HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-05-15, Page 1The News -Record Est. -1878
NO `6040 -62ND YEAR
With Which is Incorporated` The Clinton
New Era
The Now Era Est. 1869
any rattit'lenit.•A7n our -large 'assorthne}it e"f Silverware,
Flatware, Vise, .Tor -it Itesiidiitg.gifit=ands'you 'hill be'co taiil
'iso 'gel
lis'xat lily zit S� ood appear- e'btit'whieh las, the
i 1 - crit 3 pp
'necessary quality to 7ttaike 'ft
lor:all oecasieios, - 1.'Weiliiing jgglift-selected from aur.stecic
fis=sure to gave. great;pleastu.e.to the bride for many years,
Jeweler 'axed Optometrist Residence •Phone 1744
For a Flattering Figure, 'chose
care -till; you.° Foundation
Whether you .are -'I aI1.an.d Slend-
er ;or of the Shorter, -stout rfigure,
we have Numbers : .pieciallly • ad-
ag ted to your tyke.
Do Not i�'• Buy at Random m ;payi tig
,eeoirkitainit Prices.
Have .a Fitting in the Actual
;Gari est you u hal toe wearing.
Prices R2nging krona 11300 to 10.00
1 - s�mbinatiiola. 'Girdles and
CO `��
We Carry The Largest :Stock
Huron County..
i r _
a ring
. ,safety
ive y
be repaired or
our expert repair
is worn thin,
the size chaned,
catch put on a
a s pecialt .
1 y
ou a real job
merle over to
men. Perhaps
the stone
or you
brooch or pin
of this work
no matter what
We have a new line of small fancy clocks in
some very modern and unusual design. There is
a model suitable for 'any place in your home. Priced
from $3.50 to $8.50.
We still have a few Salad Forks left to sell at
,for $1.00. Regular $2.25 value.
See our stock of used watches at low prices
All real bargains.
Gillette Razor Blades 6 for 25c
Watch Repair is a Job for Experts.
Our Work Assures. Your Satisfaction.
for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century in `Hliiron County.
Iihe 'Clinton :Red Cross Society
will niotmeet -until. Monday, June the
Isecohd. when , at ,full attendance is.
hoped dor. 'Please keep this .date in
mind and evemy nteiijber put forth,
a speeial':e£fort to be present,
.3here'is a steady demand' for knit-
ted comforts for the forces, so visit
the woke -rooms on Thursdayand
Friday afternoons and Saturday ev-
enings to see what is needed and get
pour supply of wool. Without your
assistance our quotas, which are sent
to •ns'from headquarters, cannot be
filled.' Don't let the boys clown they
are doing their bit so we must do
The Society is most grateful to
the ' W.A. of Wesley -Willis Church,
for a donation of ten dollars;
The Red Gross Society of }felines
ville have ready for shipment thin
week: 5 quilts, 25 pair girl's pyjamas,
1 pr. -child's pyjamis, 1 pr. child's
bloomers. 1 dress, 9 pr. socks, 1 sea-
man's scarf, and 1 soldier sweater.
The Suntnlerhilt Red Cross group
held their regular meeting at the
home of Mrs. Joe and Ira Rapson
with the vice-president, in the chair.
The meeting opened by singing. God
.Save The King, followed by the
prayer for peace. The minutes of
the last meeting were read and adopt-
ed. Twenty-five members answered
the roll call and there were 4 visit -
tors present. Mrs. Ball gave the
treasurer's report which showed a
balance on hand of $44.47. The re-
port also showed that we had made
$126.22 from the vocal' evenings dur-
ing the winter. Mrs. R. Smith gave
the yara report and we have on hand
1 sleeveless sweater, 1 scarf, 9 pair
socks, 7 helmets, 4 pair airforce
mitts, 2 pair navy mitts. 4 soldier's;
whole mitts, 1 pair grey 2 -way mitts.
