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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-07-03, Page 3How French' 'Collaboration' Will Aid Nazi Conquest` CA Arctic Ocean • Possible Gorman Thrusts !sarsetBritish Ship Routes 11111 #Sa Berman blockade zone Vichy,'Ftancd and Colonies Free French Colonies (Port.) Atlantic Ocean G/B,2ALTA pEle4:6� (Port. .mumo( (Port.) Across"iFiench AS glrlllP11111r. . ,�: 4gf1 iFR WESTAFRiCA I JL DA?�ut' ,j't1 a5AM i1 '� �� se ' I , San Francisco to Suez 13,500 mi.; New York to Sues Canal, 12,590 mi. Nq►g.1, siSOUTH AMERICA From Greenland to the Red Sea, Germany isattempting to stop the Sow of war supplies and food to Britain, but Hitler's next<nrove depends on whether Vichy "collaboration' means Nazi troops can pass across French territory. Map spots targets of possible Nazil drives across ss France nc and her r col- an i es h to in a bases r , for' g increased Fos ed at tacks on British sill g' 5n .an d grab Near East oil for the German war machine loaern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1, . When art office employee is being constantly criticised and an- noyed by another employee, should be protest to the head of the department? 2. Shouldn't a bride be con- siderate of the expense necessary for her bridesmaids, in the pur- chase of . their gowns? ' 3. Is it proper to thanka wait- ress every time she serves one a dish? 4. When two persons are not on speaking terms, and are seated together at the table, is it neces- sary for them to .talk to each other? 5. If a bride wishes to wear her engagement ring during the wedding ceremony, on whiele finger should she wear it? 6. May a yonug man invite a young girl to a week -end party at his home? Answers 1, If ignoring' these annoy- ances seems to have no effect, calmly and privately talk things over with. this person and try to reach an amicable understanding. 2. Yes, unless she knows that each one of the bridesmaids is fully able to pay, e. No; but one should acknowledge any special serviee,'euch as bringing an extra fork.. 4. Yes. It is rude end ill-bred :if they do not. • Such action might` be overlooked in children, but not in adults. 5. On the third finger of the sight hand. 6. The invitation to a young girl who is a friend of the son of the family must always come from the mother, or front his sister. IIow Can I. BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How San E store my furs for the summer, instead of leav- ing them at a fur house? A. See that the furs are thor- oughly cleaned; sprinkle freely with powdered tobacco; place in a suit box with close -fitting lid; then wrap securely in several thicknesses of newspapers, Q, How can ' I prevent white silk from turning yellow when laundering it? A. Putb lginto 'eat 0 sae and hang in theshade (preferably in the dark) to dry, and it will not turn yellow. Q. How can I prepare an ex- cellent healing solution for cuts and burns?' A. Dissolve one teaspoonful: of boric acid in one pint of water. Q. How should an oil stove be stored for the eumner? A. Before storing the oil stove make a mixture of equal parts of linseed oil, turpentine, and liquid stove blacking, and apply two coats with a paintbrush. Cover the nickel portions with lard: Q, How- can I purify the water, in a cistern? A. Throw about one quart of powdered charcoal into the cis- tern. Q. How can I clean a pitcher that has become discolored from iced tea? A. Let milk stand in it until it sours. , The pitcher will look like new when washed. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclesive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the week ending May14,19 41 were $6,067,031 ? 