HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-05-15, Page 6,l 'AGE 6 iTSE CLINTON NEWS-RECORiU' TRIMS., MAY) 15, 19 41) 3 Hl: HAI-'1'LP111�Iti�' IIN CLINTON EARLY IN Tk1Ii c;L NTURY Some Notes o f The News in 1916 _10ROM THE CLINTON NEWS- RECORD MAY 11TH, 1916 , IThe death of W. H. Perrin, record end last week, recalls to mind the fact .that he was the last of a trio of grain Jbuyers who in the earlier day made .Clinton fatnous as a grain centre. -In the early 70s' grain from as far. .:north. as Teeswater and as far south :-.as_Exeter found its way to Clinton, .market, and the present siteof the ..Public Library was the scene of much .competition. The buyers at that time Our citizens down street on Friday ;were..Richard Irwin, Thos. Stansbury morning nearly broke their necks try - and. W. l3. Perrin, all deceased; .- The ing to watch the progress of an . rte, yers, bought and said in their own ''aeroplane" up to the sky as it trav- ..behalf, and while they at times made elled southward; At times the mach- , money, the unfortunate fact has to ine did the loop -the -loop very grace-. be recorded that each died comparat= ful but when. it came to earth near . ively poor. At that time there was the "Y" it was found to be a piece great competition between Seafoith of paper that got caught up in the .and Clinton as a market, and • buyers wind and was sailing skyward. It often paid a cent .or two more a bush- doesn't take much to startle some e1 than the market warranted, thous- people these days. ands of bushels often being market- , sd in a single day. whilethere is The Star Weekly gave a whole half hardly this much handled in a sears column reference to D. Edna Guest, • -on now. a daughter of the late John Guest a A troop of Boy Scouts has former resident of town, The Dr's formed Clinton with Rea. J. been many friends will feel proud of her Robinson rector of St. Paul's church ' promotion to this important position. as scoutmaster, and Messrs. C. D. Qknown, Edna Guest is, n far as Houck as secretary and H. E, Rorke is the only received woman . as assistant, physician who has received a Govern ment military appointment since the On Monday -evening the congreg- beginning of the war. On her way ation of McNab Street Presbyterian home from India where Dr. Guest .church, Hamilton, celebrated' the el- has been for the past three years, - eventh anniversary of the pastorate' she was appointed by the British War .of Rev. H. Beverley Ketchen, and took l Office to a post in the Northampton - .:advantage of the occasion to present shire War Hospital at Huston, North Trim with an auto as evidence of their ampton, with the rank of Captain, . appreciation of his services. Mr. Ket-:attached to the surgical branch. Dr. then is a well known Huronian, hav- Guest is the daughter of an Ontario ing been born near Brucefield. farmer, and was born on a farm near Mr. J. C. Henry has sold his brick Lucan, Ontario. residence on Rattenbruy street east, Mr. S. 3, Andrews and family have the pprehaser being Itev, Mr, Snow -moved to their new home on Queen erten now of Yartmouth Centre, who ' street.. takes ,possession in a couple of mon- yths. J From the official news the follow- dlr. William Glen. ex -reeve of Stan- ing appointments have been made to ley township, having definitely de- the ini33ron Huron Regiment — To be eided to retire from the active duties Provisional GLoderich; . Raymond Ross of the farm and to locate in Clinton,' tam pa Goderich; Rey. Richard A. . has bought the northwest corner of Walker, Page, ABlbert &Mels; RA. E. Me - what has long been known as the K a , who, L.i Ae e n Smio ie, ry E. Mc- • „ Kay, is seconded for service with Captain Sheppard property" on Jos.; the Royal Flying Corps; Stewart Mc- , syph street. I Kercher, Wroxeter. Mr, C. J. Wallis returned Saturday i Thirty thousand Canadian sold - after en extended business trip to the iers crossed the Atlantic during west. I March and April. Wise—In Goderieh townships on Mr. W. D. Fair received a letter . April 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. William on Monday from Pte. Frank Fair, who W. Wise, a daughter (Evelyn Mary). has been in the trenches since March. Rev, A. MacMillan of Toronto was 1st with the Borden Armored Bat - the guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs. tory, He states that it took a drill. 'Wm. Gunn, for a couple of days thislsergt. 8 months to teach him to keep week, he having come up to address I his head up—but a German ,sniper the Travel Club on Monday evening. had taught him' in half a minute to He also gave an address in Seaforth this week. Dalton Evans. eldest son of Mr. William Evans of the Sauble Line, Stanley, who enlisted with a Winipeg- eg battalion and who has been at the front for some time, was reported wounded in Saturday' s-easuality Iist: The young man is a cousin of Dr. J. S. Evans of town. FROM THE CLINTON NEW • ERA MAY 11TH, 1916 Products ofan all -Canadian company ::: 98% of whose stock is owned by residents of Canada and all of whose directors are Canadians ::: White Rose Motor Oil and Gasolines are now first choice of thousands of motorists ':from the Rockies to the Ads :atic.'With White Rose products you can actually "feel the difference". krill up at the sign <of the White Rose or Boy -and -Slate today! sac -A "CANADIAN OIL COMPANIES, 'LIMITED 11116. NA AL Canada has reason to count her blessings in these days of trial. Canada is three thousand miles away from the sound of guns which are devastating Europe. The broad Atlantic Ocean rolls between us and the ruthless savagery of the German Armies. The strongest fleets in the world -- British; • American and Canadian—patrol the sea between us and the enemy. We have a great friendly nation, probably the richest and most powerful in the world, at our side. CANADA CAN AFFORD HER SACRIFICES THERE This war is a mechanized war. We have the nickel ... copper ... lead . , . zinc and other metals the war industries need. We have access to the iron. We