HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-07-31, Page 3BRITAIN WARMS UP HER INVASION BARGES
As Russia called on her ally to strike . at Ger many in the west, Britain staged a demonstration
of her invasion forces for Prime Minister Churchill. Here Bren gun carriers roll from one of the much-
touted invasion barges that did such a good job in the "practice invasion" of the German -held Lofoten
Islands off the coast of Norway,
l 11?
Two very weary soldiers were
hiking the long, long road bad
to camp. It was a lovely evening
and presently one paused to ad-
mire the sunset and the view.
"Isn't it lovely?" he exclaimed.
"It makes me feel like the poet.
'Oh, for the wings of a dove,' you
The other wiped his streaming
brow and retorted: "I'd rather
have the breast of n chicken,
Pat got a job in a railroad
'station. When the first train
came in, however, he forgot
the name of the station, so
he- called out:
"Here ye are for where ye
are going. All in there for
here, come out."
"Now, children, said the teach-
er, after a nature lesson,."I have
told you how the little new birds
learn to fly. I'II play the piano
and I want you to imitate' the
birds' movements in time to the
As the music went on, all the
children waved their arms ener-
getically, lvith one exception,
"Comae along, Johnny," said the
teacher coaxingly: "why dict you
not imitate the little newly batch-
ed birds at I told you?"
"Please, teacher," replied the
irrepressible small boy, "Ills a bad
"Is the doctor in?"'
"No, sir."
"Do you know when he'll
be back?"
"I don't know, sir he
went out on an eternity
A male nurse in a mental hos-
pital noticed a patient with his
ear close to the wall, Iistening in-
tently. The patient held up a
finger as a warning for him to be
very quiet: then beckoned him
over and said: "You listen' here."
The nurse put his ear to the
wall and listened for some time,
then turned to the patient and
said: "I can't hear anything."
"No," said the patient, "and
it's been like that all day.",
_ There appeared in the
Muggleton Times the follow-
ing advertisement: "If John
Jones, who deserted his wife
and babe some twenty yearn
ago will return, ,the said babe
will knock the stuffing out
of him."
Grisly Loot
In Philadelphia, a thief stoletwo
unlabeled bottles, They contained
rat poison and roach powder, In
Salt Lake City a thief made off
with 15 drawings of a cemetery,
CNA. . Net Revenue
After payment of operating
expenses, the net revenue of the
Canadian National :Railways all-
inclusive system in the month of
June amounted to- $6.828,443 an
increase of $1,267,286 as com-
pared with the corresponding
mouth of 1940, according to the
monthly statement of operating
revenues, expenses and set reven-
ues issued today at Headquarters
of the Canadian National Rail-
ways: '
Net revenue for the six months
of 1941 totalled $32,108,211 an
increase of $15,908,129 over the
first six months of 1940.
Operating revenues for June,
1941 were $25,642,352 compared
with $22,359,937 for June, 1940.
For the first six months of the
present year, operating revenues
amounted to $141,715,488. For
the corresponding six months of
1940 the operating revenues am-
ounted to $113,681,551,
Canadian NatienaI
Railways Earnings
The gross revenues for the all-
inclusive Canadian National Rail-
ways for the week ending July
14, 1941, were $5,543,909 as
compared with $5,494,501 for the
same week of 1940, an increase of
$49,408 or 1%.
Cfin etre
1. Should servants be intro-
duced to visitors?
2, When should the coffee be
served at an informal meal?
3. Should invitations be sent
to a general list when giving a
bridal shower for a friend?
4. At what hour should a .
musicale be held?
5. What is the proper way to
eat watermelon?
6. On whieh side of the bride-
groom should the bride stand dur-
ing the wedding ceremony? ,
1. Servants are not introduced
to the casual visitor, but should
' be introduced to a friend who is
visiting for a few days. 2. Cof-
fee is served at the table either
during or after the dessert course.
8. No; only intimate friends of
the bride should be invited. 4.