31 as compard with $4,618,996 for the corresponding period of 19404 an increase of $1,4d3,685 er 3.1.6%, An important sitting of the British Parliament lhament was susp an ded in 1823 as the , Members present ran outside to weteh a balloon ascent. Cure For Laziness Is the child who is tired, list- less, and lazy at school a shirker? Can the same label be applied to the plan with a wife and family who will not face responsibility and do his best to get a job? Are such people bone -idle or are they merely sick? Researches now be- ing made at the Hillman Nutri- tional Clinic, Birmingham, Ala- bama, show that very often this lethargy is due to a state of che- mical famine of the blood. Eskimo Camera Fans Even the Eskimo has been bit- ten by the ,candid camera bug. United States Army crews who recently flew two bombers to St. . Lawrence Island, only twenty miles across the Bering Sea from Russian waters, found themselves the targets of twenty cameras in the bands of Natives. Soldiers Entertained Iiy "Thumbs Up" Revue ,ria -ap n4.4.,5 I.nteat,,watts lti{eiix ,vt $ted. ?,';.t* •L'y„? TPrtirPNE thw,N,ir.D, n.ati.5t4l, te6e,st ilia t +yst V Above you have a few shots of some of Vi -Tone's "Thumbs Up" artists in action. (1) is Vivian Morgan, (2) Dixie Haydn, Dan Arnold, Marguerite Evoy, (8) Gordon Anderson, (4) Doreen and Val, (5) Edna Hane, (6) Jackie Robbins, (7) Vi -Tore Bus, (8) The whole troupe, and (9) Stan & Inez Darker, Acute Oaring Assists Blind The So -Called "Sixth Sense" of Sightless people Has Been Discovered to Be Highly. Trained Seise of Hearing Cornell 1 psychologistsIsis an n a c - ed last week that solution to the age-old mystery of what consti- tutes the so-called sixth sense in the blind which enables them to avoid obstacles. The discovery eliminates occult- ism, ]mysticism, and far fetched theories of a special "power," and demonstrates that the blind avoid obstacles through the sense of hearing. -It is 'believed that the discov- ery will not only bring hope and confidence to the newly -blind but also will provide techniques for those blind for many years which will n 1 e able then] e tOi obtain the freedom of movement now denied .them. : The Cornell findings have implications also for persons mov- ing about during blackouts which already have resulted in many ac- cidents in England. As a result of the new conclugions those 'blinded by accidents, or by war, need not resign themselves to utter dependence upon their sighted neighbors. In a series of carefully Con- trolled experiments consisting of over 1,500 trials the three psych- ologists used four subjects, two totally blind and two with. normal vision, ?'he latter believed 'be- fdrehend that they would -bein- capable cf perceiving the presence of obiects without vision, But, from the very outset,these subjects, who were now complete - v bli df l n olded; were aoIe to detect the presence of an ar.•t`ficial wall which was placed in their path, but not nearly as soon -as the blind -subje ts. In this series of 400 trials, with. shoes on and also with slides off, everyone of the erahiecte ran into the wall without once detecting its presence. /FEMALE PAIN' Women who s ff ' u e1 painful, P fzre - gu 1 periods tyo�• f nervone; moody I spells due 't0 LydiaM. ones .Oates . should Stud dia M. imply ar. Vegetable oelieve d simply rear. emus t 8 0 relieve 0 Ve enol'ie re d t ae Plnkham's Compound is trade especially to help weak, tired nom - en to go smilingtheu,dlfaeult daps. oyer V 100000 �q 0 woman Have w oral p I 111&zits n'.. 