It was moved by Isobel Forbes and
seconded byMrs. Blake that we hold
our last social evening in the hall on
Friday, May 16th, Anyone can be in- )
vited. The next meeting ,will be at.
the .home of Mrs, G. Smith. The roll i
call to be answered by, "my maiden .
name in full." During the afternoon
.2 quilts were quilted. Lunch was
served at the close.
Ontario Street W.M.S.
The May meeting of the W.M.S. of
Cxitario 'Street ehurh was held in the
Lecture Room of the church on Tues-
day •afternoon. The president, Mrs..
Barton presided with Mrs. W. Plum -1
steel secretary and Mrs. Wendell,
The prtesitlent gave the expository
scripture lesson, Prayers were offer -1
cd by Mrs.. Hawke and Mrs. Kennedy.
A report of the Presbyterial . held
recently at Thames Road, was ably;
given by the delegate, Mrs. Aiken.!
After singing a'Hymn the meeting
closed with the Benediction. •
The regular meeting of the Wom-
en's Association of Ontsn•ao Street
.United church was held on Wednes-
day afternoon.
Mrs. Radford presided and in the
absence of Mrs, Reg, Ball, Mrs, E.
Rumhall was acting secretary. The
Devotional period was conducted by
Mrs. E. Kennedy. After routine of
business and report of the different
committees Mrs, Glen gave a couple
of very appropriate readings.
A. quilt that had been made and
donated to the, Red Cross by the
Girl's Club of the church was quilt-
ed during the afternoon. A picnic
lunch was served.
Interesting W.M.A.
The Women's Missionary Society
of Wesley -Willis church held their
regular meeting Last Thursday after-
noon with the president, Mrs. Chowen
in the chair and Mrs, Hearn at the
the pihno„ IThe meeting opened
with a hymn and the .call to prayer;.
After the busineso part was over
Mrs, Fingland, the 3rd vice president
took charge of the study period.: Mrs.
Sutter read the Scripture lesson and.
Mrs. Adams lead; in prayer. Mrs.
Lane and . Mrs. Chowen gave inter-
esting reports on 'the Presbyterial,
which was held at the Thames Road
church. Mus. Patterson read an art-
icle on the work of Miss Archibald
of Trinidad. Mrs. Fingland took as
her subject the work of Johan Masih,
D.D. of India. The meeting closed
with a hymn and the 'Mizpah Benetl.-
The Juvenile " Lri onal Conacher"
Trophy and " the Intermediate $u.
Cup are now on display in Norman's
Jewellery Shop.
Mothers' Day services were largely
attended inall the Clinton, churches,
and the sermons and hymns were all
in connection with the occasion,'
Wesley -Willis Church
Ili the morning the Rev.
Britton, Y.M.C.A. Officer of the Dun-
nville Air School will preach on Sun-
day next.
,In the evening the minister will
continue his series on The Marks of
a Disciple.
The Girl's Club will meet at then
home of Mrs, J. Innes, Stanley Tow -
ship on Tuesday. May 20th at8,pat1,
Mrs. Jefferson wi11 give the topic
and Mrs. Cook's group will be' in
(large of the evening. Those wish-
ing transportation, please meet at
the home of the president, Mrs. (Dr.)
Oakes at 7.30 p.m.
St. Paul's Church
Sunday, May 18th: 8 ` ana,, Holy
Communion; 10 am. Sunday School;
11 a.m. Rogation Day Service. Special
prayer for God's blessing on the
Spring seeding. The rector will
preach; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer,
preacher, Rev. E. O. Gallagher., 1VI.A.,
Rector of Wingha.
Monday, 6.30 p.m,, Church Boy's
League meeting at the home of Mr.
Wm.MC I111
and Mrs.C i
hey. 8 p.m.
Thursday. Ascension Day, 9:30 a.m,
Holy Communion; '7.30 p.m. Intercess-
ion Services: 8 pen. Cottfn-rnation
Presbyterian Chtueh
Clinton Sunday School at 10, Chur
eh Service at 11.
TOB Club will met :at the .church
parionrs. Prayer meeting. on Wed-
nesday evening at 7.30 at which time
Lieut. Paul Deadman ..of the ,Salva-
tion Array will lead the meeting,
On Sundays, May lSth; and 25th,
Rev. Mr. Self, student at Western
University, will preach.