If the musicale is to be held in.
the motning, eleven is the cue-
tomary hour; if in the .afternoon,
four o'clock; if in the evening,
it may begin at eight -thirty, un-
less it follows a formal dinner
and then it begins at ten o'clock.
5, With ,a fork, Cut off one
bite at a 'tune, and be sure to
leave the seeds on the plate. 6.
She should stand at the left of
the bridegroom, facing the minis-
Axis Blacks Out U. S. Consuls
For the first time in
many years the United States is without
,direct consular service in 14 Lutropean countries. Nations blacked
out on map are those from which consuls were ousted. Embassies
remain open in Berlin and Italy.
ill 011 Can 1?
Q. How can I bore a hole in
A. . Use a regular steel drill,
and keep the point of contact
saturated with camphorated oil or
turpentine. You will be surprised
at the ease with which this is
Q. How can I remove grass
stains from white canvas shoes?
A. Add a few drops of house •
hold ammonia to one teaspoonful
of peroxide. Rub the stains with
this solution, then wash off.
Q. How can I remove old wall •
paper from niy walls?
A. Use a strong solution of
sal -soda and water. Boil the mix-
ture and apply while hot. After
a 'few applications, the soda will
eat through the glue side and the
paper will come off readily.
Q. How can I restore flan-
nels, that have become hard and.
shrunken, to their former soft-
A. Soak the flannels in gaso-
line for a few hours. Then wash
in soft soapsuds as usual, and
rinse in clear water of the same
Q.' How can I clean old soiled
A. Rub over their surface with
some soft, white bread. They will
clean very nicely.
Q. How can I. clean windows
very well without water?
A. First wipe the windows
with a dry dusting cloth; then
go over them with a soft rag dip-
ped in kerosene; and finally pot-
-ish with tissue paper or chamois.
Windows cleaned in this manner
will not only look unusually
bright, but will keep clean longer
than washed ones.
S ng Crrmposers
Compete at C.N.E.
Song Writers of Every Age
In All Parts of the Dominion
Show Great Interest in Ex-
hibition Contest
C.N.E. authorities report that
the response to date in the Cana-
dian song -writing contest which is
being sponsored by the Canadian
National Exhibition on behalf of
the Music and Lyric Composers
of Canada association, has been
amazing, particularly in view of
the fact that this is the first time
such a competition' has been staged
under C.N.E. auspices.
Every day, it is stated, letters
pour into the Exhibition head-
quarters from composers of every
age and sex, located in every part
of the Dominion, from Vancouver
to Halifax, from Northern On-
tario, the Prairie provinces, Que-
bec, and Prince Edward Island.
The response has incidentally,
been most heavy from Vancouver.
Two separate groups of'composi-
tions are scheduled, popular and
patriotic songs. A large number
of entries have been received in '
both classes, though the prepon-
derance to date has been in the
patriotic group, an understandable
result of war -time fervour, •
Opportunity to Display Talents
Canadian composers in general
through their letters hail the com-
petition as being a long step in
the direction of providing ahem
with an opportunity to display
their talents which might other-
wise be unrecognized. It is also,
they state, a much needed boost
to the establishment of an inher-
ently Canadian type of music.
The compositions entered will
be judged by competent adjudi-
cators selected by the C.N.E., and.
will be played and sung during
the•rut of the 1941 Canadian Na-
tional Exhibition. ,Gold, silver
and bronze medals will be pre-
sented by the C.N.E. to the first
three prize -winners respectively
in each group.
Just Frinstance
In Southport, N.C., a minister
preached on "Ashes." inertly the
church caught on fire. Two hundred
and fifty [miles away in Greenville,
S.C., a minister was preachleg' on
the tumbling walls: of Jericho when
0 oar crashed into the church vest:•
, bale, ahoiveeed the congregation
With. falling plaster.