0n t q 1l. _ o& s, WE{Lf, wOitTE:, g TRY1N ffl Clain From Sky Creates A Furore Does it rain clams in Yuma, Arizona? Skeptics can take for proof the story of an eleven -year-old Yuma boy who says a clam struck hint on the shoulder in a rainstorm. He said he was hurrying h 'Y g home toget out h of the rain when seine - thing n . n oto thing hit him. Ile looked down and there was the clans. The nearest natural habitat of clams to this desert town is the Gulf of California, fifty miles south. lHAVE iyi)!Ij A distraught, woman rusher into the clerk's office. In her hand she bole a license. To the clerk the said "Did you of did you not, issue this license for marrying'• ane to, Albers. Briggs?" "Yes, 'I believe `I did. Why?" "Well, what are you going to do about it? He's 'escaped", "I wish you .would shave that moustache off, Henry," said his wife. '"You look like Hitler." , "Don't worry, dear,"• he murmured m e e.k ( y. "The neighbors know us — they know I'm no dictator." The blacksmith's sweetheart entered the forge just as he paused to wipe.. the perspiration from his face. "Shall we go to the'pietures toe eight, Jake?" "Nay, lass," he replied. "I'rn playing checkers at the club." She stamped her foot. "I'm tired of you and your sill • old� k rs c hoc e ! Come, come,tr pleaded the blacksmith, picking up the heavy hammier, "a man must get some exercise sometimes." Son: "What is congenial employment, dad?" Dad: "Anything Chet pays re bigger salary." • One trouble with many white folks is that they haven't devel- ' oped a ' working philosophy like that of the fat negro cook down in Houston, Texas. She was asked what was the secret of her calmness and 'free. doin from care. Her reply was thorough and complete: "Well, Nits disaway. When I sits I sits loose. An' when Ah stah'ts to worry I falls asleep" Hiker: "Did you have much rain?" Farmer Giles: "Yes, but my neighbor had more-" Hiker: "How could he have more?" Farmer Giles: "He has more Land." . Seeking New Potato Types Maritimes M.P. Asks Wily None is Released by Dentin. ton Farms 1i. FI. Hatfield, Conservative, Victoria -Carleton, recently protest- ed in the House of Commons that while government experimental farms have experimented with "thosands of potato types, in the Past 10 years, no new varieties had been released to potato growers. At the same time, Ma', Hatfield said, an experimental station In Presque Isle, Me., had released sev- eral varieties which were 'being widely used in the Maritime Prov- inces, 'TA133 YEARS TO DJSVELOP He asked why the Canadian ex- periments xperiments were made if none o8 the results were permitted to benefit the industry. The station at Fred- ericton had produced "some -Tom dea'fu1 varieties" but none had been released. e sed. Agriculture Minister Gardiner said the Presque Isle station had been experimenting for many years and it tools many years to develop a new type and prove it. Canadian tests had been proceeding on a large scale only tour year's. NE' YOU MOM a+".iN®lilldAp01 kli SPEEDWA PIKES PER dp,.41m .1. ,,,. L i .. r21 years bream °ones havee winning cars ate indianaPotis peedway ger 13 years winners in the daring Ptee'e. peak climb where a dip means des 290—speed and en- durance .records won by Alt. Jenkins on Firestone tire'$.' 7 ITH this great record VV record of achievement, no longer can there,' be any question of which tire is safest. One tire --;and only one—has the exclusive safety features demanded ,by race drivers --Firestone— the tire that has been tested on the speedway for your safety on the highway! Have the nearest Firestone dealer put Firestone Champion tires on your car , now. Specifyecif Firestone when buying your new car. Farm And Home Week At O.A.C. ' June 16th to 20th Faarin. People of the Province Are Invited to- Pay; a Visit to the Ontario Agricultural College Notwithstanding war contlitions; it is again deemed advisable to invite the farm people of the prov- iuee to, Visit the College during the third week .in June, Tliis will .include the dates :.June 16 -20th(., A special effort i5 being nada to pro- vide a worthwhile war -time ter - vice at the College during that week, GAIWENiS -IN FIND SHAPE Thele will be the usual livestock parade and visits to the ,experi- mental