HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-07-10, Page 5HURS., JULY 10, 1941 tin THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD f NOTICE Any Citizen who may have a I3ouse;,or Rooms to Rent, Furnished or Unfurnished, Please Leave all particular with the 'To*:It Clerk in order that sante may be Recorded for the Benefit of R.A.E. Officers on their arrival at the New' Radio School. THE CLINTON TOWN COUNCIL ' AUBURN 'Rev. aitd Mi.'s. Sherman of St. Thomas visited 'Wit'h Mr, and Mrs. Mari Raithby haat week.. :Me, Barr and .three arhald'ron of De - "a ort wpent a few days lost -week at .thehome o£ Mr. and Mrs: Z. J. Wileon. 'Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mey'ere hind. ?two children, Mr,. and Mrs. Roland 'Bothnta.n and three children and Mrs. Zarilil :73)a -ham all of Bryan, Ohio, 'Spent the :weelemd with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ladd., . Mr. and Mrs. W. S:. Shepard, Joan 'iind'Toni Sheppard spent -Sunday 'in 'Sarnia the guest af'Mr. and Mrs. ..Ralph 1?rnox. M2. and Mss. Fran%: Washington of : Kirkland Lake are visiting the -forma ^errs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wash- ington,. ton,. Mrs. David -Murray and daughter Olga of Buffalo spent the 'weekend' with Mr. and Mrs. John Huston. Mr. and Mr's. Jack Bennett visited with friends here last week. Royce Phillips is spending the hol- iday with his'aunt Mrs, Guy Durham -;and Idr, Durham bf 'St. George: Mrs. Carrie Armstrong. and Iittle •r George. Wayne Dawson lave e turned home after a three 'weeks Visit with. 'friends in Toronto , Mrs, Illnk'adyen and daughter of .Fort Frances as visiting her sister :Mrs, Wm, Doble and Mr. Dobie. Visitors at the home of Dr. B. C. Weir at the weekend were Mr. -and -Mrs. George .Patterson of Toronto, and John Weir of Oshawa. Mr. and .1VIrs. Percy Gibbs of De- troit were weekend visitors at the • home of Dir. and Mrs. Harvel Meta. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McNeil of Tor- ento and Harold Asquith of Montreal 'spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Asquith, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Coates, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. 'Stalker of Mint, Midh are gests of Mr. ancd Mrs, Maitland Allen, Mr. Jim Huston of Manning Pool, spent the weekend with his parents Mr.. and Mrs. John Huston. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dobie of Ot- tawa are visiting the former's par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Wrn, Dobie. Congratulations are due Miss Ed- ith Beacom 'teacher of the Pubiie School on her entrance class all hav- ing suceessfhllypassed their entrance, they are: Ruth' Wilson, Jean Lawlor, Lucille Keller, Arnold Phillips, Don- ald Yungbiutt and Grant Riordan, We are sorry to report that Mr. Alex. Meltenzie who went to Toronto last Wednesday eaffered a paralytic stroke on Thursday and is in a very critical condition. Word was received by friends here that Srg. Observer Russoll.Reid 13 re- ported raising since Friday when Ire was in a raid over Germany. Observ- •ei• Reid is, a son of Mrs. Dot Reid of 'Toronto and a grandson of Mr. Bp- hriain Ball of Auburn. It is about three months since he went over to England and two months previous he was married to Margaret Mac- :Ii,innon of Toronto. Re has a brother :Bryan in Toronto. The monthly meeting of the Went - ens institute will be held in the For- ester's Hall on Tuesday, July 15th., The topic to be given by Miss Dor- othy Wilson. Current events, Miss Sadie Carter. Roll call, name of a Book recently enjoyed„ Demonstra- tion ori table setting and serving. Mrs. W. Bradnock and Miss ;Josephine Weir, Hostesses Miss Margaret King, Mfrs. W. T. Robison and Miss, Viola Thompson, The ladies Aidof St, Marks Ang- lican church met at the home of Mrs, 13. W: Hamilton with • Mrs. Gordon Taylor in charge. `Prayers were- led by Jeremiah Taylor: The Bible read- ing was taken by Mrs. Thos. Haggett. sit t -as decided to give $5.00 to the Queen's Canadian Fund for Air Raid Victims. It was decided to knit another afghan for the Red .Cross Society anda quilt is tobe patched for the Guild's Mission