C.N.E.' Features
Model Homes
Six Canadian Homes, of:. Var-
buss Sizes' and Styles Will
Be Shown This Year in the
International Building
The six 'modern Canadian
homes which will be an important
feature of the International; Build-
ing at this year's Cariadian Na-
tional Exhibition are, state, C.N.E.
headquarters, nearing completion.
They include an eight: roomed
house, a six -roomed brick house,
a $3Od0 cosy cottage for a this
year's June bride and groom, dis-
tinctive for its ,colorand design,
and yet so planned that every-
thing in it is keyed to the small
income of the occupants; an' all
wood colonial bungalow, a modern
small family apartment, and a
"live -alone -and -like -it" business
women's apartment, so' compact
and stream -lined that one can sit
in the tiny kitchenette, make
toast and coffee with one hand, •
read the morning paper in the
other, and check up on .make-up,
fn a strategically -placed mirror
above, all at the same tine`"'
Furnished Completely
These houses will, it is announc-
ed, be furnished throughout with
furniture, electric fittings, china-
ware, etc., of purely Canadian
manufacture. Wallpapers just
arrived from bomb -torn Britain
will be used on, the wallsof each
of the homes. Individuals sPeei-
ally chosen by the C.N.E. to make
up families or groups will actually
demonstrate the livable qualities
of these houses and apartments at
the Exhibition bq living in'thenl.
Four At A Time
For >ea.vet<bFrok
The New British Minister of
Supply Uses Four Telephones
at Once, Talking About Any-
thing Front Politics to Hair
The British house of Ominous
was given a word picture of Lord
Beaverbrook the other day when
hie snccessov as minister of air-
craft production, Lieut. -Col. J. T. C.
Moore-Brabazon, said "he robbed
every hen roost up and down the
oountry to produce planes which
never, under any cireumstancee,
could have been produced other-
"When I. visited Lord Beaver-
brook," Coh Moore-Brabazon con-
tinued, "ate reminded me of those
filets where everyone is talking
over the telephone at the same
time. Ifound him interviewing four
people at the same tanto coherently.
He was talking to America over
tato phone and at the saute time
ordering a hairdresser to come
around to out his hair in the of-
Lord Eeaverbrok, as minister of
supply, is now Utley repeating the
airplaneWeenie in the matter of
Searching For
War Minerals
Department of Mines and Re.
sources Pians SurVey in
North West in Search of Es.
sential Metals For War Pur-
Dr. Charles Clinton of Ottawa,
deputy minister of mines and com-
missioner of bite North West Ter-
ritories, said in a recent interview
that the Dominion gological sur-
vey during this summer will make
a special effort to increase discov-
iscoseries and production of essential
war minerals, D. Damsen was en
route to Yellowknife, N.W,T., and
other northern mining points.
Increased output is being sought
and obtained in gold and oil, Mr.
Canteen 'said. "But thie is to im-
prove Canada's exchange position
rather than because they are stra-
tegic minerals."
There is a certain shortage of
some war minerals Emelt as Lung-
sten, manganese, chromite, vanad-
ium and aluminum, which is pro
ceased only in Canada. The alumin-
unc position Es fairly good."
Change of Pasture
For Sheep Flock
Old pastures which have been.
used year after year are the main
cause for the prevalence of intern-
al parasites, says the Ottawa .Farm
Journal. Frequent changes of mis-
tiest are. important for the health
of the ewe flock and the growth
and development of the lamb crop.
Tills is the season of the year
when haying is being completed—
to arrange for a change of pasture
for ewes. Pasture should be chang-
ed every 10 days or, two weeks if
possible. The more frequent the
change of pasture the more rapid
will be the growth and develop -
anent of the lamb ,crop.
Infant Enterprise.
In 'tate Bronx, New, York, .five
children with ono nickel tried to
Tess through one turnstile all at
once, Police pried them oat with.
a e'owhar.