plots in the Departments of Field Husbandry and Horticulture,' buth terettill also b , `special c pei 1 ex - a hibits and demonstrations of laibour saving devices and equipment, ne Well as exhibits of weede, insect . pests, plant diseases, etc,' end methods foe their control; and all departments of -the College will' be prepared to provide useful: inform- ation along variolas lines, Then, . too, the gardens rind. grounds will be in prime eoxidi- tion and e these axe a neve' r ending source of inspiration and delight for farm visitors. A day, or two spent at the College during Farms. and Horne Week willwell repay "the time spent. Italian Is Croat King Italian King Emmanuel hes selected the Duke of Spoleto, above, as ruler of the newly pro- ciaimed kingdom of Croatia, carved from Yugoslavia. Violin and 'cello strings sup- plied to some of the foremost British musicians will in future be made from the gut of Scottish or Welsh sheep instead of con. ,ing from Italy. "pg DOES TASTE GOOD IN A PIPE!" HANDY SEAL -TIGHT POUCH= -15¢. 1/2.1.11. "LOi(.TOP" 1114 -65t also packed in Pocket This GROWN IN SONNY, SOUTHERN ONTARiO IWEo�t S�eencel oig PLANT GROWTH TIMED A new method of measuring , the ,speed of 'plant growth, that' may provide a' inajor 'advance in American agricultural research has been developed by' a. German refugee physicist in the U.S. The technique involves a new use for an instrument .known: as an "interferometer" which em - Io p Ys light rays to measure dim- ensional changes so light as to escape detection under a micro- scope. ' WHITE CELLS AND LONGEVITY A relationship between the number of white blood cells in the blood and length of Iife has been observed in' rats in a study made by Dr. Carl Reich, of the Lenox Hill Hospital, and Dr. W. F. Dunning, of Columbia Univer- sity. They found that a high white blood -cell count was found in rats having the longest normal life spans, and the lowest counts in the animals with the shortest epees. --0— BRAIN-WAVE PATTERNS The passive, dependent type of person has a brain -wave pattern in which alpha waves predomin- ate, while the active, independent person has a pattern in which these waves usually are absent, Dr. Pauline A. Davis. of the Her - yard Medical School. informed the American Psychiatric Association at its convention in Richmond, Va, The alpha brain wave is the largest and lowest - frequency wave occurring in the normal brain -wave patterns. It las a frequency of about ten a second. The other common type of wave, the beta, has a frequency of from thirty-five to fifty a second. Barbed - wire entanglements we, a tint used by the Spaniards in Cuba during the Spanih- Anierican War. Natural Gas Boost Seen Plan Augmented Supply Foe New Winter in Ontario Arx•angemients have been com- pleted 1,.itch be thinks will bring arbour a satisfactory condition in the supply of natueal gee in West ern Onteek), Hon, C. D, Howe, min- Jstea' of rsunitione and supply, re,.. centiy told the House of Commons. AUGMENT SUPPLY: "I shall. table a report on the matter as soon as it can be oli-: tained, but in the meantime I can say that the power controller and 'the oil controller have been in negotiation recently in an effort to augment the supply of gas for the coming winter," said the minister. He was replying to a question put by Hail iiomuth, Conservative, Waterloo South. The first corridor train was in- vented in 1887 by George Pull- man, an American cabinet-maker, who also designed the first Pull- man sleeping -car, which was named after him. Eight 4 x 6 Et/kraut-Lents 30c Coat, 511511 deselected '5104 erett i.lut enlarged to •t x 6, 5U.'. iteerints,, 515111e lslre, 8 for ;tee. Dttusc'P r15, t,1 cantcirr•, SIS King );.•est. Dept. 7, 'Toronto - AGENTS WANTED LIGHTNING ROD AGDNT WANTED to sell Phillips Lightning Pretea. Live System. 