HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-07-17, Page 3Nazis Push Past Russia's Buffer. ' FINLAND Helsinki r une,1940? WHITE RUSSIA h, 1940 Leningrad •Novgorcd Miles 0 100 Moscow; molensk rpt` SOVIET RUSSIA Kiev nfp, Kharkov* Territory Seised by Russian Diplomatic or Military Conquest German Advance German troops have successfully, bucked the buffer of territory occupied by Russia as a safety measure since beginning of World War II. Now penetrating or pushing past this zone, the Nazis face ' stiffer resistance from Red troops on their native Russian soil, plow Cos I?! BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I'renlove the dis- agreeable odor that dish towels and cloths sometimes acquire? A. Add a little ammonia to the water when washing them, and they will again become fresh and clean, Q. How can I drive away red ants? A. Pour liquid corrosive sub- limate on pieces of cotton and lay the cotton where the ants are likely to travel. .Another effec- tive remedy Is alum dissolved in boiling water and applied with a brush. Q. How can I relieve perspir- big hands? A. Try applying two or three times a day, or at least nightly, an astringent lotion consisting of one part borecic acid to twenty parts of water, and than dust with talcum powder, Q. How can I soften brown sugar and snake it easier to mea- sure? A. Place it in a fiat baking pan and put into the oven for a. few minutes. However, this must be watched closely to prevent burning. Q. How can I remove berry stains from the fingers? A. Moisten some cornmeal with vinegar and rub over the stains. They will disappear. Doting 1040, the marriage rate ..far Great Britain was 22.6 per 1,000. For the four years previous to 1039 tae annual average was 17.4 peg• thousand. Here's Howitzers Lightweight guns with a heavy punch are these 75 -millimeter' howitzers lined up at General Electric plant in Erie, Pa., being finished up for the U. S. Army. They - hurl a 14 -pound .shell 9000 feet. • • Fanny Hurst Says Men Made Failure By Insisting on Saving Their Faces; "Always War -makers" Could women build a more peace- ful world than men? "After the war;' says British author J. B. Priestley, "it is t'tp to the women to assert themselves a little more in public and a little less in priv- ate , , , The nsaie delights in destruction and in making destrue- tivo gadgets. Those twin delights must be tempered by feminine in - Vence in the future." Stout words, I drought, so I took his statement to Fannie Ilurst, American author and feminist, and asked for her ideas on the subiect, writes Adelaide Kerr, New York varum hist, Miss I•Iur:st settled beak on a sofa in her crimson -curtained 15th cen- tury Spanish drawing room and spoke in a soft, low voice. "A great indictment faces the male. He Inas made a colossal fail- ure, A man must always save his face. Watch a man drive a car. He'd rather drive into a jangle than ask the way; rather go blind. ly forward than admit he doesn't know. "Men have, always been war. matters, Women, on the other hand, have always fought war and sought for peace for years through peace moves and petitions, It's true their attitude has been somewhat mai- inmate]. The fact remains, however that in spite of their efforts, wo- men Itave failed to produce peace." Belligerent Mouse Even the meek field mouse be- eomes belligerent in this war ravaged world, says D. J. Taylor, deputy minister of the Ontario department of fish and game, re- lating the story of the mouse that attacked a young rabbit. The incident occurred beside a bush tract near Toronto. Taylor said the mouse leaped on the tab - bit in its neat and started biting it like a wolf. One leg was al- most severed and the rabbit's nose was lacerated and in shreds. The mouse, when he saw Tay lot', snarled and disappeared down n hole. lliedern BY ROBk.R I A LEE 1. May one show impatience when one's opponent at bridge deliberates before playing a Card? ' 2. When a women is touring across country, in an automobile, is it all right for her to wear slacks or shorts? 