Bayfiled, Sunday Seh.00l at 2.30
Church Service at 3.
Baptist Church
The minister's sermon sub,ioot will
be, "Evangelism".
Miss Orta Greens will have charge
of the "Young Peoples" ineeiiing next
Monday evening at eight o'clock. A
good attendance is expected.
The Sunday school meets at eleven
on Sunday morning: There are class-
es foi all. Adults are weleorne to
attend the Bible class. Come with
your questions and difficulties and we
will discuss them.
Mrs, Clayton Salisbury spent the past
leveek with Mrs. Fred Sandy ear God-
Miss Donna Smith spent the week*
with her mother. Mrs. NI. Smith
and Ross at Bluevale.
Mr, and Mrs, Joe Hillen and two
small children, Bob and Carol Jean
of Detroit, Mich., spent the week-
end with the lady's sister, Mrs. S.
G. Castle.
llev. A. H. O'Neil, Mr. C. G. Middle-
ton, Mr. W. T. Hawkins and Mr. R.
G. Thompson attended the Synod
of Huron at London the first part
of the week,
NIrs, J. T. Ross, Mrs, Geo. Beyer,
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Boyer and
Alvin Cook of Tornoto and Mrs.
W. A. Pridhmn; Mr. Jack Pridhan
Mrs. Kehoe and baby daughter of
Detroit, Miert., spent the weekend
at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H.
Theatre Tax In Force
• Monday, May 19th
Starting on Monday next, May
19th, the public will have to shell out
extra nickies and dimes for movie
entertainment, as the twenty per cent
tax imposed on motion theatres by
the recent budget, goes into effect
that day. This extra twenty per
cent of revenue goes to aid war.
In 1939 Canadians paid more than
$34,000,000 atmovie box offices and in
1940 while figures are not available
this sum will be exceeded. Hon Mr,
Ilsley expects that this tax will raise
about $8,000,000 to be used to subdue
Hi tier.
Special "Mothers' Day" services.
were held in the Baptist church last
There was an Open Session in the
morning Sunday wheel when use was
made of the "Mothers' Day" program
issued by the Ontario Religious Ed-
ucation Council, ' A group of Mothers'
contributed a message in song, Mrs.
Donna Aikenhead, in an interesting
way told a story, "The Guest." also
an address was given by the Pastor.
Rev. A. D. Silver, Superintendent
John Butler and his assistant Gordan
Pearson led the session, which with
the splendid attendance was consider-
ed a real success,
At the evening worship, Mothers'
took over gver choir duties and ren-
dered two very splendid Mothers' Day
numbers, Mrs. Silver in the absense
of Mrs. Nieklo led the choir. In the
midst of beautiful- flowers was a
special bouquet of, tulips, donated by
Mr. G. E. Hall in ,memory of the late-
ateMrs, Hall,
Surveying For Airport
Survey has been completed for a
prospectide site for a third airport in
this district by the Department of
Transport, It is to be located on the
east' side of No 4 highway about two
aides south of here. Details of:the
survey were difficult to secure but
two :farmers, Mervin Hanley and Nor-
man Tyndall, whose farms adjoin, ad-
mitted having given options' on their
properties. A'third property is said
to be the Wiltse farm. Gordon
Seribbins, who conducts an apiary on
rented land in the area states he has ho
beenuses. notified to remove his' bee
The first reports came through
that Clinton was to have an emer-
gency landing field but provision has
been made for a building area and
furthut• inquires have been given
credence to• the belief that a regular
flying school under the Common-
wealth Planis to be established.