8. Phillips Company Limited, 82 Osborne Avcnne, To- ronto, BE YOUR OWN 13080. IL YOU CAN create door to door market for guaranteed ltmUCED necessities ILEX. Liberal Commission. Repeat business aemired. Co-operation. Complete details and free cal. alogue first letter; FAMILEX, 02h S. Clement, Montreal. t C e t, dlont en . MAKE "REAL, MONEY" GET INTO BUSINESS Fon YOU:I/- self. Supply local customers with 000 established hone and thrill' needs including teas, coffees,' medicines, cattle sprays and ton- ics. 8'enwick made $125,00 lost week, Pauno'e earned 231.00 his first day, Gerard (145.00 weelely, llemmmare's income . was 04,000 lout year. No lay-offs, You take no tisk. Full or spare time ex. elusive territory. No tapitat or es-- eerieitce required. Write W. R. Purnell, Dept. WP. Paula Co., '21 St, Paul Street East, Montreal, Que. Anrill4DEMN-ANCl;s FOR. SALE: 3 ANGUS BULLS. 13EG- istexed yearlings, 2 Angus halters, 2 and 3'e r t a s. 1 Clydesdale I;'e an show' Y 0 filly, from imported Sire and dam. West Point Perms,(;alt, Ont. BABY 01Ui01Ks PRODUCERS OF CHICKS root 10 Years, barred rocks bred to Iuy and 0. C. W. Leghorns Barron Strain, None but largo eggs set. Rocks and teghorns as hatched 8 cents, Rock pullets 16 cents, Leghorn pullets 16 cents. Every chick is from blood tested breed- ers.n t f S t o action guaranteed: 2Lbo Fergs order. T. D. Johnson; Fergus, Ont. BA13Y CHICKS AND STARTED Pullets, Barred Rocks, White Leg. horns. Light Sussex Government. Approved stock. Write to Cov- eney's Hatchery, 131tcltelt,: Ont. CACRL813I1721tY POULTRY PARIS, highest quality,. production Bar- red Rock Chicks, from eggs mill on farm - only, Blood -tested, -un- sexed, 8o each. Established 18 rears. Gordon Burns,Paris, Out, 25 FREE CHICKS WV..CI1 EVERY V 7PULLETS 015 500 meed chickss ordered, we give 2 l5 free chicks. Pullets $14A0 to (13.00 pot,• 100; Mixed Chicles $7.00 to 00,00 per 100: Cockerels per 100, light breed, (1,50; heavy breed 06,00. Pullets and mixed cheaper in Tuna. Goddard Chicle I2:rtchevies, Britannia heights, Ont. POULTRYI- :KEEPERS — 013 A 57 plant running full capacity to meet summer delivery chleke, us- ual Bray breeds, crosses, Immed- iate delivery pullets,' day-old,' started.Take stock Order now. Bray Hatchery, 180' John, Hamil- ton, Ont. - BABY CHICK PULLETS, 'Sr r CAPONS and CAPONIZING 13UY BLOODTDSTED STOCK FROM a real Breeding* Farm of 2,000 Layers n Y and 10,000 000 Brooding i Cap- , (0 P , (Lefty. Stock guaranteed 100%. Livability 3 weeks. Special this week -1000, 1 -week old Leghorn. Pullets same price as day old; 500 Special M p c Mating mo nth oldP s old, Hybrid 600 brill ca ns Y capons, 2 months old, 3011 each; 300 3 -month old New Hampshire Red puliets, Our'cap- nnl/ing expert will canonize your cockerels for 6e. LAKNVIEW POULTRY. FARM, WEIN BRO.S„ C"t.NN70D r.Qn:5'TSR BEST QUALITY, PACKED UNDER t;nverntnent Inspection (22,00 pt r ease, containing eight dozen half pound runs. nue freight your nearest Station. All goods gunrnn- testi, T. 80.:Ltnklettor, Auntmeeslde, (.'0(05(02 UNIT Y WAR 5.51,', A.Gle W06 BUY EVERYTHING IN 3iU - vage -- Paper, Rags Metal, -ate, r 44 r. tta to Acme Salvage.'o irpony 21 Lawrence fa.wl n Street, e ccToronto. . 0 Owned and operated by lex- Service ;•len PLUMBERS' i413PI''r,ir;S BARGAIN P121017S, BATHTUBS, toilets, 51 n k s, furnaces, air- contlitrpning, pipe, valves, fittings. Shallow Well electric Pump aeln- plots) with 30 gallon tank, $?4,50. Inquiries %retorted, Parkin Supply Company, 216 Barton Street H. Hamilton, Ontario. , Eggs! Eggsr—Eggs! UNGRADED EGGS 1i +INTEit I•'OR 'export to the British Market, Illglteat market prices Avid. )"or further particulars, write Cnrtad itin Provision Le Supply t..unpnny, 109 Front Street gnat, Toronto. IIAI(ERV MU x l Ait.IdR " OVENS AND htAs- ert', also rebuilt equipmentnt al- ways on hand. Terms arranged, Correspondence invited, lrubbnrd Portable Oven Co., 153 Bathurst ' itt.. Toronto. OARS, NEW AND ❑85;0 MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS LTD., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; three locations, 002 33t. Pleasant Road, 2040 Yonge St., 1650 Danforth Avenue. Our Used Cara matte us many friends. Exusust FANS EXHAUST FANS, NEW GENERAL Siilectrles, way under wholesale. Toronto Mercantile, 29 Melinda, Toronto... 