bale. Laura Phillips was in charge of the follow- ing program: topic in keeping with Dominion Day. On Salmon Fisheries in British Columbia by Luella John- ston, report of the Deanery meeting held in Blyth was given by Mrs. Gor- don Taylor and Mrs. Leatherland and a solo by Mrs. Gordon Taylor. A dainty lunch y u r was served by the host- ess. • Baptist Ladies Aird The Ladies Aid of the Baptist church met at the hone of Mrs. Glenn Raithby with the president Mrs. Chas, Howson in charge. The devot- ional period was taken by Mrs. John JdcKnight and Mrs. R. J.. Phillips.' Readings were grvari by Mr s Elmer Robertson; Elsie Plitte:ton, Mrs. Per- cy Vincent, Mrs, John Wright and Mrs. Gienn Raithby. A. piano selects ion Was given by Mrs. Jas. Jackson and Mrs. Earl McKnight and Miss Ame]ix Melliwain favored with a duet. TIie topic was taken by Mrs. Annie Wainer, Mrs. A. B. Silver closed the meeting with prayer. A pot luck supper was served: Rev. H. C. Wilson had the "Church of the Air" service over,Winghem, Monday morning. He was assisted by Misses Zeta Munro and Vivian Straughan in a duet and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson in a solo, BAYFIELD Miss Doris Featherston left on Monday to resume her nursing duties at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Mr. .and Mrs. 'Wm. Speed and daughter, Merle, spent the Fourth of July and weekend with Mrs. Speed's parents, Mr. And Mrs. Henry Mc- Clinches,. Master Billy Speed and Jean McGlinchey who have been visiting their grandparents, returned. to De- troit with thein, Mr. Will Cameron and Mr. Donald Cameron and daughter, Ethel of De- troit visited Misses E. and M. Camer- on over the Atneriean holiday and weekend. Miss Ida Reid of Detroit came on Thursday of last week 'to spend the summer with her brother and sister His many friends win be glad to know that J. H. Reid is improving in health. Mr. and Mrs', Wm. Speed and fam- 11 e 11WIRaioSN,p1w"w sunocoServiceStation HarryWatkins YOU DON'T NEED CASH to buy Guaranteed GOODRICH TIRES AND BATTERIES What's right 1 Just select what you need. Show us your '/license identification and ,set your own terms. We in - 'stall your purchase at once. °NO DELAYS NO INVESTIGATION °IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ':: Goodrich Harry Watkins.. BUDGET DEPT.. • SUNOCO .:SERVICE : STATION CLINTON' PHONE 18 Summerhill Red Cross The Summerhill Red Cross held their meeting at the home' of Mrs, Ephriam Snell with the president in the chair, the meeting opened with the Singing of "God Save the King", fol- lowedi by -the Red Cross Prayer, The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. . There was an attend- ance of over 60 present. In the bus- iness part of the meeting-it,was de- cided to have a pienio oh Friday, July nth at the home of Mr. William Mer- rill. The community are cordiglly in- vited.' Each family is asked to ;bring one pint of sweetened lemon juice, A wall bracket donated by Mrs. Snit was won by Miss Emma Sturgeon- Ten the afternoon three quilts weie quilt- ed. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs, A, Vodden on July lath. Those serving are Mrs. T. Mason, Mrs. N. Ball, Mrs. G. Sandi and Mrs.. A Osbaideston. The roll call to be answered by, "my favorite radio story". Tea was served at the close •' of the ,meeting, sly, Miss Jean McClinehey and Mr and Mr. and Mrs:' Henry 1VIcClinchey spent Friday of last week with Mx - and Mrs. Alvin ,Holm and family in Preston. Master Roy slIcara, who spent the year with his grandparents left last week to be with his parents in. Preston. Miss Jessie Metcalf of Detroit was hone over the weekend. Miss Armstrong of Brantford is visiting her sister Mrs. M. Gellner this week. Mr. and Mrs Clayton Weston of Chicago are visiting friends here and in Goderich for the next two weeks Miss Mina Proctor of Toronto is visiting her aunt Mrs. ging, Rev. Eric Anderson and family of Lambeth are the guests of Rev. Har- old Currie at the Manse. Mrs. S. Cleave returned hone this week after having spent some months in Bad Axe, Mich., with her daughter Mrs. J. Gitigerich. She was accomp- anied. by her brother Dr. Charles Lo- gan. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Morley, Barbara and Pat Morley of Pleasant Ridge, Mich., were the guests of the Misses. Morley, over the weekend. Barbara and Pat remaining with their aunts for the balance of the Summer. Mrs. A. L, Trout andtwo sons of Detroit are at their cottage for the season. Mrs. Thorton Mustard and daughter Mrs. Frank Burch and babe of Tornto are at their cottage here for the sum- mer. Mrs. It Bunt and daughter.of Lon- don are oeeupying Mrs. R. Scotch. mer's cottage for July. Misses Dorothy. Mark and Manie Green of London are guests at the Little In this welt:. Mrs.. Mark and Miss D. Morrison were here over the weekend. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. G, Neeling of Sea - forth returned to their cottage on Thursday last. Professor, R. E. Pemberton and fainly of London are at their cottage for the season. ' Mrs. J. W, Hodgins, , Miss Mabel Hodgins, and Professor Lloyd Hod- gins of Toronto arrived last 'week to spend the summer at their pottage on The Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. C. Barrett and Mr. and Mrs. T. Bennett of Detroit spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weston, Mrs. Weston who has spent some weeks in Detroit returned hgme home with thein. Mrs. Roy Roth and small son Ron- ald of Caledonia are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Jowett for a few Weeks. Mrs. John Cuningliame of Clinton was the guest last week .of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame, • Mrs. Win , L. Ferguson is visiting fri ends in St. Catherines this week. Pte. Albert Osmond of : London spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Osmond, Mrs. Mary Ann Schmidt of Virden; Man., is visitingher brother. Mr. S. Houston and Mrs. -Houston. ' Miss Lorna Westlake of London is se;ending her vacation with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weston and small son of Detroit spent the week- end with Mr. Richard Weston and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Crays of Detroit were the guests of 'Mrs, Crane's mother Mrs. J. McLeod Sr. -over the weekend, Le Charles Mustard, Halifax and Mrs. Mustard spent a few days this week at the Mustard cottage, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murray of De - droit spent the weekend with Mrs. A. Murray, Miss Jean Butler -of St. Catherines is the wrest of her cousin Miss Matrg- arets Ferguson this week. VARNA ' Mr. J. McAndrews of Passadena, Cal.. was fenewing acquaintancesin the village-Tnesday. Me. and Mrs. Argo and little son Jimmy Lee of Toronto spent the weekend with the ladies parents Mr. and, Mrs. A. ` McConneIl. A sacred concert under the auspic- es of the Red Grose will be held on Dr. L. Moffatt's lawn on: Sunday' ev- ening July`. 20th. Mr. Henry McGee; dI Auburn, Mr. Makins of Goderich, a male, quartette from Holmesville and.oth'ee talent has been secured. • i• CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 6.6w and 66i Poultry Culling It is now flTtely there will not'be as plentiful a supply of grain as usual,. It might be good business to have your Hoek culled a little earlier this year. Calling done by an experienc- ed peuitrynnan. . Good service; at our Egg Grading Station,. - 1 N. W. TREWARTHA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. • Batkin's Locker Storage Anyone can afford 'fresh fruit out of season—the locker way. The. seas- on for storing cherries, raspberries, and pears is at hand. Peas should be shelled and boiled xapidiy for one - hail to one and one-half ninutee, then eel -led rapidly in cold water. Pack in carton and place in locker at once. We have these cartons now on hand. Good priees on quartera of Beef and halves of Pork. We have just receiv- ed fresh shipment of fish. "Frozen Foods are Better Foods." Further notice will be given. Mr. W. Forrest and daughter of Clinton spent Friday evening at the home of Geo. Beatty Sr. Mr. For- est was an old school prate of 'Mr. Beatty and both celebrated their 80th birthday on Saturday. Mrs. L. Miller of Brussels called on her cousin Mr. lir. G. Beatty Sun- day. Mrs. Rutherford and son of Hamil- ton spent a few days with