Aair cr w r
f o d of spectators ectators watched
the 97th Battery of the 7th Army
Field Regiment now stationed at Pet-
awawa go through Clinton on Monday
lmohning. They carte in on No. 8
highway turned right at the bank
corner and proceeded north to Wing -
ham .on No. 4 highway. In all about
forty pieces of motorized .equipment
were in the parade, but we had not
time to look it over as they did not
stop. The coneoy ;consisted of guns
artillery tractors, ammunition carr-
iers, trucks, radio trucks and motor-
cycles. They have just about con-
cluded an 1800 mile tour which in-
cluded demonstrations to 'stimulate
Enjoy Social
On Monday everting the Baptist
,young people went in a body to the
Thome of Mr. ,and Nies. David Pocock,
There a pleasant evening, was spent
in playing games and partaking of
refreshments, A hearty vote of
thanks was extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Pocock for their kind invitation and
good time,
On Saturday and Monday morning.
.Clinton had a small stir of excitement
when two ladies let their chimneys
get the better of them. At the W. E.
Perdue residence on Saturday the
back woodshed was totally blackened
and the inside wall burnt. On Mon..
morning Mrs, J. C. Radford's chim-
ney caught on fire but the firemen
were so quick they extinguished. it
before it really got started. There
was no real damage done at either
Miss Ella Altana has sold her house
en Princess street, east, to Mr. Will -
lam Inkley of Goderich.
The executive of the Drama Group
take great pleasure in thanking
everyone who ltelpet in any way
whatsoever in making the work, the
success it was, during the winter of
Mr. Harold Liveronne has secured
a position with General Motors at St,
Miss Margaret Sperling, School of
Commerce student, has accepted a
position in the Bank of Montreal
LAC K. B. McGoun, son of Rev. Me-
Goun, London, former rector at St.
Paul's church, Clinton received his
wings at Jarvis Air School last Sat-
The teaches and pupils of the
Clinton Public School will present
their annual school concert tonight
in the Town „pall, featuring plays,
drills, choruses and a patriotic pag-
Miss Freda Schoenhals, who has
condueted' a gift. shop, "The Treasure I
House". for several years, has open-
ed a Mail Order Office for the Robert t
Simpson Company, of Toronto. Miss
Schoenhald will conduct the business
in' conjunction with her gift shop,
which she has moved to the shop
formerly occupied by "The Vogue."
The regular monthly meeting of
the Women's Institute will be held on
Thursday. May 22nd. The roll call
will be. answered by the paying of
fees, The annual reports of the dif-
ferent conveners will be given. The
subject, Health and Child Welfare,
will be given by Mrs. E. Adams. Mrs.
M. Batkin, . Mrs. Cuchnore, Mrs..
Flynn, Mrs. East, Mrs, A. Kirk and
Mrs. E. Farquhar will be hostesses.
' The Senate of the 'University of
Toronto has announced the students
who have completed the requirements
for the degree of baehelor of veter-
inary science, and among the group
are two young men from Y g Clinton,
George, S. Elliott, son of Mrs. G.' H,
and the late Mr. Elliott and Harold
F. Gibbbs, only son of Mr. F. and
the late Mrs, Gibbs. Harold has yet
to ,pass a'. supplemental examination
in surgery in older to complete his
requirments. ,
Juveniles Banqueted by Lions and
Presented with :Windbreakerii ;o3i
Citizens. .
This Time we_are:All
- •kin t R
he Front Line -
For over a year and a half we O'an-
Tuesday evening at 6.30, Clinton adieus have been at; war with Germ--
Sportclom and representatives :from any and all Germane, yet few of us
neighbouring' ' towns, sat down to 'a at the present time realize the im=
tasty meal spread before them. by mensity of the task ahead, or{the im-
the ladies of St. Paul's Guild; to pay portanee, to eaeh individual one of us;
trbute to the grams little team, that of the eventual success of our war
won' the Ontario Juvenile B :'Hockey effort,
Championship and Lionel Conacher It has often been stated that we
Cup, present also were the Batam are at war to defend our way of liv-
and Midget teams ,who, were also C ing, but it se realized- why we wish
sponsored' by the Lions, There were to do so and how it differs from the
over 100 present and all agreed that I plans which the Germans even now
it was a huge success, ' have for us.
