HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-07-17, Page 5'THURS., JULY 17, 1941
Any Citizen who may have a House.or Rooms
d or
Unfurnished,.Please Leaveave
all particlars with the Town Clerk n
order that
same ,m y be Recorded for .the Benefit of R.A.F.
Officers on their arrival at the New Radio School.
'Mi'ss Alma Match of Toronto is
'visiting her mother UM, Jas. Mute-.
Mr, and Mrs. O. F. 1WIelllveen'e and
.son Eric of Bowman -611e are visiting
:the Ysdy's, parents Mr. and Mrs, Alf-
`lred Asquith.
Mrs.. H. Hoge and eoa Allan of
:Saskatoon are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Wilson and other friends. •
Ma. and Mrs. D, F, Mcblain and
',daughter Margaret of Montreal and
Mr. and Mrs. James Ren`ain of Atn-
berley visited with :1VI•rs. • Fred Ross
,,on Sunday.
Mr. Stewart Ferguson of Mount
:Forest spent the weekendwith his
parents 11r. and Mrs, A. J. 'Fergus-
on. •
Rev, H. C. and! MTS. Wilson, Ruth
-and John Wilson are spending their
holidays at their 'cottage at Tober-
mory. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ray O'Neil of Park -
Nil spent the weeltend with the'letters
:parents Mr. and Mrs. A J. Ferguson..
• A pleasant time was spent at the
:home of Mn and Mrs. Russell King
e ar
ion Friday evening wh n a e l g
number of -friends, and: neighbors met
no honor Me. .and .Mrs. Phalen, (nee 1
:Margaret King) of Goderich who i
were recently* married. An address
was read by 1Vlass Evelyn Plaetzer p
and the presentation of a chesterfield
'table and a magazine, reek was made
by Mrs. Earl M'oKnight and Madel-
ine Yungbint, Wedging :cake and
sandy was served.
Mrs, A. M. Boyle of Blyth enter-
tained the Women's Missionary Soc-
ieties of Auburn, Blyth, Belgrave and
Carlow at the Manse on Thursday
-afternoon. About friTty ladfea were
present. Mrs. Edgar Lawson presid-
ed for the program which was put
en .by the Auburn Sooiety. Mrs. Jas.
Woods led . in prayer. Miss Norma
-Deer gave a piano instrutnental. T.he
topic on British Guiana which was
prepared by Miss Dorothy Boyle of
Toronto was .introduced, by Miss
Isabel'Rollinsten. The Home Life Was
given by Miss Bernice Lawson and 1
the Church Life by Mrs. W.T. Rob-
ison. Mrs. Wesley Bradnock favor -
•ed with a solo. .Mrs. ' Lawson called
on the presidents of the Societies for
ea few words. This was responded: to
by Mrs. Errington of Carlow, Mrs.
Scott of Belglrawe, Mrs, Boyle of
Blyth. The meeting was brought to
a close by repeating 'the Lord's' Pray-
er in unison. Dainty refreshments
were served by Mrs. Boyle assisted
.by her sister Mass Tarnbull and the
-Myth ladies.
mice, Sask., Mrs. Harry Fremlin
(Maud), Clinton, :Mrs. Guy Durhain
(Cora) of St. George, Mrs. Chester
Taylor (Birdie) of St, Helens, Mies
Mae Ferguson and Mrs. Blanche Phil-
lips both at home. There are 29
grandchildren and 10 great grand-
children also one sister Mss. Hattie
Crowe, P1evna, Montana.
The funeral was held' from her late
residence on Monday afternoon and
was conducted by Rev. H, C. Wilson
of Knox United church of which de-
ceased, was a member.
The pallbearers were six grand-
sons, Carman Ferguson, Detroit;
Murray Taylor, Goderich; Harold
Taylor, St. Helens; Bill Ferguson,Clinton; Ray O'Neil, Parkhill; Arnold
Phillips, Auburn,
The beautiful floral tributes. which
bore testimony of the esteem of the
debeased were from the members of
the family and friends.
Interment took place in Balls
Friends attending from a distance
*ere Mrs. Frank Wright, Brantford:;
Mr. and Mrs. M. Hunter, Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs, Chester Taylor and
family St. Helens; Mrs, Harry Frem-
in, Clinton; Mrs. Chas. Love, Goder-
clr; Murray and Vera Taylor, God-
erich; Mr. arid Mrs. Ray O'Neil,
arkhili William Ferguson, Windsor;
Carman Ferguson, Detroit; Mrs. Guy
Durham, St, George; also friend's
from Clinton, Blyth • and Goderich.