her sister Mrs. Geo. H. Beatty, Mrs. Harold Elliott has returned after spending a week with her hus- band at Nova Scotia. Mrs. Meyers and daughter Marg- aret left last week for her home near Toronto. Pte, Harold Elliott of the H.L.I. while on Furlough is spending a few days at his home. Misses Sarah and Mary and Mr. Men, Fee of Hensall were guests at the home of G. Beatty Sr, on Sunday. MARRIAGES HARRIS—PHILLIPS—In St. And- rew's Presbyterian church, Blyth, •on Saturday July 55th, when Jeanne Gertrude Phillips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. II. Phillips of Bly- th, and Gerald Robert Harris of Brockville, son of Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Harris of Clinton, were united in marriage by the Rev. A. M. Boyle, BIRTHS STEEP—In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, June 27th, to Pte. and Mrs. William Steep, a daughter, Audrey June. ADMANS IN Clinton Public Hospit- al on Sunday, July 6th, to Pte. and Mrs. Leonard Admans of Camp Borden, ((nee Hazel Ashton) a son. SIMS—In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, July 2nd, to Mr. and Mr, J.:). Sims, Blyth, a daughter (Linda Kathleen). DEATHS RANDS—In Clinton, on Saturday, July '5th, Jabez Rands, Sr., in his 69th year. ANClinton,C to McPARL D In 1' on Mon- day, - day, July 7th, Agnes McFarlane, in her 74th, year. CARTER—In Clinton, on Sunday, July 0th, Violetta Pearl Taman,'be- loved wife of W. 7,, Carter, in her 47th year. IN MEMORIAM PILGRIM—In loving memory of niy grandmother, Mrs. Charles C. Pil- grim, who passed away -July 9th,"1928. Upright and just in all her ways. Faithful and true to the end of her `clays, In silence she suffered, in patience she bore, Till God called her home, to suffer no More. To those who have a grandonther,, Treasure her with. care, Or you'll never" know her value,. Till ydu•see her vacant chair,. --ever remembered' by Mrs. Harold Barnes of Toronto, (nee Hazel Hunk- ing ). The Auburn softball team will play the Londesboro team at Londesboro on Friday evening of this week. For Sale One good work horse for ,gale cheap. Apply to William Henry, 3 miles south of Clinton, on No. 4 highway. For Sale Furnished house in Bayfield for 'sale cheap. Apply to Mrs. Lyda. Mc- Neil, Clinton. • 48-4 For Rent Furnished house for rent on Town- send street, James Reid. Apply to Mrs, Harry Fitzsimons, Clinton: 48-1 • ROXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW PLAYIN(,r; "RIDE, TEND. ERI'OOT, RIDE" MON., TUES. & WED. Barbara Stanwyck, Henry Fonda, Charles Coburn & Eugene Fallette A new pair of screen lovers Barb- ara Stanwyck and henry Fonda in thecomedy delight you've been waiting for, „al "THE LADY EVE" Thur., Fri., Sat.—Double Feature Fred Astaire, Paulette Goddard, Artie Shaw and his band Together for the first time, Fred Astaire, the screen's, greatest daunt er and Artie $haw, King of Swing "SECOND CHORUS" ADDED ATTRACTION;_ "DOOMED CARAVAN"' PAGE CAPITAL THEATRE GODERZCII NOW: Gary Cooper as "The West- erner" MON., TUES, & WED. Frances ;Langford, Kenny taker Hugh Herbert A mad and merry mixture of gor- geous girls -and smash -hit songs "Hit. Parade of 1941" THURS., FIL'I, & SAT. "BUCK PRIVATES" Positively the riotous fun -film of the year! Starring -- Abbott and Costello ,,Coming: "Westtere Union" by Zane Coming: "Sib Hankins" with Judy Grey - Technicolor. Canova,,• REGENT THEATRE SEAPORT' NOW: Bol: Hope ire "The Road tea Zanzibar" 'MON., TUES. & WED. , Jean Arthur and Charles Coburn offer a truly amusing tale of store employees and their bosses The Devil and Miss Jones THURS., FRI. & SAT. Gary Cooper, Doris Davenport and Walter Brennan. in an exciting story of the war be- tween cattlemen and homestead- ers. `THE WESTERNER', Coming Claudette Colbert, "Arise My Love." Mats.