESERVE — EVERY PAIR MARKED TO CLEAR MENS SPORT SHOES — white and two tone priced at BOYS LONG COTTON PANTS $1,49, $1.95 and $2.50 Choice of the lot 79c MENS FINE SHIRTS — Broken lines that sold to 1.75—collar attached or seperate collar 79c MENS WORK CLOTHING — Greater selection and prices very low — Shirts, Sox, Underwear, Work Pants and Overalls, Caps, Gloves etc. WORK CAPS 29c and 35c Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. Summer is Here GET YOUR SCREENS AND SCREEN WIRE FROM US ALSO A FULL LINE ,OF CHICKEN WIRE Leave your order to have your Furnace or Plumbing overhauled or a new one where necessary. Help is going to be scarce you will save yourself worry by leaving your orders early. T. llawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS ENJOY YOUR DINNER AT THE ELITE CAFE GOOD FOODS — EXPERIENCED CHEF Remodeled Dining Room with Pleasant Surroundings HOWARD, LEE, Manager. NOTICE Any Citizen who may have a House or Rooms to Rent, Furnished or Unfurnished, Please Leave all particulars with the Town Clerk in order that same may be Recorded for. the Benefit of R.A.F. Officers on their arrival at the New Radio School. TIDE CLINTON TOWN COUNCIL "The boys of the old brigade" which includes Great War 1 verterns from both sides of the border as well as £rom all over the Empire marching in the Warriors' Day Parade at the Can- adian National ESchibition will be joined this year by many mechaniz- ed units from Canada's modern fight - ]ng forces, 1 1 New Novel Natty THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., JULY 31, 1941 It is luxurious but not a luxury. It fits your purse and .expresses your personality. It is reasonable in price and ex- travagant in quality. It tends toward increased effect- iveness and decreased defectiveness. Its a reliable remedy for shortness of cash for those who appreciate ex- cellence, Your letter in quality and style re- flects your nicety and an impression of refinement, Your taste is measured not solely by the words in your letter, but also by the paper your letter is written upon. All the above refers to a new shape in a pad of good quality correspond- ence paper. The envelopes are about square in shape, 25 in package, pad has 40 sheets, superfine paper deck- led on one edge, advantagely priced at 39c for pad and envelopes. vv V vv V v v v V V FOR VICTORY v v v v _ tr -, Tie W. D Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Beet IIIuN'llumu ipllllliluuumm nig tignifylI l�iplll 141, Mr. Fred Hellyar of Toronto spent the weekend at his home in town. Mr Clarence Rance of Toronto call- ed on Clinton friends this week, Mr's. R. 1'. (Dr,) Douglas of Chatham and small son, Peter, are visiting in Clinton, Mr. Harold Johnston of Toronto is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Johnston of town, Mr, and 'Mrs. E. Moore, and Mrs, Mary Campbell of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Lucas. Mrs. Hugh McLeod of Kingsville is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Nitkle of town. Mr. and Mrs, Edward Cardwell of Stratford were -Sunday visitors at the horse of Mrs. T. Cardwell, Mr's. A. E. Smith of Detroit, Mich., visited a few days last week wit her cousin, Mrs. Iddo Crich, Rev, G. G. and Mrs. Burton will spend the month of August at their sum mer home near Midland, Capt. E)ihel Whibley, stationed at Toronto;.is spending a few days with her brother, Lieut. S. Whibley of the S. A. Corps in Clinton. Mr, and Mrs. William Campbell and daughter Mildred visited with Mr, and Mrs. A. T. Lucas on their way to Port Elgin. Mrs. J. E, Johnston' and Mrs, H. H. Fisher of Hamilton visited for a few days last week with their sis- ter, Mrs, Iddo Crich, Mr, George Fissette of Cayuga call- ed at the News -Record on Wednes- day ednes day on his way home from Taber- may, Miss Eileen McGoun and. Miss Marie Plumsteel of London spent the weekend at the latter's hone in town, Mr. G. E. Hall and his grandson, John Hall of Toronto, and Miss Evelyn Hall visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Hall of