.A. gloom was cast over the com-
munity on Saturday when it learned
of the passing of AIex. McKenzie at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. P.
Walker, of Toronto. Mr. McKenzie
the second son of Donald McKenzie
and Caroline Wallis was born near
Exeter on March 1, 1856, and was in
his 86th year. Later his father pur-
chased "Beechwood Farm" near Bay-
field and there Alexander spent his
early clays with his brother James
and Donald and his sister, Caroline.
On reaching early manhood, Mr,
McKenzie started to learn the hale:
ness business in Bayfield under the
ate Mn Cameron, and later went in-
to harness business for himself. He
soon acquired a name for excellent
work as a harness maker and his
There passed away at her home in
Auburn Mrs. John Ferguson. The
-deceased who had been in failing
health for a number of years suffer-
ed a stroke early Wednesday morn-
ing and .passed .peacefully away on
Mrs. Ferguson was a daughter of
.Loyal Case and; Julia Sims and was
born in Byron Ill. 86 years ago.
She married 65 years ago to John
.Ferguson who predeceased her six
years ago . Mr. and Mrs. Fergusin
lived for some years at Byron, then
moved to Prosliority Corner between
.Auburn .and Dungannon and later to
.Auburn where they since resided.
She was greatly interested in the
Red Cross and church activities.
Surviving are 10 children :flour
:sons, Arthur J. of Auburn., Lloyd of
'Clinton, William of Windsor, Ray -
amend of Montreal; six daughters,
Wes, Reuben Taylor: (Hattie) of Ad -
burial a service was held' on Sunday
evening in Toronto, conducted by
Rev. Ross K. Cameron of Dovercourt
Presbyterian church. On Monday
the service was held from Rnox Un-
ited church, Auburn and was condo
duetecl by Rev. H. C Wilson, Misses
Sadie Carter and Josephine Weir
sang a duet, "Saved by- Graee". Ron-
orary pallbearers were JAS. Medd
Ephraim Ball, John 1VIcKnight
George Beadle, . Wm. Dodd and Peter
Patterson; Active nallibeareas were
Edgar Lawson, Chari. Asquith, R. D.
Munro, J. J. Robertson, John Houston
and Dr. B. C. Weir. At. the grave
the Morningstar Lodge A.F and A.M.
conducted the service, Dr. 3, C, Weer,
Frank Mcll*ain and Hugh Hill office
iating. • Interment was in Ball's
Mrs. T, A. Haughton who on July
3 'celebrated her 95th, birthday, has
received 'word that twin boys were
born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hough-
ton, Toronto, on their grand-inother's'
birthday, Edward Haughton is her
Institute Meeting
Mrs. Edgar Lawson presided for
the Women's Institute meeting which
was Reld in the Foresters Hall on
Tuesday. The meeting was opened
bysinging the "Ocie" and repeating
the Lord's Prayer in unison, Miss
Evelyn Piaetzer gave a reading. The
topic "Education" was prepared by
Miss Dorothy Wilson was read by
Mrs. Si. Hoge. Miss Betty Asquith
favored with a solo. The current ev-
ents were given by Miss Sadie Carter.
Miss Vivian Straughan gave a piano
instrumental The roll call was an-
swered by The nant of
e a book re-
cently enjoyed" A demonstration on
"Table setting and serving" was giv-
en by Mrs. Wesley Bradnock and Miss
Josephine Weir, The singing of the
National Anthem brought the meet-
ing to a close. Lunch was served
by the hostesses Mrs. W. T. Robison,
Misses Margaret King and Viola
Harvest is quite early this year
as the wheat and barley will all be
cut this week.
Miss Elizabeth- Theil of Preston,
Miss Green and Mr. and Mrs. Winter
of Toronto, have been visiting with
Mr, and Mrs. John McGuire.