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p_m__ Mat. WedSat. & Holidays 3 Imaldat,: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. BARTLIFF'S SATURDAY SPECIALS CRELSA BUNS PECAN ROLLS • SiJEYS RAISIN BREAD ROLLS, FRUIT AND NUT BREAD OATMEAL HERMIT FRUIT B Alt COOKIES LIGHT & DARK CAKES TARTS INDIVIDUAL LESION PIES PEACH CHERRY -APPLE LEMON PIES White Buttermilk, Whole Wheat or Cracked Wheat Bread BUY FROM YOUR HOME BAILER PHONE 1 WE DELIVER Thresher For Sale 22-33 Goodison Thresher, equipped with chaffe blower 15-30 Hart Parr Tractor Will sell separately Apply to : JOHN 'LEIFER Clinton, Post Office Box 131 48-1 CARD OF THANKS Mr. F. G. Mulholland and Family wish to thank all their kind friends, neighbors, pallbearers and those who loaned cars, 'for the many acts of kindness and messages of •sympathy and for beautiful floral offerings in the loss of a dearly loved wife and mother. - CARD OF THANKS ' 1Ve wish to extend our heartfelt thanks -and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, use of cars loaned, and beautiful flor- al offerings received from our friends, neighbors and relatives, during our sad bereavement -Mrs. Jabez Rands and Family. Farm for Sale An extra good 50 acres at Lot 5, on the 2nd, concession of Hullett, well drained, in excellent state of cultiva- tion; 14 mile from school. Apply to Thos. E. Livingston, Clinton, . 48-4 Lost Nurses graduation pin with Clinton Public Hospital engraved on the front and the name of the owner and the year of graduation on the bask, It is a little larger than a 25c piece and gold in color. Reward offered. Find- er please call at the News -Record, 48-1 To Rent Furnished Cabins it s for month of August. Apply to Mrs, C, B. gale at Burke's Canp, seven Hailes below Goderich on the Blue Water Highway or write Box 22CGlinton, for partic- ulars, 48-2 For Sale - 1 ice refrigerator; 1 kitchen stove suitable for camp; 1 Quebec heater; child's table and chairs. Apply to Mrs. Earl Douglas, Queen street, Clin- ton. 48-2 . MORTGAGE SALE Under and byvirtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort- gage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, subject to a reserved bid, at the premises, on Wed- nesday, the 16 th day of July, 1941, at the hour of 2 .o'clock ai the after- noon, by the undersigned. auctioneer, the following; 1 Brantford portable oven;1 Bread mixer; 1 Cake machine; 1. 2 H.P. motor; .1 Kelvinator refrig- erator; 1 Electric automatic charger; 1 sinall safe; 2 candy furnaces; 2 cash registers 1 victrola; 3 sets scales; 1 gas plate; 3 large,1 small show eases; 3 large, 3 small mirrors; 1 coal heater; Hestuarant tables; chairs; mixing' bowls; silverware; bread pans; Vortex Sundae and Soda holders; glass etc. A • quantity of Candys and -stock of Bake Shop and restourant equipment Further terms and conditions will -be made icaown at the tune of sale, and in the meantime may be obtain- ed from: EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. F. FINGLAND, K.C. Solicitor for the Mortgagee. Used Cars.. 1944 Ford Ceaeh 1939 Plymouth Sedan 1939 Chevrolet' Coach 1938 Chevrolet Coach 1938 Ford Coach 1937 Plymouth Coupe - 1936 Pontiac Coupe 1936 Chevrolet Coach (.like new) 1937 Chevrolet +/z Ton Truck ass , 1935 Chevrolet Coach 1934 Dodge Sedan 1932 Ford Coupe "B" Model 1930 Essex Coach 1929 ChysIer Sedan . 1931 Durant Panel Delivery Reg. Shapley Supertest Products — Domjnion Tires MAIN CORNER — CLINTON PHONE 182 DANCE at the RENDEZV.OUS ON THE LAKE BAYFIELD Thurs. July 10 th to the CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA "Where Your Friends Meet" Admission: Gents 50e; Ladies 35c C. Watson, Manager. Farmers Attention Federation of Agriculture Picnic, in AUBURN Friday July 18 th, Guest Speaker: Mr. V. S. Milburn, Sec. Treas. of Ontario Federation of Agriculture. Program— Sports, Dancing, Speaking E12WIN'S DANCE BAND Starts at 1.30 pan. bring your even- ing lunch. ADMISSION: FREE Sponsored by East and West Wasv- anosh, Colborne and Hullett 'Units of the Federaton of Agriculture, Bands In Attendance Tenders,Wanted Tenders will be received until Sat- urday, July 19th, 1941, for 5 cord of 14 in. body wood; maple, or beech and maple mixed; for S.S. No. 1 Hullett Township, BERT XRWIN See: Treas 48-1 T CLEARING AUCTION SALE tem ents r r OE Farm Steak and implements at Lot 25, con. 7, Hallett Township, 4 miles north of Clinton on No, 4 highway, on FRIDAY, JULY 18TH, at 1 o'clock consisting of the following: HORSES:—aged working mare; aged working horse; driving mare, 9 years