Cayuga. Mrs. Twitchell and, .laughter Miss Betty accompanied by Miss Pat Bowland of Windsor left Friday af- ter a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Murray McEwan. Mrs. A. L. Cartwright, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. L. Hall in Cayuga, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harvey Alexander of Godor•ich Township, re After a trip by way of the Gat Lakes and a short holiday spent in Toronto and Ottawa, Miss Vera Hutcheon and Miss Eleanor Fisher from Winnipeg are visiting at the hone of the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Fisher, Misses Eldnal ddamieson, Donelda Adams, Jean Webster, Norman Habkirk and. Loreen Gilkinson mem- bers of the Clinton Public School teaching staff, returned Sunday from a pleasant week's holidays spent at Wasaga Beach, Visitors at the home of Mrs, Anne Holland, this past week were Mr. Albert Halsted, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Halstead and family all of Winni- peg, Mr, and Mrs. Milton Halstead of Lochalsh, Northern Ontario, and Aircraftsman Graeme Langston, R,C.A.F. St, Thongs, formerly of Lethbridge, Albe•ta, WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS'" When you say it with flowers SAY IT WITH OURS We Supply Flowers for all Occasions DILL FOR SALE F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to ,.�lr Itingrai orderQ, ._ !Phones 176 and 31 1 Quality Meat Market HOMEMADE SAUSAGE CHOICE THRESHING ROASTS IN THE LETTER BOX Winnipeg, Manitoba July 24th, 1941 The Town Council, Clinton Ont, Dear Sirs: take great pleasure in acknow- ledging your very thoughtful gift, and it is nice to know that you have been remembered by your homefollc, It is a splendid wallet, ' and any gift could not have been more ap- preciated, The engraving is perfect, and until I can thank you personally, I remain, Yours truly (Sighted) LAO McKenzie, R. D. V LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. Thos'. E. Adams re turned home on Thursday evenin last from a motor trip to Owen Sound Wasaga Beach, Collingwood and Cr angeville. They were accompanie on their trip by Mr. and Mrs. Fre Toll Jr. of near Auburn, sister an brother-in-law of Mrs, ,Adams. • Mr. and Mrs, Thos E. Adams, so Clifford and Miss C. Lloyd, wer guests on Sunday Last of Mr. an Mrs, Earl Hamilton of Bluevale, go mg over to be present at the Decor ation services conducted by the mein bers of the Orange order at the Blue vale cemetery. g' d d d n e d _ 1 d SHEARING'S 'FOR LOW PRICES QUALITY MERCHANDISE SPECIAL VALUES JULY 31ST To AUG. 2ND Gold Medal Vacuum COFFEE pack lb. tin .,.... 491c Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit OLD SALT Marmalade jar 27c Sardines 3 tins 25c DELMONTE LG. MEAT'7"---- RED & WHITE CHOICE PRUNES 2 lbs. 23 c PEAS 2' tins ...,..,21c CHEESE CHATEAU pkg. 17c Rev. and Mrs. A. V. Menzies an family are taking their holidays dur 15c lb. ing the month of August and are at their summer cottage, "Aberfedy' at Tallinsere Beach, Forest, Ont. 20c Ib. PICKLED ROLLS 33c lb. WHITE'S BOLOGNA 23c Ib. HAMBURG STEAK 20c lb. PICKLED PORK HOCKS 12c ib. Custom Killing and Sausage Made at Reasonable Rates. Highest Prices Paid for Hides. HE FITZSIMONS PHONE 76 Get In The Habit Of Phoning or Visiting OUR STORE 1 Bushel Bag (3IA lbs.) • NEW PORT FLUFFS 49c 7 Ib. Bag PURITY FLOUR , . , 33c 3 pkgs. ALL -WHEAT FLAKES with fancy cup 34c 6 pkgs. .TELLY POWDERS 25c • 1 pkg. PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES with Fruit Nappio 24c 4 bars WOODBURY FACIAL lr SOAP 25c 4 bars PEARL SOAP with bowl 25c 4 pkg. JAR RUBBERS 25c 1 doz. ZINC RINGS 25c 3 pkgs. MATCHES 25c 2 doz. JUICY ORANGES 45c 1 BASKET COOKING APPLES 20c JOHNSON GROCERY The New Red Front Store PHONE 286 Superior Stores. PRONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR July, 31, Aug. 1, 2 ASSORTED CREAM SANDWICH BISCUITS lb. 15c OXYDOL large pkg. 23c VAN CAMP'S TOMATOES 2 Ige. tins 25c GOLDEN NET SALMON Ige tin 29c CRUNCHIE SWEET MIXED PICKLES 27 oz. jar 29c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 3 pkgs. 