1 OR SALE DECOR ATE WITH "NU -WALT.:' The economical paint for walla and callings. Sour hardware or Paint store weal gladly show yet) the nttractivc,shados and tel) you alt about it. WAILLimited, La Leaside, (Toronto) Canada. FUR FARNEVRS NUTRIA — VEGETARIAN 12118 Bearer. Easily raised, Pair (35:50. Correspondence Invited, Robert W. Cole, Clinton, Ont. L1yGAL J. N. LINTISAY, LAW OFFICD, CAP. itol Theatre Building, St. Thomas, Ontario. Special Department for farmers collections. LIGHTNING RODS LIGHTNING RODS. 13UY P110151 manufacturer. Save thirty to forty Per cent. Phillips toany, 32 Osborne Avenue, Toronto. FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 6 or 8 ExPosURES 25c n13AUTIF Ir U ALBUM PREM With Every Roll AERO $1508 F8NIS1118RS 1500 121 - '17050VTO ISSUE 22--'4I LEAP TOBACCO POi?R POUNDS n8RI l r AND VIll- girds, Leaf for plea $1.05. Piro pounds Fragrant Virginia Leaf 5Natt ur alt LeafbTobacco oC0 o oLeant. fasten, Ontario. 0FCER '('tl 'NWT•:\'1'0115 AN OL'f 1313 TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full infor- mation sent free. Tho Romsey, Co., Registered, Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank street, 1tt ana. !1a at, It in. HEM SUP I'M LS WE PAY HIGHEST I LOC1s0 POTS. Canadian! pure beeswax. Please subtnit offerings immediately. Lloyd's Laboratories: Montreal. MMIICA7, SATISFY 1O177tsI']11 D i•:io3 sufferer of Rheumatic Pains ur Neuritis should try bleep's Ite•nt- edy. Sold only Munln s 1)i'tii; Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, postpaid 01.00, IfAve; YOII GOITRE? "A13801/110" reduces and removes Crtre 52,5,) per bottle J. A. Johnston Co., 171 /Clog 4:., Toronto. IT'S'PROVEN -- Ei'7 74l,SRrl•`);1:- et, of Rheumatic Pains of Artn1 0 should try Dixon'sI Kl '. m sold ,.l nnly Munro's Drug Store,' 1;1 - gin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,51 N0nStnr 3' 1:'1'0132 (11l.t5Vt:R nuilvcail v 11I It r; 1. chile, Sosle.,i rtary I1. ear tcurlc lo-.•, flowering nice f,, 81.111; f lute:Mho; perennial collection in, sl 05; per- . a:•nna 5050 Aspnragtie three vents sun 61,25. GBH • EVloRP1:AUIN1- Sl't' It .1 W- herry pinntn from Pence Prsc,• district. Heal thy, rignrnuo, SL,l) Per hundred pronattl. Arvid Brag.. or Ttriftplle ,t]t•1, l Atrf'I'S 'PAINTS. SO11) OV'162( ti01111e't)`C. Unset from fetor;• Loviost I' Freight prtntirl. Ou'111' 7 Slouse Paint.:, Write for p"ri „• ]ars. Armee llid 4th tr)e:•, t:ue'•.,i, Ontario. PIGEONS EONS 040021N50 3 l el EON et, PAIR, :d' 2 'Pairs, 33.00,-. )1 I•i. i7 rt, • • 'n 5 tnnn tan Stan Iiroctor,Ontarti, • c 'r . T , 4(:115 1051~..45,:•-~ ALFALFA 511)111 "01521)V f,'O*ii•. ern" all grndoo and Wends, ,write direct for dolh•rrd prices. Fined Seed Growers, T-ludlson 11ay .Tune, Ron, Saskatchewan. TR401'05t s -'OR 44 sal 1IrrOR1f1C7in- n f' 17 11 17,711 111-20 Praetor. Tteeimdi tinned by _tiro Tn- - -tortintional Nerves; etro., and in good running, older, .l. 1T. 1feCaw, Barrie, Ontario, SNAPSHOTS TREASURES TO -MORROW Your films aro carefully and scion. tifieal}Y processed essed by Imperial, tomate surd they Inst, or 8 rexiOStltrc F'II,tI4 •;c with beautiful enlargement free, 8 reprints P s with enloems t Ole. g at e haus nd T a s Of 'letters f 1 9 l t on satisfied cuatomet•s testify to our auperlor, quality and service, 111t3PR1AL PNIOTO SMRV100 Dept, D, Station 3, Toronto, '