old. CATTLE:—Durham cow, 8 yrs., to freshen, Dee. 13; Durham cow, 9 yrs., to freshen, Nov. 26; Durham cow, 8' yrs., to freshen Nov. 16; Durham heif- er, 3 yrs. to freshen, Dec. 20; Durham heifer, 3 yrs., to freshen Dec. 5; Dur- ham cow (aged), to freshen, Jan. 16; 2 Durham heifer calves; 2 Durham steer calves; 2 yr. ofd Registered Durham bull with papers. IMPLEMENTS:—Deering binder 7 ft. cut; Massey Harris mower 6 ft. cat; Massey Harris 12 row hoe drill with cultivator attachment; Quebec 1 furrow riding plow, (nearly new); No 21 Fleury walking plow; No. 21 Cock- ,shutt walking plow; ,spring tooth cul- tivator; roller; set of bench sleighs; wagon box; hay rack; hay rake; turn- ip seeder; eutter; rubber tired top baggy; steel tired buggy; light wag- on; Clinton fanning trill; 8000 ib. scale with stook platform; cutting box; hay fork and. ear; 150 ft. hay rope; extension ladder; 20 ft. ladder; set of double harness; set of single harness; 4 horse collars; quantity of hay; quantity of lumber; 30 rods No.y 9 wire fence; 3 rolls of barb wire; large iron kettle; sap kettle; logging chains; plow points forka; saws; shovels and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH WM. FEAR, Proprietor. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer 48-2 BURGESS' G SS STiLTDii;`- CLINTON Photographs of Distinction IRENE 'BURGESS' ' .. Phone 115. Developing and Printing MONUMENTS! • To those contemplating build— ing ,a:lilonument,.:;as Goa my.. prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. ,. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to •Ball & Zapfe 59 tf Attention Farmers Now is the time to buy your elec- tric fences complete with 6 -volt Hot - Shot and all insulators as low as $15. with a two year guarantee. General Batteries (Hot Shots) and • Insulators in stock Also Radios, Refrigerators, Washers Tubes' and Batteries:- ,r;;.; ,•., A. W. Groves, Princess St.. PRINCESS ST. CLINTON NOTICE TO ALL TOWN PROPERTY" OWNERS OR TENANTS, who neg- lect to care for the cutting of weeds. This work will be done by the Town and alt expenses thus incurred will be charged to the party res1)onsible. Signed, CONSTABLE ELLIOTT .. Weed Inspector 46-2 TENDERS Whereas the Fire Insurance now in force on the .Huron County home and Outbuildings expire,, on the 1st, day of September 1941. And whereas there is now under construction at the said Home a Fire Alarm System which will be completed within a few weeks, Therefore the County Home Com- mittee are requesting insurance Ag- ents within the County of Huron, to submit tenders for this Insurance, to the undersigned, on or before 12 o'clock noon Saturday, August 9th, 1941. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. - Info'ination regarding this insur- ance may be had at the County Clerk's Office, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. signed, N. W. MILLER County Clerk, 48-2 Truck for Sale 11,1, ton Chevrolet truck stake body,in first class mechanical condit- ion. Price P ice reasotr bl a e, Apply to F, W. Andrews, Clinton, phone 33. 47-1 For Rent Nine roomed house on Rattenbury street,' West, with all modern eon- veniences; hot water heating;' in goof shape with good garage. Immediate possession. Apply to W. J. Elliott, Victoria street, Clinton phone 336. .47t1. Wanted OId horses and cattle for mink feed. If dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 907r5, or Lloyd Batkin 619x14.. 35tf a -e -w For Sade A two story frame house and: three quarters of an acre of land. Owned by Miss McFarlane. Apply by tele- phoning 907r31 or 620r15. 45tf Poultry Wanted We weigh and pay cash for fowl at your door. Reliable culling done free. Phone 266 and reverse the charges. G. Pearson, Clinton 44tf,, I+or Sale A good 1% story house with small. barn, hen house anti garden on Town-. send street, town lights and water and house newly decorated. Apply to. Mrs.. John V. Diehl, Queen St. Clinton. 38tfl For Sale House and lot with garage on Rat-. tenbury street, town lights & water; also house and two lots on Huron street, 9 rooms, lights and water, also stable and henhouse. Apply to Miss Bertha Cantelon, Huron street, Olin, ton. .s. 274