25c HEINZ PORK AND BEANS 2 med tins • 25c MCLAREN'S NUTCRUSH 16 oz. ... jar , , 27c PARD DOG 0R CAT FOOD 2 tins 19c BEE -HIVE CORN SYRUP 5 lb. tin 55c CAMAY SOAP 3 bars ......, , , 17c IVORY SOAP Irg, bar 10c ORANGES med. size doz. 25c GRAPEFRUIT, size 100's 5 for , 25c LEMONS, large size doz, 39c BLUEBERRIES quart 25c TOMATOES AT MARKET PRICE PEACHES and -PLUMS Fr T1 0, iNnI�P SON ee Deliverg ` lJ The service in Londesboro United church next -Sunday, Aug. 3rd, will be in charge of Mr. F. W. E. Storey, a returned missionary from South America, and on Monday evening Mr. Storey will present beautiful colored views of South America and will de- liver his noted lecture an that count- ry. Mrs. J. D. Melville Is with her sis- ter Mrs, James Collison of Blyth who is not well. Mrs. J. TambIyn is spending this week at the home of Mrs. W. Hiles, Clinton. The Londesboro ball team are the Champions of the centre section of the Huron Presbytery Young. People's Union, having lost but one game in the schedule, On Monday night they defeated Gocierich by the score of 22 to 6. Mr'. Glen Fairservice is quite ill again and is now under the care of specialists in the Toronto General Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fair - service are in Toronto with their son at present. The heavy rain which fell on Sun- day night and Monday stopped harv- esting operations. The heat wave still continues at time of writing, Mr, G. P. !!Menzies of Fergus, and Inspector of Public Schools, visited last week at the home of his brother, A. E. Menzies, Cakesc ' CLARKE'S PORK and PKC % Beans 2 tins17c ROSEDALE' TOMATO Catsup 2 for,,, 27c Soup 2 tins 13 COUNTRY KIST GREEN CUTClark's SCOTCH BROTH' Beans tin.,. 1Oc CROWN BLK. Tea 1/2 1b. pk 33c Peas tin 10c 'c4-• S. ,.. 65c QUALITY FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ORANGES doz. 23c LEMONS 6 for ... 19c Grapefruit 6 for Potatoes pk. ' 33c Tomatoes 2 lbs. ,,, 15c BANANAS 2 lbs. 19c Peaches, Radishes, Cabbages Corn, Beans, Carrots A Large New Stock C.M. SHEARING, RED AND WHITE STORE PHONE 4 8 Prompt Delivery CLINTON Of date Furniture ss just alincluding tin froom, Bedroom and Chesterfield Suites, a large aortmen Studio Couches, Lounging and Occasional Chairs, also a great as- sortment of Beds, Springs and Mattresses. There is a slight advance in price, but we feel you can still save money by buying now as we are working on the policy of small profits and quick returns. Hardware Department memo, You will find a great selection of Preserving Kettles Alumin- um and Granite in various colors. Then for cooking, use the quick heating Gas or Coal Oil Stoves or Plates, No long waits with these stoves. A wonderful range of high class Carpenter's Tools always ready to carry away. Keep those flies and moths out we have screens by the yard all widths, Sliding Window Screens, Screen Doors, and Best of all, Combination Doors for both summer and winter. "The Store With The Stock" BALL & ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Hardware 3iture -- Funeral .-fnW. Bali,Phone61.O9Directors 33.ZlePh Phone 103. Weekend Prices MAPLE LEAF SMOKED COT- TAGE ROLLS per lb. in piece 37 c MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA sliced per lb. 22c MAPLE LEAF COOKED HAM per lb. MAPLE LEAF MACARONI CHEESE LOAF per lb. MAPLE LEAF SMALL SIZE SAUSAGE per lb. MAPLE LEAF CHEESE 1/2 lb. package 60c 29c 25c 18c MAPLE LEAF COTTAGE ROLL unsmoked in piece 33c' CLARK'S PORKY AND BEANS 28 oz. nett 13c IDEAL TOMATO CATSUP 12 oz. nett, 2 bottles 25c SPAGHETTI with Cheese and Tomato Sauce size 24 oz. nett per tin 13c SWEET MIXED PICKLES per bottle 25c RED ROSE TEA black or mixed per lb. 25c CHOC. GRAHAM WAFFERS per 113. 25c GRANDMA COOKIES per lb. 20c SWEET MIXED BISCUITS per lb. 20c FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES Potatoes, Cabbage, Head Lettuce, Tomatoes, Carrots, Plums, Peaches, Peppers,.., Corn,.., Apples,.., Bananas, oranges, Lemons, Grapefruit, Cuc- umber and Celery. Clifford THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. PHONE 40.