Things .woke started off at a lively I' Here in Canada eaeh one of us has
pace by Red Caron as song leader a right to happiness, prosperity and'. .•
and theft Lion Pres. Pennebaker wel- good health, and it is possible for'
corned and spoke briefly to those pees each one of us to have these price-
less turned the assets, but under Germanic
Toastmaster• Ken Waters. Ken read plana we would have no hope of ever
letters from Lionel Conacher and the finding any happiness or prosperity
President and Secretary of the Ont, and even our health would' be taken
Minor Hockey Association express- from us. as a healthy nation would
in regret that they• or later become a rebellious
g g vele unable to• our
be present, Lionel and President nation,
Hipwell on account of work in con- If we lose this war we will virt—
neetioth with the war loan and Sec. ually be enslaved, and as only a free
Stafford through absence in the west people can be happy, prosperous and
;Ken paid tribute of the sporttnanship, healthy, it is essential to eaeh in
and conduct of the players and dividual Canadian that every ounce
thanked all those who supported and. of energy be expended towards win
them in any way. Hing this war. We unquestionably
He then introduced Dr, Shaw, the
have the, ability but ive must make
Dean of all sports in Clinton, to the tremendous effort so very neces-
propose the Toast to the Clinton Juv- sary,
miles, which rte did in well chosen Early next month every loyal Can
words of advice and praise. stressing circa will be asked to lend all the
their sportsmanship and their confid- money possible to the Government of
ence throughout the season. Lotus our country in order that the present
Brown, manager of the team, respond- war may be carried to a successful
ed and thanked all present and the conclusion as soon as possible. Even
Or -
entire district for their support and now in the County of Huron an Or -
help to the boys and himself. ganiaation is being set up to organize
Nest, Councillor Nediger proposed this county for the forthcoming
the Toast to the Seaforth Beavers Victory Loan which it is expected will
and Ilensall Ball Club, the other two be announced the first of June.
.championship teams in Huron County Mr, James Leiper, Warden of the
this year, and this was nicely respou_ f County of Huron is Honorary Chair-
to by Andy McLean for the Beav- I man, and Judge T. NL. Costello is
ers who praised the local boys for Honorary Vice -Chairman.
their game drive to the champion- Chairman of the executive som-
slhip, and Stan Tudor, Manager of the mittee is Mr. J. D. Thomas of God-
;earn. who hinted that he erieh, aril Vice -Chairmen are Mr. H.
and others felt that the County Court- C, Campbell of Wingham, Mr. Thorn-
might recognize the fact that "for
as Pryde of Exeter. Mr. J. C. Shear -
the first time in 1941 years three er, Clinton, M. W, L. Whyte of Sea-
had been won in one forth, Mr, Hugh hill of BennilIer..
year in one county.
Mr. G. W. Schaefer is Secretary and
Mr, H. C. Williams Assistant Sec -
Monty Monteith then toasted the'retary,
Press and thanked Mr. Hall of the' iVlcmbers of the executive coin -
Clinton News -Record for his enstint- i mittee are. as follows: Mr, Thomas
ed use of his paper in advertising the ,Pryde of Exeter, Mr. A. Y. McLean'
games and space and time devoted to 'of Seaforth, Mr. R. K. Wurtele of
the support of the team. He also i Goderich, Mrs. D. J. Lane of Goder=
thanked Mr. Rorke for his faithful- i Mr. R. S. Hetherington of Wing-
ness in reporting r p ulg every game in the ham, Mr, D. D. Mooney of Goderich,.
Stratford Beacon Herald, and all the Mr, A. H. Erskine of Goderich, hlr..
country presses for their splendid D. B. Campbell of Goderich. Mr. .T.
support and write ups about the boys.. G. Mullen of Seaforth, Mr. J. W. Me -
Harry J. Boyle, late of CKNX ;Ribbon of Wingham, Mr. F. ring--
Wingham, but now on the staff of the : land K,C., of Clinton, Mr. R. M.