A meeting of the Federation of Ag-
riculture was held in No. 10 school
with a full house, corning from every
section of the township. Mr. Haacke
was chairman and told in brief what
the meeting was about. Mr. Colin
Lawson gave an explanation :Aron
the ratepayers standpoint. T h e
guest speaker of the evening was
Mr, Fred Watson, chairman of the
fame as a collar maker extended all executive, who explained the setup
Lean the comity'
over Ontario. After practicing his s standpoint, The
trade with great success in Auburn, audience was given a short time after
Galt. and Hensel] he was asked to' each speaker to ask questions, which
take a position of foreman in the
Beal. Leather Company's factory at
Lindsay, where he resided with his
family for some time. He lost his
hearing about this time, and finding
that his deafness interfered, with his
success as a foreman he resigned
his. position and moved to Kippen.
About two weeks ago he suffered a
slight stroke while et -the Public
Library but was able to be up and
around. On July 2f he was removed
to his daughter's home at Toronto,
and on the following day took a
paralytic stroke which left his right
side and his speech paralyzed, and
his brain was effected. He married
Jane Young of Colborne and she
died in 1924, and the family con-
sisted of five children, three of whom
died in infancy. Those surviving are
(Bertha) Mrs. J. A. Coad, and (Car-
rie) Mrs. A. R. Walker, both of
Toronto. Mr. McKenzie was a man
of .stirling integrity, well known in
all parts of Huron, a consistent Lib-
eral and an elder in the Presbyter-
ian, then United church, He was a
Mason for over 60 years and had
been Past Master. Before the re -
were given full answers. Mr. Law-
son infostned the audience that he
had canvassed the section and that
every man had signed up. If all sec-
tions do as well as No. 10, watch the
Federation of Agriculture boom.
Council Meeting
Council met on July 7. Tenders
were received for road, Insurance,
ide. J. Howard being the lowest, his
tender was accepted.
Percy Passmore would like a nuns-
bar of local men to compete at the
International plowing match to be
held next year, aspirants, either team
or tractor to notify the councillor
nearest, and if a sufficient number
will compete a local match will be
held and a good coach will attend to
help them. Councillors should know
by Aug. 1. .
Council decided to erect a danger
sign at Pipers Dam there has been
several drownings there. Tenders
were received from the Sandy Con-
traction Co. W, H. Graham and Cliff
Holland for crushing and delivering
gravel, Cliff Holland being the low-
est it was accepted at 50e per yard.
Dept. of Municipal Affairs re unem-
ployment were conveyed to Auburn for ployment insurance read and filed.
Those wishing employment ,at the
le Beautiful Lifetime Porcelain Cabinet!
2. More useful -faster, with new exclusive
RADIAMTUBE cooking units%
3etos,est cooking cost in Frigidaire
4.Sensational Value%
Cookmaster Clock Oven Control
•s One -Piece Stainless Porcelain
Cooking Top
s Thermizer Well Cooker
as Big Twin Unit Oven
••• Warming Oven
» High -Speed Broiler
.Models for every home —
price for every purse.
Exclusive New Frigidaire
Radiantube Cooking Units
Fastest in Frigidaire history!
Each has five practical cook-
ing speeds! '
Made by ORfJ'
_•makers of the famous
WI ca
butter , & Perdue, Clinton,
Phone 147
For Every Occasion
C. V. Gooks
Phones: 66w and 66j
Poultry Culling
It is now likely there will not be as
plentiful a supply of grain as unreal.
It might be good business to have
you flock culled a little earlier .thin
year. 'Culling done by mit experienc-
ed poultryman, -
Good sorviee at am- Egg Grading
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
Batkin's Locker Storage
We have a fresh supply of Fish on
Now is the time to store green peas
and beans. Ask for our free bulletin
on storing vegetables and fruits. We
have a good supply of cartons for
storing- same on hand.
Good prices on Beef 'and Pork,
Why not have your boll pieces ground
into hamburg?
"Frozen Foods are Better Foods."
The announcement is made this week
of the appointment of Mr. Ernest
Groves of Goderich as Treasurer of
the Huron County War Services
Campaign, Mr. Groves will receive
instalment payments .which were
pledged during the recent six -in -one
campaign. Remittances should ' be
made direct to him at Goderich.
THOMAS—LAWS—The marriage of
Mildred Ethe),,,.youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs.'Esnest Laws, God-
erich, to Arthur, Thomas of Gelling -
wood, took place at Clinton on Sat-
urday evening, July 5th, Rev. G. G.
Burton officiating. ,Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas will reside m � Co1lii gwood.
McKENZIE=At Alexandra Hospital,
Goderich, on Thursday,• July ilOth,
to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mdfenzie
of Goderich Township, a son, (Don.
ald Robert).