3. Is it good form for a busi- ness man to invite a girl who is in his employ to lunch? 4. Is it all right to give an afternoon tea with dancing to "'bring out" a daughter? 5. How should the ushers for a church wedding be chosen? 6. Is there a charge for sta- tionery used by a guest while staying in a hotel? Answers 1. No, and try to pay atten- tion to the game. It is annoying to have to tell a player when to lead or deal. 2. Clothes that ale, suitable for street weay in a city should be worn. 3. No; he should not do so, even • if he is noir married. 4. Yes, and a similar affair may be given to resent a new p daughter -in -lacy. 5. They may be chosen from relatives or friends of either .the bride or the bridegroom. 6. No, and since the provision of this paper is a courtesy of the hotel, it is poor taste to waste it, or use it for correspondence after one has left the hotel. C. N. E. to Get Relics -of War include Nazi Planes .and Bits of Palace, Flbnse of Corn eons Canadian National Exhibition. of• flciais announced' last week that throughauspices of the British De• pat•tment. of Overseas Trade and the Ministry of Infotniation and in co-operation with the British Ad- miralty'and Air Ministry, a display of relies of the present wax is 'being sent to Canada to be exhibitedat rhes year's exhibition. Officials said it is the first and only government-sponsored dis- play of its kind to leave Britain. FIRST TO LEAVE BRITAIN The exhibit is expected to in - elude a Messersehmitt 109 fighter shot down over Britain, a con- •plete'escape apparatus taken from a captured German 'submarine, technical parts from shot -down Junkers and bombers and Messer. Schmitt fighters. One section win display relies from bombed Buck- Ingham Palace, Westminster Ab- bey, St, Paul's 'Cathedral, the British House of Commons and old Westminster Hall. The proceeds from admission fees paid to see the exhibit will be turned over to a British war fund. • - In a film at the last war recently, made in Hollywood, "extras" pro- tested against playing Ger'man parts until they were offered ex- tra pay for the "unpleasant" parts, Must Report Storage Eggs Canadian Warehouses Are Ordered to List Owners, Grades and Amounts 'The special products board of the 'Dominion agriculture ,depart- ment made public late in Jnue an order whereby an accurate report of eggs in Canada will be obtained from operators of storage ware• house. TO MEET BRITAIN'S REQUIREM1INTS Under theorder published in an extra edition of the Canada Gas ette, warelioie es where eggsare stored must forward to the board true and accurate statements as of June 21 showing: The name and address of the 'owner of etch lot of eggs in stor- age; number orf 'eases Of eggs in each a t•8r 101; the lot u'um'be1'•s; grades in each lot; date each lot of eggs was pined in storage. Similar statements must be for- werded to the board as at the close of business at end of each montih. With a view to meeting, Can- ada's eonintitments to Great Bri- tain foe the supply of eggs the. board ah'eady has issued orders forbidding any person from taking eggs out of storage without a per- mit. Useful Fisherman At Pyramid Lake, Nev., Fisher- man Willie Williams saved a drowning man by marking a 70 - ft. cast, hauling him to shore. American Travel Editors Find Perfect Holiday Land Their visit to Banff National Park in the Canadian Rockies re- vealed the perfect holiday land_to nearly a score of United States travel editors recently, Visiting Banff Springs Hotel a mile above sen level, they toured the Columbia Icefields Highway, had lunch at charming Lake Louise and saw big game scampering freely beside the roads over which they motored. 