can make the steel. We have the organized industries to fabricate these metals and make the trucks, and tanks, and guns, and planes, and the ships. We have skilled workers and the plants for mass production. Canada has the wheat and the food supplies. Let us count our blessings, and tighten our belts. Canada is rich—one of the richest countries per head of popula- lion in the world. Let us lend our strength to the utmost of our power. Our national future depends upon Victory. We must win to live. ILL BE FURTHER CALLS There have been many calls upon the people of this for money since Canada entered the war at the Great Britain. There will be further calls. country side of Let us face the future unafraid. Canada can carry the load. But every Canadian must shoulder his and her share. This is the most critical hour in our history. Let the future historians say of Canada, as they will say of our Mother Country: "This was their finest hour." Get undery aur cad... DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, nd uF CANADA 43 keep it down. His company has been alongside the Gordon Highlanders and they have earned the name of the "Ladies from Heli!" by the Germans. He reports that he is keeping well. Mr. Hartley Lofft, son of Mr. A. H. Lofft, of St. Marys, who was a form- er resident of these parts, has left to take a course in the Curtiss Avia- tion School at Toronto. Mr, Fred Rumball was here over Sunday. Fred has resigned his posi- tion with the Royal Bank at London and will join the 63rd. Howtizer bat- tery which is still at Guelph. Word was received that Major H. T. Rance, senior officer of the 33rd now in England, is leaving on the 12th. . When The Present Century Was Young FROM THE CLINTON NEWS - RECORD MAY 9TH, 1901 The Town Fathers met on Monday evening for the usual transaction of business. Several tenders were re- ceived for the Iaying of granolithic walks. That of P. L. Morden & Co. of London being the lowest was ac- ceptedat 10% cents per square foot and crossings at 12% cents. On Friday last Mr. Ben. Cole had the misfortune to step on a rusty nail, badly lacerating his foot. On Friday afternoon last the Col- legiate football team visited Goderich to play their first game this season. A wind was blowing and Goderich was successful in securing its aid in the first half of the game, in which neither side scored. A goal was put in shortly after ' play re -commended by W. Courtice. Clinton then played a defence game but owing to their being notified by some onlookers that the time was up when it was not God - rich succeeded in. scoring in the last 8 minutes. The referee acted well in- deed, managing to a surprising deg- ree to give all the sweet -cheats of the game to Goderich. The teams from Clinton was: Foe -wards, Mc- Merdie, Courtice, Bremner, Campbell, Aikenheacl; Halfbacks, McE;wan, Mc- Pherson, McLeod; Backs, Whiddon, Hillier; Goal, Baird. Although not in the least unexpect- ed yet a feeling of sorrow and gloom fell upon our community on Thurs- day morning last in learning that Mrs. Thos. Pennington had in real- ity passed to the great majority. the was born in Devonshire, ]England, about 4 years, ago. and 23 years later, became the wife 'of the bereaved hus- band. and came to this country to re- side taking up their abode and living ever since in the townships of Godi erich and Colborne. Mr. Charles Mama of Seaforth has ,been appointed section foreman in. Clinton and will move his household effects to town this week. '' Mrs. Gunne and Shaw attended the meeting called by Mayor Wilson to promote the interests of the new Marine and Public hospital which was held in the court room, Goderich, on Monday evening, May Gth. Miss G. Oaks returned from Chic- ago on Monday and will visit freinds in Goderich and. Clinton for some weeks. Greisch—•1n Clinton, on Friday, the wife of Mr. Gresieh of a daughter. Lindoay T.n; Blyth, on April 27th, the wife of Dr. J. C. Lindsay, of a son, Cooper --•In Klppen. on April 25th,` the wife of Mr. W. W. Cooper, .of a son. - Miss Ada Jones leaves Saturday for Blyth, where she will officiate as organist in the 'Catholik church till Wednesday. 14ir. Swan of the 16th, con. of God- erieh twp. met with a somewhat pain- ful accident some time since. He went up to Mr. James Lindsay's up- on business and while preceeding to the barn was bitten by Mr. Lindsay's dog. Only one tooth entered the flesh but the bite has now developed into a very sore leg. A few lass such can- ine would' 6e better. HAIL HITLER Hail Hitler, man of the hour. Here's to your destiny. here's to your power, Here's to -the awards you'll win at the last, After the grim bloody battle is pass- ed. Hail Hitler, ruler of nations Hated by Jews and all in creation. Heres' to all dictators like you Here's to all the vile deeds you do, Hail Hitler, tyrant and master. You may be smart, but we are faster. Here's to your treanh may you get fatter. . Here's to your wealth but what will it matter. Gone with your pride, down with your glory, Here's to the end of your fate and story, Stripped of your honours and of your fame. Herd's to your downfall and your shame. Crushed your hopes and your ambit- ions Here's where you kneel and accept our conditions, - Hail Hitler. ruler no longer, Success doesn't always go to the stronger. Victory is for the brave and the true, Anil not for haughty revilers like you. Hail Hitler and Hitler hail, Here's where we win, here's where you fail. Here's to your sorrow. Here's to your game. Here's to the toast we drink to your name. Here's to laurels you'll never win. Here's to your greed, brutality, .sin. Here we salute you: Hail Hitler Hal Here's to the end of your long bloody trail! —Gertie McGee MULTI -usE ENAMEL s finish for all A high -gloss surfaces inside or outside. 28 sparkling colors. 100% PURE PAINT For all outside home paint- ing. Gives greater protec- tion and lasting beauty. NEI,GLOS .. SEMIGLOSS A s AMEL finish aitary, wasban� e or walls, ceilings and woodwork 41-5 .T. Hawldns, l'hone 244, Clinton