!ll a Win/
•or Malley Back
ethos roltoffrom it long olnoremnpimples, ash.
let Cefoot tonics, scohi 1 eand other ort nails
caused akin Lomb no, t so f t ting, cool ag ann.
art t r, liquid D. b. D Proscription. .•G ,airs,,
stat ices, Sonthenirdtn iond4 a ekt3 atone steam
Moh g. Mc trial :'bntllopa s l yPeek. Aek
your druggtet today fa 0.00.PRESCRIPTION.
Check With Care
Food and Water
If :Holidaying. in Out of the
Way Places Why Take a
Chance on Contaminated
Water or Spoiled Food
Whilst drinking water supplies
have been improved generally, it is
not safe to -use water from' any, and
all sources in out of way planes,
Pollution may bo present only at
infrequent intorvahs but wily take
a chance. Usually a pre is avail-
s/14e and where this is so, water for
drinking or washing raw vegetables
or melting utensils should be
brought to boil before using. If
when "vaeatlonng on wheels" a fire
is dangerous or out of the question '
the simplest method of purifying
your water is to chlorinate it. This
can be petnfoi'med quite easily • by
using the chlor'hto outfit to be had
tow GO cents at the Ontario Depart-
ment of Health, Parliament Build-
ings, Toronto. Vacationists or res•
idents unable to eouveuteutly
secure their chlorine outfit from
the above source may employ the
following method:
Prepare a solution by adding
half a teaspoonful of fresh chlori-
nated lime to one pint of : water.
Use one teaspoonful of this solution
to ten gallons of water to be puri-
fied, 36 drops to one gallon, or 9
dropsto one -quart. Let the water
stand at least 16 minutes before
dosing. The solution should be
freshly prepared for each chlorin-
ation. Taiblets of . calcium hypo-
ohlorite and ampules of the dry
powder can be procured for this
pmnpose and are the most satiate°.
tory since they do not Iose their
strength if properly sealed,
Food supplies need watching, see
that they are properly stored at low
temperature. Do not allow food sup-
plies to get hot by day and cool off
nightly on successive days. Main-
tain diem at an even low tenrpera-
ture Where ice is used see that
the source is reliable.
Cheese Output
Up 54 Per Cent
Substantial Increase Is Seen
in Canadian Production For
Month of June Over May
A 64 per cent increase in Cana-
dian cheese production during June
was regarded by spokesmen at the
agricultural branch of the Dominion
Bureau of Statistics as indication
Chat farmers are heeding the goy-
oyeminent plea for increased produc-
Bureau figures showed June pro -
di odes totalling 25,550,190 pounds.
64 per cent in advance of the prev-
ious month's output, and 6 per cent.
ahead of the June stake last year,
whish totalled 24,050,315.
Creamery butter : production. to
June totalled 40,498,11'03 pounds,
compared with 32,978,810 the prev-
ious month, and 40,192,223 in rune,
Horse'n Buggy . Days
The Toronto papers, says the
Temiskaming Speaker, reported
two cases where Car drivers were
fined for travelhtg along the Queen
Elizabeth Way with but one hand
apiece on the steering wheel. The
other encircled the waists of their
respective fair companions. That,
an old tinier claimed, demonstrates
-clearly where the good old days
had it over the Present stream -
need age in one respect. In that
bygone era, he held, the lines could
lie over the dashboard and the
driver and his girl -friend devote
themselves to other natters, kuow-
iug Dobbin could be depsndel upon
to see the buggy dict not upset.
One horse between the shafts act-
ed much differently from eighty
under hhe hood, the veteran said.
Should Not Worry
On Your Holiday
A few words on how not to
worry might not, be inappropriate
at this time. ' Some people persist
in taking their pet office worry
with, them on their vacation.
Don't. Worry is the most futile
of all bad habits. It' can do no
good. It can cause definite harm.
It reacts on the nervous system,
causing indigestion and insomnia,
which in turn causes more worry
and so a vicious circle ,goes on.