'This great holiday land will be visited this year by record numbers of Americans," they prophesied to Deputy -Minister W. D. King, Major P. J. Jennings, Banff Park Superintendent, and other government officials who greeted them at the mountain resort, In the above photograph, tin addition to govern- ment officials, are representatives of New York, Minneapolis, Pitts- burg, Chicago, Louisville, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit, Spokane and other big newspaper's who visited Canada as guests of the Pacifie Northwest Tourist Association. —C.P.R. Photo. Scieace h Skin SUPER-1'UEL FOR PLANES A. new analyzing device which scientists hope will aid hemisphere defence by paving the way to de- velopment of a "super -fuel" for combustion engines—particularly those of high speed fighter and bomber planes—was displayed last week in Pittsburgh by its diseov- erer. The device's discoverer hopes the machine will help petroleum engineers along the path to a "perfect gasoline." The machine also may help con- serve the nation's fuel supply by leading to better performance of heavier -grade gasolines through reduction of the "knock." —o -- TOOTH DECAY ARRESTED Evidence that caries, or tooth decay, can be produced in aid - mals :•y a deficient diet and that natural repair of the oamaged teeth can take place under an • adequate diet is presented in ex- periments carried on by Df. Rei- dar P, Sognnaes, of the Univer- sity of Rochester (N.Y.) 'School of Medicine and l:'entistry. . Rats were kept on a diet of coarse corn, which is deficient i11 a num- ber of dietary essentials mid long has been recognized as a produc- er of caries. Studies were made of the manner in which the decay processes affected the rats' teeth. Part of the original group was kept as a control and received normal diet. At the end of two months the teeth of these rats wered examined and a surprising change was discovered. The cav- ities were filled and presented a polished appearance. • —0— GOLD HALTS ARTHRITIS Treatment of arthritis, a de- forming disease of joints, by in- jection of a treatment of gold. has halted the destructive process of the disease in 70 per cent of cases but no cure is known, Dr. Wallace Graham of Toronto told the Can- irc STOPPED ix a diary I ` ` '01 Motley Book For quick relief from tnhing ofeozomn,pimpirs, nth. lete'efnot noal e e n )tes,rashesnudotkerexternally soused Ana troubles ,rue fnet.sedng, pool ng, enti- sept,e, liquid 0. D. D Preacriptien, Gresseless, stainless. Scoilies iation Anilglwkly slops intense, ituhing.15e trial hop a proves itr,,,,,e, bnok. Ask Your druggist today for Ud),D. I tIC5CiUt"r1oN, adian Medical Association annual convention. The injections are made in the hip. ANTI -BLOOD CLOT FLUID Two Swedish physicians re- ported last month that heparin, a substance that keeps blood from clotting, helps prevent throm- bosis, which at times causes death or prolonged disability af- ter operations, In thrombosis, which some- times develops after surgeries, a clot or plug forms in a blood vessel or heart cavity. The physicians gave the drug to 325 patients after surgery and not one of them developed throm- bosis. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues for the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways for the nine -day period ended June 30, 1941, were $7,- 843,112 as compared with $6,- 550,140 for the same period of 1040, an increase of $1,292,972 or 19.7%. Bundles For Britain Cargoes Delivered Bundles for Britain, Inc., re- porter in New York late last month that 83 out of 85 cargoes shipped from the United States had, reached Britain and that only 45,000 out of a total of nearly 3,000,000 items were lost at sea. Value of the articles sent in 17 months was $2,543,299, Nrvos Restless Girls! Cranky? Baseless? Can't