WESTLAND •— In Clinton Public
Hospital on Saturday, July 12th, to
Mr. and, Mrs, Gladwin• Westlake of
the Blue Water Highway, a daugh-
GRAINGER-'In Petrolia Hospital
on Friday, July 4th, to Mx. and
Mrs. Ar'dell Grainger of Alvinston,
twins, a son and daughter.
Clinton Air Port may receive cards
of introduction from the Clerk. Last
year the council offered one and one
quarter cents per rod to those wish-
ing to keep their own frontage clean
of weeds this offer is still good.
Accounts paid,•J. E. Howard, road
insurance $115.00; Reeve and coum-
cillors services as road commissioners
$125.00; Telephone System tempor-
ary loan $500.00; Supt. pay voucher
No. 6 $905.88. Council adjourned to
meet on Monday, Aug. 4 at 1.30 pan.
The regular meeting of the W.A.
was held in the basement of the
church Thursday, July 10th with the
president Mrs, E. Adams in the chair.
Following the opening exercise the
mutes of the last meetttg were read
and adopted. After the business was
discussed, Mrs. Adams took charge
for. group 3 in the absence of Mrs.
Ella Garbett, Hymn 438 was sung
followed with prayer by Mrs. Cliff
Britton. The scripture . lesson was
read by Mrs. Geo. Addison from
.Tames 1st chapter. Mrs. Wm. Britton
gave a reading "What'" I might of
Been," Maxine Mcllrien sang' a solo,
Hymn 436 was sung. Miss Helen
Britton closed the meeting with pray -
NOW PLAYING: 'Second Chorus'
and Doomed Cara/ale
Robert Young, Randolph Stott,
Dean Jagger, Virginia Gilmore
and John Carradine
Fighting engineers, battling with
six-gun and rifle to clear an elecs
trfe pada through the wilderness.
its Technicolor
THURS., FRI:, . & SAT.
Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan,
Doris• Davenport
An itinerant cowboy aids the home-
steaders in Texas -in their war with
the eattlem'en.
NOW; "Buck Privates!' wiliht Allis-
Rot and Costello.•
.nutty Canova, Bob Crosby'.
Chas. Butterworth '
With a oast of radio and sateen eni-
8ardsiera in a hit fanfilhe
Genes Aakmy and Smiley Burnette
the praiiie trosrbadeursrettirn' irk
a new and melodious adventure
"Rid'inr on a l intoes
Coming Deanna Durbin int--.
"Spring' Parade"
Nibs Gia!"' with a star
NOW. Gary Cooper as "The
Cls trdette Colbert. amu Ray Milland
ges'tarred in a thorotrghtly new and
eatcrrtaining was sten-
Rbie 11'I'ihland; Constance Moore
Wayne Morris
zoom: through an exciting and itt-
feetious cloudland romance
Comdtg.: The great lafhl
"Rack Privates"
Mat.: Wed. Sat. & Holidays 3 pan.
Mats.: Sat. and holidays at 3 p.aa
Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p,
White Buttermilk, Whole Wheat or
Cracked Wheat Bread
The S. S. Cooper Estate must be
sold, at a sacrifice, within the next
three months. The Sloan Block, Nor-
mandy Hotel, several other stores
and several private houses; also the
Perrin Block.
A. J. Cooper, executor of the es-
tate, will be in Clinton every Thurs.
day until further notice. Anyone in-
terested wiII be able to see him or
phone 207 Goderich. 49-4
Miss Doris Johns of Newma-tact
spent the weekend with her atmt Mrs.
Robt. Lawson, and Mr.' and Mrs.
Lorne Lawson.
Mrs. Justin Sinclair of Bridget
spent one day last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Stephenson.
Mrs. John E. Busby and Miss Shir-
ley returned home on Sunday after
spending two weeks with her mother
Mrs. Robert Lawson.
Miss Marion Lawson of Huron
Road and Mrs. Lawson returned with
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson were
in London on Monday on business,
Quite a number from this vicinity
took in the 12th at Seaforth..
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson spent
Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs, Dave
Churchill at their summer cottage at
Miss Joyce McQuaid of London is
spending her holidays with her aunt
Mrs. Walter Scott.