Train yourself to accept life for
what it is rather than fretting
about whatit is not. Learn to
relax it is the onlymeans of
treating the vicious circle. _ With
rest and relaxation should cone
less nervous irritability; better
sleep, better digestion end fewer
worries. This is the only way to
break the circle. This is what
your holidays are really for.
While you can, Rest and Relax.
You owe it to yourself, your busi-
ness, and to your country.
Ersatz Fuel
Gasoltne'is so scarce in Holland
Ghat civilian meter oars have had
to be equipped with awkward eon-
traptions (some of them larger
than the ears themselves) which
produce a oral or wood gas as
ensatz motor fuel, according to an
article in the current issue of The
Knickerbocker Weekly, the Free
Netherlands magazine in the Un-
ited States, These grotesque at-
taohments--s•ome are like outboard
motors traiiing along behind the .
oars, while others ride on the tops
like a balloon barrage -but -n wood
or coal and produce enough gas
for a motor trip of, at the most,
twenty miles. Such are the bless-
ings of the Nazi "now order" to
the people of occupied Holland.
"Many a ring battle has been
lost in advance by worry."
—Gene Tenney.
Tie up ;to
Ask any old tinier how to get the
greatest satisfaction from rolling your
own and hell tell you to tie up to
Ogden's—the light green package
that is your iireen light to the best
smoke of your Wel For Ogden's isn't
"just another fine cut". It's different,
gorgeously different—a distinctive
blend of choicer, riper tobaccos.'
Try it today.
Only the bolt cigarette pagers—
"Volpe" or "Ohantooler"—
are good enough for Ogdon'a
Pipe Smokers P.
Ask for Ogden's Cut Plug
Hearing -- and
Recently an advertisement ap,
peered in the Portuguese press,
says the Movie -Radio Guide,
which was headed: GERMANY
HEARS HER. The British Ent
bassy soon replied with this: TL1'i1
%'tooCORO VOrly
pay moreP Money
cannot buy a safer tire.
Why accept leas? Firestone gives
you extra safety, extra value and ex-
tra mileage at no extra cost!
And hero's how;
Because only the Firestone Champion
Tiro has the amazing Gear -Grip
tread which gives 1195, longer non-
skid mileage then any comparable
tire Firestone has ever built.
Its thousands of sharp -edged
angles grip the road with e
sure, firm !told and protect
against skids and side slips.
And, only the Firestone
Champion Tiro is built with
the patented Safety -Leek
Cum -Dipped cord body which
provides 27% stronger bond
between tread and cord body,
find 35% greater protection
against blowouts.
s Reelect, dangerous, worn tires
NOW. Have your nearby
Firestone Dealer put Firestone
Champion Tires on your ear
today and know that you are
getting the last word in safety
and economy.
g' 1FB�CS'P�ltp� u 6�3LB
i �nnnld`tfnn to rho sone
pirostonole Ci'"1°pion
throo 1)cnlern tiro,
tires-°tLcr loser phzccd
HIGH SPEED eras apaD,
i nn 0 to
1Nto niter what pric o 3 u
Y o
to o •
! r
G e
goo s, an ,etao aha bar-
ar- i
d tlOt ty. has to sdvo you ( '
mono ,
read)'; cost determined by terri-
tory desh•ed, but not prohibitive:
article sold by the gallon with
Inevitable repeats; a natural pro-
duct, unequalled andeasy to sell.
,Apply Aqua Vitae Sales Office,
546 Yong°, St., Toronto.
Young wild animals and birds,—
John Wood, 2722 Yonge Street,
gains In well started chicks. Non -
sexed two -week -old -Barred -Rocks,
Now Mimpshires 914.70. 099Ii Pull-
ets: White Ieahorns 921.40, New
T3:ampsbi,ot $20.05; Barred Rocks
$11.75. Cockerels: Barred Rocks
$18.20, New Bompehiree _$11.50.