sleep? Piro easily? Annoyed by fe- male functional dis- eiders and monthly distress? Then. take Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com- pend. fatuous far aver 60 years in helping suchrundown, weak, nervous conditions. Made especially /or women. WELL WORTH TRYInG1 HAVE - 1 S /III HEARD? After recovering slightly from the shock of the budget in .Lon- don, one employercalled his staff together and explained that there must be further reductions in wages. "It means we shall all have to tighten our belts," he ended. Then after' a moment's pause, he turned to a junior clerk, who did not ap- pear to be listening. Do you understand what I'tn saying, Smith?" "Yes, sir," replied Smith, "but it's no-good telling me that. My belt broke at the budget before last." Mrs. Style: ,"I want a Twat, but it must be in the latest style." Shapeless:, . "Kindly take a chair, . madam, and wait a few minutes; the fashion is just. changing., Three little boys were boasting of the abilities of their respective fathers. Said ouet "My father's a'mu- sician, and when he composes a song, he gets five dollars for it" "That's nothing," said the sec- ond. "My father's an author, and when he writes an article, he gets ten dollars for it." "Well," said the third boy, "my father's a minister, and when he preaches a sermon, it takes six men to carry the money up to him." "What part of a motor -car causes the most accidents?" "The nut that holds the wheel." A boy had fallen into a river and the kind old lady stopped until he was safely on the, bank. "How did you come to fall in?" she asked. "I didn't come to fall in," he said, "I came to fish." I wish that 1 could mance a rule That every moth must go to school And learn from some ex- perienced mole To make a less conspicu- ous hole, —Dunnville Chronicle Three Canadian soldiers sleep- ing in a tent in an English camp were awakened by a terrific crash not far away. "What was that—thunder or bombs?" asked one of then. "Bombs," was the laconic answer. "Thank Heaven for thatl" chimed in the third. "I thought we were going to have more rain." Nettles As Food If you have never tried nettles as a vegetable why not begin now? Nettles are prepared in the sante way as spinach, which they somewhat resemble in flavour. Their value has long been appre- ciated by OIcl Country folk, who also make both beer and wine from nettles. Doctors and die- tetic experts advocate nettles as a vegetable, because of their high vitamin content. IT'S TIME TO TRY THAT'S MY CHEW Surgery Helps Conquer TR Manitoba Doctor Reports It Reduces Death Rate In San- atorium Dr. Herbert Meltzer of Nanette Sanatorium declares that modern surgery in treating tuberculosis patients is bringing enoouraghng re• sults toward lowering the death rate and increasing the category of patients discharged as improved or better. 115 PATIENTS IMPROVED Speaking before the section of surgery at the Canadian Medical Association's 72nd annual conven- tion, Dr. Meltzer outlined results of a six-year survey among 181 pa- tients at the sanatorium in Nin. etto Man.. south-western Manitoba. Ile said 115 patients have been discharged in the category of "int• proved" and only three, or 1.11 par•. cent died following Op:Teti:nt. There were five, or 2.5 percent lite tuberculosis deaths, he sail. IHitler's Nenhetr Joining- ROC.A ,F. William Patrick Hitler, twenty- eight -year-old son of Adolf Hitier'a half-brother, Alois Hitler, is short- ly to join the Royal Canadian Air Forex. Mr. Hitler, came to the United States in March, 1939. Mr. Hitler, who is a British subject, was born in Liverpool, and trained in England as an accountant. Its 1933 he was of- fered a job by Chancellor Hitler, and lived in Germany until March, 1938, and a year later came to this continent. 