Beacon Herald responded to this Creech of Exeter, Mr. K. J. Hueston
toast in well chosen words and of Hotvick Township,
brought the regrets of Milt Dunnell,1 Joint Chairmen of the County of
sports writer of Itis paper, who also Huron sales committee are Mr, H, C.
was unable to be present on acocunt+Campbell of Wingham, Mr. Thomas
of War Loan work, Pryde of Exeter, Mr. J. C, Shearer•
They all expressed themselves as I of Clinton, Mr. W. L. Whyte of Sea -
pleased that this game little team forth. Mr. A. Y. McLean of Seaforth
had, after years of trying, and $03116-11S Chairman of Huron County pub -
times almost succeeding. at last won { licity committee with Mr. A. Wilkes
the Championship. ) and W. T. Cruikshanks of Wingham
Mayor McMurray was then pies- as Viee-Chairmen. Mr. N. W. Miller
entecl and after a short address in of Clinton and Goderich is Secretary.
which he stated he hoped the boys The committee for the County of
would continue to play the game of Huron to handle Speoial Names has
life as well and fairly as they had
last winter played hockey, called the
councillors present and had them, dis-
tribute the attractive windbreakers,
the gift of the citizens to the boys
amid almost continuous applause.
Rolfe Monteith, captain of the•team,
rose and in a most capable manner
thanked the Lions and citizens for
Mr. R. K, Wurtele of Goderich as
Chairman and Mr. W. C. Attridge
of Goderich. Dr, M. Graham of God-
erieh and Mr. Gwen Combe of Clinton
as Joint Vice -Chairmen.
The employees' com'mitttee for the
County of Huron is headed by Mr. R.
S. Hetherington of Wingham as
Chairman with Mr. J. 13. Reynolds
their help and support in their five of Goderich and Mr. D. Maltby of
year quest which they this year at Clinton as Vice -Chairmen,
ast realized. In closing he asked Mr. A. K. Erskine is Chairman of
Bill Counter and Danny Colquhoun the County of Huron Administration
o please come forward and Danny and Finance Committee and. Mr. D.
presentedBill. with, a five year H, tlownie of Goderich, Mr. Alex..
Diary and a money belt the gift of Smith of Goderich and Mr. R, C..
Itis fellow teammates. B01 leaves Whately of Goderich are Vice -
Chairmen. •
Mrs. D. J. Lane is Chairman of
the Women's Committee and Mrs..
Ida Sanders of Exeter, Mrs. A. L.
Thursday for Toronto where he is go-
ing in training in the Royal Canad-
ian Navy. He is the second of the
Champions to enlist. as Blondie Cook,
Jr. enlisted some time ago in the Air Close of Seaforth and Mrs, J. W.
Force and his father h•eceivecl his McKibben of Wingham are Vice-
wincibreakers for hila Tues. night as 'Chairmen.
Blondie Jr. could not be present, Capt. The Chairman of the Transportat-
Rolfe also, is waiting for word to re ion Committee is Mr. D. 1), Mooney
Port to try his examinations to 'en- of Goderich and; Vice -Chairmen are
ter the Navy; so it seems that Hitler' Mr, Harper Ravers of Exeter, Mr, H.
and his gang are going to find it as C. McLean of Wingham, Dr, F. J.
hard to get along with the boys as Beaehley of Seaforth and Mr. R. W.
their opposition did on the ice last Rowed of Goderich,
year, All were sorry that Red Rath Further members of the various'
was not able to be present. Wind- {.committees will be announced early
breakers were also presented to Coach next week,
Timmer McEwan and -:Trainer Earl I During the last war the people of
Fulford. and the Lions Wish to' ex - ,the County of Huron responded ad -
press their sincere thanks to these I niirably to the appeal by the Govern-
ovea'n-th ee for their untiring work and help r elent for money to carry on the war
with the boys. war• effort as it then was, ; Now the
All in all it was. a grand night and necessity is much greater than it ev-
e fitting tribute to. a Team of Real er was before and as our king stated
Champions of tvhieh the whole county many months ago "THIS TIME WE,
is proud, ARE ALL IN 'THE FRONT LAVE.."'