Work Wanted
Elderly widow Wants position as
housekeeper in a reliable Protestant
home. Apply from 1 to 6 o'clock in
the afternoons only. Mrs. Kerslake,
;Elson street, Mitchell, Ont. 49-2
For Sale
Two cows, and one separator,
bought last summer. Apply to Mrs,
Hugh Campbell, Many street, Clinton.
Used Cars
I940' t•ord Deluxe Sedan, with:
custom built. Radio, and Heater.
1940 Ford Ceaeli.
1939 Plymouth Sedan.
1939 Chevrolet Ceuta .
1938 Chevrolet Coach. •
1937 Plymouth Coupe.
1937 Chevrolet '/ Tow Track,.
1934 Dodge Sedan.
1930 Essex Coach.
1929 Ford Sedan (A Dandy).
1929 Ford Coach.
Reg. Shipley
Sapertest Products — Dominion Tires
PHONE 182.`
Farmers Attention
Federation of Agriculture Picnic, in
Friday July 18 th
Guest Speaker: Mr. V. S, Milburn,
Sec. Treas. of Ontario Federation of
Agriculture. •
Program— Sports, Dancing, Speaking
Starts at 1,30 pan. bring your even-
ing lunch, .
Sponsored by East and West Waw-
anosh, Colborne and Hullett Units of,
the Federaton of Agriculture.
Bands In Attendance
Of house, Lot and Contents
of the estate of the late Mrs. J. M. U.
Tough at Bayfield on
at 1.30 sharp, consisting of the
Extension table; drop leaf table;
kitchen table; black walnut table,
parlor carpet, book case and No. of
books; 2 couches; chest of drawers,
(cherry wood); bridge lamp; 3 beds;
mattresses and springs; dresser and
stand; toilet set; black walnut wash
stand; 2 rocking chairs; 6 kitchen
chairs; 4 odd chairs; 3 cupboards;
Bell organ; coal oil oven; wash boiler;
electric iron; clothes horse; eight day
clock; weight clock; quantity of hard
coal and wood; dishes; sealers; silver-
ware; mats; Quebec cook stove; and
box stove; number of tools; and num-
erous other articles.
At the same time and place there
will be offered for sale, subject to re-
serve bid the 11 story frame house
with 1 acre of land more or less
Terms on contents Cash
Terms on property 10;4 of purchase
money down on day of sale, balance
it 30 days.
BERTRAM CARNIE, Administrator.
EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer.
FINAL TOTAL $2,2491500
The final bulletin of the Huron
County Victory Loan Committee is
uod early this week records that
4,428 people in the county purchased
2,249,500 worth of bonds, or 160 per
cent of the quota of $1,400,00 fixed
at the commencement of the cam-
paign. For Huron county the final
figures mask another war job well
done. All through the drive the
county was listed among the first
seven municipalities in Ontario
final total is $12,200 over that pub-
lished in last week's Signal -Star.
Practically half of this $6,000 came
from Stephen township, where there
has been and influx of summer vis-
itors.-Goderich Signal -Star.
World's largest collection of paint-
ings 'representative of all nations is
the property, not of' a famous mus-
eum, but of a large 'United, States in-
dustrial concern, This large and ex-
tremely interesting connection of fine
artrwill form an integral part of this
company's exhibit at the Canadian
National Exhibition.
For Sale
Furnished house in 'Bayfield for
sale cheap, Apply to bit's. Lyda Me -
Neil, Clinton. 48-4
Farm for Sale
An extra good 50 acres at Lot 5,
on the 2nd, concession of Hullett, well
drained, ie excellent state of cultiva-
tion; V -t mile from school. Apply to
Thos• E. Livingston, Clinton. . 48-4
Men Wanted
Here is a big, quick business break
for you. Thousands of folks need
Familex Products and want them, but
we have not enough represenatives.
It's your opportunity for easy sales
and plenty of repeat business, If
you are willing to work and am-
bitious. get going and you'll not be
sorry. For illustrated catalogue and
details: 670 St. Clement, MONTREAL.
For Sale
1 ice refrigerator; 1 kitchen stove
suitable for camp; 1 Quebec heater;
child's table and chairs. Apply to
Mrs. Earl Douglas, Queen street; Clin-
ton, 48-2
Of Farm Stock and Implements
at Lot 25, con, 7, Hullett Township, 4
miles north of Clinton on No. 4
highway, on
FRIDAY, JULY 18TH, et 1 o'clock
consisting of the following:
HORSES:—aged working mare;
aged working horse; driving mare, 9
years old.