6 Irishmen Grin At Own Inquest Six grinning Irishmen attended their own inquest last west.. They were in a party of 12 thought to have been in a bombed house and the coroner was about to return a verdict of presumed death when the supposed casual- ties walked in. They explained they had. left the horse to go to a wake. The other six were killed. Price Of Tea h Up Again Cost Is Now Several Cents More to Consumer Except Where 01d Stock is Stili Being Sold — Shipping Space Lack Blamed 'Canadian housewives, seeking to replenish the family supply of tea this week, found that the price of this household commodity had been .boosted from five to ten ants a pound more: Reason for the increase in ;rico, according to wltnlesele and retail tea houses in Toronto, was the lack of shipping f c tiles, corviin- ed with OM higher t _ 11i i ' re'os and 11)gter coat of the p:-a!t ct at 114 seuree. 1AI�NY CARCiOns 1 OSP It was siptctl '1':11 more r•'n 1.090,310 amines c:' tea f'om Tear[ ""ct Cr.vlen Ins b•'en 1:77 .11 wird[: en route to C::nadt in rte paet y e!ne A-eenee 01 Nay ht. " r rIn- sntn•pt.ion of tea in t' -e, :' 1 111100y a'.1 i pin (,11 tri 'i'.t"'t ;• 11: '"'71• cd for ('nitod9 ..'a r1" r-nngtri•!s, have hien deto')ron C r •.. Groeere will etnitiOO) to "en ll'cir tett at the ca'igh-nl p:'iec4 cel,' eo long as the old oeuplies re"t':n available, 111 tea p l c:ts' e s'nrn the first o; July ficin w'rnli "lit houses, hater ver, is being seid at tate higher pricex. HARNESS 8r- COLLARS Farmers Attention — Can=.u:t your nearest harness Shop about Steco Ramses Snpli,ios. We sell our g_oiis only thtotga your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The gaols are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture its our fac- tories — Harness, Botse tars, Sweat Pads, Horne lit in- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods, Insist on Staco Grand Trade Narked Goods, and you get satisfaction, Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E,; Toronto ....CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... At:T;Ntt'S 1l-ANTI10 I'3t7SINVS8 OP YOUR OWN NOW ready; Conk determined be terri- tory desired, but not prohibitive, uf,rle surd by the gallon with inevitable repeats; a nalurei pro- duct unequalled end ens:' to sell. apply Aqua Vitae Sales Office, 090 'Yonge St, Toronto, PAltit MACHINERY IOXTRA SPECIAL. — NTW DEMON - strati ng and rebuilt Melotto Cream cooled engines, used reconditionni Diesel and l,aooltne engines, light- ing plants, batteries: spare parts for Metotte, Magnet and Prettier Cream Separators, also Lister lOn- gtnos, gasoline and Dlesol, curried 111 stock. Write S. A. Lister, Stew- art Street, Toronto. OA 11Y C'TIICKN Tette GOOD MARKETS WE 11317 ahead melte 110 urge. poultry - keepers -to see they have all the proctuctive pullets they can han- dle. We've started, day-old, most breeds, Order summer chicks now, last hatch 20t11, after that, hatch- ing to order. limy Hatchery, 130 John North, Hamilton, Ont. TALETNG Ole EGGS—THE ARMY needs eggs, the Navy needs eggs, the Air 1Poree nocris eggs and you need Tweddle Chicles to produce these stun. eggs, We are still hetehtng thousands of day -ofd ehlelts and turkeys every week and can give you prompt delivery on sixteen ptu'ebroeils, 8 hybrid er0ssee and four breeds of. tm'- keys. ,Send for lige eatafegtee end, latest price list. rweddle Chlek Iittteheries Limited, Fergus, On- tario. DIOI,rINC, FOR 'I'iIRESI1Pntl tleee THRESHER 3310LTS, BELTING, pulleys, hose lacing, feeder cnn)- vas, motors Shafting' and hangers tit recluootl prices. Send for new not York Belting Co., 88 York Street, Toronto,. RUGS WANTED RUGS—ORIIONTALS, WILTONS AND 117211010o0s W111. pay good price for rugs in s'ood condition. Driver will call at your home. Write or phone Salvage Sales Company, 208. Victoria. Street, Toronto. ' FACTORY TO POCKET 11.29. AND UP PER GALLON NA- tiontelle known Paints—freight pl'ape id, 14rri Le for particulars, Arnot Industries, Guelph, Ont. Eight 4 x 6 Enlargemeints 30c Your Mile developed nod eneb .print' rnIn u;eti 90 4 v 0, :10e. Reprints, .nn,,. raze, 8 for 30e: 1)1R14101' b'11dn. SPRY1t7E 183 King hunt, Belot, 7, Toronto 11A Keen 0 Cat11, 1.31 t4N'r BAI(1l(tS' leVIONs AND MAUHIN- ery, also rebuilt etlulpmenl al- ways on hand. Terms arranged. Correspondence Invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co., 108 Bathurst 01., Toronto. 