Leghorn pullets: 8 week old 925,40:
9 week old 935.40. Order direct
from this n.d. Also older pullets.
TWeeldid Mt Ink fbo.toheries Limited,
Fergus, Ont.
11r YOU WANT 1113AY LA TM SUM: -
m00 01‘ early fall chicks, please
enter now, Hatching to order.
rmmediatc delivery on pullets
which are still gond' bltvst started,
rSoi of', most: brnodn, Bray Hatch-
ery, 100 John. Pennillnn. Ont.
010052 5UP3'LiTIS
Canadian pure • beeswax Please
submit offerings immediately.
Lloyd's Laboratories, Montreal.
Eight 4 x 6 Enlargements
S'elsr [•dimdeveloped toad enehprint
enlarged. to 4 N. 0, 30e.. 1tenrinta,
some aline, 8 for :Arc.
14171 TOOT FI1.111 SEM VICE
18a Bing Mist, Dept. 7. Toronto
ISSUE 31-'41
pulleys, hose, hieing,feeder can-
vas, moturs, shafting and hangers
at reduced prices. Send for new
dist York Belling -Co., 88 York
Street, Toronto.
fertile sections Ontario. For in-
formation. advise requirement Mor-
ris 13. Percival, 252'/1, Dundas- St„
London Western Ontario's Fore-
most harm Snlos Agency."
R 10 ]3 U T L T 10-20 McCORMICi{-
Deering Tractor. Same guarantee
as new. International Harvester
Dealer, J. H. McCaw, Barrie.
Daffodils, Narcissi, Rockery and
Perennial Plants. Numerous Var-
ieties and Colors Sensational
New. Introductions. Our descrip-
tive Autumn circulars are again
ready. Copies mailed on request,
Jan OH' Seeds, Lindsay, Ontario.
HEALD ND I)101i171:21.IVE?
Ear Drums, helppfnl in many .crises.
Sold Pingo 1007. Send for special
$2.50 trial offer and recommend-
ations of satisfied users -every-
where. Write A. 0, Leonard, 12
Boon Ave., Toronto.
in good town deal' large military
Camp. Goad repair. Twenty bed-
rooms, !Hugh Melfonzie McCallum.
Truro, o, Nova Scotia.
1,37GA L.:_ _. ..
J. N. LINUSA.Y, LAW Milner], GAP.
ltol Theatre Building, 81, Thomas,
Ontario. Special Department for
farmers collections,
Lntge, Dari., Since, Heavily Purr-
ed, edigreed Kitts. Ramona Mink
Ranch. Marltstnv,. Ont.
reduces and removes, Price $11.011
Pei` bottle. J. A. Johnston Co., 111
Xing 10., Toronto,
after taking 1)ison's Remedy for
Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis,
Munro's Drug Store 330 Elgin,
Ottawa, Povteaid slew,
the good results from taking Alk -
011' Remedy for Rheumatic Pains
and Neuritis, Munro's Drug Store,
335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00.
tint teacher, S.S. N0, 2, Leitch,
Cochrane district, salary ono
thousand, d u ties commencing
September first. Thomas Pope,
G'in te.
Limo selling 200 neceaaitlea. Guar-
anteed Pttmilox Products are at-
tra.clively packaged, create instant
eye -appeal, build and hold. cua-
tnmers' confidence. le you aro
willing to invest a few dollars
without risk we will help you to.
progress surely and quickly In
YOU:. chosen district. Information.
enpi IIIctltrated Cntaing•ae Mena
Prep. IrAM7.LEX, 570 St. Clement,
Your films are carefully and Solan-
tifically pleeefEed by Tmperial, ata
make sure they last,
0 or 8 10XPOS UIO10 1510,'1,8 200
with. beautiful enlargement free,
8 reprints with enlargement 25c.
Thousands 0f letters from satisfied
customers testify to our superlor
qualify and service.
IMPERI AI, 1'03O'143 SE1WIC211
Dept, 0, Station T. Toronto.