CATTLE:—Durhacow, 8 yrs,, to For Rent
freshen, Dec. 13; Durhamm cow, 9 yrs,, . Nine roomed house on Ratteibury
to freshen, Nov. 26; Durham cow,. 8 street, West, with all mode, n con-
veniences; hot water heating; in goon
shape with good garage. Immediate
possession. Apply to W. J. Elliott,
Victoria street, Clinton phone ;336.
Photographs of Distinction
Phone 115.
Developing and Printing.
To those contemplating build-
ing a Monument . . Get my
prices before buying. Cemetery
Lettering a specialty.
All work guaranteed.
Clinton — Ontario
Successor to Ball & Zapfe
Attention Farmers
Now is the time to: buy your elec-
tric fences complete with 6 -volt Hot -
Shot and all insulators as low as $15.
with a two year guarantee.
General Batteries (Hot Shots) and
Insulators in stock
Also Radios, Refrigerators, Washers
Tubes and Batteries,
A.. W. Groves, Princess St..
Thresher For Sale
22-38 Goodison Thresher, equipped
with chaffe blower
15-30 Hart Parr Tractor
Will sell separately
Apply to : •
Clinton, Post Office Box 131 :-
Whereas the Fire Insurance now in
force on the Huron County Home and
Outbuildings expires on the 1st, day
of September 1941.
And whereas there is now under
construction at the said Home a Fire
Alarm System which will be completed
within a feu- weeks.
Therefore the County Home Com-
mittee are requesting insurance Ag-
ents within the County of Huron, to
submit tenders for this Insurance, to
the undersigned, on or before 12
o'clock • noon Saturday, August 9th,
1941. The lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
l Information regarding this insur-
lance may be had at the County
Clerk's Office, Court House, Goderich,
County Clerk,
To Rent
Furnished Cabins for month o2
August. Apply to Mrs, C. B. Halo at
Burke's Camp, seven miles below
Goderich on the Blue Water Highway
or write Box 224 Clinton, for partic-
ulars. 48-2
Truck for Sale
11/2 ton Chevrolet truck stake'
body, iu first class mechanical condit•.
ion. Price reasonable, Apply to F. W.
Andrews, Clinton, phone 33. 47-1.
yrs., to freshen Nov. 16; Durham heiff-
er, 3 yrs. to freshen, Dec. 20; Durham
heifer, 3 yrs., to freshen Dee. 5; Dur-
ham cow (aged), to freshen, Jan. 16;
2 Durham heifer calves; 2 Durham
steer calves; 2 yr. old Registered
Durham bull with papers.
IMPLEMENTS:—Deering binder 7
ft. cut; Massey Harris mower 6 ft.
cut;'Massey Harris 12 row hoe drill
with cultivator attachment; Quebec 1
furrow riding plow, (nearly new); No.
21 Fleury walking plow; No. 21 Cock-
shutt walking plow; spring tooth cul-
tivator; roller; set of bench sleighs;
wagon box; hay rack; hay rake; turn-
ip seeder; cutter; rubber tired top
buggy;. steel tired buggy; light wag-
on; Cninton=fanning mill; 3000, lb.
scale with stock platform; cutting
box; hay fork and car; 150 ft. hay
rope; extension ladder; 20 ft. ladder;
set of double harness; set of single
harness; 4 horse collars; quantity of
hay; quantity of lumber; 30 rods No.
9 wire fence; 3 rolls of barb wire;
large iron kettle; sap kettle; logging
chains; plow points; forks; saws;
shovels and numerous other articles.
WM. FEAR, Proprietor.
48-2 ton.
For Sale
A two story frame house and three
quarters of an acre of land. Owned
by Miss McPa lane. Apply by tele-
phoning 9071.31 or 620x15. 431f
Poultry Wanted
We weigh and pay cash for fowl
at your door. Reliable culling .done
free. Phone 266 and reverse the
charges. G. Pearson, Clinton 44tf.
For Sale
A good 13/ . story house with small
barn, hen house and garden on Town-
send street; town lights and water and
house newly decorated, Apply to Mrs,
John V. Diehl, Queen St, Clinton.
•Far Sale
House and lot with garage on Rat-
tenbury street, town lights & water;
also house and two lots on Huron
street, 9 rooms, lights and water, also
stable and henhouse. Apply to Miss
Bertha Cantelon, Huron street, Cline