1PARSIS 50050 0,11,17 2011 FARMS P011 SALP IN MOAT fertile sections Ontario. Pot• 1n- formation advise requirement Mor- ris 13. Perclva7, 252'9.1 Dundas St, London "Western Ontario's Fore- most Farm Sales Agency." POR SALE TLIAISTRATIOI) WHOLESALE CAT- ALOGUE FI?I1u10, Over 1000 fastest selling items, penny-TepMer0han- 11ine Co., Balfour Bldg„ Montreal. [TAT HEMS WANT El WILL BUY NEW OR USED F.PATH- ors or excheinge for spring mat- tresses. NOW Goose 65e. Get quotetlone on other's. Robinson's Bedding, 282 Brock Avenue, To- rento. 011001' WANTL:u. WANTED, LADIES TO FINISH scarves, wall hangings, etc, Ma- terials with instructions emit postpaid. Rivera Arts. de Crafts, Marguerite, B.C. 01+70 AL J. N. LINDSAY, LAW OPPI0'l7, CAP, 1001 Theatre Building, St. Tbomas, Ontario, Special Department for ftlrmers collections. HAIRDRESSING SCttt)OI, DARN WHILE YOU LEARN HAIR - dressing, Complete details in new 1941 booklet, now on request, Robertson's 'I3alydvessing Aced - env. 7.37 Avenue Road, Toronto. HMI 0A0 11AV19 001U GOITRE? "513SOR730" •. reduces and removes. Price 40.05 per bottle, 3. A. Johnston Co., 171 Sting E., Toronto. GOOD ADVICE! EVERY sUFF17R- et• of Rheumatic Pains of Nour- itis should try Dixon's ;Remedy. Munro's .Drugs, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. $1.00 postpaid. LEAF TOBACCO LOUR POUNDS BURLEY AND VIR- ginia Leaf for pipe $1.35. Five pounds Fragrant Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco $2.50 postpaid. Natural Leaf Tobacco Co., Leam- ington, Ontario. NOTICE FRUST AND VEGETABLE GROW- ens,The Oakville Basket Co, Ltd., Oakville, Ontario 0011 supply your boxes, Orates and baelrets prompt- ly et reasonable prices, PAINTS PAINT SPLCIAI, -- AT 51.50 I'l000 gallon for cosh with order in the following colours chocolate brown, dark brown, light brown, light moss green, dark gray, also dark lead floor enamel. A limited number of gallons to each cus- tomer. Write to -day. 8 A, Lia Stewart Street, Toronto. 11 AUDITS 1411W ZRALA.N)') REDS, H111At.4P- ons, Blue 1overnne, finest exhibi- tion stock always its the ribbons, every rabbit pedigreed. 00 Les. tnetuit Ave., Torah lo. 0.111411HA't'C$M i 1 V 7MPOR'IANT! EVIT1.Y ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should i:ry Dixon's Remedy, Manna's Mite,• Stare. 305 I:1, Ottnwn. 01.00 postpaid, SAIOtsstnN WANTED 110 YOU WANT A TIII`Tlei ,N- corns—your,N- eorne—your own inkiness—plenty of eo-opeuttlonrepent bueinoo,--- a big line of fest selling house- hold necessities. 3Y,'I1e for free details and catalogue at [rut's le You are witting to ro,dce a cltnnge. FAMI7.E:Y, 570 St, Clement Street, Montreal, W3III,p1I,CIdA IR8 (Inr011,1) WAN'(' nI WHEELCHAIRS (7o00110) need, goad condition, ON/amiable. Writo 8. J. Dory, 149 Church Street, To- ronto. SNAPSHOTS TO -DAY TREASURES TO -MORROW yam• flims -aro carefully and scien- tifically processed by Imperial, to metre sure they last. e or 8 IOX1'0801181 FILMS' Otto with beautiful enlargement free, 8 reprints with enlargement 5c. Thousands of letters from satisfied customers testify to our superior, quality 'and service, mrranAz PHOTO SERVICE Dept. D, Station J, Toronto. FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINOI17D e OR 8 17Xr'OSU1ttS 25c DEAUTIPUI, ALOHA! 1FREE With l+',vera, lion AMU) 5r31,110 FINIS11Rn9 91OX 121 , TORON'T'O ISSUE 29—'41